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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)

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14 hours ago, Katy M said:

 I wasn't.  I didn't really know what a chignon was. I did know bob wasn't right.

I had no idea that a chignon was a specific type of bun. I ran the hair category, thanks to an assist from a Doctor Who episode with Madame Pompadour. Which is funny because I'm a wash and comb and forget about it kind of person. My father gave my teenage brother a bowl cut the night before school started because he didn't get a hair cut when my father told him to. I did feel bad for my brother, who was generally a hit with the teenage girls at his school because he was cute and liked them back)

The boards were pretty decent for me. But I was stressed going into FJ since I had not answered a single one correctly this week.

Thankfully, I have been fascinated by Iceland's naming conventions. So I got FJ. I would never have thought of Russia, though @Cherpumple's examples made me thankful I didn't remember Russian names or I might have been deflected.

I thought Ken might say something at the end of his (hopefully first and not last) run. So I was surprised he didn't. I think he'd be a perfect replacement. And I actually like his interactions with the contestants better than Alex's.

I thought Dr. Oz was on next week, but I saw something that said it was someone else (I think the sports guy? I'm not familiar with him.)

Edited by Clanstarling
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21 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I thought Dr. Oz was on next week, but I saw something that said it was someone else (I think the sports guy? I'm not familiar with him.)

Next week is scheduled to be Mike Richards, Executive Producer of Jeopardy & Wheel of Fortune (https://www.jeopardy.com/jbuzz/news-events/jeopardy-guest-host-schedule).

I also posted this information on upcoming guest hosts in the "Who is...Today's Guest Host?" thread: 

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I don't recall what day it was on, but there was a Rhyme Time category and the clue said something like "An unoriginal body of water" and I thought for sure the answer was Fake Lake but what they wanted was Banal Canal. I wonder if my guess would've been acceptable or if there was some nuance in the clue that I missed (or possibly just a misreading of the clue) that would've made my answer incorrect. 

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8 minutes ago, SHD said:

I don't recall what day it was on, but there was a Rhyme Time category and the clue said something like "An unoriginal body of water" and I thought for sure the answer was Fake Lake but what they wanted was Banal Canal. I wonder if my guess would've been acceptable or if there was some nuance in the clue that I missed (or possibly just a misreading of the clue) that would've made my answer incorrect. 

Here's the clue:


An unoriginal artificial waterway

I don't know if you would call a lake a waterway, but I think they would at least pause at your answer and consult the judges.  It might make it.

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11 minutes ago, SHD said:

I don't recall what day it was on, but there was a Rhyme Time category and the clue said something like "An unoriginal body of water" and I thought for sure the answer was Fake Lake but what they wanted was Banal Canal. I wonder if my guess would've been acceptable or if there was some nuance in the clue that I missed (or possibly just a misreading of the clue) that would've made my answer incorrect. 

It was "an unoriginal artificial waterway"...

Oops, Trey and I posted at the same time...

1 minute ago, Trey said:

Here's the clue:

I don't know if you would call a lake a waterway, but I think they would at least pause at your answer and consult the judges.  It might make it.

I was thinking the same; Merriam-Webster says 1 : a way or channel for water. 2 : a navigable body of water. I think a lake could qualify for #2. I guess the question then would be if "unoriginal" and "fake" are considered synonyms. Thesaurus.com doesn't give "fake" specifically but it does give "counterfeit"...so they might take it.

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17 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Again, I must ask, were we all yelling: "Bun! Bun! Bun!"?

I was.  It was the only ts I got.

I have never heard about the surnames of Iceland requiring -son or -dottir, now also -bur. I guessed Israel.

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I knew Iceland immediately.  I remember reading about their naming conventions in, appropriately enough, parochial school.  I found it so interesting that I can just about picture where I was seated while reading.  I think it was a children's encyclopedia.  Who knew that would come in handy years later!

I replayed the clue a few times and remain convinced that the news anchor said "Taletale Heart."  I don't think it was an accent, but maybe whoever decided not to do a retake did.  For me, it was unmistakably Poe without any title.

Farewell to Ken!  I wonder, if he doesn't get the job, whether we will see him again on this show.  I wasn't jazzed when he was announced, but he exceeded all my expectations.  I'm not looking forward to the carousel of guests.

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38 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

Farewell to Ken!  I wonder, if he doesn't get the job, whether we will see him again on this show.  I wasn't jazzed when he was announced, but he exceeded all my expectations.  I'm not looking forward to the carousel of guests.

I am surprised that Ken didn't say anything about it's being the end of his run.

I am not looking forward to the guest hosts either but as long as they keep the game moving and don't make it all about themselves I guess I'll be able to stand it.

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23 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I wonder if they would have accepted Catholic schools for parochial schools?  Because I said Catholic schools.

I believe Agostini applied to any religious school, although in practice most of the schools at issue were probably parochial.  In question was the practice in New York City of sending teachers paid by public funds to provide remedial education to private school students.  At first, these teachers were allowed to teach in the private schools' own buildings, with a requirement that religious paraphernalia be removed while they were there and subject to random inspections by state supervisors.  Then it was adjudicated that this arrangement still allowed for too much entanglement between church and state, so the Board leased teaching space and school buses to provide that instruction in neutral locations.  As the cost of this arrangements ballooned, they sought a determination that their teachers could return to the private buildings, which they received in a 5-4 decision written by Justice O'Connor with dissents by Justices Ginsburg and Souter.  Anyway, if "parochial" was accepted, and I think that's fair enough, no reason "Catholic" shouldn't have been.

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23 hours ago, Bastet said:

.  I just wish Alan had wagered enough in FJ to win.

He couldn't have. The middle player had a lot more money and get enough in FJ to beat him by $1 if Alan had bet it all.

8 hours ago, ams1001 said:

It was "an unoriginal artificial waterway"...

Oops, Trey and I posted at the same time...

I was thinking the same; Merriam-Webster says 1 : a way or channel for water. 2 : a navigable body of water. I think a lake could qualify for #2. I guess the question then would be if "unoriginal" and "fake" are considered synonyms. Thesaurus.com doesn't give "fake" specifically but it does give "counterfeit"...so they might take it.

Lakes aren't generally artificial though, which I think they meant to modify the noun waterway, as in "artificial waterway" being one idea and "unoriginal" being the other.

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2 minutes ago, Ailianna said:

Lakes aren't generally artificial though, which I think they meant to modify the noun waterway, as in "artificial waterway" being one idea and "unoriginal" being the other.

There are man-made lakes...

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21 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

 thought Ken might say something at the end of his (hopefully first and not last) run. So I was surprised he didn't. I think he'd be a perfect replacement. And I actually like his interactions with the contestants better than Alex's.


I was trying to figure out if this was his last week. I was hoping it wasn't :(. It was weird that he didn't say anything so I had my hopes up he'll be there next week. Ken is doing a good job and I"m not looking forward to the random celebrities (especially not Dr. Oz). 

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It is definitely odd that there was no valedictory comment from Ken or a remark about who to expect on Monday.  I suppose perhaps Ken didn't know it would be his last show when it was taped and/or that the next host was not known, but that would have been an easy voiceover to add to the credits.  I think perhaps they don't want to empower casual viewers who might watch or might not to make decisions about whether to watch with this or that guest before they're already there on the couch at 7:31 ready for a new episode.  Perhaps they fear people hearing "tune in next week for so-and-so!" and deciding, for whatever reason, they're not excited about that, so maybe they'll skip it.  They would rather wait to let those who aren't actively following the press releases know until they're invested, even in the most minor sense.  It's a little annoying, but perhaps a smart move overall.

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4 hours ago, Ailianna said:

I still think they would not accept "fake lake" because then the "unoriginal" part of the clue isn't fulfilled.

Well, I dunno.  "Is that an original Rembrandt, or is it a fake?"  Based on things they've accepted over the years, it might have a chance.

Edited by SoMuchTV
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My original answer was "fake lake" because in reading the clue I had skipped over "unoriginal" in the clue and was just thinking of an artificial body of water -- fake lake.  But when I registered Ken saying (I read a lot faster than people speak) "unoriginal artificial waterway", I realized artificial referred to the waterway - meaning, the second word - and unoriginal, not artificial, was the synonym for the first word.  And then I got banal canal just as the contestant said it.

I don't think fake lake would have, or should have, been accepted.

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21 hours ago, Ailianna said:

I still think they would not accept "fake lake" because then the "unoriginal" part of the clue isn't fulfilled.

I think a case can be made for "unoriginal" and "fake" being at least in the same ballpark in terms of meaning. They've accepted answers far less connected, but on the other hand, they've rejected answers that seemed pretty close. So I have no idea what they would have done. If it was played in my house, I'd accept it.

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14 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I think a case can be made for "unoriginal" and "fake" being at least in the same ballpark in terms of meaning. They've accepted answers far less connected, but on the other hand, they've rejected answers that seemed pretty close. So I have no idea what they would have done. If it was played in my house, I'd accept it.

A lake is a body of water for sure, but is it a waterway?

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Here is the little interview the show's YouTube channel posted to introduce us to Mike Richards' run as guest host.  Nothing much revelatory, but I thought these were nice remarks.  Mike suggests that they wanted Ken for these two more weeks but found him unavailable because he needed to promote "The Chase," and these tape dates right after the first of the year were difficult to fill, so he stepped in.  What is our general consensus, that Mike probably does not want the job full time?  I'm not sure what I think about that.  It does seem to me that the EP gig would be hard to leave behind.  In that role he can also have his finger in other pies, as he does now.  Anyway, wishing him retroactive luck tonight.

Edited by 853fisher
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2 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Here is the little interview the show's YouTube channel posted to introduce us to Mike Richards' run as guest host.  Nothing much revelatory, but I thought these were nice remarks.  Mike suggests that they wanted Ken for these two more weeks but found him unavailable because he needed to promote "The Chase," and these tape dates right after the first of the year were difficult to fill, so he stepped in.  What is our general consensus, that Mike probably does not want the job full time?  I'm not sure what I think about that.

I don't know if he wants the job but I really like him so far (they just finished the first round here). He seems a lot more confident than Ken was, even after six weeks (probably at least in part because he's on set all the time, and I think I read that he sometimes plays host for practice rounds or something like that?).

5 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

And Lake Superior making an appearance today!!

Everybody sing!

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13 minutes ago, Twilight Man said:

Mike has a bit of hosting pedigree.   He was the host in the later seasons of the competitive reality show "Beauty and the Geek" (remember that gem, folks??). He also hosted a season of GSN's "Pyramid".

I thought he did well on "Pyramid," which I wish had gotten more than a season, even though I preferred the gameplay the way it was before they fiddled with it.  He also was fine on two seasons of "Divided," a deeply unpleasant British import in which the loudest rather than the smartest person in the room is the most important, a few years ago.

And tonight he was great for me.  It's no surprise he was comfortable with the game but it still could have gone wrong.  He certainly has more of a traditional broadcaster's voice than Ken, although I wouldn't like that to be a deciding factor.  I thought the explanation of why he was there went on a bit longer than it needed to, but they cleared both boards, so fine.  There seemed to be a bit of hesitation between correct responses and acknowledgment, which he could perhaps tighten up.  Otherwise, I don't think I'd change a thing.

I loved the Bert Kaempfert mention!  The "celebrity chefs won't eat this" category was also creative and interesting, I thought.  "2-word" almost threw me off the scent for "grassroots," which I think is more often seen as 1 word in the US, but I had seen it as 2 words also and didn't see what else it could be.  My closed captioning also though it was 2 words.

An auspicious start to the fortnight, I think.

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Instaget FJ for me tonight.  I also got Po, jade, and owl.   I surprised myself with Po -- if the clue is an Italian river, I always say Po, and I'm usually wrong.  

The champ reminds me a bit of Billy Gardell.

Mike Richards did a good job.  I liked his intro, and I liked his reiterating Alex's speech about being kind to one another.  I did notice that he did not thank Alex, as Ken did after every game.  

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4 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Mike Richards did a good job.  I liked his intro, and I liked his reiterating Alex's speech about being kind to one another.  I did notice that he did not thank Alex, as Ken did after every game.  

Interesting as I am pretty sure I read it was MR's idea for Ken to thank Alex as a 'sign-off'.

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43 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I was surprised no one got, Strangers in the Night.

I did. Back in the 1960s for a year or so "Strangers in the Night" sung by Sinatra would be on the radio most mornings before high school. I could hear my mom singing after they played a few bars.


43 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I got the ts of jade, Chicago Med (which I've never seen)

I got Jade and wondered how they couldn't and then wondered if the color wasn't as clear or large or close on their screen as it is on the ginormous TV my son-in-law gave me.

I got Chicago Med (which I've never seen either) because what else could it be with the category of "PAGING DR. TV!" and "Windy City" in the clue?
But then I lived Windy City-adjacent for nearly 10 years and then again later for almost 20 years. 


MR was better than KJ in some ways that I think KJ could catch up to, and MR seems to have a lisp, or was that just on this TV?

Edited by shapeshifter
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5 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I got Chicago Med (which I've never seen either) because what else could it be with the category of "PAGING DR. TV!" and "Windy City" in the clue?

The only other one I might think of would be ER but the clue was in the present tense so it had to be a current show. (I also don't watch Chicago Med, though I have seen a few episodes here and there and vaguely remember Oliver Platt being in it).

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28 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I got Chicago Med (which I've never seen either) because what else could it be with the category of "PAGING DR. TV!" and "Windy City" in the clue?

ER?  Chicago Hope?

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3 minutes ago, Katy M said:
32 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I got Chicago Med (which I've never seen either) because what else could it be with the category of "PAGING DR. TV!" and "Windy City" in the clue?

ER?  Chicago Hope?

Actually, I don't watch medical shows, so I guess I needed "Med" in the title. 😉


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No med shows for me either.  They've just never held my interest.  My father went through a phase (how the tables have turned!) watching Discovery Health, which included some pretty graphic shows that I found disgusting.  I don't get upset at the sight of blood etc and found it pretty interesting to watch my own endoscopy a few years ago, but I am usually watching TV to unwind and these shows just stress me out.  Nevertheless I'd seen plenty of ads and ended up with "Chicago Medical."  I never did like abbreviations, but in this case, I'd be wrong.

I saw the jade artifact fleetingly as I moused over the video of this episode before watching, and honest to God I thought it was Frankenstein.  I never did have much of a sense for fine arts.

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I didn't know until reading here that Mike Richards had hosting experience; I had been a bit "hm, how's this going to work?" about an executive producer filling their two-week hosting gap.  Now I know I need not have been concerned about a producer stepping in to keep the show going -- his hosting experience means he has the voice and presence that smooths over the presence of an unfamiliar person; I was never once distracted by him.

I was a little surprised no one even guessed the Po for an Italian river or jade for a green gem. 

Including a picture of Condoleezza Rice was ridiculous in a DJ clue; 2005 + woman + Secretary of State = adequate hints for the average contestant to get it.

Who whistled when David bet $10k on a DD?  I think it was Sam.  I liked that.

I had a great first round, getting everything but X-Men.  In DJ, I wasn't quite as on fire, but still only missed four (owl, The Good Doctor, House, and Miss Jean Brodie [I only had Miss Brodie]).  I thought I was going to flame out on FJ, but it came to me just in time.  So, it wound up being one of my best games.

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   I had a really good night. About time too, as I was starting to wonder if old age caught up with my brain. Let’s just say I began watching with Art Fleming. So I was pleased to get grassroots, Po, Jade, Chicago Med, Strangers in the Night (That felt like Name That Tune), and FJ for the first time in a long time. I can’t recall if The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie was a TS, but I got that clue too. 
   I like the job that MR did hosting. He just seemed natural. My daughter texted me before I saw the show to say that she really liked the new guest host. Jeopardy is a tradition and even my grandkids watch. I’m just hoping that one of the other guest hosts doesn’t ruin it for them and they stop watching as a family. 

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12 hours ago, Browncoat said:

 I also got Po, jade, and owl.   I surprised myself with Po -- if the clue is an Italian river, I always say Po, and I'm usually wrong. 

Same for me.

12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I did. Back in the 1960s for a year or so "Strangers in the Night" sung by Sinatra would be on the radio most mornings before high school. I could hear my mom singing after they played a few bars.

I got it too, I'm plenty old enough to have grown up with it. However, the father/daughter duet Frank and Nancy did with it always creeped me out. Choose another dang song, people!

11 hours ago, Katy M said:

I don't either.  I'm very squeamish.  

I'm not squeamish at all, but I finally stopped because I am a bit of a hypochondriac.

I overthought FJ, thinking "lullaby" was ironic/sarcastic, so I went with a different military song. Sigh...

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14 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I like the new host, much more relaxed than Jennings.

I got a few correct tonight.  I was surprised no one got, Strangers in the Night.

I liked him as well.  I thought he moved the game along nicely.  
As for ‘Strangers in the Night’, my family always sung it as ‘Children of the Corn’ for some reason I no longer remember so I yelled that out.  😂. I also think that the music was playing too soft for them to really hear it over the clue.

PS: I rarely post on this thread but it is something I read every morning.  You guys are very informative and entertaining!

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