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Kody Brown: The Man Who Survived a KNIFE to the KIDNEYS!

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Sad to see that Kody has worked his "magic" on yet another wife.  As everyone has pointed out, Robyn looks as if she's aged twenty years since the beginning of their relationship.  Don't know if those tabloid rumors are correct about Robyn wanting to jump off the Kody train, but she clearly isn't happy and he seems to have lost his attraction to her as well.

Christine looks fantastic and Janelle looks pretty good as well.  Probably because they no longer have to watch Kody cater to his evil queen Robyn.  This group piles dysfunction on top of dysfunction.

  • Love 3
35 minutes ago, MonicaM said:

Sad to see that Kody has worked his "magic" on yet another wife.  As everyone has pointed out, Robyn looks as if she's aged twenty years since the beginning of their relationship.  Don't know if those tabloid rumors are correct about Robyn wanting to jump off the Kody train, but she clearly isn't happy and he seems to have lost his attraction to her as well.

Christine looks fantastic and Janelle looks pretty good as well.  Probably because they no longer have to watch Kody cater to his evil queen Robyn.  This group piles dysfunction on top of dysfunction.

And Meri's been dethroned. We know she at least made Janelle's miserable. 

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Those endless hashtags irritate the hell out of me.  "Foodporn?"  WTF is that?

Doofus should just shave it bald.  Maybe he's keeping the kodytail for Janelle.  She thinks it's "sexy."  Yuk.

I hate hashtags too! They're stupid. And Kody does look much better without his mop. 

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

He looks like Curtis. And a few years younger. But his ego won't let him shave it.

You'd think his ego would be the reason he DOES. It looks GOOD. Doesn't he want to attract another wife? 

Maybe that's  the reason the wives are like, "no, we love the mop!" 

  • Love 2

Over at Cynical Jinx's, she's got Kody's twitter feed and on the 7th he wrote, "Personally I wish that we could move to St George.  I love the whole area.  Many close friends in Utah."

I wonder if this was just lip service to talk up the most recent episode, or if the Vegas bloom really is off the rose?

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

Over at Cynical Jinx's, she's got Kody's twitter feed and on the 7th he wrote, "Personally I wish that we could move to St George.  I love the whole area.  Many close friends in Utah."

I wonder if this was just lip service to talk up the most recent episode, or if the Vegas bloom really is off the rose?

Maybe too many unpaid pills in Vegas and its time to return to Utah?

  • Love 13
10 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

Over at Cynical Jinx's, she's got Kody's twitter feed and on the 7th he wrote, "Personally I wish that we could move to St George.  I love the whole area.  Many close friends in Utah."

I wonder if this was just lip service to talk up the most recent episode, or if the Vegas bloom really is off the rose?

If he loves Utah so much why didn't he just stay there? The "investigation" was a sham and an excuse. He isn't committing any crime because he is only legally married to one woman. I've always thought the sudden move to Las Vegas was stupid and an excuse for something Kody wanted to do regardless of the situation. Whipping your entire family into a frenzy about how dangerous it is to stay in Utah was just stupid and uncalled for. Your family isn't being persecuted, you dolt. A majority of people don't care what you do with your life as long as you're all consenting adults.

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

Over at Cynical Jinx's, she's got Kody's twitter feed and on the 7th he wrote, "Personally I wish that we could move to St George.  I love the whole area.  Many close friends in Utah."

I wonder if this was just lip service to talk up the most recent episode, or if the Vegas bloom really is off the rose?

What a passive-aggressive moronic jerkface he is.

He's the one who uprooted his entire brood to Vegas in the first place under the pretense of "persecution."  Who can forget the fam'ly throwing their stuff into a moving truck while police sirens sounded in the background, as if they were literally on the run?  He's the one who gave his kids three days to pack, say goodbye to their friends, and leave their schools.  Who remembers Kody getting all ticked off at Hunter because Hunter didn't want to play football in his brand-new school?  Or Maddie, who was vocal about being very unhappy with their new living situation?  And then all the stupid shenanigans with building those Vegas McMansions while Meri whined about the wet bar and it not being her fault that she didn't have 15 kids to fill her house, etc.?

And now he's whining because he wants to move again?  Well, guess what, Hair Gel Caveman...you don't always get to do what you want when you've built a huge family with umpteen kids and four "wives."  He is such a tool.  He'll never ever get it through his mop-topped skull that the universe doesn't revolve around him, especially when he, as the "head" of this brood, has several other people's feelings to consider.

But he didn't care the first time, so I imagine the upcoming storyline will involve them "fleeing" Vegas (because persecution but really because bill collectors coming to get their money) and moving to St. George.



  • Love 13
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

What a passive-aggressive moronic jerkface he is.

He's the one who uprooted his entire brood to Vegas in the first place under the pretense of "persecution."  Who can forget the fam'ly throwing their stuff into a moving truck while police sirens sounded in the background, as if they were literally on the run?  He's the one who gave his kids three days to pack, say goodbye to their friends, and leave their schools.  Who remembers Kody getting all ticked off at Hunter because Hunter didn't want to play football in his brand-new school?  Or Maddie, who was vocal about being very unhappy with their new living situation?  And then all the stupid shenanigans with building those Vegas McMansions while Meri whined about the wet bar and it not being her fault that she didn't have 15 kids to fill her house, etc.?

And now he's whining because he wants to move again?  Well, guess what, Hair Gel Caveman...you don't always get to do what you want when you've built a huge family with umpteen kids and four "wives."  He is such a tool.  He'll never ever get it through his mop-topped skull that the universe doesn't revolve around him, especially when he, as the "head" of this brood, has several other people's feelings to consider.

But he didn't care the first time, so I imagine the upcoming storyline will involve them "fleeing" Vegas (because persecution but really because bill collectors coming to get their money) and moving to St. George.




Vegas hasn't done them any favors. It accelerated the aging process the moment they moved in. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

Who can forget the fam'ly throwing their stuff into a moving truck while police sirens sounded in the background,

@Turtlepower, you of all people know better! Those were fire truck sirens! They lived around the corner from a fire station.

I hate these people with the fire of a thousand nuns (tm TWoP).

  • Love 6
On 1/10/2018 at 6:11 AM, laurakaye said:

What a passive-aggressive moronic jerkface he is.

He's the one who uprooted his entire brood to Vegas in the first place under the pretense of "persecution."  Who can forget the fam'ly throwing their stuff into a moving truck while police sirens sounded in the background, as if they were literally on the run?  He's the one who gave his kids three days to pack, say goodbye to their friends, and leave their schools.  Who remembers Kody getting all ticked off at Hunter because Hunter didn't want to play football in his brand-new school?  Or Maddie, who was vocal about being very unhappy with their new living situation?  And then all the stupid shenanigans with building those Vegas McMansions while Meri whined about the wet bar and it not being her fault that she didn't have 15 kids to fill her house, etc.?

And now he's whining because he wants to move again?  Well, guess what, Hair Gel Caveman...you don't always get to do what you want when you've built a huge family with umpteen kids and four "wives."  He is such a tool.  He'll never ever get it through his mop-topped skull that the universe doesn't revolve around him, especially when he, as the "head" of this brood, has several other people's feelings to consider.

But he didn't care the first time, so I imagine the upcoming storyline will involve them "fleeing" Vegas (because persecution but really because bill collectors coming to get their money) and moving to St. George.



Ha ha, fleeing bill collectors. That was freaking gold. And someone embroider the comment about how you don't always do what you want and send it to Kody, please. Whiny McManchild needs that lesson, stat.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, suomi said:

For someone who sees and presents himself as an arbiter of morality his mind spends a lot of time in his pants. When Maddie and Caleb share the news of their first pregnancy, he mentions squirting out another little Brown.

He may has well have grabbed a "wife" and dry-humped her, a la JB "Boob" Duggar.  Puke.  Sex-obsessed and have the umpteen spawn to prove it.

  • Love 1

I know Kody gets a lot of flack for stuff, but, imo, he does seem to make some good points, give some good advice and have his heart in the right place.  I'm relieved to see that.  I thought he was on point about telling the couple that all the STUFF doesn't matter, it's the man and woman who are entering into marriage, so, don't get distracted with other stuff.  And, that live in the moment. Don't let the day go by without really focusing on what is important.  And, his sentiments about marriage being serious.  He seems to be concerned that M and T are perhaps too flippant about the ceremony and marriage in general.  I still don't know how he tolerates T and M too, for all that matter.  I guess there's something we don't see. 

  • Love 8
On 10/9/2017 at 12:46 PM, lettsjetts said:

With his hair so scraggly it looks much better when pulled back.

Yeah, I don't think I would recognize him if I was out somewhere and saw him with the hair back.  I wonder why he doesn't just get the hair plug surgery, so he can replace the missing parts up front.  That way, it would look better down.  It's not all that expensive.  I wonder why he hasn't done it, since they are all such fans of his hair. 

5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I know Kody gets a lot of flack for stuff, but, imo, he does seem to make some good points, give some good advice and have his heart in the right place.  I'm relieved to see that.  I thought he was on point about telling the couple that all the STUFF doesn't matter, it's the man and woman who are entering into marriage, so, don't get distracted with other stuff.  And, that live in the moment. Don't let the day go by without really focusing on what is important.  And, his sentiments about marriage being serious.  He seems to be concerned that M and T are perhaps too flippant about the ceremony and marriage in general.  I still don't know how he tolerates T and M too, for all that matter.  I guess there's something we don't see. 

Yes, sometimes he seems okay. He just doesn't seem genuine to me. Like he is trying too hard to sound wise and fatherly? Idk? I dont know how any one of them tolerate FT. You can tell Janelle cant stand him by the look on her face sometimes, cracks me up!

  • Love 7

While I am VERY RELUCTANTLY giving credit where I think credit is due, I thought Kody's opinions about the room (and bathroom) for Caleb and Maddie were - dare I say - sweet. Whatever lead them to move back home, that is a lot of stress on a young marriage, and - ughhhhh - I liked that he valued giving them some privacy. And it was thoughtful of him to consider Maddie would need to be near a bathroom.


  • Useful 1
  • Love 4
9 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I know Kody gets a lot of flack for stuff, but, imo, he does seem to make some good points, give some good advice and have his heart in the right place.  I'm relieved to see that.  I thought he was on point about telling the couple that all the STUFF doesn't matter, it's the man and woman who are entering into marriage, so, don't get distracted with other stuff.  And, that live in the moment. Don't let the day go by without really focusing on what is important.  And, his sentiments about marriage being serious.  He seems to be concerned that M and T are perhaps too flippant about the ceremony and marriage in general.  I still don't know how he tolerates T and M too, for all that matter.  I guess there's something we don't see. 

Sunnybebe, Yes!  I, too, believe Kody's intentions come from a good place.  I like the Kody we're seeing in these recent episodes - not that he bothered me in earlier seasons.  There's always room for growth and maturation, and Kody seems to reflect an older, more introspective adult.  The problem I see is not coming from Kody as much as it is from the women in his life.  Kody cannot possibly earn the respect of his children when their mothers refuse to acknowledge his place as husband and potential leader of the tribe  (I'm giving him time to prove that last one).   Which brings me to that particularly irksome reaction displayed by the Sisterhood when Kody attempted to insert his voice on the matter of M&T's out-of-the-blue demand for an instant wedding. 

When Kody alluded to the motive behind M&T's rush to marry, the wives reacted in the usual manner, dismissing his opinion as one without merit.  I think the "plural" marriage dynamic in the Brown household consists of a sisterhood majority who habitually demean and even ridicule Kody's contributions to the family.  When he does try to steer the ship there is always someone jumping in to correct the course.  Robyn, evidently, has become the self-proclaimed Voice of Reason for the Sister Wives - and their children.   Kody's addressing the sexual urgency behind M&T's push for a quick wedding should not have raised the moral rooftop or instigated a "how-to" talking point on appealing to Mykelti's feminine wiles.  Whatever that meant.   Rather, Kody's observations may have presented a valuable opportunity for discussion and self examination, not just for M&T, but for the older children and even for the sister wives.

Robyn, in her wifely wisdom, characterized the dilemma as an "adult" problem that required an adult approach.  As usual, Kody sat there in the middle of the wives, struck down and powerless.

If Robyn possessed the maturity associated with adulthood she would have appreciated the value in Kody's insights rather than instructing him on the right way to manipulate convince Mykelti to wait.  If she really wanted to help, she would have recognized Mykelti's immaturity, while stressing courtesy and thoughtfulness for others.  If Robyn were not so busy trying to assume a position of wise old owl (at age 38) and spokeswife, she might have said something like this: 

"Mykelti, if you are old enough to marry then you are also mature enough to consider others as you plan your wedding.  You have a right to want things a certain way, but since you are not paying for the wedding you will need to compromise on some of the items on your "wish list."  Have you considered Madison and how a wedding in December would affect her wedding plans?  Have you thought about the cost of two weddings in close succession?  Have you considered the possibility that an estimation of ten tacos for each of your 400 guests may need revision, and that involving your parents in the wedding-planning process would ensure you are all in agreement with the various wedding expenses?  Since you are an adult you might also think about the time of year you get married and how it will impact others.  A December wedding?  Have you thought about the inconvenience, not to mention risks, to your out-of-town guests who might have to travel in a snow storm or on icy highways?  Did you know that winter is also flu season?"

Robyn might also have asked Mykelti (and Tony) to evaluate the fairness of that one-sided cultural theme Tony was so intent on promoting for the wedding  which suggested disregard for the people paying for the wedding.

Unfortunately, the wedding proceeded as planned by Mykelti and Tony, freezing cold weather, illness, winds, and who knows what else.  I wonder if Kody was secretly cursing the wives as he shivered, shuddered and complained his way through the rehearsal and wedding ceremony?

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
  • Love 9

StayingAfterSunda, you make some good points, but, HE's the one who married them.  So, it's his responsibility.  Plus, there is likely a lot of stuff that we don't see on camera.  And, I suppose a lot of stuff is ignored just to keep the peace.  With that many people, I would imagine it's hard to keep everyone happy.  The sooner that M and T are out of their hair, the better. They just strike me as a real thorn in the side.  i hope they keep their jobs. 

  • Love 4

I think their marriage is probably very fluid. I imagine that over time there have been all sorts of alliances and situations where some felt in control and others were on the outs. For instance, I think after the addition of Jenelle, there might have been a Meri-Kody alliance that left Jenelle feeling on the outs. But then Christine came along and she and Jenelle may have bonded more and Meri often felt on the outs, but still had more sway with Kody. When Robyn came, things really got shook up. She had more influence over Kody and she and Robyn bonded quickly. That left Christine and Jenelle really on the outs. The Catfishing displaced Meri and Christine actually seems closer with Kody now. 

When I say "alliance", I don't necessarily mean this in an intentional, strategic decision, but just that certain bonds shift the dynamics of the family. I think there have likely been times when all wives team up against Kody, or when certain wives butter him up and use him against other wives. All types of shifts and changes over the years. Like a chess game. It would exhaust me. 

  • Love 12
41 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think their marriage is probably very fluid. I imagine that over time there have been all sorts of alliances and situations where some felt in control and others were on the outs. For instance, I think after the addition of Jenelle, there might have been a Meri-Kody alliance that left Jenelle feeling on the outs. But then Christine came along and she and Jenelle may have bonded more and Meri often felt on the outs, but still had more sway with Kody. When Robyn came, things really got shook up. She had more influence over Kody and she and Robyn bonded quickly. That left Christine and Jenelle really on the outs. The Catfishing displaced Meri and Christine actually seems closer with Kody now. 

When I say "alliance", I don't necessarily mean this in an intentional, strategic decision, but just that certain bonds shift the dynamics of the family. I think there have likely been times when all wives team up against Kody, or when certain wives butter him up and use him against other wives. All types of shifts and changes over the years. Like a chess game. It would exhaust me. 

I think you nailed it @Ghoulina. 

I have no doubt that Kody has had the final say many times over many things. He is in no way whipped. And he shouldn't be, just as no one should feel marginalized in their relationship. It's hard enough with two people, let alone four. I'm sure that, as you said, it's a fluid situation. 

The divorce and catfishing really had a profound effect on the dynamics of the family. I know many people think that, despite Meri claiming it was her idea because of Robyn's kids, it was really orchestrated by Kody and/or Robyn. That's very possible, but I also wonder if it really was Meri's idea, not for the selfless reason she claims, but because she wanted to be legally free if and when she decided to break from the family. Things had been bad with Kody for years, well before the show even started.

1 hour ago, Gothish520 said:

The divorce and catfishing really had a profound effect on the dynamics of the family. I know many people think that, despite Meri claiming it was her idea because of Robyn's kids, it was really orchestrated by Kody and/or Robyn. That's very possible, but I also wonder if it really was Meri's idea, not for the selfless reason she claims, but because she wanted to be legally free if and when she decided to break from the family. Things had been bad with Kody for years, well before the show even started.

The divorce and subsequent adoption? Oh yea, I definitely think it was Meri's idea. Robyn is too stealth to come up with some blatant shit like that (but I'm sure she loved benefiting from it). I think Meri not only thought it gave her a possible out, BUT.....I also think she thought it was a way for her to look like "Saint Meri" - look what I'm willing to do for the family. I also considered the idea that it was a bluff (kind of like her IVF stuff years back) to see if Kody would fight for her. If so, as the kids say, epic fail. But she is just gamey enough to try and pull some shit like that. 

  • Love 3
On 1/31/2018 at 9:43 AM, neh said:

I just watched the newest SW programs and was struck by how many times Kody said, "My little girl is getting married" with a goofy smile on his face.  Did he say the same thing when Maddie got married?


Those people at the wedding looked so cold!

I don't remember if he used those exact words, but he was pretty emotional when Maddie got married. 

  • Love 2
On 1/10/2018 at 6:50 AM, SL16 said:

If he loves Utah so much why didn't he just stay there? The "investigation" was a sham and an excuse. He isn't committing any crime because he is only legally married to one woman. I've always thought the sudden move to Las Vegas was stupid and an excuse for something Kody wanted to do regardless of the situation. Whipping your entire family into a frenzy about how dangerous it is to stay in Utah was just stupid and uncalled for. Your family isn't being persecuted, you dolt. A majority of people don't care what you do with your life as long as you're all consenting adults.

I live in southern Utah (did not grow up in Utah). and the investigation "storyline" bothered me so much. It was storyline. I have neighbors that are polygamist openly and neighbors in that are judges, and law enforcement. they are all friendly, no worries. At school events, sports and just day to day life their is no judgement of polygamy.  Kids play, moms talk at birthday parties and sports and concerts reguardless of polygamy. There are no fears as long as you are not marrying underage girls or commiting fraud. Kody had said as a boy in WY to live where he could see the Vegas lights and he got his dream (and Robyn's house had the best view of the lights?). It broke my heart to see Janelle leave a great job in Utah to live for years now from MLM to MLM but it was her choice. 

On 1/9/2018 at 8:02 PM, LilWharveyGal said:

Over at Cynical Jinx's, she's got Kody's twitter feed and on the 7th he wrote, "Personally I wish that we could move to St George.  I love the whole area.  Many close friends in Utah."

I wonder if this was just lip service to talk up the most recent episode, or if the Vegas bloom really is off the rose?

Please Kody don't move here. Originally I thought they should have moved to Cedar City or St George over Vegas due to cost of living , free college, and local AUB churches. I was happy after seeing their circus in Vegas they were not here. I 100% see them coming here. If they can come up with 40k stashed somewhere , maybe under the kids names and use the kids credit, they could buy 3 stucco boxes much cheaper then Vegas and have Meri up the road in her B&B. There is no way unlessKody has special friends he could rent in southern Utah. I thought of selling my home and renting for 1 year and for $1800 I could not find a 3 bed 2 bath 1400 sq ft rental, rental market is so comepetitive , after a few months of running to put in an application within minutes fof a posting and getting in biding wars I gave up.  Kody's close friends must be the old AUB friends? Maybe he wants to get back into his church since the church of TLC is closing?

On 1/9/2018 at 10:10 PM, andromeda331 said:

Maybe too many unpaid pills in Vegas and its time to return to Utah?

I have never understood how they could afford Vegas, lets forget the 450k x 4 for the homes. The ultilies are so high and they have those open floor plan double high ceilings to cool in the 100 degree heat. The hOA fees are times 4. After 3 months of not paying HOA fees the HOA can take your home over 5k in fees. I see the Browns as people who use their money for food first, then gas, cars, then house, then ultlites, and HOA gets paid last. the HOA is what they signed up for but $400 a month gets them little tangible, so I can see the HOA fees being their downfall. 

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

I live in southern Utah (did not grow up in Utah). and the investigation "storyline" bothered me so much. It was storyline. I have neighbors that are polygamist openly and neighbors in that are judges, and law enforcement. they are all friendly, no worries. At school events, sports and just day to day life their is no judgement of polygamy.  Kids play, moms talk at birthday parties and sports and concerts reguardless of polygamy

I thought the reason that THEY were so scared was because supposedly they were "flaunting" their polygamy by going on National TV?  I'm oftentimes wrong, so I might be mistaken - but that is what I have been believing for all these years.  I know Kody said something to that effect.  They were the faces of polygamy, back when they were the only polygamy show.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

I thought the reason that THEY were so scared was because supposedly they were "flaunting" their polygamy by going on National TV?  I'm oftentimes wrong, so I might be mistaken - but that is what I have been believing for all these years.  I know Kody said something to that effect.  They were the faces of polygamy, back when they were the only polygamy show.

Tom Green, who was one of the first polygamous men on tv,  is who he cited. Tom Green was the polygamous that went on Jerry Springer years before sister wives and went to jail. Many people claimed Tom would have never gone to jail if he has stayed in rural Utah and never went on tv.  Tom went to jail for child rape since one of his wives was 13-14 at marriage and they had a child. It had nothing to do with polygamy, it was child rape that put Tom in jail. He only spent 5 maybe 6 years in jail for child rape so the punishment didn't seem very harsh?

The Attorney General of Utah came out and said more then once he was not going after Kody unless there was underage marriage (Christine's age at meeting was young but marriage was an adult so Kody had no issues) or welfare fraud. Kody could have been guilty of welfare fraud. He might have been scared of that but running to NV would not stop Utah from at least trying to get him to pay back benefits, I doubt it would have been jail time. Recently there was an 11 million welfare fraud/scam polygamy welfare case in Southern Utah and I don't think any will get jail time, even the kingpins have gotten a slap on the wrist. Christine probably got 30k a year in welfare, no where near the millions that other families take (not that either is right and both frustrate many Utahans). 

Even though Kody was on TV, I just don't think the state could have had a case based solely on polygamy. Kody's lawyers could have shown the 1000's of other families living out in the open and claimed they were being singled out. Over and over the lawmakers refuse to take away the polygamy law in Utah because of underage marriage. It is the easy way to prosecute  underage polygamy marriage and so they keep the law just for this protection of kids. 

Edited by silverspoons
  • Useful 1
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, silverspoons said:

Tom Green, who was one of the first polygamous men on tv,  is who he cited. Tom Green was the polygamous that went on Jerry Springer years before sister wives and went to jail. Many people claimed Tom would have never gone to jail if he has stayed in rural Utah and never went on tv.  Tom went to jail for child rape since one of his wives was 13-14 at marriage and they had a child. It had nothing to do with polygamy, it was child rape that put Tom in jail. He only spent 5 maybe 6 years in jail for child rape so the punishment didn't seem very harsh?

The Attorney General of Utah came out and said more then once he was not going after Kody unless there was underage marriage (Christine's age at meeting was young but marriage was an adult so Kody had no issues) or welfare fraud. Kody could have been guilty of welfare fraud. He might have been scared of that but running to NV would not stop Utah from at least trying to get him to pay back benefits, I doubt it would have been jail time. Recently there was an 11 million welfare fraud/scam polygamy welfare case in Southern Utah and I don't think any will get jail time, even the kingpins have gotten a slap on the wrist. Christine probably got 30k a year in welfare, no where near the millions that other families take (not that either is right and both frustrate many Utahans). 

Even though Kody was on TV, I just don't think the state could have had a case based solely on polygamy. Kody's lawyers could have shown the 1000's of other families living out in the open and claimed they were being singled out. Over and over the lawmakers refuse to take away the polygamy law in Utah because of underage marriage. It is the easy way to prosecute  underage polygamy marriage and so they keep the law just for this protection of kids. 

Thank you!!!   That clears up a lot!  And also raises other questions - like what WERE the Browns so paranoid about?  lol

  • Love 1

Kody said it himself on the show. The only thing he fears is poverty.  He would do anything for the money.

So he scared the crap out of his Sheep Wives and children, terrorized the little ones and dragged them out of school and away from friends for no reason except the almighty dollar.  To me, that's child abuse.

I would wager the boys hold a grudge about that to this day which is why they have all broken away and will hopefully eschew the whole polygamy gig.  The girls, who knows. We have already seen two very young marriages that are following the Brown Clown School of Finance which is sad.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Roslyn said:

Kody said it himself on the show. The only thing he fears is poverty.  He would do anything for the money.

Very True. This is a reason why the show is a failed. Kody was willing to go along with story lines and viewers could see they were fake. The family has admitted to filming fake holidays. Meri admitted the fertility surrogate ordeal was just a storyline she was following and she never had any intention of going through with it. I happen to be at that "what women want" expo the sister wives were selling their jewelry at and that episode was so edited. The Browns had no problem lying about what people thought and what went on there. I'm sure TLC loved the Brown's willing to follow story lines for $$ but sorry Kody the storylines didn't work.

I have always said polygamy USA was a very real honest look at polygamy. It followed members of the AUB, same church as Kody. There was nothing fake about the couples on the show, my husband knows some of them and I have met some of them to(I also have met the sister wives cast in person). These people were not tv stars, most of them including women worked regular jobs, didn't take wellfare, and were showing the struggles and love of living under one roof. Watching polygamy USA, viewers wondered would Rose Marie find a husband or would one be chosen for her? Would Arthur's son move back home or go live with his girlfriend? Would Micheal solve the overcrowding by making his kids sleep in shipping containers? These were real issues but the look into the religion , the real lives of such a variety of members an 18 yr old daughter, 24 year old wife, the 64 year old grandfather, the church leaders, the missionaries, and the way a community worked.  

If Kody had stayed in Utah , we would have seen much more of a polygamy USA style show. In Utah they lived near their church, some of the kids went to religious school, they had polygamous friends in their community and 3 of them worked real jobs. By going to vegas they basically ditched the faith and what could TLC fill 10 more seasons with? Vegas isn't the most exciting place for families. Kody wanted to film mostly in the summers (I respect he didn't want to film during the school year). It is 100-115 in Vegas in the summer, there isn't much to film in this heat. They had to create storylines since they had no real jobs in Vegas, the kids schools stopped filming, the HOA didn't want filming and they had no church or members to socialize with. 

I think it is selfish that Kody got his dream of the Vegas lights and the kids in the long run got the short end of the stick.  At my kids high school in Utah, if you get a 3.75 (which is very easy since you can take many fluffy electives, I know at least 65% of kids that graduated in my kid's class had 3.75 of higher) you get free college. That alone should have kept him in Utah. No worries about paying for college. I know the my 5 wives show (also from Kodys faith and they lived close to Lehi and were on TV and never went to jail?) , have had their kids get the grades and take the free college waiver. Of course the free college is any Utah college BUT Westminster:) 

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And such is the issue with scripted reality shows. I watch on and off like everyone else and wonder what is real and what is staged for the show. If we wanted a real look at their lives they would have cameras mounted in various places in the "homes" and it would be unedited. Imagine a camera in Janelle's kitchen. That's where all the action would be. 

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On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 12:26 PM, ghoulina said:

I think their marriage is probably very fluid. I imagine that over time there have been all sorts of alliances and situations where some felt in control and others were on the outs. For instance, I think after the addition of Jenelle, there might have been a Meri-Kody alliance that left Jenelle feeling on the outs. But then Christine came along and she and Jenelle may have bonded more and Meri often felt on the outs, but still had more sway with Kody. When Robyn came, things really got shook up. She had more influence over Kody and she and Robyn bonded quickly. That left Christine and Jenelle really on the outs. The Catfishing displaced Meri and Christine actually seems closer with Kody now. 

When I say "alliance", I don't necessarily mean this in an intentional, strategic decision, but just that certain bonds shift the dynamics of the family. I think there have likely been times when all wives team up against Kody, or when certain wives butter him up and use him against other wives. All types of shifts and changes over the years. Like a chess game. It would exhaust me. 

I agree with you Ghoulina. I just reread the SW book and there always seems to someone feeling left out.  Kody seems oblivious to the  emotional needs of his wives and he did marry some very needy women.  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, neh said:

Kody seems oblivious to the  emotional needs of his wives and he did marry some very needy women.  

Their emotional needs are not in his job description. In his role as Lord High Priest/Lord/Ruler on Earth, he's only interested in having them spit out spawn as fast as possible to populate the celestial orb.  Otherwise, they are on their own.  Any potential Sheep Wife familiar with polygamy (which they all were) knows what they are getting into.  It's the age old fallacy that women fall for - "he'll change because he loves me" - that screws them every time.  And they got screwed (literally and figuratively) in agreeing to this idiotic arrangement.

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On 2/3/2018 at 1:00 PM, neh said:

Do you all remember when Jennifer Anniston said that Brad Pitt was " missing a sensitivity chip"?  Same seems to apply to Kody.

Funny, I just don't see him that way. I feel like he does the best he can dealing with such a large family and having to deal with four wives. Some men can barely muster enough emotion to keep one wife happy (thankfully that doesn't apply to my husband!). A plural family would test the mettle of anyone. Now, that is definitely not to say that I feel sorry for him or anything - this situation is 100% his doing; it was what he wanted and he went out made it happen. But I do feel like he genuinely loves his children and has at least some measure of affection for each wife. 

Saying that a man can be insensitive is not exactly a revelation.

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On ‎1‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 4:02 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah, I don't think I would recognize him if I was out somewhere and saw him with the hair back.  I wonder why he doesn't just get the hair plug surgery, so he can replace the missing parts up front.  That way, it would look better down.  It's not all that expensive.  I wonder why he hasn't done it, since they are all such fans of his hair. 

The poor chef looks shell-shocked!

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