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S10.E27: Cut Out


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I really am over the Isaac storylines this season. He doesn't need to find his passion at 11. The reason he is bored at his fathers is probably related to his mother doing too damn much when she has him and scheduling every second his time. From what I remember of childhood we often had to find things to do.  It's not child abuse that Jo doesn't schedule every second of Issac's time there and do constant outings with him.

Also Jade, as long as you are cleaning house and getting rid of your parents, get rid of Sean too. The pattern you two are in of loving each other and then not, and Sean getting ragey isn't going to magically go away.

Edited by TooMuchRealityTV
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17 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

What I going on with Isaac and his Dad? I thought that they always had a good relationship & that Jo was a good,if maybe a bit strict, Dad.

Isaac said it was boring there in a different season and it's probably only gotten moreso for him with the pandemic. Javi and Lincoln are both sporty so they have a lot they can do together. Jo is not sporty. I have a feeling Jo is stricter than Kail and there is less stuff going on than at Kail's. Maybe Jo will see this episode and find an activity he and Isaac can do together but my mom would have said, you have a room full of toys, play with them lol.

Edited by Evie
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Can this show possibly get more boring??? None of these girls really have storylines anymore.  Remember when they used to have real friends who would chime in on their lives?  Now Leah's in her kitchen talking to some much older woman we've never seen before. I know they're relying on the show for an income...and unlimited plastic surgeries...but for God's sake, please pull the plug and put us out of our misery, MTV!

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Sounds like Isaac is upset that Lincoln has a “better” experience when he goes to his dad’s. I think he misses having a relationship with Javi. For all of Javi’s faults, I think he did love Isaac and I think he is kind of a sporty, fun dad. But he also cheated on baby mama and has provided less stability for his children than Jo has so everything is a trade off. 

Kail needs to just chill on Isaac! Constantly in his business trying to keep him entertained. Pushing this narrative that he is a writer and designer/artist is ridiculous. If he loves basketball, take him outside to shoot hoops! I know this was last year but people were already outside doing things with their families outside. 


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Kail: I thought Isaac displayed a side of him I haven't seen before...the rolling of the eyes when Lincoln said Issac only gets to play a video game for an hour. That's when I realized that Jo probably limits Isaac's video game time and of course, Isaac is probably allowed to play video games for hours on end at Kail's house. Jo probably has rules and structure. Isaac has learned how to play Kail against Jo and manipulate her. I don't think Jo is harsh or strict but they have rules and routines. Kail farms out the care of her newest addition to a "friend" and lets the boys do what they want...as long as Isaac is "finding his passion" anything goes. Kail is a chauffer and short order cook...that's about it. I don't see her doing fun stuff with those kids or taking them to museums or zoos. Before COVID she did take them on fancy vacations to resorts. I doubt Jo can afford to do that. If there is a real problem one would think she would have a chat with her "No Drama Baby Mamas" cohost Vee. But apparently that is just one of those fake airbrushed relationships that were forged in a quest to make easy $$$.

Brianna: All this time and money being spent on plastic surgery...this is insanity. I see these women sitting on their butt lifts complaining about their bodies but they never do anything physical to change them...no walking, no workouts, no nutrition counseling. Just surgeries all on MTV's dime. 

Jade: If you want to make your life better, kick Sean out, tell your parents to take a hike and get some counseling for yourself. And while you're at it...potty train Kloie and put her in some decent child care/preschool. She seems to be regressing. Also...am I the only one that thinks Jade looks the same as she did before the surgery?

Leah is boring and there's nothing there. Her one on one talks with her girlses are tedious and embrassing.

Ashley: She's weird and as others have said she treats Bar like a little kid.

Edited by BrownBear2012
  • Love 13
On 6/30/2021 at 8:30 AM, Evie said:

Isaac said it was boring there in a different season and it's probably only gotten moreso for him with the pandemic. Javi and Lincoln are both sporty so they have a lot they can do together. Jo is not sporty. I have a feeling Jo is stricter than Kail and there is less stuff going on than at Kail's. Maybe Jo will see this episode and find an activity he and Isaac can do together but my mom would have said, you have a room full of toys, play with them lol.

I can see Jo's house being more scheduled as far as bed times, meal times, chore time etc. Not that I think he and Vi dont do anything fun with the kids (games, movies, chatting etc) but I think they are living a more "typical" lifestyle compared to Kailyn who is always "here, there and everywhere"- and Issac may be a child who thrives on lots of activity, hence he thinks its boring. I dont think Jo is less of a parent or less concerned for Issac's welfare/happiness because of these differences though.

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I can tell you, as the mom to two teenaged boys, especially during the pandemic, being super strict with video games hurts their social lives. Isaac might be reacting to that. I probably let my sons play too many video games over the years. Not probably but did. lol But so far, at least, the one in college made the Dean’s list. But last year that IS how they were social and stayed in contact with their friends.

When my oldest was in 5th grade, he wanted more mature games like Halo and I did not let him. He was seeing a psychologist at the time and told her that left him out of lunch time conversations, etc. And she told me as much as she did not like videogaming (because she sees kids addicted),  he was absolutely right about that. He WAS left out. She did not tell me to reconsider but I did. It is a really tough thing to navigate and, honestly, I have found it the one of the most difficult things about raising boys, especially. 

That is not saying Jo should have no limits. But I think he certainly can be too strict and to Isaac’s detriment when he is craving his relationships with friends. 

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I cannot believe Brianna wants her ass to be even bigger or why any of these chicks want huge ass asses. They look bloody ridiculous. I was, however, very proud of the way she took such good care of Jade. 

Agree that Ashley babies Bar, but she's seeing progress in him--he's going to school, starting a T-shirt business, is loving to his child. So, fingers crossed. I was shocked to learn he lived in London and want to know more about that. 

Just did a little Google search and apparently others were wondering and tweeted her. She said he went there in 11th grade and stayed for a few days and has family and friends there. And in good news: he's going to get rid of the eye tats. She has a lot of tattoos, too.

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On 6/30/2021 at 10:57 AM, Cosmocrush said:

You mean the cleaning woman in the rented townhouse (office?!) whom Leah/production recruited into listening to her exposition?   I think that was all the proof I needed that this show has nothing else to say.  

Omg this scene was so cringe!! I don’t think that lady even spoke English. And she was looking at Leah, like, why are you talking to me??

  • Love 8
On 6/30/2021 at 3:55 PM, BrownBear2012 said:


Leah is boring and there's nothing there. Her one on one talks with her girlses are tedious and embrassing.

Ashley: She's weird and as others have said she treats Bar like a little kid.

Leah’s “extra”, for sure.  But I’ll take her over Jenelle, Jade, Amber, Farrah, Catelynn or even Chelsea.  She seems authentic and like (since she got clean…dear Lord the pickings are slim) she really cares about the girlses more than herself.  You know, like a MOM.  I teared up at Ali’s dr visit….I’m a huge sap.


did we know Bar ever lived in London?  What’s *that* story???

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, teapot said:

Leah’s “extra”, for sure.  But I’ll take her over Jenelle, Jade, Amber, Farrah, Catelynn or even Chelsea.  She seems authentic and like (since she got clean…dear Lord the pickings are slim) she really cares about the girlses more than herself.  You know, like a MOM.  I teared up at Ali’s dr visit….I’m a huge sap.


did we know Bar ever lived in London?  What’s *that* story???

I think Leah has come the longest way in terms of mothering. I think the purposeful talks with the girls are purely for show because she has no interesting storyline. I think that was part of the reason for renting a townhouse, too, closer to town so they will interact more with other people in order to try to piece together storylines.

Leah - It is a good thing to not have a storyline. Just quit already.

  • Love 8

I would never want Leah to leave the show because I like the updates on Ali.   Leah has really come a long way.  She doesn't have much to offer but she really cares about the kids and has established a good relationship with Corey.  She's had a lot of therapy and she's absorbed it.  Was glad to hear that they have found people with the same version of MD that Ali has  that have lived through their 60's.   Save money, Leah.   

As for Kail, she's had a lot of therapy too.  You can tell by the way she spouts stuff.  She can talk the talk but she can't walk the walk.  Every chance she gets she sneaks in a jab at Jo or Javi and now of course Chris.   

I was shocked when Brianna and her sister both said they wanted surgery.   I've never seen the sister do anything but slink into the couch with her phone.   Does she work?  She is funny, though.  And Brianna would go through all that again without even trying to do something herself first, makes no sense to me.   Although I read she does Only Fans now so maybe the body has to be in better shape to make money there.    

As for Bar and Ashley, I'm just not interested in them.  I hope Bar is genuine in cleaning up.  Get those tats removed from your face, Bar.  Designing t-shirts is not exactly a career but I guess I can't blame him for going the route of easy money just like so many of the others have done.  

Don't like Jade or any of her family.   Feel sorry for Khloie.   They can dump Jade.  She seems to have a bit of hustle, but she gets dragged down by the family dysfunction, often initiated by her.  She's got to get rid of her perpetual victimhood.   

Edited by weaver
  • Love 7
On 7/1/2021 at 11:46 AM, Scarlett45 said:

I can see Jo's house being more scheduled as far as bed times, meal times, chore time etc. Not that I think he and Vi dont do anything fun with the kids (games, movies, chatting etc) but I think they are living a more "typical" lifestyle compared to Kailyn who is always "here, there and everywhere"- and Issac may be a child who thrives on lots of activity, hence he thinks its boring. I dont think Jo is less of a parent or less concerned for Issac's welfare/happiness because of these differences though.

Honestly, I think constantly entertaining your kid is a bad idea. Learning to entertain yourself and learning to enjoy your own company are solid life skills.

  • Love 17
On 7/6/2021 at 12:21 PM, Tatum said:

Honestly, I think constantly entertaining your kid is a bad idea. Learning to entertain yourself and learning to enjoy your own company are solid life skills.

Absolutely- I agree. Also, everything isn’t fun. I think Jo has probably told Isaac “we have work to do, we can’t have fun all day long”; where as Kailyn (largely because of her own self esteem and mental health issues) would be the type that would only think she was being a good Mom if her kids were enthused 24/7. 

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Absolutely- I agree. Also, everything isn’t fun. I think Jo has probably told Isaac “we have work to do, we can’t have fun all day long”; where as Kailyn (largely because of her own self esteem and mental health issues) would be the type that would only think she was being a good Mom if her kids were enthused 24/7. 

It’s being reported that Jo became angry when he found out MTV was feeding Isaac lines such as “My dads house isn’t fun.” Jo told Kail he was going to pull Isaac from the show and Kail said she was going to drop Vee from the podcast. This sounds like the reason Kail served everyone with NDA’s. That way they can’t tell anyone the truth. 😕


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Yes, but it’s one thing to have someone ask how their relationship is going and another thing to put negative ideas about their time with their parent in child’s mind. I agree with Jo. 

ugh. The blond girl with the baby is sooo damn negative. I can’t stand the few minutes a week we have her onscreen. She’d drive me to drugs. Sean seems semi rational when she’s not around. 
Their kid needs attention. Negative attention is still attention. So there she goes. 
Luis is a loser. I don’t blame Stella for not wanting him around.

Bar is a loser, Kail is a loser…the list goes on…

  • Love 6

I would be really disappointed if MTV fed lines to the kids, but I guess it is plausible.  To me its very likely that Jo's house is more disciplined.  

It amazes me that Kail and Vee's podcast is successful.   I can't imagine listening to both of them for an hour.  I read somewhere that Kail got a PPL loan during the pandemic.  I'm confused; what payroll does Kail have?  Doesn't surprise me that Kail would know how to work the system.  Gotta say, that is a beautiful house and she is building another one?  How much money does she have.  

I hate it when Jade comes on the screen too.   She's just so full of herself with her BBL and her salon.   That poor kid hears arguments all day long and then starts screaming for attention.  The bf, who I think is just hanging around for the MTV check , is always on the verge of exploding in rage.  What an atmosphere for the little kid.  And Jade is always poor me, poor me.  Reminds me a bit of Amber when she was taking care of boo boo by herself.  Amber was so sorry for herself all the time;  boo boo was walking around in a diaper most of the day.   At least Gary was stable in that situation.

I guess they are going to drag out Leah's breast lump for a few weeks for lack of any other storyline. 

Seems poor Bar is going to jail according to the preview.  Too bad.  I had hope for him.  




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On 7/17/2021 at 5:12 AM, weaver said:

I would be really disappointed if MTV fed lines to the kids, but I guess it is plausible.  To me its very likely that Jo's house is more disciplined.  

It amazes me that Kail and Vee's podcast is successful.   I can't imagine listening to both of them for an hour.  I read somewhere that Kail got a PPL loan during the pandemic.  I'm confused; what payroll does Kail have?  Doesn't surprise me that Kail would know how to work the system.  Gotta say, that is a beautiful house and she is building another one?  How much money does she have.  

I hate it when Jade comes on the screen too.   She's just so full of herself with her BBL and her salon.   That poor kid hears arguments all day long and then starts screaming for attention.  The bf, who I think is just hanging around for the MTV check , is always on the verge of exploding in rage.  What an atmosphere for the little kid.  And Jade is always poor me, poor me.  Reminds me a bit of Amber when she was taking care of boo boo by herself.  Amber was so sorry for herself all the time;  boo boo was walking around in a diaper most of the day.   At least Gary was stable in that situation.

I guess they are going to drag out Leah's breast lump for a few weeks for lack of any other storyline. 

Seems poor Bar is going to jail according to the preview.  Too bad.  I had hope for him.  




Of course they did it!  I am sure they heard him say something like, 'yeah my dad doesn't let me play video games all day' and they were like, 'what's that, you are SO bored at your dad's house?  Can you just say that??  Say that his house is boring?'

They have NOTHING else to show.  They are making insane amounts of money showing the audience absolutely nothing.  I need to give up this terrible show.  

How much money does she have?  I really would like to know this.  Does she have millions in the bank?  Does she have a few hundred thousand in the bank?  I am sure she has mortgages... but I really want to know how much money they all have.


Leah has NO other "storyline" so they just keep talking about THE LUMP.  I just ffwd.  I am curious if she has actual interesting things going on in her life, or if there really is nothing there.  


I am rooting for Bar.  I don't like Ashley very much.  But I really like Bar and the little daughter.


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From the tabloids:

The 29-year-old MTV star, whose estimated net worth is reportedly around $1 million, took out a federal Paycheck Protection Program loan for Kailyn Lowry LLC for $31,018 which was approved in April of 2020.   

On the loan, Kail reported that her intended use for the funds was payroll. 

Kailyn Lowry LLC is at least in part used for her Coffee Convos Podcast which, according to the loan filing, has five employees.  

The mother-of-four also took out a PPP loan for her haircare line, Pothead CBD Haircare, which is listed under her company, Pothead Inc, to the tune of $17,048, which was approved in May of 2020. 

That loan also notes that the funds were anticipated to be used for payroll expenses with the company boasting two employees.



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