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Jeopardy! Season 38 (2021-2022)


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I thought “buries” made sense for the clue but because “buries” does not rhyme with “marries” I thought it must be something else, like “carries.” I guess they are just going by the “-ries” ending rhyming. I hate when Jeopardy does rhyming clues that don’t actually rhyme. They had another one last week where it was a 2 or 3 syllable word “rhyming” with a one syllable word. That’s not how that works! 😠

I had no clue for FJ. I didn’t know that either Tony Bennett or Diana Ross had put out an album, and if you had asked me I wouldn’t have even been sure if either of them were still alive. 

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1 hour ago, Cotypubby said:

I thought “buries” made sense for the clue but because “buries” does not rhyme with “marries” I thought it must be something else, like “carries.” I guess they are just going by the “-ries” ending rhyming. I hate when Jeopardy does rhyming clues that don’t actually rhyme.

How do buries and marries not rhyme?  Even if pronounced slightly differently (and I honestly don't know how you would pronounce either word so that they didn't rhyme) I would think it would be close enough.

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15 minutes ago, Katy M said:

How do buries and marries not rhyme?  Even if pronounced slightly differently (and I honestly don't know how you would pronounce either word so that they didn't rhyme) I would think it would be close enough.

If you say “burr ees” and “mare ees” as some do, they don’t rhyme. Sorry I don’t know how to do phonetic spelling.

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6 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:

If you say “burr ees” and “mare ees” as some do, they don’t rhyme. Sorry I don’t know how to do phonetic spelling.

I hate to step into this but now I'm curious.  Do some people pronounce "buries" to rhyme with "furries"?  I can't remember ever hearing that, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen somewhere.

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16 hours ago, ams1001 said:

My TSes were Sling Blade, gunwale, Catcher in the Rye.

I got Sling Blade and Catcher in the Rye, as well as Fiji, trim, star chamber and The Naked and the Dead.  Should've know gunwale but just couldn't come up with it; guess I'll need to hand in my Horatio Hornblower fangirl card. 

16 hours ago, ProudMary said:

Here we go again:

"Buries" does NOT rhyme with "marries." 😤

It does when I and everyone I know says it.  I've almost never heard it pronounced any other way than "berries" and I've always heard "marries" as "merries" as well.  Maybe it's regional, but the rhyme does work.

16 hours ago, illdoc said:

I also noticed the champ said "Pliny" (rhyming with Shiny) instead of "Plinny".

I've always pronounced it that way.  Is it supposed to sound like Plinny?  My world history professor apparently didn't know that.

15 hours ago, M. Darcy said:

I got Tony Bennett even though I wasn’t 100% sure he was that old. 

I figured he was probably that old.  I just wasn't sure he was still alive in 2021.  But he was the only person I could think of, so that was my answer.

God, I dislike Margaret already.  Not enough to not watch tonight, but I hope she's a one and done.  (I did like the color of her top, though.  That's something, I guess.)


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18 hours ago, illdoc said:

I also noticed the champ said "Pliny" (rhyming with Shiny) instead of "Plinny".

That's the way I said it. To be fair, none of us really know the way Pliny would have said his name - we're using what amount to scientific guesses to figure out how ancient names were said.

2 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

If you say “burr ees” and “mare ees” as some do, they don’t rhyme. Sorry I don’t know how to do phonetic spelling.

Thought that was better than phonetic spelling. :)

2 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

I hate to step into this but now I'm curious.  Do some people pronounce "buries" to rhyme with "furries"?  I can't remember ever hearing that, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen somewhere.

I've heard it, but I'm in the "berries" crowd for the most part, though it did give me pause when I was reading the clue.

Speaking of reading - our channel was so screwed up that we resorted the J!Archive. By which I mean I cast it from my phone to my TV. To get it legible enough, we could only do one category at a time (which worked fairly well).

But the books with pictures category didn't work at all. We did guess, but got no joy because there wasn't enough in the clue to help. Oh well, we had fun anyway.

We did pretty well, all told. But I hope the broadcast is better tonight. The ABC channel in our area often has problems - even when we were still on cable instead of digital antenna.

Did not get FJ. Tony didn't even enter my mind. I went to Pete Seeger, who is, of course, dead. So I knew that wasn't right.

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19 hours ago, dgpolo said:

My sister and I said the same thing.

I was right there with you all saying Miss Diana is not happy right now.  Also had a moment of thinking am I that old as Motown fan? But I was just a child sized Grundoon in late 60s Motown.

I got FJ right away - I remembered some media coverage of the music release and the cognitive issues Tony Bennett was having.  I had the great delight of standing right behind him in line at the Tower Records in Trump Tower years ago.  He was very charming and down to earth - he looked at the cds I was buying and praised my taste.  Plus he told me a couple of anecdotes about one of the singers.  When he paid for his purchase and left, the clerk and I looked at each other and both said - how cool was that?

  • Love 12
19 hours ago, ProudMary said:

"Buries" does NOT rhyme with "marries." 

No?  How is it pronounced?  Burrys?  I've never heard it pronounced any other way and agree with 30 Helens that it may be based on your location.  I'm Canadian and we pronounce a lot of stuff differently but I've never seen a movie or TV show where anyone said it any way other than rhyming with 'marries'  I pronounce Mary and marry the same way, but not merry.

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Count me in as a proud Merry Berry. 

5 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

In regard to Tony Bennett and "new material," I suppose they are using that to mean "newly recorded," as opposed to something like a greatest hits or other compilation album.

Maybe it’s like one of the TV networks used to say about its summer reruns… If you haven’t heard it, it’s new to you! 

39 minutes ago, Grundoon59 said:

 a child sized Grundoon 

Would that be a Grundette? ☺️

Edited by 30 Helens
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8 minutes ago, bankerchick said:

No?  How is it pronounced?  Burrys?  I've never heard it pronounced any other way and agree with 30 Helens that it may be based on your location.  I'm Canadian and we pronounce a lot of stuff differently but I've never seen a movie or TV show where anyone said it any way other than rhyming with 'marries'  I pronounce Mary and marry the same way, but not merry.

Bury = Berry in my mouth, but it doesn't rhyme with Marry. (I still got the clue right, though.) Mary, marry, and merry all sound different to me. 

The 'a' in marry is like the 'a' in map.
Mary is like 'mare-e',
Merry is meh-

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Given regional variances in pronunciation, maybe J! should just stay away from clues predicated on whether or not two words rhyme.  All this "They don't rhyme!"/"Yes, they do!"/"Um, hello, it depends on where you live/come from" stuff must happen in the show's Twitter feed, making them aware of the issue; even in a situation where the majority pronounces something a particular way (e.g. nearly 60% of Americans pronouncing Mary, marry, and merry all the same), that still leaves a lot of people who pronounce it differently.  Why not just avoid using rhyming/not rhyming as a basis for clues - at least with words where the regional differences are well known (although obviously not as well known as it would seem, I guess, given the repetitive arguing).

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I know plenty of people who pronounce marry like merry.

15 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Given regional variances in pronunciation, maybe J! should just stay away from clues predicated on whether or not two words rhyme.  All this "They don't rhyme!"/"Yes, they do!"/"Um, hello, it depends on where you live/come from" stuff must happen in the show's Twitter feed, making them aware of the issue; even in a situation where the majority pronounces something a particular way (e.g. nearly 60% of Americans pronouncing Mary, marry, and merry all the same), that still leaves a lot of people who pronounce it differently.  Why not just avoid using rhyming/not rhyming as a basis for clues - at least with words where the regional differences are well known (although obviously not as well known as it would seem, I guess, given the repetitive arguing).

Eh, I don't see a problem with it.  I mean, I hate rhyme categories but I don't think they should avoid clues involving rhyming words.  Heck, what would we argue about here if they did, lol?

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Not a great game, even though I ran three categories - Geography, Ice Cream Flavors, and Scientific Initials. Missed one Silent Letter and two or more in everything else (but I didn't totally fail anything, at least. Came close in Football and Recent Bios, getting only one in each. Maybe I would have gotten one more if I had gotten around to watching Ted Lasso sooner. I'm gonna, I swear!)

Got no DDs and my only TS was gnostic in the second round (but there were only three in the whole game; the other two were in the first round).

Didn't get FJ, either, but I knew it was "Little" something.

I liked Mihir but he needs to pick up the pace.

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I was thinking about that Diana Ross guess earlier and maybe it's not as bad as I first thought.  As has been mentioned, she did release an album in 2021.  Suppose I didn't know much more than that my mother was a fan of the Supremes in the 60s.  I wouldn't know they were discovered as high schoolers and did their first single in 1960 when Diana was 16.  Maybe I would have briefly seen a few clips of their TV appearances, in which their styling seems mature beyond their years, perhaps even by contemporary standards.  It might not be wild to guess she was, say, around 30 in the middle of the decade, which would make her 87 today.  It still isn't 95, but it's not so far off.

I must be in a great mood, to be making all these excuses for young people who don't know more on this count!  Hey, speaking of the Supremes, remember the head of Motown?  What was his name again?  Something Gordy?  It rhymes with...  never mind! ;)

Edited by 853fisher
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I said Little Soldier.

I got the missed clues of gnostic and wrath.

I got the entire categories of ice cream, trails, and silent letters right and the entire category of bios wrong (yes I know, I botched a couple of easy ones there).

I would have gotten the entire category of initials right, but for some reason decided Bohrs' name needed to be  Borgstrom.

Edited by Katy M
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10 hours ago, shapeshifter said:
I know little about Guinness World Records, but I wonder if they created the category to honor him?

That's certainly possible.  Guinness does more corporate and other partnerships than I'd ever realized.  They do a "most _____ steps in 60 seconds" record with the pros from the British "Dancing with the Stars" every year on their companion show, complete with uniformed adjudicators: I've always wondered whether Guinness would entertain attempts from other dancers to break those records later.

Less innocuously, John Oliver did a piece on the autocratic former president of Turkmenistan, which took a tangent into Guinness' partnerships with repressive regimes to publicize unusually specific records achieved by their rulers on behalf of the countries.  He proposed to bake a large cake to break one of those records, but Guinness told him they wouldn't certify the attempt because they are a brand for families and children and the request was too pointed and mean-spirited.  As Oliver said, his talk show must not have been a brutal enough dictatorship to satisfy Guinness' high expectations.  He baked the cake anyway, showed it off on air, then gave most of it away to the hungry.

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Just now, Tunia said:

WHOA!  Silent "g" in "agnostic"?  Sez who, and since when?  This (lapsed) Catholic has never heard it pronounced as such, even after 9 years of parochial school.  Google provides Q/A sites regarding the silent "g" which support the "g" is pronounced, but I can't find a hard and fast rule that the "g" is silent.

What say you?


Silent "g" in "gnostic", not agnostic.

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Thirty years later, and I cannot come across the word "prudent" without hearing Dana Carvey as George Bush I.  "Not gonna do it, wouldn't be prudent."

I missed two each in 1860s and football (if they'd only asked about American football, I'd almost surely have run that one) and one in wise, so I was just okay in the first round.

Those darn Etruscans, indeed; I missed three in that category.  Overall, DJ was another eh, okay round.  That was my only bad category, but I didn't run anything.  I got all but one in trails and bio, but missed two each in the rest.

I did figure out FJ, though; I knew it had to be "the little [some military thing]", decided to go with my instinct that thing was a rank, and knew it couldn't be a high rank because of "infantryman" and it not being meant as an insult.  My first guess was lieutenant, but the alliteration sounded all wrong and then I realized that would be too high a rank.  Next thought was sergeant, and I thought that could be right, but had time so ran through a few other ranks I could think of to try those out, and one of those was corporal.  I wasn't sure, but thought corporal was a lower rank (in the U.S. military; I only vaguely know even that, so was just using that to extrapolate to the French), so went with it. 

I do enjoy an instaget, where I just know what's being asked about and cap off my game on a high note, but I also have a great fondness for reasoning my way to a correct response when the subject isn't in my wheelhouse. 

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I got all the silent letters, including gnostic! It shouldn’t delight me so much to get something that stumps all the contestants, yet it always does. 

4 hours ago, ams1001 said:

 Maybe I would have gotten one more if I had gotten around to watching Ted Lasso sooner. I'm gonna, I swear!)

Didn't get FJ, either, but I knew it was "Little" something.

Watch Ted Lasso! You won’t be sorry.

I knew the nickname had to be “Little” something or “Petit” something. I settled on Little General, which sounded familiar to me. After “Little Corporal” (which sounded completely unfamiliar) was deemed correct, my husband informed me that Little General was the nickname Joey gave his penis on Friends. 

I’ve seen Friends a bunch of times. And, apparently, retained the most important parts?

  • LOL 7
1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I did figure out FJ, though; I knew it had to be "the little [some military thing]", decided to go with my instinct that thing was a rank, and knew it couldn't be a high rank because of "infantryman" and it not being meant as an insult.  My first guess was lieutenant, but the alliteration sounded all wrong and then I realized that would be too high a rank.  Next thought was sergeant, and I thought that could be right, but had time so ran through a few other ranks I could think of to try those out, and one of those was corporal.  I wasn't sure, but thought corporal was a lower rank (in the U.S. military; I only vaguely know even that, so was just using that to extrapolate to the French), so went with it. 

I had never heard of Napoleon's nickname but made similar assumptions and then fell into a bog trying to think of the title of a children's book (which I had heard of from a friend but never read) with a similar structure in case it was relevant: The Little Colonel, which turns out to have been a series and also a movie starring Shirley Temple. 

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I don't know what it was which bugged me about Margaret on Monday because last night I liked her just fine.  Maybe it's just that Finn was really cute and I wanted him to stay longer.  Maybe I changed my mind because Margaret picked the ice cream category first last night.  Whatever it was, she played a good game last night and I was kinda sorry to see her go.  The new champ seems good, though, and I'd have been fine with Caitlin winning, too.

I should've gotten FJ.  I knew the "little" part but just couldn't get to "corporal".  I did think of general, but knew that wasn't right.  Otherwise, I had a really good game last night, very few misses.  Rather like the actual game on tv - good contestants who got most of the answers correct and not a runaway.  Really enjoyable to watch, actually.

Edited to note that I loved the Football and Football category, although I did not run it (stupid Georgia, shoulda been Auburn, which was my answer), and was thrilled to see Those Darned Etruscans back.  Didn't run that one either, because I can never remember that dodeca- means 12.

Edited by proserpina65
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18 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Count me in as a proud Merry Berry. 

Excellent! 😄

13 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Less innocuously, John Oliver did a piece on the autocratic former president of Turkmenistan, which took a tangent into Guinness' partnerships with repressive regimes to publicize unusually specific records achieved by their rulers on behalf of the countries.  He proposed to bake a large cake to break one of those records, but Guinness told him they wouldn't certify the attempt because they are a brand for families and children and the request was too pointed and mean-spirited.  As Oliver said, his talk show must not have been a brutal enough dictatorship to satisfy Guinness' high expectations.  He baked the cake anyway, showed it off on air, then gave most of it away to the hungry.

God, I love John Oliver's stunts! I remember that one fondly. Mean spirited against horrible people is okay by me.

13 hours ago, 853fisher said:

RE the "plain _____ means unexciting" clue, to paraphrase something I read on Tumblr or somewhere, how fortunate we are to live at a time and in a place where vanilla, once a fabulously expensive spice and definitely not flavorless, has come to mean a sort of dull default!

My husband isn't thrilled with that attitude, as he thinks vanilla is the finest flavor of all ice cream. I think it's a fine base for more exciting ingredients.

"Little Corporal" floated into my mind, and though I said it I was completely convinced I was wrong. So there's my first (maybe only) FJ of the week!

It was an okay game, I was very tired yesterday so I didn't get some answers that I should have. Did well in the TV category, unfortunately "Donna" is not a valid answer for Laura Prepon.

Edited by Clanstarling
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13 hours ago, Katy M said:

I would have gotten the entire category of initials right, but for some reason decided Bohrs' name needed to be  Borgstrom.

I'm always thrilled when Neils Bohr is the answer.  I don't know many physicists, but if it's a Danish one, it's Neils Bohr.  My weird physics related fact is that Bohr's brother Harald played field hockey for Denmark at the 1908 Olympics.

4 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

My husband isn't thrilled with that attitude, as he thinks vanilla is the finest flavor of all ice cream. I think it's a fine base for more exciting ingredients.

Yep, it's a method for getting hot fudge/chocolate syrup, butterscotch and nuts into my mouth.  It's just okay on its own.

  • Love 3

I'm glad Mihir won, with my joy based solely upon how is eyes crinkle when he smiles. Clearly I have learned nothing since Aaron Rodgers let his true nature be revealed. 

I went with Little Soldier for FJ.

Margaret seemed to have Matt Amodio-like stores of knowledge. But Matt would have wagered bigger on the DDs.

Edited by shapeshifter
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18 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

My husband isn't thrilled with that attitude, as he thinks vanilla is the finest flavor of all ice cream. I think it's a fine base for more exciting ingredients.

Tell Mr Clanstarling he's got company. Call me Ice Cream Warrior Woman; however, what I'm really like is that baby who's had a first taste of ice cream, goes bug-eyed with pleasure and grabs the ice cream with both hands.

RD version: I LOVE vanilla. Real vanilla, to be precise.

Long version: There've been many discussions about "favourite flavours" in my lifetime and as I've pointed out to those who never had the pleasure of working in a dairy, serving ice cream specifically (my customers loved me because I made the scoops full, not hollow), vanilla is always the freshest. At the price of a regular cone nowadays, nothing pisses me off more than those annoying ice crystals... or worse, refrozen (after a melt) blobs. Vanilla is used for milkshakes, floats, sundaes, etc., and so is in constant use. I'm going for my PhD in ice cream snobbery and will only eat REAL. (My homemade is the ultimate.) I've probably tried just about every flavour in existence (love those tiny spoonfuls the reputable joints serve - for tasting only!) and have been known to make a 12 hour drive home from Stowe, Vermont with several cartons of (brand new flavour, at the time) Ben & Jerry's Baileys, packed in ice. Meh. 'Twas an experience not to be repeated.

(I'm also a "creamy" texture person - if I want junk (nuts/fruits/chocolate-covered-puffed-quinoa) in my ice cream, I prefer adding it at home so I know where it came from. Although, I've been known to totally enjoy a Moose Tracks waffle cone from our local drive-through parlour/dairy. A few times. Covid isn't the only reason I'm carrying extra these days...)

One of the best and worst moments of my life happened a few years ago, making homemade ice cream with my 5 grandchildren in my kitchen. They each got to make their own variety (blueberry, raspberry, lemon, cinnamon, and cashew). It was 100% successful until the great reveal outdoors by the lake... my granddaughter had a reaction to the cashews and broke out into hives. Scary moment and another learning experience not to be repeated.

Moral of the story: vanilla rocks! As does pistachio gelato in Venice, kiwi in New zealand and coffee Hagen Daz basically anywhere. I'm like my nephew who eats from the carton, saying, "I'm not going to eat the whole thing... just until I'm full...... oops."

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3 hours ago, Bliss said:

Tell Mr Clanstarling he's got company. Call me Ice Cream Warrior Woman; however, what I'm really like is that baby who's had a first taste of ice cream, goes bug-eyed with pleasure and grabs the ice cream with both hands.

RD version: I LOVE vanilla. Real vanilla, to be precise.

Long version: There've been many discussions about "favourite flavours" in my lifetime and as I've pointed out to those who never had the pleasure of working in a dairy, serving ice cream specifically (my customers loved me because I made the scoops full, not hollow), vanilla is always the freshest. At the price of a regular cone nowadays, nothing pisses me off more than those annoying ice crystals... or worse, refrozen (after a melt) blobs. Vanilla is used for milkshakes, floats, sundaes, etc., and so is in constant use. I'm going for my PhD in ice cream snobbery and will only eat REAL. (My homemade is the ultimate.) I've probably tried just about every flavour in existence (love those tiny spoonfuls the reputable joints serve - for tasting only!) and have been known to make a 12 hour drive home from Stowe, Vermont with several cartons of (brand new flavour, at the time) Ben & Jerry's Baileys, packed in ice. Meh. 'Twas an experience not to be repeated.

(I'm also a "creamy" texture person - if I want junk (nuts/fruits/chocolate-covered-puffed-quinoa) in my ice cream, I prefer adding it at home so I know where it came from. Although, I've been known to totally enjoy a Moose Tracks waffle cone from our local drive-through parlour/dairy. A few times. Covid isn't the only reason I'm carrying extra these days...)

One of the best and worst moments of my life happened a few years ago, making homemade ice cream with my 5 grandchildren in my kitchen. They each got to make their own variety (blueberry, raspberry, lemon, cinnamon, and cashew). It was 100% successful until the great reveal outdoors by the lake... my granddaughter had a reaction to the cashews and broke out into hives. Scary moment and another learning experience not to be repeated.

Moral of the story: vanilla rocks! As does pistachio gelato in Venice, kiwi in New zealand and coffee Hagen Daz basically anywhere. I'm like my nephew who eats from the carton, saying, "I'm not going to eat the whole thing... just until I'm full...... oops."

I've seen a few baby videos of that moment - they are the cutest!

I've given up self justifications and just view a pint sized carton as one serving (are they truly pints anymore?). That said, I don't buy them unless I'm really, really, really, in need. Fortunately I have some level of self control as long as it's not in the house, because I'm too lazy to go out and get some.

  • Love 6
29 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I've seen a few baby videos of that moment - they are the cutest!

I've given up self justifications and just view a pint sized carton as one serving (are they truly pints anymore?). That said, I don't buy them unless I'm really, really, really, in need. Fortunately I have some level of self control as long as it's not in the house, because I'm too lazy to go out and get some.

I've mostly managed to make my pint-like ice cream stretch to 2 servings, but I won't say there aren't times when I slip.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Haagen-Dazs has been 14 ounces for a while now. So I don't feel guilty eating the whole thing at once - it's not like I ate a PINT of ice cream.  I wonder how much a batting helmet holds?

I just googled 'batting helmet ice cream bowl' and most of the results seem to be 8 ounces (well, the ones that show a capacity on the google results page, at least). We used to have a few of them when I was a kid and that seems about right.

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I got distracted mid J!-round and forgot I was keeping score...don't think I ran anything, anyway (I may have put too much vodka in my lemonade); I did get the TS of whine, though. Got back to it in DJ but my score isn't worth sharing. I did get Tennessee (though not Mississippi). Again, I blame vodka. Never would have come up with FJ in a million years.

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