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Doubling Down With The Derricos - General Discussion

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The Derricos won't stop until they have more than the Duggars 19 kids.     It's all for the publicity, and the TV money. 

I don't believe very much of what we see on the reality shows, and wonder if the name should be unreality shows on a lot of them. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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7 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

The Derricos won't stop until they have more than the Duggars 19 kids.     It's all for the publicity, and the TV money. 

I am afraid you are right.  I opted out after S1 ep 3, and I think that was one of the best decisions I have ever made as far as a "reality" show is concerned.

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I wonder if they are on any kind of public assistance with that brood?

Even if they're not on welfare, you can bet they are getting a tax refund each year far larger than the amount of taxes they actually paid in. 

If Karen is pregnant again, someone should call CPS. I only watched a little bit of the show, but the kids were just running everywhere with no structure or guidance. Do the parents even know what the kids are learning or how much they're eating each day? Is anyone getting any help with their homework? 






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Those Derricos are asking for trouble. They have already lost one "triplin" , had problems with Dawsyn, and Diez needs surgery because of a complication of being a multiple. Karen looks worn out. Like she has a bad thyroid maybe. And her uterus can't be very viable after that many multiples, can it?  This will be a high, high risk pregnancy.  That is not fair to the baby that is coming and could face multiple surgeries and complications. Poor Gigi. I like that Gigi speaks her mind.

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On 6/10/2021 at 3:01 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

The Derricos won't stop until they have more than the Duggars 19 kids. 

When we first "met" the Duggars, they also had 14 children. That must be the minimum level for getting your own TLC show. Over the years, we saw Michelle deliver babies 15-19, then miscarry #20. I don't think Karen will be able to reach the Duggar goal even if she has multiple babies at a time. 

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They had a storyline last season about hiring a babysitter, or was it a nanny? I suppose that was just for that one storyline, as that sitter hasn’t been mentioned since. They may want to give her a call now that Gigi is pushing back. And I do love her for speaking her mind so forcefully!

Trivial perhaps, but this bugged me - the kids each had a plain bagel for breakfast? I’m assuming that’s what I saw. Spring for the cream cheese so it tastes like more than cardboard! Scramble up some eggs on the side! How about some fruit to go with that? Something. 

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12 hours ago, xls said:

And  the 'honorary ' member  Eric ? Huh ? Is he a brother husband ? 😏🤣

I keep wondering that too. Why is this attractive young man always there, does he not have a life of his own ? Karen is going to wind up dying in childbirth ( not that I wish that ) she is a tall but thin woman and it can't be healthy for her to keep having children, any doctor would tell her so just by looking at her, plus with the loss of one baby, Dawson having what appears to be very serious health issues, little Diez with his skull. I am 100 percent on Gigi's side.

Also, I  have a question.. don't most states have occupancy laws on the number of people that can live in say a 3 or 4 bedroom house ?    

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Also, I  have a question.. don't most states have occupancy laws on the number of people that can live in say a 3 or 4 bedroom house ?    

Yes, they do--the occupancy limitations probably vary from state to state, but I would think all states have some kind of occupancy law on their books. 

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On 6/8/2021 at 11:01 PM, Adeejay said:

The father is an a-hole and the mother is an idiot.  The poor lady looks tired and worn out  and here he is talking about having another kid.  What the eff is wrong with him?  While the kids look happy, they do not look healthy.  Plus, they have two that are going to  need surgery. I wish they would prioritize the kids that they have. I can’t help but wonder why Karen’s family aren’t around. 

It's all about 'his' dream of as many kids as possible he's all; my my,me me, I I...

Doesn't care if he runs his wife and mother into the ground, he doesn't have to suffer through pregnancies.

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On 6/16/2021 at 2:00 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Why is this attractive young man always there, does he not have a life of his own ?

I forget what exactly was happening, but when Deon yelled at him to "watch them" at one point, I yelled "WATCH THEM YOURSELF! THEY'RE *YOUR* KIDS!" What an ass. You want to keep producing them, then you need to take responsibility for them yourself.

I love the kids. I don't have much of an issue with Karen. GG is great. Deon gets on my last nerve.

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On 6/18/2021 at 10:03 AM, SilverLake0315 said:

I forget what exactly was happening, but when Deon yelled at him to "watch them" at one point, I yelled "WATCH THEM YOURSELF! THEY'RE *YOUR* KIDS!" What an ass. You want to keep producing them, then you need to take responsibility for them yourself.

I love the kids. I don't have much of an issue with Karen. GG is great. Deon gets on my last nerve.

Same, the kids are a hoot, cute as hell, funny, smart, happy.

at least they are allowed to sing dance and have fun -unlike the robotic Duggars!

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This article explains who the son, and nephew/friend/helper are:


How can they make a storyline about the little boys head issues?    I can see something's wrong through the TV commercials, and if the parents didn't then they're despicable.   

It also mentions the nannies in the home. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I’m really have ?s about the honorary Derrico??? I read online that he could possibly be an older son of Deon’s brother but,, Nephew son and brother lover….. how many things can this part time model be???? And why not from day one say he is a nephew? But Eric story is that he met Deon And started doing some work for him. Now he’s an honorary family member and a tenant who is very dutiful from day to day!!!! Very good looking man in his 30s that’s married but lives with them?????!? Hummm??? Somethings not right there…… I don’t think the woman was ever pregnant( with this 2021 baby I think her body probably feels  pregnancy levels at all time,which is why she had a sack hers is never closed up. Anyway, grandma was right to step in and say what she said! But the daughter was surely be a nosy tonight. I think I’ll just watch the headlines for what happens next!

I admit to only watching this show sporadically and even zoning out while watching. I would never wish a miscarriage on anyone. I have two sisters who have both had them. Part of me thinks it is the body’s way of doing its job; in many cases there are medical issues that make the pregnancy unviable.

That being said having so many children and some with serious health issues you think it would give them pause to continue having children.

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3 hours ago, winsomeone said:

I wish the children had a little more meat on their bones. Do they get enough to eat? I suppose so, as they are certainly all active enough.

We're talking about two adults who didn't notice their son's skull condition, which many of us spotted just from the show commercials, so I'm not sure the parents notice anything to do with their children. 

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

We're talking about two adults who didn't notice their son's skull condition, which many of us spotted just from the show commercials, so I'm not sure the parents notice anything to do with their children. 

Did they not notice it though?  They said the doctors they asked about it earlier said it was nothing to worry about and now they regretted not checking into it further back when a non-surgical procedure could have rectified it.

I think I would have gotten a second, third, and fourth opinion.  

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Jeez, people who DO NOT need more children! While I believe the 14+ Derrico children are more likely to have a positive impact on the world than the 19 Duggar children, the Duggars at least had a system down pat where they had economies of scale going (in large part because they didn't abuse fertility drugs and thus had only twins as multiples). They also didn't keep going with multiples after losing one child and having two with serious special needs. I am surprised that GG was that unguarded about her disapproval in front of the cameras and that TLC aired her critique. I wonder if they already knew about the miscarriage (if indeed there was ever a pregnancy) when they filmed that scene.

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Karen doesn't want to hire a stranger for a nanny.  She has interviewed a potential nanny who seems capable, but Karen continues to stall.  She wants someone she's familiar with like a cousin.  Except no cousin is stepping forward to be a nanny to over a dozen kids.  The surgery date is looming and still no nanny.  Hubby says he'll hire the nanny without her OK if she doesn't make a decision.  It kind of sounds like producer-driven drama.  I'm sure a nanny will be eventually hired and all will be well.  

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I swear I’m seeing the oldest daughter in a tv commercial for Acne medicine.   Dupixent.   Oh they now said her name is Skye so I guess it’s not her. 

Bunch of young girls playing in a garage. Looks just like her but maybe a bit heavier. 

It’s on TLC during Married At First Sight Couples Cam.  


On 6/30/2021 at 3:49 PM, Texasmom1970 said:

Did not like Karen saying she has 18 cousins when she was referring to help with her children.

Rude to assume they should help. If they wanted to help they would call. Dont call them out on national television.

They're probably busy with  their own families and children, unless they are very young. 

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39 minutes ago, xls said:

 'Rico' hires  Eric as a manny, figures , he probably has been all along 

All that drama about a nanny and it ends up being Eric.  Well, it seems like he's there a lot of the time, so it may as well be him.  

I don't understand the whole family traveling all that way for only ten days.  It would make more sense for the kids to stay at home with Eric (with light assistance from Gigi) and the parents could facetime them each day.  

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It is totally bizarre and idiotic to me that they are packing up everyone . They can be apart for more than 10 days. The parents need quiet to deal with the aftermaths of the surgery and help their child. What they don’t need is their attention fractured by all the other kids who are in a different place and have had their regular life disrupted.


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8 minutes ago, jabinlbc said:

$30,000 to rent a house for 10 days???  It must be a mansion in Malibu or Beverly Hills.  Just leave the other kids at home with Eric.  He's the nanny, right?

I think it was $3,000, but it sounded like $30,000 when she said it.  I had the close-captions on and the caption said $30,000.  At first, when I saw the caption, I said to myself, "Why are they so happy with a $30,000 rental fee when it's not that much less than the original $41,000?" I listened to it again and I'm pretty sure she said $3,000, although it was kind of hard to tell.    

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22 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I think it was $3,000, but it sounded like $30,000 when she said it.  I had the close-captions on and the caption said $30,000.  At first, when I saw the caption, I said to myself, "Why are they so happy with a $30,000 rental fee when it's not that much less than the original $41,000?" I listened to it again and I'm pretty sure she said $3,000, although it was kind of hard to tell.    

I also had the captions on and it said $30,000.  $3,000 actually sounds too low for a place that would house 18 people for 10 days (I think that is what they had said they needed), but maybe an Air BNB in an outlying area not near UCLA?  Either way, I think it's ridiculous that they would take everyone.  Just focus on the child having the surgery and leave the others at home with Eric and GG...

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The house that the family rented turned out to be less than what they had anticipated--weed smell, possible mildew, etc.  Luckily, Karen was able to immediately locate another house, so they had to repack and move to the other house.  The kids enjoyed a brief visit to the beach, and then the morning of the surgery, the parents were told only one parent could be in the hospital due to Covid restrictions.  So Karen stayed at the hospital and hubby went back to the house.  

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I saw no reason for the parents to go into excruciating detail about the surgery with the kids.  Granted, a lot of it probably went over the heads of the younger ones but most likely they could still sense the anxiety.  I can’t stand it when the dad constantly uses the word defecation.  Dude, it doesn’t make you seem smarter to say a four syllable word for poop.  

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3 hours ago, Quof said:

Children should be taught the proper terms for their body parts, and functions.  Or you get adults like Oprah who say "vajayjay". 


No euphemisms or cutesy names - the real names for body parts and bodily functions. 

This is so important.

If a child is sexually molested, whether the child can accurately describe what happened to them - with no ambiguity a defense lawyer will take advantage of - can make the difference between the perpetrator being convicted, or acquitted.

As for using euphemisms/slang terms when chatting with other adults, it's much easier to stick with the same terminology all the time. Switching depending upon with whom you're talking increases the chance of "slipping" when you're with the kids.

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13 hours ago, spunky said:

Maybe it's just me, but something about Eric just seems off. I can't put my finger on it, I just get a weird vibe from him.


What I saw was when Eric walked in from wherever he was and dad Derrico told him to catch the boys up with their math.....Eric's face looked like "damn, I just walked thru the door, can I breathe first"  LOL   

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8 hours ago, lasandi said:

What I saw was when Eric walked in from wherever he was and dad Derrico told him to catch the boys up with their math.....Eric's face looked like "damn, I just walked thru the door, can I breathe first"  LOL   

I saw that look too, but that's not what I meant.  Every time he's on screen I get a weird feeling. I can't put my finger on it.

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