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S10.E13: There's No Place Like Rome

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15 minutes ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

Denise is one of the worst liars I have ever seen. She can't lies she told just the day before. She said she didn't talk to Brandi at the dinner last week, and this week she's full of stories of all these things that Brandi supposedly told her. I don't believe for a second Brandi claimed to have had sex with Lisa. That is just Denise trying to deflect, and like Lisa said, it's not working.

I don't believe that anything Denise is saying about Brandi claiming to have slept with another woman (or multiple women) at the table because its seems too much like a strategy that Denise cooked up over the prior day.... she lied about you so believe that she lied about me. 

But I did find it interesting that I didn't catch any reason to think that Denise would be talking about Rinna specifically until Kyle swung her head right over to Rinna and then Rinna started acting like Denise was accusing her specifically.  That seemed odd.  But maybe I missed something like where Denise was looking as she said it or something.

So Sutton confirms that she heard the rumor two years ago.  Does that line up with what Brandi saying they hooked up when they first met.  That would predate Denise being on the show, right?  It definitely doesn't line up with Brandi's story about the night she learned Aaron wouldn't be ok with it.



Once the mean old girls get rid of Denise, WHO IS NEXT???? I VOTE RINNA!! 

At some point, if she wants all the attention, She gonna GET ALL the attention and it's not gonna be pretty! 

What's she going to do with all those HARRY HAMLIN questions besides throw a glass??  GO!! 

Edited by goofygirl
As usual, typing!
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27 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

Why does Kyle bring up Brandi’s past lawsuit as a reason to believe her?  Does Brandi strike anyone as a person who would learn from her mistakes?  She is a lying, fame-hungry drunk.

The lawsuit she lost, right?

Everyone missed the mark at that last dinner. They looked tired, like the jet lag was getting to them at this point. Funny Dorit and Erika both went for similar looks and failed.

Damn Garcel is a queen, with the straight facts on Rinna. Also why does Rinna get so upset at the thought of Denis saying rinna had sex with Brandi. "Don't even put that out there" why? 

Also I hate Tessy she is so self righteous and annoying. Stfu.


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10 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

So Sutton confirms that she heard the rumor two years ago.  Does that line up with what Brandi saying they hooked up when they first met.  That would predate Denise being on the show, right?  It definitely doesn't line up with Brandi's story about the night she learned Aaron wouldn't be ok with it.

Yeah this conflicts with Brandi’s timeline of this happening in April. We’re in the fall at this point, right? She certainly didn’t say this happened 2 years ago. MAYBE the making out in the bathroom story but definitely not the sex story. 

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1 minute ago, njbchlover said:

I completely agree with your entire post!!  

I also believe Denise, and I even believed her tonight.  I think that Denise was shocked at how quickly the ladies were to believe everything that Brandi has said, considering past histories with Brandi.  I also think that Denise is someone who may hear things and just choose not to repeat them.  That is going to drive all the other women crazy, considering that they consume more gossip than food.

I think that Denise is also someone who doesn't always pay attention to details like EXACT dates and times she has spoken to someone.  She seems to me to be a little scatterbrained or maybe just stoned or just has a lot on her plate that specifics about conversations with an aquaintance aren't paramount in her mind.  I could be wrong, and Denise could be hiding more than she's not saying, but I just don't get that vibe from her.

And, I say all of this with not really being a big fan of Denise's, just feeling that she is being piled on....mostly because she came out on the top of the "popularity" list last season, so the others are looking to tear her down.  

Good points, but for me, I don’t think it’s really the ladies’ decision who they pile up on, but the producers.  They have their own special way of injecting the venom, but the theme is handed to them in advance. 

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12 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

It took me 30 minutes to realize Teddi has been nowhere to be found...and I’m not mad at it. Haven’t missed her one bit.

Where was she?  I guess I missed that part of the show.  I noticed she wasn't around for either the D&G shopping or the sports car/wine tasting.  I actually enjoyed it all because she wasn't there to drag everyone down.  

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1 minute ago, esco1822 said:

What was edited out at this dinner??? As soon as Denise confirmed Brandi claimed to have sex with someone else at the table, Dorit and Kyle’s heads whipped to look at Rinna. The next words out of Kyle’s mouth were to Rinna “well, that would only be between you and me.”  What is that even about??? Followed by Rinna’s reaction, It seems  to me that this was a rumor going around some in the group but being tightly held off-camera until that moment. At no point did Denise say it was Rinna though that seems the obvious choice in this group. My bet is that Kyle runs her mouth to Kim about what happens behind the scenes, Kim shares with her BFF Brandi and that is the source giving Denise information about things she didn’t know about that went on in the group. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I thought that too. 

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11 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I think that Denise is also someone who doesn't always pay attention to details like EXACT dates and times she has spoken to someone.  She seems to me to be a little scatterbrained or maybe just stoned or just has a lot on her plate that specifics about conversations with an aquaintance aren't paramount in her mind.  I could be wrong, and Denise could be hiding more than she's not saying, but I just don't get that vibe from her.

I'm getting the feeling that Denise has decided to say whatever she needs to say in any fraught situation that she thinks will work best for her image in that moment.  Stuff like she doesn't want to have a confrontation in front of paparazzi...that aren't there.  And reversing herself on the details of what she is saying about how much she talks to Brandi from one day to the next.

This is no different than anyone else on the show. 

The problem Denise has is that she is terrible at it relative to the other HWs.  She's either scatterbrained to a degree that she can't remember what she said when she filmed a day before.  Or she's convinced that production has taken her side on this and won't use stuff they filmed where she contradicts herself.

There’s lots of editing and producer manipulation here. They should never film while the cast members are eating (well, pretending to eat) . Watch out for wandering empty/full glasses and dinner plates moving magically about on tables during any fraught exchange.

Why doesn’t Denise just say ... it’s none of your f*king business? Cuz it ain’t.

Bravo, Bravo, Bravo ... please drop Teddi. She really is boring (and dour)

Kyle’s new shiny crown is slipping methinks.

Why can’t we see more of Roma? 😢




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14 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:


Who from this group was on the show when Brandi was on the show, besides Kyle?


None of them. It was LVP, Adrienne, Kim, Taylor Camille and I think Dana of the bajillion dollar lollipop. That was the game night crew anyway, when Brandi said Kim was doing Crystal Meth in the bathroom all night. That was at the beginning anyway. I forget she was in the show for 5 years so I think she did eventually overlap with Rinna. But I think that’s it? I can’t remember. I’m hate-watching this show at this point.

Edited by esco1822
Brain fart
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3 minutes ago, QQQQ said:

"My bet is that Kyle runs her mouth to Kim about what happens behind the scenes, Kim shares with her BFF Brandi and that is the source giving Denise information about things she didn’t know about that went on in the group."


I came by to post this exact thing. I think Kyle's stirring things behind the scenes through Kim and Brandi.

I think so also.

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2 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I have a  friend and she takes notes for every conversation she wants to have. She's always calling me for advise what to say, though I always leave perplexed she couldn't come up with her own thoughts. Some people just want the drama and want to make things a production, and aren't confident about how they feel. Need the validation from someone else.

😁. A friend caught her man cheating and she was so overcome and upset - understandably - that she asked me to write down word for word what she should say to him when confronting him.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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4 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Kyle believes every word coming out of Brandi's mouth because Brandi's been sued for lying before, so why would she lie?

And then when Denise says something -- Kyle: "Now I don't believe that."

It’s unbelievable the people who totally believe Brandi. Can’t post it here. I’ll put in spoilers tomorrow.  It’s like they got a memo from Bravo. Lol

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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

I thought I was the only fashionista who preferred to shop alone! I get bored when friends take forever in a store or two and want opinions on outfit after outfit. I also prefer people not to see me in things I know don't flatter me and I won't buy. I like to think I have good taste and don't really need opinions. I've also experienced more frugal friends shame me for spending more, and friends who don't have budgets and rarely shop judge me when I leave stores not buying anything. (I shop as a hobby. If I were to be a Kyle and never leave a store without buying anything, I'd go broke.) My motto is, if you like it, buy it!

100000000000000000000000000000 Million Trillion Zillion Kajillion percent agree with you.  Don't shop with other people. It's a mistake.  

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5 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Kyle believes every word coming out of Brandi's mouth because Brandi's been sued for lying before, so why would she lie?

And then when Denise says something -- Kyle: "Now I don't believe that."

Kyle the truth teller about Brandi.



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7 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

😁. A college friend caught her man cheating and she was so overcome and upset - understandably - that she asked me to write down word for word what she should say to him when confronting him.  

Word sister. That is 100% my friend. I guess we have a way with words! Literally, she repeats what I say, verbatim.

I don't think Rinna has someone help her with her interview content, because her interviews are always her yelping and screeching and making really dramatic faces and pretending to laugh hysterically at some insignificant point she made, and no one would put their name behind that shit. Plus, I don't think she has money for that either. Keeping Harry Hamlin happy in Canada full-time has to be spendy and she has no income except for her hideous clothing line that no one buys or knows about.

I DEFINTELY think Kyle, Erika, and Dorit have someone write their interviews because none of them are very articulate otherwise and some of the insights they have sound pretty rehearsed. In real time, Kyle will start crying if she has to answer questions, Ericka will do the stick straight death stare, and Dorit will just stare, aghast, with her eyeliner eyes saying, "HON EY! Honnnneeyyy!" Basically, the only time I like them is in their interviews, so I think they get some help.

I"m not too impressed with Denise. When we see her without Aaron she comes off as vapid, and she definitely hates most of the women on the show. It would be kind  of cool to see her with her kids. Side note-- back in the day, when her kids were little, she would do lots of events that were photographed, and those girls were always looking miserable. Maybe they both just have that same downturned mouth like Denise has that makes her look grumpy.


Edited by bravofan27
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The trip to Rome was filmed in late November 2019. 

Around that time Sutton twice said she heard the/a rumor two years ago, once in an episode and once in a TH. Two years from when? Was it the "make out in a restaurant bathroom" rumor? Brandi never made it clear beyond "it was before she was with Aaron." That relationship began in the summer of 2017.

The alleged hook-up happened in April 2019. Denise was in Mendocino (northern Cali) filming with Patrick Muldoon and Brandi was there to record an episode of her podcast. 

More texts here than I've seen previously:



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Haha, Dorit implied Sutton was trying to buy their friendships.  And true to form, Dorit is all for it 🤑

To what degree, I don't know but something ain't clean in Denise's buttermilk.  Of course, I will really never know to what extent and don't really care.  It's how producing and editing roll, they make it so messy and convoluted, if you do get some concrete answers, it's way on down the road.  I feed bad for Denise, she is being so railroaded.  I think Kyle put out a hit on her because Denise didn't come in kissing her ass.  Frankly.  Kyle has this shitty, mean girl side and it shows up in her eyes, and so does Kim for that matter.  Hell, they are mean to each other.   Anyway, this whole debacle has the stink of Kyle's Production Team all over it.  This has been the stupidest season ever. 





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3 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Dorit’s outfit was so wrong that it was right, and the hair was very cute in a Sandy-at-the-end-of-Grease kind of way, but the lateness was so rude that the entire outfit actually lost its appeal.  I commented last season that Dorit can get away with fashion that Bethenny Frankel couldn’t get away with, because Dorit makes it look like fun, whereas Bethenny makes everything look like work.  When Dorit is this late, it takes any type of effortlessness out of the equation, and she just looks like a late, vain asshole to me.  

Haha everything about this post is so true!

For me the show has jumped the shark tonight - I can no longer pretend that there is anything "real" about it.  Due to the fact that last week's show ended on that big cliffhanger - followed by them all chatting away and hanging out all day in their different groups - followed by them all getting "glammed" for the follow-up to last night's cliffhanger.  Which they all just ignored last night.

As for Rinna - when she showed up in her regular hairdo - yes, that's how she looks best.

Dorit - your outfits are silly, but your hair has looked great this season.

Erika - Marilyn Monroe died in her 30s.  Unless your costume was "her corpse" (in which case - well done) you looked stupid.

Garcelle - you were fun this episode and I'm glad you enjoyed Rome.

Sutton - I liked you for a while but I know why you're an asshole.  I also understand why you don't want to try on clothes in public - I don't look good in clothes either 😈

Teddi - who?  When you popped up in the last 5 minutes of the show I had to wrack my brain to remember you!



Edited by princelina
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When Rinna said [paraphrasing] "Don't put this out here" tonight (or was it in the preview?) the warning tone in her voice was the same as when she turned a wine glass into a shiv. Same flavor and texture, minus the volume this time. What Kim said about the husband seriously bothered her and I think this revelation does as well but she's tamping her reaction this time. So far. 

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I'm a west coaster and have been my whole life. I eat salmon that was caught just hours before, cleaned, and cut into filets and steaks. Chinook, pink, coho, sockeye. Beautiful salmon. My brother-in-law will go fishing and bring me dinner the same day. Beautiful, pink, west coast, fresh and wild salmon. I always ask in any restaurant I'm in whether it's wild or farmed salmon (and I refuse to touch anything that's farmed). I love salmon. Salmon and I are like besties. But I'm confused. Can someone please explain to me what the flying fuck well done salmon is and why this is even a thing?

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