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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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19 minutes ago, zorak said:

Cody:  "In my season Derrick was doing a lot of the thinking.  I was just being me."  Ya don't say?

I love his introduction package where he says he doesn't get enough credit for his game because Derrick never would have ended up where he was without Cody. Like, yeah, we know. We watched you be his Personal Assistant for a season and then hand him the half a million dollars. 

Derrick wouldn't have gotten to where he was without Victoria, either. Cody thinks he's so much more important because he got the fancy job-title of "Hitman," but Cody and Victoria held the same position in the company of Derrick. And she managed to make it thisclose to second place while doing half the work.

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I really hope that some clever, forward-thinking editor behind the scenes is already putting together some nice montages of Tyler talking about Angela's jewelry, cooking and cookbook, as well as Christmas talking about her foot, so they can be shown on finale night or on the show where the final few HGs reminisce about the season and how crazy it's been.

Edited by TVFan17
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Da'Vonne telling Janelle she's been listening, and she hasn't heard Kaysar and Janelle's name. And she thinks her and Kaysar wasted their power.

And she thinks Cody is going to put up two guys. "I don't really see him talking to the guys. I don't."

Um, Da'Vonne. C'mon. How can you be this wrong?

Edited by mooses
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Just now, mooses said:

Da'Vonne telling Janelle she's been listening, and she hasn't heard Kaysar and Janelle's name. And she thinks her and Kaysar wasted their power.

And she thinks Cody is going to put up two guys. "I don't really see him talking to the guys. I don't."

Um, Da'Vonna. C'mon. How can you be this wrong?

Day's one of those people who has a bad read and then triples down on the bad read. 

Janelle says that she roomed with NicoleF in some reality event and she didn't see Nicole at all. She was always hanging out with other people. Day said Nicole is a "guy's girl." Day mentions NicoleF not saying thank you for the vote again.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

So, Day and Bay are totally going to choose Cody's side. It's about to be Cody/Nicole F./Enzo/Tyler/Bay/Day/David/Dani/Christmas against Kaysar/Janelle/Memphis/Keesha with Nicole A./Kevin/Ian being too scared/stupid to do anything lol.

Cripes, I really need Janelle to win HOH next week and put some combo of Cody, Franzel, and Tyler on the block.

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22 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Day's one of those people who has a bad read and then triples down on the bad read. 

Janelle says that she roomed with NicoleF in some reality event and she didn't see Nicole at all. She was always hanging out with other people. Day said Nicole is a "guy's girl." Day mentions NicoleF not saying thank you for the vote again.

Day's claim to fame is outing the twins on season 17 as twins. Now she thinks her intuition is spot on.

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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

David is very good about cleaning the surfaces

I've caught up on fifteen pages here of riveting action (not really, but it appears the hamsters are boring this year) and this is the first mention of David at all.  I get that he's an introvert, but he does know what game he's playing, right?  He went out so fast last time, was brought back, then didn't last much past that.  It really is unfair, he's like an injured rabbit tossed amidst a group of feral cats.  Maybe it will be to his advantage, nobody knows him, he doesn't inject himself into things, so maybe everybody will forget him and he'll coast under the radar to the end.  Nicole F will be like "David?  Who's David?  Oh, that guy?  I thought he was part of the crew...."


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14 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

These outside game connections really ruin things. Day shouldn't be with Cody. Sub-consciously, she may not even *want* to be with Cody and/or his allies *cough*Nicole F.*cough*, but she'll do it because... of MTV's The Challenge.

It makes the game far less enjoyable than it should be.

To be fair, Paulie was also on her BB season. 

But yes, outside deals are very annoying. I don't think it's nearly as bad as BB7, though, where people actively worked against their own self interests in the game because Boogie was basically their boss. 

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16 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Nicole is fucking heinous and that voice just makes it all so much worse lol.

Did you actually mean “Nicole is fucking heinous”, or did you mean “Nicole is fucking hyenas”?  
Not that it would really makes that much of a difference in the audio characteristics....

16 hours ago, Callaphera said:

[Tyler] has a F2 with the ants at this point. 

Smart money‘s on the ants.


14 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Nicole is STILL crying. At this point she's going to catch up with Ragan and Amber BB8 for most unnecessary tears.

How DARE you diss the Big Meech by omission from the Tearcathelon Hall of Fame!?!?

12 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

"I think penguins are cute from afar, but I wouldn't want to meet a penguin." - Nicole A.

Damn straight.  Penguins may look all formal and shit, but get too close and they’ll cut a bitch.


1 hour ago, zorak said:

Enzo:  "I pretty much get naked when I shit."  WTF

DUDE.  If you’re spraying shit that bad, go see a fucking doctor please.

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1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Considering Day told Nicole Anthony that Other Nicole said nothing to her after Day was the deciding vote to win until after they were in the All-Stars house... yeah, I could see it. No acknowledgement at all until you think saying thank you will net you an ally to win another half-million? Gross.

When I first read this, I thought "Considering Day" was a play on Christmas, like Arbor Day. I couldn't figure out why she was talking to NicoleA about Day. Thank God it's Friday.

Also, Kaysar looks like sex on a stick, & I will shout that from the rooftops until the day that I die. Smart is hot, but also, plain hot is hot, too. I don't care who goes in what order, but Kaysar (& Janelle) need to stay around a long time. 

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9 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

To be fair, Paulie was also on her BB season. 

But yes, outside deals are very annoying. I don't think it's nearly as bad as BB7, though, where people actively worked against their own self interests in the game because Boogie was basically their boss. 

And she hated him there. If that where it was left, would things be different now? Maybe.

Nothing is as bad as Boogie. Nothing.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

So, Day and Bay are totally going to choose Cody's side. It's about to be Cody/Nicole F./Enzo/Tyler/Bay/Day/David/Dani/Christmas against Kaysar/Janelle/Memphis/Keesha with Nicole A./Kevin/Ian being too scared/stupid to do anything lol.


I was naive to think I'd be OK with most of these people winning. Ugh. I don't mind Tyler, David, or Day, but the rest of the group...yuck. And of course they're the side that can potentially dominate some of the comps. 

I hate this season already, lol.

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26 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Fuck, I think even Christie would handle it better. Or at least provide more entertainment for us.

Last night, Janelle and Nicole A. were wishing Christie was here to be, well, all Christie-like. Janelle was like, "What would Christie be doing now? Going up to the HOH demanding answers?" And Nicole A. did her Christie impression.

I love how clear it is that Janelle is a huge fan of the game and the HGs. Her and Da'Vonne seem to really find the same joy we do in some of Big Brother's...charms. 

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18 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

And she hated him there. If that where it was left, would things be different now? Maybe.

Shared season BB HGs are bizarre. They almost always end up as friends after the season, even if they were enemies on the show. I think it's sort of like you become a dysfunctional family. You have issues, but there's this weird bond between you.

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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

Yeah not that there's anything wrong with a female being the major breadwinner but like two years after BB he still doesn't have any kind of employment other than posing for pictures on IG? 

He probably makes so much more money posing for pictures on Instagram than he would from any other job though, other than perhaps corporate attorney or hedge fund manager, which I’m going to guess he lacks qualifications for. All of these people make crazy money as influencers; it would almost be financially irresponsible to attempt doing something else while the cash is still flowing. If you can get a good following on Instagram, that’s your job for the foreseeable future without question, I think. One of the many things that annoyed me about Nicole was how she constantly complained about having to take pictures of herself and share her life. Like, live off your half a million Instagram followers and make money, but don’t also COMPLAIN about it. Just to bring the topic back around to the many ways Nicole is ridiculous.

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2 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

He probably makes so much more money posing for pictures on Instagram than he would from any other job though, other than perhaps corporate attorney or hedge fund manager, which I’m going to guess he lacks qualifications for. All of these people make crazy money as influencers; it would almost be financially irresponsible to attempt doing something else while the cash is still flowing. If you can get a good following on Instagram, that’s your job for the foreseeable future without question, I think. One of the many things that annoyed me about Nicole was how she constantly complained about having to take pictures of herself and share her life. Like, live off your half a million Instagram followers and make money, but don’t also COMPLAIN about it. Just to bring the topic back around to the many ways Nicole is ridiculous.

I think that's one of the divides between old school BB and new school. Janelle is so popular but only has 85.5k followers and has a day job as a real estate agent. Tyler has 371k followers. I really really don't get the "famous for being an influencer" thing. I can see if you have your own business (like Angela) or a following outside of IG (like Lebron James). But famous just for posing for IG? That I don't get at all.

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4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Shared season BB HGs are bizarre. They almost always end up as friends after the season, even if they were enemies on the show. I think it's sort of like you become a dysfunctional family. You have issues, but there's this weird bond between you.

Like being in the trenches together.

My point is that without a completely separate show to bridge that gap, would they have reached out to one another on their own? Maaaaybe? But you take that dysfunction from one show and now multiply it by another show and then the devil you know becomes better than the devil you don't and it ultimately makes a totally separate game not separate. I get *why* (and if everyone else is gonna do it, you may as well too) but it just ruins things. Relationships and alliances no longer happen organically; now you commit yourself to working with someone - sometimes the relative of someone - before you may have even gotten to know someone else; someone whose goals and perspective may match your own way better.

Like, it's bad enough with the insular crap; reality shows becoming this weird incestuous thing makes it even worse, you know?

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4 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

He probably makes so much more money posing for pictures on Instagram than he would from any other job though, other than perhaps corporate attorney or hedge fund manager, which I’m going to guess he lacks qualifications for. All of these people make crazy money as influencers; it would almost be financially irresponsible to attempt doing something else while the cash is still flowing. If you can get a good following on Instagram, that’s your job for the foreseeable future without question, I think. One of the many things that annoyed me about Nicole was how she constantly complained about having to take pictures of herself and share her life. Like, live off your half a million Instagram followers and make money, but don’t also COMPLAIN about it. Just to bring the topic back around to the many ways Nicole is ridiculous.

Totally agreed. It'd be foolish NOT to cash in on this monetary opportunity, especially how it sets them up for Angela's jewelry business to be a sustainable business once their fame wears out. Rake in the cash now while people are interested in you and then when they become less interested in you, you've effectively gotten, what, four-five years of free advertisement of Angela's jewelry business (which was already doing well enough for her to make a living off of it before Big Brother). Then Tyler can get a "real" job to supplement the jewelry business (or go on the Challenge every year...the latter is probably more likely). 

Just now, Alice Mudgarden said:

Like being in the trenches together.

My point is that without a completely separate show to bridge that gap, would they have reached out to one another on their own? Maaaaybe? But you take that dysfunction from one show and now multiply it by another show and then the devil you know becomes better than the devil you don't and it ultimately makes a totally separate game not separate. I get *why* (and if everyone else is gonna do it, you may as well too) but it just ruins things. Relationships and alliances no longer happen organically; now you commit yourself to working with someone - sometimes the relative of someone - before you may have even gotten to know someone else; someone whose goals and perspective may match your own way better.

Like, it's bad enough with the insular crap; reality shows becoming this weird incestuous thing makes it even worse, you know?

Oh yeah, I hate that the Challenge is playing such a big factor here. And think about it, had Josh and Kaycee not been morons, the Challenge contingent ALONE would have been a dominant alliance (Cody, Day, Bay, Tyler, Kaycee, Josh and Christmas). 

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Kaysar told Bayleigh that he thinks Nicole F. is working with Cody.  They were also talking about who they think Cody is going to nominate.  Bayleigh said Keesha and maybe Kevin.  Kaysar thinks it's going to be Keesha for sure and that Cody will tell either Ian, Kevin, or Nicole A. that they are a pawn.  When I first came in on this convo Bayleigh was telling Kaysar about Swaggy and his background growing up and various things related to that.  I must say that this is the first time I've listened to Bayleigh talk and she didn't bug me.

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Kaysar makes people interesting because he asks them personal questions which is smart because he makes them feel included. Basically the opposite of Cody's game right now. If he can grab Bayleigh/Ian/Nicole A it would really help his game. 

Just now, Growsonwalls said:

Heh. Discussing how BB has a better track record with long term couples than Bachelor.

Keesha says she dated someone "from her season" after the show, meaning Dan. Said Dan was a virgin during BB10.

I had no idea they dated. Is this commonly known? I didn't really watch BB10 I was burned out from BB9.

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1 minute ago, choclatechip45 said:

Kaysar makes people interesting because he asks them personal questions which is smart because he makes them feel included. Basically the opposite of Cody's game right now. If he can grab Bayleigh/Ian/Nicole A it would really help his game. 

I had no idea they dated. Is this commonly known? I didn't really watch BB10 I was burned out from BB9.

Dan mentioned it on the feeds in BB14. He said that before he went to Vegas he broke up with his then-girlfriend so he wojuldn't be "cheating" on her while he banged Keesha.

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7 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I had no idea they dated. Is this commonly known? I didn't really watch BB10 I was burned out from BB9.

Yeah, as @Growsonwalls notes, it was really this kind of gross hook-up thing where Dan was pretty clearly taking advantage of Keesha's feelings for him to get the occasional hook up. I'm still a Dan fan, but that was by far the worst thing I've seen him do and it was quite disappointing. 

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6 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Dan mentioned it on the feeds in BB14. He said that before he went to Vegas he broke up with his then-girlfriend so he wojuldn't be "cheating" on her while he banged Keesha.

Ah thanks. Didn't really follow the feeds that season. 

1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Yeah, as @Growsonwalls notes, it was really this kind of gross hook-up thing where Dan was pretty clearly taking advantage of Keesha's feelings for him to get the occasional hook up. I'm still a Dan fan, but that was by far the worst thing I've seen him do and it was quite disappointing. 

I just did a search on reddit. Found a thread from 3 years ago that Keesha took Dan's virginity. Damn.  

6 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Yeah, as @Growsonwalls notes, it was really this kind of gross hook-up thing where Dan was pretty clearly taking advantage of Keesha's feelings for him to get the occasional hook up. I'm still a Dan fan, but that was by far the worst thing I've seen him do and it was quite disappointing. 

Yeah it wasn't nice of Dan at all. Keesha's a pretty nice girl too. She's very cagey about it -- wouldn't be surprised if there were still some hurt feelings.

She also indicated that they might have hooked up in the house but "off camera."

34 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Heh. Discussing how BB has a better track record with long term couples than Bachelor.

Well, that's just a numbers game. The Bachelor has one guy and however many girls, where as BB has an even number of girls. Even if all the Bachelors (I have no idea how many there are and don't watch the show) had long term relationships it would have to be with multiple women. I can't even do the math on BB if every person had a a long term relationship with another person on the show -- obviously their are factors like house guests that are married and sexual preferences, but hey things happen.

ETA: I didn't include the factor of Bachelor spinoffs, but that brings into question if you include other countries BB and that is a can of worms my sleep deprived brain can't handle.

Edited by grandmabegum
ETA more math I can't do
18 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I went to the beach last year with two women who spent more time putting on makeup for the perfect beach shots than anything. It was incredibly weird to see them not want to surf, swim, sunbathe, read, or anything, but literally spend hours putting on contouring makeup. 

One thing I do wonder about is how Tyler's mom feels about Angela. I think Tyler said that he literally left the Big Brother house and moved in with Angela and never went home after that. He seemed like a mama's boy in BB20. 

My cousin was on a South Carolina beach a month ago - it was practically deserted.  She was zooming in on a Insta-wannabe couple and laughing her ass off while taking videos. The woman fussed over a blonde wig she was putting on, then running and laying in the waves, rolling around while the guy was taking pictures. Then they switched. She sent me a video. 

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5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Ok, wait. Peanut butter and ham?! Well, sorry @Callaphera, but I am indeed going to try this. What kind of ham was it? Did she put it on bread? She's not supposed to eat carbs. Actually, she's probably not supposed to have pb either. She must be already breaking her diet lol. I legit want to try this very insane combo lol. 

Thoughts and prayers for your tastebuds. 


4 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

You guys, imagine if Nicole F. and Raven were in the same house. Someone would die from trying to out--victim the other (probably Raven from flinging herself off the HoH balcony or something).

OMG Raven, why did you have to have COVID five times by now? (I'm totally gonna start rounding up as the season goes on.)


3 hours ago, phlebas said:

Think he's blocked Rockstar's number by now?

In the Good News department, Rockstar deleted her verified Twitter account last night. That's probably the best thing to do after all of her pre-season shenanigans. 


1 hour ago, Slider said:

I was watching the bathroom group chit chat (Cody, Dani, Ian, David, Nicole A, and Keesha) and all you can hear is Nicole F talking about being emotional and about the start her period.  And she's not even in there. 🤦‍♀️ Why?!

Christie's period insanity influence is still felt in the house a year later. When do the Brussels sprouts come into play?

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