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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

If I'm Kaysar, my pitch to Enzo is, "Nicole is using you, Cody and Tyler. She is riding through this on your coat tails. I'm going home no matter what, but you should really give her a shake up and make her realize that she can't just sit back and expect to not do any work while you're BUSTING YOUR ASS, BRO on this game. You are KILLING IT, bro, but she is benefiting without doing anything. Since I'm going home no matter what, you should give her a wake-up call and make her be a pawn for a week."

And then, of course, go to everyone else and try to convince them to take her out (Kevin, Day, David, Bay and maybe Christmas? Maybe Memphis?). 

He's going home no matter what, he might as well dream big.

I like it. What do we do? Manifest it?

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Kevin: "I want to flip shit. I'm tired of being on the bottom of the house." 

Uh huh. Suuure ya do. 

"I'm tired of being on the bottom of the house. I want to flip shit. I think I'll cut a deal with Cody and Enzo, who I know are running the house. I won't take myself off the block and I'll get myself solid in with them then. They've already shown how much they respect me by nominating me twice, and this way, I'll show them that I respect them, as well. Kevin, Cody and Enzo. We run this town."

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Nicole and Dani basically hate woman this season. It’s all fun and games until all the guys kick them out when it’s just the blob alliance (still don’t know any of the alliance names) left. Hopefully, it will be the Final 5. I want them to really get a taste of their own medicine when they think they have it all wrapped up. 

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Anyone ever watched The Handmaid's Tale? You know that story arc when Nick the Chauffeur gets assigned a bride and she comes with a special sex sheet that's a hole for the lovin' and a shroud to hide everything else? This is how I'm picturing Franzel and Victor's relationship now. It's both amusing and weird. That's, like, so weird, right? It's just so weird. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Downstairs, Bayleigh and Christmas talk about how they can’t support Kaysar because it’s a long game and they need to save their strength, not realizing that they actually need Kaysar more than he needs them and their game will be shorter than they think. And then Bay and Da’vonne talk about how it’s at least good that a guy is going this week.

While upstairs, Enzo, Cody and Nicole are talking about starting a rumor for sport, just to see how fast it would spread, because complacency has left them bored and needing new ways to entertain themselves.

My last hope that anything is going to change went out the window when Kevin won veto and ran to Enzo looking for praise and a pat on the head, like a pleased little puppy.

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We'll probably see even less of Memphis now that he fucked up his back somehow. Kaysar's retelling of the story was that Memphis worked out too much earlier, bent down to pick something up, heard a pop in his back, and then could barely shuffle his way in to the kitchen. I saw him walking earlier and he was definitely walking like someone with a bad back that's trying to pretend like it isn't bothering them. 

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Kevin, outlining his strategy, talks about bitter jury syndrome and how backstabbing people you’ve aligned with as friends will come back to haunt you. And to avoid that you need people outside of your inner circle to do the backstabbing for you.  (With you so far, Kev.) Therefore, a good way to get farther is to be one of those loyal people who are willing to get their hands dirty. (Whaaa- ?)

“How to win 7th Place on Big Brother: An Insider’s Guide“, by Kevin Campbell, now available for preorder on Amazon.

Edited by 30 Helens
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13 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

We'll probably see even less of Memphis now that he fucked up his back somehow. Kaysar's retelling of the story was that Memphis worked out too much earlier, bent down to pick something up, heard a pop in his back, and then could barely shuffle his way in to the kitchen. I saw him walking earlier and he was definitely walking like someone with a bad back that's trying to pretend like it isn't bothering them. 

Not to sound like Raven here, but that happened to me late last year (around America's Thanksgiving).  I went to pick up some laundry from my laundry basket and I heard a pop and then came an immense amount of pain.  I couldn't get out of bed for the next two months I was in so much pain.  Then it slowly went away over time and to this day I am still not sure what the cause of it was.

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Kevin has officially pledged his fealty to Enzo. He doesn’t want to be a pawn anymore; he wants to play! He has promised to never put Enzo on the block when he’s HoH. For his part, Enzo has promised they’re aligned “at least until jury”. He’s also going to talk to Christmas and see if she wants to join them, since Kevin said he likes Christmas, too. It’s all falling into place for Kevin, yo!

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Looks like Enzo’s building his own sub-alliance. Or at least creating additional buffers for himself. Having cemented Kevin’s loyalty, he went on to talk with Day and Bay. They agreed that they are on the bottom of the larger alliance and should start working together. They are all afraid of Dani. They don't want to rock the boat yet, so they will continue to go along with the status quo, but begin talking amongst themselves. They agree that people will start turning on each other soon, so once people start to “act cute”, they will break away. Enzo: “Watch out for cuteness, yo.”

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56 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Kevin, outlining his strategy, talks about bitter jury syndrome and how backstabbing people you’ve aligned with as friends will come back to haunt you. And to avoid that you need people outside of your inner circle to do the backstabbing for you.  (With you so far, Kev.) Therefore, a good way to get farther is to be one of those loyal people who are willing to get their hands dirty. (Whaaa- ?)

“How to win 7th Place on Big Brother: An Insider’s Guide“, by Kevin Campbell, now available for preorder on Amazon.

I still can't believe these HGs aren't thinking more about who will be in Jury. Nicole F./Cody will have each other's votes. Daniele/Nicole are super close IRL. Ian calls Nicole "Coco." It seems like Nicole F. would want to vote for Da'Vonne as payback, since Nicole F. sees Da'Vonne as the tie-breaker that gave her a win in BB18. Da'Vonne/Bayleigh would vote for each other. I don't think Enzo would vote for a woman to win. David doesn't even seem to understand what game he's playing.

You obviously have to make it there first, but that's a lot of HGs for others to keep around who could have really close ties to your potential Final 2 mate. And it's been pretty clear from the get-go - it's not like newbie seasons where these relationships have emerged over time. They separated Kaysar/Janelle, but that was the only actual close relationship cut-off pre-Jury so far.

It's good for about the usual four people if Kaysar goes this week (Tyler, although I think Kaysar would respect a deal/Cody/Nicole F./maybe Daniele, although I think she could be saved by Janelle saying she loved her). For everyone else, Ian just makes the most sense. 

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Wait, Franzel's wedding is a destination wedding where you have to pay for your own airfare and hotel room for the honour of seeing her marry Victor? At the Sandals resort in Turks and Caicos? This is what she's inviting and dis-inviting everyone to? The rooms have a 1.7 star rating on Google. The services and facilities got a 2.5 with a hilarious note that "Guests enjoyed the pool". Not like there isn't a giant body of water right fucking there or anything, the pool is nice.

This is even better than the rustic barn wedding with mason jars and fairy lights and burlap with a cash bar that I was putting together in my head. 

$1250! It costs $1250 USD to go to Franzel's wedding! And you still have to buy them a gift!

Edited by Callaphera
  • LOL 17
4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

It sounds like it was the vines/ropes comp that Holly won when Jackson FELL IN HIS PEEEEEEE! but they squirted paint on them. Bayleigh apparently got mad and threw her goggles and almost hit Da'Vonne.

I guess Memphis is hurting from... something and face down in his bed, making grunting noises.
Kaysar to Big Brother: "Gramps is down."


I'm just happy something about Enzo is getting a good scrub because he's the non-handwasher of the season and he's known for leaving his skid-marked ginch in the HoH bathroom when he's not HoH. 

Okay, what in the bluedilly hell is 'ginch'?

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8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Franzel, after Da'Vonne told her that she could see up her jean shorts and see ass cheek: "Thank God I'm wearing underwear. I wear granny panties so."

You know, the more we learn about Franzel, the more it all makes sense in my head. The cuddling with her mom until she was 16, the granny panties, the refusal to curse...

I wonder where she learned to give handies in the BB House then.

  • LOL 4
7 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Nicole and Dani basically hate woman this season. It’s all fun and games until all the guys kick them out when it’s just the blob alliance (still don’t know any of the alliance names) left. 

I absolutely love blob alliance. Perfect.

15 minutes ago, Victim Noises said:

As nature and God intended.

How dare you, Dani's natural hair color is dirty blonde! Seriously, every time anyone talks about her natural hair color she makes sure to correct them that it's actually dark blonde and totally not brown. 

This season falls further down the tubes with each passing day. Like damn. I would be very happy to be giving up the eps if this were a normal year with a normal TV schedule, but since we're in the darkest timeline there's nothing else on. I still won't be watching the Sunday and Wednesday eps though lol. And I assume in less than a month I won't be watching the Thursday ones either.

  • LOL 2
8 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

Is Kevin seriously going to become the first person on the block since Marcellus to not use the veto on themselves? The fuck? Use the damn veto and be happy you won!

I would so love for him to not use it on himself and then the BB Gods persuade the rest of these idiots to keep Kaysar and vote out Kevin.  I'm sure in his mind it somehow shows that he trusts the rest of them and is doing Enzo a favor by not forcing him to choose a replacement nom.  But since Nicole was telling Christmas last night that when a person seems too comfortable in the house (like Bayleigh seems to her) it makes everyone question why that person feels that way, maybe we'll be lucky and this dumbass strategy of Kevin's will backfire on him and instill enough paranoia in the rest of them to vote him out.  Not likely to happen but a girl can dream...

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Wait, Franzel's wedding is a destination wedding where you have to pay for your own airfare and hotel room for the honour of seeing her marry Victor? At the Sandals resort in Turks and Caicos? This is what she's inviting and dis-inviting everyone to? The rooms have a 1.7 star rating on Google. The services and facilities got a 2.5 with a hilarious note that "Guests enjoyed the pool". Not like there isn't a giant body of water right fucking there or anything, the pool is nice.

This is even better than the rustic barn wedding with mason jars and fairy lights and burlap with a cash bar that I was putting together in my head. 

$1250! It costs $1250 USD to go to Franzel's wedding! And you still have to buy them a gift!

She’s got a deal with them to post stuff on social media and they get discounts in return.  I think they reached out to her.

Edited by HartofDixie
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59 minutes ago, zorak said:

I would so love for him to not use it on himself and then the BB Gods persuade the rest of these idiots to keep Kaysar and vote out Kevin. 

Not using the veto on yourself seems like a good example of someone being too comfortable in the game.  I know it's Kevin. Just saying if Frazzled is going to apply that equally and consistently...

Isn't it basically an unwritten rule that if you don't use the veto on yourself, then you should be voted out on principle and respect for the game? I would argue that yes, it is indeed.

Edited by vb68
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7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Wait, Franzel's wedding is a destination wedding where you have to pay for your own airfare and hotel room for the honour of seeing her marry Victor? At the Sandals resort in Turks and Caicos? This is what she's inviting and dis-inviting everyone to? The rooms have a 1.7 star rating on Google. The services and facilities got a 2.5 with a hilarious note that "Guests enjoyed the pool". Not like there isn't a giant body of water right fucking there or anything, the pool is nice.

This is even better than the rustic barn wedding with mason jars and fairy lights and burlap with a cash bar that I was putting together in my head. 

$1250! It costs $1250 USD to go to Franzel's wedding! And you still have to buy them a gift!

She's probably flying in a barn with mason jars and burlap.

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6 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

As others note, Bay is really an emotional chameleon. When she's hanging around good people, she's fun. When she's hanging around jerks or when she is in a bad mood, she's awful. 

The Challenge contestants tend to be garbage people and Swaggy is obviously a garbage person, so she is very often awful. It seems like we're in for some awful Bay soon. 

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