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Season 1 & 2 Discussion

Message added by Whimsy,

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4 hours ago, Catfi9ht said:

I didn't watch this last year because I didn't have any interest in the material. A folksy fish out of water story featuring someone who has an accent that absolutely no one in KC has sounds absolutely terrible to me.

However, I decided to watch it after all the love and fanfare, and I'm really glad I I did.

My inner feminist was not happy with the vindictive divorcee trope and even after watching the whole season and really liking it, I still think they could have chosen Rebecca's motivation to be something less sexist.

However, the characters have depth and heart and the cast is absolutely phenomenal.

Rebecca's character arc was riveting, especially when her best friend talked about how much she changed during the last half of her marriage. Keeley starting out as a girlfriend could have gone so wrong so quickly, but they made her smart, funny, and no nonsense. I would have loved more Coach Beard. He was funny and interesting every time he was on screen. I'm glad they gave Ted more depth than what he projects to others.

I'm surprised by how much I like this show. We definitely need more joy right now and this show helps in some small way.

Yeah, if it had to be that approximate area, I might have bought parts of southern Missouri bordering Arkansas, maybe.  Sort of.  Well, more... 


I was worried about the dreaded sophomore blahs, but after the first episode of series two I'm not worried anymore.  I laughed out loud  many times in this ep.  Also I love the continued maturity of the characters.  Most shows like to drag out things but I love that they have the characters be upfront with each other and don't milk certain things.  

And always great seeing James Lance's Trent Crimm, The Independent.

  • Love 16

Not sure how much I like the sports psychologist storyline. Let me be clear it’s the story not the character. It feels like it’s unnecessary friction and drama between her and Ted. 

I teared up during just the recap. This show is so wholesome without being cloying 

Edited by iLoveNny
Somehow I put two spoiler tags in this post I…don’t know
  • Love 2
11 hours ago, PWHCHCH said:

Apart from the death of 

  Reveal spoiler

the dog,

I really enjoyed the first episode of season2.


Roy was fucking hilarious. Love his character.

I've gotta be honest.  Roy saved the episode for me. 

If they hadn't once more mined an unexpected turn of his character, plus given him a few strategic great lines, this episode wouldn't have passed muster for me.  It went too far with the sappy bits, and too bland with a few other things.  The A plot with Ted, Rojas and the new shrink didn't engage me, the B plot with Rebecca just felt like a cliche, so only Roy and his plot fully worked.  It wasn't a horrorshow or anything, but it was one of the weaker episodes.  They really need to dig more into whatever bad feelings the doctor is bringing out in Ted to make that worth it.  At the early stage it just was a snooze. 

  • Love 5

I didn't love the episode, but maybe my expectations are unreasonable given how much I loved the first season, and the fact that I was able to watch it all in one go instead of being forced to one episode a week. I'm still in it to the end, though :)

So. Okay, while I appreciate that Dr. Fieldstone is helping some of the players, I'm not a fan of how they're setting her up to be unlikable - because she is, with her sour, condescending attitude (towards Ted especially). I'm hoping that changes as the show goes on, because the only person on the show I want to hate is Rupert, and he deserves it. 

Curious what the deal is with Jamie Tartt - since Richmond is now in a different league, do the teams play at different times so Jamie wouldn't be working anyway and can do a reality show? Or did he get cut from Manchester City? (Seems unlikely).

I just finished binging Letterkenny, and while it's only one episode this season so far I am hoping Ted Lasso doesn't fall into the trap of hitting us over the head with the things/quirks that we enjoyed in the first season (like Letterkenny became very aware of itself and its loved idiosyncrasies and shoved them down our throats in later seasons).

Love Roy and Keeley's relationship. I hope Rebecca realizes it's okay to just date people, the guy doesn't have to be perfect - it's okay to be with someone "fine" for a while, too.

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, SnarkShark said:

I've gotta be honest.  Roy saved the episode for me. 

If they hadn't once more mined an unexpected turn of his character, plus given him a few strategic great lines, this episode wouldn't have passed muster for me.  It went too far with the sappy bits, and too bland with a few other things.  The A plot with Ted, Rojas and the new shrink didn't engage me, the B plot with Rebecca just felt like a cliche, so only Roy and his plot fully worked. 

I completely agree. The entire conflict between Ted and the psychologist feels unnecessary and smacks of jealousy on Ted's part. She's obviously good at her job and multilingual on top of it. Not everyone has to be enamored by your folksy charm, Ted.

The dog as the plot device to shake up Danny seemed like lazy writing to me, just like Rebecca's motivation being a vindictive divorcee in season 1.

I hope this season doesn't go the obvious route of Ted continues to have a conflict with the psychologist until he finally sits down in a session and "gets it".

I liked the callback to Magnolia by using a song from it while Rebecca was daydreaming.

This is just a setup episode so I'm still hopeful.

  • Love 4

I honestly don't know how I am gonna handle only getting one ep a week.  Ted Lasso is the sort of show that is ripe for bingeing.

Anyway, I liked that this was sort of an establishing 'where are they and what are they up to now many months later.'  Feels right for a first episode before we get into the meat of the season.

Right at the start I love the low key hilarity of the idea that if they tied this game they will tie the record of the most ties in a season. A record that is held by two teams who are tied for the record.  LOL.

So we have Nate who has obviously let being a coach go to his head, Rebecca who is dating (and I would like to say again if I have already said so but Hannah Waddingham has a bangin' bod!), Keely who is killing at PR, Jamie who is a reality tv star and of course Roy.  Of all the 'where are they at now' Roy's is my favorite.  

4 hours ago, Abra said:

So. Okay, while I appreciate that Dr. Fieldstone is helping some of the players, I'm not a fan of how they're setting her up to be unlikable - because she is, with her sour, condescending attitude (towards Ted especially).

I didn't read her as unlikable, although I can see why some would.  She just hasn't been inducted into the cult of Ted yet.  She is at the place that most people were at in Ep 1 of season 1.  Roy and Jamie were outright hostile and insubordinate toward Ted, most of the rest of the team were dismissive, Rebecca was cold and standoffish, the press were unimpressed etc.  If she had been intro'd in season 1 in the exact same way her attitude toward Ted would not have been remarked upon and she would have just been one of the crowd. I don't get any malice or hostility from her.  And given the little glimpses we've seen of how she interacts with the team, she seems very warm and compassionate with them (I love the little nod to her taking the time to speak with them in their language indicating that she is trying to create a space of comfort for them). And I quite frankly loved the Diamond Dogs reactions to her when she said she was "twice as good at her job."

I think the show is setting her up to be yet another soul to be won over by Ted in his way because he has already gotten everyone else on his side (except maybe Rupert).

So I found this a solid outing, not as great as some of the better episodes, but probably on par with the pilot.  Looking forward to the rest of the season and wondering if there is any significance in the number 1,236.

  • Love 23

Like others have said, this was a weaker episode, but a sufficient set up and look into "where are they now" after the time jump from last season to this one. 

I'm happy the psychiatrist is helping the players, even if Ted isn't on board with her or her practices. This seems like a weak and shoe-horned conflict point for Ted, but if it gets the players' heads right and helps them to get promoted back into the EPL, I'm sure Ted will come around. He's a hopeless optimist, but I think even he understands that not everything can be fixed with simply, "be a goldfish".

Rebecca calling Wiggins by his first name was weird, but I'm happy they've remembered to continue that little bit of character growth for her. I appreciated that no one else started calling him Leslie, though. Rebecca dating John Not Stamos and then dumping him for just being "fine" was...fine, I guess. I'm all for her finding love and happiness, but if her whole story arc is going to be her searching for her Prince Charming--the antithesis to everything Rupert is and was as a partner--I'm probably going to call BS. That really shouldn't be the be-all, end-all for female characters.

I loved catching up with Roy. Of course he and Keeley are still doing great and of course he's coaching Phoebe's U9 team. 

I'm most confused about what Jamie's up to now. In the States, celebrities don't usually do shitty reality TV until after they're washed-up or desperate for money and/or another shot at fame. Is it more common in the UK for people at the height of their fame to do reality TV? Or is Jamie spinning his wheels without Keeley around to make good PR choices for him? I did love Roy's little pleasure at seeing him in such a low position, but then put off by how much the yoga ladies love him. 

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, twoods said:

I’m wondering if Ted has an issue with therapists and mental health to begin with. Didn’t he scoff at needing to see a therapist during his divorce? I’m sure it’s more than her not being onboard with his ridiculousness.

I think he won't win her over with his 'Believe' or cookies, but I am willing to bet that Ted is going to end up using her services himself despite his distrust of therapists.  And she will find something underneath that goofy optimism that causes her to maybe rethink some of her assumptions about Ted. 

We already know that Ted has some unresolved issues with his marriage and divorce.  If it caused something as severe as a real panic attack, a few minutes outside and a reassurance  from Rebecca isn't enough to get at the root of that.  I like the idea of Ted being this incurable optimist but having that grin and manic 'up' all the time is rather flattening for a  character -- as charming and fun as it is. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't want the show to go all broody and gritty, I love the tone of the show and hope it keeps the same blend of humor and good feels that it did S1, but I am not gonna lie I'd love to learn a bit more about Ted.

25 minutes ago, Night Cheese said:

Rebecca dating John Not Stamos and then dumping him for just being "fine" was...fine, I guess. I'm all for her finding love and happiness, but if her whole story arc is going to be her searching for her Prince Charming--the antithesis to everything Rupert is and was as a partner--I'm probably going to call BS. That really shouldn't be the be-all, end-all for female characters.

I think it is more a case of Rebecca getting back into dating as a way to rebuild some of her sexual self esteem.  I agree that women needing a man to complete them is hogwash and this show is smarter than that.  But Rupert did a number on Rebecca with his constant cheating and his ending up with a new, younger model Rebecca.  Nobody wants to feel they are unwanted or undesirable. And when you are given that message you tend to internalize and think it is something wrong with you.  I think... or rather I hope... the show won't make it about Rebecca's hunt for a man but rather her finding someone that helps her realize it was Rupert who was the problem, not her. 

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1 hour ago, Night Cheese said:

Rebecca dating John Not Stamos and then dumping him for just being "fine" was...fine, I guess. I'm all for her finding love and happiness, but if her whole story arc is going to be her searching for her Prince Charming--the antithesis to everything Rupert is and was as a partner--I'm probably going to call BS. That really shouldn't be the be-all, end-all for female characters.

I am encouraged by the fact that her survey of the room explicitly included a single woman as well as couples. 

  • Love 13
23 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I think it is more a case of Rebecca getting back into dating as a way to rebuild some of her sexual self esteem.  I agree that women needing a man to complete them is hogwash and this show is smarter than that.  But Rupert did a number on Rebecca with his constant cheating and his ending up with a new, younger model Rebecca.  Nobody wants to feel they are unwanted or undesirable. And when you are given that message you tend to internalize and think it is something wrong with you.  I think... or rather I hope... the show won't make it about Rebecca's hunt for a man but rather her finding someone that helps her realize it was Rupert who was the problem, not her. 

This is a great take, and I could definitely get on board with her regaining her sexual self esteem as part of her character growth. I just don't want her dating exploits to monopolize her storyline this season. Rupert did a number on her in more ways than allowing his affairs and womanizing to be splashed across the tabloids. And we learned from Sissy that the person she turned into when she was with Rupert wasn't all Rupert's fault. We're seeing the character growth from the end of last season continue, I just hope we also see her reconnect with her best friend and goddaughter, continue to figure out how to be a [successful] football club owner, build on newfound friendships, etc. I also want Ted to find love and happiness after his divorce, but wouldn't want it to monopolize his storyline either.

On 1/11/2021 at 5:11 AM, Peace 47 said:

 I specifically stopped it at the photographer point because I really am not looking forward to the misunderstanding about the photos.  I hope to report back as a convert to the series.

Well, that didn't happen. There was no misunderstanding about the photos. That's usually the way it would go in other shows, but "Ted Lasso" isn't other shows ... it's different ... it's good. I encourage you to give it another try.

I also want to say how much I love the word play and nuances. I'm a big fan of word play and nuances. To me, that's always better than laugh-out-loud funny (although that's good too). I need to pay attention when "Ted Lasso" is on and can't use it just for background noise. I plan to watch it again to see what all I missed the first time around.

Bravo, Wanker!

  • Love 5
On 7/24/2021 at 2:03 PM, twoods said:

I’m wondering if Ted has an issue with therapists and mental health to begin with. Didn’t he scoff at needing to see a therapist during his divorce? I’m sure it’s more than her not being onboard with his ridiculousness.

Didn't he say in this episode that he and his wife went to see her therapist for couples counseling?  That's not a good approach to it.  They needed to see someone neutral, not someone she had been dumping her heart out to for months.

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2 hours ago, meep.meep said:

Didn't he say in this episode that he and his wife went to see her therapist for couples counseling?

Yep, and I believe he said something like he felt he wasn't being listened to and only told what he had done wrong. I hope Ted can realize that a good therapist can be really helpful, and I liked that he was able to realize his bias from his personal experience but still allow the therapist to help the team. 

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Doc looked really uncomfortable riding that electric bike. But she’s slowing warming to Ted and I love it. He’s irresistible. 

Roy continues to bring me joy.  I wonder if he mouths his lines when swearing at the kids and they ADR his lines in afterwards. 

I’m torn about Jamie Tartt. I understand what Ted is trying to do but clearly the team aren’t on board. I never warmed to him but did enjoy his chat with Ted in the pub. 

  • Love 5

Lots of laughs in this one. 

It's nice to see that the Doc is warming up to Ted. I'm with her about him scheduling some one-on-one time with her when he gets a chance. She's clearly helping the squad and would obviously help him through some things too. There's enough fodder just in the fact that he more or less ran away from his separation from his wife to coach a sport that he knew nothing about that the doc can dig into and help him with. I also think Coach Beard could benefit from sitting down with her. His relationship toils are often played for laughs, but I'm sure there are some underlying issues there that he can get resolved. 

I'm happy that some of my questions regarding Jamie were cleared up this episode. He went on the reality show because he was cut up over finding out about George Harrison's death   he wanted to expand his brand  his dad was putting too much pressure on him when he was playing for City. That's understandable, especially for a guy like Jamie who has some pretty serious father issues. I don't know how I feel about him being back with Richmond so quickly, but I will give props to the writers for creating a plot that made it [somewhat] understandable how a star like Jamie would leave a great EPL team to play for a relegated team. Let's hope he gets an appointment with the doc soon to work on some of his issues. 

Roy continues to be awesome. I thought last season that they'd go the obvious route and have Roy come back as a coach for Richmond, but I'm looking forward to seeing him try his hand as a pundit instead. He's been around the game forever and has a great football IQ, and although he relies pretty heavily on foul language, he's actually pretty well-spoken and insightful for a footballer. 

  • Love 13

I just loved the very on-point scene of Jamie being interviewed by Phil Schofield and Holly Willoughby.

These first two episodes - while enjoyable -aren't exactly hitting it for me the way first season did. But it may just be an expectation thing.  I'm sure by the time the season is over I'll be fully on board again.  Just as I'm sure by the time the season is over Nate is going to be pulled to the carpet due to his power going to his head.  

  • Love 4

Agreed that this episode was much more LOL than the previous one. Though even the weakest Ted Lasso is funnier than 99% of everything else. 

I laughed so loud when we saw that Keely was watching Roy's retirement speech. The second loudest laugh was Roy's "How the fuck does he know I love white orchids?" And Higgins' temporary offices get funnier and funnier. Though Nate was clearly unhappy about having to share his office. I would like to see Ted and Coach Beard address Nate's rudeness. I'm sure they will eventually, but it seems uncharacteristic that they haven't said anything about how he's treating the new kit man (can't remember his name).

I like that Dr. Sharon didn't immediately warm to Ted because, honestly, as much as I love Ted Lasso the show and Ted Lasso the character, if I met someone in real life who sang and danced the first time we met or came into my office without knocking, shouting about the Ted Lasso welcome wagon, I would find them quite overwhelming to the point that I would probably dislike them. Now that I think about it, there have been a few people I've met who were a bit like that and I very much did not like them at first, but once I got used to them and saw more than just their extreme extroversion, I warmed up to them like Dr. Sharon did Ted.

Edited by MerBearStare
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I was not a fan of Jamie Tartt in season 1.  like, at all.  So I was kinda happy to see him so humbled in this episode.  His convo in the bar with Ted cracked me up, going from 'It's great" down into 'It's shit" in increments.  The dialogue and line delivery were great.  But I love that Sam had his little (well deserved) hissy fit at Ted over Jamie's possible re-hire.  He's right, Jamie was a terrible bully and re-introducing him back to the team could mess of their team chemistry.

sidebar: I am also fascinated by his accent.  I am not at all familiar with British regional accents but his kinda stands out.  He pronounces 'me' as 'meh' and 'my' as 'me.'  Does anyone know his accent?

Doctor Sharon begins the thaw process.  I thought it was interesting that her intro to Rebecca was very warm and open right from the jump in contrast to her kinda closed-off intro to Ted.  But that could be because Ted started dancing and doing jazz arms when she intro'd herself.

Second ep in a row and Nate is being a bit of a putz.  Snap out of it Nate!

Aw, Rebecca is rooting for Sam.  Nice callback to their little interaction from last season.  It is probably rare for an owner to interact with the players esp. if they are not STAR players. 

Saving the best for last but Roy. Fucking. Kent.  Gah! Every scene is gold.  Also he looked al kinds of hot in that black-on-black-on-black outfit.  I love him and Keely together.

  • Love 17

oh no Ted, what are you doing?? I understand the show has to bring Jamie back, but at the very least Ted should have taken Sam aside to warn him! This is just cruel! I don't understand why Ted wouldn't have tried to prepare Sam. Am I missing something? It almost feels out of character for Ted to be so callous towards one of his players. 


I was afraid for a second that Keeley's secret masturbatory material would be something related to Jamie, and was SO GLAD it was Roy's press conference. That's hilarious, I loved it. Roy and Keeley are amazing. 

  • Love 19

I'll take the unpopular opinion that I'm glad Jamie's back. He's an utter ass, but I think he's exactly what's needed to shake the team up. And he needs Ted to show him what a supportive male figure can be as his dad's utter shite. I also hope there's some focus on the players dynamic and it looks like Sam is going to grow into a good leader. And to be a good leader, sometimes you have to work with/manage assholes, so I hope that's explored. 


  • Love 5

Roy Kent shaved- All is right with the world.  And I know it won’t happen, but I wish Roy’s knee magically healed so he could play again.  He is hilarious as a color commentator. 

Jamie Tart reminded me a little of one of the Galleghar guys from Oasis with his swagger and sunglasses.  I know the team will hate it, but Jamie Tart (however semi-reformed) will certainly shake things up.

I love how everyone is so shocked that the Doc doesn’t eat sugar. Hee!

  • Love 7
On 7/28/2021 at 5:41 PM, slasherboy said:

Maybe I'm the only one that picked up on this, maybe not.

In Season 2, Episode 1 Ted enters Rebecca's office. When he does, Rebecca, Keely, and Higgins all call out, "Ted!" just like everyone did when Norm entered the Cheers bar. 

In real life, the actor who portrayed Norm (whose name I can't recall at the moment) is Jason Sudeikis' uncle.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

Brilliant observation. 


I'm now hoping for a George Wendt cameo.  There's room for a 1 episode American character. 

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

I'll take the unpopular opinion that I'm glad Jamie's back. He's an utter ass, but I think he's exactly what's needed to shake the team up. And he needs Ted to show him what a supportive male figure can be as his dad's utter shite. I also hope there's some focus on the players dynamic and it looks like Sam is going to grow into a good leader. And to be a good leader, sometimes you have to work with/manage assholes, so I hope that's explored. 


I agree. Jamie showed growth and vulnerability in his conversations with Keeley and Ted and he should be rewarded for it.

Two things that others have said about Nate's dickishness and Ted not talking to the team first. Both seem incredibly out of character and tension for tension's sake. While alot of this show has smart writing, it makes bad writing stick out like a sore thumb.

This episode was alot better than the first and seemed more on par with last season's quality.

Jamie had my favorite line, "he's like a female David Grohl" and Coach Beard steals every scene he's in for me.

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, AngieBee1 said:

Just as I'm sure by the time the season is over Nate is going to be pulled to the carpet due to his power going to his head.  

I don't think Nate's power is going to his head. He just can't let go of the emotional sense of responsibility he had towards the team's kits. His only issues are with the new kit guy and how he isn't doing his job in the same way that Nate did it.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Catfi9ht said:

Two things that others have said about Nate's dickishness and Ted not talking to the team first. Both seem incredibly out of character and tension for tension's sake.

I don't really think Nate's current attitude is out of character; last season, he was ready to roast the team - but never did so until Ted expressly gave him permission. Now that he's no longer the low man on the totem pole, he feels free to take out his frustrations on the new guy. Because I do think he's frustrated; when Dr. Fieldstone asked Ted at the end of the episode if everyone on the team was content with the current state of affairs, I'd wager he's someone who's not particularly happy with the locker room atmosphere (e.g. him wanting "killer athletes" and not lavender-scented "calm athletes"). I'm curious if Nate is, in his own way, trying to bring back a little Roy Kent energy.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, Garden Wafers said:
3 hours ago, Catfi9ht said:

Two things that others have said about Nate's dickishness and Ted not talking to the team first. Both seem incredibly out of character and tension for tension's sake.

I don't really think Nate's current attitude is out of character

Why would someone whose name was never remembered, constantly bullied, and called names do the same the first chance he got? That is why I think it's bad writing and out of character.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Catfi9ht said:

Why would someone whose name was never remembered, constantly bullied, and called names do the same the first chance he got?

Because bullies can often have a history of being bullied themselves? I don't think it's particularly outlandish to suggest that people can continue cycles of trauma and abuse, even if their experiences should have made them more empathetic. 

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I'm going to hold off on judging the potentially out of character/bad writing until I see where the Nate and Jamie storylines go. I kinda think both actions are deliberate. Those looks Ted and Beard give each other whenever Nate goes a bit power mad aren't there by accident. Just like I think Ted springing Jamie on the team wasn't an accident either. Every time, especially in the first season I thought the show was going to fall into a trope I'd seen 100 times, it always took a swerve. 

And if I'm wrong, c'est la vie. Maybe it's a reminder that Ted isn't infallible. He can have bad judgment calls, too. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Garden Wafers said:

Because bullies can often have a history of being bullied themselves? I don't think it's particularly outlandish to suggest that people can continue cycles of trauma and abuse, even if their experiences should have made them more empathetic. 

While that might be true sometimes in real life, the entire premise of this show is unrealistic. Based on season 1, Nate as a bully does not fit with the theme of this show and absolutely does not make sense for the character.

  • Love 1

Forgive me if I’m being dense here, but why does everyone assume Ted didn’t tell the team he was bringing Jamie back? The reactions I saw on the pitch at the end seemed to be more dismay and reluctant resignation as opposed to outright shock. It seemed obvious to me (until I came here!) that everyone was given a heads-up and while not happy about it, no one is caught off-guard. 

What’d I miss???

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

I'm going to hold off on judging the potentially out of character/bad writing until I see where the Nate and Jamie storylines go. I kinda think both actions are deliberate. Those looks Ted and Beard give each other whenever Nate goes a bit power mad aren't there by accident. Just like I think Ted springing Jamie on the team wasn't an accident either. Every time, especially in the first season I thought the show was going to fall into a trope I'd seen 100 times, it always took a swerve. 

And if I'm wrong, c'est la vie. Maybe it's a reminder that Ted isn't infallible. He can have bad judgment calls, too. 

I agree the show has been good at dodging tropes.  But I'm getting a bad feeling about that last scene.  It really DOES seem like a way for the writers to generate conflict out of nothing.  Even the doctor's talk with Ted seems to feed into the idea that in universe, being too comfortable isn't necessarily a great thing.   So having Ted act so out of character is maybe supposed to be him falling for some claptrap that doesn't really align with who he is.

  • Love 1

Ted was right to bring back Jamie. He has an obligation to try to win, and if Richmond is to be promoted, a bunch of draws won't do it. 

While it fits with the show, Sam is out of line. He's a professional -- if you remember last year and the guy talking about his Lamborghini, he's a highly paid professional. He doesn't get to bitch about chemistry or being bullied or feeling bad when the team he's getting paid to play for is not winning. If Ted can get a talent the caliber of Jamie without a trade or buying them from another club, he'd be crazy not to do it. Higgins knows that because he's in the business of the sport, not just the games. 

Nate's along those lines. He had no hesitation trashing Danny for not living up to his the terms of his contract when he had the yips, but because he doesn't LIKE Jamie he as a against bringing him back.

Someone at The Ringer or Slate or somewhere really did lay out that Ted might be a much different guy than we think he is. This positivity may just be his form of manipulation.  One of the key points was that Ted consistently gets people do things that ought to be his job. He got Nate to deliver the criticism of the team (and when you look back at it, Nate's mean-spiritedness shows in those critiques); he got Roy to bench himself. He "forgave" Rebecca for giving him a job he was clearly unqualified for -- but he's smart enough to have assumed something else was going on when he was hired. The only real managerially tough move he's made was benching Jamie. 

I don't think we're headed for a holy mother forking shirtballs moment with Ted because Lawrence isn't Schur, but I won't be surprised to see a different side of Ted as the season progresses.  The way he talked about his father last episode makes you think that maybe he's not as okay with his team's performance as his demeanor might suggest, and what he might be willing to do to improve them. 

Keely is my crush. I'd leave my wife and kids and everything for a weekend with her. :)  

Edited by whiporee
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Kirbyrun said:

Forgive me if I’m being dense here, but why does everyone assume Ted didn’t tell the team he was bringing Jamie back? The reactions I saw on the pitch at the end seemed to be more dismay and reluctant resignation as opposed to outright shock. It seemed obvious to me (until I came here!) that everyone was given a heads-up and while not happy about it, no one is caught off-guard. 

What’d I miss???

Their expressions aren't definitive, but the editing is highly suggestive of a blindsiding.  The choice of ending on Jamie marching onto the pitch vs. a locker room scene with Ted telling them he's coming back is pretty suggestive.  It could be the show intentionally misleading us about this, but dramatically there HAD to be a good reason for including the earlier scene with Sam marching off the field.  It certainly wasn't just to put the idea of fathers into Ted's head.  That last could have just as easily been done via a less dramatic scene. 

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1 minute ago, SnarkShark said:

Their expressions aren't definitive, but the editing is highly suggestive of a blindsiding.  The choice of ending on Jamie marching onto the pitch vs. a locker room scene with Ted telling them he's coming back is pretty suggestive.  It could be the show intentionally misleading us about this, but dramatically there HAD to be a good reason for including the earlier scene with Sam marching off the field.  It certainly wasn't just to put the idea of fathers into Ted's head.  That last could have just as easily been done via a less dramatic scene. 

I agree. I would also add Ted's body language reads as embarrassed or ashamed. If he had told the team ahead of time, I would think Ted would have a more positive reaction to Jamie running onto the pitch even though the team's mood would read as dour regardless if they had been given a head's up or not.

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10 minutes ago, whiporee said:


Keely is my crush. I'd leave my wife and kids and everything for a weekend with her. :)  

I hate how the character wears her hair though. Last season it was even worse.  To be fair, hair-up does seem to be a quirk of the actress off screen too.  Embracing the big forehead real estate rather than covering it. 

She's an interesting contrast to her alleged inspiration, Keeley Hazell, who's very much a hair-down type.

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I assume the Team was told Jamie was coming back too. There would be contracts and press releases when they hired back a famous player. He would not have just walked out as a surprise. I thought the reaction was hesidency.

I was surprised that Coach Beard voted thumbs down on Jamie being back on the team though.  Last year he gave Ted shit for not putting winning first. Seemed a little out of character.

LOL to Prince of Tides being Doc's favourite book.  It has a therapist and her patient having a romantic relationship.



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