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S11.E11: Let's Talk About Sex, Baby

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Still Team GFY, Brett.

Henry, have you considered that it would be in your very best interest to RUN!?

Amani/Woody and Amelia/Bennett for the wins. Listening to the dog fight/not fight prepared me to not buy any bs producers pull to make us wonder if they'll make it. Same with Amelia and Bennett. Don't care if they knew each other before or not, this seems great for them both.

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The Randalls...They knock the producers’ questions out of the park...With honesty..I can’t think of another couple so matter of fact only one month into their stranger marriage.
Woody likes side entry, the view and contact.
Amani likes “The Hook” position....trending with the Millennials...

Woody’s math students know more than they should about their teacher.

Dr. Viv at ChristinA’s and Henry’s

They are friends who are married...

Hand holding, cuddling More likely between them than Brett and Olivia.

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3 minutes ago, Linarina said:

It's funny how divergent and ardent the views are on Olivia and Brett.  I feel like, with what we have been shown, 90% of the blame lies with Olivia.  Others are saying Brett must be a jerk off-camera, but even she's not saying that!  She referenced their long, intimate talk the night before, where she would've expected him to give her that smile compliment.  So it couldn't have been a bad convo. 

During their conversation she said he acts differently when the cameras are present.

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Olivia hates when Brett looks at her in a sarcastic way....His overly flared nostrils  and smugness can’t help...

She accuses him of giving beauty pageant answers for the camera...To portray himself as a  good guy.

He is calling her out as disingenuous and she is calling him out as Fake for the camera and different when the cameras are gone.

I am wondering about those Cartoonish shark head drinks and if they are slushy boozy drinks ...

Edited by humbleopinion
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I noticed something on Unfiltered tonight.  They showed the clip of the fight last week between Miles and Karen that showed him writing "Sex with my wife" on the calendar.  But then he said, "I think there are worse things I could do that write 'sex with Miles' on the calendar." 

I don't want to go all deep on this, but if you ask me, there's a difference between "sex with my wife" and "sex with Miles."  It's hard for me to articulate it, but it's like the latter one is less threatening, because it could be construed as Karen having a choice, like she could decline to carry out that task written on the calendar.  Maybe kind of an aspirational thing on Miles's part.

But the "sex with my wife" seems more aggressive toward her and puts her in more of a victim status--it's something Miles is tasked with, and we know how he feels about it.

I find it interesting that he apparently thinks he wrote the more innocuous one, or at least is presenting it that way. 


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4 hours ago, karenbrady said:

Amani is so cute!!! Fave couple during this boring season.

Amani and Woody are  just the cutest. I love everything about their relationship! So playful!  I was concerned about Woody but he won me over. He did, however, go down a peg in my mind tonight. He's not a dog lover. ☹️ AND if he were to get a dog, he wants to keep it outside!!! NO, JUST NO! PLEASE don't adopt a dog if he/she won't be a true member of the family. I do agree, though, that some of us dog lovers don't like to sleep with our furbabies. There's only so much room on a queen-size bed. My hubby is over 6 feet tall and our pooch is at least 85 lbs. I won't even get into the cleanliness issue so as not to offend those who differ in their feelings about pets sharing a bed.

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30 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

Amani and Woody are  just the cutest. I love everything about their relationship! So playful!  I was concerned about Woody but he won me over. He did, however, go down a peg in my mind tonight. He's not a dog lover. ☹️ AND if he were to get a dog, he wants to keep it outside!!! NO, JUST NO! PLEASE don't adopt a dog if he/she won't be a true member of the family. I do agree, though, that some of us dog lovers don't like to sleep with our furbabies. There's only so much room on a queen-size bed. My hubby is over 6 feet tall and our pooch is at least 85 lbs. I won't even get into the cleanliness issue so as not to offend those who differ in their feelings about pets sharing a bed.

Like the spanking discussion, I fully expect Amani to bring him into this century and set him straight. 😄

I did find it adorable though how he empathized with dogs communicating with their barks and thought it'd be cruel to silence them.

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Bennet loves Amelia but maybe not quite as much.

Olivia and Bret are a disaster but I hate Bret more. Christina might like Bret who thinks he's infallible.

Even though it was incredibly insensitive that Christina would cut Henry to the core with her deal breaker comment after he opened up to her it doesn't mean she isn't right. At some point in your life a person needs to be comfortable in their own skin. They have to say to themselves I'm a cool, neat fun and clever person to be with and my opinion of myself isn't dependent on anyone else. I was a bit of a late bloomer and didn't realize I liked myself until I was 27. I can see where it would be difficult for Christina to have confidence in Henry if he doesn't have it in himself. I think he needs outside help to deal with this issue but the marriage is probably doomed.

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The dog conversation between Amani and Woody had me and my husband laughing out loud.  It was so cute and funny--I really like these two together.  I loved at the end of the convo Amani says, "We're getting a dog".  And you know they will.  

Bennett and Amelia just make me smile while they're on.  I can't help it.  Even my husband, who is funny, but a pretty button-up shirt with dress pants kind of guy ADORES Bennett.  If my daughters are lucky enough to marry a man with such a high emotional IQ and such empathy and kindness, I'll be happy, even if he has dirty socks. 


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At some point in that extremely uncomfortable visit between Dr Vivianne, Henry and Christina, I am pretty sure I saw the moment Christina realized she does not have a real marriage with Henry nor will she ever have one.  Oh, she'll continue to put on a good show till d-day but she's thrown in the towel.  Henry pretty much conveyed, IMO, that he's never going to be sexually aggressive.  She will be forever whining, complaining, threatening, crying, pleading with him for sex maybe once or twice A YEAR!!!  I'm not trying to be funny.  All his little tics and insecurities came to the surface during that meeting.  For all of you that think he just isn't attracted to Christina or he's turned off by her meanness, I submit it has nothing to do with her.  The guy would be acting like this even if he got his "petite wife".   It has something to do with physical closeness and intimacy...something is not functioning correctly there.  It would be easy to say he's gay, and I thought at first he might be, but he's not.  I'm not going to presume to diagnose what's going on with him but I do think he should have raised a LOT of alarms with Drs. Pepper and Vivianne.  Why they misread him as just being shy is beyond me. 

I've been refuting posters declarations since day 1 that Henry should have been paired up with Olivia, but after seeing how cold and repressed she is, maybe everyone was right.  

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3 hours ago, MyTwoCents said:

Is it just me or does Brett criticize and make fun of everything Olivia says? Especially her answers to questions. It would be so hard not to smack him!

Is it kinda like constantly cutting her down to make himself feel better??Maybe?? 

I find him that way too and his wife obviously does too, the other one who has that similar disorder is Christina.  I think they are both manipulative in an evil way, they are inconsistent.  It must be so difficult to deal with on the receiving end. 

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1 minute ago, Racj82 said:
5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Henry has been a Tinder-er since 2013... Am sure he’s had sex with more than a few who swiped right....he is a well mannered, well spoken, attractive man who plenty of women would drop their panties.

Are we still talking about Henry here? 

This Henry? From this show?

Hahahahahahahahah....good one, Racj.

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Woody fight to good fight. You don't want a dog, dont get one. It seems like everyone thinks you must have a dog these days. Even more than having children. It's crazy to me. For so many reasons, that's a no for me.

I need these producers to get people that are comfortable and open on camera, know and are ready for what they signed up for, take this seriously, be open to people beyond your preferences. For the love God, please do these things. Stop worry about what race they want to date or how attractive they are and just get some interesting people.

Edited by Racj82
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During Brett, Olivia & Dr. Vivianne's conversation, I yet again saw that familiar deer-in-the-headlights/about to vomit expression Olivia always gets on her face regarding the subject of children.  She does not want kids with Brett or anyone else, yet she continues to says she would entertain the idea with the right man. 

Olivia no more wants kids than the Little Old Lady That Lived in the Shoe.  Why she continues to pretend that she does is contemptible.

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5 hours ago, Retired at last said:

Yes, they ask about those things, including what attracts them physically, but the experts seem to think that attraction can be overcome with the right person. Luke, a few seasons ago, said he preferred dark, ethnic types and they matched him with blonde, blue-eyed Kate and then blasted him for telling her he was not attracted to her. Sure, he was a jerk but he told them what he liked. Henry said he likes petite women and they gave him ChristinA. I understand the theory, that doing what they have been doing hasn't been effective or they would not need this show, but there is a very specific look that most people are instantly drawn to, so to ignore that just doesn't seem to work. Especially in this case, where they have to marry a stranger. 

Yes, just like Olivia saying all she wanted was a nice guy.....not Brett!

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5 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Brett and Olivia just hate each other and need to call it quits . Brett is a sarcastic asshole , but Olivia has zero personality and Always wants to have serious conversations . Has she ever even had a lighthearted convo with him ? She’s just so rigid and angry all the time . 

She did say he is different on camera so we are probably seeing her frustrations and anguish.

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34 minutes ago, JapMo said:

I've been refuting posters declarations since day 1 that Henry should have been paired up with Olivia, but after seeing how cold and repressed she is, maybe everyone was right.  

Oh, they would be a different kind of terrible. Maybe more boring than they are with their current matches. Henry would probably be open to Saints games, karaoke, traveling, and fine dining though. 

1 minute ago, Racj82 said:

Are we still talking about Henry here? This Henry? From this show?

Absolutely. Plenty of Henry-eque guys marry and/or have long term partners.  He said he likes to take things slow and hasn't been successful cultivating a long term relationship. But, there are many numbers between zero and Woody or Brett's body count. 

Christina doesn't seem terribly confident. Brett seems fairly insecure. Woody might like a dog. But, it's not a given. Living with pets can be awful if you really don't prefer it. Agreeing to get a dog when they have a baby buys Woody some time. 



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7 minutes ago, endure said:
5 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Brett and Olivia just hate each other and need to call it quits . Brett is a sarcastic asshole , but Olivia has zero personality and Always wants to have serious conversations . Has she ever even had a lighthearted convo with him ? She’s just so rigid and angry all the time . 

She did say he is different on camera so we are probably seeing her frustrations and anguish.

On camera he's coming off pretty bad.  Off camera they cuddle and talk for an hour and a half.  So what's her frustration?  He's showing his worst side on camera.  

Brett has said repeatedly he thinks she's pretty, she has beautiful eyes....any guy that is married at first sight and already sees a special smile he likes about his wife isn't all bad.  Olivia is angry because she doesn't want to move into his house; she might not be able to take as many vacations as she wants; and she might have to produce an heir which she said she was willing to do but was lying.  Brett is extremely sarcastic and does, at times, seem very dismissive of her complaints.  Problem is she's constantly psychoanalyzing their relationship.always complaining.  Brett hardly ever says anything bad about her.  He jokes around a lot...she's the original Old Stoneface.

I also give Brett credit that for a guy who has dated a lot, he's been pretty patient about Olivia's no-touchy policy.  St. Miles gets nothing but praise from everyone but he's repeatedly brought up on camera that Karen has held him at arm's length regarding sex .  I commend Brett for never discussing anything about their sex life on camera except for the first time tonight...not even with the guys.  

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7 hours ago, Retired at last said:

Do people really think ChristinA really wants to have sex with Henry or just that she wants him to want to? If she was really interested, she could have (or would have) taken his hand, or touched his back, or anything to initiate physical contact.


6 hours ago, MyTwoCents said:

OH. MY. GOODNESS! ChristinA just shot herself in the foot! Henry finally opens up deeply (blindfolded) and her reaction is at his age he should just get over it?!?!?Good luck ever getting him to open up again 🙄


6 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

And follows it with a lack of confidence being her deal breaker! Geez.  Henry was being vulnerable and honest answering her question and she was SO COLD. Let these two go their separate ways! 


3 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

Bennet loves Amelia but maybe not quite as much.

Olivia and Bret are a disaster but I hate Bret more. Christina might like Bret who thinks he's infallible.

Even though it was incredibly insensitive that Christina would cut Henry to the core with her deal breaker comment after he opened up to her it doesn't mean she isn't right. At some point in your life a person needs to be comfortable in their own skin. They have to say to themselves I'm a cool, neat fun and clever person to be with and my opinion of myself isn't dependent on anyone else. I was a bit of a late bloomer and didn't realize I liked myself until I was 27. I can see where it would be difficult for Christina to have confidence in Henry if he doesn't have it in himself. I think he needs outside help to deal with this issue but the marriage is probably doomed.

I think Christina is realizing that she wants to be married just to be married and really does not want Henry.

Henry was much happier talking to Bennett than he has ever been with Christina 

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I want to bottle the essence of Woody and Amani and put it on my piano along with the framed photo and the snowglobe. I adore these two.

Yeah, ChristinA was being a beyotch. The remark about self-confidence was pretty low. Some people have insecurities, ChristinA. Constantly harping on them doesn't help. Try being supportive and affirmative, maybe take some lessons from Amelia and Bennett. Although, I honestly think ChristinA is mainly annoyed and astounded that Henry hasn't made a move on her yet. If he were coming on to her physically, I bet her complaints about his lack of self-confidence would vanish.

Miles and Karen are making (slow) progress. That looked like an intense workout. It's nice that they have something in common that they can bond over. I hope Miles doesn't get tired of waiting for Karen to open up more. She's thawing but you can tell that she's just waiting for Miles to do something so she can say she knew he was too good to be true. The lobster mac and cheese was funny though. I might be salty too if someone gave mine away.

Amelia and Bennett are angels in human form and they had better never break up. I want them to make beautiful music together, and write poetry, and have adorable babies, and tell their grandchildren how they met on MAFS and fell in love.

I am Team Woody #NoDogs. They're so damn needy. But you know Amani will get her way. Good thing Woody is so smitten.

I can't even with Brett and Olivia. My mind seesaws trying to figure out who annoys me more. This week, the honor goes to Olivia. Just stop overthinking and overanalyzing every damn thing. Tell Brett if he's doing something that bugs you and then let it go. She's a real killjoy.

Edited by gingerandcloves
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3 hours ago, endure said:

Who’s Jamie?

Jamie is a woman from one of the first seasons (married to Doug, whom she hated on sight, but they're still married and have 2 kids) who is a total famewhore. She hosts a pre-show or after-show or something like that, talking to the participants about the episodes. I cannot stand her in all her famewhorishness, so I don't watch. Apparently seeing the MAFS folks talking to her on the show brings out a different side of them, but I.just.can't.

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8 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Brett says the right things to the camera, then acts like a dismissive, condescending asshole behind the scenes, so Olivia becomes a sourpuss (understandably) & will get all the heat - well played Brett, you douchebag.

Only have Olivia's word for that, I guess. Judging by what's been shown on camera, Olivia's not that easy to live with.  Nothing Brett has or does is good enough for the princess who has to be the best and have the best. 

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3 hours ago, JapMo said:

On camera he's coming off pretty bad.  Off camera they cuddle and talk for an hour and a half.  So what's her frustration?  He's showing his worst side on camera.  

Brett has said repeatedly he thinks she's pretty, she has beautiful eyes....any guy that is married at first sight and already sees a special smile he likes about his wife isn't all bad.  Olivia is angry because she doesn't want to move into his house; she might not be able to take as many vacations as she wants; and she might have to produce an heir which she said she was willing to do but was lying.  Brett is extremely sarcastic and does, at times, seem very dismissive of her complaints.  Problem is she's constantly psychoanalyzing their relationship.always complaining.  Brett hardly ever says anything bad about her.  He jokes around a lot...she's the original Old Stoneface.

I also give Brett credit that for a guy who has dated a lot, he's been pretty patient about Olivia's no-touchy policy.  St. Miles gets nothing but praise from everyone but he's repeatedly brought up on camera that Karen has held him at arm's length regarding sex .  I commend Brett for never discussing anything about their sex life on camera except for the first time tonight...not even with the guys.  

This!  The show most definitely has a script. Whether or not it's decided on before filming starts or after the decisions are made and the show is cut together, people are given roles for the show.

Miles gets credit for things that Brett will not. (Evidence: The several Unfiltereds where Brett has been vilified.) I'm sure it's because of the way Brett says things, but early on, like the second episode, when it fell to Woody (or maybe Amani) to ask everyone if they had had s-e-x yet or any sort of physical intimacy and Brett mentioned that he and Olivia had agreed not to talk about that part of their relationship on camera.  And they have stuck to that until tonight. 

Cut to the TH tonight of Brett saying that Olivia NEVER tries to hold his hand or ask for a kiss or any of that and he's being respectful and going at her pace.  She's totally pissed off that he's living in a house she thinks she has to move into, and that he doesn't view money the same way she does. I don't think she is willing to compromise on anything, because the MONEY issue just killed it for her. So sad. So many women cut themselves off from what could be a good relationship because the guy doesn't make enough money in their opinion. One of the first things Olivia said about Brett's job was that he could get further certifications and push his career farther. Not, I'm impressed with what Brett has accomplished. *rolls eyes at Olivia's condescension* 

There are other things about Brett that are trying, but he seems fairly patient, and as an example, when they went rock climbing he was able to direct that pretty well. She has just decided he cannot be the man she wants him to be, so she's gonna tear him down. And he's not letting her. Fight on Brett! The cards are stacked against ya, but fight on. 

Edited by cardigirl
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2 hours ago, TeapotWakeen said:

Jamie is a woman from one of the first seasons (married to Doug, whom she hated on sight, but they're still married and have 2 kids) who is a total famewhore. She hosts a pre-show or after-show or something like that, talking to the participants about the episodes. I cannot stand her in all her famewhorishness, so I don't watch. Apparently seeing the MAFS folks talking to her on the show brings out a different side of them, but I.just.can't.

Thanks the original message that mentioned her was about her liking her blue dress so I thought it was in reference to the blue and white dress that Christina was wearing (which I hated) .....I realized later who they were talking about.  I don’t happen to get that show that Jamie is on.....other than the webcam show with couples.

1 hour ago, cardigirl said:

Only have Olivia's word for that, I guess. Judging by what's been shown on camera, Olivia's not that easy to live with.  Nothing Brett has or does is good enough for the princess who has to be the best and have the best. 

He's just as nastily sarcastic on camera so I don't find it too tough to believe her. That level of sarcasm can quickly become toxic to be around. I don't think he's ever seen Olivia as his type; he expected, & thinks he's entitled to, someone hotter. He focuses on her eyes for his disingenuous compliments (to the camera at least) because he's trying to look past everything else he doesn't like. I don't think he's good looking at all & his constant sneer makes him look especially gross to me.

That said I don't prefer Olivia either, as her story changed from just wanting a nice guy to wanting a travel buddy for expensive adventures, although that could have been in response to whatever he's been like behind the scenes.

The two of them are this season's hard-to-watch couple for me, although I can't stand ChristinA either...

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12 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Jamie sure loves that blue fug dress! 

A complete makeover is in order.  That mop on her head has to go, no more sleeveless dresses, sit like a lady, not with those legs out all over the place.  Less talking and putting your two cents in.  In other words, shut up and do the interview without talking about when you were on MAFS, camera hog.

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12 hours ago, karenbrady said:

Amani is so cute!!! Fave couple during this boring season.

Smart cutesy woman.  She knows exactly what men like.  She’s everything in one package.  Stick up her ass Karen should take lessons.

12 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Where's the mauve table cloth she wore a few seasons back..more flattering than the blue sausage casing tight dress.

Yes, she is post baby but she could have gotten the dress a few sizes up...instead of stuffing herself into a too tiny dress...

Doug hasn’t washed it yet.

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12 hours ago, cardigirl said:

The knives are out for Brett tonight. Geez.

Not sure the sex expert helped Brett and Olivia much, as Olivia looked pretty sour through much of that. 

Those “experts” are good for nothing.  0livia reminds me of a nun.  Brett is a man about town.  They are a total mismatch.  He’d go for someone like Dr. Viviana. Sex appeal.  My husband thinks the Dr. has it all, lol.  He’s right.

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12 hours ago, Retired at last said:

Do people really think ChristinA really wants to have sex with Henry or just that she wants him to want to? If she was really interested, she could have (or would have) taken his hand, or touched his back, or anything to initiate physical contact.

Did you notice Henry had no trouble talking with the guys?  He was chatting away with no ticks, and very comfortable.  Christina makes him nervous and he just can’t talk with her at all.  She makes him a nervous wreck.  Doubt they will have sex.  She’s not for him.

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Henry looks in the mirror and sees an insecure overweight boy. ChristinA looks in the mirror and sees a sex siren. Each needs a new mirror.😀

There's one trait of Amani that would bug me. She displayed this attitude about cutting off her hair (a joke) and last night about getting a dog (not a joke), and that attitude is: I'll do what I want, whether you like it or not, and whether it affects both of us or not. Now, she's certainly got the mild-mannered persona going on, not upsetting besotted Woody, but there might come a day.....😮

Brett isn't "deep"; hence his Casanova dating past and his superficial sarcasm with Olivia. These two are incompatible in every major (finances, attraction, domicile, sex, communication) and minor (trivia games) way, so there's zero hope for them. Maybe it was just the cats! 🐈

Miles! Karen wants you to shape up, literally! Let your "sex" notation be your motivation! 😇

Bennett likes Amelia's hips, because.....hips don't lie! 😉

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