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S18.E06: 1mm

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McGee might be too thin but he seems to be a fast healer if he is already out of the hospital within a week:)

And if Torres is already this overprotective, he's going to be even worse if/when they start dating.  

ETA - they will both be annoying and overprotective

Edited by scorpio1031
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10 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

McGee might be too thin but he seems to be a fast healer if he is already out of the hospital within a week:)

And if Torres is already this overprotective, he's going to be even worse if they start dating.  

Anyone pick up on Torres' voice-tones when he was talking to Bishop while they were locked in the jail-cells?  I could swear I heard traces of his Fez voice sneaking out. 

How much longer will it be before the hookup?

Edited by preeya
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Am I the only one that is upset that Gibbs (and us) never got

to see the tree "shaped like Dolly Parton".   It probably was a tree that had

two branches at the same "level" that  ---  because they were protruding out toward the road -----

had to be cut back until they were just two stubs that slightly stuck out

so that they kinda looked like ---  well, you get the idea.

"What are you talking about, Casey???   A tree that looks like Dolly Par--- oh, never mind, I see it now."

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Anybody count how many times the phrase "I (or you) did what I (or you) had to do"?  I felt that it was too many times.

I understand driving the point home, but to whom? The characters, or the audience?

Did Mcgee or Gibbs ever say " you did it to save my life".

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9 hours ago, Twilight Man said:

Am I the only one that is upset that Gibbs (and us) never got

to see the tree "shaped like Dolly Parton".   It probably was a tree that had

two branches at the same "level" that  ---  because they were protruding out toward the road -----

had to be cut back until they were just two stubs that slightly stuck out

so that they kinda looked like ---  well, you get the idea.

"What are you talking about, Casey???   A tree that looks like Dolly Par--- oh, never mind, I see it now."

I really wanted to see the Dolly Parton tree. I was disappointed. 

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I more or less liked it, but felt it got to be too much when Bishop got her door open and had to step on the land mine or whatever to keep it from going off.  And, really, how long were they in there before she noticed her door wasn't locked?  And, did I miss it, or did we actually ever see them get out?  Did Gibbs go downstairs or was it just assumed that he saved them? I only ask because I wasn't sure if the end was like a flashback or if they were all back at work together.

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15 minutes ago, Katy M said:

And, did I miss it, or did we actually ever see them get out?  Did Gibbs go downstairs or was it just assumed that he saved them?

No, we didn't see them get out.  Gibbs arrested the bad guy and the next thing is Gibbs telling McGee what happened and Bishop and Torres are back in the office.

And I agree, the land mine was just one danger too many.

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I am mad we didn't see the Dolly Parton tree too!!

I was a little claustrophobic thinking about this episode.  It made me nervous even though I knew they would get out eventually. 

Bishop and Torres are officially annoying...She was pretty bitchy to him.  When he was first introduced he was like a lothario and now he's reduced to this.

Am I the only one who doesn't want to see them together?

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12 minutes ago, enoughcats said:


Not that teenagers watch this, but it so sends a totally wrong message about professional bahaviour in offices, etc.

Most TV shows sends totally wrong messages about behavior in general.

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2 hours ago, NYGirl said:

Am I the only one who doesn't want to see them together?

No.  I don't want to see this.  I think Torres might be my least favorite character on this show ever, and that says a lot.  I *really* don't want him with Bishop.  I'd rather it be a one sided crush, if it must exist, but I know I am not going to get my wish.  I knew that even before this episode.  I realized a few episodes ago I like him even less than Jack.  I'm at a point where I am OK if he gets killed off even if that means another dead love interest for Bishop.  But ask me how I really feel.  😄 


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It was driving me nuts through the entire episode why Bishop and Torres didn't just queue up a bunch of texts so when they got that random one bar of service they'd squirt through and get to Kasie or Gibbs or whomever.  I do that all the time (under less dire circumstances) when I'm camping and it works fine.

I do like that it seems this episode was built around that fun news story about that house on Zillow that had some "extras" beyond granite countertops and hardwood floors, but an actual jail in the basement.  The Zillow listing is gone (house sold!) but this article on Forbes talks about it.  I guess it is more common that you would think, that previous link was for a Missouri house, but here's a  Realtor.com article about a similar Vermont house. The Vermont house, to me, looks more like what they portrayed in the episode.  Alas, no photos of a "Dolly Parton" tree....

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5 hours ago, LakeGal said:

I was surprised the NCIS car didn't have GPS on it.  They could check where the car had been. I guess I was overthinking it.

Good catch! Abby would have thought of that.

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Sooooo seriously fake. Why didn't they just use Bishop's phone to find out where they were, or their car's system. Stupid writing all the way. Not that it's surprising. This programme has been completely unrealistic for quite a while. 

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You guys, I’ve stuck with this show for 18 years. I FLOVE Mark Harmon. But I’m seriously not here for The Toddler Hour, which is what NCIS has become with Torres and Bishop. I was surprised they didn’t just declare their undying love for each other in the jail cell. I don’t like either of them and if Sean Murray leaves, I’m out. I wouldn’t blame him since he’s been sidelined for the last year or so anyway. I just don’t know how much more of this I can take. 😝

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Yes, this show was beyond idiotic.   For one, do they think that all Americans are so stupid about metric measurements that they don't understand exactly how small 1 mm is?   And to keep repeating it and repeating it.... we "get it".    Enough already.  And even though Bishop still looked pretty banged up from her previous ordeal, McGee looked he was fine and dandy.  Shot in multiple places and almost killed but he looks as if he just got off that beach in a previous episode.     And Torres and Bishop.... I actually like both and think they have some chemistry, but please save the high school stuff and just go out for drinks and go home and f**k for God's sake.  Put the audience out of it's misery.  

Ironic that Maria Bello as Jack is leaving the show - almost all of the characters on the team (maybe with the exception of Kasey) could use a good shrink.  

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50 minutes ago, 12catcrazy said:

Ironic that Maria Bello as Jack is leaving the show - almost all of the characters on the team (maybe with the exception of Kasey) could use a good shrink.

I get your point, but I'm not sure that person is Jack.  I love Maria Bello, and I thought she'd be great on this show, but the character of Jack is so messed up that even a great actress like her can't really do much.   Jack is written so inconsistently by the writing team that she really has no definition as a person to me, and seems to only serve as either an uncomfortable focus in an episode, or as a tertiary character who swans into a scene to drop some bit of exposition to carry the plot to the next scene.  She only seems to be a consistent, real person during her scenes with Vance.

Jack has issues on issues on issues, and I believe hauls more emotional baggage behind her than Gibbs does.  Maybe she should take up boat building?

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2 hours ago, 12catcrazy said:

Ironic that Maria Bello as Jack is leaving the show - almost all of the characters on the team (maybe with the exception of Kasey) could use a good shrink.  

I think Jimmy's pretty stable.  Just needs to reorganize his morgue and he's good to go.

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I thought it was sweet that Gibbs brought the whole tech equipment to McGee but would he really have been able to remove all that equipment from NCIS? I guess, since it was always in his possession/sight he knows it's not compromised now and no one needs to know.

Something about Torres and Bishop feels forced. Their back and forth is okay and works for me but I'm not seeing the relationship. It doesn't feel natural but, well, scripted.
Who thought that two people who are in a situation like Bishop and Torres were in would have the moment that Bishop and Torres had when they stood close together as Torres was squeezing by Bishop? It seems like they would have had other things on their mind than fighting their mutual attraction.

Uh, Torres and Bishop are missing and Kasie wastes precious minutes to check with Jimmy because she has ethical concerns and doesn't even check her phone so that she's reachable? Yeah, that makes total sense. It's not like they were pressed for time or someone's life was on the line or anything.

I don't understand why Gibbs didn't tell the guy who called in the tip that it was supposed to be anonymous. I guess, the point was moot once he found out the guy was involved with the explosive guys but Gibbs didn't know that at the time and I feel he should have reassured him because otherwise, he would never have called in a tip again and neither would his friends.
That said, what was the guy doing for so long in the other room so that Gibbs caught him as he was trying to escape? Did he pack a bag? Take a bathroom break before running?

Did McGee's/Tony's bedroom grow? Didn't Tony just have a twin bed in the bedroom? And I get that McGee and Delilah need to have a bed that suits her needs but does the bed really have to look like it's from a student dorm room and does their bedroom really have to look so empty and impersonal?

I still don't know why it was necessary for Gibbs to shoot McGee but I liked that they didn't ignore that it happened.

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9 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

I still don't know why it was necessary for Gibbs to shoot McGee but I liked that they didn't ignore that it happened.

Gibbs had to shoot McGee because there was a bomb on the airplane about to blow, and McGee was hellbent for leather to run all the way to the airplane to stop it taking off in hopes of saving Bishop who was assumed to be on the airplane.  Shooting McGee was the only way to stop him from getting blown up because he had lost his comms.

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7 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Gibbs had to shoot McGee because there was a bomb on the airplane about to blow, and McGee was hellbent for leather to run all the way to the airplane to stop it taking off in hopes of saving Bishop who was assumed to be on the airplane.  Shooting McGee was the only way to stop him from getting blown up because he had lost his comms.

My comment was reference to what I said in the previous episode thread, that maybe they're going to make it a plot point but so far I'm not seeing the point why it had to happen in the first place in terms of overall story 🙂

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2 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

I don't understand why Gibbs didn't tell the guy who called in the tip that it was supposed to be anonymous. I guess, the point was moot once he found out the guy was involved with the explosive guys but Gibbs didn't know that at the time and I feel he should have reassured him because otherwise, he would never have called in a tip again and neither would his friends.
That said, what was the guy doing for so long in the other room so that Gibbs caught him as he was trying to escape? Did he pack a bag? Take a bathroom break before running?

But what good is supposed to be anonymous, when it's clearly not.  I don't see what good itwould be to tell him "It's supposed to be anonymous except it's no and we make exceptions."

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4 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

Didn't Tony just have a twin bed in the bedroom?

I thought he said it was to discourage "sleepovers"

13 hours ago, Sake614 said:

But I’m seriously not here for The Toddler Hour, which is what NCIS has become with Torres and Bishop.

If Gibbs threw a fit when Tony was seeing EJ, who wasn't on his team, how will he react to "Borres", which sounds like "bore us"🤣  But yeah, not looking forward to them working a case together and freaking out if the other one gets hurt, chases a suspect, gets a papercut, etc

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3 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

I think you're right. There was something about that. But was the bedroom that big? Maybe I'm remembering wrong but the bedroom seemed bigger. 

I know  - I may have to find the ep.  I think it's one where his dad visits???

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On 1/26/2021 at 8:52 PM, preeya said:

How much longer will it be before the hookup?

I assumed they already did it based on the look in the bullpen at the end of the episode.


I'll join the chorus in admitting great disappointment in not seeing the Dolly Parton tree.

Edited by Starscream
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On 1/28/2021 at 9:28 AM, Sake614 said:

You guys, I’ve stuck with this show for 18 years. I FLOVE Mark Harmon. But I’m seriously not here for The Toddler Hour, which is what NCIS has become with Torres and Bishop. I was surprised they didn’t just declare their undying love for each other in the jail cell. I don’t like either of them and if Sean Murray leaves, I’m out. I wouldn’t blame him since he’s been sidelined for the last year or so anyway. I just don’t know how much more of this I can take. 😝

I fully agree with all of this.  I didn't use mind Bishop but lately she's become more and more annoying.  Torres has become even more annoying than ever.  Its become more and more difficult to stay with this show.

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17 hours ago, Linderhill said:

 I didn't use mind Bishop but lately she's become more and more annoying.  Torres has become even more annoying than ever.  Its become more and more difficult to stay with this show.

I almost came here to read first before watching, and after watching realized I may just as well have read first. This is not must see TV for me anymore.

I really don't get the 1mm insistence. So Gibbs was 1mm away from causing McGee's death? Versus allowing McGee to go to his death in an explosion? Are they mad that Gibbs didn't fire a shot *more* than 1mm away from a vital organ, or are they patting him on the back for being so precise as to miss a vital organ? I almost wanted Gibbs to say, "I hit my mark, so quite whining."

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7 hours ago, ForReal said:

I really don't get the 1mm insistence. So Gibbs was 1mm away from causing McGee's death? Versus allowing McGee to go to his death in an explosion? Are they mad that Gibbs didn't fire a shot *more* than 1mm away from a vital organ, or are they patting him on the back for being so precise as to miss a vital organ? I almost wanted Gibbs to say, "I hit my mark, so quite whining."

They made a big deal about it because they were worried about Gibbs.  Gibbs thinks of McGee as a son and he almost killed him.   That's a lot for anyone to process.  And even though he took the shot to save McGee's life, that would have been small consolation if McGee had bled to death right then and there.

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So this may seem petty, but if I were Bishop contemplating a relationship with Torres, it would really be a concern that he lied so casually about the gum, saying he didn't have any.  I wouldn't want to be second-guessing all the time if he is lying to me or not.

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All I can say about this episode is that as amusing as it was to see Gibbs so lost without his team around it was also stupid. The guy is an NCIS agent with decades of experience, he shouldn't have such difficulty finding something of use to do without the team around to tell him everything. Also, Gibbs utter ineptitude with all of technology is getting grating. I get it's a running gag that Gibbs can barely handle a cell phone but the guy should be smarter than the "old people suck at technology" trope implies. When an old guy can't even work a remote he's not just old, he's mentally handicapped somehow.

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I think Gibbs being at a loss without his team was supposed to be more of a reflection of his emotional state.   This isn't the first time Gibbs has had to work alone, and it's not the first time a team member or two have gone off the grid, but it is the first time this has happened right after Gibbs had to almost kill one of his subordinates to save his life.  (At least as far as we know.) 

The show was a bit too over the top about it, but it's not a bad character beat.

Edited by squidprincess
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I happen to like Torres and Bishop together. Wilmer is my super hot weekly eye candy, and his accent is just as luscious in person as it is on screen, for me. I think he and Bishop have good sexual chemistry and I'm honestly a little sad I most likely won't get to see them getting busy. And I did enjoy Torres slow walk past Bishop in the cell door.

What can I say? It's been a LONG quarantine for my single ass, I will take whatever I can get. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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