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S05.E20: Reunion Part 1

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4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

If Monique had time to compile that book of receipts, then she has nothing to do and WAY too much time on her hands.

To be fair, we're in a pandemic and I'm sure she - like most of us - has been on lockdown for the majority of the past 8 months. (the reunion was just filmed in November)

Edited by funnygirl
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In many 12 step programs, there is a comment about resentments, that they are the number one offender, that when you resent someone, they live rent free in your head.  I believe this.

I looked at Monique's face and saw something scary and sad.  I saw hatred.  She's so full of resentments that she took time to compile a book of "receipts" against the other women.  To me that shows how much those women live in her head, just like the people who allegedly bullied her when she was a child.  All of those people are dancing around in her head.  If it were me, I wouldn't give a shit.  Karen too.  All they did was keep Gizelle's name in their mouths? 

When they were talking about Kamila Harris, and how proud they were that someone who's AKA will be Vice President, the camera panned to Monique's face and she was seething.  What's with you sis?  Why are you so angry?   

But Monique is low class because anybody who STILL shames women for "not being able to keep a man" is TRASH in my book.

I thought Monique had it all, husband, homes, children.  Why should she care about messy Gizelle.  Why was she worth Monique's time and effort.  Sad.

People who do that, people who feel the need to "call someone out" especially for dumb shit like what goes on, on this show, prove to me they are insecure beings.

I think the death of Karen's parents has made her a more hateful person.

6 hours ago, funnygirl said:

To be fair, we're in a pandemic and I'm sure she - like most of us - has been on lockdown for the majority of the past 8 months. (the reunion was just filmed in November)

I'd believe that if Monique were single, but she has a husband and three children and a home and a business.  She's got things to do....or maybe not.  

I guess she wants to show she's not a lazy mom!  LOL


Edited by Neurochick
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Gizelle had it coming from Karen, so I feel nothing as far as Karen's contribution to the situation.

After seeing last night's episode, my prediction is Monique WILL be back next season; Candiace probably will not.

Fans (and half of the cast) will be VERY HAPPY they will no longer have to see Candiace on RHOP.  They will be very happy that Monique "won."

GEB + Wendy will fall in line and film with Monique.

Candiace is no longer needed as the villainous character on the show because now that's Monique's role. 

I know I've said earlier it wouldn't be a good look for BRAVO to fire the victim of an attack but keep the attacker but this is the same show that keeps a known sexual predator in Michael around.  Candiace will probably be given an unpaid/very low paying "Friend" contract, she will reject it and leave the show.

Candiace leaving the show will solve the problem of the cast not wanting to film with Monique because Robyn & Wendy will fall in line. That would only leave Gizelle being the only one not wanting to film with her and and after last night, Gizelle BETTER film with Monique or she can hit the road with Candiace.

Monique will have "won" in getting rid of Candiace and putting Gizelle in her place but when one door closes, another door opens and Monique shouldn't be surprised to see

  • Gigi
  • Trainer
  • Charrisse
  • Chris' ex-girlfriend

Or someone else Monique has burned show up on the show next season.

Regina had tabs on Karen and Gretchen in the binder, too.  That's to put both of them on notice they better toe the line or else.

Wendy gets along well with the GEB and she balances out the cast divide, so she'll be back next season.

Candiace will be fine with or without the show; Monique WON'T.  She's a delusional bully and people will tune in because they love how she got rid of Candiace and put Gizelle in her place or they'll tune in to see Monique get her comeuppance.

If Monique and Chris were smart (and we see they are not), they would leave this show.  Monique has Streisand Effected herself and she can't cry next season when all her tea gets spilled on the show.


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On a completely different note, the editing was so hinky!  Karen was wearing some kind of clear bra thing that was supposed to be unnoticeable but was instead very noticeable that then disappeared during I think the Jamal conversation.  And Ashley’s hair went from straight to curly.   What the heck!

I appreciate your insights into the Monique thing.  I was kind of loving “the binder”.  She anticipated that the ladies were coming for her and the trainer and was ready with her own “evidence” for all the gossip around them. So instead of a Karen’s “word on the street” she had texts and emails and documentation.  However in reading what you guys wrote I see that she’s giving them too much power.  It is good TV though. I liked watching Gizelle squirm!

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9 minutes ago, Kerrey92 said:


I appreciate your insights into the Monique thing.  I was kind of loving “the binder”.  She anticipated that the ladies were coming for her and the trainer and was ready with her own “evidence” for all the gossip around them.

I think the Issue for me with Monique is that no one was really coming for her ... she LIKE candance came out on 100... she was jumping the gun with the attacks and it looked sad and messy .. I have no prob coming with receipts but the way she is going about it is messy and making her look like the bad guy she is on the defensive when she inst even the topic yet... And Gesizle you have lovely girls ..... But then immediately let me attack their father IN THE NEXT FUCKING BREATH and slander a man that has never even said one bad word towards me or my family so i can one up you was NASTY... she is just showing HOW UGLY she really is on the inside ..

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Still.waiting for someone to hit Monique with the side chick tea.

Regarding how she and Franklin the Turtle Samuels  came to be.

Thought Giselle would've last night.

Oh well, there's still time. 

All these ladies are various levels of messy.

Oh and I agree, Robyn's hair was a tragedy.


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14 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I think the Issue for me with Monique is that no one was really coming for her ... she LIKE candance came out on 100... she was jumping the gun with the attacks and it looked sad and messy .. I have no prob coming with receipts but the way she is going about it is messy and making her look like the bad guy she is on the defensive when she inst even the topic yet... And Gesizle you have lovely girls ..... let me attack their father and slander a man that has never even said one bad word towards me or my family so i can one up you was NASTY

If Monique comes back I won't be watching.  That might be the straw that makes me get rid of cable and Bravo for good.  Discovery has a new app, and I don't need cable for that.  It will save me a lot of money.



Fans (and half of the cast) will be VERY HAPPY they will no longer have to see Candiace on RHOP.  They will be very happy that Monique "won."

This shows how backward things are today in the world.  Bullies are celebrated, and people who have been physically attacked are mocked because they're not "perfect victims."  People love Monique because she "put Gizelle in her place."  What does that even mean?  It's not our job as humans to put anybody in "their place" because none of us are perfect.  

Edited by Neurochick
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2 minutes ago, Kerrey92 said:

I appreciate your insights into the Monique thing.  I was kind of loving “the binder”.  She anticipated that the ladies were coming for her and the trainer and was ready with her own “evidence” for all the gossip around them. So instead of a Karen’s “word on the street” she had texts and emails and documentation.  However in reading what you guys wrote I see that she’s giving them too much power.  It is good TV though. I liked watching Gizelle squirm!

Ditto all this!!!
As much as a part of me slightly sided with the folks wondering why Monique even bothered making a big binder of “receipts” and that it seemed a bit pathetically extra and thirsty, the bigger part of me was applauding her impressive effort.
Like that was ballsy AF and kinda funny in the context of these shows; we mostly just see folded up paper copies of emails/texts snuck in from a few gals on these reunions, but to lug in a big fancy binder that was organized into tabs?! It was such a randomly brilliant idea and so perfectly executed that I have to give Monique props for having the foresight to compile her very own RH burn book! 

I’m guessing she approached this like an extra credit work project. If you look at it that way, Monique actually was being very driven, and was taking her “job”(this show) very seriously. So I can’t really fault her there; living up to that “Not Lazy Mom” title, obviously! 

And it was just so priceless to watch her eviscerating smug princess Gizelle; can’t wait to see more of that.

On the flipside, Candiace looked so stupid with that big feathery fan. Nice attempt at a prop, but Kenya did the fan effect soooo much better and had the idea first on her RHoA reunions, so Candiace just looked silly.
And she was extra mouthy and rude to Andy—-like barking at him that they would discuss her new house when SHE wanted to later??? She seriously needs to get over herself; she IS mean online and needs to calm down with the cruel and nasty Twitter clapbacks.

I had to chuckle at Karen so innocently asking Gizelle, “Is Lamar going to be here?...of course not.” Loved it; she was so ready to pounce.

Ashley can’t attack someone for saying her baby looks like his daddy unless she thinks his daddy is butt-ugly...which she quickly proved; that was not a smooth move and it disappointed me to see her lose her usual cool over that one. 

Wendy was really trying with that whole “aggressive” word discussion. And yes, there IS obvious colorism among this cast, but using descriptive words like those aren’t part of the issue; although it annoyed me that Monique jumped in to argue otherwise.

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16 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I think the Issue for me with Monique is that no one was really coming for her ... she LIKE candance came out on 100... she was jumping the gun with the attacks and it looked sad and messy .. I have no prob coming with receipts but the way she is going about it is messy and making her look like the bad guy she is on the defensive when she inst even the topic yet

This. Plus, Monique is coming off of physically assaulting a cast member last season and bullying said cast member via social after the incident. If I were Monique I would have been contrite about physically assaulting someone and said, “we can agree to disagree, but I shouldn’t have put my hands on her”. Instead she doubles down and comes with a receipt book in an effort to try and spin the story.  

The messiness is what these women live for and are paid to do, but Monique is such an ugly person on the inside that she wants to burn it all down. And do it without caring for her reputation. Who wants to buy anything from her, support her or befriend her. Certainly not I. I wouldn’t want to be six feet (pandemic aside) within distance. 

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1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I think the Issue for me with Monique is that no one was really coming for her ... she LIKE candance came out on 100... so was jumping the gun with the attacks and it looked sad and messy .. I have no prob coming with receipts but the way she is going about it is messy and making her look like the bad guy she is on the defensive when she inst even the topic ye

Whenever there's a bullying situation, 99.99% of the time people will side with the BULLY (Monique) and not the VICTIM (Candiace) because 99% of the time, the VICTIM is unlikeable.  If they were likeable, they wouldn't be the victim because the bully wouldn't try it with them knowing that person had backup.  So while people know the bully is wrong, people also don't like the victim and don't particularly feel inclined to help the victim unless it also benefits them.

We see this with the "Monique was wrong BUT Candiace had it coming" or "You should never put your hands on somebody BUT Candiace's mouth is reckless and she deserved it."

Nobody is ever going to really side with the victim because being the victim implies you are WEAK and nobody will ever side with the weak.  People HATE weak people especially when they pretend to get strong.  Candiace doing all that crying and post-it notes and talking about anxiety made people hate her MORE because they feel Candiace is weak, she needs to take Monique's ass whipping, she needs to love getting that ass whipped, she needs to learn to accept she got her ass whipped, shut the F up and sit quietly in her weakness before she gets that ass whipped again.

Monique could've charged Candiace last night (and she looked like she wanted to) and ripped her wig off this time and the majority of people would STILL be on Monique's side and it is what it is.

Monique came out on 100 because Monique lives on social media and most of the people on social media do not like Gizelle and they can't stand Candiace.  So there was no downside to doing that; Monique figures if she's fired, at least she took both of those bitches down.

The problem with getting your bully on is after you get rid of your victim, you need fresh meat to chew on.  Monique's got a taste for meat; bullies never stop with one person and she is going to try it with another cast member and she won't be able to justify it next time.

5 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

Ashley can’t attack someone for saying her baby looks like his daddy unless she thinks his daddy is butt-ugly

Ashley knows her baby is ugly (I don't think he's ugly but SHE thinks he's ugly which is why she was so bothered by somebody saying he looked like his daddy...who is ugly).

6 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

Wendy was really trying with that whole “aggressive” word discussion. And yes, there IS obvious colorism among this cast, but using descriptive words like those aren’t part of the issue; although it annoyed me that Monique jumped in to argue otherwise.

It is part of the issue because "aggressive" is only applied to the darker cast members like Candiace and Wendy but not applied to the lighter cast members like Ashley and Robyn when they've been equally aggressive.  It doesn't matter if Candiace & Wendy actually were aggressive, either tag all of them as being aggressive or none.  Ashley being "scared" of the aggressive dark cast members but not scared of the aggressive light cast members is some Karen-like behavior and not a good look.

17 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Did Monique say that the girl friend was also a minister? Did I hear that right?

Yes, allegedly Jamal was kicking it with a fellow lady pastor and she wasn't happy to learn he was spending time with Gizelle, so to stake her claim/shut Gizelle down she's been letting everyone know SHE is Jamal's girlfriend and not that fake Gizelle.   The lady pastor seems to have a bird like mind, which is why she sought Monique out to spread the word.

I'll say it again: Jamal never did anything to Monique so for her to blast his phone number and call him Pastor HolyWhore, that was very low of Monique.  He never did anything to those people so if the Samuels get rebuffed by any of Jamal's family, friends & associates in the DMV, I can't feel too sorry for her.  Her pastor probably pals around with Jamal, I wonder what he thinks of Monique's performance?

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4 minutes ago, drivethroo said:


Yes, allegedly Jamal was kicking it with a fellow lady pastor

And this pastor's taking pictures of a man in her bed? and sending them to people? WHAT THE WHAT? OMG what is going on with pastors in Atlanta? like for real for real? This is how leaders in a Church act? 


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9 hours ago, qtpye said:

a woman should not be kicked off if she does not have a husband or a boyfriend. I know the brand is housewives but Gizelle being alone is okay...way better than pretending to be with Jamal.

That's not really a rule.  At one point, no one is the New York franchise had a husband, and several weren't serious with anyone.  Same with other cities - they call it "Housewives" but the majority of them are not married.  This show has a bad record when it comes to surviving marriages.

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9 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

And this pastor's taking pictures of a man in her bed? and sending them to people? WHAT THE WHAT? OMG what is going on with pastors in Atlanta? like for real for real? This is how leaders in a Church act? 

I don't know about "church" in general but this particular church has a reputation.  Jamal is actually an upgrade from the pastor he replaced.

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I think the Issue for me with Monique is that no one was really coming for her ... she LIKE candance came out on 100... she was jumping the gun with the attacks and it looked sad and messy .. I have no prob coming with receipts but the way she is going about it is messy and making her look like the bad guy she is on the defensive when she inst even the topic yet... And Gesizle you have lovely girls ..... But then immediately let me attack their father IN THE NEXT FUCKING BREATH and slander a man that has never even said one bad word towards me or my family so i can one up you was NASTY... she is just showing HOW UGLY she really is on the inside ..

Yep, same. Monique just couldn't wait to get into her little binder. This wasn't about retaliation or anyone "coming for her" or her family. This was about her being the aggressor, just like she was the aggressor in the fight between her and Candiace. She constantly sets herself as the victim, even when she's the one itching to fight. And IMO, that is why she's a sociopath.

She might as well embrace the role as villain because that's the only thing she can be from here on out. 

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I know Karen gave an answer about her Endi fashion but it seemed so confusing as to why a seamstress would take in that top at the "F's" and not between the words, maybe Karen should have gotten a smaller size shirt because that seamstress did a really bad job on a really expensive shirt.  Sometimes clothing just cannot be altered.

Do any of these HW's ever try sitting in their reunion dresses before they decide which dress they will wear?  Karen's dress is showing the invisible bra, half of the HW's with slits to the thigh are fine if standing but when they sit down it looks like they could have a pap smear without undressing.  Wendy's dress, I just wanted to pull up the front of it on the one side, the bling was heavy and it was drooping and Robyn's dress made her look very broad.  

If any of the women want to shade Gizelle about her fake relationship with Jamal all they have to do is mention how her girls look when G talks about him, the truth is all over their faces.

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11 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

I don't know about "church" in general but this particular church has a reputation.  Jamal is actually an upgrade from the pastor he replaced.

Sex before marriage is a big NO NO in every church how do these people still have positions of authority if they cant follow their own bibles teaching is beyond me.. and to be taking pictures and just sending them out to people to have them aired on tv just seems counterproductive...

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Monique’s tea was stale to me because the bloggers she works with have been saying Jamal’s been dating that lady for months.  

One thing I don’t understand is Monique and Karen are saying Gizelle’s relationship with Jamal is fake. So if it’s fake why are they bothered if he has a girlfriend in Atlanta and a new baby with a random. In fact shouldn’t the person who’s texting Monique about Jamal being her man be contacted about him continuing to whore around? She’s the one who looks stupid.

Gizelle’s been single since Season 1 and she’s been on dates with several men. I liked cute Kevin but I don’t think he had enough money for her.

Monique and Karen are being cheered on Twitter but there’s no way this cast can come together if Monique is on the show next season.

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21 minutes ago, Slider said:

That's not really a rule.  At one point, no one is the New York franchise had a husband, and several weren't serious with anyone.  Same with other cities - they call it "Housewives" but the majority of them are not married.  This show has a bad record when it comes to surviving marriages.

Same reason some sports teams  in the U.S. are "world champions" when we are the only country participating.

These women better be glad they are beautiful because all of those dresses were tacky last night. It's not about being best dressed but who was the least amount of ugly.  My rankings (although again I didn't like any of the dresses)

  • Monique
  • Robyn
  • Karen
  • Candiace
  • Wendy
  • Gizelle
  • Ashley
Edited by Boofish
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9 hours ago, qtpye said:

I agree...a woman should not be kicked off if she does not have a husband or a boyfriend. I know the brand is housewives but Gizelle being alone is okay...way better than pretending to be with Jamal.

I've always thought this was dumb, and would take it a step further and say that I think its ridiculous when the women come for each other for not having a relationship.  

Simply having a relationship is not some accomplishment.  Anyone can be in a relationship and I think it encourages people to get in and stay in crappy relationships because they feel like they are somehow inferior because they "don't have a man"

I felt this way since back in the day when Phaedra came after Kenya for "not having a man" when she was in a horrible relationship with Apollo.  And I would just think "phaedra, anyone can have a relationship with a loser, why aren't you talking about your accomplishment of keeping money on the table with a law practice, now THATS hard"  And, Kenya felt the pressure to get in a relationship and ended up with a string of shitty men.  Maybe she is just better off without one.  But there is so much pressure to be in a relationship and an idea, ESPECIALLY for women, that you are inferior without one.  

Gizelle is beautiful, she has raised beautiful daughters that she has fun with, maybe EveryHue will come back and maybe it won't, but I'm sure Gizelle will find something else to do.  I'm not sure Karen and her gimmick perfume that could be pulled at any second should really throw stones over that, but hey, her wigs and perfume are doing good right now, so maybe?  If anyone should be shit talking over businesses, it should probably be Robyn because girl, when are you restocking those caps!?!?!??  The demand is so high, the supply so low!  Apparently, Karen's perfume can be purchased for 28 dollars under retail, so I'm not sure what thats about.  

Monique, at the very least, got inappropriate with her trainer, so is she is any position to come for anyone else's relationship?  

1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

If Monique comes back I won't be watching.  That might be the straw that makes me get rid of cable and Bravo for good.  Discovery has a new app, and I don't need cable for that.  It will save me a lot of money.


This shows how backward things are today in the world.  Bullies are celebrated, and people who have been physically attacked are mocked because they're not "perfect victims."  People love Monique because she "put Gizelle in her place."  What does that even mean?  It's not our job as humans to put anybody in "their place" because none of us are perfect.  

I agree with the majority of this post specifically the part about having to be a "perfect victim."  I don't think its a brand new concept, but there are so , so, so many instances where that thinking has been detrimental.  

I also wouldn't watch next year if Monique was back.  But I buy the season on Prime, so they aren't getting a monthly subscription fee out of me either way.  

If they wanted to demote her like Porsha, fine.  If they even wanted to demote her while trying to phase Candace out, fine.  But zero consequences for her behavior?  No, I'm not down with that.  

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15 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

She might as well embrace the role as villain because that's the only thing she can be from here on out. 

That's the role the show is setting up for her; either lean into it or get off the show.

17 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

If any of the women want to shade Gizelle about her fake relationship with Jamal all they have to do is mention how her girls look when G talks about him, the truth is all over their faces.

Monique mentioned Gizelle's daughters last night, so she can't cry in the future when somebody brings her kids up. 

20 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Sex before marriage is a big NO NO in every church how do these people still have positions of authority if they cant follow their own bibles teaching is beyond me.

The most scandalous people you'll ever meet are in the church (Hi, Falwell!).  That's why I generally stay away from "church people."  And pastors are a prime target because pastors got the money and the power.


15 minutes ago, charming said:

Monique and Karen are being cheered on Twitter but there’s no way this cast can come together if Monique is on the show next season.

Yes it can, only if CANDIACE is not on the show next season. Monique is being set up to be the villain for S6.  Robyn & Wendy don't have the starpower to continue refusing to film with Monique; they will fall in line.  That would leave Gizelle on an island by herself refusing to film and she's not going to let those checks go by.

IMO the show isn't going to fire Candiace, but they are going to let her know Monique will be back next season and she will be expected to film with her and Candiace will have to decide whether she stays or goes.  I think Candiace will choose to leave the show.

The fans will be very happy not to see Candiace anymore but they won't be able to excuse Monique when she goes after another cast member, and she will.



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2 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

That's the role the show is setting up for her; either lean into it or get off the show.

I think she'll have a hard time with it, though, because she doesn't think she's the villain, she has righteous certainty that she's been wronged. This isn't uncommon with the Housewives, of course - Brandi Glanville, for instance, doesn't get that she's the bad guy. Neither does Dorinda Medley.  And Phaedra Parks truly believed she was justified in everything she did to Kandi.  And at some point, the show loses interest in people like that (as evidenced by the fact that all of those people have been fired). I suspect Monique may last one more season but after that, I doubt it. 

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58 minutes ago, charming said:

One thing I don’t understand is Monique and Karen are saying Gizelle’s relationship with Jamal is fake. So if it’s fake why are they bothered if he has a girlfriend in Atlanta and a new baby with a random. In fact shouldn’t the person who’s texting Monique about Jamal being her man be contacted about him continuing to whore around? She’s the one who looks stupid.

I didn't get that either.  

To me, the most real thing said was said by Wendy.  She said Gizelle has "pretty girl syndrome," that Gizelle doesn't have to work for anything.  I think that is SOOOOO true.  That's Gizelle's problem.   When you're not beautiful, you have to find another way of making it in the world.  Gizelle is shallow, but so are the rest of them.  Also, Gizelle's not ashamed of turning 50 because she had a picture of her on her Instagram, in a bathing suit and the caption read: This is what 50 is supposed to look like.  I'd like Karen to do something like that when she turns 60, but I doubt that will happen.  

I'll keep saying this, every post.  I HATED when Monique said something to Gizelle about, "you can't keep a man."  Because that is an old fashioned, misogynistic, low class belief.  And MANY, MANY women have been shamed because of it.  If Chris leaves you Mo, are you less of a woman?  There are women who STAY in ABUSIVE relationships because of attitudes like the one Monique has.

And even though Karen's perfume might be in Bloomingdales, the only folk who'll be buying it are Bravo viewers, not the UES crowd, she'd be better off selling it on Amazon.  Gizelle could make a mint with a clothing line, I'm totally serious, she's all about glitz.  All she has to do is make prom/pageant/sweet sixteen/ quinceañera dresses.  The more sparkles/ruffles/glitter, the better.  

I think the reason Karen is smart is because of Ray 100%.  As someone here stated, Ray is a man who has probably lived through Jim Crow.  I'm sure he's said something to Karen like, "Don't let these folk make a fool out of you."  When Karen questioned Gizelle about her fake relationship, she didn't go all ham like Monique.  Nope, Karen will let all these others look the fool.   So when the day comes when Bravo turns into a true crime network (a la Oxygen) the images of Monique fighting, Monique and her binder will be around forever.  Monique goes to the PTA meeting; "Hey Monique, did you bring your binder?"  After awhile it's not funny anymore.

One more thing I want to say.  The worst thing that has happened to the Housewives, and the reason it could come to an end, is social media.  When Candiace said that Monique's followers were bullying her and threatening her.  That isn't just harmless snark, that's fucking serious.  Things in life are progressive.  One of these days, someone's followers might do something in real life, to one of the women and if....when that happens, Bravo is going to have to make a serious decision.  


Edited by Neurochick
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14 hours ago, Neurochick said:

That’s Monique!  The woman who graduated from the Wendy Williams School for Young Ladies, where you don’t learn anything except to hook a baller and make sure you have kids to get that child support $$$$.

I don't think its fair to say that Monique does not love her children and only had them to get child support. There has been zero evidence of any of this in her time on the show. You can hate the woman or her character, but when you go here, is it any different than the behavior you are criticizing Monique for - going after "innocent" Jamal  to prove a point?

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7 minutes ago, Rlb8031 said:

I don't think its fair to say that Monique does not love her children and only had them to get child support. There has been zero evidence of any of this in her time on the show. You can hate the woman or her character, but when you go here, is it any different than the behavior you are criticizing Monique for - going after "innocent" Jamal  to prove a point?

No, because Gizelle didn't have a file on Monique. I also never said that Monique in particular did such a thing.  But there is a pattern in the "school of hooking a baller" and part of it is making sure you have a child to get that support.  

If Monique had such a great life, loving husband, great kids, happy life, she wouldn't be wasting her time creating a folder to hurt others.  

I think all of the women, except maybe Robyn are miserable.  It's not about securing the bag, it's about being happy with the bag when you get it, not always looking for another bag and then another and another.  

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3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

 If Monique had such a great life, loving husband, great kids, happy life, she wouldn't be wasting her time creating a folder to hurt others.  


All of this .... esp with NO ONE really talking about her cheating other then 2 mentions and then it was never brought up again .... NO one was attempting to destroy her life and marriage... for all the effort she put in that binder when no one was coming for her just reeks of being unhappy 

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I'll keep saying this, every post.  I HATED when Monique said something to Gizelle about, "you can't keep a man."  Because that is an old fashioned, misogynistic, low class belief.  And MANY, MANY women have been shamed because of it.  If Chris leaves you Mo, are you less of a woman?  There are women who STAY in ABUSIVE relationships because of attitudes like the one Monique has.

If the tea is true that Monique was the side chick to Chris and she slid his girlfriend at the time out of the picture, you can bet your bottom dollar Monique felt the girlfriend wasn't woman enough to hold on to Chris.  Monique absolutely believes your worth as a woman is being able to a) get a man b) have children.  That's why her social media handles are "MrsMoniqueSamuels."

1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

And even though Karen's perfume might be in Bloomingdales, the only folk who'll be buying it are Bravo viewers, not the UES crowd, she'd be better off selling it on Amazon. 

Karen is selling La'Dame via HSN , so she's good.

1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I think the reason Karen is smart is because of Ray 100%.

No.  Karen owned her own staffing agency.  She sold it because Ray complained about her needing to spend time with him and the kids.  Karen did what she had to do to keep the rich man.  She was smart enough to put away her money and spend his. Her money is the reason Ray got out of his tax jam and since he owed $3-5 million in taxes, Karen had quite a bit (plus money from BRAVO/La'Dame) on her own.

1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

One more thing I want to say.  The worst thing that has happened to the Housewives, and the reason it could come to an end, is social media.  When Candiace said that Monique's followers were bullying her and threatening her.  That isn't just harmless snark, that's fucking serious.  Things in life are progressive.  One of these days, someone's followers might do something in real life, to one of the women and if....when that happens, Bravo is going to have to make a serious decision. 

Gizelle and Robyn used to live tweet with the show and they don't do that as much anymore because Monique's fans harass them on social media.  Candiace's mother had to put her social media on private because Monique's fans harassed her on social media.  And don't forget, Monique's associates harassing Robyn on social media was why Monique and Robyn didn't get along a few seasons ago.


2 hours ago, RealReality said:

If they wanted to demote her like Porsha, fine.  If they even wanted to demote her while trying to phase Candace out, fine.  But zero consequences for her behavior?  No, I'm not down with that. 

Michael has repeatedly touched RHOP crew's butts since Season 1 and there's been no consequences for him and there will probably be no consequences for Monique because she had a very unlikeable victim.

2 hours ago, RealReality said:

I've always thought this was dumb, and would take it a step further and say that I think its ridiculous when the women come for each other for not having a relationship. 

Monique doesn't have anything going for her EXCEPT being married to NFL Chris.  She graduated from high school, came to DC to be a rapper, became Chris' personal assistant/live in girlfriend and got married.

Everyone else has had some sort of education or job (or connections to get a job) so if their relationships fail, they have other things going on.

When you have nothing else going on except being "Mrs," then you'll judge other women on their ability to be a "Mrs." too.

14 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I think all of the women, except maybe Robyn are miserable.  It's not about securing the bag, it's about being happy with the bag when you get it, not always looking for another bag and then another and another.  

I think Robyn and Wendy are fine.  I think Candiace and Chris are fine.  Gizelle is used to men fawning over her but she's getting to the age where the fawning stops so she has some decisions to make.

Ashley and Karen are miserable, yes.  They married older men to secure the bag.  Ashley has to do degrading things to get Michael to open his bag and Karen had to stuff her desires away to keep her bag secured.  I think Karen loves Ray but the minute she has enough money to stand on her own, and he keeps demanding she stuff her needs down to cater to him, she's outta there.

13 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

All of this .... esp with NO ONE really talking about her cheating other then 2 mentions and then it was never brought up again .... NO one was attempting to destroy her life and marriage... for all the effort she put in that binder when no one was coming for her just reeks of being unhappy 

Monique is unhappy because she feels several cast members have things (Candiace) and status (Gizelle) they don't deserve.

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4 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Candiace will be fine with or without the show; Monique WON'T. 

How would Candyass be fine without the show? She has no other job, she's pretty much a spoiled brat and she and Chris just bought a big home. Chris' income what little there is of it will not pay for that house. Will she be calling on Mommy again? 

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Oh me oh my! Thing is Gizelle has been in need of a good dragging for years.  You hear me YEEARRRSSS! I don't have any problem with the drag or the nature of the drag because that is just typical HW fodder. However, I do have a problem with the dragger! As a fan who has been waiting patiently and ceaselessly for Gizelle to be dealt a huge plate of what she serves everyone else, it was dissatisfying and a tad hollow coming from Monique. If it should have been anyone, it should have been Karen, but it appears she didn't want to get her hands that dirty so she let Mo Mayweather take the lead, while she set up the play. 

Gizelle played herself. I don't know what part of getting back with Jamal is a good idea under any circumstances - for storyline purposes or for real. 

2 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Yep, same. Monique just couldn't wait to get into her little binder. This wasn't about retaliation or anyone "coming for her" or her family. This was about her being the aggressor, just like she was the aggressor in the fight between her and Candiace. She constantly sets herself as the victim, even when she's the one itching to fight. And IMO, that is why she's a sociopath.

She might as well embrace the role as villain because that's the only thing she can be from here on out. 

I can't amen the highlighted and underlined text more! If it had ever been about some supposed plot to take Mo and her family down, then why at the beginning of the season was Mo skinning and grinning and so happy to the basking in the light of acceptance of Gizelle?  She couldn't wait to be in Giz's good graces. Relished in being able to joke around and be cool with Giz and in turn the GEBs.  I think Giz actually touched her soul when she returned Mo's high 5.  Is this the way a person acts towards another she believed  was in on a plot to ruin them? But yet she has all this smoke for Candiace.  In that moment, Candiace didn't talk about children, husband, mama, papa, bros, sisters or any other intimiate aspect of Mo's life. Candiace merely threw Mo's words back in her face. I have suspected it was the sight of the GEBs being amused at Candi's antics in that moment that sent Mo over the edge. Kinda like that moment in Carrie, after the bucket of pig blood falls on her head and she hears the voice of her mother saying "they're all gonna laugh at you" play in rotation in her mind.


I didn't realize Croc wasn't making an appearance this reunion. Thank goodness for small favors!

I really don't want Mo back next season, but given the execs at Bravo are amoral I wouldn't be surprised if she was. She will smugly claim any invitation to return as an indication of victory and that her actions were in self defense and not an attack. I don't see how this would work. I don't even think that Giz would bother to engage. I think Mo's presence would just have a chilling effect on the show. Who wants to interact with someone who becomes unhinged at any perceived slight and has a rather loose interpretation of aggression, which in turns justifies her assaulting a person physically and/or via social media?

Funny thing, didn't Gigi mention that she had footage of Mo and he trainer dancing inappropriately?

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1 minute ago, drivethroo said:



Monique is unhappy because she feels several cast members have things (Candiace) and status (Gizelle) they don't deserve.

Thats her issue not theirs tho ... that's part of being an adult knowing others have things you don't and knowing that has NOTHING do to with you

Just now, bichonblitz said:

How would Candyass be fine without the show? She has no other job, she's pretty much a spoiled brat and she and Chris just bought a big home. Chris' income what little there is of it will not pay for that house. Will she be calling on Mommy again? 

She still has her wig line that she was working on before the show started ..

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2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She still has her wig line that she was working on before the show started ..

I haven't heard her mention it at all other than the first season she was on. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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24 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

If the tea is true that Monique was the side chick to Chris and she slid his girlfriend at the time out of the picture, you can bet your bottom dollar Monique felt the girlfriend wasn't woman enough to hold on to Chris.  Monique absolutely believes your worth as a woman is being able to a) get a man b) have children.  That's why her social media handles are "MrsMoniqueSamuels."

And that might just come out if Monique comes back next season.  

Wouldn't it be something if we find out that MRS Monique Samuels was the SIDE CHICK.

25 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

Monique doesn't have anything going for her EXCEPT being married to NFL Chris.  She graduated from high school, came to DC to be a rapper, became Chris' personal assistant/live in girlfriend and got married.

Everyone else has had some sort of education or job (or connections to get a job) so if their relationships fail, they have other things going on.

When you have nothing else going on except being "Mrs," then you'll judge other women on their ability to be a "Mrs." too.

She reminds me of women I went to college with, but that was over 40 years ago, so Monique has NO EXCUSE, this is 2020 sis.

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28 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

How would Candyass be fine without the show? She has no other job, she's pretty much a spoiled brat and she and Chris just bought a big home. Chris' income what little there is of it will not pay for that house. Will she be calling on Mommy again? 

Candiace has

Wig Line

Pageant Training Consultant business

Acting Gigs (she was just in a movie this weekend)

Starting her music career

Back in college to get her MBA

Candiace will be fine.  This show is all Monique has.  And if Candiace's mother helps her with the house, so what? That's her child.  Mommy will always be there, your rich husband? Not so much.  Just ask Gizelle, Robyn, Charrisse and Karen about that.

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8 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

Candiace has

Wig Line

Pageant Training Consultant business

Acting Gigs (she was just in a movie this weekend)

Starting her music career

Back in college to get her MBA

Candiace will be fine.  This show is all Monique has.  And if Candiace's mother helps her with the house, so what? That's her child.  Mommy will always be there, your rich husband? Not so much.  Just ask Gizelle, Robyn, Charrisse and Karen about that.



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7 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

Candiace has

Wig Line

Pageant Training Consultant business

Acting Gigs (she was just in a movie this weekend)

Starting her music career

Back in college to get her MBA

Candiace will be fine.  This show is all Monique has.  And if Candiace's mother helps her with the house, so what?

Wondering how much money all of these "careers" make? As for Candyass mother helping her with the house, didn't her mother make a big deal about always paying for everything and Candyass making a big deal about breaking free of that? Seems like it was a very big issue during an entire season of them fighting and crying about it. Who hit who with their purse? 

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8 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Wondering how much money all of these "careers" make? As for Candyass mother helping her with the house, didn't her mother make a big deal about always paying for everything and Candyass making a big deal about breaking free of that? Seems like it was a very big issue during an entire season of them fighting and crying about it. Who hit who with their purse? 

the flip side of that what does Monique pay for herself? i know she is spending 20k a month plus on a podcast nobody goes to ... is she making her own money? Not fighting or trying to argue with you or anything but lets be fair here .... at least Candace has a job and is helping with income coming in...she isnt just blowing through someones money with no care at getting stank face when told maybe she shouldn't spend so much on a podcast ....

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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12 hours ago, funnygirl said:

To be fair, we're in a pandemic and I'm sure she - like most of us - has been on lockdown for the majority of the past 8 months. (the reunion was just filmed in November)

Since Monique isn't a lazy mom, she could have worked at a food bank, or done something for other people, rather than compile a "receipt book" which is for no other purpose than to hurt others and gas up her stans to harass the other HW's.  They're already harassing Gizelle on Instagram.  

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1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

the flip side of that what does Monique pay for herself?

I have no idea and don't really care. My comments were directed at Candyass being "just fine" if she was no longer on the show. Hey, I don't care for either one of these women but let's not pretend Candyass has been making it on her own. Her mother has been footing her bills for a long time. As she relentlessly reminded Candyass of every chance she could. 

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2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I have no idea and don't really care. My comments were directed at Candyass being "just fine" if she was no longer on the show. Hey, I don't care for either one of these women but let's not pretend Candyass has been making it on her own. Her mother has been footing her bills for a long time. As she relentlessly reminded Candyass of every chance she could. 

Until this season ... so she is attempting to get out from under her mom ... she IS working ... if she didn't have this show she wouldn't be destitute she has things to fall back on....I don't even really like the girl but dang come on now

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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I think that Monique's statement of "Gizelle can't keep a man" is nothing short of fucking dangerous.  Her stans are already repeating that shit.  

Statements like that are dangerous because it supposes that a woman's only currency is how she can keep a man.  That is one reason so many women get and stay in abusive relationships.  "Well, he's a man and any man is better than no man."  or "I can see the red flags, but all my friends are married and I don't want to be left out."

The fact Monique's stans might be young women is fucking scary.  That fact that in 2020 young women actually believe that nonsense is all kinds of messed up.  I deal with women every day who are in/getting out of/healing from abusive relationships, a girl in my college neglected her health because her mother kept pushing her to find a man, neglected it so much that she eventually died from a brain tumor, so Monique needs to STUF forever with those vile comments.

Edited by Neurochick
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I cannot stand candy ass. Her entitled superior attitude, big false eyelashes that are so heavy she can't fully open her eyes, 10 lb of dark makeup, and stupid bow dress she saved from her prom, make me cringe. Glad she could buy her own house with her housewives money, but if I get my Christmas wish she won't be back for another season so she better hope mama is willing to help with that fat mortgage payment.

Monique's dress was the only one that was semi decent, in a Vegas hostess at an old downtown casino kind of way. Maybe all these hideous gowns came from some old storage unit at The Plaza.

Monique came with a big book of receipts and fully ready to trash the other women in an effort to deflect from any negative conversation about her and big boy. As if we needed further proof that she is a low down piece of s***

Ashley's hair and makeup looked really good. Her cape dress looked like something Mrs Roper would put on for a big evening out at the sizzler. I hope baby number two looks more like her. She can't even begin to hide her dismay that Dean looks like Schmuckle. 

Robyn's part in this reunion installment is to try to continue to breathe in her yellow sausage casing while distracting us with her bird feather hair. If she said anything worthwhile I missed it....so well played.

Karen's tits were so miserable stuffed into that ugly, ill-fitting dress they were fighting to get out. Perfume, prestigious department stores, lies about your nips and tucks...yes dahling, you're turn of the century fabulous. 

Wendy wants people to nice things up. Instead of saying she is aggressive she would prefer they say she could have handled the situation more calmly. I agree that the approach impacts the response. However, it's tit for tat. You're basically saying the same thing, and depending on who you're talking to, the word calm could be a trigger. 

Giz, girl, I feel your sadness through the screen. Not because of the Rev is a rat. That's just surface stuff and your unhappiness goes much deeper and broader. I suspect the prospect of being 50  and single, along with Perimenopausal hormone changes may be at play.

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6 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

the flip side of that what does Monique pay for herself? i know she is spending 20k a month plus on a podcast nobody goes to ... is she making her own money? Not fighting or trying to argue with you or anything but lets be fair here .... at least Candace has a job and is helping with income coming in...she isnt just blowing through someones money with no care at getting stank face when told maybe she shouldn't spend so much on a podcast ....

To be fair.  If it's wrong to criticize Gizelle for not having/keeping a man (which is most definitely is), it is also wrong to criticize Monique for being a stay at home mother of 3 young kids and housewife and not "making her own money".   Even without the money she makes on this show, her work as a wife and mother is valid and respectful work.

I know the argument/discussion was about Monique and and Candiace, so that may not have been the intended message, but it kinda comes across that way.   


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