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S22.E15: Power of Veto #5

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April Fool's Day is evil.  I despise her now more than ever.  Spare us the phony tears.

Bay was right.  Tyler pulled this stunt to look good on TV.  Epic fail.

Franzel deserves that wretched costume.

I felt sorry for Ian.  He shouldn't fall for the phony sympathy.

Dani looks like Skeletor and is evil too.

This season is disgusting.

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11 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Bay was right.  Tyler pulled this stunt to look good on TV.  Epic fail.

That's not what I got from tonight at all. Just going by his body language over time, combined with his words both to players and in the DR, I got the feeling that he was totally unhappy in the house, was feeling zero joy in the game, plus felt really guilty that now of all times he was partly responsible for the two black women in the house going on the block at the same time. He figured that the best way to leave would be to get voted out, allowing the two women to stay. In his mind it was a win for everybody. 

Again, just going by his expression, I believe that finding out that Bay still didn't trust him really did make him feel miserable, as did finding out Xmas wasn't going to put him up. We see him vow to get back in the game, but he still looks really miserable. 

As for Bay not trusting Tyler, I'm sure she has good reasons for these feelings. And even though I don't like Christmas, her reasoning for keeping Tyler also made sense. 

I came away thinking this situation was extremely complicated, not a tale of heroes and villains. 

Speaking of which, even Nicole's reasons for choosing the sloppitard turn out to be more complicated than "She just wants to be the centre of attention." But I don't expect the internet to see it that way. 😁


  • Love 17

I've got to say, while Christmas still sucks ( the person, not the holiday. That I still like !) , Day pretty much screwed that up herself. She's playing the game & she wants to be good at it, but she really isn't. Now, Christmas probably would have never changed the noms anyway, but her conversation with Day just cemented in her mind why she shouldn't do it. 


Ian-- yeah, he probably was feeling bad, I doubt if he's faking. But, man, he sure is sliding by this season ! He's a former winner of the game and he's not really aligned with anyone. Everyone is underestimating him, imo. Which is a good way to get far-- then he has to start winning comps. Wait, he did that the last time ! Wow. Nicole is sliding too, but she has people on her side. I hope she's out before Final 4.

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Christmas, the guy doesn't care about being your ride or die...he just wants to go sleep with his girl. She's  hitched herself to a shooting star who may ultimately self evict if he starts jonesing for being in Angela's arms again. Should have let him go.

I like Bay this year but blaming Tyler for Christmas's not using the veto is not his fault.  I think he was not sincere about his reasoning for volunteering...Idon't think it has anything to do with burying a hatchet and all to do with a silk smooth girl friend back at home. Still she shouldn't blame him.

There is plenty of blame on Christmas for always ruining anything that might actually make something interest in the game:

Volunteering to go on the block so Enzo would have an easy choice.

Winning HOH by default.

Nominating people that might actually try and shake up this horribly stale season

Winning the veto

and now this.

So on the season goes lurching towards its foregone conclusion ending with Cody sitting in the chair next to some sad sack that was carried along until the end because they wanted to do his bidding and not really play for themselves.

Every episode is the same this season...all build up but by the end of the episode the status quo remains the same.



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The “previously on” segment reminded me that I forgot to mention the fashion atrocity that is the spangled paillette jacket Christmas was wearing.  It looks like something my grandmother would have bought for me when I was 5.

I enjoyed the Day/Bay convo, but it was more than a little awkward when David tried joining in on the hug at the end.  I appreciate the show of solidarity, but it made me laugh.

I would never be able to do math quickly in a pressure situation, I felt for the veto competitors. 

If I never see Christmas win another anything, I will be content.

Christmas talking about how she did “What no one else would” was a bunch of BS.  Every other week the house majority alliance was focused on getting out Janelle/Kaysar.  I think the noms would have been the same if any of Cody, Memphis, Enzo or Tyler won, and still likely if Dani/NicF won. 

I will never stop laughing at Nicole’s stupid boxitard.  It was sooo not what she had in mind.

Tyler sounded high in his DR with the sunglasses.

What I don’t get about the Tyler/Dani/Bay/Day situation is that while Tyler did use the info that Dani gave him, he didn’t make it up—Dani has talked about coming for Day/Bay.  His “confession” makes it seem like he fabricated it.  Whichever one stays out of Day/Bay, they should know that Dani isn’t on their side.  

Not going to comment too much on the veto situation in this thread, but Tyler should never have offered to throw himself on the sword if he wasn't willing to go through with it.  Yes, it's Christmas' decision, but he should have cleared it with Christmas before going to Bay/Day.  It seemed like if he had gone through with it, Baileigh would have gained trust in him.  She just didn't want to look like a fool for falling for it and then getting shafted.  The way it played out, it proved her suspicions were correct.  I'm not saying that I think Tyler should give up his game for Bayleigh, or that Christmas should hurt her own game to appease him, but the way it was handled was just giving false hope and it makes it seem like it was only done to improve his image.

Edited by leocadia
consistent spelling of Bayleigh, right or wrong
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1 hour ago, Eolivet said:

Christmas is a racist.

(oh, sorry, did I say that out loud?)

Why? Because she put up a pair who have made it clear that they will stick together til the end and are both not in her alliance? Is she supposed to say, “You guys are Black, you get a pass to the end?”

Seems to me that keeping people only because they are Black is what would be racist.

Edited by Cotypubby
  • Love 10
12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

How could you tell; he made sure to wear his sunglasses to hide his eyes most of the time lol.

I could see his eyes before he put them on. And I could see the rest of his face. I know personally that when I'm feeling bad I'll wear sunglasses to try to get some privacy or hide my emotions. This is what it looked like to me. I got zero sense he was chortling behind the glasses thinking, "Ha! I have them all fooled." 


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11 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

blaming Tyler for Christmas's not using the veto is not his fault

Yeah. It was Christmas who didn’t use the Veto, not Tyler. It’s like she has no idea how the Veto works. Tyler can’t force Christmas to do something she doesn’t want to. And anyway it was Day who really fucked that up for them. Blame her and Christmas.

  • Love 4
50 minutes ago, leocadia said:

The “previously on” segment reminded me that I forgot to mention the fashion atrocity that is the spangled paillette jacket Christmas was wearing.  It looks like something my grandmother would have bought for me when I was 5.

HA! It reminds me of wardrobe that I had to wear for dance competitions when I was like 6. I quit dance almost immediately. As a "tom boy" I have to say that costumes like that were 90% of the reason.

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1 minute ago, Samwise979 said:

At the end of the veto meeting, Bay said something like, can we tell everyone who your untouchable is? And then Christmas said, no. I don't get it though. If Bay knows why does she need to ask if it's ok to tell? Shout it from the roof tops!

And why would Christmas say "no".  As if she has any power over Bay.  Very weird scene.  LOL

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"3 + 11" or whatever the fuck they presented during that "competition" is NOT an "equation". You need a fucking equal sign in there, dickwads (hence the term "equation"). And that's the whole competition? No square roots, no division, not even multiplication? Okay, so some people don't dig math, but it's supposed to be a challenge, ffs.

(I'm so indifferent to what this season has turned into that the only excitement is getting the dander of the math tutor in me up and swinging.)

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@Nashville You are definitely right about the CC. I wasn't watching it as late tonight (I'm on the West Coast and have to wait for it to go up on CBS.com) so I could watch a little louder this time. And holy heck, whatever program they use for the CC was d-r-u-n-k for tonight's episode.

I guess I just find it super weird b/c I work in scripted TV where after we shoot and edit, we have to send off an "As Broadcast" script which is used for the CC and I assumed someone just had a program where they plugged it in from there. I stand corrected. Thanks for the insight. I shall continue watching with the CC on though cause some of they typos are delightful.


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Oh God, and I sent this before I even finished the episode, but when Xmas is talking to Day and Xmas clearly says, "I just don't know what I want to do with it yet." The CC says, and I, pardon my language, shit you not,  "I don't know what I want to Tiger Woods with it yet." I would send a screen grab if I could, but when I pause it the window shrinks, but feel free to check it out. Around 35:50

  • LOL 10
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8 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Christmas, the guy doesn't care about being your ride or die...he just wants to go sleep with his girl. She's  hitched herself to a shooting star who may ultimately self evict if he starts jonesing for being in Angela's arms again. Should have let him go.

In case you’ve forgotten, Groundhog Day has a well-documented past BB history of overestimating the social and/or romantic esteem make HGs have of their relationships with her; so far as she’s concerned, pretty much every guy in the House with whom she has ever aligned has fallen in love with her.  In BB19 National Macadamia Nut Day thought Paul wanted to marry her, remember?
Must be that whole pesky narcissism thing popping up again....  🙄


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4 hours ago, grandmabegum said:

Oh God, and I sent this before I even finished the episode, but when Xmas is talking to Day and Xmas clearly says, "I just don't know what I want to do with it yet." The CC says, and I, pardon my language, shit you not,  "I don't know what I want to Tiger Woods with it yet." I would send a screen grab if I could, but when I pause it the window shrinks, but feel free to check it out. Around 35:50

I’m gonna watch the show with CC on now.  Maybe it will give me some enjoyment, tonight’s episode just mad me mad with how they did Bay dirty.  Especially at the end when Tyler was all woe is me “Bayleigh snapped my olive branch”.  Does that negate what Bay and Day stand for (his words).  Tyler is a big stupid oaf (sorry I’m grumpy and trying to avoid getting up to get ready for work)

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I have been watching with CC on and it is far more entertaining than watching this shit season without it.

Glad someone else is enjoying this! I haven't seen many other weird mistakes (at least for this show) but normally when I can hear them I don't pay attention to the CC it's normally when they are talking below a normal voice, but above a whisper so they don't throw the whisper up on the screen themselves.

The Tiger Woods thing made me chuckle hard because it reminded me of how terrible/lazy a job people do when dubbing over movie dialogue to make it broadcast friendly. Like "Yippee Ki Yi Ya Motherfucker!" Would be like "Yippee Ki Yi Ya Ballroom Dancer!" That is not an actual example (I couldn't think of one cause now I just go to the Good Place) but it was always words that a) never matched the lips and b)made absolutely no sense.

Can't wait to see what they mess up on the live show tonight!

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Watching BB contestants do a math puzzle for a veto competition is a little like watching "Celebrity Jeopardy" on SNL.  All they needed was Sean Connery to fill in for the ailing Ian!

I used to like Tyler, but he's really lost his mojo this season.  I think he's bored in the house, wanted to go home, and decided to play the "white knight" for the TV cameras, make a noble sacrifice for Bay/Day, and become beloved by America.  In reality, he looked like a moron.  His plan would have worked had it not been for 2 obstacles: Xmas (rightly) saw no benefit to her game if she agreed to kick out her closest ally in favor of 2 non-allies; and Day completely blowing it by telling Xmas that Bayleigh still couldn't stand Tyler and thought he was a snake.

Tyler's made some bone-headed decisions this season (confiding in David, telling Bay/Day about Dani, forcing moves rather than let them happen naturally).  Bayleigh plays way too emotionally (I would, too, if I was stuck in that house!), and it makes her a poor BB player.  Day'Vonne isn't a bad player, but she does talk too much and gives away a LOT of information that hurts her in the end.  All 3 should be sent packing sooner rather than later.

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51 minutes ago, Gregg247 said:

Watching BB contestants do a math puzzle for a veto competition is a little like watching "Celebrity Jeopardy" on SNL.  All they needed was Sean Connery to fill in for the ailing Ian!

I used to like Tyler, but he's really lost his mojo this season.  I think he's bored in the house, wanted to go home, and decided to play the "white knight" for the TV cameras, make a noble sacrifice for Bay/Day, and become beloved by America.  In reality, he looked like a moron.  His plan would have worked had it not been for 2 obstacles: Xmas (rightly) saw no benefit to her game if she agreed to kick out her closest ally in favor of 2 non-allies; and Day completely blowing it by telling Xmas that Bayleigh still couldn't stand Tyler and thought he was a snake.

Tyler's made some bone-headed decisions this season (confiding in David, telling Bay/Day about Dani, forcing moves rather than let them happen naturally).  Bayleigh plays way too emotionally (I would, too, if I was stuck in that house!), and it makes her a poor BB player.  Day'Vonne isn't a bad player, but she does talk too much and gives away a LOT of information that hurts her in the end.  All 3 should be sent packing sooner rather than later.

I have to wonder if Day said that to Xmas, about Bay wanting to go after Tyler still, suspecting/knowing the veto would not be used and it was her passive aggressive way to put the target on Bay over herself.

Betting Bay goes tonight.

Edited by Lamima
  • Useful 2

Did Tyler look "off" to anyone else in last night's ep, especially in his DR's?  The other HG's mention that he's basically wasting away, maybe that's what I was seeing...his face looked oddly angular in a way that made me blink to see if it was my eyes or what.  Maybe I'm used to the bouncy-haired "duuuuuuuuude" bro who was having a great time on BB20.  This iteration of Tyler seems to be heavily weighed down including his over-gelled hair.  It's jarring to see him this way, even though he's brought a lot of his misery on himself.

Is anyone in this stupid house having a good time playing Big Brother?  They all seem freaking miserable.  Definitely NOT what I expected from an All-Star season.

Edited by laurakaye
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It's hard to feel sorry for these dum-dums when they keep spilling their guts to Nicole, Dani and Christmas. Have they not realized by now these girls are working with the guys? It's not that hard to figure out, especially since they themselves were working with some of those guys (or so they thought) up until recently. This isn't rocket science. I can't believe Da'Vonne would be dumb enough to tell Christmas Bayleigh still has her hate-on for Tyler. Like, she has no idea they're aligned? Inconceivable.


Did Tyler look "off" to anyone else in last night's ep, especially in his DR's?  The other HG's mention that he's basically wasting away, maybe that's what I was seeing...his face looked oddly angular in a way that made me blink to see if it was my eyes or what.

I noticed how bony his knees were earlier this season. I also found it weird when he said he needs to "win this for Angela." Huh? What about for himself, or at the very least for Angela and himself? Honestly, his weird obsession with Angela is creepy and abnormal. 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Everyone had an  opportunity to win the HOH.  Christmas won, because the others failed.  Houseguests need to own their own game and not rely on others to save them.

The two individuals that are on the block for eviction from the house were the first two eliminated from the Veto competition.  They had a chance to win the Veto competition and both failed.  They need to own it.

At what point do houseguest accept responsibility for their own failures in terms of game play? 

Tyler's whining was off putting.  People lie when they play the game, people get backdoored when they play the game.  It is part of the game.  Tyler needs to stop whining and just play the game.

Did he apologize?  Between all of his blubbering I wasn't sure.  I thought he said that "he thought he owed them an apology."

That isn't an apology.

What gets me more than anything else is when someone apologizes, and all of a sudden that person thinks everything is all right with the world, and that they are immediately forgiven.  That often isn't the case.  It takes time for some to accept an apology.  There are some that will never accept an apology.  Instant forgiveness is a rarity.  Forgiveness is a process.

I have been watching with CC on and it is far more entertaining than watching this shit season without it.

I started using CC a month or so ago when there was a marathon of the original Odd Couple series.  That was a complete mess.  I haven't stopped using it since.

At least CC is no longer calling Big Brother, the Big Bang Theory.


All good points but that doesn't change the fact with every one of them opportunity to get this game out of the straightjacket that it is in was lost.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Lamima said:

I have to wonder if Day said that to Xmas, about Bay wanting to go after Tyler still, suspecting/knowing the veto would not be used and it was her passive aggressive way to put the target on Bay over herself.

Betting Bay goes tonight.

Now that either Day or Bay is guaranteed to go home, each of them does have to start playing for herself.

As for Tyler: he's not having fun, misses his woman, and wants to leave before he's contractually forced to stick around for the jury, but also doesn't want to just walk out the door and quit, which would exile him from the franchise for good (or at least it does on Survivor). So he tried to engineer his own exit, which ran afoul when Christmas saw no reason to jeopardize her own game.

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17 hours ago, SHD said:

If I was more cynical, I’d say that production told Tyler to put on the whole sad sack/lost interest act to at least try to get SOME talk about stirring things up onscreen to keep viewers from getting bored.

That's crossed my mind as well.  But there's also the problem you always get with this 3 episode a week format.  We have to catch up with at least 3 days material in 40 minutes.  So Tyler may have been feeling down for 3 days (?) but they can only first show it in this episode and then show the culmination of it with the Veto Ceremony in the same episode.  I'm guessing on the timeline having not seen the feeds, but it did feel rushed this episode.

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1 hour ago, amazingracefan said:

Of course Tyler could walk if he wanted, but I suppose he doesn't want to lose his appearance fee.

It's a rule on Survivor that if you leave voluntarily, you're persona non grata with the franchise going forward. If the rules are the same on BB, Tyler may not want to jeopardize his future with the show.

Much as I would love to have seen Tyler hitting the bricks…

Much as it was obvious the most sensible thing for Tisha b'Av to do would have been to backdoor Ian (she gets credit with Day/Bay, she's not working with him in any way, she doesn't nom a third PoC, he's a former winner, and he punked out on the Veto so he "deserves" it)…

…in the end, I don't think there's anything as sweet as watching Da'Vonne bury Bayleigh by trying to save her.  She truly is the worst BB player in history.  Gotta love it.

Now if only the house flips and sends her home tonight so we don't have to have her in Jury.  (And so that we still have a chance at "Bayleigh v. Tyler, Bloody Screamfest II—This Time it's Personal-er!!"  I mean, come on, we're primed for it now.  Anything that might make Tyler cry is good with me.)  

Thin solace: at least they didn't present Ramadan's Veto win as her "redeeming herself" from Bobblebeard's Great False-Start "Comedy"palooza of 2017.  Just seeing that comp again made me want to hurl.  Oy.

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On 9/9/2020 at 10:13 PM, Cotypubby said:

Why? Because she put up a pair who have made it clear that they will stick together til the end and are both not in her alliance? Is she supposed to say, “You guys are Black, you get a pass to the end?”

Seems to me that keeping people only because they are Black is what would be racist.

Here's where Christmas turned a corner from Christmas to KKKristmas for me. Nominating the two Black women is a bad enough look, but okay, there's the Veto. So, Christmas wins the Veto.

Who is her target? Bayleigh? Great, Da'Vonne can come down, she can put up a pawn (kind of like Enzo did). She earns some trust back from Da'Vonne and her true target, Bayleigh, goes home. That's game play.

Because if Bayleigh was Christmas' target, why not have a white or guy pawn next to her? Do exactly what Enzo did last week (granted, he was forced to, but still) to ensure Kaysar's exit. He had one target, so he put up a pawn. Enzo could've returned the favor. Or Kevin could retake his pawn seat. Why would you not mend fences with Da'Vonne? I can't qwhite put my finger on why.

By not using the Veto, Christmas is saying, "I can't have two Black women in the house, I need a Black woman to go, I don't care which one" (which is pretty close to "you all look the same to me").

And that turns her into KKKristmas. Cross-Burning Christmas. Which brings me back to my original point, which is: Christmas is a racist.

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I have my own thoughts on Christmas, and I certainly understand her reluctance to change nominations if she's not pulling a backdoor.  Which is not to say I might not agree with your conclusion.

That said, I can spot one flaw in the above:

2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Kevin could retake his pawn seat.

Kevin is mixed (black father, Japanese mother).  "I'm Blackanese, I'm Blasian" as he said in his BB11 intro segment.  So using him as a nom wouldn't do anything to fix the "she's only nominating PoC" possible-issue.

The only non-PoC Christmas could use as renoms were Cody, Tyler, Memphis, Nicole and Dani (all her "Committee" alliance-mates), Enzo (whom she's working to build trust with) and Ian, who would be a pretty tempting target, I'd argue.  So she may not have had as many choices as you posit, IMO.

Edited by Halting Hex
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Targeting pairs is not new. It's common practice in BB to nominate them if they're not in your alliance. That's why it's a thing for players go out of their way to not be seen as a duo. Although the HOH may have targeted one of them specifically, splitting them up is almost as important as getting the preferred one out. That's why it's critical that both members of the pair are on the block together to make sure one of them goes home. Why in the heck would Christmas ruin the whole thing by taking Da'Vonne down?? 

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