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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

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Whitney seems to be absolutely seething with rage over Frenchie and even told Derex that she wants to "avoid certain people" tonight. Because Frenchie has a magnet in him that pulls him in the direction of this shit, he plopped down on the living room couch across from her. So of course they cut to the bathroom so we could see the very undramatic event of Brent revealing to Christian that Frenchie said that the two of them and Xavier are the three-headed snake (there's about five three-headed snakes in the house at this point).

Whitney escaped to the bathroom without exploding. I hope Frenchie accidentally follows her around all night. Slaughterhouse meeting, please?

Edited by Callaphera
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Y'all...why do I have to live in Houston and not on the west coast? Apparently Frenchie wants to do stuff tonight, according to Christian - talking to Brent - including a meeting called the Fireworks?  But I'm just tired.  I want to go to sleep.  I have maybe another hour in me.  I will say, so far this has been an AMAZING season.  I still have many rooting interests, this week is going to be crazy stupid, and I can't wait to see how the veto turns out.  

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Now Frenchie is saying that if he's on the block against anyone, he's going home because everyone knows he's the biggest target.  So planting the seeds to try to get people to keep him I guess.

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I think I figured it out. The Frenchie animal kink thing. It's like one of those weird mash-up mythical creatures. It has the three heads of a three-headed snake, the body of a sexy bull, and the back end of a fish.

MRA meeting in the living room rn.

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Frenchie is once again claiming that his "fireworks" was really going to be a love-in because he's tired of seeing house meetings end in drama. He and his wife planned it before he came in the house.

Once again, SURE, JAN.

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Ky tells Azah to think of a replacement nominee. But not Derex. He doesn’t want to do it himself because he doesn’t want to waste the brain CPU.

He thinks Britini told Whitney and Brent to make the hinky votes.

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Britini finally got some lactose free dairy free ice cream (Ben and Jerry's) from Production. It was like Kaysar and the battle for halal meat.

Edited by Callaphera
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Ky has seen all of the seasons. Since 20. But he speed caught up on the rest. Except for 8 of them. Full disclosure, 3 of those were YouTube recaps.

Coming in, he thought he would be the most knowledgeable.

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15 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Hannah is 100% correct in her assessment of Tyler in that clip. Just saying.

I slightly disagree. He was definitely trying to use his performative allyship in a sleazy way, but it wasn't for his game in the house, as the move was TERRIBLE for his game in the house. It was for his influencer status. He ended up hurting that, as well, by how terribly he handled it, but I think that that was the intent, not to advance his game IN the house with it, because it clearly wasn't good for him in the game. 

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It takes a special sort of person to do this speed dating HoH deal, which is EXTREMELY douchey, and yet have it be very clear that the intent is clearly not to be a douche at all. But Kyland IS that special sort of person. 

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Deref, after yawning: "Oooh, I'm going to bed early tonight. I'm just tired of people walking around here like they're untouchable."
Azah: "Don't cry. I can see you starting to cry. Don't cry."

I like how he tried to justify it with the second sentence but he's been upright for an hour, sitting in the nom chair in the living room, and that's a busy day for ol' Deref. It's exhausting holding Jessie's Frenchie's funeral when Frenchie is still in the house.

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I’m starting to think DerekF will lose his shit and go off on people before Frenchie. He’s just stewing about certain people going around the house all cocky because they’re safe, and he wants to go off. Dude, that was you last week, welcome to the real Big Brother.

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Frenchie to Deref: "I can easily crank this shit up to a 10 right now."

What the fuck are you waiting for? I want Whitney to unleash on Frenchie so I can see whether Frenchie would yell back at her. Because he doesn't yell at feemells.

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I tend to agree that Frenchie in the house is good for entertainment value, at least for a few weeks,but the longer he stays the more I will be concerned that he will bamboozle his way into winning.

I also cannot wait for Frenchie to leave and learn that he is not, in fact, America’s hero. I can see it now: “I achieved my goal! America loves me and thinks I am the smartest, most enlightened….What? They think what?… So who do they like? Tiffany??… Oh, that’s what I planned all along. I took the spotlight off myself and put it on a Black woman because I am America’s non racist hero. I am the anti-Jackson!”

So, yeah, he is probably too narcissistic to ever be humbled. So might as well let him stay a couple weeks. Just not too long.

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Deref is coming unhinged. His pounding the arms of his chair, combined with Frenchie’s leg shaking nervous energy, is an explosion waiting to happen and it BETTER HAPPEN WHILE I’M ON FEEDS, DAMMIT.

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Funny story. My sister only watches the show and was worried Frenchie was another Paul who could get everyone on his side and work for him and get him to the end. She thought the show was portraying him that way, I explained to her that the show was portraying him as how he saw himself.  Frenchie WISHES he was Paul.  And I loathe Paul. 

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I tend to watch the game talk while watching feeds but man watching kyland talk game is painful. His conversation with azah was the most nonsensical thing I’ve ever tried watching on these feeds. 

But it was either that or watch frenchie beg for attention by mumbling “she’s not going anywhere, she’s not going anywhere” over and over again in the living room. 

Brent feels like a ticking time bomb right now. He’s going from room to room and person to person trashing Frenchie. If he’s not careful frenchie will say something and he’ll explode

Edited by MV007
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Frenchie is not mad at Ky, he tells Deref. He knows Ky will see the truth one day, that the only reason he was put on the block is he was the only one Frenchie could trust in that position.. “No offense, man”. Heh.

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Frenchie: "Do you know one thing that I think is bullshit about Big Brother? When the house shuns the nominees."

No, it's just you, Frenchie. Britini is upstairs chilling with Alyssa and Christian and Whitney. They just don't want to be around you because everyone is about to lose their shit on you.

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Frenchie thinks it’s terrible the way nominees are shunned in BB. Last week, he made it a point to tell everyone not to do that.

He and Deref are just proud they will leave with their dignity intact.

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23 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I slightly disagree. He was definitely trying to use his performative allyship in a sleazy way, but it wasn't for his game in the house, as the move was TERRIBLE for his game in the house. It was for his influencer status. He ended up hurting that, as well, by how terribly he handled it, but I think that that was the intent, not to advance his game IN the house with it, because it clearly wasn't good for him in the game. 

I can see that, but I still think that the larger point about what the move said about Tyler himself holds regardless of his intent in doing it. If anything do it to try to promote himself outside of the game is worse. But I think we are on the same page. :)

19 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I’m starting to think DerekF will lose his shit and go off on people before Frenchie.

Oh, I agree. I can see it coming. I'm waiting for it. I'm entertaining myself with the notion that if Frenchie does leave, Big D is going to pull a big Gina Marie on the house. lol  

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Are Azah and Derex seriously weeping over this Frenchie/ Deref mutual love fest? They both miss home, they only have each other, friends for life, etc and when does the STFU start, Deref??

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Fuck these fish. We get fish, I come back to Frenchie saying kind of a half ass “sorry” to Derex who is now crying, and Frenchie and DerekF say they have nothing personal against him, so how did they make him cry during fish? 

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Grodner is scrambling right now to come up with a reason for them to have a six piece children's puzzle waiting upstairs for Frenchie if he gets evicted this week. Only this time, she's going to include a diagram and make sure each piece is correctly labeled with ^ THIS SIDE UP ^.

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Frenchie will leave with no regrets. Deref welcomes him to the next All Stars. HAHAHA. 

Frenchie says it’s not over. He could still win $25,000. Is that the AFP prize? Because HAHAHA.

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Frenchie's FIREWORKS moment is now supposed to happen immediately after the Veto meeting because they will already be there so it's perfect for a house meeting.

Alyssa: "What if we all just get up and walk away?" LOL

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