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S05.E08: Serving up Betrayals

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I don't get why Chris isn't putting his foot down on Monique spending. I would think being an retiree from NotForLong and being from such humble beginnings, he would know better. Ask more questions - not just get a status report, while walking the baby.

I not saying to count every penny - but to have a team working with Monique on her business adventure - an accountant, financial planner, lawyer, etc. And since he played mostly before he married, he should at least consider being the final signer on any check over $xxx - which is an amount he feels comfortable with an investment.

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Monique truly sounded nuts when she was mad about Candiace pulling out of the podcast. You don't like her. You've made it clear you don't see it for her. Why would she participate in this, especially after the way you blew up at her at your cabin? Honestly Monique's greatest sin she's committed this season is having me siding with Candiace. That's unforgivable.

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So let me see if I got this right, Michael, who was blackout drunk, managed to strip down to his boxer briefs and get under some blankets with a random stripper in a hotel room?  Interesting.  Anyways, I'm still kinda thinking this was a set up by the Darby's to try to quell rumors about Michael being gay.  I don't stay at the fanciest hotels, but nearly every hotel has an alarm clock of some variety of the nightstand next to the bed, so why would you go to the dresser with the TV on it to check the time?  So, to me, its just as understandable that Michael set that up.  

Further adding to that is Michael making sure to mention that everything last year was "lies and bullshit" when having a "candid" conversation with the producer about how much he wants to stop filming because he was just being "so honest" and told Ashley something that could "change their marriage forever" while Ashley looks on cool as a cucumber.  

If Monique was such a professional businesswoman who wanted Candiace at her podcast, she wouldn't have been so rude to her at the lakehouse.  Candiace had every right to cancel on Monique.  Monique should have done a better job to protect her 200000 investment, especially when all it took was her being a decent human being and not pretending to be asleep when Candiace was leaving.  Thats all it would have taken.  Candiace already wasn't sure she wanted to come at the lakehouse and Monique went out of her way to be shitty to her.  But Candiace is supposed to come and be a featured guest on your podcast?  Why?

Candiace may have been extra, but I didn't see anything that justified Monique getting physical with her.  

And just LOL at 30/200 tickets being sold.  Why would you shoot for such a large venue your first time out?  Do something smaller and more intimate.  If anything the tickets will be a hot item due to the limited number.  

Also, no T'Challa?

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Damn, I'm so disappointed in Monique.

How hard would it have been to say, "I was getting the house ready for the caterers and running around. I did not pretend to be asleep. I'm sorry it came across as a slight." Then if Candiace would've kept at it, SHE would've looked bad. But instead, Mo had to pull out the "you don't know what it's like to be tired because you don't have kids."


Not only is it a shitty thing to say, but she may have also alienated potential listeners who are child free. Whether it be by choice or because it hasn't happened. Sis, the name of your company is already problematic, let's not make things worse. Her own brother told her the name was trash, but she was committed to it. I agree that the money would've been better spent hiring a consulting firm.

If "sure Jan" were a person, it would be Michael. Like, you really expect your wife to believe that bullshit? You go to a hotel room with a stripper, but you're so drunk that you don't have sex, but yet you wake up in your underwear? 🤔

It also sounded as if Ashley was implying that the stripper Cardi B'd Michael just without the robbery part.

That "homecoming" dress was so drab. It's been a minute since I've been a teenager, but my heart sank when she said she was looking for a form-fitting dress. I flashbacked to 6 or so years ago when bondage dresses were the rage.

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22 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I could live without Candiace singing.  Coffee and Love was more than enough singing from this franchise.

That was so kind of Michael to wait until Ashley was back from Newburgh to tell her he was cheating, so that Ashley could avoid the gossip of the other women.  I have an idea as to how Ashley could avoid gossip about Michael—if he stopped fucking around.  What a class act.  Also, Michael’s body is so scary.  The fat on his back was congealing to make it look like his penis was on backwards.  The hell?  How do I unsee that?  Who would sleep with him?  He’s not that rich.  

Sheila telling Ashley that she’s got a lot on her mind is her way of telling Ashley she’d better stay with Michael to keep that gravy train going.  That black leather homecoming dress isn’t going to pay for itself.  


Michael is a shit.  He waited so he wouldn't have to deal with the other women pointing out to him AND Ashley that his story made like absolutely no sense.  And absolutely no one would have gone for the "but I've been craving affection" defense.  

And agree about Sheila, she is purely concerned about staying on the gravy train and she may have actively encouraged Ashley to get pregnant again.  

LOL, I'm sure GOSSIP! footed the bill for that dress right?

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9 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

That "homecoming" dress was so drab. It's been a minute since I've been a teenager, but my heart sank when she said she was looking for a form-fitting dress. I flashbacked to 6 or so years ago when bondage dresses were the rage.

I don't know why they took that young teenager to that shop. It looked like a local boutique equivalent to a Chicos or Talbots - more suitable for women of a certain age.

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22 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:


Now Candiace is on WWHL and walking back just a bit saying that there is no way of knowing for sure if Monique was pretending to be asleep. I know plenty of people who can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. 

I don't know.  I can fall asleep with the best of 'em.....but with a camera crew in my face?  perfectly on my back so as not to muss my makeup?  A control freak falling asleep with a buttload of people in her house filming?  Nah, I don't buy that.  I think Monique was faking sleep and when she realized how petty that could come off she tried to be the innocent victim who was actually deep in REM when Candiace was saying goodbye.  

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9 hours ago, oakville said:

I think Chris must be very upset with Monique spending that much money. He is a retired athlete.

Exactly.  But I guess its cheaper than a divorce.  How much do Housewives get paid, maybe this is all out of her Bravo money?

6 hours ago, biakbiak said:


Also, why is she printing up physical flyers for a live podcast taping in 2019!! 

lol, this is an excellent point.  

4 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I think this particular podcast episode was about marriage, not moms. She was having Karen and Ray on to talk about their 20 year marriage and then Candiace was supposed to be on to talk about her 1 year marriage. 

LOL.  This is a brand new podcast and so far I haven't heard any content for any moms...lazy or productive.  Isn't her target market young mothers struggling to balance it all?

So far, we have heard Monique and Chris talk about HIS mother and now she wants a podcast featuring a couple who has zero childen and another couple who isn't even in the target demographic.  

Why hasn't Monique had any guests or podcasts that are topical and targeted for her demographic?  Like, what kind of pet to get for your child, a bird, a dog, both?  Is it helpful for a child to have an animal?  How far apart should you plan to have your children?  Any family planning issues?  

Monique JUST started up a podcast about motherhood...why hasn't she done any podcasts that would be more topical?  Also, why would you assume all mothers are married?  A podcast dedicated to motherhood should, at least in the early days, focus on issues unique to motherhood.  

3 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Youtuber Funky Dineva once said 

I guess I stand alone but I thought Candiace's remixed song was a bop! Had that back in the day R&B sound, which I miss. I like Candi's voice, especially when she doesn't oversing things, which happens a lot unfortunately.

I liked the song too!  Then I hated myself for liking it.  I feel better knowing that someone else likes the song.  

I used to love me some Funky Dineva....but I wasn't sure if he still did that character?

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46 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I don't know.  I can fall asleep with the best of 'em.....but with a camera crew in my face?  perfectly on my back so as not to muss my makeup?  A control freak falling asleep with a buttload of people in her house filming?  Nah, I don't buy that.  I think Monique was faking sleep and when she realized how petty that could come off she tried to be the innocent victim who was actually deep in REM when Candiace was saying goodbye.  

You bring up a great point. I'm biased, as my bf has fallen asleep in some pretty strange environments, and he's not nearly as busy as Monique. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, RealReality said:

em.....but with a camera crew in my face?  p

Everyone who has ever been on a reality show mentions you quickly forget them, she also flopped down and it wasn’t a particularly good shot of her. She seemed to truly have no idea what Candiace was talking about so it wouldn’t surprise me if she had flopped down dramatically and than actually fell asleep. That said she was out of line in telling Candiace she couldn’t understand because she doesn’t have children which was such an odd thing to say since the kids weren’t actually there.


  • Love 4
2 hours ago, RealReality said:

If Monique was such a professional businesswoman who wanted Candiace at her podcast, she wouldn't have been so rude to her at the lakehouse.  Candiace had every right to cancel on Monique.  Monique should have done a better job to protect her 200000 investment, especially when all it took was her being a decent human being and not pretending to be asleep when Candiace was leaving.  Thats all it would have taken.  Candiace already wasn't sure she wanted to come at the lakehouse and Monique went out of her way to be shitty to her.  But Candiace is supposed to come and be a featured guest on your podcast?  Why?

What's interesting is that they showed the date Candiace texted Monique to back out of the podcast taping: September 21. But we know they all went to Monique's lake house the weekend of her birthday, October 6. (You can also see that Monique is wearing her hair short in the October lake house and winery scenes, but it's long in the scenes discussing the podcast--because those were taped in September.) So Monique was already mad about the podcast by the time everything happened at the lake house, but for some reason the producers decided to make it seem like Candiace backed out after that... 

Edited by Panda Bear
Quoted the wrong thing.
  • Useful 11
1 hour ago, RealReality said:

Exactly.  But I guess its cheaper than a divorce.  How much do Housewives get paid, maybe this is all out of her Bravo money?


I was wondering about this too. The show pretends like these women don't make any money on their own, but of course they do. Karen didn't bail Ray out with her La'Dame money; she helped with her Housewives money. And Ashley would have her own money if she chose to leave Michael. And Candiace was able to finally get financially free from her mom because of the show. 

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1 hour ago, LaurelleJ said:

You bring up a great point. I'm biased, as my bf has fallen asleep in some pretty strange environments, and he's not nearly as busy as Monique. 

Much like your boyfriend I can fall asleep anytime, anywhere and I'm not nearly as busy as Monique either.  So, I feel for him, LOL.

52 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Everyone who has ever been on a reality show mentions you quickly forget them, she also flopped down and it wasn’t a particularly good shot of her. She seemed to truly have no idea what Candiace was talking about so it wouldn’t surprise me if she had flopped down dramatically and than actually fell asleep. That said she was out of line in telling Candiace she couldn’t understand because she doesn’t have children which was such an odd thing to say since the kids weren’t actually there.


I don't think a control freak would just forget that random people are in her house and I don't think such a person would feel comfortable falling asleep with anyone that wasn't close family in their home, and at that point, chris, candace and a production crew, at the very least, were in her home.  

Some people fall asleep like Snow White, on their back, perfectly, nary a hair out of place and makeup flawless.  Some people do, but I don't think most people do.   So,  I don't think someone in such a deep sleep that they couldn't hear someone saying goodbye would be sleeping so flawlessly.  Its possible, but to me, improbable

Even Chris seemed a little sheepish when Monique was pretend sleeping....he was probably mortified by such immature behavior from his grown wife.  I think Monique may or may not have spoken to him later, he called her out and told her that it was a petty ass, immature move, Candiace cancelled and she jerry rigged up shocked outrage so she could be the victom.

Chris was right there. and I'm sure he told her what transpired.....so if this was all a HUGE misunderstanding and Monique was just innocently asleep and not faking it, she could have called or texted Candiace after the incident and explained......ESPECIALLY if she was asking Candace to do her a favor and be on her podcast.  


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40 minutes ago, Panda Bear said:

What's interesting is that they showed the date Candiace texted Monique to back out of the podcast taping: September 21. But we know they all went to Monique's lake house the weekend of her birthday, October 6. (You can also see that Monique is wearing her hair short in the October lake house and winery scenes, but it's long in the scenes discussing the podcast--because those were taped in September.) So Monique was already mad about the podcast by the time everything happened at the lake house, but for some reason the producers decided to make it seem like Candiace backed out after that... 

I was unable to see the text.  Was it like a soft backing out or like she was absolutely sure she wasn't going to come?  Is it possible that they went to the lakehouse before Monique's birthday but it was just to celebrate her birthday?  Just spitballin'

3 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I don't know why they took that young teenager to that shop. It looked like a local boutique equivalent to a Chicos or Talbots - more suitable for women of a certain age.

Hey now!  I’ve been shopping at Talbots for a looong time.  I am now a woman of a certain age, and I haven’t had a Chico’s kind of day yet but still...

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7 hours ago, sATL said:

I don't get why Chris isn't putting his foot down on Monique spending. I would think being an retiree from NotForLong and being from such humble beginnings, he would know better. Ask more questions - not just get a status report, while walking the baby.

I not saying to count every penny - but to have a team working with Monique on her business adventure - an accountant, financial planner, lawyer, etc. And since he played mostly before he married, he should at least consider being the final signer on any check over $xxx - which is an amount he feels comfortable with an investment

Monique is most likely using her BRAVO money, not Chris' money.  I think Chris is trying to venture into real estate.  I know they rent out his Ashburn townhouse to Washington Football Team members.  I don't know if they sold or are renting the Vienna VA house (the one they first were in when Monique came on the show).

As far as Charrisse being mad that Candiace took her spot on the show, that's about as silly as Monique being mad at Candiace because Gigi and Charrisse are running their mouths.  Reportedly Charrisse didn't want to get deeper into her business and her husband didn't want to film with her so they booted her off the show, same with Katie.  Charrisse really should be mad at Gizelle for basically being the face of the RHOP franchise (and not Charrisse).

5 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I don't know why they took that young teenager to that shop. It looked like a local boutique equivalent to a Chicos or Talbots - more suitable for women of a certain age.

Probably because Pentagon City and Tyson's Corner wouldnt' let them film.

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On 9/20/2020 at 9:16 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

80k on a website 200k on the podcast Jesus Christ you are hemorrhaging money girl 


On 9/20/2020 at 9:53 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

Ashly girl you know he just didn’t “fall asleep” stop ... stay with him don’t stay with him but don’t be stupid 


On 9/20/2020 at 10:08 PM, Sharper2002 said:

Same! I nearly fell off my couch laughing because it was so dramatic. The other people in the winery looking like “what kind of fuckery is this?” would have been me.

Ashley...whatever you need to say to yourself to help you sleep next to this man every night, girl. 


On 9/20/2020 at 10:18 PM, Boofish said:

Monique should have just walked away. She clearly yanked Candiace Yaky 1B with Beyonce highlights like she was on Grab 'Dat Dough. Every situation does not call for using the coping skills you learned at Love and Hip Hop's How To Overact School of Reality TV Fame and Fortune. 


20 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

In the old days, bored rich housewives got their husbands to finance a little gift shop that steadily lost money. Monique's project is the modern version of the same. Chris will cut off the funds when the losses are too high. And that marriage is doomed.

I think Ashley and Michael have an on-camera marriage and go their own ways off-camera. Michael's shenanigans are convenient fodder for ratings.

Last week Ashley drove up and down Arlington's little downtown just to record her conversation with Michael. In reality it takes about two minutes to drive through it.



13 hours ago, Rahul said:

Going into this episode, I knew the epic smackdown between Candiace and Monique that has been teased for eons wasn't going to be shown in its entirety but rather split over two episodes. However, what dumbass executive at Bravo thought it was a bright idea to split the screen to a fraction of its size in the very last moments of the episode so we could see Andy Cohen and his WWHL guests preening during the seminal fight? Ugh.


5 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I don't know why they took that young teenager to that shop. It looked like a local boutique equivalent to a Chicos or Talbots - more suitable for women of a certain age.

I think rich people do fake businesses to write off some supposed losses. It’s why you always see their trophy wives have bullshit businesses like “purse designer”.

I’m guessing Monique’s business is a total write off, but she is still spending too much. I remember Camille Grammer being so proud of being a “producer”...when everyone around her knew it was bullshit.

@Boofish, I am ashamed of this but I am here for Monique snatching off one of Candiass’ 50 pound wigs.

Any woman approaching ugly ass Michael Darby for sex in a hotel lounge is a prostitute.

Ashley, your marriage is boring and we are not that stupid. However, you are determined to keep that coin and keep having his babies...so Bravo, Bravo, and Bravo?

I don’t believe Ashley has any type of a relationship with her half sister. That girl was hella awkward around her. Also, you do not shop for Homecoming in an old lady dress shop.


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10 hours ago, RealReality said:

I was unable to see the text.  Was it like a soft backing out or like she was absolutely sure she wasn't going to come?  Is it possible that they went to the lakehouse before Monique's birthday but it was just to celebrate her birthday?  Just spitballin'

I don't remember the exact wording but it was something pretty definitive like "I can't make it to the podcast, so you'll have to find somebody else." And, again, Monique's hair was the same short style at the lake house (assuming it was filmed on her birthday: October 6) and the winery (October 16) but long in the scenes discussing the podcast, as it had been earlier in the season. And she did say several times at the lake house "It's my birthday." I guess that weekend could have taken place earlier and I know women can change their hair frequently, but I think this was sloppy editing. 

In any case, it actually makes me side with Candiace more. If she dropped out three weeks ahead of the live podcast (October 12) instead of a few days before it, it means she gave Monique plenty of time to replace her. I just think it's interesting that Monique might have been stewing about this for much longer and it might be part of the reason she was such a jerk to Candiace at the lake house. It couldn't have just been the s'mores! 

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14 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I don't know why they took that young teenager to that shop. It looked like a local boutique equivalent to a Chicos or Talbots - more suitable for women of a certain age.

Because the store paid to be featured in the show. There had to be some kind of ostensible purpose to get the mother and sister together so shopping for a dress theoretically was the opportunity. Discussing Michael with the mother assured that the scene would be shown on an episode.  Ashley got dresses for herself and the sister bought a nice dress somewhere else at a store more suitable for a teenager. 

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Color me confused. 

Was Ashley implying that they have an open relationship so what happened in the hotel was not surprising so the ladies (and America) can take a seat?  But was it that the open relationship only applies when it’s the two of them?   So she was unhappy because he went solo with someone?  Because I had no idea what they were getting at that dinner. 

Or was it that he fell asleep and was an innocent victim of circumstance and a vengeful woman and not at all in the wrong?  And way to blame the woman with Michael having zero accountability   

Is Monique so stressed this season because the rumors about the trainer came out and her relationship with Chris is strained?   Maybe that’s why he’s taking little digs at her too since Gizelle suggested that Chris found out about the affair or whatever.  And Monique is probably very tense around Candiace because she knows she a loose cannon and because of her relationship with Charisse has some of the tea to spill.  

Edited by Kerrey92
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I honestly doubt that the trainer thing with Monique is true. She probably had a good looking trainer (because let's face it, how many trainers are bad looking?) and had friends crack jokes. Maybe she said oh if I were single... and someone took it and ran with it. The problem is the power of suggestion. Even if its 100% false, now people are talking about it. Even when people say false things about me that I know aren't true, it's human nature to be bothered about things and have people whispering about you, not to mention that it might affect her family. Are Chris' friends ragging on him now because of the rumors? Hound me for something I did, sure, but don't plot for something untrue. 

Also, I wonder if she's upset because Candiace knew for a while, but Karen is the one who actually told Monique about the baby rumors. Candiace only told Monique once she asked, maybe she figured she should have told her right when it happened. Props to bravo if it was true that they knew and didn't want any parts of facilitating that storyline.

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18 hours ago, Panda Bear said:

I was wondering about this too. The show pretends like these women don't make any money on their own, but of course they do. Karen didn't bail Ray out with her La'Dame money; she helped with her Housewives money. And Ashley would have her own money if she chose to leave Michael. And Candiace was able to finally get financially free from her mom because of the show. 

Ashley's money is going to support her mom, little brother and little sister. Guarantee she's covering their living expenses and college tuition for the kids.

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2 hours ago, Panda Bear said:

Good point. Dang, she must really feel stuck with him. 

Don't forget that deadbeat who is her mom's partner and her sister's father. That women would rather get money from Ashley then ask that man to get a job.


2 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I thought Michael cut her Mom off last season?

I remember the Mom was so high and mighty when Michael cut them off ( I do not like Michael but I do not blame him for not wanting to support the mom's deadbeat partner, who is probably younger than Michael), only to text Ashley a couple of weeks later asking for money to pay some bills.

Ashley's Mom and Candiass's mom are like mirror images of each other. They both use money to manipulate their daughters.

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9 hours ago, Kerrey92 said:

Color me confused. 

Was Ashley implying that they have an open relationship so what happened in the hotel was not surprising so the ladies (and America) can take a seat?  But was it that the open relationship only applies when it’s the two of them?   So she was unhappy because he went solo with someone?  Because I had no idea what they were getting at that dinner. 

Or was it that he fell asleep and was an innocent victim of circumstance and a vengeful woman and not at all in the wrong?  And way to blame the woman with Michael having zero accountability   

Is Monique so stressed this season because the rumors about the trainer came out and her relationship with Chris is strained?   Maybe that’s why he’s taking little digs at her too since Gizelle suggested that Chris found out about the affair or whatever.  And Monique is probably very tense around Candiace because she knows she a loose cannon and because of her relationship with Charisse has some of the tea to spill.  

I think Ashley is trying to thread the needle, so she can justify her "sniffing underwear" (because why in a fully open marriage) and also not look like a damned fool on national TV.

So, I think her story is that they do threesomes but ONLY with each other OR that they may get permission from the other partner to be with someone else.  But Michael hadn't sought her permission and she wasn't there to witness Michael kiss a woman in the back of a cab and then innocently fall asleep in a hotel room with the same woman.  

Therefore, there was a breach of trust?

I want to hear from the woman because I still think this may all be a ruse cooked up by the Darby's in an effort to undermine the allegations from last year....which, by some, could be interpreted as Michael being gay and Ashley being a willing or unwilling beard.  You can shout from the mountaintops that you aren't gay all day long, but I don't think many people found Robyn, Candace, the cameraman and the stories about other producers getting butt grabbed unbelievable.  And a lot of people, IMO, would think that offering fellatio and grabbing mens butts would be evidence that a man was gay.  

The best way to counter that is to create a public scenario wherein Michael is "caught" cheating with a woman.  I still don't know why anyone would check the time on a TV dresser stand and not on the alarm clock right next to the bed.  

I feel like all the women know Charisse.  Candace was the only one to have her at an event and if Monique is a boss I dont know why she didn't confront Charisse right there.  I mean, if the whole thing is all over social media and the rumors were spread by Charisse it means that everyone already knows so you may as well confront her on camera and tell her to pound sand.  If Candace was trying to be a shady monster by inviting Charisse than she would have gotten exactly what she deserved if Monique caused a scene at her party.  

Not for a second do I think Monique slept with her trainer.  I think CHARISSE slept with the trainer and assumed that everyone else must do the same.  

Edited by RealReality
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, RealReality said:

I think Ashley is trying to thread the needle, so she can justify her "sniffing underwear" (because why in a fully open marriage) and also not look like a damned fool on national TV.

So, I think her story is that they do threesomes but ONLY with each other OR that they may get permission from the other partner to be with someone else.  But Michael hadn't sought her permission and she wasn't there to witness Michael kiss a woman in the back of a cab and then innocently fall asleep in a hotel room with the same woman.  

Therefore, there was a breach of trust?

I want to hear from the woman because I still think this may all be a ruse cooked up by the Darby's in an effort to undermine the allegations from last year....which, by some, could be interpreted as Michael being gay and Ashley being a willing or unwilling beard.  You can shout from the mountaintops that you aren't gay all day long, but I don't think many people found Robyn, Candace, the cameraman and the stories about other producers getting butt grabbed unbelievable.  And a lot of people, IMO, would think that offering fellatio and grabbing mens butts would be evidence that a man was gay.  

The best way to counter that is to create a public scenario wherein Michael is "caught" cheating with a woman.  I still don't know why anyone would check the time on a TV dresser stand and not on the alarm clock right next to the bed.  

I feel like all the women know Charisse.  Candace was the only one to have her at an event and if Monique is a boss I dont know why she didn't confront Charisse right there.  I mean, if the whole thing is all over social media and the rumors were spread by Charisse it means that everyone already knows so you may as well confront her on camera and tell her to pound sand.  If Candace was trying to be a shady monster by inviting Charisse than she would have gotten exactly what she deserved if Monique caused a scene at her party.  

Not for a second do I think Monique slept with her trainer.  I think CHARISSE slept with the trainer and assumed that everyone else must do the same.  

That's a good point...who cares what Charisse says? It does not automatically mean it is true. If you come on a trashy show like this...they are not going to let you have your picture perfect marriage...that just does not equal good tv to them. We have had proof of Michael cheating a million times....what proof does Charisse have, besides her word?


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On 9/20/2020 at 8:29 PM, dosodog said:

Dr. Wendy with 4 degrees for the win!

She failed with the wine glass, but managed to removed the knife from Candace's hand without any clapback!  Or blood being spilled!



I also snort laughed at her raising her hand to ask Ashley a question about Michael’s 100% true totally not false story, with the “oh pick me!”  

Sooooooo Dr Wendy has joined us in Bravoland because she’s tired of being a professor?

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2 hours ago, qtpye said:

That's a good point...who cares what Charisse says? It does not automatically mean it is true. If you come on a trashy show like this...they are not going to let you have your picture perfect marriage...that just does not equal good tv to them. We have had proof of Michael cheating a million times....what proof does Charisse have, besides her word?


Exactly.  I think Charisse is just salty that she is off the show.  Maybe that "boyfriend" Gizelle referenced was really Charisse's trainer.....or maybe he is a firefighter who does personal training on the side?

And 100% agree that you cannot possibly expect to retain the image of a "perfect marriage" on a real housewives show.  Frankly, I think Monique has gotten off pretty easy compared to Ashley and Robyn.  Chris is kind of demanding and chauvinistic,  she is stressed, but overall they are portrayed as having a traditional and solid marriage.  He certainly isn't out in these streets falling asleep with strippers and what not.  He seems committed to her and likes her company.  Michael can barely stand Ashley and he truly seemed more enchanted with Juan Dixon.  

I don't think anyone, for a second, believes any rumor about Monique cheating on Chris.  The show has like a million hours of footage, and had they wanted, the editors and producers could have spliced together clips to make Monique look like a floozy, or at best make her look like she was super flirtatious.  I don't remember seeing anything on the show that made Monique look like she was being anything other than cordial with men on the show.  

55 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

I also snort laughed at her raising her hand to ask Ashley a question about Michael’s 100% true totally not false story, with the “oh pick me!”  

Sooooooo Dr Wendy has joined us in Bravoland because she’s tired of being a professor?

I was dying at that!  I had my doubts about Dr. Wendy, but am now cautiously optimistic.

I think Dr. Wendy is tired of being an associate professor.  Every professor I know wants to get tenured because I think being an associate professor may not have as many....advantages.    

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

I honestly doubt that the trainer thing with Monique is true.


13 hours ago, Boofish said:

I'm telling you if there was ANY truth or the slightest shred of evidence Monique was having an affair it would be this season's storyline.

It is this season's storyline, indirectly.

5 hours ago, qtpye said:

That's a good point...who cares what Charisse says?

Monique does and that's why she's running away from Charrisse because she doesn't want to give Charrisse any film time to bring up the affair.

My theory on Monique/Candiace is it's all about Monique trying to control the trainer rumor situation by eliminating Candiace & Charrisse:

Off camera:

 Candiace & Charrisse had begun a friendship; Candiace had invited Charrisse to her wedding & invited her to the anniversary party.

Monique was inappropriate with the trainer. Gigi got word out to Chris.  Monique cut Gigi off.  Gigi got mad about being cut off & gets Charrisse's number from Candiace

Charrisse is mad at Monique for 1) having used her for her social connects then running afoul of Charrisse; 2) ruining her chance to get back on the show full time after the Sherman/Kyndall debacle

Charrisse shows up at Ashley's baby shower; Monique is in attendance.  The baby shower is not filmed.

 Candiace assumes Monique is cool with Charrisse since they are smiling etc in the social media posts of Ashley's baby shower.

Gizelle, Robyn, Candiace & somebody else sit down to talk about the Monique/trainer rumor. Somebody suggests suggesting the last baby wasn't Chris but Candiace was like no (plus the baby looks like Chris)

Gizelle & Candiace have a Twitter beef going

On Camera:

Monique feels blindsided by Candiace inviting Charrisse to her party because BRAVO was filming it.  She feels Candiace & Charrisse were conspiring to bring up the rumor on TV which is why Monique didn't interact with Charrisse at the party

Monique decides the enemy of her enemy is her friend, so she joins in with the GEB to gang up on Candiace at the table.  If Candiace flies off the handle like in the previous season, nobody will want to film with her so the rumor can't come out

At Ashley's sip & see, Charrisse shows up (and is mic'd up). Monique is triggered & tries to gang up on Candiace again with the group.  Candiace doesn't take the bait & leaves.  When Charrisse opens her mouth about Monique, Monique leaves so Charrisse has no opportunity to confront her about the trainer

When Candiace (invited to the podcast before any of the drama) drops out of the podcast, Monique just uses this as another thing to be mad at Candiace about.

At the lake house, Monique got triggered when she saw Candiace, Gizelle and Ashley whispering together and assuming Candiace was telling Ashley & Gizelle about the trainer rumors. She didn't want Candiace to have an opportunity to bring up the trainer rumors around Chris so she turned up on Candiace in front of the group to get her out of there.  Candiace did not take the bait and the rest of the cast was like huh?

At Gizelle's book award party, Monique is seething because nothing she does is working to get rid of Candiace.  When they begin sniping at each other, Candiace picks up the knife and Monique saw her opportunity to provoke Candiace once and for all, which is why she started flipping Candiace's hair.  Monique wanted that fight & she wanted everyone to see Candiace as the aggressor.

If Candiace is seen as violent and aggressive, no one will want to film with her and then she's off the show (and her pal Wendy too...nothing personal, just eliminating a possible replacement)

If Candiace is off the show, there's no reason for Charrisse to be invited to film with the cast either, since Gizelle and Karen don't have anything to do with Charrisse & Robyn would follow Gizelle's lead.

All of this is because Monique is trying to control the situation with the trainer rumor. She has to eliminate the threats (Gigi, Charrisse, Candiace) to her marriage and control public opinion on Candiace, which is why Monique launched a social media campaign to brand Candiace to be at fault.  If viewers think Candiace is at fault, is violent etc they will want her off the show.  If Candiace is off the show, the threat has been eliminated.

The only thing Candiace is guilty of is giving Gigi Charrisse's number & being at the plot dinner.  However, if Monique knows (off camera) Gizelle, Robyn & unnamed cast member were also at this plot dinner, how come all of Monique's social media gunfire is towards Candiace?

From what we have been shown thus far, Monique is at fault. Unfortunately for Monique, the grave you dig for others is the grave you dig for yourself.

Edited by drivethroo
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On 9/21/2020 at 2:10 AM, drivethroo said:

Ashley knows the deal & knows Michael's not going to stop.  Lovely moment of him blaming her for why he had to cheat.  She spilled her own tea so it can stop being a story. Michael did not like that, either.  Too bad, so sad.

Monique is delusional.  One, why did she invite someone who is not a mother (more on this later) to her podcast about mothers, and two, she turned all the way up on Candiace but did not have that same energy for Ashley or Gizelle so why did she expect Candiace to still come?

Let's talk about this podcast: Monique is a damn fool for spending $200K on a podcast.  Why do you need fliers for a podcast? Why do you need a graphics designer for your podcast? Why are you hiring staff and making payroll for a podcast? Why is she spending $200K for this podcast when a lot of people just get some equipment from Amazon and talk into the mic (until they grow larger)?  This is why Chris is tight with his money because a silly fool like Monique will spend it all up on a bunch of nothing. 

The problem with "Not for Lazy Moms" is the very title is mom shaming.  Like when Monique mom-shamed Candiace for not having kids, therefore not knowing how busy moms can be (pretending to be asleep).

If the podcast is about moms, it made no sense to invite Candiace on as a guest as she's not a mom. But why ask Karen and Ray on, unless Monique was going to ask them about parenting Ravyin and Karen's son?  Why not ask Wendy & Eddie, as she had 3 kids under 7 years old (just like Monique) and juggling her Johns Hopkins career, the kids and being a political commentator?

It appears Monique was flicking Candiace's hair, Candiace flicked Monique's jacket, then Monique grabbed a chunk of Candiace's hair and proceeded to drag her.

Monique has been looking for a reason to fight Candiace for numerous episodes now and it all stems from thinking Candiace & Charrisse were coming for Monique's marriage (when Monique & Charrisse did the same thing to Gizelle & her relationship).

Pentagon City and Tyson's Corner must have denied BRAVO's cameras on their properties because otherwise I don't understand why Ashley took her sister to that shop and not to either of those malls.

Yeah, why not the Galleria? That store was not for a homecoming dress.

  • Love 2

I think it is funny that in this day and age of computers and social media apps Monique got flyers printed up for her podcast.  Where would she have distributed those flyers anyway?

Ashley knows what side of her bread is buttered, she is not going to walk away from Michael anytime soon, if they have an open marriage why would she?  Her bills are covered and she has the freedom to roam.

Robin and Juan, if Juan wanted to get married he would have done it already without a big fuss or a big wedding, Bravo would be happy to film the wedding at a nice restaurant or film them leaving the court house, Robin could be filmed buying a nice dress from Mae's (it is McLean VA, the type of store you go to buy a dress for a state dinner at the WH or your child's wedding or bar or bat mitzvah), we all know the money is not there for an extravagant affair.

Gizelle, I always say your ex is your ex for a reason, why does she think it will be better this time?

All the babies are cute.


Edited by Baltimore Betty
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, drivethroo said:


It is this season's storyline, indirectly.

Monique does and that's why she's running away from Charrisse because she doesn't want to give Charrisse any film time to bring up the affair.

My theory on Monique/Candiace is it's all about Monique trying to control the trainer rumor situation by eliminating Candiace & Charrisse:

Off camera:

 Candiace & Charrisse had begun a friendship; Candiace had invited Charrisse to her wedding & invited her to the anniversary party.

Monique was inappropriate with the trainer. Gigi got word out to Chris.  Monique cut Gigi off.  Gigi got mad about being cut off & gets Charrisse's number from Candiace

Charrisse is mad at Monique for 1) having used her for her social connects then running afoul of Charrisse; 2) ruining her chance to get back on the show full time after the Sherman/Kyndall debacle

Charrisse shows up at Ashley's baby shower; Monique is in attendance.  The baby shower is not filmed.

 Candiace assumes Monique is cool with Charrisse since they are smiling etc in the social media posts of Ashley's baby shower.

Gizelle, Robyn, Candiace & somebody else sit down to talk about the Monique/trainer rumor. Somebody suggests suggesting the last baby wasn't Chris but Candiace was like no (plus the baby looks like Chris)

Gizelle & Candiace have a Twitter beef going

On Camera:

Monique feels blindsided by Candiace inviting Charrisse to her party because BRAVO was filming it.  She feels Candiace & Charrisse were conspiring to bring up the rumor on TV which is why Monique didn't interact with Charrisse at the party

Monique decides the enemy of her enemy is her friend, so she joins in with the GEB to gang up on Candiace at the table.  If Candiace flies off the handle like in the previous season, nobody will want to film with her so the rumor can't come out

At Ashley's sip & see, Charrisse shows up (and is mic'd up). Monique is triggered & tries to gang up on Candiace again with the group.  Candiace doesn't take the bait & leaves.  When Charrisse opens her mouth about Monique, Monique leaves so Charrisse has no opportunity to confront her about the trainer

When Candiace (invited to the podcast before any of the drama) drops out of the podcast, Monique just uses this as another thing to be mad at Candiace about.

At the lake house, Monique got triggered when she saw Candiace, Gizelle and Ashley whispering together and assuming Candiace was telling Ashley & Gizelle about the trainer rumors. She didn't want Candiace to have an opportunity to bring up the trainer rumors around Chris so she turned up on Candiace in front of the group to get her out of there.  Candiace did not take the bait and the rest of the cast was like huh?

At Gizelle's book award party, Monique is seething because nothing she does is working to get rid of Candiace.  When they begin sniping at each other, Candiace picks up the knife and Monique saw her opportunity to provoke Candiace once and for all, which is why she started flipping Candiace's hair.  Monique wanted that fight & she wanted everyone to see Candiace as the aggressor.

If Candiace is seen as violent and aggressive, no one will want to film with her and then she's off the show (and her pal Wendy too...nothing personal, just eliminating a possible replacement)

If Candiace is off the show, there's no reason for Charrisse to be invited to film with the cast either, since Gizelle and Karen don't have anything to do with Charrisse & Robyn would follow Gizelle's lead.

All of this is because Monique is trying to control the situation with the trainer rumor. She has to eliminate the threats (Gigi, Charrisse, Candiace) to her marriage and control public opinion on Candiace, which is why Monique launched a social media campaign to brand Candiace to be at fault.  If viewers think Candiace is at fault, is violent etc they will want her off the show.  If Candiace is off the show, the threat has been eliminated.

The only thing Candiace is guilty of is giving Gigi Charrisse's number & being at the plot dinner.  However, if Monique knows (off camera) Gizelle, Robyn & unnamed cast member were also at this plot dinner, how come all of Monique's social media gunfire is towards Candiace?

From what we have been shown thus far, Monique is at fault. Unfortunately for Monique, the grave you dig for others is the grave you dig for yourself.

This is where her control freak tendencies probably screwed her up. If she had just laughed off everything, then the others would just look like sad and desperate women in shitty relationships that just want to bring down her shine.

It would have also let her keep her friendship with Candiass intact, which was a nice addition to the show.

  • Useful 1
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7 hours ago, RealReality said:

Exactly.  I think Charisse is just salty that she is off the show.  Maybe that "boyfriend" Gizelle referenced was really Charisse's trainer.....or maybe he is a firefighter who does personal training on the side?

And 100% agree that you cannot possibly expect to retain the image of a "perfect marriage" on a real housewives show.  Frankly, I think Monique has gotten off pretty easy compared to Ashley and Robyn.  Chris is kind of demanding and chauvinistic,  she is stressed, but overall they are portrayed as having a traditional and solid marriage.  He certainly isn't out in these streets falling asleep with strippers and what not.  He seems committed to her and likes her company.  Michael can barely stand Ashley and he truly seemed more enchanted with Juan Dixon.  

I don't think anyone, for a second, believes any rumor about Monique cheating on Chris.  The show has like a million hours of footage, and had they wanted, the editors and producers could have spliced together clips to make Monique look like a floozy, or at best make her look like she was super flirtatious.  I don't remember seeing anything on the show that made Monique look like she was being anything other than cordial with men on the show.  

I was dying at that!  I had my doubts about Dr. Wendy, but am now cautiously optimistic.

I think Dr. Wendy is tired of being an associate professor.  Every professor I know wants to get tenured because I think being an associate professor may not have as many....advantages.    


@drivethroo great post but I have to agree and disagree - the affair is a storyline indirectly but I mean it would be Denise/Brandy, Michael/Anyone but Ashley, Nene/John, Kim/Mr. Big storyline if it was even a 1% chance of it being true. No way would Bravo allow Monique to avoid Charisse and no way Gizelle would not talk about it every chance she got. So I'm on the it didn't happen train and no one can prove it did. And of all the "plots" across this franchise history saying that is not her husband's baby is some low down dirty dog shit and I'm glad that story was trashed. 

And if it's true that Candiace gave Gigi Charisse's number to start a rumor then I'm back on Team Monique. 

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, RealReality said:

I want to hear from the woman because I still think this may all be a ruse cooked up by the Darby's in an effort to undermine the allegations from last year....which, by some, could be interpreted as Michael being gay and Ashley being a willing or unwilling beard.  You can shout from the mountaintops that you aren't gay all day long, but I don't think many people found Robyn, Candace, the cameraman and the stories about other producers getting butt grabbed unbelievable.  And a lot of people, IMO, would think that offering fellatio and grabbing mens butts would be evidence that a man was gay.  

Question, don't you mean that Michael is bisexual?  I'm asking because if it were a woman who slept with both men and women, most would say, she's bisexual.  Why is it different with men?  

And I wonder where this mysterious woman is.   You would think she would be all over social media.

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, Boofish said:

No way would Bravo allow Monique to avoid Charisse and no way Gizelle would not talk about it every chance she got.

The only way Charrisse has a reason to be on the show would be through Robyn, Ashley or Candiace.  Neither Karen nor Gizelle would be trying to have major storyline with Charrisse; Robyn would take Gizelle's lead as far as the show (b/c Charrisse & Robyn are friends in real life). Wendy wouldn't know Charrisse, so that leaves Ashley and Candiace which is why BRAVO had Charrisse show up at both Ashley and Candiace's events.

The reason we know about the trainer rumor on the show is because of Gizelle telling us through the confessionals.  If BRAVO didn't want us to know about the rumors, then they wouldn't repeatedly show Gizelle saying "Word on the street is Monique got too close to her trainer and Big Boy found out".

Gizelle was even trying to bring up Charrisse/trainer rumor at Ashley's sip and see ("the elephant in the room").  That's why Monique all of a sudden had to get up to go to a podcast taping.

I think the show has been trying to bring up the trainer rumors via Gizelle's TH & trying to film Charrisse with the group.  Monique refuses to film with/engage with Charrisse on camera b/c Charrisse might pull out Gigi's receipts on camera and that's why Monique needs to get rid of Candiace so the receipts can't come out via Candiace.

18 minutes ago, Boofish said:

And if it's true that Candiace gave Gigi Charisse's number to start a rumor then I'm back on Team Monique. 

Candiace giving Gigi the number is irrelevant because Candiace didn't spread the rumor.  Charrisse spread the rumor.  But Monique has more fire for Candiace who passed along a phone number than for the person who spread the rumor. That's because the rumor is most likely true and Monique knows Gigi and Charrisse have receipts and aren't afraid to use them.  Monique is projecting her conspiring ways onto Candiace (because Monique conspired with Charrisse to get back at Gizelle).  If she gets rid of Candiace by getting her iced out of the group (meaning nobody films with Candiace and then Candiace gets no airtime and then gets put off the show), she gets rid of Charrisse.

Remember, Katie filmed a full Season 2 with the cast but because she didn't want to delve into her personal life/custody issues she was cut from all scenes/episodes of Season 2 except one episode and that's only because there was a cast party where Katie was the host of.  Maybe Monique felt the producers would cut Candiace out likey they cut Katie out if she could get Candiace iced out of the group.

Monique is angry because her campaign to get rid of Candiace is not working. She's literally fighting for her marriage.

I don't think Monique slept with the trainer at all.  I do think she was very inappropriate with the trainer and I think Chris knows it too which is why he's been a passive aggressive ass with her this season.

32 minutes ago, qtpye said:

This is where her control freak tendencies probably screwed her up. If she had just laughed off everything, then the others would just look like sad and desperate women in shitty relationships that just want to bring down her shine.

If some woman was running around telling people I was cheating on my husband, and I know and have receipts that I have never cheated on my husband OR been inappropriate with any other person, and she and I happen to be at a function together, I'm not going to run away.  I may not confront her but if she decided to come for me, I'd be shutting her down and letting her know she needs to keep my name out her mouth, not running away like Monique did.

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I wanna say that when Ashley came into the winery with her bullshit excuse for Michael cheating and "Oooh, I might be pregnant" ( I know she is in real life) that the ladies respected her and her marriage in way that she has never respected anyone else or their relationship on the show.

Of course, she was right back at it when she asked if Candiass and Monique were good.

  • Love 5
On 9/21/2020 at 7:28 PM, RealReality said:

So let me see if I got this right, Michael, who was blackout drunk, managed to strip down to his boxer briefs and get under some blankets with a random stripper in a hotel room?  Interesting.  Anyways, I'm still kinda thinking this was a set up by the Darby's to try to quell rumors about Michael being gay.  I don't stay at the fanciest hotels, but nearly every hotel has an alarm clock of some variety of the nightstand next to the bed, so why would you go to the dresser with the TV on it to check the time?  So, to me, its just as understandable that Michael set that up.  

Further adding to that is Michael making sure to mention that everything last year was "lies and bullshit" when having a "candid" conversation with the producer about how much he wants to stop filming because he was just being "so honest" and told Ashley something that could "change their marriage forever" while Ashley looks on cool as a cucumber.  

If Monique was such a professional businesswoman who wanted Candiace at her podcast, she wouldn't have been so rude to her at the lakehouse.  Candiace had every right to cancel on Monique.  Monique should have done a better job to protect her 200000 investment, especially when all it took was her being a decent human being and not pretending to be asleep when Candiace was leaving.  Thats all it would have taken.  Candiace already wasn't sure she wanted to come at the lakehouse and Monique went out of her way to be shitty to her.  But Candiace is supposed to come and be a featured guest on your podcast?  Why?

Candiace may have been extra, but I didn't see anything that justified Monique getting physical with her.  

And just LOL at 30/200 tickets being sold.  Why would you shoot for such a large venue your first time out?  Do something smaller and more intimate.  If anything the tickets will be a hot item due to the limited number.  

Also, no T'Challa?

it is my opinion and mine alone that he was doing drugs up on that countertop and the person who took the pic, "chicken out" on calling him out on it.  

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12 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I also snort laughed at her raising her hand to ask Ashley a question about Michael’s 100% true totally not false story, with the “oh pick me!”  

Sooooooo Dr Wendy has joined us in Bravoland because she’s tired of being a professor?

yeah, I have to say, Dr. Windy grew on me this week! When she's not being "FOUR DEGREES," and is being her down-to-earth self, she is quite entertaining! I love how she kept moving Candiace's wine glass without her even realizing, and the pick me, pick me was just funny! 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, drivethroo said:

The reason we know about the trainer rumor on the show is because of Gizelle telling us through the confessionals.  If BRAVO didn't want us to know about the rumors, then they wouldn't repeatedly show Gizelle saying "Word on the street is Monique got too close to her trainer and Big Boy found out".


I know it's rude for Gizelle to refer to him this way and I know he did a whole Instagram Live with Monique in his feelings about her calling him that but this confessional makes me laugh every single time. She said it at Candiace's party too ("WHEREEEE is Big Boy?" 😂)  I just think "Big Boy" is hilarious and accurate.  But I just can't like Monique and Chris, even though it seems the general audience is Team Monique no matter what actually happened with this fight. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I tend to like the unpopular, so another day in the life for LegalBeagle, I suppose. 😊

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, ErikaOnline said:

I think Monique might be intimidated by Charrisse. Her and Candiace seem like the same size haha. Maybe Mo thinks she could take Candiace on physically if it might get violent lol. But I'm not at all saying they are the fighting type haha.

I think Monique realizes that the other women are socially stronger and better connected than Candace.  Last season Monique stepped to "Money Mayweather" Robyn and I betcha Robyn could really drag a biatch because Robyn was not even a little scared when Monique came at her with that umbrella. 

10 hours ago, drivethroo said:


It is this season's storyline, indirectly.

Monique does and that's why she's running away from Charrisse because she doesn't want to give Charrisse any film time to bring up the affair.

My theory on Monique/Candiace is it's all about Monique trying to control the trainer rumor situation by eliminating Candiace & Charrisse:

Off camera:

 Candiace & Charrisse had begun a friendship; Candiace had invited Charrisse to her wedding & invited her to the anniversary party.

Monique was inappropriate with the trainer. Gigi got word out to Chris.  Monique cut Gigi off.  Gigi got mad about being cut off & gets Charrisse's number from Candiace

Charrisse is mad at Monique for 1) having used her for her social connects then running afoul of Charrisse; 2) ruining her chance to get back on the show full time after the Sherman/Kyndall debacle

Charrisse shows up at Ashley's baby shower; Monique is in attendance.  The baby shower is not filmed.

 Candiace assumes Monique is cool with Charrisse since they are smiling etc in the social media posts of Ashley's baby shower.

Gizelle, Robyn, Candiace & somebody else sit down to talk about the Monique/trainer rumor. Somebody suggests suggesting the last baby wasn't Chris but Candiace was like no (plus the baby looks like Chris)

Gizelle & Candiace have a Twitter beef going

On Camera:

Monique feels blindsided by Candiace inviting Charrisse to her party because BRAVO was filming it.  She feels Candiace & Charrisse were conspiring to bring up the rumor on TV which is why Monique didn't interact with Charrisse at the party

Monique decides the enemy of her enemy is her friend, so she joins in with the GEB to gang up on Candiace at the table.  If Candiace flies off the handle like in the previous season, nobody will want to film with her so the rumor can't come out

At Ashley's sip & see, Charrisse shows up (and is mic'd up). Monique is triggered & tries to gang up on Candiace again with the group.  Candiace doesn't take the bait & leaves.  When Charrisse opens her mouth about Monique, Monique leaves so Charrisse has no opportunity to confront her about the trainer

When Candiace (invited to the podcast before any of the drama) drops out of the podcast, Monique just uses this as another thing to be mad at Candiace about.

At the lake house, Monique got triggered when she saw Candiace, Gizelle and Ashley whispering together and assuming Candiace was telling Ashley & Gizelle about the trainer rumors. She didn't want Candiace to have an opportunity to bring up the trainer rumors around Chris so she turned up on Candiace in front of the group to get her out of there.  Candiace did not take the bait and the rest of the cast was like huh?

At Gizelle's book award party, Monique is seething because nothing she does is working to get rid of Candiace.  When they begin sniping at each other, Candiace picks up the knife and Monique saw her opportunity to provoke Candiace once and for all, which is why she started flipping Candiace's hair.  Monique wanted that fight & she wanted everyone to see Candiace as the aggressor.

If Candiace is seen as violent and aggressive, no one will want to film with her and then she's off the show (and her pal Wendy too...nothing personal, just eliminating a possible replacement)

If Candiace is off the show, there's no reason for Charrisse to be invited to film with the cast either, since Gizelle and Karen don't have anything to do with Charrisse & Robyn would follow Gizelle's lead.

All of this is because Monique is trying to control the situation with the trainer rumor. She has to eliminate the threats (Gigi, Charrisse, Candiace) to her marriage and control public opinion on Candiace, which is why Monique launched a social media campaign to brand Candiace to be at fault.  If viewers think Candiace is at fault, is violent etc they will want her off the show.  If Candiace is off the show, the threat has been eliminated.

The only thing Candiace is guilty of is giving Gigi Charrisse's number & being at the plot dinner.  However, if Monique knows (off camera) Gizelle, Robyn & unnamed cast member were also at this plot dinner, how come all of Monique's social media gunfire is towards Candiace?

From what we have been shown thus far, Monique is at fault. Unfortunately for Monique, the grave you dig for others is the grave you dig for yourself.

1. Who is Gigi, I've seen this person mentioned on Reddit.  Was she a friend Monique met through Charisse, or was this solely Monique's friend?

2. LOL @ Monique thinking that the story was never going to get out.  Girl, you thought your dirty laundry was never going to be aired on a reality show?  THIS reality show?

3. If Monique wanted to control the narrative, she should have confronted Charisse at the party.  If she had squashed it then and there it would have been as dead as an issue can be on a reality show and Charisse wouldn't get any extra time.  

4.  And I totally agree, but I think its more about Monique being a bully and thats why she was picking on Candace.  She had spoken to the other women about freezing Candace out, so she saw Candace as the injured gazelle in the corner and easy prey.  Getting rid of Candace does nothing to fully get rid of the rumor, because Gizelle is happy to talk about it and probably happy to invite Charisse around to keep her hands clean.  Monique just wanted to find someone to gang up on and Candace seemed like a good target.  She didn't realize that Candace was going to reverse uno her. 

4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Question, don't you mean that Michael is bisexual?  I'm asking because if it were a woman who slept with both men and women, most would say, she's bisexual.  Why is it different with men?  

And I wonder where this mysterious woman is.   You would think she would be all over social media.

I truly have no idea about Michael's sexual preferences because it seems very shrouded in secrecy though no one else seems to really care.  I really only care because of the lying. 

BUT, I think that for much of the viewing audience and people of Michaels age, being gay, bisexual or sexually fluid were bad things, and bisexuality and sexual fluidity weren't widely accepted.  And so, there is a....substantial portion of the viewership that sees a guy who wants to perform fellatio and grabbing mens butts as gay without any gray area or variants.  

Michael seemed very invested in proving he is straight and he never said anything about wanting to suck Juan's dick.  Even some of the comments he makes towards Ashley on camera seem more like a calculated move to prove he is sexually attracted to her.  But, I just don't think he is that into her....when I look back on it, I think he spoke almost adoringly about Juan and spoke about Juan in more glowing terms than Ashley.  He was so adamant about not apologizing to her.....it just barely seems like he likes her.  

I don't think Ashley has anything to be ashamed of by telling her truth.  To me, being a beard for a rich man would be the best of all worlds.....you can have your "blue eyes" on the side, you can have an understanding to raise a child or whatnot and if you find someone you really love, you can leave with a boatload of money.


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