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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

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We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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Azah is worried about X. Deref reassures her he isn’t going anywhere. They control the votes and Claire is staying on the block. Derex won’t pull her off for fear of Hannah taking her place. He thinks that he and Azah are both playing a good game. They are doing what they have to to manipulate people and remain safe.

Azah is concerned that she is playing a floater game. That’s not the game she came to play, and she does not want to be seen as a floater.

Isn’t she actually a coaster? I need Brent here to explain it to me.



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Addressing the camera, Hannah thanks America for the $75. She doesn’t know why we would reward her with money over other HGs with more colorful personalities. All she does is talk strategy, eat and sleep. 

She hopes we understand the Mission and are supportive of the CO. She recognizes that there are people outside of that who are great players and are also deserving, and it’s upsetting to see them go. But if things go according to plan they can’t win.

She plans to play Coin of Destiny and is looking forward to making things get crazy if she wins it. She feels fortunate and grateful to be here, and that she can cross something so big off her bucket list at the age of 21.

She addresses former HGs: To Nicole F, she is sorry for coming for her at the beginning of the game. Now that she is here and knows what it takes to survive the twists and turns of the game, she has total respect for Nicole and the fact she was able to do it three times— even if she may not like her personally. 

Da’vonne and Bayleigh inspired her to come and play the game. She hopes they are watching and rooting for the CO. She’s pretty sure they are. 

Finally, she mentions Enzo. She has a big crush on him, despite the difference in their ages. This admission makes her a little flustered and she abruptly ends her monologue.

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7 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I have a question. Is it okay if I can hate this season now? It’s another blob alliance taking over the house and the game. And, this blob alliance isn’t even known. LOL!!!!! I liked everyone from the beginning (except Frenchie) and, was so looking forward to the smart gameplay. Now, I just want it to end. I just can’t and I’m so mad that I just can’t. Anyone?

It's totally reasonable to not be as interested in a dominant alliance, well, you know, dominating. We had similar reactions back in BB12 and BB16. However, I think that the Cookout has some angles that those previous dominant alliances didn't have, in that Xavier and Tiffany are contrasting leaders of the dominant alliance, while BB12 and BB16 both had a singular leader, so it might still get dramatic when we see which way Xavier and TIffany pull things when the Cookout gets to the final six (or seven, depending on whether we see an unexpected HoH win). 

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5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Addressing the camera, Hannah thanks America for the $75. She doesn’t know why we would reward her with money over other HGs with more colorful personalities. All she does is talk strategy, eat and sleep. 

She hopes we understand the Mission and are supportive of the CO. She recognizes that there are people outside of that who are great players and are also deserving, and it’s upsetting to see them go. But if things go according to plan they can’t win.

She plans to play Coin of Destiny and is looking forward to making things get crazy if she wins it. She feels fortunate and grateful to be here, and that she can cross something so big off her bucket list at the age of 21.

She addresses former HGs: To Nicole F, she is sorry for coming for her at the beginning of the game. Now that she is here and knows what it takes to survive the twists and turns of the game, she has total respect for Nicole and the fact she was able to do it three times— even if she may not like her personally. 

Da’vonne and Bayleigh inspired her to come and play the game. She hopes they are watching and rooting for the CO. She’s pretty sure they are. 

Finally, she mentions Enzo. She has a big crush on him, despite the difference in their ages. This admission makes her a little flustered and she abruptly ends her monologue.

I always liked Hannah. She sounds sincere here. Tiffany always said she wanted to go to the end with her so it will be interesting to see how it plays out. That said, she, Tiffany or Azah may need to become HOH at one point or the boys are going to have a better shot. 

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's totally reasonable to not be as interested in a dominant alliance, well, you know, dominating. We had similar reactions back in BB12 and BB16. However, I think that the Cookout has some angles that those previous dominant alliances didn't have, in that Xavier and Tiffany are contrasting leaders of the dominant alliance, while BB12 and BB16 both had a singular leader, so it might still get dramatic when we see which way Xavier and TIffany pull things when the Cookout gets to the final six (or seven, depending on whether we see an unexpected HoH win). 

Totally agree. I was just now commenting that Tiffany and the girls may need to win an HOH to better situate themselves in the Final 6. Ky and X may really turn it on in the end in the challenges for a better shot at the Final 3/2. I do like when Tiffany is talking to other people and has to think while she’s talking about how to get that person to change their mind. 

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5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Finally, she mentions Enzo. She has a big crush on him, despite the difference in their ages. This admission makes her a little flustered and she abruptly ends her monologue.

I think the house has officially gotten to Hannah. Ew.

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Hannah has already admitted her crush on Enzo is fake so I don't know why she's now saying actually it's real to the cams. 

I'm planning on not watching the feeds at all today and hoping I can just rid myself of the bad habit that is watching this show. We'll see lol.

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41 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm planning on not watching the feeds at all today and hoping I can just rid myself of the bad habit that is watching this show. We'll see lol.

You sound like me deciding to quit drinking coffee. In the 90s. I'm still drinking it. 😁

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I really need to give up. It is not worth it. Why can’t I bring myself to just stop lol?

Even now I wanna have hope that Claire could win HOH next week and grow a brain just so 1 week doesn’t go the CO’s way even though I know there’s literally no chance of that happening.

This show really is a disease lol.

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I really need to give up. It is not worth it. Why can’t I bring myself to just stop lol?

You definitely should stop... next season. This is one of the best seasons we've ever had. It would be a sin to give up now. Soldier on! 

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I read on another site that SB is concerned about other people finding out she was in on the plan to backdoor Christian. I wonder if Derex could blackmail her with this info to keep himself on the right side of the backdoor this week, and convince her to target someone else to keep him quiet. Not sure he is ruthless enough to use that tactic.

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Does anyone know how much money everyone got this week and how much they have left? Let me @Callaphera since you’re my best bet to know this lol.

I’m just trying to see who will even have a realistic chance to get the coin of destiny next week since Derex will be gone. 

I feel like coin of destiny is gonna flop too. Give up the twists BB they never work lol.

I did see some people speculate that they may up the top to 200 next week just to give more people a chance at it.

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Does anyone know how much money everyone got this week and how much they have left? Let me @Callaphera since you’re my best bet to know this lol.

Derex, Claire, and either Deref or Azah (I think it was Azah scooping up the Britini voters) were the $100 winners, Tiffany got $50. I think SB got $50. Hannah for sure got $75, she's mentioned it during a cam talk. I'm unsure about the rest.

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While we wait for POV, let me talk about something that I love to talk about, the tiers of BB winners and a confusing winner in terms of where to place him.  

Generally speaking, throughout the series, there's been two general tiers I think for the best winners (All-Star seasons don't count). The top tier, which is the people who were not in a dominant alliance and had to connive and do all sorts of shit to win (the Dan/Will/Jun tier) and then below them are the people who control a dominant alliance and win, which is NOT easy, since the leaders of dominant alliances are often targeted and it is really hard to keep a dominant alliance together (the Maggie/Hayden/Derrick tier). If Xavier or Tiffany win, I'd put them in that tier. 

Then there's the third tier, which is "Was in a dominant alliance but wasn't the leader and was the last person standing." You can put certain people higher than others in this if you'd like, like if you credit Kaycee for her comp wins or Andy for getting the lower rung people in the alliance to turn on the top run people, but that's basically where they all go. That's proooobably where I would put Kyland, Hannah, Derek F or Azah if they win (unless they pull some fascinating shit off). Derek X, Claire and Sara Beth would also likely be tier 1 winners if they ever pulled a win off (but they won't). 

Okay, so here's my problem - where do you put Jackson? He was in a dominant alliance early on, but they turned on him EARLY and then he had to fight his way to a win for most of the season and did one of the best "misting" events in BB history when he convinced Nicole and Cliff to evict Tommy over Holly. 

So...where is Jackson? I think he probably needs his own tier, above the dominant alliance leaders and below the true scrappers, but he's such a dick that I don't want to give him one.

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5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think he probably needs his own tier, above the dominant alliance leaders and below the true scrappers, but he's such a dick that I don't want to give him one.

I was going to say Tier 2.5 for the same reason, but I didn't want to either. For the same reason haha

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While I truly enjoy your analysis of winners, @Brian Cronin, I have always taken this game super personal. I don’t care about how people get to the end. My favorite winner is……man, this game has not been good for me in terms of people I like winning. Jordan? Just because Natalie was so very awful? I can’t say Dan, because I was SO team Keesha. Jun in hindsight, but I hated everyone that season. I’m trying to think of someone where in the finale, I’m on the edge of my seat saying “please, please let this person win”, and then they win. I’ve got nothing. Why do I even like this show?

Although Paul losing for the 2nd time (in a season I literally stopped watching/talking about way before the finale) will always hold a special place in my heart.

Right now, if X, Tiff, Hannah or through extreme craziness DereX win? They will all be my favorite winner ever. So I’m still feeling pretty damn good about this season. 

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Oh, for FAVORITE winners, yeah, it's hard to beat Paul losing for the second time in a row! I was on vacation when it happened and checking my phone in, like, Juneau, I think (during an Alaskan cruise) and it was so darn nice!

Jordan was a very enjoyable winner, too. 

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Maybe just treat him as an appendix to the second tier? Or an asterisked member of the third? I mean, who knows, maybe we'll eventually get another winner in the same mold and it won't strictly be the Jackson Tier anymore.

Personally, for the time being and for the tidiness of my own headspace, I'm perfectly happy sticking him in his own little watermelon patch in no man's land.

Edited by PhoneCop
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9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The endgame is completely inevitable now though so like there actually is no point in watching lol. Yet I still will.

Well, its likely that the Cookout gets to the final 6, but I think what happens after that is going to be interesting 

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21 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Well, its likely that the Cookout gets to the final 6, but I think what happens after that is going to be interesting 

I think peach's concern is that in the past, things HAVEN'T actually gotten interesting when dominant alliances reach the end. Things tend to just go the expected way. 

I, though, think that this year has a chance to be different because of Xavier and Tiffany both being co-heads. Who will win out? 

And yes, it'll probably be Xavier who wins out, but maybe not! 

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10 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The endgame is completely inevitable now though so like there actually is no point in watching lol. Yet I still will.

To me it's suspenseful to see how long the CO can hide in plain sight. Although this fakata casino stuff makes patterns hard to see, the real through line is how they maneuver not only keeping the members from elimination, but also avoiding detection. And it's also kind of darkly funny to see non-CO people sort of talk around what might be going on but not want to come right out and ask. Jury House discussions are going to be kind of Seinfeldesque in their awkwardness, I predict  ;)  

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My category for Jackson is Faint Applause.

I wonder if anyone from the Cookout is using the Josh technique in their good-bye messages. I could see Hannah or Tiffani using it. If Tiffani uses it and Xavier doesn't, she may win.

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50 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

Jury House discussions are going to be kind of Seinfeldesque in their awkwardness, I predict 

Jury: "We're starting to suspect it will be an all-Black final 6.....not that there's anything wrong with that!" 

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Xavier is my favorite this season and it isn’t even close. Yep, he won Veto. And he is going to be in isolation and does not care. He has been playing HARD all season while being a lovely, decent person. 

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 I hate these dominant alliances and this year is no different.  They happen every year and it's why I lose interest earlier and earlier.  And I don't think any alliance eating itself has ever been interesting on this show.  More often than not, especially recently, they're all but handing the win to one member.  It's the worst case of groupthink (or maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome) I've ever seen.  

 This season will be equally predictable.  The non CO members will be voted out, Xavier and Ky will win alternating HOHs and eliminate the women (most likely Tiffany first) and whichever one wins the final HOH will drag Derek along as a goat. 

 I've said it before, but love or hate the changes on Survivor, they do their job to prevent a predictable game like this.  

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Well, buh-bye Derex.  It won't be a blindside since everyone's going to tell him that he's too much of a competition threat, which he is having won 2 POV and 1 HOH, and that will be  that.  Now, I just want SB to survive the next 2 evictions and Ky to win the F7 HOH and be forced by the rest of the CO to cut her.  That's all I got by way of entertainment value until we get to the CO F6.

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So Derex is going to replace X? So Claire vs. Derex? That could actually be interesting. How do the CO votes shake out? Sorry, y’all, I’m just going to keep on enjoying the hell out of this season,

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

So Derex is going to replace X? So Claire vs. Derex? That could actually be interesting. How do the CO votes shake out? Sorry, y’all, I’m just going to keep on enjoying the hell out of this season,

If they're telling SB to put Derek up, it's to get him out, so he'll be out. 

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

So Derex is going to replace X? So Claire vs. Derex? That could actually be interesting. How do the CO votes shake out? Sorry, y’all, I’m just going to keep on enjoying the hell out of this season,

Hannah casts a pity vote to keep Derex and the vote to evict is 6-1.  

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Man I love Tiff. Watching her conversation with Azah right now, She knows who X is.  Lawyer, Cop? No. He’s obviously military (he’s a lawyer). But she is so sure of herself, even I believe her. But I do like that she and Azah are having a conversation right now.

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SB appears to be going along with everybody ELSE’s plan to target DX - in discussion at least - although I must be missing some major part of the conversation where it’s been related how a DX eviction works to SB’s benefit.  The closest I’ve heard is “DX must have a lot of BB Bucks, so he’s obviously a threat”.  
I’m crossing my fingers and hoping SB is more duplicitous than dishrag, but that may be expecting too much from this season.

Edited by Nashville
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I just came in and I’m still a little hazy about what’s going on, but here are some quick takes:

  • Deref was feeling guilty about having gone for BB bucks instead of veto. Tiff gave him a pep talk and told him not to feel bad about it. We are all here to win a game, not to make friends, so you made the right choice and have no reason to apologize. Sounds like he won $7500?
  • Azah is feeling bad for being mad at Deref. Tiff soothes her and says it’s all good. Azah is dismayed to admit she’s a floater. Tiff says that’s ok, me and Claire are coasters!
  • Tiff says there’s no way X is a bartender. He’s too disciplined, too controlled. He could be a lawyer, but no. Definitely military.
  • SB tells Deref that Derex is going. They have the votes.
  • Kyland tells Hannah that people are getting too attached to their Plus Ones.


Edited by 30 Helens
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38 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Xavier is my favorite this season and it isn’t even close. Yep, he won Veto. And he is going to be in isolation and does not care. He has been playing HARD all season while being a lovely, decent person.

I can't imagine he's all that worried about being the 3rd nominee either.  

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4 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

So Tiff now wants to save her crush Derex over Claire. 

Well, hell, if I was Tiff, I would too.  Claire can't win a comp to save her life.  At least if Derex wins HOH he'll do the dirty work of getting out SB as revenge for Claire going.  And maybe put Ky up on the block next to her.  I'm not sure that Tiff could engineer a Ky eviction blindside though, but she might try.

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