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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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So I was going through stats for this season for a different reason but I just came across a list of named alliances from this season and thought this was super interesting. There isn't a single named alliance of three or more people that doesn't have a CO member in it. An unofficial count (meaning I kinda guessed because fuck that) has Tiffany and Deref leading the charge in fake alliances. That's really fucking impressive.

ETA: My bad, I originally had counted duos in that and Deref's numbers were up because of that. The official count for fake named alliances of three or more people is:
Tiffany (5)
Kyland (5)
Xavier (4)
Hannah (3)
Deref (2)
Azah (1)

Edited by Callaphera
fixed the count
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26 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

So I was going through stats for this season for a different reason but I just came across a list of named alliances from this season and thought this was super interesting. There isn't a single named alliance of three or more people that doesn't have a CO member in it. An unofficial count (meaning I kinda guessed because fuck that) has Tiffany and Deref leading the charge in fake alliances. That's really fucking impressive.

ETA: My bad, I originally had counted duos in that and Deref's numbers were up because of that. The official count for fake named alliances of three or more people is:
Tiffany (5)
Kyland (5)
Xavier (4)
Hannah (3)
Deref (2)
Azah (1)

You know, that's interesting because I don't think Tiff has tanked her social game with her fake alliance-mates (especially jury members) has been as badly as Ky has even though they have had the same number.  And X definitely hasn't.  

For instance - if F2 winds up as Tiff/Ky - Brit, Claire, and Derex would all vote for her over Ky; and SB might very well if the rest of the CO can manage to get her evicted on a future Ky HOH.  Alyssa is the only one of the non-CO members who would probably vote for Ky over Tiff.  

Edited by HighQueenEB
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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

For instance - if F2 winds up as Tiff/Ky - Brit, Claire, and Derex would all vote for her over Ky; and SB might very well if the rest of the CO can manage to get her evicted on a future Ky HOH.  Alyssa is the only one of the non-CO members who would probably vote for Ky over Tiff.  

This makes me wonder - who do you think will be the most bitter of the Plus 1s? I think SB, in particular if she reflects on how Ky has used her HOH to further his own game with no regard for hers.

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3 minutes ago, OldWiseOne said:

This makes me wonder - who do you think will be the most bitter of the Plus 1s? I think SB, in particular if she reflects on how Ky has used her HOH to further his own game with no regard for hers.

Oh, I think so, especially after she sees clips of that conversation between Ky and Hannah during his HOH last week where he told Hannah how he was manipulating and using SB and she expressed admiration for his ruthlessness. 

Azah and Deref have both been very torn about using Britini all along; Tiff has had at least two talking heads where she's talked about how much she adores Claire as a person and hates doing this to her but she really is motivated by the higher purpose of the CO and I think Claire will understand and accept that; Hannah hasn't really expressed much one way or the other regarding Derex but she hasn't come across as cold-hearted and calculating as Ky came across in that SB discussion with her; and X's "plus 1" was originally Christian, he only inherited Alyssa after Christian was eliminated, so I don't see Alyssa having any hard feelings about it.

  • Love 5

Wait! There’s a Plus 1’s alliance? It’s been so well hidden. LOL!!! It will be interesting who the Plus 1’s end up voting for and their reasoning. Heck! It’s even interesting which CO gets the other CO vote, too. I’m not sure if it could be a sweep for any CO, right? I’m horrible with numbers but I guess I won’t have an idea until the Final 3 is decided. It does seem like some of the CO are pairs, too. My only question is will the CO mention the CO in jury? Once all non CO members are there and CO alliance start walking in will they tell all or still keep it a secret? I’m guessing the show would love it for the LIVE finale but even in jury it would be exciting to have it revealed. Unless, the CO is worried about losing potential jury votes. 

9 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Wait! There’s a Plus 1’s alliance? It’s been so well hidden. LOL!!! It will be interesting who the Plus 1’s end up voting for and their reasoning. Heck! It’s even interesting which CO gets the other CO vote, too. I’m not sure if it could be a sweep for any CO, right? I’m horrible with numbers but I guess I won’t have an idea until the Final 3 is decided. It does seem like some of the CO are pairs, too. My only question is will the CO mention the CO in jury? Once all non CO members are there and CO alliance start walking in will they tell all or still keep it a secret? I’m guessing the show would love it for the LIVE finale but even in jury it would be exciting to have it revealed. Unless, the CO is worried about losing potential jury votes. 

That last pre-jury week, after it was a foregone conclusion that Christian was gone, the discussion amongst various CO members was that they wanted the savvier non-CO out as quickly as possible.  They wanted SB, Derex, and Claire out before Britini and Alyssa because they figured that those 3 would sniff out the CO's existence and tell the others in jury when they exited later in the game, which could potentially anger all of the non-CO jury members.  But, if SB, Derex and Claire were hearing the news about the CO alliance from Brit or Alyssa, they would dismiss it as not possible because their egos wouldn't allow them to believe they had missed something so obvious. 

As it now stands, SB clearly doesn't see it but if Alyssa is the last non-CO standing and she goes to jury and has a private/off-camera conversation about the CO with Derex and Claire, they'll believe her and say "yeahhhhh, we sensed it but couldn't quite see it, but duuuuh."  Britini - who the hell knows what she'll think about the CO whenever she finds out.  SB will be in denial until post-finale.

15 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Once all non CO members are there and CO alliance start walking in will they tell all or still keep it a secret

Maybe it will depend on how burned they feel by their own eviction.  If Ky makes it to the end and they don’t want him to win, will some CO members tell SB that he was just using her to further the CO.

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think SB is the only person who will feel some type of way about CO. Everyone else will respect it imo.

I’ve actually wondered what would happen if the CO get derailed somehow and a non-CO— say, Claire— ends up winning. Because I do think Claire would support the CO mission if she knew about it. So would she feel guilty about standing in the way of this historic moment? Would it dampen her excitement over winning, or would she still feel as deserving?

CO or non-CO, the winner is going to be very polarizing. I just hope the ultimate takeaway is a positive one.


  • Love 3
3 hours ago, himela said:

Ok short answer is there weren't any such alliances.

Someone saying that politics did indeed enter the game long before this season (which is what @Brian Cronin said) is not the same as there being overt whites-only alliances.

The phrase from the 1960s "The political is personal," and its converse "the personal is political," are what apply here.  

Here's what Wikipedia says about politics:  


Politics (from Greek: Πολιτικά, politiká, 'affairs of the cities') is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status.

"other forms of power relations...such as the distribution of resources..." is very intimately intertwined with systemic inequality in our society.  Perhaps "systemic inequality" is a better term than "racism," because even though several folks in this thread have pointed out the nuanced definition of racism that is not as blunt as "huh huh we are white huh huh get out the non-whites we hate 'em," it keeps cropping up (presumably because people haven't necessarily read the entire thread).   IMHO it was BB falling in line unconsciously or subconsciously with  this system that led to "Camp BB" a few seasons ago with all the brown people up in there.

Systematic inequality has been a part of every single BB player's life all their lives.  If they haven't noticed, it is due to the fact that they are privileged on one or more fronts, or have (I'd say especially with some women) sublimated their reaction to inequality into ways to use the conventional gender roles they've learned over their lives to use to better their circumstances in ways that don't get them side-eyed or worse.  I know I myself have learned to use smiles, and diffidence when I want to apply my intelligence, and so forth over 60 years (never having been in a position to use my looks).

So yes.  Politics, or systemic inequality, is always with us, whether or not it leads us to blatantly exclude based on various criteria.  

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

I’ve actually wondered what would happen if the CO get derailed somehow and a non-CO— say, Claire— ends up winning. Because I do think Claire would support the CO mission if she knew about it. So would she feel guilty about standing in the way of this historic moment? Would it dampen her excitement over winning, or would she still feel as deserving?

There is such a miniscule chance the winner will be non-CO. There's virtually no chance the F2 will be 2 non-CO members so a CO member is going to win no matter what. Even if the CO splinters before F6 (which I don't see happening) and the F2 is 1 CO and 1 non-CO, I can't imagine the 5 CO would not just vote for the CO member. I mean, I guess it's theoretically possible if say Ky really abandons CO for his new 4 and takes SB to F2, but even if he did (and I don't think he will) I don't think anyone from CO would let that keep them from ensuring a Black winner.

I've been pondering it and I actually really do think they should have the wheel replace X. It makes sense. And it would just be funny lol.

But at this point I'd rather lose Derex than Claire so!

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, Jobiska said:

Someone saying that politics did indeed enter the game long before this season (which is what @Brian Cronin said) is not the same as there being overt whites-only alliances.

The phrase from the 1960s "The political is personal," and its converse "the personal is political," are what apply here.  

Yep. It's basically like the old joke:



There are two races: white and "political"

Two genders: Male and "political"

Two hair styles for women: long and "political"

Two sexualities: straight and "political"

Two body types: normative and "political"



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12 hours ago, Runningwild said:


They really need to come up with a way to make this more interesting. There must be some way to prevent everyone from voting with the house. Having one large alliance control the house is dull. 

It's like been this way since Season 16. They got great ratings for Season 16 and decided that was the winning formula -- a dominant alliance of 6 steamrolls through the season. Only S17 had some instability because Vanessa was so mercurial and because Steve ended up being a challenge whore down the stretch. But I'm convinced in sequester them relentlessly showing them Season 16 has messed the game up.

Like last season I remember Janelle was shocked when Bayleigh told her that you "had" to vote the way the HoH wanted. 

Everyone acts like the CO is something new but it's not. It's a dominant alliance with a distinct pecking order and oh look, the alpha males dominate the females.

Edited by Lady Whistleup
  • Love 11
3 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Big D is getting a winner edit whereas Tiffany is getting thrown under the bus. Um, okayyyyyyyyyyyy!

Ummm, not tonight DerF didn’t.

To clarify: I am not a major fan of either DerF or Tiffany, so I don’t really have a dog in the hunt so far as any “who came off better than who” debates.  That being said -  so far as the storage room discussion between DerF and Tiffany went, I thought he came off horribly in that.  

Even the House ants could see DerF’s earlier attempt to block Tiff’s discussion with Britini was a blatant and badly-handled power play which had done significant (possibly irreparable?) damage to his relationship with Tiff.  Presumably DerF’s motivation in this discussion was to repair that damage - but his “I can see you’re upset but that wasn’t really what was happening” attempt to explain away and/or defend his earlier actions was at best dismissive of Tiff’s take on the encounter, and at worst bordered on gaslighting.

Bottom line?  Instead of repairing his relationship with Tiffany, I’d say DerF probably did more damage.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 2

But they did their best to avoid the big alliance with the teams that were mixed with genders and races. Taran, who watches more feeds than all of us together, has said many times that if it weren't for the cause and this Cookout alliance was just a normal alliance, it would have been destroyed many times by now. We see that people in the alliance don't get along, plus most of them don't even have social relationships with one another which is a big part of keeping an alliance together. Many people in it have claimed that if it wasn't for what they think America wants for them (the cause) they would have broken down the alliance. This is why I'm so persistent that the only thing that keeps the CO going is the cause. I don't blame them for it, I don't dislike any of them, I would love to see a black person win for the first time but I want to make clear that this is not a normal alliance. I get that some people won't agree with this, it's ok.

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

They didn't have to - all they had to do is ignore those they considered "outsiders", snicker and talk behind their backs,  call them "sketchy", Say they weren't to be trusted,  make insinuations about someone's teeth meaning they had been in prison, etc, etc.   They never had to declare that they were white, because you could see that.  And you could see that when they entered the house, they immediately bonded with other white players, and did not consider Black players as being significant competitors, but as obstacles that had to be eliminated.  

In life, outside Big Brother, discrimination against minorities exists in workplaces, where the white men in power do not SAY OUT LOUD that they will only promote other white men, and are surprised when they are called out on it.  It's such an ingrained part of some people's mindset that they are not aware when they are doing it.   

On Big Brother, white houseguests have made alliances that excluded Black houseguests, even if they didn't say out loud, or make it obvious.  And, there have been reports that they have been surprised after the season ended , that their behavior was seen as racist. 

The Cookout is a reaction to all the past seasons of the game when Black players never had a chance.  Good for them.  

The show/production/casting is partly to blame for that in that they tended to cast a certain character for the couple POCs they cast each season. Like Chima and Swaggy C...etc. They do it for maximum drama and ratings. Even this current cast, the CO can't stand other members of the CO. Seems like Big D and Tiffany both are the typical cast BB liked to get in the past. X and Hannah are not the typical POCs BB usually cast.


So if the 2 POC cast (also blame the show for only casting 1 or 2 each season) are Swaggy C and Chima, then yes an alliance will form of all white folks who will be trying to get them (the dramatic characters) out. The same is also true for the gay cast. They cast a gay character for drama and they cause trouble and get voted out by an alliance. It's never a pre-planned 'hey, all us white straight people are an alliance and we need to get out the POC and gay cast...each of us team up with one to get info while we pick them off one by one'. It just seems that way because the dumb show casted 'characters' for the POC cast and the gay cast for maximum drama...imo.

Edited by Lamima
  • Love 7
18 hours ago, Callaphera said:

So I was going through stats for this season for a different reason but I just came across a list of named alliances from this season and thought this was super interesting. There isn't a single named alliance of three or more people that doesn't have a CO member in it. An unofficial count (meaning I kinda guessed because fuck that) has Tiffany and Deref leading the charge in fake alliances. That's really fucking impressive.

ETA: My bad, I originally had counted duos in that and Deref's numbers were up because of that. The official count for fake named alliances of three or more people is:
Tiffany (5)
Kyland (5)
Xavier (4)
Hannah (3)
Deref (2)
Azah (1)

This is interesting because the top 4 still have their stooge in the game. So the writing on the wall is Azah and then DerekF being the first 2 to jury. But Hannah needs to work harder to hold onto her stooge, DerekX, or else she is 3rd CO to jury. So my guess is those 3 will be the first CO members to jury because I think DerekX is a goner this week. Ky, Tiff and X will be F3 battling it out. Honestly, the other CO members would be wiser to cut Claire this week to weaken Tiff a bit. Then maybe SB or Alyssa next....should have done SB over Brit last week as Azah is already at bottom. But whatevs.

Edited by Lamima
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9 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Everyone acts like the CO is something new but it's not. It's a dominant alliance with a distinct pecking order and oh look, the alpha males dominate the females.

Right lol. Every season is exactly the same. The formula is a little more interesting/entertaining to me this year because I like the CO members and their dynamics more than I have liked any of the other 500 big alliances that steamrolled but still it's the same basic situation. Derrick killed Big Brother and now that Black people have a chance to play the game he created he's mad and wants the format changed. It's hilarious.

17 minutes ago, Lamima said:

Ky, Tiff and X will be F3 battling it out.

I don't think there's a chance in hell that Ky/X will let Tiff/Hannah get further than Azah/Deref. And since Ky/X are the only CO members who can win comps, I'm fairly sure one of them will be the one deciding how things go at the end.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't think there's a chance in hell that Ky/X will let Tiff/Hannah get further than Azah/Deref. And since Ky/X are the only CO members who can win comps, I'm fairly sure one of them will be the one deciding how things go at the end.

I think you’re right on this. If we end up with Ky/X final two, I hope X wins mostly because Kyland rambles way too much. I doubt Kyland will be able to succinctly state his strategy during final speeches. X will use his lawyer skills to make a case for himself.

But this is the first season in a long time where I don’t have people where I’d feel angry if they win. Everyone seems like a decent human so I can deal with it no matter who is at the end.

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, Michichick said:


But this is the first season in a long time where I don’t have people where I’d feel angry if they win. Everyone seems like a decent human so I can deal with it no matter who is at the end.

I will say that this season has more people I'd be OK with winning than some past seasons, but there's still some people I'd definitely hate to see win. Primarily DereF and Azah. Fortunately, I can't see a scenario where either of them gets remotely close to victory.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

X would definitely win in that F2 but I doubt either of them wants the other in F2. I’m sure they both wanna take Deref.

X absolutely wins over Ky. But I’m not sure Ky would win over Deref. Lots of people, CO women included, find Ky arrogant and overbearing. I think the only way Ky wins is against a non-CO. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Right lol. Every season is exactly the same. The formula is a little more interesting/entertaining to me this year because I like the CO members and their dynamics more than I have liked any of the other 500 big alliances that steamrolled but still it's the same basic situation. Derrick killed Big Brother and now that Black people have a chance to play the game he created he's mad and wants the format changed. It's hilarious.

Is this about how Derrick suggested that everyone should play in the Veto comps, no more name pulls, because it's not fair to the people who get backdoored? I get where he's coming from because half of the evictions in modern BB feel like a backdoor play - two pawns, play Veto, go for your target. It's very predictable. But taking away that avenue doesn't make it any better, it makes it worse. By making everyone play in the Veto in modern BB where the majority of the game is voting out house targets with unanimous or near unanimous vote counts, you're making it even more boring and dull. Which is Derrick's MO, really.

A steamroll is a steamroll is a steamroll. The game is broken but it has been for a very long time. Nothing game-wise is different from BB21 or BB20 or go back as far as you want in the modern era. The only thing that changed was the casting (which still needs some work but nothing is ever perfect the first time around and this is already a vast improvement on both BB20 and BB21's casts). It's funny how it all magically becomes different and super broken to the point of thinkpieces when it's not just photogenic white people who just want to live their best lives slinging diarrhea tea on IG to pay for their oversized veneers. And it's no surprise that it's the same voices who argued that Jackson and Jack weren't racist that accuse the CO of being racist.

I know that the show offers counseling and/or therapy for the first year outside of the house - I really hope that it's good counseling and/or therapy because the black HGs are going to be leaving the season and entering into an absolute shitstorm and I know they've been kind of anticipating a not so great reaction, but we all know how loud and reactionary this fandom is. It's not going to be good for them and that makes me sad because I wish this cast could be celebrated the way they should be, not dragged down because people are butthurt that the final 6 won't look like them.

This really is one of the best casts we've had in a long time. I don't think I can say that enough this season. Outside of the discourse from fans and alumni, IMO this has been one of the better modern seasons. I still love BB17 a little more but this one will come a very close second in my rankings.


5 minutes ago, Michichick said:

But this is the first season in a long time where I don’t have people where I’d feel angry if they win. Everyone seems like a decent human so I can deal with it no matter who is at the end.

Deref is a misogynist and is the only person I wouldn't like to see win in the end. I would actively root against him in an F2 but he's the only one. Azah winning would be like... Steeeve-uh from BB17 winning. It happened, it wasn't the best choice, but the real gift was the season, not the ending. I can accept that.


  • Love 19
11 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It's not going to be good for them and that makes me sad because I wish this cast could be celebrated the way they should be, not dragged down because people are butthurt that the final 6 won't look like them

I'm sure they'll be able to find lots of nasty, negative stuff out there, but there's a huge number of fans wildly cheering them on. The popular BB sites and podcasts I frequent are almost unanimous supporters of this season.

Hopefully the CO members will be able to focus on the high praise they're getting for being such a smart, nice, fun cast and for their laser-focus on doing something important, and tune out all the poison. 

  • Love 11
41 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

I will say that this season has more people I'd be OK with winning than some past seasons, but there's still some people I'd definitely hate to see win. Primarily DereF and Azah. Fortunately, I can't see a scenario where either of them gets remotely close to victory.

Yeah, Deref and Azah have done nothing to earn a win really, but I don’t hate them like I did Jackson, Paul, Josh, Christmas, Memphis, Franzel etc etc etc. It’s  a relief to have this season. 

Edited by Michichick
  • Love 8
21 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Deref is a misogynist and is the only person I wouldn't like to see win in the end. I would actively root against him in an F2 but he's the only one. Azah winning would be like... Steeeve-uh from BB17 winning.

As far as likely winners in a F2, I think Deref has a (marginally) better chance than Azah. It seems that everyone’s preferred F2 goat is Deref, but I think they’d be better off taking Azah. Nobody respects her gameplay, and she has gotten on some nerves. (=Tiff) I think Deref is well liked among the players, so he also has that going for him. 

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I think Deref is well liked among the players, so he also has that going for him. 

Azah is well liked as well though. They’re probably pretty even in terms of their chances of winning. 

As of now, X is the very clear winner imo and the person with the best chance of getting to F2 but I’m still holding on to some hope that Tiff and/or Hannah will try and be able to take a shot at X. It’s a very faint hope but it’s still there for now lol.

I would roll if the wheel actually does make the replacement (as it should) and then it lands on Derex.

The funniest part of Derrick trying change the game now that white people don’t make up 90% of the cast is that someone suggested the veto should be the hoh, noms, and players picked by those 3 and he was like yea good idea. First of all, see seasons 1-5 and secondly the reason they promptly changed veto is because that format makes BDing a slam dunk.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

As of now, X is the very clear winner imo and the person with the best chance of getting to F2 but I’m still holding on to some hope that Tiff and/or Hannah will try and be able to take a shot at X. It’s a very faint hope but it’s still there for now lol.

Agreed. Tiff and Hannah have said they want to get X out right after he takes out Ky. They are banking on a memory comp to be able to do this. Of course, they will also have to navigate the Wheel of Mayhem and Wicked Wango Cards and whatever other obstacles the show throws at them. But yeah, fingers crossed!

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20 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

But X isn’t gonna take out Ky for them, he’s gonna take out them lol. They need to wise up about X. I think Tiffany might, but I have less faith in Hannah. She really admires X.

I don't know if it's admiration so much as the arrogance of a very young adult.  Hannah is so very impressed with herself and X being the youngest and yet the most even-tempered, sanest, wisest. 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Lamima said:

So if the 2 POC cast (also blame the show for only casting 1 or 2 each season) are Swaggy C and Chima, then yes an alliance will form of all white folks who will be trying to get them (the dramatic characters) out. The same is also true for the gay cast. They cast a gay character for drama and they cause trouble and get voted out by an alliance. It's never a pre-planned 'hey, all us white straight people are an alliance and we need to get out the POC and gay cast...each of us team up with one to get info while we pick them off one by one'. It just seems that way because the dumb show casted 'characters' for the POC cast and the gay cast for maximum drama...imo.

For the first time in BB history, Production cast a 50% POC House.

Also for the first time in BB history, a POC alliance is dominating the season.

Surprising?  Hardly; the first eviction (of a non-POC HG) immediately constituted a mathematical POC majority in the House, so it’s not exactly astonishing that any reasonably-sized alliance which formed would reflect that majority to at least a significant degree.

Unfair?  Don’t see how, unless you’re a HG whose game depended on the usual House racial composition formula (representation of minorities at/below that of the general population) - which had been used in EVERY OTHER BB SEASON TO DATE - as a strategic game factor.

Edited by Nashville
Typo, grammar
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Michichick said:

Yeah, Deref and Azah have done nothing to earn a win really, but I don’t hate them like I did Jackson, Paul, Josh, Christmas, Memphis, Franzel etc etc etc. It’s  a relief to have this season. 

I dislike DereF as much as I've disliked any houseguest. Everything about him makes me angry/annoyed. Azah is just obnoxious. I'd actually rank them behind all the guests you listed there. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

As of now, X is the very clear winner imo and the person with the best chance of getting to F2 but I’m still holding on to some hope that Tiff and/or Hannah will try and be able to take a shot at X. It’s a very faint hope but it’s still there for now lol.

Maybe the 3rd-nominee punishment that he took in exchange for a veto he didn't need will come back to bite him in the butt. Taran seems to think it could but his explanations as to how involved scenarios that went over my head. Yet another reason why I'd suck at this game, lol.

Edited by kassandra8286
  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, kassandra8286 said:

Maybe the 3rd-nominee punishment that he took in exchange for a veto he didn't need will come back to bite him in the butt.

Maybe. I can’t see it but it would be hilarious if it did lol.

I figure he’ll probably go pretty hard for HOH next week though to avoid it. And he’s got a very strong chance of winning any type of HOH.

  • Love 2
Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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