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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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1 minute ago, BK1978 said:

I do not have the feeds either, I am just going by what everyone here is saying.  But I do recall on either the first episode or the second episode him talking to Cody and being shocked that the cool kid would want to talk to him.

That was a weird convo. He kept saying "you're so good" or something to that effect, and I was all, "whaaaa?" Kevin clearly never watched his season and has no grasp on Cody's character. 

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1 minute ago, Jeebus Cripes said:

That was a weird convo. He kept saying "you're so good" or something to that effect, and I was all, "whaaaa?" Kevin clearly never watched his season and has no grasp on Cody's character. 

He said on the feeds he stopped watching after 14. I remember him asking Janelle what Cody was like on his season. 

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10 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Does melatonian cause ambien effects? I really hope Janelle remembers some of this stuff tomorrow. Luckily she isn't spilling info to xmas.

Only if you pair it with an Ambien. I take a nightly melatonin with a Benadryl and nada. Melatonin is just a supplement that's usually in the vitamins and supplements aisle that helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep. If not used all the time, it can help with jet lag and whatnot. I'm amused that they have to ask the DR for their nightly dose since a 12 year old can buy it at the grocery store pharmacy but then this is the same house where previous seasons have abused Benadryl and Tylenol PM to rest up before comps. 


14 minutes ago, Jeebus Cripes said:

I don't have the feeds but are the houseguests alienating him in some way? I only vaguely remember him from his season. 

No, Kevin hasn't been alienated. It was his biggest fear and it still causes hand wringing occasionally. Dani got annoyed at him for needing constant reassurance that he was safe this week so I think it's safe to say that he probably will be alienated at some point (the week he goes home) just from pure frustration but I also think Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole Anthony is going to be in for the same treatment when it's her time to go because both of them have that awkward "Oh God, please like me" desperate energy. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Can someone up that melatonin dose? Because Janelle is going all-Kaysar tonight. Like, she literally had to sit back and she'd most likely be safe this week. 

I blame Kevin and Nicole A. What a strategy those two have! They bore you to tears until you'd do anything to feel alive again. Even blow up your Big Brother game for funsies.

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Christmas woke up Kaysar up he is heading downstairs. 

Nicole A/Janelle are telling Kaysar that they both walked in a pow wow with the same people Cody, Nicole F, Tyler, Dani 

Kayser guesses Bay at first which is wrong.

Janelle tells Kaysar that Dani told her she should target Christmas and David.

Janelle tells Kaysar that Enzo told her she should target Christmas and David.

Janelle tells Kaysar I love Dani, but she is double dealing.

Nicole A/Janelle think Christmas is a free agent.


Edited by choclatechip45
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Janelle thinks they are scared because they don't know what Memphis will do. They think David is on the outskirts, but Nicole A does not think David is part of it. 

Kaysar says Dani wants a 1:1 with him later because they don't talk. Dani said the same thing to Nicole A. 

Janelle "Am I paranoid is Dani targeting me?

Kaysar and Nicole A "No" (about the paranoia, not about targeting)

Janelle "Good because this is weird since Dani and I are friends."


Nicole A points out Cody called dibs on David's bed.

Janelle says if they get power they would be morons not to go after them.

Edited by choclatechip45
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18 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

He's not being alienated, but he's also clearly not being included and specifically by the people he WANTS to include him (Cody and his gang). 

He lost me this week when he told Nicole A./Da'Vonne that he'd have to pay Cody back if he swayed the votes in his direction. Cody nominated him! He's so desperate to fit in that he refuses to see what's right in front of him. It seems to be clear to everyone but him.

It's like he's trying to shed his imposter syndrome and insecurities by fitting in with the Cool Kids at all cost, not by actually excelling at Big Brother. And it's still early, and I'm sure they'll all have these moments of desperation and woe-is-me-ness - but he's just oozing it. He came in too terrified to talk to Cody Calafiore. Like, I know he's pretty, but suck it up - this is All-Stars. Hopefully it will change when he's not on the block, but I get why his "I'm so lost" pleas for reassurance are already getting on everyone's nerves. 

Edited by mooses
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They are debating whether or not they should tell Memphis. 

They all think Christmas is a lone wolf. Kaysar wants to hold the information. Janelle wants to tell her Wednesday. 

Kaysar and Janelle are bad mouthing Kevin about how lost he is and moping around. 

Janelle thinks Ian is a wildcard. 

Janelle says Ian has a weird thing with Nicole F.

Nicole A agrees.

Janelle does not believe for a second that Ian did not watch last season. 

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Janelle: "I love Kevin, but he sucks."

Kaysar: "He's not good. He doesn't know what the f- he's doing." 

Maybe...don't insult the one HG your potential ally seems to be closest to, you guys? I am curious if this will completely keep Nicole A. from working with Janelle/Kaysar. She tied her fate to a guy with terrible reads last time and ended up getting dragged down. 

Edited by mooses
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Just now, mooses said:

Janelle: "I love Kevin, but he sucks."

Kaysar: "He's not good. He doesn't know what the f- he's doing." 

Maybe...don't insult the one HG your potential ally seems to be closest to, you guys? I am curious if this will completely keep Nicole A. from working with Janelle/Kaysar. She tied her fate to a guy with terrible reads last time and ended up getting dragged down. 

This. They need to use Nicole A to get Kevin.

I should be in bed but here, have one last one for tonight.


"Millennials. I don't know." (Janelle missed the millennial group by one year. As an early millennial, I prefer being called Generation Oregon Trail for all the hours I clocked on that game, dying of dysentery.) 

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Starting to wish I didn't see the day when Janelle and Kaysar got bamboozled by Christmas Freakin' Abbott.

I lived through seeing them be conquered by the Nerd Herd and Mike Boogie, I suppose I will survive this. It's their destiny to break our hearts, and for us to still love them for it. So let it be written, so let it be done.

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Can someone please explain to me what is the point of slop? It hasn’t been mentioned on the regular shows since people were first chosen for it, and that was very quick. I’d be willing to bet that most viewers aren’t even aware that some HG’s are eating slop. If it were part of the narrative or an occasional punishment like wearing _tards, fine. But as is, it seems to exist only for the live feeds and general misery.  I don’t get it.

The need to do food like Australian BB. Instead of Have Not they get basic rations and then have to compete in a challenge each week to get money to buy more. After they get a total amount, someone(generally the cook) spends the money from a BB shopping list.

There will be drama when they are all on rations for a week because sometimes it’s all or nothing for the money and someone screws it up.  

There will be drama when the big boys complain that they are manily men and need steak and need more.

There will be drama when the person ordering the supplies decides to get back at someone who drinks about ten cups of tea and don’t order any. (That actually happened and the tea drinker got the cook evicted next time she was HOH.)

Just think about someone who Dani has annoyed about their eating habits having control over the list and ordering nothing but junk food or Dani having control and ordering but her type of food. She would be kicked out the very next week.

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9 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

So many posts I want to quote....you guys really are the best. And way more entertaining than this season.

I'm bummed that Keesha's first post-eviction Instagram post was better than her entire week in the house. But I will always love her for her love of animals and her adorable dogs. I bet she's so much fun out of the BB world.

I HATE that Memphis won HOH. I don't know how old Cody is, but hopefully Memphis gets tired of the young whippersnapper telling him what to do. Though I started this season wanting Ian on the block, there are quite a few others I'd prefer go first.

Did @Nashville coin the term CryCole? Because that's how I think of Nicole F.  I'm still irritated by her pigtail things on the first night. Yeah, I'm petty like that.

What is David doing to get on people's nerves? He's so zen.

Janelle...I don't even wear perfume, and I want that Fucking Fabulous. It sounds amazing.

I 100% absolutely adore her confidence. Maybe I'll try strutting into my dentist's office next week like her. But without the star outfit.



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2 hours ago, xfuse said:

The need to do food like Australian BB. Instead of Have Not they get basic rations and then have to compete in a challenge each week to get money to buy more. After they get a total amount, someone(generally the cook) spends the money from a BB shopping list.

In BB2, I believe, they had a budget and had to buy their food with it. I think they need to go back to either that or the food comps. But TPTB don't wanna spend any TV time on non-game related comps, which means they should just give up on the whole thing altogether but they're idiots so!

About the Pressure Cooker and someone having to pee, I believe Kaysar, Jennifer, and Rachel were the last 3 standing and Rachel had to pee but she couldn't leave until there was a winner and that contributed to Kaysar giving up HOH to Jennifer.

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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

In BB2, I believe, they had a budget and had to buy their food with it.

I think it was more like the comp had the foods in them. I remember Amy either yelling for someone to get the cheese or just going for cheese cards/board pieces.

In the Ausie version they get a time limit after the comp to pick out the food they want with the money they got. One comp was that they catch a ball that dropped out of a pipe but only the person who's name flashed up on the screen could catch the ball. It led to some entertaining moments. One girl had to run out of the shower twice. It made people do things and interact with the entire house but more importantly it led to BB screwing with some of the contestants.

10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

She needs a springy leash on a harness thing that parents use on their unruly kids. 

Side note: I found out that the husband was one of those hyperactive leash kids and it's been three years since his mom told me over a wine lunch and I haven't stopped laughing yet because she told me that he never understood why he could runrunrunrun and then would get snapped back. 

De-lurking to say how much more entertaining everyone here is than the actual show! Thank you everyone. This comment reminded me that mom tried using a leash on me (millions of years ago) because she said I was very little, very fast, and had no sense of personal safety. Only problem was, since I had a leash, I decided I needed to be a dog and crawl. This got mom some really dirty looks from people who assumed I was too young to walk because of my size 😆 and the leash era didn't last too long.

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With the carping over David being a Have Not, I don't see how Memphis can nominate him without it drawing some ire.  That's fine with me. Messy is good. We need something to jumpstart this season and give us good feeds. And if Memphis blows it somehow and hurts his game, all the better.

Do we know who was going to play for Safety? Good Nicole and maybe Christmas?  Tyler was really balking about it last night.

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8 hours ago, mooses said:

Janelle: "Nicole? I f-ing hate that girl."

Nicole: "Be nice. Be nice. Say 'dislike.'"

With help from Nicole A., Janelle clarifies that she likes Nicole F., but cannot deal with her in this game. "That sneakiness. It's annoying. Walking around like a rat."

Same, Janelle. Same.


Okay, MOM.

8 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

About Janelle

Nicole A "Has she always been this entertaining."

Kaysar "Yes."

Janelle "I use to be more entertaining, I have less energy now."

She is a TREASURE.


I've come to the conclusion I can't follow anything that's going on in the various convos. Whether I'm reading what people are reporting or hearing it myself, I have no idea what's sincere or not. I give up trying to figure it out.

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