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S36.E19: The World is Not Enough

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Fessy is such a loser.   I hope Kaycee dumps him, but I doubt it.    And he still doesn’t get why giving up makes him a loser, not Kaycee’s knee.   He doesn’t get that CT can back up his big talk   Fessy can get to the end, but can’t seal the deal    And it will really chap him that he could have had Amber as a partner.

CT and Amber did a great job and he killed it on the math thing.   I hated when they do the fake outs, like will CT dump Amber, or are they going to lose because they went off course, but CT’s experience got them back on track. Amber would have just kept going.  

I get Leroy’s frustration, but he did sound entitled in the one talking head.  

Big T and Aneesa have to really think about their game plan.  Neither of them has any endurance.    CT was a jerk in how he said it, but he was right.  Big T wasn’t ready for a final.   She wouldn’t have made it to the first check point.  

Edited by DEL901
  • Love 15
40 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

I hated when they do the fake outs, like will CT dump Amber, or are they going to lose because they went off course

I’ve been watching The Challenge long enough to know not to fall for it and I usually catch it but they got me this time on the “going the wrong way” part.

I thought in the back of my mind “they’re fucking with me. They’re not gonna lose their lead” but I did panic a little.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 14

To be honest, CT is the last person I wanted to win. I don’t dislike him, but I am over him. 

Leroy’s last words made me cry. Kam teared me up with her words of wishing that someone like them would win. I’m hoping that yesterday’s verdict gave her hope. 

Nany did her best, and I won’t mind seeing her again. I’m sure we will see Amber again. 

  • Love 7

There was absolutely no suspense to this. They tried, but MTV can't edit for crap. I guess all the Leroy hero edit stuff was to give him a nice sendoff?

While CT will get credit for his lion-share of the work, Amber deserves a ton of praise for keeping a cool head and not melting down. I do think some rookies (and not-so-rookies) would've cracked under the pressure of the all-nighter in the glacier (even without using about five puns).

I enjoyed this season. Iceland is one of the most gorgeous places I have absolutely no desire to visit. Like Prague before it, cold-weather challenges continue to provide the most interesting interpersonal dynamics. I hope they never go back to a sprawling beach villa ever again.

  • Love 11

Fessy didn't win or even place. Yay! Whoever decided to use Karma Chameleon over that montage of him and Kaycee? Good work, that was perfection. I loved how everyone knew he was going to blame it all on Kaycee and not on the fact that he wouldn't eat. I believed Kaycee would have tried to run up and down that mountain with one leg. He just gave up. He should have quit as soon as she hurt herself then, instead of letting her eat that crap.

I almost screamed when it looked like CT and Amber B was going to lose because they went the wrong way. I found myself really rooting for them because they busted their ass that whole finale. And CT proved why no one wanted him to make it to the finale, lol.

I felt bad for Leroy for not winning but I was also happy for Cory because of that damn curse all season and for Kam because she was amazing.

I really wanted a producer to give Amber B a wet nap or something to wipe that nasty blood off her face after the eating challenge. Ew.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 12

Great ending. Only sad part was Leroy walking away with nothing . . . but he took it like a champion. If he does come back (either on the "regular" series or All Stars) we wouldn't hold it against him, right? Fuck it . . . if The Amazing Race starts up again one day, he and Kam can run it after taking a few years off.

People might give Nany shit for falling short in the end, but any lack of effort on her part was so tiny compared to Fessy. Oh my GAWD, he's gonna be the new villain . . . or at least the pain in the ass that BMP can always call to make it about himself. I'm a little upset Teege didn't unload on him for not eating and letting Kaycee down. Well, there is the Reunion. I think Part One is everyone taking shots at him. How bad is Fessy? Josh > Fessy. I didn't even think that shit was possible.

It’s  going to be hard to judge Amber for her win. I think editing shortchanged her. I don't think she rode on Darrell's back for most of the season or CT's back for the final mission, but I feel like I still don't know her. You can come to me next month, present me with both Ambers, and I'd probably guess wrong about the one that won $450K.

CT is now a certified G.O.A.T. candidate, yes? Darrell also has four titles, but that was so long ago. I don't think he deserves all the credit for the win, but he did a lot of heavy lifting. Of course, there will probably be speculation whether BMP made it easy for him, especially with the "Security Breach" that allowed him to take Josh's Skull, Aside from that and viciously cutting Big T off, he played a great game. He wound up winning with Amber, and they were together on that one mission. That's impressive on both sides, but I think the final pairings added to CT's degree of difficulty. That would have happened even if he wound up with Nany or Kaycee (the other women he didn't work with).

Cory and Kam can probably write their tickets back to the show. Cory pounding on the fourth wall with Fessy's failures was priceless.

ETA for MTV: I don’t give two shits about your new dating show, and that was BEFORE you forced Ashley down my throat.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 14

The weather made it more challenging for them to do this endurance race but it covered up that last mountain and you couldn't really see where they were.

They could have had overhead shots from a drone or helicopter but why would they?  They wanted us to think there was some suspense on whether CT and Amber would be caught.

Guess most of them didn't have covid, because if your CV fitness is hit even one bit, it's hard to imagine going through this Final, let alone completing it.

They threw all the puzzles at them but several of them were already in the Daily Challenges so it should haven't been much of a contest.

CT and Amber built up a big lead but I think the eating challenge separated them from the rest.  No way for the others to make up ground and then there was the 5 minute lead after sleeping in the ice cave.

Leroy could go to the All Stars, if they get enough ratings to keep it going.  So could Nany.

  • Love 6

CT is the GOAT. All 4 of his wins are in the modern era. He won as an individual. He won with a male and female partner. He won on a team.

He would have won the Duel had he not been disqualified on a silly technicality. Would have won Rivals if Adam didn’t throw the final challenge. Would have won the one where Big Easy died in the final. Probably should have won Exes with Diem, but he created foot marks in the snow that made it easier for Johnny and Camilla to climb the mountain. 

And I think he’s far from done. The last I saw him in pictures from the reunion, he looked like Rivals 2 CT. He doesn’t have a dad bod or a fatherly figure anymore. He’s legitimately fit again. 

  • Useful 1
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So so happy for CT and Amber. CT a challenge legend and Amber an underestimated rookie. She dominated in the final, and she was the best runner of all the women. CT showing once again why people try to keep him from the final. It's not about brute strength (Fessy), the final is about the most well rounded challenger, and the checkpoints are great equalizers. I see someone upthread said that Amber andCT were almost an hour ahead at some point. They were clearly the dominate team. Kudos to them. 

Happy for Cory and Kam, they did great, they came in second because Kam was faster than Nany. Kam playa a great social game and she's a pretty well rounded challenger. Leroy and Nany did well too. SO incredibly sad that this is Leroy's last season. I didn't realize that he had been doing this so long. I really like him, consider him one of the good guys. It's so cool to see how many people have great things to say about him outside the game. Will miss him for sure. 

Production playing Karma Chameleon was a stroke of genius once Fessy and Kaycee were out of the game. He is such a tool. He said that he couldn't compete all season, then the next breathe says he worked so hard. Which is it? Kaycee calling him a little bitch was spot on. She says that if she had a good knee Fessy would have ate, but I doubt it. He just proved that he doesn't have what it takes to be a challenge legend. Real challenge legends don't quit until TJ blows the horn. And he just say down while Kaycee was still eating? Weak. 

Every season I stay off social media of the challenge accounts and hashtags to stay unspoiled. I think it's more fun to watch the show that way. I made it all the way up until about two weeks ago before I stumbled upon someone spoiling it on twitter, just the part about CT though. It was still nice to watch it all play out. Gotta be more careful next season. Excited for the reunion. 

  • Love 11

I would have liked to see Leroy win, but I'm not mad at CT and Amber winning. They were a good pairing, Amber keeps running and doesn't gas out and CT is good at puzzles and eating. Good for Amber, I agree Fessy is probably kicking himself that he didn't stick with her. Speaking of Fessy, this was me when he and Kaycee got eliminated and Karma Chameleon started playing.

Hilary Duff Laughing GIF by YoungerTV

Captain America Laughing GIF by mtv

  • LOL 10
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Fessy is a quitter. He knew full well that if he dragged his feet they would time out or pull them because of Kaycee's injury. I know he'll be asked back and spin it one way or another but I agree with TJ, I don't want to see quitters on my TV. And though not a Josh fan, at least he would have given it his all at the end. 

  • Love 12

I’m trying to remember...was it Amber B who chose Kyle as her partner, guaranteeing CT a spot in the finale?  If so, that will go down as a great move.  She got back at Kyle for being a jerk and then, when Fessy dumped her, got CT who was availability because of her previous decision.   

And because it can’t be said enough, Fessy is a whiney little b*tch.   

eta, that was Nany.   

Edited by DEL901
  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

I’m trying to remember...was it Amber B who chose Kyle as her partner, guaranteeing CT a spot in the finale?  If so, that will go down as a great move.  She got back at Kyle for being a jerk and then, when Fessy dumped her, got CT who was availability because of her previous decision.   

And because it can’t be said enough, Fessy is a whiney little b*tch.   

No that was Nany who chose Kyle. I wonder how the ending would be had she done differently.

  • Love 4

Reading their EW interview, knowing they had close to an hour lead and Amber would actually run up the hills, look for direction, then run back down for CT is amazing (amber used to run up hills barefoot is insane.). They definitely were the perfect team and others would be idiotic to let them get to another final after that.

Also, apparently from the interview, Darrell told Amber to watch over CT. And Amber is dyslexic when it comes to numbers.

True underog story for Amber and yes to Fessy just looking lile the bitch he is.

  • Love 16

I’m so happy for Amber. There’s nothing sweeter than proving everyone wrong. 

I wanted Leroy to go out as a champ, but I like how he handled it. He didn’t throw Nany under the bus, and he took it in stride. He is a good partner. 

Fessy.....on the other hand. Not much more to say about him that hasn’t been said, but if he never showed up to another Challenge, it would be too soon. I don’t mind villains, but I need them to be entertaining. He is not that....at all! 


  • Love 12

I really think all of the teams were paired up really well for the final. If any of them switched it would have only hindered them. We saw that when CT and Kam were paired, they were both dominant and got in each other's way. Kam and Cory were great because she is the brains and can give direction and he takes direction well and thrives when he's clearly told what to do. I think Nany and Leroy are similar but Nany tends to not give good directions to him even though I think he'd be willing to listen. 

Once Fessy and Kacee were eliminated I was fine with whoever left winning as I liked all of the final six players. Cory used to bug me but I've really grown to like him as he's settled down more in his personal life. 

I have loved Kam since AYTO and her and Leroy's relationship is so cute. I got emotional when she was crying but was still so happy for her and the whole final six (final 8 too, including Fessy and Kacee) for representing minorities. I also liked when she called out the guys a couple of weeks ago for dogging on all the women. The women have helped these men tremendously so their constant need to discount them and their abilities was annoying. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses so in my eyes there is never one player that can be totally discounted. 

  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, carissa16 said:

I think Nany and Leroy are similar but Nany tends to not give good directions to him even though I think he'd be willing to listen

Nany tends to not give directions at all. I never thought Nany and Leroy made a good pair. Similar to how Kam and CT are two dominant personalities, Nany and Leroy are two "backseat" personalities. Nany and Leroy, in previous seasons, usually let other people take the wheel and give the directions.

Going off of their past seasons, Nany and Leroy are just too much alike. They were good at the same things and bad at the same things. I think the same of Leroy and Kaycee as they are good at the same things and bad at the same things. Nany was really slow when it came to puzzles and math and so was Leroy. From the looks of this final, Nany and Leroy have really brushed up on their math and puzzle skills since their previous seasons.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 7
13 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

Fessy didn't win or even place. Yay! Whoever decided to use Karma Chameleon over that montage of him and Kaycee? Good work, that was perfection.


And the use of The Cure's "Boys Don't Cry" during Fessy's eating challenge return was brilliant!

 All of us watching were busting up when those two songs came on to perfectly nail Fessy.

Edited by BeatLA24
Repeating someone else
  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

Also, another thing that made me chuckle was that when CT and Amber got to the tangram puzzle, they knocked it over to knock the pieces out.., and the pieces stayed in place lol

The other teams had the answer key and I assume they didn't even know it.

I am pretty sure they noticed the pieces stayed in place then then went over to it and got the pieces out while it was on the ground.

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Great ending. Only sad part was Leroy walking away with nothing . . . but he took it like a champion. If he does come back (either on the "regular" series or All Stars) we wouldn't hold it against him, right? Fuck it . . . if The Amazing Race starts up again one day, he and Kam can run it after taking a few years off.

People might give Nany shit for falling short in the end, but any lack of effort on her part was so tiny compared to Fessy. Oh my GAWD, he's gonna be the new villain . . . or at least the pain in the ass that BMP can always call to make it about himself. I'm a little upset Teege didn't unload on him for not eating and letting Kaycee down. Well, there is the Reunion. I think Part One is everyone taking shots at him. How bad is Fessy? Josh > Fessy. I didn't even think that shit was possible.

It’s  going to be hard to judge Amber for her win. I think editing shortchanged her. I don't think she rode on Darrell's back for most of the season or CT's back for the final mission, but I feel like I still don't know her. You can come to me next month, present me with both Ambers, and I'd probably guess wrong about the one that won $450K.

CT is now a certified G.O.A.T. candidate, yes? Darrell also has four titles, but that was so long ago. I don't think he deserves all the credit for the win, but he did a lot of heavy lifting. Of course, there will probably be speculation whether BMP made it easy for him, especially with the "Security Breach" that allowed him to take Josh's Skull, Aside from that and viciously cutting Big T off, he played a great game. He wound up winning with Amber, and they were together on that one mission. That's impressive on both sides, but I think the final pairings added to CT's degree of difficulty. That would have happened even if he wound up with Nany or Kaycee (the other women he didn't work with).

Cory and Kam can probably write their tickets back to the show. Cory pounding on the fourth wall with Fessy's failures was priceless.

ETA for MTV: I don’t give two shits about your new dating show, and that was BEFORE you forced Ashley down my throat.

I would LOVE to see Kam and Leroy on Amazing Race. They would be, well.... amazing. 😀

  • Love 8

They tried bouncing CT on night *one*.  And from his last interview, he’s not done yet.  Going to be a lot harder for him to get all the way through a season, though, with the way the rookies no longer roll over for the vets.

Amber got her BB redemption.  I hope all of those assholes watched this and seethed.  Well Derrick and Nicole wouldn’t give a shit but I hope the rest of them feel badly about themselves.

Faysal quit, TJ.  Waving the cup of blood around doesn’t count so he should never be allowed back, right?

Cory has jokes! Who knew?

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Cory has jokes! Who knew?

AND Production gave him the punchline by putting the recording over his hand. I loved that bit! 

1 hour ago, mojoween said:

They tried bouncing CT on night *one*.  And from his last interview, he’s not done yet.  Going to be a lot harder for him to get all the way through a season, though, with the way the rookies no longer roll over for the vets.

He's usually enough to get through eliminations so what they'd really have to do is not let him win a daily challenge AND ice him out of getting his skull (if they are going to keep that premise up). Based on the Challenge Wiki, it seems CT has been sent to whatever elimination game they are playing 13 times. He won 7 times and was DQd 1 time for unhooking a carabiner and lost outright 5 times. 

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Cory let us know that math was't his thing in high school like that was something we needed to be informed of.  We know, Cory!


It was a "nice" top three teams.  Everyone liked each other.   I don't follow many reality stars on social media but do follow Leroy and Kam on Instagram.  They are such a great couple.  Amber B is really nice and STRONG.  A less frazzled Jenna?   I wish they all could have gotten some money.

  • Love 4

All Fessy had to do was say no, Kaycee, we can't eat this and keep going because your knee is too injured. I care too much for you to further the damage by continuing this game, the money isn't worth it. Then he looks pretty good.

Or he could have stepped up, ate the food with her, got through the checkpoint and then let MTV tell them they couldn't continue because of her leg. He looks like a determined fighter and MTV looks like the jerks who let them waste their time. 

Instead he just sat around and pouted and once again blamed a woman for keeping him from playing his game.

The choices were so simple and right there and he played it all wrong. 

Even though Kaycee looked bad at first for dumping Leroy right before the finale (however why Leroy and Kam were so mad she was playing her own game and not theirs, they all still made the finale) at least she  didn't quit. She kept on eating. 

Edited by TiffanyNichelle
  • Love 16
14 minutes ago, erikaelvis said:

I guess i understand Leroy and Kam's thinking on being on different teams but in the end they should have teamed up IMHO.  They probably would have made second place together and walked away with ALL of the second place money instead of half.

Not probably.   They actually did.  Nany was, as usual, the straggler.

There's a lot of humble pie to dish out after this season.  Of course, fessie gets the largest slice, but, of course, he won't eat it.  Sadly, that stunt has secured his place in this franchise as a character viewers will tune in to watch in the hope he loses each episode.  What a loser.  Not only would he not do what he was hired to do- compete- but then to be so ungracious as to blame his partner, who did respect the show and viewers by doing what she was hired to do when only she knew whether she would be able to finish the final.  It's amusing to me that, of all the women fessie tried to push throughout the season, kaycee was the one who capitulated to him and received a painful injury for it.  Let that be a lesson to the women who get stuck with him in the future.  Notwithstanding that she let him push her to exhaustion and a foolish misstep, he felt no commitment to her to finish the eating challenge.  Worse yet- he blamed her for his cowardice.

Kam also deserves a healthy slice.  And needs to retire her Killer Kam shtick.  She barely outpaced Nany, of all people.  She looked out of shape and weak during that final.  There was nothing impressive about her.  And Kam, being the runner-up is not winning.  

LeRoy at least has developed the self-awareness that he does not possess the skills to ever win one of these.  His only skill seems to be getting along with people who help bring him far in the game (see bananas).  Despite being athletic, he lacks basic body mechanics skills.  How could he not know how to maneuver the canoe?  He's afraid of water and heights.  His endurance is not that great.  He lacks the mental acuity for problem solving.  Likability is his strength as a competitor and character on the show.

In the end, the payoff may have been worth the long and often torturous season.  That was the first real final they've had in a number of seasons and was enjoyable to watch.    

  • Love 9

It occurred to me that Amber won almost what she'd have received if she had won Big Brother (first prize is $500K).  

My problem with "Karma Chameleon" is that I like that song so much that my attention was instantly 100% on the song and I didn't really follow what was up with Fessy and Kaycee.  Wait, that's not a problem after all.  

That cave was so pretty--as was the entire landscape.  

Was it a problem with my fast forwarding, or my attention--did I see Leroy and Nany get overturned in the kayak, and not see them get back on it and all that?  I know we saw CT fall in, glub glub cam, and then Amber tow him back to the kayak.  

  • Love 5

If they do another season like this one, where you pick your partner and then can switch after every elim, it’s going to be so fun to see Faysal picked last, and then either lose his partner because they don’t want to be with him or never getting picked by anyone.

Now watch the next season will be Rivals and poor CT will be stuck with him.

  • LOL 2
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Bill Simmons and David Jacoby said Nany will have to run hills to build up her endurance and muscles in her legs and butt if she’s serious about contending.

said CT ran Santa Monica hills?  He did okay but not that great.

if the smoke they will never be more than adequate in the endurance portions.  But all they have to do is make gains at the check points and then keep their leads through the endurance legs.

I wish they featured endurance more during the Daily Challenges and eliminations but I guess it’s hard to have much drama.  Either one team runs away or it takes air time from the social drama in the house.  Though it’s possible that the daily challenges could have some close finishes like the race for second in this Final.  But then the producers wouldn’t be able to manipulate the results so that they have some matchups that they want in the eliminations, which is how the producers could control the direction of the game.

also wonder if it might chase away some players.  It’s one thing to do one or two long distance events per season, not including the Final.  But if they did it often during the season, people like Aneesa and the bigger guys may not bother to compete.  Or older people and people who don’t want to train hardcore for it.  Then there are logistics challenges for production too.  Also ratings, because I don’t think things like marathons or iron man events are that popular.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, erikaelvis said:

I guess i understand Leroy and Kam's thinking on being on different teams but in the end they should have teamed up IMHO.  They probably would have made second place together and walked away with ALL of the second place money instead of half.


They might have wanted to do that at the end but one of them would have had to go into elimination again and won.

being on separate teams helped them control the vote and avoid being thrown into elimination.  But it meant at the end, they couldn’t team up.

  • Useful 1
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On 4/21/2021 at 10:28 PM, AryasMum said:

To be honest, CT is the last person I wanted to win. I don’t dislike him, but I am over him. 

Leroy’s last words made me cry. Kam teared me up with her words of wishing that someone like them would win. I’m hoping that yesterday’s verdict gave her hope. 

Nany did her best, and I won’t mind seeing her again. I’m sure we will see Amber again. 

See that annoyed me because Amber is black so a black woman did win the show.   I think when Kam said that, she meant she wanted someone who looks exactly like her to win.  Meaning she wanted the person she sees in the mirror every morning to win the show. 

Going into this episode and the finals I thought for sure Kam was going to win.  Mainly because she brought up the story of her grandmother stealing and getting deported again.  Which had me rolling my eyes as if what her grandmother did was some noble thing and her getting deported was an injustice.

My great grandfather left my great grandmother at the height of the Great Depression to raise five kids by herself and all five kids were young.  Never once did my great grandmother have to steal in order to feed her kids, she went without food plenty of times but she never once stole.  So Kam's story does not make me feel sorry for her grandmother.

13 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Thought people might get a kick out of this.


Wait no John Cena or Sasha Banks? lol

12 hours ago, Cheetara1986 said:

Reading their EW interview, knowing they had close to an hour lead and Amber would actually run up the hills, look for direction, then run back down for CT is amazing (amber used to run up hills barefoot is insane.). They definitely were the perfect team and others would be idiotic to let them get to another final after that.

Also, apparently from the interview, Darrell told Amber to watch over CT. And Amber is dyslexic when it comes to numbers.

True underog story for Amber and yes to Fessy just looking lile the bitch he is.

When they did the trap in the cave challenge and Amber did not do well she said she was dyslexic with numbers and I felt like the show still tried to portray her as being dumb because she could not solve the math problem.  I thought that was a dirty thing to do to her when that is not something she can control.   To me that made her win all that more satisfying.


You know watching this, TAR and Survivor, I often wonder how people know how to stir a kayak if you have never been in one.  I know I would probably screw it up because I have never been in one before and would be totally lost.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Jobiska said:

My problem with "Karma Chameleon" is that I like that song so much that my attention was instantly 100% on the song and I didn't really follow what was up with Fessy and Kaycee.  Wait, that's not a problem after all. 

I associate the song with Cara Maria; when I went to a ChallengeMania event in 2019, that was her entrance music. I remember thinking, "Yeah, that fits."

5 hours ago, BarneySays said:

In the end, the payoff may have been worth the long and often torturous season.  That was the first real final they've had in a number of seasons and was enjoyable to watch.    

I think the last great final was WOTW. I'll keep calling it "a finale so epic, only a mythical creature could have won it."

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

The choices were so simple and right there and he played it all wrong. 

I actually think this f'in idiot lucked into the right plan, though it's only because he's an idiot and a loser.  But if Fessy had beasted through that food, I think long term it would have hurt him.  Chances were they weren't going to finish in a money-winning place.  So if he could eat like CT, it would actually have been smart to throw it, and not tip your hand you have that ability.  Since he's proven he can't eat, he is going to be considered MUCH less of a threat in a final, and unfortunately I think this is very, very good for him (and AWFUL for us) because he's going to ride deep now into every season he's on.  People aren't going to want to go against him in eliminations because so many of them truly do fall down to brute strength, but people aren't going to be afraid of a contestant who can't eat.  If you can't eat, you can't finish.  You WANT people in the final against you who can't finish.  Fessy is a completely baby loser and we are all going to suffer for it.   Fessy thinks he's done something in life, but all he has done is enjoy the giant genes his parents handed him.  Entitled loser. 

Wonder how Tori is feeling after watching this all play out and she saw first hand that no, Fessy did NOT lose because of his partner, something she has probably been comforting him on for a while.

17 hours ago, BarneySays said:

Kam also deserves a healthy slice.  And needs to retire her Killer Kam shtick.  She barely outpaced Nany, of all people.  She looked out of shape and weak during that final.  There was nothing impressive about her.  And Kam, being the runner-up is not winning.  

I would be shocked if she didn't hold back, trying to let Leroy come in ahead of them.  I honestly thought she was going "trip" and fall just before the finish line to let Nany get ahead of her, but I imagine she is coming back and didn't want to give a hint she might be someone who would screw her partner over.  But she had already proven she would with the whole Kyle situation.

I really wish whoever was in charge of the music choices would come out and take their bow as the true winner of this season.  I didn't think anything could top Josh's "I Get So Emotional," but I literally laughed out loud when "Karma Chameleon" came on and had to pause the show for a minute to collect myself.  There had to have been 400 other times that song could have been used perfectly throughout the season, but to save it for the kill shot?  *fingers to lips - kiss* Fucking perfection.

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12 hours ago, BK1978 said:

You know watching this, TAR and Survivor, I often wonder how people know how to stir a kayak if you have never been in one.  I know I would probably screw it up because I have never been in one before and would be totally lost.

I've never done a 2 person kayak, but I've canoed. I'm not sure if it is exactly the same, but in a canoe, the person in the back steers. They control the direction the canoe goes. When they want to go straight, they should be paddling opposite so CT calling to Amber left, right was correct. If they want to turn, they paddle the same side (opposite the direction they want to go, so a person wanting to turn left paddles on the right). The back person can use their paddle as a rudder to make the turn sharper as well.  I think part of CT & Amber's problem was that Amber was stronger with one side than the other so she wasn't paddling consistently. That's what CT was trying to tell her, she dipped more on one than the other side which will make the boat veer to one side. 


2 hours ago, mojoween said:

When Amber and CT missed the arrow the producers must have high-fived each other so they finally had some footage to breathe some suspense into the finale.  It made me nervous, anyways.

Since I thought they were much closer than they actually were, it totally made me nervous too! 

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