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S09E03: Patience Is Patience

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I’m keeping it short(-ish) and (not-so-)sweet this week . . .

How nice that Bentley’s academic struggles are fodder for public discussion now as well!  Yet another gross violation of his privacy and basic human rights.  Maci, you are kind of disgusting.  Try actually worrying about the Things That Matter for fucking once.

Leah is growing up into such a pretty, composed young lady.  I like the way she interacts with her mom.  You can tell that she’s being kind of careful in general, for lack of a better word, but there’s a maturity to her communication that is beyond her years.  She’s had to grow up a little faster than she would have otherwise, but I’m glad she can see her mom and return to her stable home with Gar-bear at the end of the day.

Brianna’s friends’ presentation for Old/New Boyfriend was the absolute definition of extra, but I loved it.  20 years ago, I would have done that.  Of all the girls, Brianna has the most solid friend group, hands down.

The only part of Mackenzie’s story I care about is her dad’s surgery.  Hope he came through it okay.  That’s literally it.

Catelynn sat in the grass and bitched about stuff, then drank some wine on a bench.  Again, that’s literally it.  Please, please don’t have any more kids.  Please. 

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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1 hour ago, edie3 said:

Catelynn is talking about having more kids, yet she tells her toddler that she sucks? Please, God, no!

That's all she seems to do is get pregnant, well and talk about shit she's never going to do because she lacks the motivation to follow through and actually stick with something that would actually be hard or take some work to do. Girl is just lazy as fuck and once she finds out how hard or how much anything takes to do, she drops it. 

It's a shame that Leah already knows that she has to tiptoe around Amber. Leah should not have to be like that around her mother, it's such a shame, but I am glad at the dad Gary has become and really stepped up for her. Not to mention the shit he does and puts up with just to try to have Amber in Leah's life. It's just a shame that Amber sucks and is fucking all about herself. It's always all about her when it should be all about her kids.  Self centered just doesn't even begin to describe Amber.  I just feel so sorry for Leah, but am glad that she has Gary and Kristina to guide her way.

Maci just needs to stop the shit already and give Bentley the privacy this poor kid deserves. He does not deserve to have everything out there for everyone to see and know. Enough is enough already. Let the boy grow the rest of his years without Maci having to discuss every damn thing on TV.

  • Love 9

Tyler needs to calm down. He makes me uncomfortable and reminds me of a person in my family with mania and some other pathology. 

Also, I'm not saying I'd want this for a child, but if Tyler wants a boy so badly, or either way if they are intent on another, why not adopt one and bring things full circle? 

ETA: Because I couldn't stop myself from commenting while watching, what a stupid storyline with Amber and the house. And I may or may not have had a special brownie, but I'm on about my 10th time replaying the "bouncy house is closed" crisis, and for some reason so many parts of this scene crack me up. But really it's not funny, it's gross. 

Catelynn's purple hair really contrasts with nature. 


Edited by abracadabra
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Well, googled microblading and now I understand why so many people on TV have such stupid looking eyebrows all of a sudden.  You couldn't pay me enough to look like that. Jeez. And now I can't stop seeing them on most of these stupid Teen Mom too-old-to-be still-doing-this-damn-show women. It's like suddenly everyone wants to look like Joan Crawford, which is not a look I ever could stand. And I cannot believe anyone would let Catelynn do this to them, considering how perfect you have to be and how long it lasts and it can get infected etc.  Lazy sloppy Catelynn. Nope.

I hate Maci so much I can barely stand it. She keeps blasting that poor boy's problems all over national TV like it was nothing at all. She just wants something to have drama about and she keeps using him, at his age, to get it.  That is the most overscheduled, overgossiped about child on television right now.  That poor child. I wish there were consequences for the cavalier way she handles his private life on TV. God knows neither she nor MTV have any conscience at all about it.  God I hate her. 

Gary and Kristina treat Amber like another daughter.  She has no responsibility at all, she just lets them do everything for her and arrange things for her. I realize they are trying for Leah but they need to stop this. It is not helping Amber at all and in the long run I don't think supporting her infantile rageaholic mother is in Leah's best interests either. And Amber's eyebrow's are ridiculous too, not that anyone asked me. But just yuck.

I still have no idea why we are watching Cheyenne on this show. Nothing about Cheyenne belongs here.

Mackenzie is such an infant. We have to move in a week and everything is just magically falling into place and sunshine and roses and puppies await. She has relied on her family her whole life. Now she's taking all those young kids far away as a single mom for the first time and sure that should be no problem at all. That talk with her kids was ridiculous. They didn't 'agree' to move, they barely understand what she was telling them. She might as well have been talking about going away for a week's vacation. And her dad is ill now. Her sister always looks like she is trying to talk to someone who is intellectually and emotionally challenged and not upset them.

  • Love 15
11 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Well, googled microblading and now I understand why so many people on TV have such stupid looking eyebrows all of a sudden.  You couldn't pay me enough to look like that. Jeez. And now I can't stop seeing them on most of these stupid Teen Mom too-old-to-be still-doing-this-damn-show women. It's like suddenly everyone wants to look like Joan Crawford, which is not a look I ever could stand. And I cannot believe anyone would let Catelynn do this to them, considering how perfect you have to be and how long it lasts and it can get infected etc.  Lazy sloppy Catelynn. Nope.

I hate Maci so much I can barely stand it. She keeps blasting that poor boy's problems all over national TV like it was nothing at all. She just wants something to have drama about and she keeps using him, at his age, to get it.  That is the most overscheduled, overgossiped about child on television right now.  That poor child. I wish there were consequences for the cavalier way she handles his private life on TV. God knows neither she nor MTV have any conscience at all about it.  God I hate her. 

Gary and Kristina treat Amber like another daughter.  She has no responsibility at all, she just lets them do everything for her and arrange things for her. I realize they are trying for Leah but they need to stop this. It is not helping Amber at all and in the long run I don't think supporting her infantile rageaholic mother is in Leah's best interests either. And Amber's eyebrow's are ridiculous too, not that anyone asked me. But just yuck.

I still have no idea why we are watching Cheyenne on this show. Nothing about Cheyenne belongs here.

Mackenzie is such an infant. We have to move in a week and everything is just magically falling into place and sunshine and roses and puppies await. She has relied on her family her whole life. Now she's taking all those young kids far away as a single mom for the first time and sure that should be no problem at all. That talk with her kids was ridiculous. They didn't 'agree' to move, they barely understand what she was telling them. She might as well have been talking about going away for a week's vacation. And her dad is ill now. Her sister always looks like she is trying to talk to someone who is intellectually and emotionally challenged and not upset them.

On Mackenzie moving, though, I don't know how else I'd explain it to kids that age. And they don't get to decide, anyway. I think she did an okay job on that part. 

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, CalicoskiesNC said:

Cate is one of those women that don’t become pregnant because they want another child.  She only craves the special attention that being pregnant affords her. She has zero genuine interest in raising and nurturing children. It’s sad. 

And that's why when she went to the tabloids about no one saying anything about miscarriage that no one issued a statement because even her so called friends are sick of her shit.

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I was cringing the whole time during Bentley’s segment. Does this poor kid have ANY privacy at all?? Adolescence is such a difficult time anyway, so to have all of your issues discussed so publicly must be excruciating. Bentley is such a sweet and seemingly even keeled kid so he seems like he’s handling it so far. But I wonder how it really is for him around his peers and how he will feel about in the future. Macy, I beg of you, give him some privacy and find another storyline! Your job as a mother is to protect your kid and you are not! And shame on MTV to allow this to go on. 

  • Love 9

I did a spit-take when Amber told Leah that she, too, can have a big fancy house in a big fancy neighborhood, just like the one Amber bought and was forced to give to Andrew.  "You just have to work hard".  OMG. 

The rest of the show was boring as hell, especially since I was watching in real time and couldn't FF through the Cheyenne scenes like I usually do. 

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suzeecat beat me to it!

None of Leah's three adult role models has an actual job.  They pick her up after school in the middle of the week for a cruise on Gary's boat, which is the perfect setting for Amber to advise her to "work hard" if she wants to acquire a house of her own.  

Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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1 hour ago, suzeecat said:

I did a spit-take when Amber told Leah that she, too, can have a big fancy house in a big fancy neighborhood, just like the one Amber bought and was forced to give to Andrew.  "You just have to work hard".  OMG. 

The rest of the show was boring as hell, especially since I was watching in real time and couldn't FF through the Cheyenne scenes like I usually do. 

I did a spit take with my coffee when she said that. What, Amber? Say what now? I’m actually one of those people who does think filming a reality show is work and it’s fine not to have a 2nd job in the short term, but I wouldn’t exactly call it hard work. Not that you can’t work hard at it. Lauren Conrad comes to mind as a person who I think worked hard at a reality show and was very diligent about getting the best career she could out of it. Amber laid on her couch and got arrested. She hasn’t done anything but be filmed being trashy. What does she think hard work is? On a more positive note, Leah is the most adorable kid. She comes across as smart, thoughtful, emotionally mature, and so pretty (I really think she has the prettiest face). Good for her. She seems to be the best possible combination of her parents.

Caitlyn is another one who has done basically nothing. I laugh out loud at Tyler’s business ventures but at least he’s tried something! Cait has laid on the couch and bought animals. Which I guess is better than being arrested. She needs to stop pretending she wants to do stuff. She doesn’t and it just leads to another escape baby. Whenever it’s time for her to do something with her life she has a baby. I don’t even think she likes being pregnant or being a mom but it’s a way for her to escape other decisions. 

Mac is sort of nuts. But she was fine this episode. I understood where she was coming from most of the time. I wonder if Josh sees the kids. The show makes it look like he could not possibly care less about his kids but maybe that’s just editing.

Maci and Cheyenne have the same issue as TV stars. Their lives  are more together than the others but they’re still boring unlikeable people. At this point we’re just watching Maci doing boring suburban mom stuff and Cheyenne doing boring single mom stuff. Maci isn’t very likable in general and Cheyenne isn’t very engaging in general. It’s sort of dull when it’s not cringy.


  • Love 8

Someone last week mentioned that what Amber needs is a job.   A real job - off the couch.   She has waaaay too much time to sit around and think about herself and/or look for another guy.   This could be said almost every week for the last decade.   I could not agree more.   

And why, after a year is Andrew still living in her house and driving her car?   She needs a new attorney.   No matter how Amber got the money for that house, it's hers.

Actually, Maci's segment provided me with the best laugh of the episode.   More than once I paused on the Big Pile of Crap behind Taylor in the dining room - it cracked me up.   Full disclosure: I've "picked up" my house like that before but never pointed the [Zoom]camera at it, defeating the purpose hehe.   Oh and I eventually got around to dealing with the pile.  I think the Big Pile o'Crap was there last week too.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Is it me or does it seem kind of crazy for a ten ( or 11 year old year) boy to be so bogged down with at least 4-5 sports? I have had three kids and all were in various sports throughout elementary, middle and high school (one one who played D1 college lacrosse), and I have never encountered a child this age being in so many organized sports...not only that, the pressure to perform well in school determines if he will be able to play any of these sports...at age 10??? Wow...Bentley does not have a normal childhood...at all. The show is problematic for him at this juncture. Too much personal and private stuff being put out there for public consumption...the pressure this kid is under at his age is just awful. He should definitely play different sports but for fun and to make friends...pick a winter sport and spring/summer sport for serious long term goals...everything else should be recreational. And it's obvious, he cannot handle all these sports and still do well in school. He should be playing with his friends (if he has any) and going to play dates, sleepovers and maybe summer camp that isn't sports related. And yeah Maci...parenting is hard. Little kids, little problems...big kids, big problems. Quit pushing this kid so hard or he'll end up self medicating like his dad.

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Maci's life is boring but she shouldn't use her child's problems for her storyline. If it's so hard to stay relevant or interesting, she should search in her own life for material. Poor Bentley. I don't want to know his troubles. 

Amber is such a loser. When you become a parent, the focus shifts to the child not to the parent and her drama and endless struggles with mental illnessES. Stay on your medicine, get a job, help your daughter, and be an example.

Cheyenne 's friends and their ppt presentation was cute. 

MacKenzie, yeah as someone else said,her husband obviously doesn't care about her kids. How will she find and afford daycare in FL ?

Cate is such a slob. I say the same thing every week but, damn sitting down on the ground looks very hard for her. I chuckled when they said they dont want to be having kids - gasp !  - in their 30s. I was 34,35 and 38 when I had mine.






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14 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Someone last week mentioned that what Amber needs is a job.   A real job - off the couch.   She has waaaay too much time to sit around and think about herself and/or look for another guy.   This could be said almost every week for the last decade.   I could not agree more.   

And why, after a year is Andrew still living in her house and driving her car?   She needs a new attorney.   No matter how Amber got the money for that house, it's hers.

Actually, Maci's segment provided me with the best laugh of the episode.   More than once I paused on the Big Pile of Crap behind Taylor in the dining room - it cracked me up.   Full disclosure: I've "picked up" my house like that before but never pointed the [Zoom]camera at it, defeating the purpose hehe.   Oh and I eventually got around to dealing with the pile.  I think the Big Pile o'Crap was there last week too.  

All these TM's need jobs...none of them work. I think even Maci and Tyler's t shirt business is defunct. Cate and Tyler pondering having another child when they don't even want to interact with the two they have now is just disgusting to me. Tyler screaming and having manic meltdowns like what we saw last night is just the tip of the iceberg with this guy. He's miserable and thinks having another baby will be magical? What if it's another girl? His mother didn't help matters with her constant chirping about speeding it up and poking them about getting going and having another kid. What is her major malfunction?? These people are just pathetic breeders...this all they know how to do and don't have any means of supporting these children except through this show. 

Amber has never worked...ever. Andrew wanted to move back to California with the baby but Amber's attorney fought for the baby to stay in Indiana and I guess the deal they struck was that he get the house and car for consistency in a living space and getting the baby to doctor's appointments, etc. Andrew has no friends, family or work in Indiana so he was making more of sacrifice than Amber...at least that was the way the court viewed it. Amber is being enabled by Gary and Christina. They need to stop...now. If this what they have to do to keep her in Leah's life then that is just sad. At this point there are three people in this marriage...Amber has no gumption, no ambition, no awareness of what she should be doing at her age. She's never been held accountable in this way and continues to use her "mental health issues" as an excuse to sit on her couch or bed enveloped in blankets. If you push back on her at all her full blown BPD comes out and the physical abuse begins. 


  • Love 16
2 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

All these TM's need jobs...none of them work. I think even Maci and Tyler's t shirt business is defunct. Cate and Tyler pondering having another child when they don't even want to interact with the two they have now is just disgusting to me. Tyler screaming and having manic meltdowns like what we saw last night is just the tip of the iceberg with this guy. He's miserable and thinks having another baby will be magical? What if it's another girl? His mother didn't help matters with her constant chirping about speeding it up and poking them about getting going and having another kid. What is her major malfunction?? These people are just pathetic breeders...this all they know how to do and don't have any means of supporting these children except through this show. 

Amber has never worked...ever. Andrew wanted to move back to California with the baby but Amber's attorney fought for the baby to stay in Indiana and I guess the deal they struck was that he get the house and car for consistency in a living space and getting the baby to doctor's appointments, etc. Andrew has no friends, family or work in Indiana so he was making more of sacrifice than Amber...at least that was the way the court viewed it. Amber is being enabled by Gary and Christina. They need to stop...now. If this what they have to do to keep her in Leah's life then that is just sad. At this point there are three people in this marriage...Amber has no gumption, no ambition, no awareness of what she should be doing at her age. She's never been held accountable in this way and continues to use her "mental health issues" as an excuse to sit on her couch or bed enveloped in blankets. If you push back on her at all her full blown BPD comes out and the physical abuse begins. 


I figured the house situation was something like that. Or that while the house is Amber’s she can’t afford the mortgage and that’s why she’s not living there. Amber always thinks she’s getting screwed over when it’s just normal stuff that happens. Especially when your life is a messy trash fire.

what does the episode title “Patience is Patience” mean? Is it a play on words I’m not understanding. Has MTV complete stoped trying and is just throwing word salad at the title cards?

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47 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Amber has never worked...ever. Andrew wanted to move back to California with the baby but Amber's attorney fought for the baby to stay in Indiana and I guess the deal they struck was that he get the house and car for consistency in a living space and getting the baby to doctor's appointments, etc. Andrew has no friends, family or work in Indiana so he was making more of sacrifice than Amber...at least that was the way the court viewed it.

Like I said, she needs a new attorney.  That's crazy.   They weren't married - this wasn't a divorce settlement.  It's barely a custody agreement.  I seem to remember his original idea was to take the baby to California and have Amber pay him child support but somehow he ended up living in her house instead.  Not sure how that entitles him to her car though.    I've always thought Andrew was a (low rent) gold digger and this kind of confirms that for me.   And like most gold diggers - a baby is the golden ticket.  

Does Andrew have to move when her probation is up?   


Edited by Cosmocrush
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1 hour ago, Chris Knight said:

Cheyenne 's friends and their ppt presentation was cute.

It was!  She actually has real friends.   I used to FF through her scenes but I admit Cheyenne has grown on me.  When her friends came over and she remarked, "Oh you have on real clothes" I could relate; working from home since March I can count the time I've put on "real clothes" on one hand.   Also, filling Target carts online is also something I do for something to do since I don't really shop outside of pickup/delivery anymore.   Sigh.  

  • Love 6

The bouncy house is closed? Oooooh, the bouncy house is closed? THE BOUNCY HOUSE IS CLOSED?!

I could've "went and took" her there while everyone else "shaaaaapped". 

"She's "tuckled" in, right? She's buckled in?

There was enough silliness here before T even exploded. I actually really liked Cate in this scene. 

Edited by abracadabra
  • LOL 4
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8 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Like I said, she needs a new attorney.  That's crazy.   They weren't married - this wasn't a divorce settlement.  It's barely a custody agreement.  I seem to remember his original idea was to take the baby to California and have Amber pay him child support but somehow he ended up living in her house instead.  Not sure how that entitles him to her car though.    I've always thought Andrew was a (low rent) gold digger and this kind of confirms that for me.   And like most gold diggers - a baby is the golden ticket.  

Does Andrew have to move when her probation is up?   


Well...Amber is lucky she didn't have to go back to jail after she pummeled him and allgedly went after him with a machete when he was holding the baby. We all heard the tape. She's unfit to take sole custody of any her kids. I'm no fan of Andrew but her behavior is erratic and dangerous when she's on full throttle anger mode.

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

I figured the house situation was something like that. Or that while the house is Amber’s she can’t afford the mortgage and that’s why she’s not living there. Amber always thinks she’s getting screwed over when it’s just normal stuff that happens. Especially when your life is a messy trash fire.

what does the episode title “Patience is Patience” mean? Is it a play on words I’m not understanding. Has MTV complete stoped trying and is just throwing word salad at the title cards?

Amber needs a Life Coach. She needs someone to help her set goals, follow a daily schedule of wake up time and daily things to do that help her physically and mentally to get going on doing something with her life. She's going nowhere fast at this rate...pushing thirty and no plan for her future or any kind of career path is a bad place to be. You can afford to be in a rut when you're in late teens and 20's but when you are edging towards 30 you really need to get serious about where you see yourself in the future and do something about it. A Life Coach could be helpful to her if she is open to it and does the work but with Amber who is notorious lazy and difficult to deal with, it could be a real challenge.

13 hours ago, SuzWhat said:

Cate - Tyler yells all the time.  I guess you noticed because there was an adult witness (his mother). She was busy pretending it wasn’t happening.  But also, you overreacted.  They are the worst. All the adults screaming and no one comforting not-Carlie. 

"not Carlie" 😂

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23 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I hate Maci so much I can barely stand it. She keeps blasting that poor boy's problems all over national TV like it was nothing at all. She just wants something to have drama about and she keeps using him, at his age, to get it.  That is the most overscheduled, overgossiped about child on television right now.  That poor child. I wish there were consequences for the cavalier way she handles his private life on TV. God knows neither she nor MTV have any conscience at all about it.  God I hate her.

Yeah, I can't stand Maci and she is fucking insufferable this season. I believe that she loves Bentley, but she is so fucking selfish and fake that she doesn't get how disgusting it is for her to 1) put Bentley's personal, sensitive issues on blast and 2) be fakely melodramatic about it all for the show. I think Taylor is low-key opposed to the phoniness for the show and tries not to directly participate. I thought it was weird in the scene with the call with Bentley's therapist when Maci "got so upset," but he didn't even pat her on the arm and was just kind of (awkwardly) like, "Why is this so hard for you?," setting Maci up for her heart-wrenching line about how she never wanted to hear "Bentley" and "neglect" in the same sentence. She probably made him rehearse it in advance and he felt weird about it. I've noticed that kind of thing with him other times.

13 hours ago, SuzWhat said:

Cate - Tyler yells all the time.  I guess you noticed because there was an adult witness (his mother). She was busy pretending it wasn’t happening.  But also, you overreacted.  They are the worst. All the adults screaming and no one comforting not-Carlie. 


On 2/9/2021 at 11:07 PM, abracadabra said:

Also, I'm not saying I'd want this for a child, but if Tyler wants a boy so badly, or either way if they are intent on another, why not adopt one and bring things full circle? 

And I may or may not have had a special brownie, but I'm on about my 10th time replaying the "bouncy house is closed" crisis, and for some reason so many parts of this scene crack me up. But really it's not funny, it's gross.

They are so utterly dysfunctional as parents and as a couple, despite their constant efforts to seem "together." They don't even know how to fake being functional adults. It's very sad, really. Hopefully, no reputable adoption service would let them adopt (though I guess Bethany might do them a favor in exchange for all C&T have done for them), but I imagine they could get a baby from one of their relatives/associates or a fan. But I think a big part of Ty's desire for a son is based in his wanting a male heir with his genes, so that might not work

  • Love 4
44 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Well...Amber is lucky she didn't have to go back to jail after she pummeled him and allegedly went after him with a machete when he was holding the baby. We all heard the tape. She's unfit to take sole custody of any her kids. I'm no fan of Andrew but her behavior is erratic and dangerous when she's on full throttle anger mode.

Oh I agree.  And like Leah, the baby is probably better off not with Amber. 

Still, I don't see why that means Andrew gets the use of her house and her car.  He could have custody in a place he actually pays the rent/mortgage and buy his own damn car.   It happens all the time - unless the couple bought the house together and then often the custodial parent gets to live there.  There must be more to the story/agreement than I know because it seems like she should have a different attorney for the house/car instead of using her criminal attorney.   

  • Love 3
Just now, Cosmocrush said:

Oh I agree.  And like Leah, the baby is probably better off not with Amber. 

Still, I don't see why that means Andrew gets the use of her house and her car.  He could have custody in a place he actually pays the rent/mortgage and buy his own damn car.   It happens all the time - unless the couple bought the house together and then often the custodial parent gets to live there.  There must be more to the story/agreement than I know because it seems like she should have a different attorney for the house/car instead of using her criminal attorney.   

If I’m not mistaken, while Amber owns cars, she does not drive. Since Andrew is the responsible parent taking the baby to appointments and such, and with Amber not driving, that’s why he has the car. And who knows, perhaps he’s on the lease?

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2 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Oh I agree.  And like Leah, the baby is probably better off not with Amber. 

Still, I don't see why that means Andrew gets the use of her house and her car.  He could have custody in a place he actually pays the rent/mortgage and buy his own damn car.   It happens all the time - unless the couple bought the house together and then often the custodial parent gets to live there.  There must be more to the story/agreement than I know because it seems like she should have a different attorney for the house/car instead of using her criminal attorney.   

Who knows...that's an Amber problem. I don't think it bothers her that much since she doesn't go to a job everyday or do anything at all. I think she likes being chauffered around. 

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Tyler’s mom looks really good.  

Pretty sure that if Cate was gonna be a micro blader, in real time, she’d be one by now.  Oh wait...they’re having another kid?  That they can lavish love & attention on, just like the others!  (Jk) 


what is Maci doing all day that she doesn’t have time to pick up the clutter in her house? 

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Who knows...that's an Amber problem. I don't think it bothers her that much since she doesn't go to a job everyday or do anything at all. I think she likes being chauffered around. 

It's telling that everyone takes it as a given that Amber can't/shouldn't have overnight custody of either of her kids for even one night a week, maybe not one night ever. She doesn't have a job or any other responsibilities, but no one expects or asks her to do anything, for herself or her kids. Yet, she, Gary, and Kristina act as if she's perfectly fine. It's insane that Gary felt like he had to do her basic shopping and errands for her (though he had family, household, and work responsibilities of his own). What married man with 3 kids (including Kristina's off-camera daughter), multiple rental properties to manage, a small farm, a few different small businesses, etc. has time to drive an hour away daily to help his ex with grocery shopping and wiping her ass (I guess)? Especially when said ex has plenty of money to get deliveries and/or hire people to help her. As well as the physical capability to do her own shopping and errands. Even if she doesn't want to/can't drive, she can afford an Uber or pay one of her relatives or friends to drive her around. It's just that she prefers to languish on her bed/couch in her house that she chose to rent an hour away from her kids (again, it's not like she had to be near her job or anything).

  • Love 15
9 hours ago, TheRealT said:

Yet, she, Gary, and Kristina act as if she's perfectly fine. It's insane that Gary felt like he had to do her basic shopping and errands for her (though he had family, household, and work responsibilities of his own).

At best, I think Gary and Kristina know that if Amber is okay (relatively) it's better for Leah and that apparently includes taking care of Amber and including her in Leah's life.      At worst, it's a way for Gary to keep the MTV dollars rolling in.   Either way, it seems like Leah is doing better than I ever would have predicted.

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13 hours ago, TheRealT said:

It's telling that everyone takes it as a given that Amber can't/shouldn't have overnight custody of either of her kids for even one night a week, maybe not one night ever. She doesn't have a job or any other responsibilities, but no one expects or asks her to do anything, for herself or her kids. Yet, she, Gary, and Kristina act as if she's perfectly fine. It's insane that Gary felt like he had to do her basic shopping and errands for her (though he had family, household, and work responsibilities of his own). What married man with 3 kids (including Kristina's off-camera daughter), multiple rental properties to manage, a small farm, a few different small businesses, etc. has time to drive an hour away daily to help his ex with grocery shopping and wiping her ass (I guess)? Especially when said ex has plenty of money to get deliveries and/or hire people to help her. As well as the physical capability to do her own shopping and errands. Even if she doesn't want to/can't drive, she can afford an Uber or pay one of her relatives or friends to drive her around. It's just that she prefers to languish on her bed/couch in her house that she chose to rent an hour away from her kids (again, it's not like she had to be near her job or anything).

Exactly! She could buy a used certified car for herself and do all her own shopping, errands. etc. instead of imposing on Gary and Kristina for every little thing. Her mother or her cousin could help her. She can order stuff online and have it delivered or get an Uber.. It's absurd that she is so lazy and codependent that she cannot do everyday things without being a burden to her ex that she abused and treated poorly at one time. She is the epitome of entitlement. Gary is a tool. If he wanted to help her he could help her with purchasing a car so she could get off her ass and do her own shopping and drive herself to his house to see their daughter. But no...he's going to make it easier for her to do nothing by getting her a modular home to put on his property!   Instead of investing his and Kristina's money in this why not find her a life coach to help get her life going...otherwise you're not helping her Gary. It's just more of the same sloth and codependency that Amber has engaged in all her adult life. 

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7 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

Why is she in her home with headphones on? No one else is there. What in the actual fuck.  

She's lazier than Cate and that's saying a lot. She doesn't do anything. No cooking, no cleaning, no shopping, not a damn thing. How the fuck does she think she's capable of taking care of her son?

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

Gary isn’t coming off well, either.

2 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Why is she in her home with headphones on? No one else is there. What in the actual fuck.  

She's lazier than Cate and that's saying a lot. She doesn't do anything. No cooking, no cleaning, no shopping, not a damn thing. How the fuck does she think she's capable of taking care of her son?

Some of those pricey headphones sound a lot better than other speakers. 🤷‍♀️

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

Yes, but I’m not sure it’s all lies. I think it’s a mix of lies, delusion, half truths, and stuff that did happen. The stuff with Gary hitting on her and/or touching her I’m not ready to just dismiss outright. 

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On 2/9/2021 at 9:07 PM, abracadabra said:

Also, I'm not saying I'd want this for a child, but if Tyler wants a boy so badly, or either way if they are intent on another, why not adopt one and bring things full circle?


I wonder what they'd do if the bio parent(s) of the child they'd adopt consistently mowed over boundaries?  Would they make the decision to limit contact for everyone's sake?  Would be very interesting to say the least. 

I agree with the poster up thread who said the drama between Gary, Kristina, and Amber is probably a combination of what both sides are claiming (I'm going to go ahead and assume Gary will claim BS).  First of all, they HAD to know Amber would go ballistic about the 'third child' comment, so why say that on camera?  Second, and most important, is Gary absolutely insane to even consider having Amber live on the property?  He knows how volatile she is, now they would have a landlord/renter relationship on top of...whatever it is they have now?!?  He's definitely over-invested in her daily life.  Maybe he likes the power or maybe he really thinks he's helping, I don't know and can't judge his intentions.  But he's learning the hard way that you just cannot help some people. 

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Exactly! She could buy a used certified car for herself and do all her own shopping, errands. etc. instead of imposing on Gary and Kristina for every little thing. Her mother or her cousin could help her. She can order stuff online and have it delivered or get an Uber.. It's absurd that she is so lazy and codependent that she cannot do everyday things without being a burden to her ex that she abused and treated poorly at one time. She is the epitome of entitlement. Gary is a tool. If he wanted to help her he could help her with purchasing a car so she could get off her ass and do her own shopping and drive herself to his house to see their daughter. But no...he's going to make it easier for her to do nothing by getting her a modular home to put on his property!   Instead of investing his and Kristina's money in this why not find her a life coach to help get her life going...otherwise you're not helping her Gary. It's just more of the same sloth and codependency that Amber has engaged in all her adult life. 

Amber doesn't need help buying a car or figuring out how to call an Uber. She has no interest in doing those things. She has lived in IN for her entire life and probably has more money than anyone she knows, so (especially now) she would have no problem finding someone to drive her around, do errands for her, etc. She has admitted to paying Gary and Kristina to work for her (in order to shame them).

Similarly, Gary knows plenty of people who would be happy to be paid by Amber to do her errands, clean her house, etc. (Kristina does too). I think there is truth on both sides of their stories. Amber probably has called on Gary to wait on her hand and foot and G&K probably have taken loans, gifts, and generous payments from Amber in (at minimum, tacit) exchange for their support/service. When Amber calls asking Gary to come over to do her grocery shopping, he could say, "I'm busy with other stuff, but Kristina's cousin/my friend/my mom's hairdresser who's laid off b/c of COVID is looking for odd jobs." He doesn't do that because he wants the money/control/codependent involvement. That's arguably more on him and Kristina than on Amber, who's generally acknowledged as crazy and incapable of being a responsible adult. Similarly, when Amber decides she'd rather have someone else go grocery shopping or whatever for her, she could call her friend/relative/ex-housekeeper/etc. who she knows would do whatever for money, but she chooses to call Gary, who's an hour away and who will certainly infringe upon her "privacy." If she really wanted to maintain healthy boundaries with Gary (after he was allegedly sexually inappropriate with her), she wouldn't want him buying tampons for her. It probably gives her some codependent satisfaction and makes her feel good to have some power over G&K, who are constantly shaming her as a parent (in her mind) (well, also in reality). They're all fucked up.

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2 hours ago, TheRealT said:

Amber doesn't need help buying a car or figuring out how to call an Uber. She has no interest in doing those things. She has lived in IN for her entire life and probably has more money than anyone she knows, so (especially now) she would have no problem finding someone to drive her around, do errands for her, etc. She has admitted to paying Gary and Kristina to work for her (in order to shame them).

Similarly, Gary knows plenty of people who would be happy to be paid by Amber to do her errands, clean her house, etc. (Kristina does too). I think there is truth on both sides of their stories. Amber probably has called on Gary to wait on her hand and foot and G&K probably have taken loans, gifts, and generous payments from Amber in (at minimum, tacit) exchange for their support/service. When Amber calls asking Gary to come over to do her grocery shopping, he could say, "I'm busy with other stuff, but Kristina's cousin/my friend/my mom's hairdresser who's laid off b/c of COVID is looking for odd jobs." He doesn't do that because he wants the money/control/codependent involvement. That's arguably more on him and Kristina than on Amber, who's generally acknowledged as crazy and incapable of being a responsible adult. Similarly, when Amber decides she'd rather have someone else go grocery shopping or whatever for her, she could call her friend/relative/ex-housekeeper/etc. who she knows would do whatever for money, but she chooses to call Gary, who's an hour away and who will certainly infringe upon her "privacy." If she really wanted to maintain healthy boundaries with Gary (after he was allegedly sexually inappropriate with her), she wouldn't want him buying tampons for her. It probably gives her some codependent satisfaction and makes her feel good to have some power over G&K, who are constantly shaming her as a parent (in her mind) (well, also in reality). They're all fucked up.

Interesting...it all makes sense. 

On 2/9/2021 at 10:48 PM, Quilty said:

Did Mack just say that she thought her dad's chest pains were from a broken heart?

Yes...she did. I'm still trying to figure out her plan for moving down to Florida with three kids...alone. She has no family or friends to help with babysitting and finding childcare or enrolling them in school might be difficult during the pandemic. Does she even have a plan?

  • Love 3
On 2/10/2021 at 11:46 AM, Snarky McSnarky said:

suzeecat beat me to it!

None of Leah's three adult role models has an actual job.  They pick her up after school in the middle of the week for a cruise on Gary's boat, which is the perfect setting for Amber to advise her to "work hard" if she wants to acquire a house of her own.  

In 2019 he became a police officer (if i remember correctly)....don’t know if he is employed as one or how he passed a physical...but that was what was in the media lol.

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5 hours ago, Real Housewife LI said:

In 2019 he became a police officer (if i remember correctly)....don’t know if he is employed as one or how he passed a physical...but that was what was in the media lol.

I'm not sure but I think he is a reserve officer, meaning he gets no pay and most likely only works a few hours a week.  Good for him if he wants to give back to the community, although it's definitely not a full time job.

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On 2/10/2021 at 5:40 PM, abracadabra said:

The bouncy house is closed? Oooooh, the bouncy house is closed? THE BOUNCY HOUSE IS CLOSED?!

I could've "went and took" her there while everyone else "shaaaaapped". 

"She's "tuckled" in, right? She's buckled in?

There was enough silliness here before T even exploded. I actually really liked Cate in this scene. 

Why the heck would a bouncy house even be open at all during Covid?  Ewwwwww.

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