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"The View": Week of 9/8/2020

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Sara is a breath of fresh air on this show. All smiles and such a great attitude. The rest of them making faces and get all snippy if someone says something they do not agree with.

Each day they just keep beating on the Coronavirus. It's like they wanted Trump to wave a magic wand and make it disappear and he didn't. I don't care who was president, nobody knew what this virus was going to bring. We all knew it was serious and it was our responsibility to stay home and take care of our families the best we could. What more can you do?

I totally agree with Meghan. People are sick of politics and we do not want to watch sports that are dragging politics into it. I'll watch a rodeo, you will see no protesting there! We have two residences and cancelled our NFL ticket at both places. We have watched football our whole lives and attended games but for now we are done with the NFL.



3 minutes ago, OnTime said:

and then there was Meghan's hair today.......

I think she looks amazing! She is more beautiful now than ever.

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52 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I'd be concerned if Meghan was my friend.  She doesn't seem to have any loyalty to anything but her father and the Republican Party.  She's very wishy washy when she talks about her good friend, Joe Biden.  I also would bet she votes for Trump.

yeah, i am pretty sure she is voting trump

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2 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Did you guys catch Megamouth refer to "her platform" when they were talking with Kasich?

YES!!! I was going to post about that.  "Her platform" as if she is some earth changing person.

Edited by OnTime
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11 minutes ago, falltime said:

I've only watched the first 2 segments so far. Joy is a little rusty but I'm glad she's moderator again and that Ana is there too.

Not word for word, "The joining arms is less offensive to me than the kneeling.". - Meghun

The racism should be more offensive, MeAgain.

Missy McCain will never stop glancing at the monitors, will she? This is your 3rd season.

yeah, being against racism is not political, megzy

yeah, what is she looking at? checking out how great (not) her hair looks today?  she is such a downer



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Yes.  She briefly said she disagreed with the booing, but spent the bulk of ramble talking about how she's not a football fan, kneeling, and how people watch football for escapism not politics.   Which almost sounds like she agrees with the sentiment of the booing, only objected to the actual "boo".     

So glad to see Anna back.  Wish they'd let her moderate.  I think she'd do a good job.   

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11 minutes ago, After7Only said:

Yes.  She briefly said she disagreed with the booing, but spent the bulk of ramble talking about how she's not a football fan, kneeling, and how people watch football for escapism not politics.   Which almost sounds like she agrees with the sentiment of the booing, only objected to the actual "boo".     

So glad to see Anna back.  Wish they'd let her moderate.  I think she'd do a good job.   

Meghan's head would explode.

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43 minutes ago, falltime said:

Not word for word, "The joining arms is less offensive to me than the kneeling.". - Meghun

The racism should be more offensive, MeAgain.

Guess it isn't offensive to her.

Edited by blondiec0332
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31 minutes ago, cinsays said:

yeah, being against racism is not political, megzy

It is when it's what your tribe is known for.   Meghan gets very uncomfortable when racism is discussed.  She knows her party can do better but cant bring herself to even acknowledge it's a problem.


41 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

Did you guys catch Megamouth refer to "her platform" when they were talking with Kasich?  Yep, being pro-life, something, something, word salad, is part of "her platform."  What does she need a platform for?  Is she running for something?  Mayor of Stupidville?  Village Idiot? 

It's all part of Meghan thinking the world revolves around her.

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1 hour ago, cinsays said:

yeah, being against racism is not political, megzy

yeah, what is she looking at? checking out how great (not) her hair looks today?  she is such a downer



I don't care too much what people's politics are. I like to believe most people mean well even if they view the world differently. I detest racists though. Being dismissive of racism isn't cute either. 

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I minute she’s saying she wants relief from politics but continuously reminds us she’s reading listening watching and discussing with friends every single day

2 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I'd be concerned if Meghan was my friend.  She doesn't seem to have any loyalty to anything but her father and the Republican Party.  She's very wishy washy when she talks about her good friend, Joe Biden.  I also would bet she votes for Trump.

He’s obviously not one of her many ride or die friends. Remind me again what platform would encourage voting/ supporting someone who mocked and belittled your beloved father and his memory.  I don’t understand her at all.  She really needs to hid her jealousy because everyone was so happy welcoming with having Ana there but sour face was so obvious. She remained that all the way through Eva’s segment. Kinda sad to be so miserable. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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1 hour ago, Pearson80 said:

It is easy for Megan to say that because she has never had to face oppression in her perfect life. Politics has always played a role in sports. Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in baseball was a political act.  Muhammad Ali refusing to go to war with the people of Vietnam was a political act that cost him dearly. He famously said the Vietnamese people never called him the N word and prevented him and his people from having civil rights. Jesse Owens, a Black man participating in the Olympics in Nazi Germany was a political act that defied Hitler's views that Black people were an inferior race and exposed the lie of the Aryan master race.  Lastly, Tommy Smith and John Carlos won the gold and the bronze medal for the US at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico threw the Black power fist as the star spangled Banner played in solidarity with the civil rights movement back in the states was a political act, so Megan could f off as far as I am concerned.. What an awful woman! She really pissed me off today..

👏🏻  Beautifully expressed. 

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44 minutes ago, falltime said:

She was really feeling herself today. She posted several selfies on her social media.

huh...  and i thought she looked particularly bad with this do

guess it is just another thing she and i disagree on

she does seem to be having a lot of different looks this week - guess she already has the crib and stuff for the baby and is still focused on herself more

what a surprise


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1 hour ago, Pearson80 said:

It is easy for Megan to say that because she has never had to face oppression in her perfect life. Politics has always played a role in sports. Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in baseball was a political act.  Muhammad Ali refusing to go to war with the people of Vietnam was a political act that cost him dearly. He famously said the Vietnamese people never called him the N word and prevented him and his people from having civil rights. Jesse Owens, a Black man participating in the Olympics in Nazi Germany was a political act that defied Hitler's views that Black people were an inferior race and exposed the lie of the Aryan master race.  Lastly, Tommy Smith and John Carlos won the gold and the bronze medal for the US at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico threw the Black power fist as the star spangled Banner played in solidarity with the civil rights movement back in the states was a political act, so Megan could f off as far as I am concerned.. What an awful woman! She really pissed me off today..

Love this post so much. 👏

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

Yes, when Joy welcomed Ana back to the show, Sara and Sunny said welcome back, or Hi Ana, and MeAgain just did a two second forced grin.

I liked Kasich's answer to MeAgain's question (the one where she did her aborting nine month fetus rant); he basically said a lot of the policies might not come to pass and in any case, it doesn't matter, it's better to elect a President who is not divisive and destructive. Then he reminded her that her dad and Biden were close friends.

MeAgain said today that she "hates Trump" as everyone knows, but then she worries about voting for the evil Biden/Harris ticket. Does she even have a brain?

Eva Longoria was fabulous. Extremely effective at making her points all while looking fabulous and not even being snarky with MeAgain.

Yes i loved the warm greeting Ana got.  Miss you Girl!  I thought Eva was great too.  Loved that she didn't go the whole 'congrats on the baby, Granddaddy is so proud' route.  Suck it Kate hehe. (nak & afr)

P.S.  they really got a lot packed into an hour.  Was it 3 guests? And intermittent discussion in between.  The usual talking over.  Joy's  audio seemed much better today, why can't it be like that all the time

Edited by ForumLou
PS..dot dot dot
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3 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

It is easy for Megan to say that because she has never had to face oppression in her perfect life. Politics has always played a role in sports. Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in baseball was a political act.  Muhammad Ali refusing to go to war with the people of Vietnam was a political act that cost him dearly. He famously said the Vietnamese people never called him the N word and prevented him and his people from having civil rights. Jesse Owens, a Black man participating in the Olympics in Nazi Germany was a political act that defied Hitler's views that Black people were an inferior race and exposed the lie of the Aryan master race.  Lastly, Tommy Smith and John Carlos won the gold and the bronze medal for the US at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico threw the Black power fist as the star spangled Banner played in solidarity with the civil rights movement back in the states was a political act, so Megan could f off as far as I am concerned.. What an awful woman! She really pissed me off today..

I agree that Meghan has lived a very privileged life. But this is 2020 and I want to know how blacks are being oppressed? Most of the players on these NFL teams are black and they are being paid massive amounts of money. 

Edited by mxmummy
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I didn't hate MeAgain's hairdo but her makeup is really scary. Her lips look like sashimi. And her bronzer and eye makeup are out of control.  I usually have the same thought about Sunny's makeup.  If you are already beautiful, you don't need to go overboard.

more is more diva GIF by RTL 4

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8 hours ago, falltime said:

She was really feeling herself today. She posted several selfies on her social media.

She’s acknowledging their anniversary or something and she says they’ve been through the most insane shit the world can throw at a couple  and somehow come out on the other  side bla bla. 
I had no idea world had thrown them so much insane shit. Poor couple. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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25 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

She’s acknowledging their anniversary or something and she says they’ve been through the most insane shit the world can throw at a couple  and somehow come out on the other  side bla bla. 
I had no idea world had thrown them so much insane shit. Poor couple. 

She's been married, 2 - 3 years. How bad could it be? Couldn't buy a crib? I would think Ben would be posting about putting up with the constant "my father" refrain coming out of her mouth. 

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59 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

She’s acknowledging their anniversary or something and she says they’ve been through the most insane shit the world can throw at a couple  and somehow come out on the other  side bla bla. 
I had no idea world had thrown them so much insane shit. Poor couple. 

I know losing a loved one is traumatic, but losing a parent is basically inevitable. Something like one out of every four to five pregnancies might result in a miscarriage. When I think of "insane shit," I think about Ahmaud Arbery and what his family is going through. I think of all the others like him and the pain so many are feeling. I think of that teenager who lost both his mom and dad (who were not even 60 years old) in the same week due to Covid. I think of parents who lost their babies to the virus. I think it's insane one in six Americans could face hunger right now. Meghan's not someone who's ignorant of all the stuff going on in the country. Does she really think people look at her life and think "Wow, most insane shit in the world has been thrown at her, and now the poor thing can't even buy a crib? What a warrior!"

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Friday's show was great. Joy is so much better at moderating than Whoopi is.


Has Sara always been this awful? I really don't remember her playing both sides and kissing Megun's ass like this before. She's always been in the middle, but the way she's acting and highlighting every other point of Megun's makes it seem like she agreed to be more conservative in order to come back to the show.



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5 hours ago, leftlane said:

Has Sara always been this awful? I really don't remember her playing both sides and kissing Megun's ass like this before. She's always been in the middle, but the way she's acting and highlighting every other point of Megun's makes it seem like she agreed to be more conservative in order to come back to the show.

Hopefully she's just needs time to get up to speed again after being home for so long.  She's always been the "nice" one, bridging both sides, but normally she does it in a way that doesn't make her sound so uninformed.

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Well, this was an interesting 'first week' of school, don't you think ?


It's Friday, and the teacher has had enough by Thursday - she's taking Fridays off again. So she puts the toughest kid in the class behind the teacher's desk:

Joy. She's running the classroom today, so MeAgain best watch her snippy lip gloss. For the most part, she keeps MeAgain in her place. However...

MeAgain won't welcome the returning student, Ana,  back to class. The others welcome her rather warmly, but MeAgain gives her a forced smirk at best. The tension between these two is palpable through our televisions. The new principal comes in - Mr. Kasich - and MeAgain wants him to know she's the star of the school, with her chickens which have come home to roost. She has ' a platform' for her run as class president - and no one gives a shit. Especially Kasich. He shoots her right in her ego, and hits the bullseye.

For her part, Ana ignores MeAgain and is happy to be back in the classroom. She should be here every Friday, and is 'homeschooled' the other four days. She makes her quips, she makes her comments, and for the most part she's flying under the radar - for now.

Sara is still the prettiest girl in the classroom who wants to be liked, and wants to win friends over to her side. Problem is that Sara likes to play 'both ends against the middle',  which is what she's been doing all week - and I don't think the other girls are going to like that.  They're on to her.

And then there's Sunny. She knows she doesn't belong in this class - she's too smart. She's Varsity, not JV.  But she  is stuck with the JV students for now. She's going to have fun popping MeAgain's balloon every chance she gets.

They all deserve a weekend break.


BTW - Does anyone recall what the Netflix series Whoopi and Sunny were hyping earlier this week ? I want to start watching this, but can't remember the title - much appreciated if you can give me the answer !

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41 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:


BTW - Does anyone recall what the Netflix series Whoopi and Sunny were hyping earlier this week ? I want to start watching this, but can't remember the title - much appreciated if you can give me the answer !

Cobra Kai

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1 hour ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Well, this was an interesting 'first week' of school, don't you think ?


It's Friday, and the teacher has had enough by Thursday - she's taking Fridays off again. So she puts the toughest kid in the class behind the teacher's desk:

Joy. She's running the classroom today, so MeAgain best watch her snippy lip gloss. For the most part, she keeps MeAgain in her place. However...

MeAgain won't welcome the returning student, Ana,  back to class. The others welcome her rather warmly, but MeAgain gives her a forced smirk at best. The tension between these two is palpable through our televisions. The new principal comes in - Mr. Kasich - and MeAgain wants him to know she's the star of the school, with her chickens which have come home to roost. She has ' a platform' for her run as class president - and no one gives a shit. Especially Kasich. He shoots her right in her ego, and hits the bullseye.

For her part, Ana ignores MeAgain and is happy to be back in the classroom. She should be here every Friday, and is 'homeschooled' the other four days. She makes her quips, she makes her comments, and for the most part she's flying under the radar - for now.

Sara is still the prettiest girl in the classroom who wants to be liked, and wants to win friends over to her side. Problem is that Sara likes to play 'both ends against the middle',  which is what she's been doing all week - and I don't think the other girls are going to like that.  They're on to her.

And then there's Sunny. She knows she doesn't belong in this class - she's too smart. She's Varsity, not JV.  But she  is stuck with the JV students for now. She's going to have fun popping MeAgain's balloon every chance she gets.

They all deserve a weekend break.


BTW - Does anyone recall what the Netflix series Whoopi and Sunny were hyping earlier this week ? I want to start watching this, but can't remember the title - much appreciated if you can give me the answer !

This is great. I’m picturing Meghan as Tracy Flick in the movie Election. 

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4 hours ago, falltime said:

Cobra Kai

Thank You - I'm going to start it this weekend.


4 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Oh, I watched that last week -- it is really good.  Billy Zabka is the star for me.  First season was better than the second but overall, highly enjoyable. 

 Thank You - I think Sunny said the first was better, too. Can't wait to start it - looking for something good.

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