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S01.E16: Love is a Strange and Dangerous Thing

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Love is a Strange and Dangerous Thing (Season Finale)

Cassie and Jenny leave the Kleinsasser women to forge their own path, ridding themselves of their ranch troubles and heading back home. Along with Jerrie and Lindor, they finally get to see Ronald behind bars, though he quickly strips them of any satisfaction by leading them on a wild goose chase, straight into the arms of the syndicate. A brutal battle ensues, clearing a path for Scarlet and Ronald to escape, but while they run off into the sunset Jenny risks her life to save Cassie’s. Is this the end for our dynamic duo? Only time will tell on the season finale of “Big Sky”.

Spoiler much? Oh well, I guess I don't have to watch it now.



Original Airdate: May 18     Tuesdays at 10pm ET       ABC 


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What?!  "Scarlet and Ronald run off into the sunset."  Aargh... so season 2 will likely be more of the same.  I'll finish off this season but assuming he comes back for season 2, I most likely won't.  It's not necessarily that the bad guy keeps escaping (I liked James Purefoy on "The Following"), it's that I don't find this particular villain constantly escaping to be all that believable.  Plus he's just creepy and manipulative and I feel bad for that little girl that he almost killed and now is fearful of him, while not knowing that her mom killed her dad.

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So... yep.  So predictable, as I suggested just above.

1.  Ronald and whatshername are free and on the run.

2.  Legarski has a twin brother.

3.  Cheyenne gets everything.  No consequences for tampering with Blake’s body or for killing John Wayne.

Screw you, show.  I highly doubt I’ll be back next season.


This episode was completely filmed and in the can before the show was even renewed.  Were they told that renewal was guaranteed?  What if there was a surprise cancellation?  The show would have ended on a cliffhanger.

Screw you, show.   Possibly one of the most unsatisfying season finales ever. 

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Did I hear Ronald correctly?  Rick has a twin brother?  He's so going to be an identical twin, right?!  I guess we can look forward to John Caroll Lynch showing up with a moustache next season and finding new ways to devour everything in his path!  At least that's what I'm hoping for!

So, I was wrong and the Kleinsasser arc wasn't quite done yet.  But it held no surprises for the most part.  Basically, Margaret kept her word and did kill Horst by letting him actually choke on his own medicine (but did she poison it or something?  I couldn't quite tell), and now it looks like Cheyenne is running the show.  I guess she and Margaret pretended like they had no idea about all of the other crimes and bodies, which I guess I can buy knowing how the police operate here.  It certainly looks like Jenny at least isn't convinced, but there is nothing that can really be done apparently.  I wonder if this is it for them or not.  Seemed like they were at least setting up Cheyenne to come back into the fold someday.

Meanwhile, Ronald does gets arrested, but he makes it look like Scarlett was innocent, so why he's off in the holding cell doing his best Hannibal Lector imitation, Scarlett gets in contact with that mysterious organization Ronald and Rick worked for, and he gets sprung with ease.  So, they've got new identities and everything.  But wait!  The merc or whoever he was that rescued him didn't want to risk getting Scarlett's daughter as well, so Ronald and Scarlett do what they do best: kill him and are planning on getting her themselves!  Oh, you two crazy, creepy little lovebirds!  Yeah, yeah, I know I should hate them and I will probably be happy the day they are finally brought down, but for now, I'm going to continue getting a kick out of this duo going Natural Born Killers on this joint.  Certainly helps that Anja Savcic's campy performance matches Brian Geraghty's in the "cuckoo for coco puffs" category.

It was nice of Jerrie to remind everyone that there use to be characters known as Grace and Danielle on this show.

The majority of the heroes are down for the count, but I'm guessing most will pull through (surprised Tubb survived the shootout), with the only question mark being Jenny, after getting shot in the chest (because she decided to yell "Hey, you!" instead of just... shooting the man with the gun?), and losing a lot of blood.  But unless Katheryn Winnick was only down for one season, I can see Jenny surviving it somehow.  But I imagine there will be a lot of hospital bed scenes in her future.  Don't see her walking it off like she when the hotel room collapsed on her!  Until then, it's Cassie by herself on the rampage!

I guess they had enough faith in being picked up for a second season to leave it on a cliffhanger like this.  I'll imagine I'll be back.  Won't say it's a great or even good show (and the second half faired worse than the first part), but there is no denying that I was entertained by almost all of it.  If nothing else, the scenery and cast; both scenery chewing and otherwise; is enough to stick around.

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So Ronald is actually a serial killer-this is news to us, right? (Though certainly not unexpected). I think I preferred him and Scarlett as reactive/adventitious killers. Sloppy of him to leave Kelli's body where it could be found eventually, rather than in the ground, burned, or otherwise destroyed. 

Lol'd at Cassie, curls bouncing perfectly, taking the Uzi(?) and jacking the sheriff car. She and Jenny couldn't even see past the red wig and Harry Potter specs to recognize Ronald for the last several months(?), I have zero confidence in her ability to track and capture those 2.

So Ronald, who seemed to be a reluctant, minor participant in the original human trafficking scheme with Big Rick, is now important enough to the ringleaders to spend time/money/henchmen to spring- so he and Scarlett can flee to Canada with new identities?

Didn't get the use of 'Chances Are'-was that explained? The sound track usually amuses me, but I was somewhat disappointed in the too- obvious choice of 'Crazy on You' for the gunfight/escape scene. 

Rick has a twin, eh? I'm hoping they turn this cliche on it's head, and make him a genuine good guy.

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Ugh. Just ugh. It's like the script meetings say, "Can we beat people over the head with edgy foreshadowing? And then LET THEM SEE IT?" Oh, yeah...it's another super-powered crazy guy. So predictable and stupid. 

A twin? Generic!BadGuys! in a utility truck. Crazy super villain knows exactly when the rescue is coming! 

I'm out. I don't care about any of the characters.


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I'm still trying to figure out how "the Syndicate" knew exactly where and how to rescue Ronald.  Whatshername calls up "John Milton" and gives the code phrase.  I am assuming that "John Milton" is Legarski's twin (Paradise Lost and all that).  He sends that guy to Whatshername's house to collect her and the hard drive that has all of Legarski's data.  Did Ronald set all of this up in advance?  "Hey when we give you that phrase, it means I have been captured, but I will svengali the cops into letting me visit the warehouse building.  I'm going to assume that I will be captured by the Helena police and that I will be on my way back from the warehouse to the sheriff station.  So just set your guys up along the way to save me.  After the call goes through, count 3.5 hours and be waiting."

So ludicrous.  So many things that don't make sense to me. 

1) Wasn't that Whatshername's house and not his house?  I guess they have location tracking etc so they know where to go. 

2) Has the Syndicate been tracking Ronald and Whatshername all this time, to the point where they have surveillance on her daughter to get her to cooperate?  Why not just tell her that Ronald sent them. 

3) Why wasn't Ronald shackled with arms behind his back and feet shackled and chained to a ring in the floor of the sheriff car? 

4) That stupid wig came off that easily to the point where she just lightly picks it up and it comes off just like that?  Wouldn't it have been secured better to his hair with bobby pins or something?  He wore the wig to bed every night, if it comes off that easily, surely it would have done so every night when he tosses and turns.

40 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

So Ronald, who seemed to be a reluctant, minor participant in the original human trafficking scheme with Big Rick, is now important enough to the ringleaders to spend time/money/henchmen to spring- so he and Scarlett can flee to Canada with new identities?

Didn't get the use of 'Chances Are'-was that explained? The sound track usually amuses me, but I was somewhat disappointed in the too- obvious choice of 'Crazy on You' for the gunfight/escape scene. 

Rick has a twin, eh? I'm hoping they turn this cliche on it's head, and make him a genuine good guy.

He claims to have been a nobody, but who knows.  I think "Chances Are" was a song that Legarski liked... it was foreshadowing that he is behind it all.  I was only surprised that the last shot of the season was not a shot of Legarski twin stepping out of a car, first we see his shoes and then a slow pan upward to his face, and him saying hello.

30 minutes ago, WAnglais1 said:

Ugh. Just ugh. It's like the script meetings say, "Can we beat people over the head with edgy foreshadowing? And then LET THEM SEE IT?" Oh, yeah...it's another super-powered crazy guy. So predictable and stupid. 

A twin? Generic!BadGuys! in a utility truck. Crazy super villain knows exactly when the rescue is coming! 

I'm out. I don't care about any of the characters.

I think I am out too.  I fully agree that I don't care about any of the characters.  The writers have given me zero reasons to care about Cassie or Jenny.  At least we saw Jenny's son again.  But Cassie's son seems to have disappeared.  No mention of him at all, no calling her dad to check up on him to make sure they are ok.  Jerrie is a one-note character that I feel is being crammed down our throats in the name of representation.  "Oh that Jerrie, she is SO BRAVE, she confronted her demon and took him down!  Jerrie Jerrie Jerrie!  She did it!  Now she will be a PI next season!"  Whatever.

All of the villains are just cartoon characters.  Oh, here is little Cheyenne bringing her poisoned cupcakes to Jenny, yes Jenny, she is free and you will always have to worry about her.  I despise this character and this actress.  I feel like the actress binge watched all three seasons of "Yellowstone" when she learned she got the part and made her attempt to be Beth Dutton Junior.  Ronald and Whatshername are just too unbelievable to be compelling.  And I don't care for the Legarski actor at all, and now we for sure are going to see him next season as the Mastermind Twin chewing scenery and more of the same.

No thanks.  I love CJ Box, but his books are much more intelligent and thoughtful and much better planned than this show.  You get a much better sense of the characters and their motivations.  And things make sense and aren't just done for shock value.  I wonder if he has any creative input at all, or if they just take his characters and do whatever they want.  

Edited by blackwing
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22 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

So Ronald is actually a serial killer-this is news to us, right? (Though certainly not unexpected). I think I preferred him and Scarlett as reactive/adventitious killers. Sloppy of him to leave Kelli's body where it could be found eventually, rather than in the ground, burned, or otherwise destroyed. 

Lol'd at Cassie, curls bouncing perfectly, taking the Uzi(?) and jacking the sheriff car. She and Jenny couldn't even see past the red wig and Harry Potter specs to recognize Ronald for the last several months(?), I have zero confidence in her ability to track and capture those 2.

So Ronald, who seemed to be a reluctant, minor participant in the original human trafficking scheme with Big Rick, is now important enough to the ringleaders to spend time/money/henchmen to spring- so he and Scarlett can flee to Canada with new identities?

Didn't get the use of 'Chances Are'-was that explained? The sound track usually amuses me, but I was somewhat disappointed in the too- obvious choice of 'Crazy on You' for the gunfight/escape scene. 

Rick has a twin, eh? I'm hoping they turn this cliche on it's head, and make him a genuine good guy.

I think Ronald became important to the sex traffickers because Ronald took the hard drive that "Big Rick" had from the wall in Big Rick's house.

'Chances Are' was the record on the phonograph in Kelli and Ronald's "Love Shack".

Here's hoping that Big Rick's twin brother is named "Big Dick" and that he was the evil one. Give him a big black waxed moustache and is leader of the sex trafficking ring and he can't wait to get his hands on the women who captured his little brother. Maybe they can have a plot where "Big Dick" tries to break Merrilee Legarski out of prison so he dispense his own form of justice.

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9 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

I think Ronald became important to the sex traffickers because Ronald took the hard drive that "Big Rick" had from the wall in Big Rick's house.

That the head traffickers would know he found/took the hard drive is a hand wave.

Missed Ronald ditching his John Denver wig. I wasn't watching that closely. Darn, that scene would have been golden.

Ground has been laid for a Cassie-and-the-marshal hook up. Where does Cassie board her horse, at the dead-body-poisoned-water ranch?

Jenny was shot once in the upper abdomen. On all other cop shows when one of the good guys gets shot like that, they go to the hospital where the diagnosis is "No vital organs were hit, just tissue damage. She'll be okay." I'm expecting the same for Jenny.

But WTH during the shoot out ... you yell at the bad guy instead of just freaking SHOOTING him? And then your friend is shot and you bend down and shout at her to STAY WITH ME! and get all verklempt instead of being proactive and using one of those cop radios to call the EMTs/police like STAT? Montana has plenty of empty space and lonely roads, it would take EMTs ages to get wherever they were. But then again, hand wave.

It's Rancher Dad's own fault he choked to death on all his pills. You don't dump a handful of pills into your mouth and try to dry swallow them. Unless you are a kick-ass bad tough guy. I guess I answered my own statement. Dude even tried to Heimlich himself by bouncing on the floor, which I thought was pretty funny. If watching some guy die is funny.

I find Ronald tedious and un-watchable. Didn't care for him playing the marshal and I am not looking forward to seeing him again. I was all for those two skipping into Canada and being gone from my teevee forever. The bad-dude driver should have just said "We'll send your kid to you once you get settled in White Horse." End of that story. (I wish.)

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12 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Did I hear Ronald correctly?  Rick has a twin brother?  He's so going to be an identical twin, right?!  I guess we can look forward to John Caroll Lynch showing up with a moustache next season and finding new ways to devour everything in his path!  At least that's what I'm hoping for!

The most important line in the episode for me! I am really hoping we get JCL back, because I miss him. 

I actually enjoyed this episode more than the last few because even though Ronald isn't as compelling to me as Legarski was, I still prefer this to the weird family I had a hard time keeping track of. 

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3 hours ago, blackwing said:

Jerrie is a one-note character that I feel is being crammed down our throats in the name of representation.  "Oh that Jerrie, she is SO BRAVE, she confronted her demon and took him down!  Jerrie Jerrie Jerrie!  She did it!  Now she will be a PI next season!"  Whatever.

This! There was no reason at all for that character to be in the second half of the season anyway, but now to be elevated to work as a PI...it's even more ridiculous than Ronald as an untouchable supervillian.  No season 2 for me.  

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16 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Jenny, after getting shot in the chest (because she decided to yell "Hey, you!" instead of just... shooting the man with the gun?)

First thing I thought. Don't announce your presence, just shoot! 

This show is really weird and took a turn for the worse after the trafficking plot line wrapped. That'll do, for me.

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5 hours ago, blackwing said:

4) That stupid wig came off that easily to the point where she just lightly picks it up and it comes off just like that?  Wouldn't it have been secured better to his hair with bobby pins or something?  He wore the wig to bed every night, if it comes off that easily, surely it would have done so every night when he tosses and turns.

I had the same thought. The big revelation of this episode for me was that Ronald was indeed wearing a wig, as opposed to the hair and makeup department just giving the character a bad wig that was meant to be his real hair. I'm guessing that his girlfriend knew it was a wig the entire time, and just didn't want to say anything.

LOL at Cheyenne's white lion cupcakes. She doesn't seem like the type to bake. I would have eaten them though.

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6 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Rick has a twin, eh? I'm hoping they turn this cliche on it's head, and make him a genuine good guy.

Now I am assuming everyone has a twin. Cassie and Jenny probably have evil ones!

Edited by MaryHedwig
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41 minutes ago, MaryHedwig said:

Now I am assuming everyone has a twin. Cassie and Jenny probably have evil ones!

Don’t give them any ideas.  Next season we will probably get introduced to Terrie, Jerrie’s heretofore never mentioned twin.  Terrie is also  transgender and speaks in an equally tremulous monotone.  The better to give the actress even more to do.

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So we’re supposed to believe Ronald gave up Kelli to put him at the pick up point where the syndicate could scoop him up right? How did he know the timing would work out? Is this a James Bond movie now? He also had two different people six inches away emptying their clips trying to shoot him point blank in the head. Is he sex pervert Magneto now?

It made me laugh/cringe that Scarlett bit his hand sexily while he was pretending to hold her hostage. Can y'all ever give your pain kink a rest? They're even unspeakably horny while cornered by the cops.

Complain all you want about Ronald being elevated to some untouchable super villain, but I’m just as disgruntled by Jenny’s immortality. She survives getting hit with a semi truck and now two episodes later will obviously survive a direct shot to the chest?  Which I noticed had magically moved down to her side by the next shot (good catch @saber5055), probably to make her survival more plausible. One minute she’s bleeding out on the asphalt and the next minute she is only slightly woozy and talking to Cassie as she gets loaded into the ambulance? Having just had my heart ripped out by the latest episode of Mare of Easttown, Jenny’s obvious impending miraculous recovery from a clearly mortal wound grates on me. 

Also, I joined a few episodes late and had no idea Jenny even had a kid, so seeing her at home making grandiose declarations of improving her future parenting (another point in the obviously going to die column, I assumed after she had gotten shot) to not just a kid, but a lanky 15-year-old, was disconcerting. How old is she supposed to be? And why bother even giving her and Cassie kids if we never see them? The writers are obviously bored by their home life, so they should’ve just left it at dead partners if they are never going to bother with family scenes. Their kids have been in like two episodes maximum. 

More tepid flirting between Cassie and Older Cop! Their forced romantic banter is painful. I want her to have a love interest, but not him. He feels very paternal towards her in an incredibly awkward way. Very “45 year old trying to pick up 23 year old in a bar.” 

Since everyone wants Ronald, Cheyenne, and Jeri gone, I'm sure next season will feature Jeri and Cheyenne going undercover to Canada to find Ronald, only to be repelled by his invisible force field!

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24 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

And why bother even giving her and Cassie kids if we never see them? The writers are obviously bored by their home life, so they should’ve just left it at dead partners if they are never going to bother with family scenes. Their kids have been in like two episodes maximum. 

If you missed the first couple episodes, I guess you missed that one of the kidnapped girls was Jenny's son's girlfriend. That's why they got involved in the case. So the kid was there to be a plot device to drive the season.

I am not sure why Cassie needs a kid. Maybe to get kidnapped next season or something.

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57 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

If you missed the first couple episodes, I guess you missed that one of the kidnapped girls was Jenny's son's girlfriend. That's why they got involved in the case. So the kid was there to be a plot device to drive the season.

I am not sure why Cassie needs a kid. Maybe to get kidnapped next season or something.

In the books, Cassie’s son is friends with a kid that gets kidnapped by Ronald.  So I agree, maybe next season her son gets kidnapped.  

But the storyline of Ronald and whatshername and the Syndicate doesn’t appear in the books, so who knows.  It seems this show is only loosely based on the books.   There’s also no Jerrie and Jenny isn’t a PI, she’s just Cody’s wife and barely appears.

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On 5/18/2021 at 9:48 PM, thuganomics85 said:

It was nice of Jerrie to remind everyone that there use to be characters known as Grace and Danielle on this show.

Could you imagine how awkward the second conversation with them must have been though? "Hi girls, you remember how I said Ronald had been caught? Well, as it turns out, he talked us into letting him go and he introduced us to some more murderous bad guys, one of whom shot Jenny. And Cassie could have killed Ronald except she kinda forgot how to aim. Oh, also Ronald has a girlfriend and as it turns out she's also a psycho killer. But enough about us, how have you girls been?"

Edited by dwmarch
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I am so not surprised that this ended with Scarlett and Ronald driving off into the sunset to continue their goofy crime spree, or that Legarski presumably has an identical twin somewhere. Of course, the only shock to me is that we didn't find out that Jenny is a long lost Kleinsasser or something. This show is the weirdest train wreck, if there's another season I know I'll watch. Its hard to look away, every creative decision is so specifically bizarre. 

Jenny survives being run over by a truck, but maybe not getting shot in the abdomen. Just a piece of advice, maybe when your about to shoot an armed bad guy about to kill your best friend, don't give him a heads up before you shoot him, just do it. I think its alright to be a bit rude in this situation. 

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This show is absolutely crazy. 

Sometimes it's so far removed from reality it's nonsensical yet at other times it's extremely cliched and predictable.  

Which are just a couple of the reasons I love it and loved the finale last night.  

I'm definitely be all in for season 2.  

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22 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

I had the same thought. The big revelation of this episode for me was that Ronald was indeed wearing a wig, as opposed to the hair and makeup department just giving the character a bad wig that was meant to be his real hair. I'm guessing that his girlfriend knew it was a wig the entire time, and just didn't want to say anything.

She knew who he was and sought him out, so that's my guess too.  It almost looked like they'd never slept together (that kiss was so OMG! so it seemed like a first time, which made zero sense) but as someone else said, why hasn't that wig come off before?  And omg show, did you HAVE to make him look like a demented John Denver, the love of my life?  GAH!

I hated the subplot with the ranch.  I'm not sure I'll be watching next season.


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So the same Ronald who was bullied by his mom and bullied by Legarski, is actually a calculating master criminal who knows who to call to take out a police caravan? And had a plan in place for escaping in case he gets caught?

Man, the stupid of this show. 

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At the beginning, I thought there were some good outcomes developing. Horst died a painful death, as he deserved.  Ronald gets captured. Sheriff Wagy is arrested at the Kleinsasser's. Then it begings to unravel.  Ronald/Arthur and Scarlett (if that is her real name) are just made for each other. Poor Phoebe - she'll keep a therapist employed for years if she excapes the crazy that are her mother and her mother's boyfriend.

I was really hoping Jerrie was going to pull the trigger instead of letting Ronald be arrested. I wish they'd taken care of Ronald for good,, meaning he's dead. And of course Legarski has a twin brother who can reach out from beyond the grave to help out.  I'll probably keep watching even though things are being dragged out for no good reason.

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On 5/19/2021 at 7:00 PM, dmc said:

I like this show. there I admit it.  It's trainwreck but I still cannot turn away.  

Agreed. Although I wouldn’t go so far as to say I like it. It’s so silly and ridiculous, it’s like I can’t stop watching. 

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1 hour ago, ShellsandCheese said:

Agreed. Although I wouldn’t go so far as to say I like it. It’s so silly and ridiculous, it’s like I can’t stop watching. 

At first I was like this show is so dumb and it is. The goodbye sequence of murderer characters set to music was truly something I have never seen before in a tv show.  The plots are insane. The acting is remedial.  But I enjoy it.  I’m actually eager to watch the episodes.  Granted if this were not Covid and I hadn’t gone through every single television show I’ve ever seen maybe it would be different. 


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On 5/22/2021 at 9:07 PM, mythoughtis said:

What was with the volume of the music this episode? It was impossible to hear some of the dialogue. 

I admit I did love them resurrecting "Crazy On You" for the final scenes.  Great choice.  

(I had a similar volume issue watching Netflix Selena series.  I had to jack up the volume during dialogue scenes but as soon as a musical scene came on, the volume was way too loud, I was constantly reaching for the remote to fiddle with the volume and it was pretty frustrating.)  

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7 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I admit I did love them resurrecting "Crazy On You" for the final scenes.  Great choice.  

(I had a similar volume issue watching Netflix Selena series.  I had to jack up the volume during dialogue scenes but as soon as a musical scene came on, the volume was way too loud, I was constantly reaching for the remote to fiddle with the volume and it was pretty frustrating.)  

I liked the music ... just not while the characters were whispering.  

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No. No. No. I cannot take another season of Ronald & Psycho Scarlet. Can’t. Won’t. I wanted to like this show but it’s ridiculous and I don’t mean entertaining ridiculous. It’s cringy ridiculous. 

Edited by limecoke
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I will defer to the unshaven, violent and crude, but elequent Tuco from The Good , The Bad, and The Ugly. 

Did anyone notice that the giant utility truck was in its own lane and the Sheriff was on the wrong side?

Our intrepid lawmen fail to notice that Cassie picks up a loaded rifle, strides through the crowd, finger on the trigger area, completely undisturbed.  And no one gives chase after she jacks the patrol car.

Plot twist for season 2 - Cheyenne hooks up with the survivors of the Yellowstone blowout and now controls approximately 75% of Montana.

On 5/24/2021 at 8:17 AM, Persnickety1 said:

I admit I did love them resurrecting "Crazy On You" for the final scenes.  Great choice.  

One of the earlier episodes matched up Steve Earle's Copperhead Road for a Hassenfeffer Ranch scene.

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2 hours ago, BellyLaughter said:

Is anyone else hovering between "this show is absolute garbage" and "I can't stop watching..."  Help me!

Hovering?, This show is absolute garbage and I can't stop watching...

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On 5/26/2021 at 9:34 PM, limecoke said:

No. No. No. I cannot take another season of Ronald & Psycho Scarlet. Can’t. Won’t. I wanted to like this show but it’s ridiculous and I don’t mean entertaining ridiculous. It’s cringy ridiculous. 

I agree. I thought this show had potential, but I really dislike it.  It’s as if it checks off the boxes for everything I detest in a show. Ughhh….done.  

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