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S10.E01: New Season, Old Wounds


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Bringing this over from the Kailyn thread because I THOUGHT the “Chris, New Baby Rumor” was recent but it was from the last fall and shown in this episode:


Ok- Chris (like Kailyn) doesn’t use contraceptives effectively, so he impregnating someone else is likely. But what gets me is Kailyn’s attitude that she has any claims on his penis or gametes!


1. This. Man. Does. Not. Want. You. 
2. You are not a couple, and I’d bet dollars to donuts Chris never promised her fidelity or anything like that. 
3. you were married and Chris had a Gf when you two started “TALKING”, so you knew what type of person he was. 

The only thing Chris owes Kailyn is 1. Child support, 2. Basic human decency, 3. Info if he has an STI.
He owes his sons a parent and a chance to know their extended family. FINITIO. 


Also- it’s clear Kailyn is trying to create the birth family she never had with a bunch of tiny children! Why not work on forming some close intimate relationships with other adults (I don’t mean sexual, but emotional), “family of choice” as it were. The one time I thought Kailyn was actually being truthful was when she said she wouldn’t keep the boys from their siblings. Kailyn is very very very lonely, and I don’t think she would ever want that for any of her sons- so on that note I believe she would do her best for her boys to know all their siblings. 

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Lauren continues to live rent-free in Kail's head and I love it. 

Kail spent all that money and inconvenienced the dads who do give a shit to be closer to the dad who doesn't give a shit! Bravo!

I doubt Mail would play nice with any woman Chris impregnated. Also, if I was said woman, I wouldn't want anything to do with Kail. 

When is it going to sink in for Briana that Luis doesn't want to be a consistent presence in Stella's life?

Chelsea is a walking, talking Pinterest board. That clothing collection was super uninspiring!

Watson is so adorable with his little glasses. 

Why is Jeremy being messy? Really? No work on the pipeline? 

  • Love 11

So Briana got drunk and slept with the useless father of her daughter!  You really can't fix stupid!

Chelsea is boring as hell.   Cole tries but she's really tough to deal with!  Is he still working?  Little Watson is adorable with his little glasses!  Baby girl is cute too.

Jade oh jade  get some help.  Get some counseling!

Leahs hair..oh my!

  • Love 4

Where to begin??? Aren't these "girls" pushing 30 already?? Yet they seem to be stuck in a time warp where they remain 16 years old and continue to have the same boy problems, insecurities, baby daddy issues and family arguments and fights. There has been so little personal growth in these girls/women it's astounding. 

The most disturbing scenes last night were that of Jade, her mother and her boyfriend. This family is so dysfunctional that it really is painful to watch. The yelling, cursing and vitriol between Jade and her mother is alarming. They are having a full on knock down fight on TV in the MTV offices. Jade's mother is awful..plain and simple. 

She and Jade need counseling...big time. Jade's boyfriend is a mess...he needs counseling too. And poor Cloie...that child will have PTSD from all this dysfunction and verbal violence that is played out in front of her on a daily basis. If they truly cared about this poor sweet child they would get help and and make some changes to their personal relationships. What happens to kids who are raised in these volatile environments? They end up using drugs to escape the daily onslaught of pain they observe or they fall into volatile relationships of their own. The future does not look good for this girl. Please...I'm begging someone from Indianapolis CPS...please intervene and help this little girl. I know CPS has a bad rep but this situation is quite serious at this point.

Kailyn is a cow...she just sits on her fat ass and moans and groans over a baby daddy that has some sort of a hold over her. So knowing that he has sex with other women, she went out and got pregnant by him again...talk about pathalogical. She is need of counseling big time before she has baby number 5.

So did Brianna go home with Luis and have sex with him??? Geez...unbelievable. She goes to the club in full "bang me" sex dress, gets drunk and goes home with the guy that can't see his way to spending even an hour a month with his child? WTF is wrong with these girls?????? 

Chelsea seemed like a brat...so their storyline this season is about her "anxiety" over a robbery that took place well over a year ago when they weren't home? BORING...just like her and Cole. Luckily the kiddos are cute to watch.

Leah has nothing to offer this season except some contrived baby daddy feud.

This show needs to put a fork in it and kill it....maybe then these girls will finally grow up and be adults.





Edited by BrownBear2012
  • Love 10

I am so, SO disgusted that Brianna propositioned Luis for sex right after calling him out for being a shit, deadbeat dad. He doesn’t give a tiny flying fuck about the daughter they made and here she goes, trying for another child for him to abandon. She let him off so easily too, tearing up about him missing her growing up. I would’ve torn him a new one and called him every name in the book, interspersed with expletives. But I’m a mean drunk. And I rarely wear my sluttiest cocktail dress to confront baby daddies at clubs. 

Cole seems cloyingly sweet. The door opening for Chelsea is weird, like she’s so delicate and crippled with anxiety she can’t do it herself. I’d be annoyed with him a lot if he were my husband. 

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, alotmorestupider said:

I am so, SO disgusted that Brianna propositioned Luis for sex right after calling him out for being a shit, deadbeat dad. He doesn’t give a tiny flying fuck about the daughter they made and here she goes, trying for another child for him to abandon. She let him off so easily too, tearing up about him missing her growing up. I would’ve torn him a new one and called him every name in the book, interspersed with expletives. But I’m a mean drunk. And I rarely wear my sluttiest cocktail dress to confront baby daddies at clubs. 

Cole seems cloyingly sweet. The door opening for Chelsea is weird, like she’s so delicate and crippled with anxiety she can’t do it herself. I’d be annoyed with him a lot if he were my husband. 

Agree 100% with everything you said. 

  • Love 2

Why does Briana think that Luis is suddenly going to become Dad Of The Year... When Stella is two, and he's hardly done anything for her? Also, her and her friend going to the club just to yell at Luis was stupid.


Kail would care if Chris got someone else knocked up. So she got pregnant by him... again.


Chelsea and Cole are meh.


Leah. Why does Germy care what Corey is doing? Unlike most of them... Corey has a real job. 

  • Love 10
24 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

This episode showed us why Brittany and Roxanne never leave Briana alone. The girl ain't right. She is incapable of making good decisions for herself 

Haven’t I said that Briana is “THISCLOSE” to mentally competent and Brittany & Roxanne are very much aware of this fact?? I’ve said that for many seasons. 

  • Useful 1
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I continue to be amazed at these "women".

Before I start my rant I must say I am continuing to be surprised by how much I am liking Leah lately. I thought she was the one mom who is showing real growth and I actually appreciated her fairness in the Corey/Jeremy situation.

Brianna: How could you ever get moist for deadbeat Luis? The man who continually abandons your daughter and ran off with your money. 

Kailyn: Work on your acting girl. You were seething with jealousy at the rumor of another girl having a baby with dusty/crusty Chris. The fact that you all but admitted on national television how you moved away from the two committed baby daddys, to be closer to the one deadbeat daddy says it all. 

Jade: You really need some help. Jade really needs to be in counseling to deal with her anger, anxiety, and overall past. The magic question. How the hell do Jade's grandparents (especially grandfather) always look younger/better than Jade and her mom. They're also always the most calm and rational, especially when tending to Jade, Sean, and Christy. 


  • Love 11

Teen Mom II Season 10B (MTV, 8:00 PM, 60 min.)

• 0.806 million viewers (#28)

• 0.52 HH (#28)

• Range: 0.524-0.537 million adults 18-49

• 0.41 A18-49 (#2)

• 0.31 A18-34 (#1)

• 0.45 A25-54 (#10)

Source: Live+Same Day data, Nielsen Media Research

These are the only ratings I found for Tuesday's episode. @Snarky McSnarky can you post the ratings you usually post? 

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Jade is too high strung for me. It's like she's super aware of the cameras and she's putting on a performance. She makes me anxious every time her scenes come on. Like relax! 

Brianna continues to make bad decisions. Lord! Hooking up with Luis was the dumbest thing ever and it's just the first episode of the season. Girl why? Close your legs and get your life together.

I'm so proud of Leah. She has grown so much as a mom and co-parent. I'm excited to see that she's finally admitting to her drug problem that we all knew about.  That aside, Corey should have been making it to the appointments regardless of whether or not Leah asked him to come. If only so that he could have his own understanding of what his daughter is dealing with. She's with him half the time. He should want to know. Jeremy needs to mind his own damn business because it wasn't that long ago when he was not seeing his own daughter and he wasn't always working either.

Chelsea may be married but she's still a little too immature for me. The baby voice, the not wanting to deal with looking for her stolen property. Listen, as an adult, you have to do things you don't want to do, but you do them anyway. I'd hate to think how she would handle things if Cole or her dad wasn't there to hold her hand. You have 3.5 kids girl. Pull it together!

Kail...blah. Girl. I just can't. 

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, druzy said:

Teen Mom II Season 10B (MTV, 8:00 PM, 60 min.)

• 0.806 million viewers (#28)

• 0.52 HH (#28)

• Range: 0.524-0.537 million adults 18-49

• 0.41 A18-49 (#2)

• 0.31 A18-34 (#1)

• 0.45 A25-54 (#10)

Source: Live+Same Day data, Nielsen Media Research

These are the only ratings I found for Tuesday's episode. @Snarky McSnarky can you post the ratings you usually post? 

Thanks for the reminder -- it slipped my feeble mind.  Viewership was indeed 806,000.  Not exactly spectacular for a season premier, especially since they hyped the shit out of the show in the days leading up to it.



Edited by Snarky McSnarky
  • Love 3
11 hours ago, MitaJo said:

Jade is too high strung for me. It's like she's super aware of the cameras and she's putting on a performance. She makes me anxious every time her scenes come on. Like relax! 

Brianna continues to make bad decisions. Lord! Hooking up with Luis was the dumbest thing ever and it's just the first episode of the season. Girl why? Close your legs and get your life together.

I'm so proud of Leah. She has grown so much as a mom and co-parent. I'm excited to see that she's finally admitting to her drug problem that we all knew about.  That aside, Corey should have been making it to the appointments regardless of whether or not Leah asked him to come. If only so that he could have his own understanding of what his daughter is dealing with. She's with him half the time. He should want to know. Jeremy needs to mind his own damn business because it wasn't that long ago when he was not seeing his own daughter and he wasn't always working either.

Chelsea may be married but she's still a little too immature for me. The baby voice, the not wanting to deal with looking for her stolen property. Listen, as an adult, you have to do things you don't want to do, but you do them anyway. I'd hate to think how she would handle things if Cole or her dad wasn't there to hold her hand. You have 3.5 kids girl. Pull it together!

Kail...blah. Girl. I just can't. 

Right? and she's pregnant with a fourth...I swear these girls are just breeding machines.

  • Love 5

Well welcome back everyone! Why am i still watching this show?? But, wow, what an episode and glimpse at the season. Breanna!!!!! WTF, i could not believe how she was throwing herself at that loser. She really has no self respect. And then he gives her an STD!! Are u kidding me?? She need to just sue him for child support and never speak to him again. Stella is better off not knowing him at all. And to think, Stella is going to watch this in the future. Just crazy. 
Jade, i just really feel sorry for. She never really stood a chance in life with that mom, and now she is stuck with that druggie baby daddy. 
I’m at a loss for words with Kail. Just sad, this is very, very sad. Except for Chelsea, she’s just freakin annoying!! Ugh 

  • Love 9

Chelsea needs to get off the show. I understand a robbery is creepy but she is developing an inability to move past things. I think it may be tied to being on camera and bring a celebrity or sorts, but it’s unhealthy and it’s turning her sort of sour and bitter.

Brianna has never been able to separate  how men feel about her kids from how a man feels about her. As soon as Luis said he would try to be there more for Stella it was like this “He wants me back!” switch went off in her head. Also what has that girl done to her body and face? She looks like she’s pushing 40 not 30.

I think the thing Kaile said about keeping siblings together was an interesting insight into her particular bag of issues. 

Im glad Leah continues to grow. I’ve been liking her more the past few years. I also think her darker hair is much more flattering than the blond.

I haven’t watched as many episodes with Jade. Wow. That girl has a lot to deal with. Her family is a mess.

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