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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I don’t understand why they still do Have Nots, period. They’re not featured on the broadcast, and they serve no function that I can think of. Maybe they just continue to do it for the houseguests, so they can have the full, traditional BB experience? Because as a viewer, I couldn’t care less about the temperature of their shower water.

Rumor has it, it's to help save on the grocery bill.  I think they should just change it back to PB & J if that's the reason but I'm sure there's a huge list of dietary concerns with doing that. I think slop is ok for any dietary restriction. 

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49 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Oh ffs, how cheap can this effing show get.

Considering TPTB are apparently too cheap to replace even the moldiest, most water-damaged drop ceiling tiles - do you really want that question answered?  🤣🤣🤣

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15 hours ago, BK1978 said:

He was never a VJ to my knowledge.  Unless he guest hosted TRL or something like that.  He hosted his own comedy show on MTV.

I would say Tom is a lot like Andy Kaufman, not as funny as Andy but I do think they are similar.

You’re putting a WHOLE lot more thought into Tom Green than I ever did.

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Apparently, Deref, Azah, and Britini felt that Derex and Tiffany were conspiring against Brit in the WC comp and so they are now convinced that Brit is the target and are all super pissed.

X's plan is to nom Brent and Brit. He is going to tell Brent that Brent is just being used to ensure a veto win. X is telling the whole house this and wants them to keep up his lie. But he is also going to tell Brit that she is safe because he is afraid she'll lose it if she doesn't feel safe. 

This about to be a whole mess lol.

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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

But he is also going to tell Brit that she is safe becasue he is afraid she'll lose it if she doesn't feel safe. 

I'm pretty sure she's going to lose it anyway, judging by the last time. 

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Xavier is having a powwow with Tiff. He wants DereF and Brit to feel safe but play up being scared.

This is going to be crazy.

I don't understand telling Brent he's being used to win the veto.   He might just do that.

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Azah is is really not happy with X's plan.

"This is why people like that get to stay in the House."

"If you aren't going to listen to me, it's fine."

She really wants Whitney up with Brent.

ETA: Azah is scared that Britini will freak out even worse this time and get her ass booted this time.

Xavier mishandled this badly with Azah by telling her that her name is in Brent's mouth.  I doubt she just lets that go, if she's nominated or not.

Edited by vb68
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12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

This game isn't for a person like Azah. 

The Cookout is not long for this world unfortunately.

I’m not sure any alliance formed solely because you share a similar melanin level is a great foundation. I mean I think Xavier and Tiffany and Hannah could do great things together. But any alliance that has azah and Derek f in it is doomed to fail IMO. But I guess we’ll see. 

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And there it is. Xavier told Britni about azah’s self sacrifice and britni is now trying to convince Xavier to put up azah instead because in her opinion britni would get more votes to leave then azah. No good deed goes unpunished.  That would seal her fate for me if I’m Xavier and truthfully working with azah. 

She is also throwing Derek x under the bus. Xavier really needs to stick to the plan and nom britni or Whitney. 

Edited by MV007
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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

There are still so many alliances and many are overlapping.

It’s really hard to figure out. Xavier is talking to kyland right now and telling him he would never put up Azah because they’re here for something bigger than the game. So I think in the short term Xavier has real allegiance to the cookout. Any other alliance combination is a mystery to me. 

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Xavier wants to be a reality star. He wants to win BB, of course, but he probably wants to be a reality star most of all, so it definitely shows up in his decision-making, as he doesn't want to mess with his brand. 

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You could pretty easily backdoor Brent. Everyone wants him out, so the only way the Veto would not be used is if he gets picked AND wins. 

And then boo hoo, you just vote out Britni.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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I really want Brent to win veto. This house needs something to shake it up and britni having a mental breakdown while Brent rampages around the house after saving himself is the shake up it needs IMO. I know people don’t like Brent but everything going according to plan is not good tv. 

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25 minutes ago, MV007 said:

I really want Brent to win veto. This house needs something to shake it up and britni having a mental breakdown while Brent rampages around the house after saving himself is the shake up it needs IMO. I know people don’t like Brent but everything going according to plan is not good tv. 

LOL.  Eh, that's sort of predictable in its own way.  If Britini goes up on the block like X is currently planning and Brent comes down for any reason then Britini is going to make herself so unlikeable to the rest of the HGs that they'll gladly, probably unanimously, vote her out next Thursday.

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5 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

LOL.  Eh, that's sort of predictable in its own way.  If Britini goes up on the block like X is currently planning and Brent comes down for any reason then Britini is going to make herself so unlikeable to the rest of the HGs that they'll gladly, probably unanimously, vote her out next Thursday.

You might be right. I was just thinking in terms of the house dynamics. Not necessarily unpredictability with regard to who is evicted. And maybe it wouldn’t shake things up too much but Brent finding out he’s on the outs but staying would cause him to try and work on fixing things. And I would find that more interesting then everyone lounging around talking about nothing. 

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6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

No it’s WC player picks and I assume the feeds will be down until after the comp. I believe they were last week. Which is ridiculous because I highly doubt they go right from the player picks into the comp.

Will anything be worse than the eight hour outages for the Roadkill comps in BB18? That had a double whammy of being out forever and then coming back to show us gross-ass Frank being a gross ass.

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The Cookout is not long for this world unfortunately.

And the viewers who "totally aren't racist but" will celebrate and then move on to cheer for their next five person, all-white alliance unironically.

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Brent to Tiffany: "Everything points to me being the target. But I have the numbers."

He's gone full Frenchie. Everyone is agreeing to his face and trying not to laugh because you know, people are hurt, people are shocked that he's on the block, Xavier's chin was doing that wobble-cry thing when Brent talked to him and this plan makes no sense but it's okay because Brent has the numbers. They always have the numbers. Until they don't.

Brent: "We have the numbers! It doesn't matter who wins [Veto]!"

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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It's the weirdest combination of denial and hubris and it can only happen in Big Brother.

This would make an excellent list video like the kind on the YouTubes. I'd say a top 10, but let's be real: top 20, at least.

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I got distracted by the COV-lympics opening ceremony because I got baked but I came back to check on the feeds because I heard weird noises coming from my headphones and Brent and Britini are literally going back and forth, declaring themselves the bigger target and the other one the pawn. What even is happening?

He told her to enjoy her week in the house. I can't. Does he think he's going or staying? I can't tell.

Edited by Callaphera
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59 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Brent: "I'm not as dumb as my body perceives."


His last name is Champagne.

My wife and I were trying to guess what his pickup lines would be.

Do you want some Champagne.?

Do you want a taste of Champagne? 

Do you want Champagne in bed?


It is probably...Wanna screw?

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I keep hearing reference about some rude comment that Brent made towards Alyssa (Whitney and either Hannah or Tiffany brought it up already) but the feeds keep cutting to another room whenever it gets mentioned so it must have been something that even Grodner thought was douchey.

At the same time, Deref keeps telling Xavier about how he needs to win HoH because Alyssa - Xavier's teammate and spank bank material - needs to go. Because that's a solid plan.


Every feemell in the Have Not room: *hates Brent and can't wait for him to go this week*
Brent: *masculine power pose to show off his dick*


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4 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Am I alone in not totally following who is with whom? Because I'm not totally following who is with whom.

This is why I’m loving this season. I know lots of you like to have 2 distinct sides fighting it out for the drama, but I think there’s lots of drama to be mined in shifting alliances with people turning on each other and getting all “how could you” kinds of offended, and not being able to predict how it will all shake out.

So is it official? Brent and Britini? I just tuned in and am trying to catch up.

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6 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

So according to Ky, Azah is mad at everybody because of Britini. And why exactly is she hitching her wagon to that star??

Because TEEEAMS! The Jokers really bought into the concept of TEEEAMS! And then you have the Aces, trying to figure out the quickest way to give their team member the bum's rush.

Speaking of TEEEAMS!, shoutout to Big Brother for ushering in a new era of the game but keeping it old school enough that the Wildcard twist has fizzled 2 out of 3 weeks. Because TEEEAMS!

Edited by Callaphera
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8 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

So according to Ky, Azah is mad at everybody because of Britini. And why exactly is she hitching her wagon to that star??

Because Azah knows Britini graciously put her herself on the line for the House last week by being on the block. Two weeks in a row is just unconscionable. How much more must Britini endure? 


Edited by vb68
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