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On 7/14/2018 at 12:21 PM, holly4755 said:

sadly, I feel the need to speak up for stalkers.

after 25 years of marriage when we were going to marriage counseling, my ex blamed everything on me.  He said I was acting weird, I was cold and unfeeling despite crying endlessly in confusion, so I followed him after work and found he was with someone 20 years younger than me.  a little more research on her and picking up his office messages because of course I knew his message code (always set it back to new messages), found the affair was going on for months, so that pretty much convinced me counseling was a waste of money, time to move on.  if he  didn't lie and gaslight me, I would not have had to stalk,  didn't take me more than a week or so to find out the truth, cant's say got over it fast, but at least I found out what I needed and bought a dog and moved on, finding dogs nicer then men at that point.  Mia should have bought a dog, She should have done that instead of going on this show. 


I don't think that what you did is the real and the criminal stalking.  Many people have done what you did to find out the truth to figure out what in the hell to do next.   Stalkers know the truth but simply can't or won't accept it.  Those are two very different things.

Edited by crgirl412
  • Love 5

Oh, baloney. Her friend sounds as batshit as Mia is. It's fake and a "marketing ploy"? It didn't really happen in the distant past, either, more like a few weeks before she married Tristan. Oh, and if nothing happened, why is the friend claiming that the ex-boyfriend signed an NDA?

These people need to stay off the internet. They are not helping her.

  • Love 11
11 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Oh, baloney. Her friend sounds as batshit as Mia is. It's fake and a "marketing ploy"? It didn't really happen in the distant past, either, more like a few weeks before she married Tristan. Oh, and if nothing happened, why is the friend claiming that the ex-boyfriend signed an NDA?

These people need to stay off the internet. They are not helping her.

I thought the NDA reference was for Tristan and not Ex boo.. I was hoping someone would interview the ex. There are so many conflicting tales from camp Mia. Thank goodness!!! they arent pointing fingers at Tristan. I am also impressed that he hasnt gotten into the victim mode as past participants... 

4 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

I think that NDA reference was to her ex, the guy said I know her ex and it was all true and Mia's sister replied that if he knew the guy he shouldn't be talking about it due to the NDA. I think it was you @ctbabe that suspected that production paid him off the drop the charges and I think you were right.

Paid him off or scared him with their big lawyers? I wonder why Tristan said she lied on next week's preview even though they are selling the 'I dont know him story'.

Her other friend may as well say Mia is an idiot with all the help she is bringing to the subject. I am getting dizzy with it is all fake no warrant, there is a warrant but it is not Mia's fault, the ex is an abuser but Mia keeps running back even after being cautioned by the police, production set it up. I think Mia needs to gather her friends and tell them all to at least share the same version of events


  • Love 4
On 7/23/2018 at 1:25 PM, Deni said:

What I got from that article is that nobody wants to date black people. Unfortunately society shapes our preferences whether people believe it or not.

That's what I got from the article as well.  Our preferences don't come out of nowhere. 

Forty years ago, preferences came from what you saw every day, the people in your neighborhood; the media was there, but not so much in your face.  Today people's preferences come from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

That's what I got from the article as well.  Our preferences don't come out of nowhere. 

Forty years ago, preferences came from what you saw every day, the people in your neighborhood; the media was there, but not so much in your face.  Today people's preferences come from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. 

Lord, how many of the younger guys want women who look like IG models? Those girls don't even look like that.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, crazychicken said:

I am going with her friends are as crazy as her or really gullible


A new friend has popped up to defend her honor now, it seems like they do not let facts get in the way of her defense


That @vinyahillard has inside information from the ex. I think he/she said everything was true. Coming out and admitting the mess and also showing some remorse would have earned her maximum respect from the audience.. All these lies are complication issues.. So sad.. 

Edited by ctbabe
  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

So much for a NDA  Mia is on her sisters InstaStory saying she lied as she was terrified of her ex. It should be up for another 12 hours before it expires



Just watched it... I dont believe them at all.. if that's for the fraud allegation, what abt the stalking allegations? That was before she ever dreamt of coming on the show.. 

But do you guys think Tristan is still with her? 

  • Love 1

Another train wreck is on the way previous participants  &  fans meet and either have to split or get married before leaving an island. You would think one failed marriage would be enough. Also another show to follow Shawneice & Jephte journey to parenthood & two other couples daily live. Please do not film Jamie Odious again I am begging.



  • Love 2

If Lifetime hadn't given Shawniece another show, they would have thrown away a good opportunity.

For the 20 participants on M@FS Island:

1. Jon Francetic

2. Danielle DeGroot  

3.  Monet

4. Bus Tom 

5. Sonia- revenge love 

6. Jacklyn of Tio's Vodka (little long in the tooth)

7. Derek, but he was too pissy on SM so...

8. Neil, if his therapist gives him the okay and a prescription

9. Vanessa-she's good on camera

10. Jackie Schwartzberg-she need a vacation on an island and is a fan favorite

11. Nate- we need to see some more salacious lip licking

12. Bobby- a year older and hopefully wiser

13. Danielle-needs to be matched with someone older and wiser than her ex

14. Tristan-don't know if his body is beach ready

15. Mia-if she doesn't have any court dates

16. Dave-he mentally divorced Amber the minute she told him about gym dude

17. Amber- she deserves another shot at love and looks good in a bikini

18. Cody's brother, Charlie who almost made the cut and who hooked up with Danielle's friend

19. Danielle's friend, Angela who hooked up with Cody's brother

20. Jephte-he'll be single again once the Jephtina is born

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 3

Her friends would do well to shut up because they're all spouting different stories and singing different tunes. If you're going to defend someone on a public forum like Instagram, the best thing to do is get your lies and story together via group text. Otherwise, it's poor image and damage control, and it's making it seem like she's surrounded by a bunch of inept liars. We all know she's lying, and I can't see Tristan finishing the experiment because the truth is going to come out. She's obviously a liar. A judge isn't going to waste his or her time having you appear on BS charges or release you on your own recognizance for the sake of a crappy cable show and marketing ploy. No way the police, whatever county in Dallas, and whatever parish in Louisiana would waste the resources or time to drum up drama on a show.

  • Love 9
22 hours ago, crazychicken said:

Another train wreck is on the way previous participants  &  fans meet and either have to split or get married before leaving an island. You would think one failed marriage would be enough. Also another show to follow Shawneice & Jephte journey to parenthood & two other couples daily live. Please do not film Jamie Odious again I am begging.



Jamie’s an attention hog, there’s no way she’s not going to be on the show. I’m guessing Courtney and Jason are the other couple. Ashley & anthony seemed to be done with the show and just want to enjoy their life without the cameras. Plus I think Anthony said in some radio interview he wasn’t really comfortable in front of them. 



A panel of idiot TV snobs make fun of our show...of course... none of them watch it... but that doesn't stop them from spewing nonsense.

Megyn Kelly, the overpaid, under talented, unlikable hack has the nerve to make fun of a show that gives us so much viewing pleasure.

Get your facts right...the bride and groom meet at the alter not the day before.

Get better researchers and interns who can  feed you the correct facts  about Married at First Sight, Megyn.

 Super glad your lame morning show bleeds viewers and NBC is on the hook for your expensive multiyear contract for your low rated show....

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 7
11 hours ago, humbleopinion said:


Ameea digging her grave deeper...

Tristan is confused...just as Mia hopes he will stay for the duration of their marriage.

Once his head clears he will want to walk....


This article has the name of the ex. Apologies if I am late and it is already known. 

41 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

Realllyyyyyy.... Maybe that was when she gave up stalking.. His story accusation looks more legit than Mias' lies

yep her story appears more shady by the minute, the in person stalking stops when she gets her new job in Dallas and then suddenly the day after he gets engaged she sends him a present and messages that she misses the fun times. With how sure the sister and her friends are that the 'truth' will come out I am going to be paying close attention to how it is spun as from what I have I very much doubt it can anything other than Mia is a bit unhinged.

Edited by crazychicken
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

She looks nice.  Glad Jared got away from crazy Mia.

Did he, though? That's the thing about stalkers--- the victims live in perpetual fear that the stalker will resurface. Speaking from personal experience, it will take years of no contact before Jared & his lovely wife feel safe.

Also, an important point that hasn't been stated here yet: Jared filed 3 police reports; however, each report probably represents multiple  incidents of stalking. It's doubtful he called the police each time & what's the likelihood that she showed up while police were present, if she hadn't already been continually harassing him?


Part of me wants Jared to speak out. Part of me thinks he would be wise to just be quiet & hope she stays away. 

It's so hard to read the main thread & not spoil. Folks are asking questions & speculating & I have to bite my tongue. Sipping on all this good hot tea ☕.... crazychicken coming through with the pics! Whaat?!

Edited by NowVoyager
  • Love 6


Ameea walks back on her lies...car was stolen and identity stolen...no wait...she's knows of the guy... no wait...she lied because she is so afraid of him...no wait... the ex wants some her fame...Jared obviously doesn't know that Ameea is on a basic cable show, not HBO.

Lifetime is going to let Tristan decide whether to continue with the marriage...Tristan ask for wife #2...I'd like to see another wedding....

Ameea could  continue to be on the show...she needs the income for her lawyers.

Wonder if Delta will fire her?

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

Did he, though? That's the thing about stalkers--- the victims live in perpetual fear that the stalker will resurface. Speaking from personal experience, it will take years of no contact before Jared & his lovely wife feel safe.

That was my first thought too when his name and their pics came out. I dealt with a similar situation. Although the relationship was only two years it took more than four more years before I felt safe and quit looking over my shoulder. My friend, who has had a women stalk him for more than a decade, is always on guard. He has strategies he follows for his phone, online presence, and job info. His friends know how to handle that info as well. It’s frustrating and sad and enraging. 

I hope Mia is now more focused on her reality “fame” and spinning her narrative and she’ll leave her ex and his wife alone. I also hope she doesn’t transfer her obsession onto Tristan. He may be a doofus for not running away already but he doesn’t deserve that. 

  • Love 5


Ameea acting like a barnacle and clinging to Tristan.

Her frightened, vulnerable act is laughable,...Tristan is too easy to manipulate, especially to a pro like her.

 She is applying the classic trick of the stiff arm with hand hold, she tuck under his arm pit, stuck to his side so she doesn't have to look him in the eye.

The show needs to tell Tristan the truth, have him talk to the officer taking the stalking report when Mia rolls up and gets caught again....

Step back and see the web of her lies and half truths...her skillful way of just leaking enough information to probe how much information the show and Tristan  knows.

Tristan, why do you want to kiss that mouth that so easily lies to you and everyone connected to the show?

  • Love 8

It's just unbelievable to me that the show is allowing Tristan to continue with this crazy bitch, and taking her oh-so seriously, as if they are afraid that if they don't handle her with kid gloves Mia will slap a lawsuit on them.  If the show won't talk some sense into him, where are his family and friends while all this is going on?  Someone with some common sense that can tell him he's being manipulated?  That's what I want to know.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

She was arrested on March 28, 2016 as Bally and Thompson were boarding a plane for their honeymoon.

According to the District Attorney’s Office, the case has been dismissed.


Wonder why, if the case is really dismissed, they couldn't take another flight?  Did Tristan just not want to go?  Guess we'll find out tonight.

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