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S15 E08: We Have a Team


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Anyone else think Kelli is morphing into Melissa McCarthy in the film The Boss?

Really wish she would stop crying and pretending to be upset when people are cut. Kelli chooses to do this job and I'm sure she gets paid well. It's far harder for the girls, as they have yet to build up resilience or become hardened to life's knocks.

Can't believe she dragged TK into it. We don't care about TK!

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, Kate2006 said:

How come the girls didn’t do the jump split during their entrance filming after the kick line? Did anyone notice when they did their intro dance in the big triangle that the diagonal on the right was anything but? CMT edited the film there but you can see for a split second that the girls aren’t near what I would call a diagonal. 

so back in august when Brennan got cut, there was talk in the training camp thread that she was really cut because she privately called out VK for her attitude problems and being rude to everyone. I was hoping CMT would show some of this but they didn’t. Does anyone know what exactly VK did and what was said to her while being called out? I remember reading Kelli also talked to VK about her attitude. 

I think overall watching this show this season was an epic waste of time

But there isn't must else on a Tuesday and not a boatload of commitments to during this time. So it was either watch this or find some other rerun.

Edited by sATL
On 1/13/2021 at 6:38 AM, fairfax27 said:

I didn’t care for the attitude the vets who were cut gave. If you didn’t bring your best and were outperformed, you lose your spot. They know this.  They aren’t entitled to their spot.  

I agree...if you are a Vet and trying out for your spot you should be giving it more than you got, you know you aren't guarantied.  People act like Kelli and Judy are these awful women, their job is a difficult one.  We have no idea what these women are like behind the scenes.   The Rookies were really good this year, I really wasn't surprised by any of the cuts other than I think Kat or Kristin should have been cut instead of Ashlin.   I love Alora Rose, my eyes go to her every time.  I feel the same about Savannah.   To each their own, everyone has different taste.  

Edited by klh25
  • Love 4
15 hours ago, Jazzhands said:

I felt so bad for Lily during that conversation.  Firing people is awful, and I hate doing it.  But you should never be so vague that the person isn’t sure whether you’re giving them performance counseling or firing them.  That’s not compassionate, it’s cruel.

I'm sure Lily is a nice person but she was lucky to make it last year.  And I'm so tired of them asking "is there anything else I can do?"  No, you should have done it already.  Vet should know her stuff, they knew this training camp would be in fast forward.  You are FIGHTING for your spot.  

  • Love 3

So, so many thoughts. 

  • Lily and Brennan really looked beautiful without all the DCC makeup on.  
  • Why was Kelli annoyed that Lily had texted her teammates that she had been cut?
  • Do they really have to pack up and leave the hotel at night after being cut or is that just for the show?
  • Alora-Rose isn't a bad dancer, but she's just so bland in every way.  
  • Charlotte's announcement was unremarkable
  • Rachel seems to get more orange every year
  • This was a strong rookie class, so I'm surprised they sent home some of the stronger ones
  • Phil!
  • The so-called bubble was such a joke
  • I've never been too critical of Kelli and Judy, at least not compared to many others, but their leadership was terrible this year.  They had no idea how to handle even the slightest bit of adversity. 
  • Love 20

Not a huge Kelli and Judy fan, and it really isn't any candidate's job to make K&J feel less bad about cutting them. I also don't follow any DCC on social media, and I don't know what went on with the cut vets raising concerns about "the bubble."

That said, I'm not terribly sympathetic to Hannah, Brennan, or Lily. They were given parameters from the get-go about what the TC would be. They chose to participate, and Hannah seemed checked out from day one.  She appeared to not want to be there. Then...don't? Brennan was also given a chance to bow out gracefully and earn an automatic spot in next year's TC, and she didn't take it. How serious could her concerns have been. All 3 are aware of all the decisions that go into choosing the final squad, e.g., that it is highly subjective. Sure, I know it must have hurt a great deal, and I understand their frustration at how it went down, but it wasn't the first time any of them had been called into the office this TC. Brennan and Lily were multiple-year cuts and got in each time by the skin of their teeth. Should they have been cut before Alora-Rose or Jessica? I don't know, but I don't think the case for the vets is so much stronger than the case for the rookies to be outraged by the decision. And certainly the case for them isn't so strong to merit the attitude with K&J and the subsequent cries of being the victims of politics.

But I don't follow DCC on the off-season, and I don't watch football, so I'm not privy to the politics of it all. 

  • Love 6

Finally got to the show.

I can see why Lily was cut. She barely made the team last year and still didn't have much pop. Brennan and Hannah were fine and definitely better than a couple of the rookies they took (Alora might surprise me but she seems like the one and done).

Point ladies-Boring.

Armani's hair-  What happened?

Love Jada.

Pet peeve- Visible pantyhose above the shorts. 

Parting words- Had fun with the Forum. I always enjoy this forum more than the actual show. Thanks for the entertainment

Stay safe and healthy!


Edited by ElenaFR
  • Love 8
38 minutes ago, ElenaFR said:

Finally got to the show.

I can see why Lily was cut. She barely made the team last year and still didn't have much pop. Brennan and Hannah were fine and definitely better than a couple of the rookies they took (Alora might surprise me but she seems like the one and done).

Point ladies-Boring.

Armani's hair-  What happened?

Love Jada.

Pet peeve- Visible pantyhose above the shorts. 

Parting words- Had fun with the Forum. I always enjoy this forum more than the actual show. Thanks for the entertainment

Stay safe and healthy!


agree. I have always enjoyed this thread, more so than other thread that grows exponentially. I feel a little sad this year as to not have the chats/responses while the show was airing real-time.  That has been really fun in past seasons.. I can remember some seasons the epoxide thread was popping well into the weekend.

Edited by sATL
  • Love 4
17 hours ago, Jess14 said:

I understood why the vets were upset being cut by ZOOM at the end of the two week training camp for the pandemic- season when there won’t even be a lot of fans in the stands. It just seems extra cruel and gratuitous.  Like, these vets were SO terrible that they can’t dance in front of a 2/3 empty stadium for a year? Whatever! 

I’m not saying that they were entitled to their spots (as I said last week, I think Lily would’ve definitely been cut in a regular year), but I understand the frustration. 2020 was a terrible year for a lot of ppl with isolation and a loss of normal life, and then to have DCC ripped away too - it’s brutal.

I feel bad for the rookies too, and I think the main issue was bringing so many women into training camp in the first place. They should’ve never been in a position where they had to make a gazillion cuts during training camp. It was irresponsible and unnecessary. 

With that said, I really like the rookies who made it. It’s a strong group, IMO. Hopefully, next season, they will have a real season with fans and will be able to be on the field. 

Nobody should have to worry about the security of their job during a global pandemic and a national economic depression.  I think it was not a good move on the part of DCC to cut 4 veterans.  And I don't think that training camp candidates should have been asked to travel during a pandemic for a job that they didn't know whether or not they would get.  I think they should have done what some other NFL cheer teams did: only bring back the veterans who wanted to come back, even if it means a smaller team than usual.  

It's not just DCC or even the Cowboys, but overall I keep seeing this idea of "We have to do things the way we've always done it!"  No, you don't.  2020 wasn't a normal year.

1 hour ago, vivianspoetry said:



  • Rachel seems to get more orange every year

Seriously!  Her fake tan with the color of her hair is not a good look!  I kept thinking of that year that Kaitlin LaRae was chastised for having tanned right before cameos.  "You look like burnt toast!"

  • Love 23
14 minutes ago, aeroluv327 said:

Nobody should have to worry about the security of their job during a global pandemic and a national economic depression.  I think it was not a good move on the part of DCC to cut 4 veterans.  And I don't think that training camp candidates should have been asked to travel during a pandemic for a job that they didn't know whether or not they would get.  I think they should have done what some other NFL cheer teams did: only bring back the veterans who wanted to come back, even if it means a smaller team than usual.  

It's not just DCC or even the Cowboys, but overall I keep seeing this idea of "We have to do things the way we've always done it!"  No, you don't.  2020 wasn't a normal year.


That is the part I don't understand - why not go with a smaller squad ? Even though 29 might look odd in the triangle, use what you have. 

Then camp could have focused on the rough edges that the vets needed to work on. I would think that would have made K&Js job easier. And not tied up everyone else's time - judging newbies. I surely would have asked, if I was a judge - why do I need to look at 1500 video submissions...life isn't that bad being at home...

And depending on when the 7 vets retired - they might would have stayed one more year, if there was no audition rounds.

Now if the camp was "vets-only" - I would need to think about should you cut then...hmmm

Edited by sATL
  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, sATL said:


That is the part I don't understand - why not go with a smaller squad ? Even though 29 might look odd in the triangle, use what you have. 

Then camp could have focused on the rough edges that the vets needed to work on. I would think that would have made K&Js job easier. And not tied up everyone else's time - judging newbies. I surely would have asked, if I was a judge - why do I need to look at 1500 video submissions...like isn't that bad being at home...

And depending on when the 7 vets retired - they might would have stayed one more year, if there was no audition rounds.

They could have had a great season of MTT with focusing on returning veterans.  We could have gotten some time with each of them: what was their journey like with DCC so far; what do they do to prepare for auditions; what struggles have they had that they need to work on; what do they do to stay in shape during the off-season; how do they balance DCC with a job/school; etc.

  • Useful 3
  • Love 20
1 minute ago, aeroluv327 said:

They could have had a great season of MTT with focusing on returning veterans.  We could have gotten some time with each of them: what was their journey like with DCC so far; what do they do to prepare for auditions; what struggles have they had that they need to work on; what do they do to stay in shape during the off-season; how do they balance DCC with a job/school; etc.

But I kind of doubt CMT would renew the show for the season if this were the case. 

  • Useful 1
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1 minute ago, Spunkyyy said:
2 minutes ago, aeroluv327 said:

They could have had a great season of MTT with focusing on returning veterans.  We could have gotten some time with each of them: what was their journey like with DCC so far; what do they do to prepare for auditions; what struggles have they had that they need to work on; what do they do to stay in shape during the off-season; how do they balance DCC with a job/school; etc.

But I kind of doubt CMT would renew the show for the season if this were the case. 

Now that's something I could have gotten on board with, but it depends on what agreement they have with the show.  Not going through the audition and TC process might have been a breach and put the organization in a legal situation.  

2 hours ago, bourbon said:

Not a huge Kelli and Judy fan, and it really isn't any candidate's job to make K&J feel less bad about cutting them. I also don't follow any DCC on social media, and I don't know what went on with the cut vets raising concerns about "the bubble."

That said, I'm not terribly sympathetic to Hannah, Brennan, or Lily. They were given parameters from the get-go about what the TC would be. They chose to participate, and Hannah seemed checked out from day one.  She appeared to not want to be there. Then...don't? Brennan was also given a chance to bow out gracefully and earn an automatic spot in next year's TC, and she didn't take it. How serious could her concerns have been. All 3 are aware of all the decisions that go into choosing the final squad, e.g., that it is highly subjective. Sure, I know it must have hurt a great deal, and I understand their frustration at how it went down, but it wasn't the first time any of them had been called into the office this TC. Brennan and Lily were multiple-year cuts and got in each time by the skin of their teeth. Should they have been cut before Alora-Rose or Jessica? I don't know, but I don't think the case for the vets is so much stronger than the case for the rookies to be outraged by the decision. And certainly the case for them isn't so strong to merit the attitude with K&J and the subsequent cries of being the victims of politics.

But I don't follow DCC on the off-season, and I don't watch football, so I'm not privy to the politics of it all. 

Yes, they might have been given a "choice", but it seems likely Kelli would have held it against any vets who took advantage of said choice because that would mean the DCC wasn't the most important thing in their life, the thing that must be absolutely priority over health, personal safety, jobs, and everything else.  We've seen Kelli get after girls who have full-time jobs to pay the bills because they don't have a spouse, roommates or anyone else to help foot the bills and cut them because they're not dedicating every spare millisecond to the DCC.  We've seen Kelli get after girls who have the gall, the sheer NERVE, to get sick or injured (especially during Training Camp when they haven't even made the squad) because it means they weren't 1000% ready to be on the squad and has cut them for it.  We've seen Kelli get after girls for the slightest thing out of their control and cut them for it so what's to say that, should Hannah and/or Brennan took advantage of that, they wouldn't have been cut the next year for taking the time off.  Many people would have said that they would have deserved to be cut because they weren't dedicated enough to the team (or whatever "excuse" is used) but they're getting roasted now for being entitled, over it, weak, exhausted, whatever.  There was more then enough reasons to keep Brennan and Hannah, but it was a no from Kelli for reasons that don't pass the smell test for me.

1 hour ago, aeroluv327 said:

Nobody should have to worry about the security of their job during a global pandemic and a national economic depression.  I think it was not a good move on the part of DCC to cut 4 veterans.  And I don't think that training camp candidates should have been asked to travel during a pandemic for a job that they didn't know whether or not they would get.  I think they should have done what some other NFL cheer teams did: only bring back the veterans who wanted to come back, even if it means a smaller team than usual.  

It's not just DCC or even the Cowboys, but overall I keep seeing this idea of "We have to do things the way we've always done it!"  No, you don't.  2020 wasn't a normal year.

2020 wasn't a normal year so Kelli shouldn't even have had a Training Camp.  There was no evidence that they were even following approved guidelines in any sense of the word and only doing the bare minimum for appearances.  She should have kept veterans only, but that wouldn't get her (Kelli's) face on television nor would it put people's eyes on the DCC.  Too bad the Cowboys had such a bad season that even the fans who attended looked bored and like they were only doing it to get out of the house/away from the family and not because they were actually interested in the game/the team/the cheerleaders (plus all the photoshopping of masks onto the fan's faces when they obviously weren't wearing them in pictures).

1 hour ago, sATL said:


That is the part I don't understand - why not go with a smaller squad ? Even though 29 might look odd in the triangle, use what you have. 

Then camp could have focused on the rough edges that the vets needed to work on. I would think that would have made K&Js job easier. And not tied up everyone else's time - judging newbies. I surely would have asked, if I was a judge - why do I need to look at 1500 video submissions...life isn't that bad being at home...

And depending on when the 7 vets retired - they might would have stayed one more year, if there was no audition rounds.

Now if the camp was "vets-only" - I would need to think about should you cut then...hmmm

I like this idea and wish that Kelli had gone this route, but then it wouldn't mean television appearances or any other benefits from having a television show and Kelli seems to have a hard time giving any of those benefits up.

  • Love 14
56 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

I wonder how many of the four Vets cut would have made it INTO Training Camp if it had been a "normal" year? There are usually a couple Vets who get cut every year at final for being out of shape, not being prepared, having a bad year, whatever. But Kelli didn't cut any Vets who wanted to return. 

Yep, all got in this year so they already had a leg up there on previous seasons.  I suspect a couple of vets would not have made it to training camp otherwise.  If the ones cut last loved the sisterhood and DCC so much they would have left with some class so there would be an opening for them to return next year when maybe things would be back to normalish.  It was so uncomfortable, the looks on their faces and body language said it all before K&J even started talking.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Nancybeth said:

I wonder how many of the four Vets cut would have made it INTO Training Camp if it had been a "normal" year? There are usually a couple Vets who get cut every year at final for being out of shape, not being prepared, having a bad year, whatever. But Kelli didn't cut any Vets who wanted to return. 

I think that, if this had been a normal Training Camp, Meredith and MAYBE Lily would not have made it in and I think girls other than Hannah and Brennan would have been cut for different reasons because the things that affected Hannah and Brennan would not have happened.  There would also not have been as many rookie candidates taken into camp as there were this year nor the quality we saw.

Edited by EricaShadows
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, DCC-UK said:

It's pretty telling that the only person to do the one-day audition was Taylor, who just happens to be best friends with Kelli's daughter and is a teacher. I'm not sure many of the other vets would've been thought of quite as highly, no matter what their job is. 

What is the one day audition? Do vets have the choice not to participate in training camp?

20 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Zoom calls cost even more. Brett Favre charges $5000 for his Zoom chats on Cameo

Lord, don't give Kelli any ideas.  Next thing you know, she'll be charging girls while she cuts them via Zoom. "Tonight is your last night....that'll be a $300 Zoom fee for my time, payable to my Venmo."

I can't believe people would fork over money for that crap.  Seriously, is there ANYONE out there who would rather have a 30-second "Happy Birthday" video from Kelli than the actual $300 to go do something fun?

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2 hours ago, blairwaldorf said:

What is the one day audition? Do vets have the choice not to participate in training camp?

For vets who absolutely could not spend the week of training camp in the bubble, they were given the option of a one-day audition. Taylor was teaching in person during filming and had no way of doing the full training camp of the bubble, so she got to do the one-day thing. Everybody else was able to do their jobs/schooling remotely. I don't think that the vets would have been allowed to do the one-day audition just because they felt like it.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, aeroluv327 said:

They could have had a great season of MTT with focusing on returning veterans.  We could have gotten some time with each of them: what was their journey like with DCC so far; what do they do to prepare for auditions; what struggles have they had that they need to work on; what do they do to stay in shape during the off-season; how do they balance DCC with a job/school; etc.

I would have liked this, especially since we usually don't see much of the girls once they are vets (you know, unless you're Victoria or Kelli thinks you need to lose weight).

  • Love 6
On 1/13/2021 at 8:45 AM, madmax84 said:

I for one appreciate the attitude the cut vets gave to Kelli and Judy. No one ever seems to stand up to them and they're bullies. This was a year you keep the vets that aren't performing up to snuff because they're not dancing on a giant field, they're dancing on decks that no one is actually paying attention to.

Exactly.  Kelli can call some of these young women thick, jiggly , make fun of their smile, gum line, thighs, calves, cankles, and for being too muscular but GOD FORBID one of these adult women stands up for themselves !
I was thrilled to see Brennan and Hanna speak their minds !

Edited by njcate
  • Love 20
5 hours ago, klh25 said:

They seemed genuine to me.  I don't understand why anyone thinks ruining dreams would bring her joy.  

It's about creating drama and appearing to be upset that she had to break their hearts, ruin their dreams, hold their future in her hands and any of the other things she comes up with each year

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, blairwaldorf said:

What is the one day audition? Do vets have the choice not to participate in training camp?

Yep, all the vets were given the option to 1. do the one day audition, 2. pause and come back next year with vet status or 3. join for one week in the bubble.  If Hannah or Brennan didn’t think it was safe...why’d they go?  If it wasn’t safe after they got there, why’d they stay?  Why were they upset to be cut from a team “heading the wrong direction”?!  Why did Hannah break protocol during quarantine and be around others when they thought someone tested positive?  Why’d Hannah stay an extra night after her cut if it wasn’t safe?  Why’d Brennan refuse 2nd chance to skip to next year?  Let’s get real... they just wanted to be on the show and not just on the team.   But they didn’t show up prepared to earn their spot back, that’s for sure!   

#Bitter #Entitled #ExcusesExcusesExcuses

  • LOL 2
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25 minutes ago, BossKeyBlessed said:

Yep, all the vets were given the option to 1. do the one day audition, 2. pause and come back next year with vet status or 3. join for one week in the bubble.  If Hannah or Brennan didn’t think it was safe...why’d they go?  If it wasn’t safe after they got there, why’d they stay?  Why were they upset to be cut from a team “heading the wrong direction”?!  Why did Hannah break protocol during quarantine and be around others when they thought someone tested positive?  Why’d Hannah stay an extra night after her cut if it wasn’t safe?  Why’d Brennan refuse 2nd chance to skip to next year?  Let’s get real... they just wanted to be on the show and not just on the team.   But they didn’t show up prepared to earn their spot back, that’s for sure!   

#Bitter #Entitled #ExcusesExcusesExcuses

Probably a dead horse by now.  People believe one way or the other.

The answers to your questions are up thread but in general - context, big picture, principles, dreams and rocks and hard places. I admire these women for managing such a tremendously, conflicted, and challenging time in their young lives. And I wish them well going forward. 

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, Jessinvirginia said:

I’ve had time to mull and grieve and rage. I bought the last episode so I could watch Brennan and Hannah be the queens they are, but that was the only episode I could stomach this season. I, like Brennan, have a lot I’d like to say, but refuse to give TPTB any more of my energy. So, nothing against the new rookies, I’m sure they’re something, but I just hate it. I hate the whole thing. The lack of character, support, or concern those women showed the last three vets (who were frankly some of the classiest women to ever grace the organization) broke my heart. Sisterhood my arse.

I wish the current squad (and most especially the cut vets) well, but I’m done. I can’t in good conscience support this team anymore. I’ll keep following the boards, because I love YOU all, but no. What I watched was cruel and calculated. It heartbreak for sport, during a pandemic where the trauma these women (and all of us) cannot fully be comprehended. Who does this? I just... felt sick. Still do. Those gorgeous women will pull through, I know. They are much too good for the Cowboys organization and I look forward to watching them blossom. I’ve been sending Hannah DMs because I worry— but she’s so resilient and such a fighter, I know her battle to de-stigmatize mental illness and journey to help others will literally save lives. What a warrior. Let’s continue to support them in the way they deserve and continue to lift each other up as well. 

Love you. Thank you for providing such a fun, safe place to share our thoughts, feelings, and love of dance and community. Stay safe. ❤️❤️❤️

This was the only episode I watched and it was only the first few minutes to see the cuts. I refuse to support this show and what it has done to the DCC Organization. I also think the sisterhood theme is a farse; you don't tell your sister to fight for your spot and then just accept that she's gone & feign excitement for making the team. If the Vets actually stood up for themselves as a whole, I would watch again, but they won't so I can't. 

Kelli continues to make it all about her and her feelings and even though she cries, it's not because the women she's cutting are hurt, but because of how it makes her feel and look. That is why I hate her---she's is the toxic, mean girl most of us hated in school. Judy is bleh---she pretends to have a backbone but she doesn't actually have one. 

I've watched some videos throughout the seasons and could have done without Alora-Rose, Sydney, Jessica or Dani. I have no attachment to the cut rookies, but it definitely looked like they hit their quota of blondes so they were out. 

  • Love 18

I don't believe K&J are evil.  Their boss is Charlotte, a lot of what they do is possibly directed to them by her.  I don't know about you but I do what my bosses tell me to because I want to keep my job.  

It was probably directed to them to make the team more diverse, that means some of your faves were cut possibly due to that.  Hence Brianna making it over Hannah.  Both were making mistakes and lacking energy.  

I was never impressed with Brennan, Meredith, Lilly.  Most likely the only reason any of them ever made it on the team was because it was a "good comeback story".  It is a reality show.  They all signed up to go on said reality show.  I would love to do Survivor or Big Brother but I don't, because I don't want my personal story dragged in - so I don't.  You take a risk putting yourself out there, no one is making them do it.

With regards to weight.  In the late 80's we were weighed every week for HS dance team and every week as a Strutter at Texas State.  You could be on weight probation.  Most don't do that now because Mommy and Daddy will sue but I think it was a good thing.  I worked my butt off, I was not a trained dancer - couldn't even do my left splits all the way when I started.  I ended up being the most flexible on my team, because I worked for it.  Everyone was not meant to do something, but if you do - you fight for it.  Just no excuse for a Vet to come back lazy, with weight gain.  They already know the standard and it really is an insult to the Director when you know the requirements for your "job" and show up unprepared with attitude.  

Either way, these ladies lives will go on.  They will face disappointment again, that is how life works.  Maybe they will be better able to handle it next time they are faced with it because of this experience.  Most of the tools I have today are from my time on dance team, no lie.  Responsibility, punctuality, organization, professionalism, handling setbacks - very valuable. 


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11 minutes ago, klh25 said:

They all signed up to go on said reality show.  I would love to do Survivor or Big Brother but I don't, because I don't want my personal story dragged in

This is what I think is unfair. The point of going on a Survivor-Big Brother-Bachelor type show is to win a competition & it's over (unless you can become an "influencer", of course). These women, however, aren't going on MTT to be on a reality show (a vast majority, anyway). They want to be on DCC, and unfortunately, getting through MTT is part of the process.

  • Love 21
17 minutes ago, ByTor said:

This is what I think is unfair. The point of going on a Survivor-Big Brother-Bachelor type show is to win a competition & it's over (unless you can become an "influencer", of course). These women, however, aren't going on MTT to be on a reality show (a vast majority, anyway). They want to be on DCC, and unfortunately, getting through MTT is part of the process.

Yes, but if you know that is the process you can't be mad at it later.  It seems to me most of these Ladies try out to find a rich husband - not to further their dance careers.  How many have actually taken it to a full blown career?  Most I read about go to college, marry rich husband, have babies, stay home.  I know there are some that really want it for their resume but that seems to be a small percentage these days.  IJS.  Disclaimer - not saying anything is wrong with that plan.  I married young (19) and had babies right away (lived in a trailer though).  My dance career was over, I've been a Banker ever since.  

Edited by klh25
11 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

It's about creating drama and appearing to be upset that she had to break their hearts, ruin their dreams, hold their future in her hands and any of the other things she comes up with each year

Sorry, don't agree.   They have an option - try out and do the show or don't.  They had even more options this year due to Covid and many of them chose not to go that route and are probably wishing they had now.

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, klh25 said:

How many have actually taken it to a full blown career? 

Only a very few I can think of. I think most audition because there are very few dance jobs, they want to perform, and DCC is very well known. And yes, some do try to get a husband out of the deal. But they get that by being DCCs, not by being part of a reality show, especially a reality show that doesn't exactly have a huge audience. So no matter why someone might dream of becoming a DCC, they shouldn't have to give up on that because they are stuck being on a reality show. If it was announced that MTT will be no more, I'll bet that just as many, if not more, would audition.

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