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Katie and Travis: Young Love?

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@cereality I wish we could send your post to Travis. If he has one functional brain cell he should see for himself what your post has laid out about the Bates clan. Hopefully Katie was just too emotional and excited about all the party party and realizes that is not real life. If his parents watch their YouTube maybe they will talk to Travis about what moving to Tennessee would really mean.

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I'm hoping that this was just for getting views for their latest youtube video. It would be a huge mistake to leave Jersey and the doting grandparents and Travis's brother and sister in law. Travis's parents seem very invested in their children. His mom spent nights at their house when Hailey was a newborn so that Katie could get some sleep. Picture KJ doing this. Would not happen. They have turned their dining room into a play room for Hailey and their grandson. Katie has the money to hop a plane whenever she needs her hillbilly fix. She is living her best life now with a family that shows  her the kind of life that she can have when your priority is not having a baby every  year. 

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Exactly @65mickey. They really dote on their grandkids - H and their daughter's son and they didn't drop H when a grandson came along - with these types of families you never know. When I first heard that they were making the dining room into a playroom, I was like whatever, they'll make a corner with some toys. They went all out - got rid of all the furniture and basically set up a room that looks like a daycare complete with padded activity mats for the kids which will be great when the kids are walking/crawling, all kinds of colorful toys, a swing that they had hung from the ceiling.

Contrast G&K's massive home/property - they could never be bothered to designate one area as a play area with kid toys and one bedroom for naps, despite having eleven billion grandkids they love sooooo much. I mean Layla would routinely fall asleep on the floor anyplace, Josie's kids will run around the family room barefoot and their feet are black at the end.

Being around the Clarks is what is showing Katie that you/your kids will live a great life - vacations, each kid having their own room, feeding your kid fruits/vegetables/fresh food - if you have 3 kids. But Katie is a follower. If she stays in NJ, when she sees Trav's siblings and cousins all having 2-4 kids, she'll want to fit in and do that. If she gets back to Tenn and sees Whit ultimately prob having 6-7, Josie and Carlin prob with 5 each, Tori with as many as god gives her - suddenly 3 won't be enough and she'll constantly be whining about not having a baby.

Plus staying in NJ, pretty sure her kids will go to school - since the family owns one, her SIL teaches there etc. I'm not saying it's the best school in the world but it's WORLDS better than Layla - who does workbooks running all over the house, in the car, and sitting by a campfire while eating cookies and that's considered "school." H will get socialization with kids her age + will develop interests in something other than makeup and hair. Even if Katie pushes that at home, teachers even at Christian schools are having kids draw and paint and play blocks and Legos, not try on lipstick all day.

Honestly I feel like if Trav does give in and they move in a year or two, they'll end up staying a handful of years and moving back to NJ. Like something will happen that'll show Trav who is inlaws really are and how much more his parents care about him/his kids and the Lord will lead them back . . . . NJ ain't a cheap place, no reason to set aside the start you've made with your house etc. bc of G&K and C&E, only to have to come start all over again in 5 years, when prices will undoubtedly just be higher.

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Travis is very close to his brother. He mentioned on a video that he wanted to have his children close togeher so that they could enjoy the same type of relationship that he had with his brother. They played sports together on the same team and went to the same schoo. I agree about Hailey attending a school if they stay in New Jersey rather than being home schooled.  If they move back to Tennessee forget school.

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Alyssa was more of an introvert so when she married Lurch and moved closer to his family, she enjoyed the more low key vibe that she secretly probably was craving in her life.

Katie is more of an extrovert, but I do recall that she does love her pizza and ice cream.. so how Trav has to do is provide those in NJ and she'll stay.   I think she was just homesick

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It seems odd to me that Katie always stays with Carlin when she comes to visit.  Why not at her parents' house?  They have that nice, big guest room now.  And it appears that the younger sisters came to Carlin's to see Katie and the baby.  Is Katie not even going to her parents' house?  I guess when she says she is homesick she means she is homesick for Carlin.  I haven't seen Katie visiting with Josie or any of the other married sisters in the area.  I see Kelly interacting with her children and grandchildren, but Gil seems to never see them. 

Edited by ranchgirl
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On 11/14/2023 at 11:25 AM, ozziemom said:

Plus KJ never seems to be home, she’s always busy doing something. I noticed that Michael mailed Layla a necklace so I don’t think she’s dropping by Carlin’s much. So I guess it is Carlin that Katie misses, everyone else is busy with their own family stuff. 

Kelly might also put her to work if she says with her. Cooking, cleaning, watching Jed and Judson and who ever.

Edited by andromeda331
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I watched their Youtube last night....Travis is going on some trip with "the guys" for a few days and Katie is "conviently" going to TN to see the Bates/Carlin. Why is this? I guess she also, as Tiffany, isn't allowed to be by herself. How hard is it for her to be with ONE BABY for a few days? Once again, they don't admit the truth here..that women aren't allowed to be by themselves. This keeps them from becoming self-reliant which is part of being an adult. Yes, Katie has matured some since she married and became a mother but she , IMO, is still immature in some ways.

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I don't the impression that Katie Is unable to stay by herself. Travis is off with his family on a guys trip so she decided to visit her family in Tennessee. I don't see what's so strange about this.  I found it more interesting to hear how they support themselves by their Youtube account and Travis's music career. Travis said that the income from the ads that are seen in their Youtube videos are split 1/2 & 1/2 with Youtube and them. It must be lucrative because so many D list celebrities are doing this now.

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5 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I don't the impression that Katie Is unable to stay by herself. Travis is off with his family on a guys trip so she decided to visit her family in Tennessee. I don't see what's so strange about this.  I

If they were of the "correct" belief system their taking separate vacations would be applauded here.

I didn’t really watch — just kind of scanned through in preview mode — but it sounded like they were putting in a stent and potentially “getting the stones out.” Not sure if that meant lithotripsy or some other procedure. Basically, the stuck stone started acting up again, causing extreme pain and vomiting. They admitted her and decided to put the stent in to help the stone move and allow fluid to flow past it. They were either going to remove the stone or have to go back and do it later.

I had a stuck stone five years ago with a similar procedure. They put in the stent, but it was clear there was an infection and you can’t do lithotripsy when there’s an infection (could send that infection into the bloodstream). So, I had to go home, take antibiotics for a couple of weeks, then go back to get the stone broken up.

But letting the stone hang out for months? Yikes. Maybe my urologist is just more aggressive. With my stuck stone, it started on a Thursday morning. I saw the urologist Monday. He said he didn’t think I could pass it on my own and he wasn’t going to make me wait it out, so first thing Tuesday morning I was getting the stent put in. If letting it stay there for months is the norm, I guess I owe my urologist a huge thank you!

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On 12/7/2023 at 11:18 AM, AgathaC said:

I didn’t really watch — just kind of scanned through in preview mode — but it sounded like they were putting in a stent and potentially “getting the stones out.” Not sure if that meant lithotripsy or some other procedure. Basically, the stuck stone started acting up again, causing extreme pain and vomiting. They admitted her and decided to put the stent in to help the stone move and allow fluid to flow past it. They were either going to remove the stone or have to go back and do it later.

I had a stuck stone five years ago with a similar procedure. They put in the stent, but it was clear there was an infection and you can’t do lithotripsy when there’s an infection (could send that infection into the bloodstream). So, I had to go home, take antibiotics for a couple of weeks, then go back to get the stone broken up.

But letting the stone hang out for months? Yikes. Maybe my urologist is just more aggressive. With my stuck stone, it started on a Thursday morning. I saw the urologist Monday. He said he didn’t think I could pass it on my own and he wasn’t going to make me wait it out, so first thing Tuesday morning I was getting the stent put in. If letting it stay there for months is the norm, I guess I owe my urologist a huge thank you!

I had symptoms of a stone in April and didn’t have it taken out until August because I wasn’t having severe pain (as well as scheduling issues). Wouldn’t recommend waiting that long bc now my creatinine is high and we’re not sure if it’s related or not. The stent was the worst part of it for me. Very painful to have it in, but I only had it in after surgery for a week to minimize ureteral scarring.

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48 minutes ago, Eureka said:

I had symptoms of a stone in April and didn’t have it taken out until August because I wasn’t having severe pain (as well as scheduling issues). Wouldn’t recommend waiting that long bc now my creatinine is high and we’re not sure if it’s related or not. The stent was the worst part of it for me. Very painful to have it in, but I only had it in after surgery for a week to minimize ureteral scarring.

Waiting can also increase chances for infection and kidney problems (as I understand it). Maybe I’m fortunate but i couldn’t even tell my stent was in there — I had it for about six weeks. I wasn’t allowed to swim or take a bath, but I’m not a big swimmer and am more of a shower person, so didn’t really care.

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16 hours ago, ginger90 said:


Bless Katie 🙄.  There is this thing called google that can help.  

foods high in sodium, cola beverages, fast foods, processed meats, certain supplements, black tea, chocolate, spinach, soy milk, almonds, cashews, soy beans.

Of course the doctor is the expert, but this is a start.  Whatcha eating Katie??

Edited by Natalie68
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22 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Bless Katie 🙄.  There is this thing called google that can help.  

foods high in sodium, cola beverages, fast foods, processed meats, certain supplements, black tea, chocolate, spinach, soy milk, almonds, cashews, soy beans.

Of course the doctor is the expert, but this is a start.  Whatcha eating Katie??

Omg.  I'm surprised I don't have stone.  (Knocks wood.)

Is there a family predisposition to those?


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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

Bless Katie 🙄.  There is this thing called google that can help.  

foods high in sodium, cola beverages, fast foods, processed meats, certain supplements, black tea, chocolate, spinach, soy milk, almonds, cashews, soy beans.

Of course the doctor is the expert, but this is a start.  Whatcha eating Katie??

You read my mind!!

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My husband has had kidney stones in the past. He naturally produces a lot of uric acid and is also prone to gout. He  has a prescription to reduce his production of uric acid/purines and he has not had a recurrence of either the stones or the gout. It runs in his family- his brother also has the same problem.

That said, maybe Katie’s diet is the problem. No one else in the family seems to have had any issues.

Edited by 3 is enough
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3 hours ago, zenme said:

Is there a family predisposition to those?


Kind of. Having a first-degree relative with stones increases your chances of having one. https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/kidney-stones/#causes

Topic: Better give up the Starbucks and ice cream, Katie. Carlin will be crushed. 

Edited by Heathen
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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

I always thought stones fell into two categories, proteins based and calcium based, so recommended dietary changes would be specific to the stones found.

From the article I posted: "Up to 75 percent of all kidney stones are composed primarily of calcium. Stones can also be made up of uric acid (a normal waste product), cystine (a protein building block), or struvite (a phosphate mineral). Stones form when there is more of the compound in the urine than can be dissolved. This imbalance can occur when there is an increased amount of the material in the urine, a reduced amount of liquid urine, or a combination of both."

Bad news for the Starbucks in Katie's area, I guess. Then again, maybe there is hope that she won't be like her mother or sister Carlin. 


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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

I always thought stones fell into two categories, proteins based and calcium based, so recommended dietary changes would be specific to the stones found.

It seems extremely odd that her doctors let her leave the hospital without giving dietary advice, imho. When I had my gallbladder removed, they gave me instructions before I went home. Written instructions.

3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I think a lot of surgeons do surgery, provide post surgery instruction and leave the aftercare, if there is any, up to the PCPs or specialists. 

Yeah, I landed in the hospital for a week with gallbladder pancreatitis precisely I hadn’t had any insurance coverage for a few years. Hence no PCP and no aftercare. Luckily, the surgery solved the problem. 

Edited by AstridM
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On 12/14/2023 at 6:43 PM, AstridM said:

It seems extremely odd that her doctors let her leave the hospital without giving dietary advice, imho. When I had my gallbladder removed, they gave me instructions before I went home. Written instructions.

Unlike gallstones, which are virtually all composed of cholesterol, kidney stones can be made up of different substances.  Calcium is most common, but not the only cause.  So, when someone passes kidney stones, they have to be analyzed in the lab to see what they contain in order to give advice on diet.  It is unlikely that the results were available when she went home.  Also, diet restrictions for kidney stones aren't nearly as helpful as we'd like.  Staying well hydrated is the most important part.

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On 12/14/2023 at 6:40 PM, Heathen said:

From the article I posted: "Up to 75 percent of all kidney stones are composed primarily of calcium. Stones can also be made up of uric acid (a normal waste product), cystine (a protein building block), or struvite (a phosphate mineral). Stones form when there is more of the compound in the urine than can be dissolved. This imbalance can occur when there is an increased amount of the material in the urine, a reduced amount of liquid urine, or a combination of both."

Bad news for the Starbucks in Katie's area, I guess. Then again, maybe there is hope that she won't be like her mother or sister Carlin. 


I am into spiritual roots of disease -...but one of the possible roots is...

envy and jealousy. Ya THINK...raised in that household with so many kids...and no attention....sheesh....

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I noticed that from the earliest days after she was born she was smiling and almost in a few weeks she was laughing. I believe it might have something to do with the love and attention that her parents and Travis's family have showered her with. To me this is a reason not to rush to have another baby. All babies deserve to have their time as the baby before another one takes his or her place. She is a little doll.

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2 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

I just came here to say that Hailey is the cutest, happiest baby I’ve ever seen!

Hailey is very lucky. The Clarks adore her and dote on her. Ma and Pa Clark are problematic in a lot of ways, but they'll never let that little girl go without. I hope Katie keeps that in mind whenever she gets the urge to move back to TN. With that said, I don't think she'll be an only child much longer. I think both Katie and Carlin will announce pregnancies in 2024, especially now that Josie's having her third. 

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14 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I agree Haley is a very much loved, happy little girl, but I've seen both Ma Clark and Katie be kind of firm with her in ways to harsh for Haley's age. Other than that though, her little life is filled with attention and love.

What in the world could a baby under the age of 1 do that would require a family member to be “firm”?

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21 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I agree Haley is a very much loved, happy little girl, but I've seen both Ma Clark and Katie be kind of firm with her in ways to harsh for Haley's age. Other than that though, her little life is filled with attention and love.

Oh, wow, in what ways? I'm not disagreeing with you, I just don't watch a lot of their YouTube, so I haven't noticed. 

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1 hour ago, farmgal4 said:

What in the world could a baby under the age of 1 do that would require a family member to be “firm”?

1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Oh, wow, in what ways? I'm not disagreeing with you, I just don't watch a lot of their YouTube, so I haven't noticed. 

Ma C was showing Haley how to use a new toy and kept putting her hands where they should be. Ma C appeared a little frustrated with Haley, who was maybe somewhere between 3 and 6 months old, and was putting her hands back on the toy in a way that felt harsh.

Katie was a little harsh feeding her and at another time, which my old brain can't remember at the moment.


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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Does Kelly compete with the Clarks when gift giving? Seeing as they bought Haley a $1000+ bassinet for a shower gift, I can only imagine what her first birthday gift will be. A little Tesla? A shed sized play house? A pony 🐎😁?

Maybe a swing set? That would actually be a nice gift Hailey could grow into. 

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Will someone explain to me what makes a bassinet worth $1000?  Is it heated?  Is it multipurpose like the old bathinets?  If so, does it have jets like a Jacuzzi?  I'm very confused.

As to whether Kelly keeps up in gift giving, I seriously doubt it.  She and Gil are cheap.  I still remember when they had the gender reveal in NJ that they brought pizza for themselves and sat and ate it while Mama Clark was running around doing all the work.

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The $1000 bassinet was a Snoo. As I understand it it rocks and shushes the baby and responds with more stimulation when the baby fusses. People who use them swear it helps the babies sleep through the night sooner. But it is only good for the first 6 months then you have to wean them off it.

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