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S02.E09: Labor of Love

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2 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Original air date 2021.03.01

Is the bad news that she can't eat fatty foods and sugar? I know I might sound mean or callous but she hasn't been eating to have a healthy pregnancy/baby.

I hope the baby will be fine but it seems like neither of these sisters have had "a wake up call". They just keep doing what THEY like to do...eat unhealthy food. However, I'm still going to watch.

  • Love 10

She wanted a baby like a 6 year old wants a pony.  Absolutely no clue or care in the world about taking good care of the pony/baby by providing a healthy environment for it...including before it gets here.

I was pretty unhealthy when I got pregnant with my first, for the opposite reason as Amy-I weighed 98 lbs.  At 5’8”, that’s a problem.  I managed to gain 65 pounds, which is a miracle because I had the severe morning sickness.  I forced myself to eat the healthy foods because I wanted a healthy baby, not just A baby.

Amy made a comment in the last episode that she was using birth control and it didn’t work...I’m assuming she was using the rhythm method and can’t math.

  • Love 19
10 hours ago, kicotan said:

Amy made a comment in the last episode that she was using birth control and it didn’t work...I’m assuming she was using the rhythm method and can’t math.

Supposedly she was on a high dose pill.   In order to make sure they should have also been using condoms and foam because she was supposed to wait 2 years before becoming pregnant.   Whenever I hear the term "condoms and foam" I sing it in my head to the tune of "Cobwebs and Dust."

Amy, of course, is not good at following instructions as she ate all sorts of stuff she was told not to immediately following the surgery, and she was eating all sorts of bad stuff during her pregnancy.  She'll probably get pregnant again soon.  I wouldn't rule out the possibility of Irish twins.

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, Twopper said:

Supposedly she was on a high dose pill.   In order to make sure they should have also been using condoms and foam because she was supposed to wait 2 years before becoming pregnant.  

I bet she was told to use more forms of birth control because gastric bypass can cause diarrhea, & continuous diarrhea can screw with your medication big time. She probably just didn't pay attention.

  • Useful 1
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Amy's son is so cute. I believe her when she says this is what she wanted her entire life. Once again Amy is more concerned about Tammy than Tammy is about herself. Who is Amanda? Is she another sister or some other relative? I was shocked by the ending of the episode Hopefully Tammy will be more serious about her health. I would have liked to see Chris' reaction to the baby.

  • Love 7

I think one of the most jarring things about this episode, until the end, was that I didn't once see Amy checking her blood glucose levels.  

I realize that there is a LOT that goes on that I don't see, but I kinda feel like its irresponsible to have Amy mention at least 4 times that she has diabetes and to not once show her checking her blood sugar.  When my blood sugars were uncontrolled, I remember my doctor telling me that if I ever got pregnant, he would check me into the hospital.  I'm still not sure if he was joking.  

And I also think, knowing that she has diabetes she was especially reckless with her eating habits.  Running high glucose levels could have really hurt Gage and all her little jokes about how "the baby wants Chinese food and gummy bears" is especially awful.  

I have t1 diabetes, and I check my blood sugar, on average, about 4 times a day.  Sometimes more.  Amy has t2 and may be unaware of her high glucose levels, and she is much more prone to have high blood sugar eating a diet of chinese food, gummy bears, gherkin pickels and peppermint patties.  

They should have shown her checking her blood sugar instead of the asthma treatment.  She has mentioned multiple times that diabetes puts her at high risk and if anyone out there is watching, they should not be under the impression that a pregnant t2 diabetic can just eat whatever, not treat high blood sugar and things will turn out well .  IMO Amy got lucky. 

Both articles outline some of the potential birth defects.  I get that this show isn't about health or babies, but I think its just irresponsible and gives the wrong impression to show Amy eating all sorts of crap she should not be eating and NEVER checking her blood sugar.  Why not have her do that instead of asthma treatment or the gratuitous shot of her with the sleep apnea machine?




Edited by RealReality
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1 hour ago, swankie said:

So did Jerry give Tammy Covid?  Thank goodness Amy and Michael had to quarantine 2 weeks before the baby and immediately after.  The baby is cute but very small.  I'm glad he was born healthy.  Gage Deon is a very cute name also. 

I assume so.  I mean, how many people is Tammy even exposed to on a daily basis.  Its a really bad break for her, she is so rarely exposed to people.  I had truly thought she was faking an illness so she'd have an excuse not to get on the scale.  

The secret hero of this episode was Chris - how great for him to take his diet seriously and have the willpower not to cheat when he manages a fast food restaurant.  Good for him, he is absolutely right to go ahead if he is approved.  

  • Love 23
On 2/28/2021 at 6:00 AM, kicotan said:

She wanted a baby like a 6 year old wants a pony.  Absolutely no clue or care in the world about taking good care of the pony/baby by providing a healthy environment for it...including before it gets here.

I was pretty unhealthy when I got pregnant with my first, for the opposite reason as Amy-I weighed 98 lbs.  At 5’8”, that’s a problem.  I managed to gain 65 pounds, which is a miracle because I had the severe morning sickness.  I forced myself to eat the healthy foods because I wanted a healthy baby, not just A baby.

Amy made a comment in the last episode that she was using birth control and it didn’t work...I’m assuming she was using the rhythm method and can’t math.

Oh my, that weight at that height. I've had my own problems with being a low weight for my height.  Menopause sorted that out and I'm now a few pudges  pounds over my ideal weight.

I had someone make a huge deal out of me not wanting a baby. Like, what kind of creature are you that you don't want a baby? I've had a good life without my own, but I got to be a loving aunt.

I paused the show at an unfortunate point where all I see is a mound of purple.

Edited by nokat
  • Love 10
46 minutes ago, snarkish said:

"You know hospitals are bacteria for breeding ground."  One of the best "Slaton-isms" yet!

that was hilarious.  I scared the neighbor's cat because I was laughing so hard at it.  I  wondered if she misread a cue card  or if it was just a scripted line she mangled. 


10 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I think she’s another sister - Amanda is the one who caught Tammy with the 32oz milkshake that Jerry brought to her🥤 

or she could be the daughter Chris was talking to on the phone;  he was concerned that she was getting heavier.


41 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I doubt the TLC would film Jerry without him testing for Covid. That would also put the camera crew at risk.

well, that was my first thought, too, but then I figured he was tested by the film crew.   On the other hand, maybe Jerry tested negative, but was contagious.   She certainly can't go anywhere without Michael or Chris.  Also if the van belongs to TLC, then Tammy may really not get out much at all because she wouldn't fit in Michael and Amy's car, and Chris seems to have the only van in the family, and he works.  Other than Jerry, we don't see her spending time with anyone other than family members, and we have no indication any of them were sick.   It was a bit unnerving to see the black screen of COVID-19 at the conclusion of the show.

I really became interested in Amy's pregnancy.  It may just be because my daughter is six months pregnant.  Anyway I am glad Gage was okay even if small.  I hope that his being small will not compel Amy to overfeed him just to plump him up.   Or not feed him enough to keep him from being obese like his parents.  I am glad she at least mentioned  wanting him to go to college.  She really needs to online and learn about nutrition.  I wish TLC would hire a nutritionist to spend a lot of time with all  Amy and Michael, Tammy and Chris.

I hope she and Tammy clean up their language now that there is a baby around.  He will be talking soon enough and little pitchers have big ears.   It seems like it is just the two sisters who talk that way.  Well, Michael is nearly mute. 



  • Love 10
5 hours ago, cynicat said:

Gage is stinking adorable, and I am nothing but happy for Amy and Michael.   It shocked me that I was so taken in by Gage because I'm not usually a baby fan.   In the end, Amy and Michael have a beautiful new family, Chris was inspiring, and Tammy seems to still be angry and jealous. 

I had the exact same reaction!! I don't care much for babies or children as a general rule but Gage got me all emotional. He's SO cute. Amy seemed like a natural with him too which was encouraging.

  • Love 11

If it were not for Gage, this episode would have been a snooze fest. TLC must have paid Jerry to make a trip back because the side-hug didn't seem like he was that into Tammy. She is smitten with him though. Jerry was more excited than Tammy about sweet baby Gage. 

Chris looks like he has lost weight. Tammy looks like she has gained.


Edited by Showthyme
  • Love 11
11 hours ago, cynicat said:

Gage is stinking adorable, and I am nothing but happy for Amy and Michael.   It shocked me that I was so taken in by Gage because I'm not usually a baby fan.   In the end, Amy and Michael have a beautiful new family, Chris was inspiring, and Tammy seems to still be angry and jealous. 

I was surprised, too, by how moved I was by this baby.  I'm sort of "meh" about Amy because I'm fixated on Tammy's health, so what a shock when I found myself close to tears over this little guy.  Michael is not a demonstrative fellow, but I'm sure his heart was full of joy, and I loved it when Amy tried to explain the kind of love you feel for your baby--it really is like nothing on earth.  Who would think you could love anyone so much?


  • Love 11

Tammy is really disabled emotionally. I would expect a jealous 6-year-old to work up more fake enthusiasm over a new baby than Tammy did. Jerry came off like a class act next to her. I mean, a total stranger’s baby deserves more cooing than that. If anyone actually called Tammy their favorite aunt, they did it under duress.

I see I’m not the only one who thought little Mr. Gage is at the top of the darling dumplin’ scale. Most newborns look pretty raw, but his cuteness is fully baked. I really AM a favorite aunt, and he can join the nephew crew any time he wants.

  • LOL 2
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21 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I have no idea how Tammy survived covid.  I’m assuming she did.

I'm assuming she never even had it and that TLC only claimed she did to ratchet up the drama. Because if Tammy really had COVID, she'd be in the grave. 

Poor Jerry. I feel bad for this guy who TLC is probably paying minimum wage to to sit on Tammy's sofa so she'll have someone to talk to in Amy's absence. And also for him to be the fall guy when Tammy inevitably goes to the doctor, gets weighed, and finds out she's gained 300 more pounds because GOD ALMIGHTY she is fucking BLIMP SIZED these days. "It's all Jerry's fault! He bought me a bag of candy!" 

Dig a spit take at Amy claiming Gage was going to go to college. He'll be lucky he can even spell the word given that family's poor relationship with educational facilities. 

And could they please stop with the extreme close ups of these girl ghouls? I could count Tammy's beard hairs in that one shot. 

18 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

I'm assuming she never even had it and that TLC only claimed she did to ratchet up the drama. Because if Tammy really had COVID, she'd be in the grave. 

Poor Jerry. I feel bad for this guy who TLC is probably paying minimum wage to to sit on Tammy's sofa so she'll have someone to talk to in Amy's absence. And also for him to be the fall guy when Tammy inevitably goes to the doctor, gets weighed, and finds out she's gained 300 more pounds because GOD ALMIGHTY she is fucking BLIMP SIZED these days. "It's all Jerry's fault! He bought me a bag of candy!" 

Dig a spit take at Amy claiming Gage was going to go to college. He'll be lucky he can even spell the word given that family's poor relationship with educational facilities. 

And could they please stop with the extreme close ups of these girl ghouls? I could count Tammy's beard hairs in that one shot. 

I did think it was sweet that Amy wanted so much better for her child than what she had.  Even theoretically.  Itll be hard to put into practice, but sometimes you get a surprise and two fairly unattractive people make a model or two dummies procreate and the child is like whip smart and super driven.  

I'm not sure if the producers would really blatantly lie.  I mean maybe she got a false positive?  I totally thought she was faking.  

I think its possible she got super duper sick and will be a long hauler.  But since she is so sedentary it won't matter much. 

They are putting a lot on Jerry and I assume he is doing all this for a check.  I dont think he will care if he is blamed for Tammy and he shouldn't. 

Chris works at a fast food restaurant.   He spends 8 hours a day around delicious, fatty food.  He has been motivated to lose.  Tammy could too.  And it sounds like she never really did much when Jerry wa there or gone so this isn't his fault. 


  • Love 13
22 hours ago, RealReality said:

I think one of the most jarring things about this episode, until the end, was that I didn't once see Amy checking her blood glucose levels.  

I realize that there is a LOT that goes on that I don't see, but I kinda feel like its irresponsible to have Amy mention at least 4 times that she has diabetes and to not once show her checking her blood sugar.  When my blood sugars were uncontrolled, I remember my doctor telling me that if I ever got pregnant, he would check me into the hospital.  I'm still not sure if he was joking.  

And I also think, knowing that she has diabetes she was especially reckless with her eating habits.  Running high glucose levels could have really hurt Gage and all her little jokes about how "the baby wants Chinese food and gummy bears" is especially awful.  

I have t1 diabetes, and I check my blood sugar, on average, about 4 times a day.  Sometimes more.  Amy has t2 and may be unaware of her high glucose levels, and she is much more prone to have high blood sugar eating a diet of chinese food, gummy bears, gherkin pickels and peppermint patties.  

They should have shown her checking her blood sugar instead of the asthma treatment.  She has mentioned multiple times that diabetes puts her at high risk and if anyone out there is watching, they should not be under the impression that a pregnant t2 diabetic can just eat whatever, not treat high blood sugar and things will turn out well .  IMO Amy got lucky. 

Both articles outline some of the potential birth defects.  I get that this show isn't about health or babies, but I think its just irresponsible and gives the wrong impression to show Amy eating all sorts of crap she should not be eating and NEVER checking her blood sugar.  Why not have her do that instead of asthma treatment or the gratuitous shot of her with the sleep apnea machine?




Chris said that he has t1 diabetes and they don't show him checking his glucose either.  They have editors who determine what goes on camera and what doesn't so I'm just going to assume they didn't see fit to show it and that both Amy and Chris check their glucose levels...at least twice a week! (Tm Tammy and her toothbrushing frequency.) 😄

Edited by swankie
  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, swankie said:

Chris said that he has t1 diabetes and they don't show him checking his glucose either.  They have editors who determine what goes on camera and what doesn't so I'm just going to assume they didn't see fit to show it and that both Amy and Chris check their glucose levels...at least twice a week! (Tm Tammy and her toothbrushing frequency.) 😄

It is not nearly as pressing an issue for chris because he isnt pregnant, there isnt a child at risk and he isnt on TV eating the worst possible food.  

Amy said, on multiple occasions that her diabetes made her pregnancy "high risk" and then was shown eating every conceivable piece of food to give her hyperglycemia. 

So, the picture painted is that it's cool to be a pregnant t2 diabetic, eat whatever awful food you can find, never ever check your glucose levels and take proactive steps to being your glucose under control and baby will be okie dokie.  

That mindset is extremely risky given the birth complications and defects that can arise when a uncontrolled diabetic gives birth. 

If we had seen her test her glucose and treat it so she could keep her diabetes controlled the narrative would be different.  

But to have a pregnant diabetic mention how risky it is to be pregnant as a diabetic and then to show her taking terrible care of herself and end up with a healthy baby sends the wrong message.  

I know it sounds unbelievable, but many t2 diabetics don't check their glucose levels regularly.  T2 diabetics sometimes only take oral medication and their glucose levels normally run high.  High blood sugar isnt as immediately pressing as low blood sugar so its easier for someone to just walk around with high blood sugar and feel relatively fine. 

Its part of the reason why many t2 diabetics have severe complications in a relatively short period after diagnosis.  Its an easy disease to ignore.

And if you aren't taking insulin its easy not to check becsuse you don't have to calibrate your insulin dosage.  

It accomplished absolutely nothing to watch Amy do her asthma treatment, but it would have been a small, helpful thing to show her doing anything to manage her diabetes.  

Edited by RealReality
  • Useful 2
9 minutes ago, RealReality said:

So, the picture painted is that it's cool to be a pregnant t2 diabetic, eat whatever awful food you can find, never ever check your glucose levels and take proactive steps to being your glucose under control and baby will be okie dokie. 

Again you're assuming she doesn't check her glucose.  It's hard to say that like it's a fact when we're not being shown every minute of every day in their lives.  They don't show her wiping her ass either but I'm going to take a big guess that she does.  Maybe she checks her glucose while she's on the toilet!  I have type 2 diabetes and I check my blood glucose in the privacy of my own room.  It can be a private thing.  We don't know because the show editors are the ones who determine what makes it on the air. 

  • Love 13

I think Amy is more aware of her health than Tammy is. Amy stated that she doesn't need as many breathing treatments as she used too. My dad is a type 2 diabetic and he checks his sugar in private. We haven't seen Tammy do anything to improve her health I don't believe she's faking Covid because we know she has breathing problems and is obese. I would be concerned that Gage has inherited Amy's eye problems. 

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, RealReality said:

I know it sounds unbelievable, but many t2 diabetics don't check their glucose levels regularly. 

Because of Amy's high risk pregnancy, they really should have shown it. Often it can be controlled by diet but we know Amy wasn't controlling it that way. Type 2 runs in my family as we age, and we aren't obese. We can control it through diet but still need blood sugar checks.

  • Love 1

I wonder how long Chris has been type I.  I discovered that Type II’s vary on how often they check blood sugar.  It depends on many factors.  As a type I myself, it’s difficult for me to relate.  I have a friend diagnosed type II, who went on pills and her doctor didn’t even suggest she get a blood meter!  I started wearing a continuous glucose monitor a few years ago, so I always know my blood sugar.  I still test manually to calibrate the CGM though (I wear insulin pump and CGM). I hope Amy is doing ok with managing her Type II.  From what I hear, she’ll do much better if she loses more weight.  I wonder if she’ll continue to work on that now that the baby is born.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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9 hours ago, swankie said:

Again you're assuming she doesn't check her glucose.  It's hard to say that like it's a fact when we're not being shown every minute of every day in their lives.  They don't show her wiping her ass either but I'm going to take a big guess that she does.  Maybe she checks her glucose while she's on the toilet!  I have type 2 diabetes and I check my blood glucose in the privacy of my own room.  It can be a private thing.  We don't know because the show editors are the ones who determine what makes it on the air. 

Well said! I'm not sure how many people would want to watch a diabetic checking his/her blood sugar over and over again on TV. Yes, they could have shown Amy taking proper care of herself during the pregnancy, but this isn't a show about people who are doing or ever did the right things to stay well. Nor is it a show about healthy pregnancies for women who are diabetic. It is a show about a family of very overweight people who have the problems that come with that. 

Say what you will about how their lives turned out, I think it is commendable that Amy wants her child to go to college. Neither of my parents graduated from high school because they had to get jobs to help support their families. But I always knew how smart they both were and there never was a doubt that they expected me to go to college. It wasn't a matter of, if you want to, it was always "when you graduate from college."

Never underestimate the determination of parents who want "more" for their children.

  • Love 14
9 hours ago, swankie said:

Again you're assuming she doesn't check her glucose.  It's hard to say that like it's a fact when we're not being shown every minute of every day in their lives.  They don't show her wiping her ass either but I'm going to take a big guess that she does.  Maybe she checks her glucose while she's on the toilet!  I have type 2 diabetes and I check my blood glucose in the privacy of my own room.  It can be a private thing.  We don't know because the show editors are the ones who determine what makes it on the air. 

Not particularly,  I'm assuming the show isn't airing it.  By which the narrative is....hey, a pregnant t2 diabetic has a high risk pregnancy, but you can eat sugary food, not check your blood sugar, not treat your high glucose and you'll end up with a healthy baby.  

This is a dangerous narrative because of the birth complications and defects that are part and parcel of actually doing that.  

Does Amy check her glucose levels?  Maybe, maybe not.  But no one watching the show has seen that.  What they have seen is someone with t2 diabetes who is pregnant, eating sugary, highly processed, unhealthy, carb heavy food and not once check her blood sugar or take steps to treat it.  

These women are routinely farting on camera with wild abandon, so I find it hard to believe that amy is opposed to checking her blood sugar on camera if that's something she is doing.  


  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, lilysmom said:

Well said! I'm not sure how many people would want to watch a diabetic checking his/her blood sugar over and over again on TV. Yes, they could have shown Amy taking proper care of herself during the pregnancy, but this isn't a show about people who are doing or ever did the right things to stay well. Nor is it a show about healthy pregnancies for women who are diabetic. It is a show about a family of very overweight people who have the problems that come with that. 

Say what you will about how their lives turned out, I think it is commendable that Amy wants her child to go to college. Neither of my parents graduated from high school because they had to get jobs to help support their families. But I always knew how smart they both were and there never was a doubt that they expected me to go to college. It wasn't a matter of, if you want to, it was always "when you graduate from college."

Never underestimate the determination of parents who want "more" for their children.

They didn't even show it once.  It takes under a minute.  Five seconds for results.  

The show made it a point for Amy to mention that her diabetes made her pregnancy high risk at least three times.  But it was too much to show a five second glucose check?  Maybe instead of the asthma treatment?

A focal point of this season has been Amy's pregnancy and part of that has been the high risk nature of her pregnancy.  

I dont know who watches this show, but its so fantastically easy to show a glucose check and IMO its irresponsible to mention the high risk due to diabetes and to show absolutely no self care and a resulting healthy baby. This shows that not only can you blow off your diabetes and end up with a healthy baby, but that there is nothing you could really do to affect the outcome.  

There could be someone who is in her position watching who could get the wrong message.  And if it was a huge task, fine, but why not show some care for the condition she has on multiple occasions could cause birth defects instead of asthma treatments and sleep.apnea machines?

1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I wonder how long Chris has been type I.  I discovered that Type II’s vary on how often they check blood sugar.  It depends on many factors.  As a type I myself, it’s difficult for me to relate.  I have a friend diagnosed type II, who went on pills and her doctor didn’t even suggest she get a blood meter!  I started wearing a continuous glucose monitor a few years ago, so I always know my blood sugar.  I still test manually to calibrate the CGM though (I wear insulin pump and CGM). I hope Amy is doing ok with managing her Type II.  From what I hear, she’ll do much better if she loses more weight.  I wonder if she’ll continue to work on that now that the baby is born.  

Good on you for getting a pump!  I always tell people that if the pump were a man I'd marry it.  That's how big a difference it made in my life.  

I hope your friend was referred to an endo.  Many t2 diabetics end up with complications after only a few years because they have likely been somewhat hyperglycemic for years and then its hard to get under control quickly enough if you're taking pills only.  Especially if you've lived  a life eating what you want.  

Is be interested in chris diagnosis too.  Some doctors change someone from t2 to t1 just because they start taking insulin.  It makes sense in a way as they are insulin dependent and it allows them more access to treatment modalities like the pump.  Some insurance companies are weird about t2 diabetics having a pump and its a whole production but a mere diagnosis of t1 will allow you a pump and CGM.  

I do suspect that Amy was monitoring her glucose because gage was fine.  I take issue with the narrative presented on the show which was "have a high risk condition, eat Chinese food and gummy bears, don't check your blood sugar and treat and end up with a healthy baby"

  • Love 1

Personally I don’t care they don’t show amy checking her glucose. TLC long ago abandoned being “The Learning Channel”. They’re producing entertainment, and I would sincerely hope that if someone is diabetic and pregnant, they would get their advice from their doctors and not take a narrative from a tv show. There’s plenty of things that people do that don’t make for interesting TV, which at the end of the day is what the producers are after. 

  • Love 14

I think following Amy's example of what to do when having a baby is akin to following Tammy's dental care advice. I agree with Fur Baby Mamma that a pregnant woman needs to take advice from her ob-gyn and not some entertainment show. 

With that being said, I am so glad that Amy and her baby are well. Obviously she did follow the advice of her dr. for much of the time that wasn't shown on TV. I suspect that much of the gummy bear, junk food stuff was producer driven. If they showed all the everyday mundane stuff, who would watch it?

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, RealReality said:

It is not nearly as pressing an issue for chris because he isnt pregnant, there isnt a child at risk and he isnt on TV eating the worst possible food.  

Amy said, on multiple occasions that her diabetes made her pregnancy "high risk" and then was shown eating every conceivable piece of food to give her hyperglycemia. 

So, the picture painted is that it's cool to be a pregnant t2 diabetic, eat whatever awful food you can find, never ever check your glucose levels and take proactive steps to being your glucose under control and baby will be okie dokie.  

My husband is a type 2 diabetic and controls his glucose levels--he tests only once a day--with diet, exercise, and medication.  I have a cousin and several friends who are also type 2's, and those of them who are using insulin tend, it seems to me, to be a little more cavalier about what they eat.  I was at dinner once with my cousin, who is an MD, and saw him jab his thigh--through his trouser leg!--with a hypodermic!  I said what the hell and he said he needed insulin.

I wonder if Amy uses insulin, and if that's why she was so careless about her diet?

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I really like Amy. but detest Tammy. When she Tammy to show them Gage, she just their with a scowl on her face - her resting fat bitch face. It is clearly obvious to me that Tammy is super jealous of Amy. Tammy is always finding an excuse why to eat, Amy does too, but at least she qualified for the surgery, I almost can't wait for Tammy to explode when brother Chris get his surgery. Also, isn't Amanda Chris's wife ?

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, RealReality said:

There could be someone who is in her position watching who could get the wrong message.  And if it was a huge task, fine, but why not show some care for the condition she has on multiple occasions could cause birth defects instead of asthma treatments and sleep.apnea machines?

People die from sleep apnea and from asthma.  She needed both the cpap and the nebulizer, especially given the stress to her lungs if she were having a vaginal birth, which she was still hoping to do right up to the last minute.  Her diabetes is very serious, too, but please (coming from a 73-year old woman with COPD) don't make light of her pulmonary problems, either.

Amy is in terrible physical (and some would say mental) condition, and she's very lucky to have given birth to a healthy baby with no apparent harm to herself.

All that said, I would hope that any diabetic, pulmonary-impaired pregnant woman would look elsewhere (like to their OB-GYN's) for medical guidance.

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