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S12.E15: Sheer Madness

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22 minutes ago, Bossa Nova said:


I have not understood why the Beverly Hills gang gets the most glamorous and possibly most expensive vacations: Paris, that south of France villa, Berlin, Amsterdam (well that may have been because Yolanda is from there), Tokyo, Dubai and now Rome. 

Atlanta went to South Africa, Spain, and Greece.

I would like to see the New York gang in some of those places.


The recent New Jersey gang went to the Jersey shore. Tee hee. 

I would love for the NY gang to go to Europe! BH ruins it by competing with glam. 

18 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Her baby voice that every-so-often pops up make me cringe more than anything any housewife has ever done. 

Oh God, yeah. Avery, you work on Wall Street now. It’s not cute. 

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56 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

The fact that they had to board up all the stores on Fifth Avenue testifies that all is great. 

An exodus of the middle class has accelerated as 450,000 people have moved out in the past six months.

Broadway is dead and Wall Street is transitioning into everyone working from home.

Generalizing.  The news tends to exaggerate things.

I was just on Fifth Avenue, not all stores have boarded up, some have, but not all.  Hey, Trump Tower was still open.

People have been leaving because of high rents for about a year now, but what you discover is that you pay now or you pay later.

Broadway isn't dead FOREVER, just for now.  People are also getting sick of working from home, I've been doing it since March, and it's getting old.

Edited by Neurochick
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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

People I know in rent control either got the apartment when their parents died, or a friend died.

I was in NYC last week, didn't look like it was falling into disrepair.  Crime:  There was zero crime in March and April.  People who have beefs are now taking shit to the streets.  The Hudson Valley is nice but the WiFi is much better in NYC. 

The wealthy people left for the Hamptons for some strange reason, but it's not like they've given up their NYC apartments.  Not quite "White Flight 2.0."

Exactly. Rent controlled apartments had to have been established by continuously occupying them before 1974. My mother-in-law lives in a three bedroom on Riverside Drive on the UWS For just about $1,000 a month. People continue this status by moving in with the current renter as a co-tenant, they can then stay on if the original leasor dies. It can’t just be passed along separately. Other apartments in the building rent for upwards of $10,000 a month.

56 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

The fact that they had to board up all the stores on Fifth Avenue testifies that all is great. 

An exodus of the middle class has accelerated as 450,000 people have moved out in the past six months.

Broadway is dead and Wall Street is transitioning into everyone working from home.

Soon New York will be exclusively the province of the very rich and the very poor. It always was more or less but it is going to get very bad. These New York Housewives are insulated because in relative terms they are quite rich.

When they meet regular working class people like when they went to The Parkside restaurant they act like they are in the zoo.

The Real Housewives of NewYork has nothing to do with the reality of life in New York.

There was an exodus after 9/11, then guess what happened within a couple of years? Everyone moved back.

I’ve lived in NYC for most of my 53 years, with time away for college and post college living in Europe. I’m here now. Neighborhoods change, things go up and down, and NYC always perseveres.

Most of those predicting NYC’s doom have other agendas.

None of the RHO...shows are supposed to reflect the mundane reality of their locales, they are supposed to be rarefied niches on display for our entertainment.

Edited by NYCFree
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There is a sense of lawlessness on the subway and the streets that was not around since the 1970’s.

The Housewives have no clue.

I bet Leah is the only one who has been on the subway for the last 20 years.

Things are very very different than when they filmed.

I had lived in Brooklyn for sixty years. long before it was “cool.” I swore I would never leave. I was one of the last three people from my grammar school who was still in the neighborhood. 911 never phased me. I was there for all the bad old days. 

What is happening now is different. None of this will be reflected on the show. The Housewives are the clown car in this circus.

Edited by The Ringo Kidd
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1 minute ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

There is a sense of lawlessness on the subway and the streets that was not around since the 1970’s.

The Housewives have no clue.

I bet Leah is the only one who has been on the subway for the last 20 years.

Things are very very different than when they filmed.

I was here in the 1970s and I’m here right now. What you are claiming simply isn’t true. 

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7 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

There is a sense of lawlessness on the subway and the streets that was not around since the 1970’s.

The Housewives have no clue.

I bet Leah is the only one who has been on the subway for the last 20 years.

Things are very very different than when they filmed.

Another generalizing statement.  Where is this sense of lawlessness?

10 years ago a friend and her husband moved from Staten Island to the Hudson Valley.  Staten Island was too crowded and the taxes were too high.  Very correct.  About three years after they moved, guess what?  People started coming up there, from NYC and BOOM their taxes were once again high.  You think you're running, but you just hit a new wall.

The subways are cleaner now because of COVID-19

BTW, do you live in NYC, or just read stuff in the papers?

8 minutes ago, NYCFree said:

Most of those predicting NYC’s doom have other agendas.


4 minutes ago, NYCFree said:

I was here in the 1970s and I’m here right now. What you are claiming simply isn’t true. 

Well, I was in NYC in the 1970's and I'm here now too.  Maybe what you're saying is true, but maybe what I'm saying is true too.  If there's lawlessness now it's NOTHING compared to what it was in the 1970's. 

Edited by Neurochick
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3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Another generalizing statement.  Where is this sense of lawlessness?

10 years ago a friend and her husband moved from Staten Island to the Hudson Valley.  Staten Island was too crowded and the taxes were too high.  Very correct.  About three years after they moved, guess what?  People started coming up there, from NYC and BOOM their taxes were once again high.  You think you're running, but you just hit a new wall.

The subways are cleaner now because of COVID-19

BTW, do you live in NYC, or just read stuff in the papers?


Well, I was in NYC in the 1970's and I'm here now too.

The quote within quote doesn’t seem to be working. I was disagreeing with Ringo Kidd’s claim that NYC is experiencing the same type of lawlessness as was rampant in the 1970s.

I think, as actual NYers, we see the true picture and have experienced the ups and downs over time.

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15 minutes ago, NYCFree said:

I was here in the 1970s and I’m here right now. What you are claiming simply isn’t true. 

Maybe her section of Brooklyn?  But there’s no way anywhere is as bad as the 70’s or 80’s.   The subways in Astoria and Manhattan are pretty subdued.

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22 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

I had lived in Brooklyn for sixty years. long before it was “cool.” I swore I would never leave. I was one of the last three people from my grammar school who was still in the neighborhood. 911 never phased me. I was there for all the bad old days. 

What is happening now is different. None of this will be reflected on the show. The Housewives are the clown car in this circus.

Ah, now I get where you are coming from.  I am over 60.  IMO Brooklyn got completely screwed over by gentrification.  Middle class folk pushed out by high rents and property taxes.  I had a classmate that still lives in Brooklyn.  He said they were tearing down supermarkets to make way for high rises, and he was like, "where are people going to shop for food?"  This has been happening for years in areas in Brooklyn, the Bronx and Manhattan (that's what I know).  Middle class people are being pushed out.  Neighborhoods are being destroyed.  I recently spoke to a friend in the Bronx and she said they are building a luxury high rise and a hotel near where she lives. 

The Housewives live on the UES, that is an area that is being bled dry by gentrification, especially the area east of Park Avenue.  Low rise buildings have been torn down to make room for high rises that no one really lives in.  I was on the upper east side pre-COVID19), and was shocked to see empty storefront after empty storefront all along 86th Street; it's the same thing on the UWS (and this is all pre-COVID19).  That area used to be a neighborhood but now it's been destabilized. 

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Have they filmed the reunion?  Interesting that NY is four episodes ahead of BH yet the annual trips are airing at the same time and BH already filmed their reunion.

All that said, I don't want either to end.  There's almost nothing left to watch this Summer.

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4 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Lots of people fleeing the city now. It’s falling into disrepair. Crime definitely up — by a lot! Many are leaving for the suburbs, especially now that we all got a taste of working from home and that it’s possible. Broadway not able to open keeps tourists from coming back. If it doesn’t turn around soon, prices will drop. Hasn’t happened quite yet, but it will. Then you will be able to buy at a steal. 

yes, they have flocked to my area.  we've always  had manhattanites  but since covid19 it gotten worse.  some natives are pretty upset that they are bringing the virus to us.  andrew comeo once said we have more cows than people.  well, we have more hippies than anything else.  housing is selling at high prices.  wonder what louann's  is worth now.

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22 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I don't feel sorry for Sonja AT ALL.  She had social capital and pissed it all away.  There are many people who never make it because they don't have social capital (knowing someone on the inside).  I think Sonja had that, pissed it away and now she's acting like a fool on a Bravo reality show.  And she'll probably get her own spin off.

Same here. I don’t understand how she could be so stupid and arrogant TWICE in a lifetime. She does not deserve this paycheck. Lu and Ramona are infinitely more patient and kind with her than I could ever be. I was sort of hoping she would not be able to bounce back, appearance-wise. It would force her to actually learn some skills that could benefit society.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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26 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

yes, they have flocked to my area.  we've always  had manhattanites  but since covid19 it gotten worse.  some natives are pretty upset that they are bringing the virus to us.  andrew comeo once said we have more cows than people.  well, we have more hippies than anything else.  housing is selling at high prices.  wonder what louann's  is worth now.

I thought the virus was mostly in California and Florida now.

Don't worry, you'll have those "nasty, unwashed" Noo Yawkers out of your area soon.  See the grass is always greener, or at least it seems to be. 

Or it will be White Flight 2.0.


Edited by Neurochick
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Luann was in city lockup for what?  One night before getting bailed out the next morning?  Again with her phony b.s.  "I can't see people suffering in jail and not help them".  These people were in prison for years and years, and not for no reason, but on camera Lu only sees poor souls in pain trying to make sense of their lives just like her.  Yeesh!  I thought Sonja was going to cry listening to Luann talk about being forced to look at herself.  Which we know she did for about a hot minute.

Ramona can miss me with her "People don't understand my relationship with Mario" as if it's a totally revolutionary idea that nobody ever thought of before:  A divorced couple who can be cordial to each other, meet for a family meal and get along. 

Leah almost admitted outright that she can't take care of anyone.  Then she muses aloud that she needs to find a man who thinks the Leah mess is cute and wants to take care of her.  A rich one!

Just keep thinking those good thoughts Leah and hold your breath.  Seriously, she knows she acts like an out of control teenager and should have grown up by now.  In this episode it became clear to me that her sister is her chief enabler and abettor, and then stands back and watches.  They sit there telling themselves their mother is so fucked up they should tune out everything she says when the sister drops the bomb "Mom said she doesn't like you".  I mean, was there an agenda there, or what?  Leah flips her shit and goes into rebellion mode about how she's going to have various plastic surgeries to show her mother who's boss.  Aren't they both in their 30s?  Couple of losers, honestly who act like they're still 12.  

Gah, that fugly Gucci t-shirt!  Dorinda makes an ass of herself again prancing around in gawd-awful, out of style clothes.  Sonja is another one who tries with clothes but misses the mark.  Whatever possessed her to wear that dreadful rabbit fur jacket and sparkly dress that calls attention to her pot belly and barely covers her boobs?  If she didn't do that raggedy looking hair herself, she got ripped off.

How disingenuous that Dorinda wears black to the party but encourages Sonja to wear a dress that doesn't fit the dress code of the evening, then shows up all huggy-kissy on arrival, pretending she hasn't spent the afternoon raking Ramona over the coals.  Dorinda and Sonja sitting together and slurring to one another was the comedy highlight of the evening.

Leah was contemptuous of the women Ramona was inviting to the party even before it happened, so I was surprised she dressed appropriately.  I already know as soon as she orders tequila that Leah plans to get smashed, and sure enough, Leah makes a huge scene humping Luann like she's on camera in a porn video.  Her drunk act is tiresome, though, and we still have a few episodes left before reunion.  I don't blame Ramona for shutting everything down.  It wasn't going to be pretty with Leah progressing to her destructive phase in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ....


Edited by Anne Thrax
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27 minutes ago, Anne Thrax said:

Luann was in city lockup for what?  One night before getting bailed out the next morning?  Again with her phony b.s.  "I can't see people suffering in jail and not help them". 

She did acknowledge that she had only been in jail for one night. I did notice that she was more gung-ho about this than her court ordered community service but that’s probably because she got to talk about herself in from the of bunch of people and pat herself on the back rather doing actual work. 

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13 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

She did acknowledge that she had only been in jail for one night. I did notice that she was more gung-ho about this than her court ordered community service but that’s probably because she got to talk about herself in from the of bunch of people and pat herself on the back rather doing actual work. 

Oh, totally agree.  Maybe she even got community service credits for it.  I can't imagine she went there just for the heck of it to bring the light and cheer on those downtrodden but kindred souls.

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5 minutes ago, Anne Thrax said:

Oh, totally agree.  Maybe she even got community service credits for it.  I can't imagine she went there just for the heck of it to bring the light and cheer on those downtrodden but kindred souls.

She had to finish her community service before the end of her probation or it would have been extended. She only had to do 50 hours. 

Edited by biakbiak
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Luann would not have gotten community service credits as her sentence had already been fulfilled. I do think she became sincerely emotional thinking about how awful that one night in jail had been and then realizing how long these people had served. This was real  and it was also one of her finer mome.

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On 7/24/2020 at 7:34 AM, nexxie said:

This makes me want to know more about their mom - wonder if she uses divide-and-conquer tactics on them.

Ugh, this was all too familiar. My grandmother did this to my mom and her sisters. Because she was largely successful, my mom only spoke to two of her three sisters and we eventually had to cut off my other aunts and grandmother altogether. It was just too toxic. 

I sincerely hope Leah and her sister are united and can stay genuinely close. I can see her mom hating their camaraderie and trying to bust that up by making mean statements about one to the other. It's clearly why Leah behaves the way she does. People thoughts Tins was stunted and immature? Please. Her relationship with Dale is a paragon of healthiness compared to what Leah has with her mom (perhaps through no fault of her own).

That dress was up beyond her ass and she was touching herself in plain view. That's not ok anywhere, even Vegas clubs would have an issue with that. The other ladies also looked desperate engaging in that love train. Disgusting, rude behavior towards Ramona. If you find her  grating and can't stand that she throws herself a party, STAY HOME.

Sonja hates Ramona and is jealous of her. It's sad. She's an ingrate and not Ramona's friend. Ramona should cut her loose. Dorinda just hates everyone. 

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58 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I thought the virus was mostly in California and Florida now.

We're having a spike in Alabama, as well as many other states.  I think Oregon is spiking again.  I have family in Florida, and I remember a few months ago when there were a large amount of New Yorkers fleeing their city, so they stopped everybody coming into the state of Fla.  because NYC was already so bad that they were worried about them bringing it with them to Florida.  I couldn't travel across state lines at that time.  This doesn't imply that New Yorkers were "nasty or unwashed," but rather the reality of people spreading Covid-19 by traveling outside of an heavily contaminated area.   Ramona might've made it to Florida before they started turning them away.  They were going to be checking people at the airports at that time too.  

2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Another generalizing statement.  Where is this sense of lawlessness?

I don't know where most of the news outlets broadcast from in NYC, but one journalist has been reporting about the looting and vandalism he sees from his apartment window.   Sounded pretty bad.  Bad enough that he's now armed himself since he doesn't feel that calling 911 will help.  I wonder if any of the HWs are in the areas that are seeing rioting and or looting, or if they all left the city for their other homes.  I have a neighbor whose daughter is from NYC and is sheltering with her (has been since March).  She now says she won't go back to the city.   I hope things get better there soon!  I wonder if they'll be able to film the HWs in the city again. 

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I'm a cynic. I think Lou knows that everyone is over her cabaret and this "volunteering" was just something to give her a story line. She's not got an empathatic bone in her body so no, I don't buy it.

Edited by Chicklet
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26 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I don't know where most of the news outlets broadcast from in NYC, but one journalist has been reporting about the looting and vandalism he sees from his apartment window.   Sounded pretty bad.  Bad enough that he's now armed himself since he doesn't feel that calling 911 will help.  I wonder if any of the HWs are in the areas that are seeing rioting and or looting, or if they all left the city for their other homes.  I have a neighbor whose daughter is from NYC and is sheltering with her (has been since March).  She now says she won't go back to the city.   I hope things get better there soon!  I wonder if they'll be able to film the HWs in the city again. 

The media is covering up the extent of the damage. You can find video of the boarded up stores destroyed by the double whammy of COVID closures and looting on Facebook and Instagram.

Most if not all Mom and Pop operations (especially restaurants) will not survive.

I personally know twenty businesses that have closed never to return in the past month. Some of them family businesses that have been open for thirty years.

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44 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I don't know where most of the news outlets broadcast from in NYC, but one journalist has been reporting about the looting and vandalism he sees from his apartment window.   Sounded pretty bad.  Bad enough that he's now armed himself since he doesn't feel that calling 911 will help.  I wonder if any of the HWs are in the areas that are seeing rioting and or looting, or if they all left the city for their other homes.  I have a neighbor whose daughter is from NYC and is sheltering with her (has been since March).  She now says she won't go back to the city.   I hope things get better there soon!  I wonder if they'll be able to film the HWs in the city again. 

I think that was during the protests, about what happened to George Floyd.  There was quite a bit in the Village.  I haven't heard of any looting since May/June.

But that's sensationalism.  My mom used to live in a house in Virginia.  She had to sell it because of all the gunshots she was hearing every night.  That was in the early 00's.  So there is that.

People have this idea that New York is filled with animals (especially when talking about black and brown people).  I have a problem with that.  All I remember was there was practically no crime in April, but after the protests people started freaking out in NYC. 


The media is covering up the extent of the damage. You can find video of the boarded up stores destroyed by the double whammy of COVID closures and looting on Facebook and Instagram.

I was on 125th street, in Harlem months ago.  There were some stores that were boarded up.  Some are still boarded up, some aren't. 

Are people still looting? 




Most if not all Mom and Pop operations (especially restaurants) will not survive.

I personally know twenty businesses that have closed never to return in the past month. Some of them family businesses that have been open for thirty years.


That's going to happen all over the country.  It's been happening in NYC for years now.  The UES used to have coffee shops and nice little boutiques.  Most of them have closed, most neighborhood movie theaters have also closed here (rent too high). 

But despite all of that luxury high rises are still going up. 

And reality shows?  I know they've stopped filming reality shows based in Atlanta and Chicago.  I wonder if any reality shows will film again, no matter where they are.


Edited by Neurochick
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2 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

They can’t show reality because it is too grim.

But no reality shows show reality.  I mean RHOA doesn't show ALL of Atlanta; RHONJ doesn't show the entire state; that said RHONYC doesn't show ALL of NYC either.  These are Bravo shows, not documentaries.

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I thought the virus was mostly in California and Florida now.

Don't worry, you'll have those "nasty, unwashed" Noo Yawkers out of your area soon.  See the grass is always greener, or at least it seems to be. 

Or it will be White Flight 2.0.


i said some of the natives but i will say that woodstock sees a lot of 'weekender's' now walking around w/o masks.   we also have our share of f/t weekenders which really helps with out tax base.  in fact our clay courts tennis club probably  would not survive without them.   i dare say some of the newcomers will leave once they realize how bad the schools are. 

a few weeks ago we had 0 cases now we have 4.

i wonder is louann still has her place up here....anyone know

Edited by jaybird2
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16 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Doesn’t it seem like the group trip is always Mexico or Miami on this franchise?  It’s getting boring.  As awful as the girls on RHOBH are, at least they go on great trips.  Dubai and Provence were so fascinating to watch.

Agreed. Maybe more fabulous vacations would have happened if those darn parole/probation restrictions had not been place.

I think Coronavirus has delayed the appearance on Dorinda’s first mugshot. Looking forward to it. 

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Reality is too intrusive to ignore now.

For instance will they wear masks or not?

That would make looking at Dorinda or Brandy Glanville a lot easier.

Plus what are these drunken assholes going to do with all the bars closed? Drink at home?

No more parties if the restaurant has to be practice social distancing.

The reality show formula is broken now.

Where is Leah going to find a venue to trash?

Edited by The Ringo Kidd
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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

People have this idea that New York is filled with animals (especially when talking about black and brown people). 

I don't know who those people would be, but I've never heard anyone that I know ever express those kinds of thoughts.

I still cringe when I see the HWs in such close contact when filming this show, and especially if anybody coughs or sneezes!  There are many doctors who say that the virus was here back in the Fall.  Too many of them saw patients with upper respiratory infections that they couldn't identify.  I've talked to many of my dental patients who think they might've had it before we knew what we know now.  

The HWs are in each other's faces too much to be able to social distance.  The way this show is going though, ending it might be the best thing to do, then wait awhile and see how things go and then reboot the entire thing. 

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3 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Ugh, this was all too familiar. My grandmother did this to my mom and her sisters. Because she was largely successful, my mom only spoke to two of her three sisters and we eventually had to cut off my other aunts and grandmother altogether. It was just too toxic. 

I sincerely hope Leah and her sister are united and can stay genuinely close. I can see her mom hating their camaraderie and trying to bust that up by making mean statements about one to the other. It's clearly why Leah behaves the way she does. People thoughts Tins was stunted and immature? Please. Her relationship with Dale is a paragon of healthiness compared to what Leah has with her mom (perhaps through no fault of her own).

That dress was up beyond her ass and she was touching herself in plain view. That's not ok anywhere, even Vegas clubs would have an issue with that. The other ladies also looked desperate engaging in that love train. Disgusting, rude behavior towards Ramona. If you find her  grating and can't stand that she throws herself a party, STAY HOME.

Sonja hates Ramona and is jealous of her. It's sad. She's an ingrate and not Ramona's friend. Ramona should cut her loose. Dorinda just hates everyone. 

I could definitely see Leah, Sonja and Dorinda doing that stupid train thing, but not LuAnn.  I’m very surprised at her.  She’s supposed to be so classy, and walks around with her nose in the air.

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9 hours ago, Lemons said:

I can do without Avery.  And since she's now an adult, I’ll say it.  She got her father's looks and they didn't transfer well onto a female face.    There's nothing there personality wise that belongs on TV.

Oh, I have been thinking that for a long time. It’s the forehead and nasal bone area, I think. At one of Ramona’s parties, maybe, three years ago, she resembled a Roman statue of a man. I actually think her face has settled somewhat since then (or at least it looked better in that scene at the Italian restaurant), but it appears to me still that Mario’s features did not transfer well to his daughter, as you posted.

I did appreciate her telling Ramona that she doesn’t talk to 50 women [or currently have meaningful bonds with 50 women].

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

But no reality shows show reality.  I mean RHOA doesn't show ALL of Atlanta; RHONJ doesn't show the entire state; that said RHONYC doesn't show ALL of NYC either.  These are Bravo shows, not documentaries.

Yeah, I mean RHONY really only shows the Upper East Side, which is what, maybe 1/15th of Manhattan, never mind the other 4 boroughs. Every now and then they go downtown - "Oooo! So exotic!" 😁

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My question is if Sonya doesn’t have the money to replace the pipes in her townhouse, why is she able to get a (allegedly $75,000) facelift and whatever other work she’s recently had. Should she end up losing it,I won’t shed a tear.

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2 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

I could definitely see Leah, Sonja and Dorinda doing that stupid train thing, but not LuAnn.  I’m very surprised at her.  She’s supposed to be so classy, and walks around with her nose in the air.

I might have posted this earlier, but I had the sense that Luann was embarrassed by the humping and grinding.  She kinda smiled and laughed but there was an awkwardness there.

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8 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

My question is if Sonya doesn’t have the money to replace the pipes in her townhouse, why is she able to get a (allegedly $75,000) facelift and whatever other work she’s recently had. Should she end up losing it,I won’t shed a tear.

Where did the figure $75,000 come from? I know this is a special type of facelift requiring a physicain with specialized skills and training but I have never heard of facelift costing $75,000. I am willing to bet that Sonja got this done gratis or a greatly reduced price in exchange for promoting this Dr. and his book. 

Edited by 65mickey
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I think the reason that the NYC group doesn’t get better trips is that the current cast (with the exception of LuAnn) can’t be counted on to behave at all. They break and destroy, urinate in public etc. Tinsley behaved well too but she is no longer on the show. 

Even when Lu fell in the bushes, she did it very pleasantly.

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14 hours ago, ChitChat said:

We're having a spike in Alabama, as well as many other states.  I think Oregon is spiking again.  I have family in Florida, and I remember a few months ago when there were a large amount of New Yorkers fleeing their city, so they stopped everybody coming into the state of Fla.  because NYC was already so bad that they were worried about them bringing it with them to Florida.  I couldn't travel across state lines at that time.  This doesn't imply that New Yorkers were "nasty or unwashed," but rather the reality of people spreading Covid-19 by traveling outside of an heavily contaminated area.   Ramona might've made it to Florida before they started turning them away.  They were going to be checking people at the airports at that time too.  

I don't know where most of the news outlets broadcast from in NYC, but one journalist has been reporting about the looting and vandalism he sees from his apartment window.   Sounded pretty bad.  Bad enough that he's now armed himself since he doesn't feel that calling 911 will help.  I wonder if any of the HWs are in the areas that are seeing rioting and or looting, or if they all left the city for their other homes.  I have a neighbor whose daughter is from NYC and is sheltering with her (has been since March).  She now says she won't go back to the city.   I hope things get better there soon!  I wonder if they'll be able to film the HWs in the city again. 

They all hit the road.  Dorinda in Massachusetts, Luanne & Leah in the Hamptons, Ramona was in Florida and might be back in Hamptons, Sonja, I don’t know, Elise in Hamptons.  I would love to join the political conversation about our City, but I have high blood pressure and don’t want to wind up with a stroke.  I can’t even watch the news anymore, so this crap is what I watch, even tho Dorinda gets on my nerves tremendously.

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i am really tired of their drama.  i really enjoyed the first years before jill and the countess went after bethenny.  at the time i thought the countess stirred up the trouble because she was jealous of jill & beth.  they had great times.  that's what i miss.  

i knew went they brought sonja on that no 'real' morgan would stoup to doing a reality show.  although i really enjoyed when avia was screaming at sonya and ramona they were trash and they had no clue what she meant.  they really weren't obnoxious then, just lite hearted fun.  

it started getting dark with the addition of dorinda.  we don't need the drama just ladies having fun on fun trips or one-sided tennis matches,   that is my assessment 

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13 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

I would love if Bravo would air the entire Housewives of N.Y. from the very beginning to now.  I’d want to see everyone again.

I didn't start watching until a few seasons in, and once I was hooked, I went back and paid for it On Demand to see the entire show, from the first episode.  I even paid to watch "Bethenny gets Married", to understand that whole storyline.

I recommend it!  It's fascinating to watch them from the beginning, and I agree....re-airing from Episode 1 would be a great pandemic booster!

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3 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

I didn't start watching until a few seasons in, and once I was hooked, I went back and paid for it On Demand to see the entire show, from the first episode.  I even paid to watch "Bethenny gets Married", to understand that whole storyline.

I recommend it!  It's fascinating to watch them from the beginning, and I agree....re-airing from Episode 1 would be a great pandemic booster!

Oh, thank you.  I would definitely pay.  Do all cable company’s feature it?  What do I look under .. series?

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Y'all, the current situation is NOT on topic for this thread.  Please keep your discussion to what happened in the episode; take the debate on NYC housing and crime rates to the Small Talk thread.  Thanks.

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1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

Oh, thank you.  I would definitely pay.  Do all cable company’s feature it?  What do I look under .. series?

I think I found it On Demand with my Xfinity.  But I’m not sure how else to find it....anyone?


Edited by Starlight925
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1 minute ago, Starlight925 said:

I think I found it On Demand with my Xfinity.  But I’m not sure how else to find it....anyone?


I appreciate you trying.  I tried, but can’t find it as there are so many headings.  I’ll have to ask the grandkids.  They know everything, lol.  Thanks for taking the time.

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12 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

My question is if Sonya doesn’t have the money to replace the pipes in her townhouse, why is she able to get a (allegedly $75,000) facelift and whatever other work she’s recently had. Should she end up losing it,I won’t shed a tear.

Sonja is definitely not cut out to survive in the landlord business.  I think old man Morgan let that place go to her because he knew it was falling apart and a proper renovation would cost half its current value.  I mean, it's not that difficult to sell a fixer-upper, but renting one out does not work for long.  Tenant turnover is probably the reason she's not making as much money as she expected.  And the more time she wastes in getting the repairs done, the more it's going to deteriorate to the point it's not rentable at all.

The truth came out when she was boo-hooing to Dorinda that she is "scared" -- translation:  she never made planning for her future a priority, and is tanking financially now because whatever money she earns from the show isn't enough to keep her afloat.  Sonja knows if she sells the townhouse, she'll either have to get much better at managing what she earns or find another source of income.  Much easier said than done at her age. 

I don't buy for a minute the $75,000 face and neck lift story.  First off because her face has changed very little in the before and after pics that were posted, and secondly, nobody pays that much for those procedures no matter who your doctor is.  My guess is she's had a little nip and tuck and it got blown way out of proportion because Sonja hopes the attention will serve the purpose of helping to keep her apple.

Edited by Anne Thrax
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1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

Oh, thank you.  I would definitely pay.  Do all cable company’s feature it?  What do I look under .. series?

Amazon Prime sells whole seasons of the RH shows -- with no commercials.

Edited by Anne Thrax
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1 hour ago, Anne Thrax said:

Amazon Prime sells whole seasons of the RH shows -- with no commercials.

Yep, I've purchased 2-3 seasons through Amazon until I got DISH a few months ago.

Now I can watch all seasons free through On Demand, but there's a catch...

The "On Demand" programs are aired through my internet provider, which is ViaSat...

And ViaSat has had internet speeds that have rapidly declined since mid March when everyone sheltered at home.  It is SO slow that most of the time I can't even stream Netflix or Hulu, so I've canceled those subscriptions for now.  I suspect it might be the same "buffering" situation with Amazon prime.  

It's so frustrating because I would enjoy watching all of these franchises from their inception through the current seasons, but this draggedy-ass internet speed just doesn't allow for it.  

The least Bravo could do would be run Housewives franchises on the weekends...gawd knows their weekend movie selection has been the same for 10 years and has always sucked.  Make it happen, Andy!  

Edited by Persnickety1
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1 hour ago, Anne Thrax said:

Amazon Prime sells whole seasons of the RH shows -- with no commercials.

Great. I’m going to look/see.  Thank you.  I’ve been watching the whole Downtown Abby series and need a change.

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