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S23.E22: Eviction #7, HOH #8

Message added by peachmangosteen,

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5 minutes ago, jsm1125 said:

Thrilled to see that Tiffany won HOH!

I was thrilled for about 1/2 a second, until Julie reminded us that this is "Coin of Destiny" week.  I mean, hopefully either someone who's not X, Alyssa, SB, Ky  or DerF win or else the coin flip goes the wrong way.  Of course with my history of reality tv watching, Tiff's HOH will be Cootie-Taw'ed by Kyland and Claire will go home anyway.

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Was Julie super extra annoying this week?  If she said Baby D one more time I was going to throw out the television.

Actually they were all annoying tonight.  Just vote and get the fuck out, no need to plug every Instagram you have ever heard of.

Also Hannah saying Julie Chen Moonves twice was dumb and odd.

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Not only is it bound to be an unusual week to be HoH with the Coin (coin) of Destiny (Destiny!!!! Destiny!) but it's also a triple noms week.

Julie is wayyyyy too perky and off the rails fangirling this season.

Also the shoutouts now have become pimps for instagrams? Yeah. Not that it shouldn't have been squashed literal years ago, but maybe NOW someone will step in and put an end to this shit for good? Please?

Edited by Wandering Snark
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For once they fooled me into thinking Derex might stay. Oh well. 

X caught me totally off guard when he swaggered out of the HaveNot room. He was hilarious but I wasn't sure who he was channeling. I'm so used to seeing him calm and all business, it was quite the shock, but very funny. 

I don't like it when people plug their websites after their speeches or votes. It's tacky. 

I wonder who Tiffany will nominate. Would it too obvious to put up Alyssa and SB? Either way, with such a huge numbers advantage I can't picture any of the CO leaving. Is there any scenario where they do, short of someone losing their mind? 

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3 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

X caught me totally off guard when he swaggered out of the HaveNot room. He was hilarious but I wasn't sure who he was channeling. I'm so used to seeing him calm and all business, it was quite the shock, but very funny. 

Were they trying to convey that he went crazy in there?  LOL

Did he really have to stay in there alone for 24 hours or is that fake?  I mean, that's cruel and unusual punishment.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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What I would not have given to have X drag the bucket with him to Diary.  "You want my vote?  HERE's my vote!"  It was pretty funny as it was when he took his sweet time.  Of course, that ensured we got no goodbye messages.  Boo!

It's gonna be interesting watching Tiffany out front with her machinations.  Not sure if she was smart to get HOH.

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5 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Also Hannah saying Julie Chen Moonves twice was dumb and odd.

I thought it was cute though when Hannah rushed out and I could swear immediately told everyone, "Julie said I looked nice!" 

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I voted for SB. Really don't like her but I assume Tiff will be targeting SB so figured I'd screw with that. Why not? Mix things up a bit. Though SB will just target Claire. Stupid.

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Just to maybe help people with votes:

X and Alyssa have no money so no matter how much they get in the envelope/from America, they will not have enough to play for Coin of Destiny.

Deref is guaranteed to play already.

Hannah has 150, so she is guaranteed to play.

Claire/Azah have 100, so if they get 100 from America, they're guaranteed to play. 

Ky/SB/Tiff would have to get 100 from both America and the envelope to play.

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Thanks for the breakdown @peachmangosteen!  I voted for Claire and am hoping that DereX voters might give their votes to her as well.  Of course, even if she has enough she still has to play.  I think she's smart enough to know that it's not about taking Tiff's HOH, it's about keeping someone else from taking it.

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1 minute ago, Wandering Snark said:

Didn't they say there would be a chance to 'earn' more bucks during the week? Did they run out of creative power or time when someone said 'Just have them pick envelopes with bucks in them then." Earn huh?

I mean, it's BB, they never had creative power lol.

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1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Did he really have to stay in there alone for 24 hours or is that fake?  I mean, that's cruel and unusual punishment.  

Xavier really did 24 hours in that room. It's not a new punishment but it's not common and it's been awhile since we saw it last. In BB14, it was the birth of Dan's Funeral, one of the most talked about game play moves in Big Brother history. It used to be a true punishment - Dan's was a "solitary dance party" with loud music. In BB15, Judd had to turn off an alarm clock that went off every nine minutes. Xavier just got a 24 hour vacation from the rest of the house.

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It used to be a true punishment - Dan's was a "solitary dance party" with loud music. In BB15, Judd had to turn off an alarm clock that went off every nine minutes

Yikes. That's torture. At least X could just think in privacy with no interruptions. 

Excuse me while I go and practice being humble. Julie recommends it. 

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Hannah looked tiny right there in the middle during the HOH quiz. She must be about 5 ft. or so- with the really tall guys like X and Ky and then Claire on the end, she looked kind of like a grade school girl standing in between the adults !


I must just be jaded, because the more the show went on trying to convince us that Derek X might stay, the more I knew he was leaving. I kind of like Claire, even though she's not that great of a player, so I didn't really mind whichever person left. But it seems like BB always tries this fake out / misdirect thing, I think it's obvious.

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Julie was the best part of the show tonight. It's the most exasperated we've seen her:

*Was not into X doing his Freddie "Boom Boom" Washington strut to the Voting Room

* Had to tell the houseguests to "settle down"

*  Let Derek know that she knew he didn't like the nick name.

* Raised her hackles when he threw the expect the unexpected back at her

* Best of all was the Hannah/Derek F doing the twist with their answers on that one question "You are now locked in!!"

*Honorable mention to her normally anal reaction if someone doesn't reset when they leave the podium and her accidently alluding to The Cookout when she says you are ALL celebrating Tiffany's

Anyway Sarah Beth: Dead Houseguest walking

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Ugh. We're stuck with the odious Tiffany for another two weeks minimum. Maybe now that she's in charge, she'll dial down the bitchiness just a little.

Xavier looked positively...groovy.

Derek X once again shows why "saving immunity until later" is usually a terrible strategy. Saved immunity is worthless if you're not around to spend it.

Speaking of Derek X: Hopefully there's at least one or two pillows in the jury house that Britini hasn't soaked through with tears.

At this point, I'm pro-Derek F, Azah, Xavier or Alyssa, anti-Tiffany, and meh on everyone else.

And at the risk of reiterating what others have said: Yes, the producers worked very hard to ensure we wouldn't have a douchebro alliance picking everyone else off, but that does no good if it's just replaced by a different alliance picking everyone else off. 

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24 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Ugh. We're stuck with the odious Tiffany for another two weeks minimum. Maybe now that she's in charge, she'll dial down the bitchiness just a little.


I feel sorry for anyone who has to live or work with her.  All fake hugs and smiles until the second you want pepperoni on the pizza and she doesn't like pepperoni.  Then her face falls into the stony glare of hatred and you're dead to her forever.  Poor Ky scuttling out of the kitchen in fear.  I sure hope they have sense enough to make her the first eviction from the cook-out.

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1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

I feel sorry for anyone who has to live or work with her.  All fake hugs and smiles until the second you want pepperoni on the pizza and she doesn't like pepperoni.  Then her face falls into the stony glare of hatred and you're dead to her forever.  Poor Ky scuttling out of the kitchen in fear.  I sure hope they have sense enough to make her the first eviction from the cook-out.

Nah, if anything she'll probably dig her own grave rather than tone it down. We've seen plenty of cases of HOHitis over the years.

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11 hours ago, mojoween said:

Was Julie super extra annoying this week?  If she said Baby D one more time I was going to throw out the television.

Actually they were all annoying tonight.  Just vote and get the fuck out, no need to plug every Instagram you have ever heard of.

Also Hannah saying Julie Chen Moonves twice was dumb and odd.

I was really mad that when he was evicted she Baby D. How disrespectful. Call him by his name FFS. She wanted so much to be part of the gang. 

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So, I didn't really have a "favorite" this season, since no one is truly awful, but X just became my favorite with his Boom Boom Washington (yes, that is correct North of Eden!) swagger down to the diary room to vote. I did like Derex quite a bit, and perhaps he will come back the next time they have returning players, because you know they will. 

As soon as Tiffy Toes won HOH, I blurted out "Bye Sarah Beth!"

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6 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

And at the risk of reiterating what others have said: Yes, the producers worked very hard to ensure we wouldn't have a douchebro alliance picking everyone else off, but that does no good if it's just replaced by a different alliance picking everyone else off. 

It does Viacom good in staving off cultural criticism.  

I think it is a fascinating phenomenon which shows yet again that human nature is human nature. Race and ethnicity does not come close to matching its power within and over folks.  We all have the same spectrum of possible behaviors, and across all populations, the same degree of specific impulse.  Survival, consciously or unconsciously, rules all.  BB is nothing if not about survival.


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2 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Oh my God, Derek F. 

If he can say all that other stuff fine, why can't he fucking say "I vote to evict" correctly? 


That bugs me so much. People have said its due to a learning disability,  but he says EVERYTHING ELSE correctly.   If he didn't try to add anything,  like "sadly" or "wonderful", he could just say "i vote to evict_____" 

Does he even realize he has screwed it up every time?  Maybe he doesn't realize that vote and evict are actually two distinct words.

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2 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Oh my God, Derek F. 

If he can say all that other stuff fine, why can't he fucking say "I vote to evict" correctly? 


Because he's a moron who is trying to create his own catchphrase. I am certain he would love for it to be brought up at the finale and for people to say "I sadly to evote" on future episodes.

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Gee, it will be "fun" watching Clueless Clair think she's safe with "Tiffy Toes" as HoH, not knowing that Tiffany was the driving force to try to evict her this week.

I wonder what explanation/excuse Tiffany will use to get Clair to not get upset about being a "pawn" to backdoor SB.  (Other nom would be Alyssa, I'd guess.)

A bit risky for Tiff, honestly;  I think the chance of SB winning Veto and saving Clair is rather tiny, but it does exist.  Might be an argument to just put them both up, straight off.

It will amuse if Derek F uses all his BB Bucks swag and wins the Coin to overthrow Tiff (just because), but I can't see him changing the targets much.

Boo on Alyssa for shouting out her friend's IG, of all things.  Can we get a $5000 fine to stop the shout-outs, please?

(Yes, Derek F, you have gay fans.  And you're grateful.  We already knew that, tbh, and I'm sure they knew it, too.  So "shout-out to my gay fans" was rather weak and obvious, IMO.  Sorry, bro.)


JULIE:  (laughs at her own joke on national TV)

ALSO JULIE:  Be humble.


Edited by Halting Hex
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It never occurred to me that he was doing it on purpose. And wasn't there one time that he said it slightly differently? he never says "vote to evict" without an embellishment - he has to do it "sadly" or call the person "wonderful", which trips him up. 

  I think he doesn't realize he's saying it wrong, or that he's making up a word "evote".  the repetition of the "V"  sound is confusing him.  Maybe we can get him to say "I veered the avocado"  or "I vented the violin"  to figure it out. 

Too bad there isn't a houseguest with a name beginning with V  - "I vehemently vote to evict the voluptuous valerie"  would be the test.  

(sorry, Hydrocodone after surgery is messing with my brain) 

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I don't get it. The entire front half of this episode was Tiffany trying to get the votes to keep Derek X. They did manage to get Hannah and Kyland to vote for him but then Tiffany and Azah voted against him? WTF? Why did they show us all that footage of Tiffany trying to keep him when they actually did get the votes they needed? Did Azah decide against it so Tiffany decided to go the other way too? I know the show wants to create suspense but this was just misleading and confusing. When Kyland and Hannah voted to evict Claire I thought they actually had done it.


If he can say all that other stuff fine, why can't he fucking say "I vote to evict" correctly? 

Look - one of two things is going on here. Either production isn't telling him about his mistake because they think it's funny, or they did tell him but said he should keep doing it because "America" loves it. I mean, they hear him say this week after week so either the joke's on him or he thinks he's part of the joke. I tend to think it's the former because it sounded like he said "evoke" this time.

The token gay dude is always the designated clown of the season, and Derek F is playing the role the show wants him to play. If he sounds like a fool, all the better as far as production is concerned. 

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I don't get it. The entire front half of this episode was Tiffany trying to get the votes to keep Derek X. They did manage to get Hannah and Kyland to vote for him but then Tiffany and Azah voted against him? WTF? Why did they show us all that footage of Tiffany trying to keep him when they actually did get the votes they needed? Did Azah decide against it so Tiffany decided to go the other way too? I know the show wants to create suspense but this was just misleading and confusing. When Kyland and Hannah voted to evict Claire I thought they actually had done it.

I was surprised by this too. Personally, I just think Tiffany, although conflicted, really did want Derex out because he was a danger to the CO in that he would force a CO member eviction before the final 6.

I can understand Hannah's sympathy vote for Derex and I'm sure the CO would understand, too. Kyland's vote surprised me. I know he was close to Derex, but I thought he'd do as his not-a-showmance-showmance SB wanted. Guess he's just not that into her, not that she cares.

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If only Derek x had used his bb bucks for the roulette.  If he won, he’d still have 75 bucks and safety.  Then after getting another 100 from America, all he needed was 75 in the envelope.

should have risked it Derek.


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21 hours ago, Hanahope said:

If only Derek x had used his bb bucks for the roulette.  If he won, he’d still have 75 bucks and safety.  Then after getting another 100 from America, all he needed was 75 in the envelope.

should have risked it Derek.


To be fair, I don’t think he knew about the envelope bucks when he made his decision. That was revealed later, right?

But yeah, should have risked it. I’m sure he’s still kicking himself.

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16 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

To be fair, I don’t think he knew about the envelope bucks when he made his decision. That was revealed later, right?

They were told at the beginning of the High Rollers twist that there would be other opportunities to earn BB Bucks. But since there hadn't been any, I can sort of understand them thinking maybe there wouldn't actually be lol.

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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

They were told at the beginning of the High Rollers twist that there would be other opportunities to earn BB Bucks. But since there hadn't been any, I can sort of understand them thinking maybe there wouldn't actually be lol.

Or, he could have thought , hey there haven't been other opportunities to earn bb bucks so far, so that must be coming up.

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49 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

Or, he could have thought , hey there haven't been other opportunities to earn bb bucks so far, so that must be coming up.

I hope he didn’t think that because that makes his decision not to play the roulette even harder to take lol.

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