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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)

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4 minutes ago, ams1001 said:


I was hoping for a clue about Alexander Borodin, who was a composer and a chemist, although not a painter as far as I know.

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1 minute ago, Driad said:

I was hoping for a clue about Alexander Borodin, who was a composer and a chemist, although not a painter as far as I know.

Then I would not have run the category. ;)

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21 hours ago, dcalley said:

https://bethematch.org/ for donors for bone marrow transplants. Robin Roberts got a transplant in 2012. Her sister was her donor, but most people don't get a match from family. That's where Be The Match comes in. They also provide support to patients and are involved in research and advocacy.

Total aside but I signed up to be on the stem cell registry earlier this year! Found out they will take my stem cells despite my inherited blood disorder (I had assumed it would be a no-go since I can't donate blood, but the lady on the phone said I was good to go!)

Also found out they only take people under the age of 35, at least in my area. I would encourage everyone to take a look at getting on the registry in your areas. You aren't committing to anything by signing up, and can say 'no' if you come up as a match, but you could potentially save someone's life!

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I wasn't home tonight, so I just read the archive.

The auger TS surprised me, because I got that even without being able to see the picture.  The Hollow Men TS also surprised me a bit.

I did not have a good first round.  The only category I ran was homonyms.  The only one I got in the Yogi Bear category was the one they all missed, Brad Parrot.  I also missed three in 1876, two in internet businesses, and one each in the others.

I did slightly better in DJ.  I only ran oceans, and missed ten among the other categories.

I got FJ, at least.

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I missed Monday’s game, but went on the archives and came up with FJ. Yesterday was my first viewing of Robin Roberts. Something about her hosting was off to me, but I’m not sure what. I had company over (to play Spite and Malice) who does not understand the rules about chatting during the show. I therefore missed some questions, but did get Jack London and Death Be Not Proud. I didn’t get FJ. 

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Webster and no BMS?!!!   Daniel, Noah, or Kit?

I got the TS of Shelley, "Death Be Not Proud" (seriously, I can't say anything other than that when I hear "John Donne"), auger, and Brad Parrot. 

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15 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

(Robin: "The way Yogi Berra became Yogi Bear; these should be new cartoon characters".)

I could never come up with those in the allotted time (or, likely, without Google) but I thought they were fun. The NY Times crossword puzzle often has plays on words like that. And I would like to see Timothy Elephant. 

And I laughed when, after Robin explained it and the champ went to pick the first clue of the game, he said "Not that one" referring to that category.  LOL

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1 hour ago, illdoc said:

Webster and no BMS?!!!   Daniel, Noah, or Kit?

Agreed.  I was wondering which one of the three it was😀

16 hours ago, PaulaO said:

Josh needs to talk slower.  I can barely understand him.  


I got the ts's of Majorca/Minorca, auger, and corridor.

Re FJ, I knew right away what city they wanted but it took a bit to pull the actual name out.

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So far this week my responses to FJ were Hawaii and some island in Alaska and the place where Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill met. I guess to get credit I would have to meet the technicality of actually knowing the names of the places.

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They should have practiced K.I.S.S. while explaining the Yogi Bear category.  An example would have been more easily intelligible than whatever Robin said.  It was sort of a cute idea.  I read that Berra sued Hanna-Barbera, who claimed that the name similarity was a coincidence.  I don't think so, but he did end up withdrawing the suit.

I'm sure Josh is a perfectly fine guy, but he's getting on my nerves a little.  His pantomime fit when he bet low on the last Daily Double, evidently annoyed that he hadn't put more down, was a bit much.  Then again, as I've said before, I know it's a high pressure environment and they all have better things to do than modulate emotional responses.

I thought Robin did well again.  I wondered whether she had a bet with someone to give as many distinct responses as possible.  "That's true" stood out, but it seemed like she must have responded to the players' answers in at least 15 or 20 different ways.  Nothing wrong with keeping things fresh!

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As soon as I saw the FJ category was African Monarchs, I said "Haile Selassie".

Robin was really excited that the winner got over $40,000.  Alex used to love big paydays, too.


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I hate it when the host acts surprised that a player got a question right. I knew picayune, too. It wasn't that hard.

I also knew the TS of Andrew Lloyd Webber...and apparently nothing else. Didn't get FJ, either. Probably a good thing I didn't actually keep score.

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I had brain problems tonight.  I could NOT think of anything.  

I got FJ.

I got the missed clues of knuckles and Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Then I just had a bunch of crazies. I said GMAT for MCAT.  I said Hattie something, I forgot what, but it wasn't McDaniel.  And i tried answering Anatolia twice in the European peninsula, which isn't even in Europe.

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54 minutes ago, Roaster said:

As soon as I saw the FJ category was African Monarchs, I said "Haile Selassie".

Me, too.

I don't mind the new champ except for his penchant to use "What" for all his responses, even for people, i.e., "What is Bryan?"

Shallow fashion note: I've never liked sweater dresses. This just confirmed my bias.

I'm happy the charity is getting so much money!

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34 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I hate it when the host acts surprised that a player got a question right. I knew picayune, too. It wasn't that hard.


Yeah, I thought that was weird, too.  That's something I actually knew tonight and thought it was ridiuculously easy for a $2000 clue.  And on the same note, the only clue I missed in Exodus was the 200 clue, which was also the only TS in the category. Very bizarre.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

 the only clue I missed in Exodus was the 200 clue, which was also the only TS in the category. Very bizarre.

Even more unusual: of the six 200 clues, three were Triple Stumpers (I just looked it up on Jeopardy Archive).  Only one other TS in the first round.

And in DJ, the Andrew Lloyd Webber TS was in the 400 clue row.  (Even I got that one, and that is not a good category for me.)  These contestants were better at the harder questions, it seems.

Edited by Roaster
meant DJ, not FJ
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Good for the new champ! I wonder if he felt really confident in the FJ category or just felt he needed to go big in case the old champ did too? Anyway, a point of order from this son of Montgomery County: the longest escalator in the Western Hemisphere is at Wheaton MD, not Washington DC itself. Learning all about Metro no doubt fueled my interest in transit today, so I sucked my teeth a little there. (Forest Glen is even deeper than Wheaton, so deep that planners left escalators out of it altogether and installed a large elevator bank plus emergency stairs I certainly wouldn’t like to have to walk up.)

Having now gotten that out of the way, I really liked today’s episode. Robin’s energy really works for me. I think she is a natural. I couldn’t help but feel, though, that she could have given one or two fewer asides and we would have cleared that second board. If she were able to appear for longer, I’m sure she would find a balance. I didn’t really know what the fuss was about on “picayune” either, except that it was in a high box, implying difficulty (although I didn’t think it was very hard either), and perhaps because it has Southern roots? She was so excited about Mississippi yesterday, after all.

File this last bit under “strange reasons to know something.” Perhaps I would have known Haile Selassie anyway, especially since having several Ethiopian and Eritrean friends in high school made me very interested in that region’s history.  But the reason his name is seared in my mind is that the photo of a brother whose first two names are Haile Selassie appeared in a composite hanging on the wall of my fraternity house, right at eye level next to a door I used often. So I saw that name just about daily for years, reinforcing what I knew about the historical figure. I may never get a question about him wrong in any trivia setting!

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Oh goody, another Bible category.

You don't put rocks in a drink to make it on ice, you put ice in a drink to make it on the rocks.

As soon as Matt talked about a really long escalator in a subway system, I said, "Must be D.C."

I chalked Robin's picayune excitement up to her thinking of it as a southern phrase and being excited a guy from Connecticut knew it.  (I think it's more well known than she perceives it - thanks partly to the Times-Picayune - but given her background I understand her thinking it regional, and it was valued at $2000, so clearly the writers think it's somewhat difficult.  At any rate, I didn't perceive anything disrespectful about her reaction.)

The knuckles and Andrew Lloyd Webber TS surprised me.

I didn't know any of the "Out" songs (although I recognized two of them after the fact), and only correctly guessed the one they all missed - "call out".  On top of those four misses, I also missed three in Exodus, two in 15 minutes, and one in guarantee in the first round.  I ran the other two categories, but, yikes, not off to a good start.

In DJ, I only ran math (I should have run EGOT, too, but I couldn't remember the Frozen song in time), but at least I only missed seven across the other categories. 

I got FJ thanks to Bob Marley and Marcus Garvey.  I didn't remember the specific tidbit about his supposed lineage, but between the year and an African emperor who'd have enough devotees to be a FJ clue, I knew it was Haile Selassie.

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Ah yes, that celebrated composer of Cats, Stephen Sondheim. 😂

I surprised myself by getting FJ correct. I thought I’d have no idea but Selassie was the only African leader I could think of!

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1 hour ago, 853fisher said:

Anyway, a point of order from this son of Montgomery County: the longest escalator in the Western Hemisphere is at Wheaton MD, not Washington DC itself. Learning all about Metro no doubt fueled my interest in transit today, so I sucked my teeth a little there. (Forest Glen is even deeper than Wheaton, so deep that planners left escalators out of it altogether and installed a large elevator bank plus emergency stairs I certainly wouldn’t like to have to walk up.)

I cannot imagine. I grew up in Manhattan and the escalators at some of those stations freaked me out a bit, and I'm not escalator-phobic (profile pic to the contrary). 53rd and Third, I'm talking about you!

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I chalked Robin's picayune excitement up to her thinking of it as a southern phrase and being excited a guy from Connecticut knew it.  (I think it's more well known than she perceives it - thanks partly to the Times-Picayune - but given her background I understand her thinking it regional, and it was valued at $2000, so clearly the writers think it's somewhat difficult.  At any rate, I didn't perceive anything disrespectful about her reaction.)

I agree. When Robin was growing up here in coastal Mississippi, we could get home delivery of the New Orleans Times-Picayune. It was our region's morning daily. She also played high school basketball against a small town about 40 miles up the road named, yep, Picayune. I was surprised (and nearly grown) when I learned that the origin of the word was not southern, but French.

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I had to record it, and by the time I watched it, I kept falling asleep.  
Nevertheless, like others, Haile Selassie was an instaget for FJ, as was the TS of knuckles. 
The reception was lousy and kept cutting out at crucial times —like the category readings— still, the Beatles “We Can Work It Out” for $1000 was an instaget.


ITA about:

5 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

On a shallow note, I thought Robin looked fabulous in that striped sweater dress, but only someone that tall & thin, could pull off that look...


And thank you for verifying this:

4 hours ago, Bastet said:

You don't put rocks in a drink to make it on ice, you put ice in a drink to make it on the rocks

I don’t drink, so was doubting myself, even though “on the rocks” is in nearly every bar scene on film.


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I can’t recall if I got any TSs, but like so many of you FJ was  an instaget. 

8 hours ago, 853fisher said:

l. I couldn’t help but feel, though, that she could have given one or two fewer asides and we would have cleared that second board.

That annoyed me too. 

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4 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I had to record it, and by the time I watched it, I kept falling asleep.  
Nevertheless, like others, Haile Selassie was an instaget for FJ, as was the TS of knuckles. 
— still, the Beatles “We Can Work It Out” for $1000 was an instaget.


Same here! "We Can Work It Out" was the only song in that category I knew. I was sure Billy Joel's "Movin' Out" would be there.

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An okay game for me.

I got the ts's of life and Andrew Lloyd Webber, a very surprising ts.

Instaget FJ.  Haille Selassie was my first thought, but Idi Amin (the last king of Scotland, according to him) and Shaka Zulu also came to mind. I believe Selassie was the only Emperor among them.

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2 hours ago, One Imaginary Girl said:

I say there's no way that the "robin" answer in the Birding category was a coincidence.  

Just like George Stephanopoulos being the guest host for the Friends clue, LOL.
And there was a sports-team related clue that elicited laughter during Aaron Rodger's tenure too.
I'm glad the writers are having a little fun. 


3 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

Same here! "We Can Work It Out" was the only song in that category I knew.

I woke up just in time to read a few words of the clue and sing the correct response, even without knowing the category, LOL.
And, yeah, I don't know any of the others from that category either (j-archive.com/showgame.php?game_id=7098).

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5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

And there was a sports-team related clue that elicited laughter during Aaron Rodger's tenure too.

It was when his team, the Packers, was a TS.  His reaction was quite funny:


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22 hours ago, Roaster said:

As soon as I saw the FJ category was African Monarchs, I said "Haile Selassie".

Many, many (did I say many?) years ago, I was reading something (probably my mom's Readers' Digest or some kind of compendium of "Kids say the darndest things") and there was an anecdote about a kid who was asked who was the emperor of Ethiopia.  Kid responded, very timidly, "I'm sorry... I think it's someone called 'hail silly assie'..." For some reason that hasn't yet been replaced with something more important in my memory cells.

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There were no TSes in the first round! But I got the missed DD of Howard the Duck.

Only two in the second round; I didn't get either one (Caesars and Australia), nor did I get either of the DDs.

FJ was an instaget and I've never even seen the movie.

PS, my brother sent me the following text toward the end of the game:


A: This person is the most annoying Jeopardy player ever.
Q: What's Matt.

Smart enough to rack up $41K, but doesn't know the words "where" or "who"?!??

I wouldn't say "most" annoying by a long shot, but I won't miss him when he's gone. 

Edited by ams1001
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25 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I thought the description sounded like a cataract, but I thought it was a condition not a disease.

Yeah.  That threw me, too.  I mean I got the answer, but it confused me.

I had another bad night.  I don't know where my brain is at.  If anyone finds it let me know.

i did get FJ.  Total guess. Never actually seen that movie, but that's a pretty famous scene anyway.

The only missed clue I got was Australia.  I got the entire category of mm wrong.

Remembering the cateories would have helped with a couple of the clues I missed.  Like Howard the Duck.

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3 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

For FJ, I pre-guessed "We're gonna need a bigger boat" but that might have been early 80s.  Once I saw the clue, I got it.

Jaws was 1975.

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Alien for FJ was instaget. I've been having quite a few of those lately.
Did I just jinx it? 😳

I appreciated Rekha's description as "stay-at-home parent" over "stay-at-home mom" because it accentuates the employment aspect. 
But why didn't she bet everything for FJ? Did 5100 mean something? Or did 14100?


35 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

my brother sent me the following text toward the end of the game:


A: This person is the most annoying Jeopardy player ever.
Q: What's Matt.

Smart enough to rack up $41K, but doesn't know the words "where" or "who"?!??

Hah! While I appreciate Matt's decision to economize his synapse firings by just using "What's" for all responses (not even a Who in Whoville?), I think it probably registered on my Annoyance Scale just as high as on your brother's.

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1 hour ago, M. Darcy said:

I’m actually reading The Twelve Caesars right now!  

Fun read, isn't it? Where else can you find out that Tiberius had acne and Claudius drooled and got a runny nose when he got angry? It was my one TS tonight.

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

But why didn't she bet everything for FJ? Did 5100 mean something? Or did 14100?

Because unless Matt pulled a Cliff Clavin it didn't matter.  Those numbers may have had meaning for her.


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I said Howard the Duck as a joke answer, only knowing that awful Lea Thompson movie, not that there actually is a Marvel character by that name (I know almost nothing about comic books).

I ran mascots, -rth, and around the world in the first round, and missed two Howards and one each in the other two.  I ran the eyes and 3-letter words categories in DJ, but missed two each in all the rest.

I've never seen Alien, but that scene is so often referenced and parodied that FJ was an instaget.

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3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I thought the description sounded like a cataract, but I thought it was a condition not a disease.

Curious how you would differentiate the two? "Condition" is not really a term used medically, and is intentionally quite vague.

4 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I've never seen Alien, but that scene is so often referenced and parodied that FJ was an instaget.

Same here. Alien immediately popped into my head and I was confident enough that I wasn't searching for any other answers. However, I didn't think The Exorcist was a terrible guess.

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My DVR didn't record Jeopardy today, the guide didn't list it.


How can I watch today's 7/22/2021 episode?  I have cable.


I don't have Netflix or Hulu


Edited by nuraman00
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Oof, I was so sure FJ was The Exorcist. I knew the book was by William Peter Blattey but thought maybe the screenplay was by someone else (it wasn’t.) As soon as he said Alien I realized that’s where I knew O’Bannon’s name from. 

What was the Krishna clue Robin said? It sounded like she said to the champ, “Krishna, not Krishna.” 🤔

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24 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

What was the Krishna clue Robin said? It sounded like she said to the champ, “Krishna, not Krishna.” 🤔

According to the Jeopardy! archive, Matt said "Krishnan."

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6 hours ago, nuraman00 said:

My DVR didn't record Jeopardy today, the guide didn't list it.


How can I watch today's 7/22/2021 episode?  I have cable.


I don't have Netflix or Hulu


Try searching YouTube by the date.

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