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S01.E03: The Big Rick

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Well, that was two steps forward and three steps back.

I was hoping Grace would actually manage to escape and find real help but I guess we'll have to settle for her trail of clues instead. The dead fisherman, the muddy boots, any blood she might have left behind after being shot with an arrow twice. Ouch.

Speaking of which, with Hollywood injuries you can have your leg perforated twice with long arrows and you can break them off and pull them out with little consequence. In real life you would run the risk of bleeding out and dying.

I am starting to get the feeling that the truck driver's "mother" is actually his wife and they just have a really twisted relationship. She does not look old enough to be his mother.

How many times are the women going to get the drop on the truck driver only to get zapped by his infinite power taser? I realize none of these ladies have been established as having had any kind of martial arts expertise or etc but disarming the dude would seem to be an obvious first step. I hope if and when they finally do they taser him in the nuts.

The conflict between the private investigators isn't something I'm super invested in. Their guy is dead so there's no point in fighting over him and he wasn't around long enough for me to care who would have won anyhow. We know they have to work together so the added angst about who he should have been with doesn't do anything except slow the plot down. Argue about that shit at his funeral if and when you find his body... along with the missing teenagers who are trending towards being murder victims.

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I never realized how misogynistic I am. I have always wanted to try Archery and if I ever do, I want a target shaped like a woman bending over. Yes, I know I need therapy and if they ever "bring me in alive", I am sure I will get it.

Grace, tons of tools and tons of time. Never once thought of using them to help the other girls escape from the trailer. They could have helped you on your one woman quest to dig through concrete all the way to China. The floor caves in everywhere except the one place where she was digging,  The sewer caves in the moment she crawls across it, isn't that a little much! I thought she said she heard rushing water, why did she crawl out into a mud puddle? I thought sewers lead to the sewage treatment plant.

I think I need to join that cult "The Apostles of the Golden Sugar Daddies", what state was that again? Sexy young thangs going out with old geezers, did that guy have two, what is the most you can have!

This show gets a big thumb's up for each week helping me discover some new fetish/fantasy I never knew I had.

They called me "The Big [p]Rick", the "p" is silent.

"This is going to hurt you just as much as you think it will."

Edited by AnimeMania
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Can someone enlighten me on how the one girl escaped but the other two couldn't\didn't?

This show is on the brink of elimination from my watch list.

Edited by preeya
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6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

It just doesn't make sense for them to not just murder the girls. Every episode after this where they DON'T just murder the girls is just going to look sillier and sillier.

Really, they should have killed the sisters in the first episode when they realized people would be looking for them. As the trooper pointed out, there’s a reason they kidnap girls who don’t have families. I assume they think the blonde sister will fetch top dollar, but they needed to sell her quickly if they were going to do it. Holding onto the girls is stupid. they know people are looking for them, and the trooper knows people are digging around about him. Keeping them alive for a few days (to do what with them? They don’t know!) makes no sense.

You’re not supposed to pull out the item from a puncture wound, are you?

Kylie Bunbury’s extensions are killing me. Like ... for what?

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Turned in early enough to hear the promo/voiceover guy call this show "ABC's top new drama" and I was like "Well, that's not saying much, right?"  Because isn't this, like, the only new drama from ABC this season?

I'll give Grace a ton of brownie points for putting forth a good effort with her escape, but this being only episode three, it clearly wasn't going to last.  Granted, Rick is kind of proving himself to almost as incompetent as Ronald, and I'm starting to wonder how this supposed criminal operation has lasted as long as it did.  John Carroll Lynch is still great though.  In real life, it would obviously be horrifying for the girls, but between his annoyed "Seriously?!" reaction when Grace managed to keep running after the first arrow shot and then him just going "I don't want to hear anything from you!" to first meeting Danielle, I was cracking up left and right.  He knows what kind of show he's on!

Speaking of which, I think Brian Geraghty is starting to realize the same thing.  His delivery of the "YOU.  DON'T.  LISTEN!!!!" line had me howling as well.

At least Danielle is getting some enlightenment when it comes to the transgenders community.  Sure, it ended with Jerrie having to comfort Danielle of all people and be all "Oh, you poor thing!  You're not that much of a bigot!", but... progress?

Jenny and Cassie are starting to accept that Cody is likely dead.  Don't worry, you two!  You can always rewatch Crash or Cruel Intentions to get your Ryan Phillippe fix!

Still won't be surprise if obvious creepy cult factors in more than just being a red herring.

Despite being advertised as an almost network version of Twin Peaks/David Lynch-like show, it really is becoming more like a weird hybrid of a daytime soap and an almost Coen Brothers like caper with the bumbling criminals, only it lacks the self-awareness to pull that last part off.

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For a show that was advertised as being sort of strange and twisty with a bunch of mysteries, this show has basically no mysteries and isn't at all strange or twisty. We know who the bad guys are, what they're doing, and what is happening with the girls, what happened to Cody, and nothing else in this area seems all that strange, unless this human trafficking racket is even bigger than these two guys and the people they sell to. Its actually pretty boring so far mystery wise. The only other strange thing in the area is the cult, which will probably either tie into this, or be the main mystery of the next season, if there is one. 

Not that I want Grace to die, because I really like her, but I don't know why Legarski didn't just kill her if he already said that he wouldn't be able to sell her and she almost got away, it seems like it would be more practical to just kill her and Danielle and dump their bodies. I don't want him to do that obviously, but it seems like he would consider it at this point, unless she changed his mind. Also, if he wants Grace alive, he should have taken better care of her leg after he shot her with two arrows, she could easily bleed to death now. I also still cant believe that they cant take down creepy trucker with his cattle prod of death, he doesn't even look all that strong, or even carries a gun. I am not very impressed with the kidnapping or conspiracy skills or either Legarski or Ronald, Legarski acts insanely guilty all of the time for no reason and has now left yet another body to track him with, and if the women really put work into escaping, they would probably be gone by now. 

At least Danielle was more likable this week, turns out all it takes to realize that being transphobic is bad is being kidnapped by some dead eyed trafficker who is helping run a human trafficking ring. So why could no one else follow Grace out of the locked up room? Grace sure did fight hard to get away, sucks that it didn't work, I wish that she had gotten away and we spent an episode or two following her escaping in the woods, or even had her get away and they have to race against time to find Jerri and Danielle before they are killed or sold extra quickly to get rid of them as she tries to lead Jenny and Cassie to where they are even though she isn't totally sure. 

At least the scenery and the music is pretty. We haven't seen too much of him, but I feel bad for Jenny and Cody's son, both his father and his girlfriend are missing, and we know his dad is already dead. 

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Did anyone else think the fisherman might have been part of the trafficking ring? I was glad he wasn't, but that was one harsh ending for him. And how many woods have a natural acid pool conveniently placed just for getting rid of pesky bodies?

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1 hour ago, Ms Lark said:

Did anyone else think the fisherman might have been part of the trafficking ring?

I wondered because he seemed to be taking a long time to do anything. I know that was so the trooper had time to show up, but I was thinking "You need to be walking and talking, my dude." He was all "Hello, my name is ..." and she was like "Right, right, but did you hear me say KIDNAPPED? LET'S GO."

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1 hour ago, Ms Lark said:

Did anyone else think the fisherman might have been part of the trafficking ring?

Nah, that's just how fly fishing is in Montana.  "Shhh!  Shush!  You'll scare the fish away. Oh, you've been kidnapped?  Okay, let me get this one last cast in and then we can leave."

So Grace was chipping away at the concrete with a small crowbar, surrounded by wooden walls.  Call me crazy (I'm not Wikipedia, you know), but I'm almost certain that wood joined together will pry apart more easily than concrete.

I'm surprised the leader of the Church of Perpetual Indulgence didn't hint at the PI joining his 'services'.  They need a better front office staff though.  As always on tv, anyone who wants to get in just has to buffalo the clerk a bit with a nonexistent warrant and the gate opens right up.


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I'm still pondering the first episode, where the two girls are put into the semi trailer and find the hooker wrapped up in plastic, sealed with duct tape. If the idea is to sell girls, why kill the hooker? Then, after X hours/days the teens open the plastic wrap, do a couple of chest compressions and the hooker comes back to life? What am I missing?

This episode, the escaped girl takes off her boot and leaves it on the ground? WTH was THAT about. Put the freaking boot back on, dumbass. Then she's running through all those river rocks barefoot, like she can't feel anything? Please!

Agree that the fisherguy would be all "Shhhh, can't you see I'm fishing?" when the girl started screaming at him. But she needed waders to cross that tiny creek of a river? Yeah, don't think so. Big stall. Too much of a big stall.

I also wondered about the logic of trying to chip through concrete (it takes cons in prison MONTHS to do that!) when the board floor/ceiling above her head was so gapped, light was shining through. Plus the barn is made of wood, as in wood walls. She could have kicked her way out if she left her boots on.

My frustration that the girls are not able to jump together and beat the crap out of the trucker guy is beyond comprehension.

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FFS, girls, if you really want to put Ronald out of commission when he opens the door you KICK HIM IN THE NUTS! (Seriously, who doesn’t know that?!) Then when he’s doubled over in pain you grab the taser, tase his whacko ass and keep tasing him until he blacks out (or if you’re really lucky, dies). Then lock the SOB up.

I did enjoy his discovery that Jerri had knocked a tooth out, though.

The whole time Grace was out I kept thinking “stay off the road, stick to the woods where you can hide easily until you find your way to civilization”. Just knew when she was running along the riverbank out in the open that Legarski would find her.

If this show has any sense of reality whatsoever, next episode Grace will be burning up with a fever because her leg is infected.


Edited by CarpeFelis
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11 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Really, they should have killed the sisters in the first episode when they realized people would be looking for them.

"I'll just murder the fisherman who tried to save the girl, but not her, so that I can kill her later, for....reasons."

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7 hours ago, Ms Lark said:

And how many woods have a natural acid pool conveniently placed just for getting rid of pesky bodies?

Yeah, how convenient was that! And the body in the black bag was so small.

How about instead of saying "hello sailor" you kick him in the throat with your boot then hit him it the head with the pot.

Why don't you use the tool your using to open the grate and try to pry the side of the trailer that you crawled out of opened? Just saying.

I'm going to take my boot off for no reason and leave it here at the side of the road so if anyone is chasing me they'll know which way I ran.

I don't believe for one second that girl ran across those river rocks barefooted. Nope!

I think I'm done with this show.

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1 minute ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

Yeah, how convenient was that! And the body in the black bag was so small.

How about instead of saying "hello sailor" you kick him in the throat with your boot then hit him it the head with the pot.

Why don't you use the tool your using to open the grate and try to pry the side of the trailer that you crawled out of opened? Just saying.

I'm going to take my boot off for no reason and leave it here at the side of the road so if anyone is chasing me they'll know which way I ran.

I don't believe for one second that girl ran across those river rocks barefooted. Nope!

I think I'm done with this show.

That requires logic and basic thinking. None of these characters do that from the bad guys, to the victims to guys fishing who are: "well, you look like hell and are scared about something, but excuse me there be trout here." "Oh no, acid!" 

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If I am ever kidnapped, I hope I am like Grace. Except, I'd want to actually get away. Obviously the show can't have Grace get saved though.

I am really not sure why the cop went to the trouble of bringing her back though. Why not dump her into the acid pool with the fisherman? Didn't they say they were going to give them food for a few days and then forget about them? So they are planning to let them die anyway, but leaving them to starve leaves much more room for the victims surviving or of leaving evidence. It makes no sense that someone with so little regard for human life would act like that.

I originally thought this show was just going to be about the cops/detectives looking for the missing girls, and that we'd have no idea who was involved. The way this is going, I am much more invested in watching the girls try and get away than watching the detectives not get anywhere solving things.

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30 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

If I am ever kidnapped, I hope I am like Grace. Except, I'd want to actually get away. Obviously the show can't have Grace get saved

I originally thought this show was just going to be about the cops/detectives looking for the missing girls, and that we'd have no idea who was involved. The way this is going, I am much more invested in watching the girls try and get away than watching the detectives not get anywhere solving things.

At this point the only mystery is how these two not only "started" a human trafficking ring, but how the hell they even kept it going. Of course if all the women they grabbed were just running away and leaving their boots. They probably were: "We so smart, good old pool of acid saves us again!" 

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My favorite line of the night:  Legarski returns to the Cabin O'Death, gets out of his go kart with Grace slung over his shoulder, and Ronald says "You got her?"  I would have required five different takes of that scene if I were playing the cop, because I couldn't resist a heaping helping of snark at that moment.

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17 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Kylie Bunbury’s extensions are killing me. Like ... for what?

Thank you thank you!

She’s so beautiful but her hair made no sense to me and I didn’t know why...

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3 hours ago, sisterspoon said:

Thank you thank you!

She’s so beautiful but her hair made no sense to me and I didn’t know why...

You can tell they’re extensions - they’re a different color than the rest of her hair and the texture is off. I don’t know why she couldn’t just rock her natural hair.

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Question- and I’m not intending to be derogatory here.  Jerri exposed herself to the trucker in the shower, so my assumption is that she is pre-surgical confirmation surgery- which may not be relevant for my actual question.   She must also be on hormones?  How long can she be away from the pills( or shots) before changes start to revert? Voice, hair, muscle mass?  
Here’s why I am asking: She’s young and seems to be in good health - why can’t she overpower this trucker?  Will she be able to if her physical changes revert and her muscle mass increases? 

like everyone else, I can’t figure out why they are still keeping these 3. They don’t seem interested in trafficking Jerri.  

Rick doesn’t intend to starve them. He told Ronald to seal them in, put food in for several days while the two of them laid low.  He intends Ronald to return in a few days and feed them.  

Is Ronald actually doing trucking duties for someone - or does he work solely for Rick and the truck is just a method of kidnapping and hauling women around? 


Edited by mythoughtis
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24 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Here’s why I am asking: She’s young and seems to be in good health - why can’t she overpower this trucker?  Will she be able to if her physical changes revert and her muscle mass increases? 

That would be awesome if the trucker opened the trailer and there was a Hulk-like Jerri, fully bearded, massive muscles split out of the dress ... "Jerri MAD."

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5 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

That would be awesome if the trucker opened the trailer and there was a Hulk-like Jerri, fully bearded, massive muscles split out of the dress ... "Jerri MAD."

At this point, I could see them going there. 

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12 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

I thought it was a hot spring he dumped the fisherman’s body into, not just acid. Boil him down to bones, I guess.

Good point, and IMO you are correct. I didn't see the part where the fisherguy's body was dumped, I just thought it was weird they left him laying in that river with an arrow in him. I guess the cop who shot him would be the one called to investigate the crime, so there's that out. But yeah, I've been to Yellowstone and they aren't fooling about all the "Stay On The Path" signs. I just wonder how they keep getting into Yellowstone without paying the gate guards. I guess locals know all the elk and buffalo trails.

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I thought this show would be centered on the search and we’d be seeing a lot of Kathryn Winnick, but we spend most of the time with the three victims and their incredibly trope laden captor, a creepy version of young George McFly.

And the lush scenery distracts from the fact it’s obviously shot in the PNW. At least Yellowstone shot in Utah so it’s more believable looking.

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I'm half way through the episode, and I think I might be out. I'm a bit tired of the violence against women every single episode (and there have only been 3). How many times do I need to see them get tazed and abused? These are all good actors, and I'm really enjoying Jesse James Keitel (Jerrie), but I'm not feeling this plot. How these two inept traffickers have gotten away with this for however long they've been doing it doesn't make sense, but since they've easily and repeatedly continued to get the one up on 3 women explains it, I guess. 

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18 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I'm half way through the episode, and I think I might be out. I'm a bit tired of the violence against women every single episode (and there have only been 3). How many times do I need to see them get tazed and abused? These are all good actors, and I'm really enjoying Jesse James Keitel (Jerrie), but I'm not feeling this plot. How these two inept traffickers have gotten away with this for however long they've been doing it doesn't make sense, but since they've easily and repeatedly continued to get the one up on 3 women explains it, I guess. 

I would imagine that after doing it a few times they got the thing down to where they easily incapacitate the girl (one at a time), tie her up, and then sell her in a day so they don't have to deal with their prey for very long. They have the out of the way location, metal box with chains to keep them so it isn't some kind of random act.

The trucker guy seems like a major screw up but mostly sticks to the script and has the time between jobs to get it done so I see why the cop chose him. Also if things went south the cop could easily dispose of the trucker.

What I find  interesting is both the cop and the trucker have some kind of issue with women. The cop doesn't have sex with his wife and doesn't kill the girls (and trans) outright even when he knows they are worthless to him and a danger. The cop has no trouble killing guys without even thinking too much about it. Its even interesting when he gets creepy and tries  to intimidate the one detective woman (who he probably thinks is cute) yet backs down the second she talks back. The trucker has major mommy issues probably bordering on incest and it probably mentally challenged. The trucker seems to take quite a beating and get mad but outside of tasering the women he doesn't hurt them much.



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I don't want to watch an entire season of these 3 locked up and trying to escape.  It gets boring.  Let at least one get away.  At least then we might have a new storyline.  

What exactly did the trucker find when he was digging the spot? Was that a boot?  What did it mean?  I started wondering what happened to his dad at that point.

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47 minutes ago, LakeGal said:

I don't want to watch an entire season of these 3 locked up and trying to escape.  It gets boring.  Let at least one get away.  At least then we might have a new storyline.  

What exactly did the trucker find when he was digging the spot? Was that a boot?  What did it mean?  I started wondering what happened to his dad at that point.

The escaped girls boot. From what I remember there some kind of metal pin in the boot that she used to pick the locks with. She had to unlace the boots to get to that metal piece and didn't have time to lace back up so the boot fell off when she was in the pipe, and she tossed the other one when she got away since she could not run with one boot on.

I expect the girls to escape pretty soon, most likely somebody following the cop around and finding that building. I forget what was written on the side of the building but it didn't look residential which is probably why the cop parked his police vehicle there.

Is this meant to be a 1 season and done show? Could also be that a second season would focus on the people who buy these women.

Edited by UnknownK
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4 hours ago, UnknownK said:


Is this meant to be a 1 season and done show? Could also be that a second season would focus on the people who buy these women.

That looks like the plan, IF they get a second season. Right now it's pretty obvious with dumb and dumber, they somehow got involved with this ring (how a state cop and a truck driver get involved with human trafficking who are this dim) and yet so happy to kill whoever gets in their way. Act like if these women get away it's: "Oh we so dead, we going to end up in acid spring like fisherman". I mean then what? The show would be about trying to escape and bring down the traffic ring? Ryan Philipe died for this? I think he needs a new agent.

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In the comments for last weeks’ episode . A poster theorized that Mommy was dead and a figment of Ronalds imagination. I didn’t think so then... but after this episode I do.  I watched the kitchen scene twice.  Ronald was totally alone in the kitchen yet turned around and Mom was two inches away from him. 

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53 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

In the comments for last weeks’ episode . A poster theorized that Mommy was dead and a figment of Ronalds imagination. I didn’t think so then... but after this episode I do.  I watched the kitchen scene twice.  Ronald was totally alone in the kitchen yet turned around and Mom was two inches away from him. 

It's almost a Norman Bates vibe from him. Yeah, these guys have some issue with women, but to a point where they should just kill them and start over. They are more of: "oh um... you get back in there and think of what you did." Yet, a guy is: "Hey, buddy I see you have a flat tire, can I help you." They turn around and shoot them six time and then go: "No thanks." and move on. 

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8 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

In the comments for last weeks’ episode . A poster theorized that Mommy was dead and a figment of Ronalds imagination. I didn’t think so then... but after this episode I do.  I watched the kitchen scene twice.  Ronald was totally alone in the kitchen yet turned around and Mom was two inches away from him. 

Like the poster upthread who thought the age difference was too close between Ronald and his mother, I actually mentioned this too to my girlfriend when we were watching. I put it down to poor casting at the time.

IF she is actually long dead and a figment of his imagination, her image in his memory might be fixed from years ago, which might explain the  seemingly smaller than normal age difference.

Edited by Rickster
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On 12/3/2020 at 9:22 PM, mythoughtis said:

In the comments for last weeks’ episode . A poster theorized that Mommy was dead and a figment of Ronalds imagination. I didn’t think so then... but after this episode I do.  I watched the kitchen scene twice.  Ronald was totally alone in the kitchen yet turned around and Mom was two inches away from him. 

I didn't know. In the first episode, Mom was on the front porch ranking on Ronald for being a trucker while all her friends were bragging about what great jobs their kids had. It was an extended scene, with Ronald reacting rather harshly while his back was turned to Mom. That was sort of a lot for a dead imaginary mom to go through. But hey, this show ... maybe Ronald is regretting turning down that Montana U teacher's scholarship.

18 minutes ago, archer1267 said:

People can't buy Valerie Mahaffey as the mom age-wise? The actress is 67. There's a 22-year difference between her and Brian Geraghty.

Darn that Hollywood plastic surgery!

Edited by saber5055
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This episode. LOL. For starters, being the youngest doesn't mean you're the smallest. It was dumb to make it seem like Grace was the only one who could fit that opening since the other two are actually thinner and more lithe.

Also, so disappointed that this show went the I liked dresses and dolls when I was kid route. As if little boys cannot like dresses and dolls. Liking dresses and dolls does not equal gender dysphoria or trans. That entire scene seriously felt like a social justice warrior wannabe woke public service announcement. 

Three episodes and three hours in and there has been hardly any forward momentum. At this point I feel like I'm watching the same episode with minor tweaks, I'll try episode four but if something doesn't happen to propel the story forward, I think I'm out. 

Edited by ShellsandCheese
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I also feel that every episode is the same. Ronald opens the door, the girls try to attack and get tasered, on and on. I also don't see anyway they would keep these girls alive at this point. The creepy cult has to have something to do with this unless they are just showing it to make sure we know this is a quirky place. I really don't want to see the girls/women beat up and hurt anymore-I hope they can escape since I'm sure they will at some point anyway. I'm still mad Ryan Phillipe died in the first episode. 

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On 12/5/2020 at 1:22 PM, archer1267 said:

People can't buy Valerie Mahaffey as the mom age-wise? The actress is 67. There's a 22-year difference between her and Brian Geraghty.

She definitely looks like she could be his mom. She looks (good) her age and he looks young enough to be her son. 

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