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S05.E10: Sorry... Not Sorry

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5 hours ago, RealReality said:

So, I'm looking at the cast shot for the intro to the show.  There are the seven ladies, three on the left, and four on the right.  The left three are Monique on the end, Candace in the middle and Gizelle to the right of her.  Then there is Karen, Robyn, Ahsley and Wendy on the right.  Three on the left all hold the flutes in their left hand and on the right, the flute in the right hand.  Karen, Robyn, Ashley and Wenday all have similar poses with their right arm posed straight down and their left hand holding up the flute. 

On the right side Gizelle and Candace have the same pose, with their left arm on their hip and the right hand holding up the flute.  Monique seems a little further away, and she has a different, but similar pose with her left arm straight down and her right hand holding up the flute.  It just seems odd that they had the four women on one side doing the same pose, two women on the left side doing the EXACT same pose and monique next to them doing something different.  

The intro is the same as season 4, only Wendy and Monique filmed new looks. Im talking about the cast photo.

Never *ever* thought I’d say this...but Robyn rose above Monique’s bullshit like a true star. Her carefully measured and thoughtful takedown of Monique’s blubbering mess of non-apologies was a thing of beauty, and the kind of rare intelligence I live for seeing on RH. 

And I once really liked Monique...still sorta do. But like the once likable Dorinda raging at Tinsley on NYC to the point of canceling her own self, she picked the wrong sword to die on with this fight. And the way she kept snapping back so condescendingly at Gizelle proved just how grossly unapologetic she truly was. 

Gizelle is gonna be Gizelle, and her bringing a bodyguard was just the kind of messy and extra shenanigans that she’s known for, so I had to shake my head in bemusement as usual. Love her or hate her, that’s all her...but she can miss me with the Jamal image police theatrics. This was the excuse she’d been waiting for to finally conquer her ongoing shade nemesis.

I wanted to side with Wendy more, but her big grandiose speech about black female representation and all was just too much. We know that she’s ashamed that Monique acted like trash on a show that is supposed to actually uplift black females. She basically said that she wouldn’t have come on this show had she known they’d be dealing with THAT stupidity. I feel her frustration, but know when to shut up and read the room.

Monique has some serious issues though. She truly disappointed me with her cruel lack of remorse. Even if she’s not sorry, a respectable human would’ve at least publicly apologized by now. To sit there and defend her insane behavior to this day is disgusting; I don’t care what Candiace said, you DO NOT HIT. Period.
She’s probably one of those moms who will raise her kids by telling them to hit anyone who gets into their faces as well, and that is just so wrong and so dangerous for their futures.

Also, Ashley constantly bringing her baby around is annoying AF. That was no place for a baby, and it just looked way too convenient for her to let Mo hold the baby as part of her redemption attempt. Karen should’ve stipulated that there were no babies allowed in that mess no matter what. 

Edited by Sun-Bun
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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

BTW, didn't like what Wendy kept saying about this one fight, making black women look bad.  I agree there is a stereotype and this article shows that, but I'm not sure if one has anything to do with the other.  Just my two cents.


Wendy was just pointing out that it wasn't a good look ... that because of these stereotypes Monique played right into them and then trying to justify what she did doesn't help anyone .... and saying you are embarrassed isnt the same as saying you were wrong (which is true.. that's like saying I am sorry but.. no no no but, you were wrong just say that and "own it") It was way fucked up that Monique was trying to play the victim in this trying to justify anything and saying she blacked out and didn't remember Good for bravo rolling the footage of her being a fucking liar ....

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8 hours ago, drivethroo said:

It actually doesn't matter what Candiace may have said or done because Monique had been wanting to beat Candiace's ass for at least a year and finally got her opportunity to do so in 2019.  The fact that she hasn't seen or been around Candiace since October 2019, it's almost 2021 and Monique would still beat Candiace's ass if she ever caught up to her again means it's more of an issue on Monique's end than Candiace's.  Get that in check.  Just because somebody says "You gone drag me?" does not mean you in fact have to drag them.  The fact that a year later Monique still doesn't get this (as evidenced on the WWHL show) is very disturbing and probably why Andy's going to get rid of her.

I have to agree with all of this. I was more disturbed by Monique on WWHL than I was in her sit down with the other women because a year later, she's still offering excuses, offering the defense that "words are just as bad," saying that she "blacked out" and didn't remember the sequence of events (when we saw that she had a lot of clarity immediately after the event), and more importantly, has no remorse whatsoever towards Candiace.  It's one thing to feel that way a week after - a year after demonstrates that Monique is missing something with regards to her emotional maturity. 

I have to agree with Wendy that the most genuine emotion that Monique showed was embarrassment, which is all about Monique, and not anything about Candiace. She was still trying to play the victim with the women and on WWHL - as if Candiace wanting to press charges was some big affront (that was the reason she offered for not offering Candiace any kind of apology) - without seeming to understand that she lost the right to be the victim when she put her hands on Candiace. It's disturbing, and indicates a deep level of anger. 

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11 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I don't know who said it, but, I loved the "it's so D.C." comment.  Being DC myself, yes.  Yes, it was.

That was Robyn & I loved it too! I just adore her & think she's drop dead gorgeous & very articulate...

11 hours ago, Momager said:

Will someone please tell me what Monique said  at the end when she hugged Karen? She had such a devilish look on her face.

She said something like, "And people should tell others to stop provoking people too..."

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45 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

I wanted to side with Wendy more, but her big grandiose speech about black female representation and all was just too much. We know that she’s ashamed that Monique acted like trash on a show that is supposed to actually uplift black females. She basically said that she wouldn’t have come on this show had she known they’d be dealing with THAT stupidity. I feel her frustration, but know when to shut up and read the room.

Let me give a different take on Wendy's speech. Most of the black women on these reality shows that end up involved in fist fights don't have much in their off-TV lives to lose.

Take Married to Medicine (Atlanta), for example.  The women on that show who have been involved in fist fights were the doctors' wives, not the doctors on the cast.  You have not seen any of the doctors punching, hair pulling etc because they have actual patients and practices outside of the show and nobody wants to see a doctor who is brawling; you don't want that person in charge of your medical care.

On RHOA, most of the women on the cast are/were married to men retired/not high up in the sports field or they're in entertainment careers.  So if they get into a fistfight on camera, it's not that big of a deal; it's entertainment.  When Porsha got to dragging Kenya, she was either married/about to be divorced from a retired athlete.  Her actions had little affect on his career so she had little to lose (except her career).  Porsha was embarassed probably because being the granddaughter of a civil rights activist, she was raised to have some decorum about herself and in that moment she didn't.  Obviously that all went out the window with her next 2 fights.

Even with the Pillow Talk fight, Apollo was a convicted felon so he wasn't getting a job anywhere anyway.  He had nothing to lose by beating up Brandon.  If the probation people watched, he could say it was just entertainment for the show.  Phaedra was an entertainment attorney who represented low budget rappers and strippers so her business wasn't going to be affected and everyone else that night was involved in in the entertainment field so they weren't going to have much off-camera affect either.

There were cast members you saw that didn't get into fist fights because they do have things to lose off-camera. You never saw Eva getting into a fist fight, mainly because she was pregnant, but also because her husband was running for office and is an attorney.  If he had been doing well in his campaign, her fist fighting people could've affected his campaign.  Kim Fields has a long TV resume and has never been known to be a diva or a fighter and she wasn't going to be fist fighting Kenya on camera.  That's why she wasn't long for RHOA.  And even though Kandi is also an entertainer so a fist fight might not hurt her that much, Kandi has too much to lose ($$) to go fist fighting somebody and have to break them off some coins in a settlement.

I think RHOP is along the lines of Married to Medicine: Atlanta (or even LA), where fist fighting on camera could impact their lives off camera.  Most of these women belong to social & civic organizations off camera that could start looking at them funny for fist fighting on camera.  I think Ray is retired now, but if he wasn't, his business could've required him to have a security clearance and Karen fist fighting and catching a record could've jeopardized that.  I have had to be investigated by the security clearance people because of my fiancee...we're not even married but my conduct could affect him and his ability to get clearances (and thus jobs) in the future.  Wendy is a professor but I don't think she's tenured.  Johns Hopkins may not want a fist fighting hoodrat on their faculty.  Katie, Gizelle & Robyn (and Candiace) were raised in upper middle class households where fist fighting was not on the menu.  Gizelle's dad was a politican & civil rights activist so of course she's not going to be out here fist fighting.

Monique doesn't think she has anything to lose by fist fighting a bitch because she has no job to lose (besides this one), if she lost her RHOP job her man is rich anyway, she doesn't belong to any of those social organizations the other women belong to (even though she'd like to), her man is a retired athlete so his job isn't in jeopardy.  She has nothing to lose.  Except Chris wants to move into real estate (probably why they're friends with the Darbys) and probably wants a clean image when he's meeting with these people to get that started.  Monique's behavior could affect that, that's why he's telling her to mind herself.


47 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

She’s probably one of those moms who will raise her kids by telling them to hit anyone who gets into their faces as well, and that is just so wrong and so dangerous for their futures.

She said that's what her mom taught her and she freely was saying this in front of her child too.

12 minutes ago, Jel said:

I thought Robyn and Gizelle both expressed themselves well, but I didn't see a ton of room for any hope of forgiveness from them, as I saw contempt for Monique in what they said and did. 

Gizelle never was here for Monique.  I think Robyn could've been open to Monique after the fight but Monique running to the blogs* and social media immediately after the fight to blame Candiace sealed her fate with Robyn.

*I've seen an interesting theory that GEB + Ashley were teaming up to get Monique AND Candiace off the show (GEB + Wendy would go after Monique, Ashley would go after Candiace).  That's an interesting theory, especially since Ashley has jumped on her IG to defend Charrisse from being part of this supposed plot to spread rumors about Monique.

I also theorize Ashley and Monique formed a pact right after the fight to get Candiace off the show and in the mid-season trailer that aired you do see Ashley and Candiace getting into it (and Broke Chris and Kickback Jack getting into it).

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12 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

So it wasn't just me who was side-eying Ashley. And I feel like the producers were kind of subtly hinting at it. Because I felt like there was a subtle close up of her face when the women were all wondering who else would have gone to the blogs. 


I also noticed that Ashley had a "cat who ate the canary" look on her face while they were talking about the blog. I definitely got the sense that if she didn't report to the blogs herself, she knows who did. 

13 hours ago, nexxie said:

Gizelle thinks Monique is bad for her and Jamal’s image? Jamal is bad for their image! lol

You know what might be helpful to Gizelle and Jamal's image? Jamal not sticking his dick in and impregnating his parishioners! 

Monique refusing to apologize was one of the realest things I've ever seen on any of these shows. And it was smashed in the middle of LOTS of deflecting and dodging.  

I need baby Dean and his cute little side-eye to show up at every meeting.  I love when Ashley was trying to give him the bottle, he was like, "look mom, I'm trying to listen to what this lady has to say about her fighting! Stop distracting me, but leave the bottle right where it is."

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12 minutes ago, nexxie said:

I’m guessing that Professor Wendy is on this show hoping to tweak her career, since previews show her and mom discussing who really wanted it - but that academic and talking head career could really be tanked by any Bravo shitshow. Hope she’s thinking this through.

I sure as hell don't want to see her on my MSNBC!

Monique was totally wrong and needs to apologize, but I still hate Candiace. No one will want to hire her ass either after watching this show. Wish I knew how she felt learning that just about everyone in the cast thinks she should STFU.

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2 minutes ago, politichick said:

Monique was totally wrong and needs to apologize, but I still hate Candiace. No one will want to hire her ass either after watching this show. Wish I knew how she felt learning that just about everyone in the cast thinks she should STFU.

Candiace was the one who was attacked so I don't see why any future employers wouldn't hire her for being attacked.  I heard she's going back to school to get her MBA; she'll be hired somewhere especially since she has Obama on her resume and she does speak well and present well.

Monique, not so much but then again, Monique has nothing to lose except her marriage and Chris isn't going anywhere because of the kids.  If she loses her BRAVO job, oh well because her man's bank account will move than cover the loss.  If there is a moral to this story, it would be "don't antagonize somebody who has nothing to lose."

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14 hours ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

Monique is still coming up with excuses on WWHL. She is unbelievable to me. Andy's trying to nudge her into how wrong she is.

Yes, I was watching his face while Monique was speaking. It's obvious he likes her and would like to keep her on the show -- but if she's not remorseful, should he...?

Even Porsha on RH Atlanta was remorseful when she pulled Kenya's hair and was off for a season.

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3 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:


Also, Ashley constantly bringing her baby around is annoying AF. That was no place for a baby, and it just looked way too convenient for her to let Mo hold the baby as part of her redemption attempt. Karen should’ve stipulated that there were no babies allowed in that mess no matter what. 

How does it work for family?  Do they get a paycheck for appearing?  Is it covered on the housewives salary?  Maybe Dean is earning coin.

Baby Dean will have his own high chair at the reunion.  I am not here for that.

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12 minutes ago, dosodog said:

How does it work for family?  Do they get a paycheck for appearing?  Is it covered on the housewives salary?  Maybe Dean is earning coin.

Baby Dean will have his own high chair at the reunion.  I am not here for that.

Seeing as Michel has shown that he wants no responsibility in raising this child in the form of letting Ashley go anywhere without him and pawns the kid off by making her feel bad that she is "abandoning her child" when she tries to leave him with his father ... I would blame him ... she did say that the sitter couldn't watch the kid and that's why she brought him .... For Ashley its coming across more like she is every other single mom (even tho she has a husband but ya know who wants no responsibility) who cant just leave her kid whenever she wants at the drop of a dime ... like a lot of mothers in the world... its relatable ....But Michael needs to stop pawning off the kid just to her .. that's annoying

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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1 hour ago, drivethroo said:

Candiace was the one who was attacked so I don't see why any future employers wouldn't hire her for being attacked.  I heard she's going back to school to get her MBA; she'll be hired somewhere especially since she has Obama on her resume and she does speak well and present well.

Monique, not so much but then again, Monique has nothing to lose except her marriage and Chris isn't going anywhere because of the kids.  If she loses her BRAVO job, oh well because her man's bank account will move than cover the loss.  If there is a moral to this story, it would be "don't antagonize somebody who has nothing to lose."

I wouldn't hire her after seeing her vile, wildly immature, pretentious behavior and nasty texts just because she had some low level job in the administration.

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There's nothing anyone can say to make Wendy's little speech any more palatable to me. Maybe it's the fact that I'm also a professor (not at john's hopkins) who studies race for a living but...the idea that black folks should concern themselves with what certain people think, after all the bullshit certain people have pulled throughout history AND just this year alone is laughable to me. And sad. 

I have standards. I believe in standards. But I'll be damned if my standards have anything to do with stereotypes which are themselves based on racism. Not a single one of these heffas even questioned the validity of the stereotype (spoiler alert: there is no validity to it). Dr. Wendy, if you're reading, did none of your academic institutions teach you to question assumptions before arguing against them? 

Miss me with it. Now and forever. 

Sidenote; I can't wait to see broke Chris and Michael crying on the reunion about how their behavior lived up to the stereotype of white men being violent. Oh, wait...

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15 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:


Wow, so Monique got biblical with her shade of assaulting Candiace by tweeting “ask and you shall receive”?  That is a whole ‘nother level of fucked up. 



Monique is absolutely 100% WRONG!  Horrible woman!  Seriously messed up.

BUT - I remember last year at this time, Monique tried to tweet some biblical sayings and someone tweeted to her:

"Knucketh if thou bucketh"

and she laughed at it, and people got so mad!  I actually cracked up at that.  It is kind of funny.

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You guys have said it but I'm going to say it al well, Gizelle talking about how her and Jamal have an image to protect was laughable. How many illegitimate children does he have? Also Gizelle talking about how Monique is setting a bad example for her daughter. Um Gizelle, you are actively trying to get back together with a man who cheated on you left and right, what example are you setting? At least her daughters are side-eying her for that.

This outrage from the other women, the way the kept saying "we need to be held to a higher standard" was a bit hypocritical. This is a Housewives show. They have all had fights, they have been petty, they have talked shit about each other and each other's husbands, they have spread rumors, they have tried bringing each other down. It's the same as when other HW shows talk about lifting women up. They all say that and none of them do it. Yes, Monique was wrong but let's not pretend the rest of these women are beacons or moral superiority.

I am very disappointed in Monique. I was a fan of hers, but I would be ok with her getting fired from the show. I wish she hadn't done it, because not only was it wrong, but it basically gave Candiace exactly what she wanted. Now she can be the eternal victim and this is the perfect excuse for the other women (mainly Gizelle) to say they don't feel safe around Monique and refuse to film with her. Gizelle has been itching to be rid of Monique since the 4 homes comment. 

I also liked Robyn's responses. She has been great this season. Now if only she could smarten up about Juan 😛 

Edited by MaggieG
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15 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

Gizelle, you are actively trying to get back together with a man who cheated on you left and right, what example are you setting? At least her daughters are side-eying her for that.

Plus when Gizelle said her kids didn’t want her to be the same room with Monique, I was thinking they also don’t want to be in the same room with Jamal and you ignore that!

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

But Michael needs to stop pawning off the kid just to her .. that's annoying

It's almost as if he's punishing her because he never wanted more kids to begin with so basically he's like if you want a kid, just remember it's going to be your responsibility to 100% take care if it. I don't feel sorry for Ashley at all. She knew where he stood. My confusion is that she's pregnant again! I don't get that at all. 

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6 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

It's almost as if he's punishing her because he never wanted more kids to begin with so basically he's like if you want a kid, just remember it's going to be your responsibility to 100% take care if it. I don't feel sorry for Ashley at all. She knew where he stood. My confusion is that she's pregnant again! I don't get that at all. 

But that fucks with the kid more then it does the mother.. could you imagine a dad that wants to spend absolutely no time around you esp through your formative bonding years? its worse then having a dad that is never around to me He's around but still wants nothing to do with it... its gross better to not have has a kid at all if thats how he was gonna treat it  .....

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8 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

But that fucks with the kid more then it does the mother.. could you imagine a dad that wants to spend absolutely no time around you esp through your formative bonding years? its worse then having a dad that is never around to me He's around but still wants nothing to do with it... its gross better to not have has a kid at all if thats how he was gonna treat it  .....

Then Ashley should never have had a child with him. She should have divorced him and went on with her life with a man that wants kids. Their marriage has sucked from the get, they have never been on the same page, it's destined for divorce anyway. I see it as sheer selfishness on her part to have a baby (soon to be 2) with this self centered asshat. What kind of a father did she think Michael was going to be? As usual the kids will be the ones to suffer. 

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9 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Then Ashley should never have had a child with him. She should have divorced him and went on with her life with a man that wants kids. Their marriage has sucked from the get, they have never been on the same page, it's destined for divorce anyway. I see it as sheer selfishness on her part to have a baby (soon to be 2) with this self centered asshat. What kind of a father did she think Michael was going to be? As usual the kids will be the ones to suffer. 

Why is this all Ashly tho?  it took his sperm to help make that baby she didnt make it herself  .... IF he was gonna treat the child like luggage then he should have held his ground and said NO .... It just pisses me off when people dont think the way they treat their kids has an effect on them later.. That kid is gonna have hella father issues because of what Michael is doing .. hell he will be able to watch video playback ....

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17 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Then Ashley should never have had a child with him. She should have divorced him and went on with her life with a man that wants kids. Their marriage has sucked from the get, they have never been on the same page, it's destined for divorce anyway. I see it as sheer selfishness on her part to have a baby (soon to be 2) with this self centered asshat. What kind of a father did she think Michael was going to be? As usual the kids will be the ones to suffer. 

I think in the beginning, Michael told Ashley exactly who he was and what he wanted from her.  That was probably fine with her in the beginning.  But now that she's older she wants more.  She wants children even if Michael doesn't want them and IMO that's not fair to anyone.  

However, Michael might consider a vasectomy.   

Edited by Neurochick
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8 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Why is this all Ashly tho?  it took his sperm to help make that baby she didnt make it herself  .... IF he was gonna treat the child like luggage then he should have held his ground and said NO .... It just pisses me off when people dont think the way they treat their kids has an effect on them later.. That kid is gonna have hella father issues because of what Michael is doing .. hell he will be able to watch video playback ....

One is no more at fault than the other.

Ashley should have never had a baby with a man that she knew didn't want any more children. She should have moved on and out. She's young and could have found love with someone else worthy of bringing kids in the world. Of course in Ashleys case he would also have to have a big wallet. 

Michael should have stood his ground and not given in to her just to shut her up. Get a vasectomy for god's sake!

They're both fekkin' idiots. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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9 hours ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

Right?!? And kept saying, "This is my friend" over and over and over again. Ok, then you can see yourself out too then, Karen. 🤷🏾‍♀️

She just looked like a sucker, since it was clear that Monique had no such blackout and hadn't learned a thing.  I wonder if she is feeling a little foolish this morning after watching the episode. 

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8 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:


I have to agree with Wendy that the most genuine emotion that Monique showed was embarrassment, which is all about Monique, and not anything about Candiace. She was still trying to play the victim with the women and on WWHL - as if Candiace wanting to press charges was some big affront (that was the reason she offered for not offering Candiace any kind of apology) - without seeming to understand that she lost the right to be the victim when she put her hands on Candiace. It's disturbing, and indicates a deep level of anger. 

from my understanding Monique was the first to go to the authorities and try to make a case.  But I cannot remember if that was a reliable source.  I just remember thinking that it made sense that Monique would go to the cops first if she was trying to control the narrative in advance of the footage being aired.  

Anger is an addictive emotion, but I'm surprised to hear that there has been little reflection over the course of a year.  Maybe part of it is sheer stubbornness, because I cannot imagine her pastor and his wife thought she was justified, I know Chris is embarrassed and I'm sure his family disapproves.  And then maybe another part of it is having a group of fans who will just agree with her, and therefore it allows her not to engage in any real self reflection.  

9 hours ago, BloggerAloud said:

I really believe the theory that Ashley is riding so hard for Monique because Monique and her husband helped Ashley and Michael get out of the butt grabbing gate by magically not having footage on their security camera and they've formed an alliance over that. 

...or Monique still has the footage and the statute of limitations hasn't passed. 

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6 hours ago, nexxie said:

I’m guessing that Professor Wendy is on this show hoping to tweak her career, since previews show her and mom discussing who really wanted it - but that academic and talking head career could really be tanked by any Bravo shitshow. Hope she’s thinking this through.

This is my thought too.  She was saying that she goes on Fox News and  you just KNOW those anchors will low-key shade her for being on a trash reality show and use it as a way to invalidate her point.  

Its why I wondered if she had recently been on a news program, because it seems like being on a RH show would maybe just be the wrong look.  

5 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Seeing as Michel has shown that he wants no responsibility in raising this child in the form of letting Ashley go anywhere without him and pawns the kid off by making her feel bad that she is "abandoning her child" when she tries to leave him with his father ... I would blame him ... she did say that the sitter couldn't watch the kid and that's why she brought him .... For Ashley its coming across more like she is every other single mom (even tho she has a husband but ya know who wants no responsibility) who cant just leave her kid whenever she wants at the drop of a dime ... like a lot of mothers in the world... its relatable ....But Michael needs to stop pawning off the kid just to her .. that's annoying

Michael Darby is "gift your wife a Porsche for her birthday" rich.  They can afford a nanny.  If they cannot, maybe they can share a nanny with Monique since she is also rich and they are best friends now.  In fact, why not drop Dean off at Monique's house since clearly someone responsible is watching all those kids, including a baby around the same age. 

My sister (pre-covid) has a couple different babysitters she could dial so if her preferred babysitter fell through at the last minute, she had backups.  And rich bitch Michael Darby doesn't have an employee who wouldn't mind watching the baby for a couple hours on or off the clock?  Also, doesn't Ashley have a mother and a sister nearby who can watch the baby for a few hours?  

Its hard for me to believe that Ashey absolutely COULDN'T get anyone responsible to watch her child, even at the last minute.  And she knew there were likely to be raised voices but then whined about it affecting the baby......just no.  

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4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Plus when Gizelle said her kids didn’t want her to be the same room with Monique, I was thinking they also don’t want to be in the same room with Jamal and you ignore that!

For Gizelle's sake, she should have just left it at "I brought security because I don't want to become an internet meme or a google search." 

To me, that actually made sense.  If you really think someone responds to annoying and tense verbal exchanges with violence and you know you're about to give that person a piece of your mind, you may want to make sure that they aren't going to physically attack you. 

But, bringing Jamal and his "respectable image" was a bridge too far.  As Robyn said "you almost had me"

Gizelle said she would give Monique a chance if she was super apologetic, and I kind of believe that.  I don't think Gizelle was really open to "another side of the story" but I think that had Monique been super apologetic, humble and shown remorse, Gizelle would have accepted it.  I say that because I noticed that Gizelle became really annoyed and started to "take notes" when it became clear that Monique wasn't really sorry about anything and was just going to make excuses and deflect.  

However, I will say that no matter how sorry Monique was, Gizelle was going to say her piece and take her victory lap.  

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41 minutes ago, RealReality said:

from my understanding Monique was the first to go to the authorities and try to make a case.  But I cannot remember if that was a reliable source.  I just remember thinking that it made sense that Monique would go to the cops first if she was trying to control the narrative in advance of the footage being aired.  

Candiace pressed charges first, then Monique filed counter assault charges. They both appeared I court and both charges were thrown out. On WWHL Monique says that she intended to contact production to get a sit down together with the Chris's and Candiace but that was when Candiace filed the charges. 

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5 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

Candiace pressed charges first, then Monique filed counter assault charges. They both appeared I court and both charges were thrown out. On WWHL Monique says that she intended to contact production to get a sit down together with the Chris's and Candiace but that was when Candiace filed the charges. 

Okay, that makes sense too about Candace filing charges first.  

I don't believe a word out of Monique's mouth about her "intentions"  That sounds like such a measured response for someone who still has "adrenaline pumping" throughout her body a week later.  

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I think Ashley uses little Dean as a shield to get through these recent interactions. Unfortunately it works and not always in a good way. Her face watching Monique do her best impression of a person who gives a sh** tho was priceless. Ashley is very familiar with having justifications laid out for her to pick and choose from to "move forward". That comfort zone and being thrilled not to be the blog topic of the moment must have been better than a good nap

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18 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Bravo isnt a big fan of fights but its also part of the reality so they go with it. Porsha was almost fired, Danielle was fired, Nene was on a "suspension"

I respectfully disagree. I think Bravo loves this stuff until it crosses a line and they get too much negative press and backlash. I think they care when it has a negative effect on their bottom line (Porsha and Nene didn’t get fired,Brandi Glanville - not physical violence but negative still keeps coming around. I think Satan Andy loves the fights.

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14 minutes ago, Double A said:

I think Ashley uses little Dean as a shield to get through these recent interactions. Unfortunately it works and not always in a good way. Her face watching Monique do her best impression of a person who gives a sh** tho was priceless. Ashley is very familiar with having justifications laid out for her to pick and choose from to "move forward". That comfort zone and being thrilled not to be the blog topic of the moment must have been better than a good nap

Agree, and I maintain that had the "who leaked to the blogs" conversation gotten a little more contentious and heated and had anyone believed Monique and started looking for the next most likely suspect......suddenly Ashley would have had some Dean related emergency

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8 hours ago, drivethroo said:

besides this one), if she lost her RHOP job her man is rich anyway, she doesn't belong to any of those social organizations the other women belong to (even though she'd like to), her man is a retired athlete so his job isn't in jeopardy

Monique, such a good point. She does not need the job financially unlike a lot of housewives. But if she keeps spending lots of money on podcasts...

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1 minute ago, Stats Queen said:

Monique, such a good point. She does not need the job financially unlike a lot of housewives. But if she keeps spending lots of money on podcasts...

I really have no idea why the Hell Monique is putting her family through this.  I mean if Ashley secured the bag with one (now two kids) then Monique should be more than set if Big Chris ever hit the road on her. She will probably get more money than most professional women earn in a lifetime.

Also, the Darby's are a disgusting marriage of convenience. Monique's marriage seemed much more real and not just a gold digger and her wallet.

With her podcast ticket sales being so low, she is not going to be next Bethany Frankel and get a multimillion dollar business out of this show. She probably could have used her reality show fame to become social media influencer (a lot of whom do pretty well for themselves).

I can't even totally blame the show because her downfall was due to her own stupid actions and then a shocking lack of remorse.

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3 minutes ago, qtpye said:

With her podcast ticket sales being so low, she is not going to be next Bethany Frankel and get a multimillion dollar business out of this show. She probably could have used her reality show fame to become social media influencer (a lot of whom do pretty well for themselves).

Monique has a lot of fans on social media who cheer her on for beating a bitch's ass, so she should probably try to go the social media influencer route.

I think she does the show to have her own money.  Rich Chris looks like he has his wallet on lockdown.

Edited by drivethroo
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2 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

Monique has a lot of fans on social media who cheer her on for beating a bitch's ass, so she should probably try to go the social media influencer route.

I think she does the show to have her own money.  Rich Chris looks like he has his wallet on lockdown.

You know Ashley has talked about her prenup and now she is negotiating a postnup but Monique has never mentioned what deal she had or has with Big Chris. 

I mean a legendary almost Hall of Fame football player is bound to have a lot more assets and money than a failed rapper.

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I wondered why Karen seemed to stan so hard for Monique.  I have a theory.

I think Karen, Monique and Ashley came from humble beginnings, working class families.  Gizelle, Candiace and Robyn on the other hand came from more privilege.  I remember seeing pictures of a younger Gizelle with prominent Black leaders; I believe her father was a civil right's lawyer.  I also believe Robyn's father was a dentist, and Candiace's mother is a psychologist?.  I think the three of them grew up with a certain amount of privilege that Karen, Monique and Ashley never had. 

Karen and Monique just got lucky and married men with money.   Karen seems to have this animosity towards Gizelle and it's not becoming of someone who wants to call herself a "Grand Dame." 

I think that marrying well is the same as being born with privilege, it's all just dumb luck.

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1 hour ago, drivethroo said:

Monique has a lot of fans on social media who cheer her on for beating a bitch's ass, so she should probably try to go the social media influencer route.

I think she does the show to have her own money.  Rich Chris looks like he has his wallet on lockdown.

LOL, sponsorships from Flat Tummy Tea and FashionNova.  

Sadly though, its a crowded field for "hood" influencers.  She has to compete with the entire cast of Love and Hip Hop, Basketball Wives and Bad Girls Club.  

  • LOL 6
2 minutes ago, RealReality said:

LOL, sponsorships from Flat Tummy Tea and FashionNova.  

Sadly though, its a crowded field for "hood" influencers.  She has to compete with the entire cast of Love and Hip Hop, Basketball Wives and Bad Girls Club.  

Can you imagine Monique, who is usually so beautifully dressed (loved the shoes in this episode and the color blocked shirt, though I hated what she was saying)…pimping for FashionNova?

Lord, I can already imagine the "Big Chris rates my swimsuits" vlogs. Chris would just be like...why the hell we doing this...don't we have money?

  • LOL 5
5 minutes ago, Neurochick said:


Karen and Monique just got lucky and married men with money.   Karen seems to have this animosity towards Gizelle and it's not becoming of someone who wants to call herself a "Grand Dame." 

I think that marrying well is the same as being born with privilege, it's all just dumb luck.

I agree that marrying well is similar to being born with privilege.  The money is not anything you've really struggled and persevered to build.  You are pretty much the beneficiary of someone else's wealth the same way Candace is the beneficiary of her mother's wealth.

I DO however, think that Karen has and had her own money.  She said she sold a staffing company that she ran and so I think that would have put money on the bank and it shows that she at least has worked to build something separate from Ray. 

As for Monique....to me, there isn't anything there.  When Gizelle confronted her about how she was only in the group or on the show because of her husband, Monique retorted with "you don't know what I've done" but couldn't point to any independent venture or work besides her history as a rapper no one knew. In her first season she said that she doesn't work because she is "wifey" so I don't know that there is much she has independently accomplished, which is part of the reason why I think Monique is so desperate for this failing podcast and website to become an empire.  

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