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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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Christmas has now said she will get shot, a fork in her face, or stabbed when she noms Day and Bay. Oh honey, your racism is jumping out. 

Now, if someone thought Christmas would murder them if they nommed her, that would make sense. You know, since she's the only one who's actually attempted to murder someone lol.

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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Christmas bringing it all around to being all Kaysar's fault. Of fucking course. 

At this point my 3 most hated are Christmas, Enzo, and Tyler.

I hate them all equally.  Can’t chose three. 


2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kevin is telling her the her and Bay are getting nom and she's like, but she's close to Bay. DA'VONNE OPEN YOUR EYES!

Day is so clueless it’s embarrassing.   These ppl are not playing like all stars.  

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Nicole trying to talk Daniele out of her new burning fire hatred for Tyler and the boys.

Daniele: "I believe her. I don't think anything she was saying was a lie. My feelings are hurt. And I try not to get my feelings hurt. But that hurts my feelings."

She seems especially burned by Cody knowing that there was a plan in place and not giving her a heads up. Wait until she learns about Nicole - Daniele just told her she's the only person she trusts now.

Also: since when does Kevin's "spirit" speak? It made a big appearance in his and Da'Vonne's strategy talk.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Nicole says that if Bayleigh goes this week, Nicole, Christmas, Dani, and Day will have something.  Dani says no and is telling Nicole that Christmas will not go against The Committee.  Nicole says she will.  Dani doesn't believe it.

I don’t believe it.  Dani is smarter than I thought.   She’s realizing Ratcole is not aligned with her.  

Can I have just one nice thing and have Dani win HOH and evict Ratcole?

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Dani said Big Brother has charged her for 3 microphones.  Nicole wanted to know what she's been doing with them.  Dani said she dropped one in the toilet and has the tendency to swing her microphones around.

I didn’t even know that was possible. Granted it’s 3 microphones but it wouldn’t even occur to me that the HG would be charged. Isn’t CBS like a major network with money?!

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Kevin's "spirits" must be channeling Cody because he just said something to Da'vonne about someone feeling some kind of way.  

Da'vonne told Kevin that it's scary because if Christmas is trying to surround herself with the boys, then they are fucked.  Now Kevin is bringing up the fact that Christmas was aligned with Josh and Paul.

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:


*pours some Crown Royal* Here, maybe this will help dull the searing pain in your head right now.

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Christmas: "This is the first nomination where shit is going to get rough." She asks Dani and Franzel to help her defuse shit.

Franzel: "Oh, I'm going to go into hiding."

Of course you are, you coward.

1 hour ago, zorak said:

Christmas:  "I'm not an asshole.  I'm savage.  I'm not a bitch."

Christmas is one of those people who is all "I'm direct, I'm honest" when what they really are is bitchy. Not the same thing, but, you know.

1 hour ago, Never Again said:

Thanks, Sis! (Or Bro?) 

@Callaphera, does @Never Again know you're the evil one, or are you hiding that from them like someone evil would do?

50 minutes ago, zorak said:

Nicole told Dani that she wants to work with Day going forward and have a girls thing or something like that but she doesn't think she can work with Bayleigh.

Oh fuck off, Nicole.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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I just can’t with Christmas and we have to all week. It didn’t occur to me that she would win HOH but then she didn’t really win, right? Then you throw in her Power it gets worse. It’s funny she hasn’t been particularity mean or heinous but she’s not very likable either. This is really turning into a nightmare of a season.  

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2 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

@Callaphera, does @Never Again know you're the evil one, or are you hiding that from them like someone evil would do?

Only the evil twin would ask such a question. Just sayin'.

...wait, am I a double twin now or does this retroactively become a triplet situation? This is becoming very telenovela. 

  • LOL 6
3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh has gone up to the HOH room and she and Christmas hugged.  Bayleigh is telling her it's ok and to not be upset.  Shouldn't it be the other way around?

But....where was her fork? Or gun? Because Christmas was legit scared, y’all, and we all know what a badass Christmas is since she reminds us every fucking hour.

You know the worst part of all of this? Nicole is legit playing a good game right now. She’s a terrific liar, she’s brilliant in playing the scared victim, she’s in the middle of all of this and yet no one seems to really want to call her out on anything. I really dislike her intensely.

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Bayleigh asked her if anyone else in the house knew that Christmas was going to be nommed.  She lied and told her nobody else knew.  Christmas is trying to blame this all on the fact that Bayleigh was straight up and told Christmas that Day was her number one.

Bayleigh left and Christmas was briefly alone and said, "This suuucks."  Well, you have nobody to blame but yourself!  Now Day is in there.  Christmas is again trying to claim that this was all because Bay and Day are each other's number one.

Christmas crying.png

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