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Ariela and Biniyam: Haile Suspicious!

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On 10/3/2021 at 4:52 PM, gingerella said:

ETA: My thread name was chosen for these two chucklefucks and it was a high point in my PrimeTimer life, but now I'm just embarrassed that I finally got a thread name chosen, and it was for these two 5-watt dimwits...🙄

Well, this thread name is at the top of my list of best names.


14 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

So, Ari takes her Mommy Dearest along to Kenya? 

I admit to watching this program while multi-tasking so I miss a lot.  I had no idea they met in Kenya.  

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20 hours ago, b2H said:

I think I am happier Ari and Avi are out of Ethiopia 


Not a place or an event for the weak.


I'm wondering if the upheaval in Ethiopia will be a way for a savvy attorney to get Bini in the U.S.?   However, I don't think Humanitarian or Refugee visas lead to permanent residency. 

My guess is that even if Janice and Doctor Daddy sponsor Bini, that Bini better toe the line, or he'll be back on his way to Ethiopia on the next plane.    If Ari finds someone else, or gets bored with Bini, then her parents will get rid of him.   

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What was the person who said they're popular been smoking?   

My guess is that the Tell Nothing preview showing Bini and Ari in the studio was either a short term visa, or because of the situation in Ethiopia.     Also, since he overstayed his visa last time with wife #1, there is a certain number of years that prevents him from coming here, and that may have expired.     

I'm sure Ari's parents sponsored him, and always will.    I also hope he realizes that if he ticks off Mom and Dad Money bags, or Ari  too much, he'll be gone with a one way ticket home.   Or he has some kind of temporary visa for the filming?    I'm hoping Ari and Bini don't end up with some stupid spin off show, they're boring. 

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22 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I'm sure Ari's parents sponsored him, and always will.    I also hope if Bini ticks Mom and Dad Money bags, or Ari  too much, he'll be gone with a one way ticket home.   

In this relationship, Bini holds no cards. At all. It’s Areola’s way or the highway, and she’s so volatile, he gets blamed for things that never even happened, so he has to toe the line every minute of every day. Fuck in haste, repent at leisure.

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Since it's obvious to me that Ari and Bini will be on the original 90 Day, unless they get their own spinoff (please don't let that happen).   I'm hoping a storyline isn't harassing the ex-wife, and son.    I bet there will be endless discussion about his other child on the show anyway.    No one who hasn't signed on to be on national TV should be bothered like that, and I'm betting that the show will do it anyway.  

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

They said Bini got a 90 day visa on the tell all, but doesn’t that mean they would have had to marry within 90 days? That tell all was filmed a while ago.  So, are they married or has he left the US?

I think they said the tell all was in October     Either way the 90 days should be up or about up.   If you don't marry before the 90 days expire, the fiance goes home.      They can get a work permit, but it has to be applied for, and granted.    So much for the MMA career.   

I'm hoping that he doesn't start harassing the first wife for camera time either.   I'm wondering if Bini realizes that going to court for visitation will mean child support?   I wonder if the second husband adopted the child, and Bini's rightw were severed?   I'm just hoping that the first wife and child are left alone by the producers.  

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11 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I think the tell all was filmed in October. Kenny came to the US for the birth of his grandchild.

I corrected the date. 

However, I don't think there is any way Bini and Ari won't marry in time, just to get on TLC for another season.   

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16 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I think they said the tell all was in October     Either way the 90 days should be up or about up.   If you don't marry before the 90 days expire, the fiance goes home.      They can get a work permit, but it has to be applied for, and granted.    So much for the MMA career.   


A work permit is the easy part, getting a SSN is the problem & nobody will employ you without one. The social security admin make the INS look like they are the fastest & friendliest government agency in the country even after making my American wife leave in tears.

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So, not only is Bini a butt bongo player, but had at least one MMA fight, and now claims he's modeling.     My guess is that they married, and it was filmed, just like everything else they do is filmed.     If they actually get their own place, then my guess is it's rented for them by the production company.     

I'm just hoping they don't harass the ex-wife, and first son for a story line. 

My guess is once the TLC money runs out, that Bini better hope he can get enough for a ticket home.     

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On 12/11/2021 at 5:52 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I corrected the date. 

However, I don't think there is any way Bini and Ari won't marry in time, just to get on TLC for another season.   

And if they get married they will totally try to keep that under wraps until their next season.

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4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

So, not only is Bini a butt bongo player, but had at least one MMA fight, and now claims he's modeling.     My guess is that they married, and it was filmed, just like everything else they do is filmed.     If they actually get their own place, then my guess is it's rented for them by the production company.     

I'm just hoping they don't harass the ex-wife, and first son for a story line. 

My guess is once the TLC money runs out, that Bini better hope he can get enough for a ticket home.     

Bini can always pawn Areola’s enormous Star of David necklace which she doesn't seem to wear any more. 

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So, they're going to be featured on 90 Day, get married, and then moved back to Ethiopia.   I'm just hoping Ari & Bini won't be harassing the ex-wife and older son. 

I guess Ari's routine about being scared to move back to Ethiopia was as fake as everything else about her.  I'm just hoping that her 90 Day stint doesn't mean HEA, or TOW seasons to follow, because I find her boring. 

I'm betting that Mommy and Daddy Ari will always be supporting her.   

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So, on the preview of the new season of 90 day, it seems to be all about Ari and Bini, and her dragging the baby to the U.S. to have a surgery that the baby could have had by a qualified pediatric surgeon in Ethiopia.   I bet the surgery costs less in Ethiopia, than the plane tickets, and the deductible on her U.S. insurance.   She just wanted to come home for her plastic surgery, which doesn't help her a bit.   A nicer exterior doesn't change how nasty, and vile Ari is on the inside.      

I love how Ari claims Bini can get a tourist visa, when she supposedly applied for a K-1, can't you only have one visa type application at a time?  

After the preview for next week, I guess Ari thinks training in a room full of other people with someone who is a woman, is cheating too?  

Since I know very little about the visa process, when he came here on the K-1 visa, they married, but went back to Ethiopia, does that nullify his visa process?   

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I really hope this week is the infamous wine toss,   



And another article claims the wedding is on the season finale. 

it was Wish,  Bini's sister with the good aim.      I find it hysterical that she used red wine, making a much more spectacular toss. 

She's the one with the shorter hair, with a big blonde chunk in the front.  Amazing Wish was the only one with a big glass of red wine, sitting in the perfect spot to do the toss.   

After this week's episode preview, we know the wine toss isn't in the first 30 minutes, and I suspect that as usual, the wine toss confrontation will be the last 10 minutes.  

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17 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I'll spoiler the thrower, so if anyone wants to be surprised about the name of the tosser,

I knew it was one of Bini's sisters but I can't keep them straight. However, it doesn't really matter who since both of them despise Ari, as do I. 

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

More about Ari's parents and their financial shenanigans:


I followed my ex-husband’s shady financial dealings, including foreclosure and bankruptcy, and a foreclosure auction that was called off at the last minute (I was there to taunt him and it was one of the best days of my life). This article sounds about right. I googled about Fred and Janice’s woes but came up empty.

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On 4/28/2022 at 11:40 AM, magemaud said:

I knew it was one of Bini's sisters but I can't keep them straight. However, it doesn't really matter who since both of them despise Ari, as do I. 

She bugs me so much if I ran across them in a restaurant I’d buy a glass so I could throw it in her face as well.

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Bini is a fucking pussy, bottom line. He takes shit from everyone and is afraid to stand up to anyone. It's pathetic. So of course Ari can bully easily.

That said, Wish and her sister are just as bad as Ari is, but they can't see it because they're too far up their own asses to see how alike they are to Ari. Wish can fuck right off IMO, that was a bitch move when it was her brother who was the puss who didn't tell her he's moving around the world permanently, like, in a few hours. This guy is too dimwitted to be allowed to procreate anymore. He made two kids, it's enough, time to get him fixed once and for all.

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I'm just hoping that the first son with the ex-wife doesn't end up a storyline, complete with airing dirty laundry on TV.     I'm wondering if Bini still has parental rights, and if not he has no right to bother his ex and their son. 

I want to know how Ari's parents can claim they're in debt, when they keep funneling money to their useless daughter?    

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8 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

   I'm wondering if Bini still has parental rights, and if not he has no right to bother his ex and their son. 

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Bini probably hasn’t sent a penny in child support for years. If he does want to get back into Kid#1’s life, he better come up with some cash stat. 

Ostensibly Fred Dr. Weinberg and his lovely bride, Janice, are still working. He’s a highly ranked cardiologist and she’s a very experienced nurse who could get a very good paying job if she wanted one. 

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On 5/2/2022 at 10:32 PM, Auntie Anxiety said:

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Bini probably hasn’t sent a penny in child support for years. If he does want to get back into Kid#1’s life, he better come up with some cash stat. 

Ostensibly Fred Dr. Weinberg and his lovely bride, Janice, are still working. He’s a highly ranked cardiologist and she’s a very experienced nurse who could get a very good paying job if she wanted one. 

Apparently the house went to foreclosure several years ago.   So, if they showed a house, it was a decoy.   They live in an apartment, and Bini and Ari will be moving into the same building financed by the 'broke parents".   They've been scamming creditors for years with their bankruptcy filings. 

I guess they don't realize, or care, that the bankruptcy judge can refuse to allow them to file either usual chapter of bankruptcy, and can refuse to allow them to keep screwing their creditors.     Running up bills in anticipation of filing for bankruptcy is a crime, and the judge can not only refuse to allow the bankruptcy, but the filer can be criminally charged.  The fact they support their daughter's expensive lifestyle while claiming to be poor is despicable.

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22 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I'm just hoping that the first son with the ex-wife doesn't end up a storyline, complete with airing dirty laundry on TV.     I'm wondering if Bini still has parental rights, and if not he has no right to bother his ex and their son. 

I've read Bini and his ex aren't on speaking terms so I doubt he has any rights and I can't imagine she would agree to let the boy participate in this show in any way. 

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18 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I've read Bini and his ex aren't on speaking terms so I doubt he has any rights and I can't imagine she would agree to let the boy participate in this show in any way. 

Reddit has a post stating that his ex recently remarried and was catching shit in the comments section of her wedding pic posts....she clarified that he has never supported his child, never shown an interest in him and in fact her new husband has legally adopted the boy. So I highly doubt she or her son will show up on this shitshow. So Bini can keep giving us the sheepish puppy dog grin and play the put upon victim. 

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23 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

Reddit has a post stating that his ex recently remarried and was catching shit in the comments section of her wedding pic posts....she clarified that he has never supported his child, never shown an interest in him and in fact her new husband has legally adopted the boy. So I highly doubt she or her son will show up on this shitshow. So Bini can keep giving us the sheepish puppy dog grin and play the put upon victim. 

She must have been shitting bricks knowing that he was moving to the USA. I would be if I was here. At least a broke ass deadbeat dad has no way of traveling halfway round the world to a country that is difficult to get into, and try to find her and the child. I have zero sympathy or empathy for Bini. He's a scammer who uses his puppy eyes to get white American women (specifically) into bed and then have unprotected sex with them, get them pregnant and continue to be a fucking loser once the child is born. Anyone playing 'butt bongos' with a woman other than their baby mama and claiming it's a real job is an absolute moron. At least we know his life with Ari will be a living hell, she'll never ever change from the shrew she is (and it will keep my thread namesake going for another season so there's that...).

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1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

Reddit has a post stating that his ex recently remarried and was catching shit in the comments section of her wedding pic posts....she clarified that he has never supported his child, never shown an interest in him and in fact her new husband has legally adopted the boy. So I highly doubt she or her son will show up on this shitshow. So Bini can keep giving us the sheepish puppy dog grin and play the put upon victim. 

The facts that Bini has no rights to bother his son won't stop a storyline of Bini wailing he can't see his son, his ex is horrible, and blocking him, and crying to Ari and her parents how evil the ex is.   

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Except for his pitiful verbal contentions, I’ve never seen Beni do anything that demonstrates his desire to be a husband and father.  He’s just a party guy who has no intention to change. I’m not sure why Ari believes otherwise. It’s disturbing.  I can’t see any life for the baby in Ethiopia with his dad’s lifestyle.  Apparently Ari will indefinitely whine and cry about it and keep asking Bini why he’s that way.  She just can’t accept it.  Eventually, there’ll be another woman and another baby.😐

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I’m suspect of most reality tv scenes being staged for dramatic purposes.  

Does anyone know if Ari used to be so thin years ago growing up?  She sure looks frail.  Just wondered if she’s naturally that size.

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34 minutes ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

Wouldn't wine in your eyes really burn? She was like so casual about it.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear this wasn't the first time it happened to her lol

But yeah, she was SUPER casual.  Barely a reaction I'd expect from HER of all people.

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The wine throw had to be scripted! 

Who gets into a massive argument with their in laws and then is happy to ride to the airport with them the next day?

I can't stand how fake this show has become but I can't stop watching.

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I'm wondering if it was really wine, or just water with some food coloring in it.   Good point about her having the fight, and then riding to the airport together the next day.    I think the entire 'party' was just to show his music clip, and keep the interest going on the Ari/Bini story.  

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Bini's sisters are real a piece of work. The older one is always making shitty remarks, and the younger one is a Grade A c u next Tuesday. They throw wine on Ari and lash out at her that it was she who should have told them about the move (because their brother is a weak pussy who couldn't tell them until the night before, wtf?!?), then they're happy she doesn't come for coffee (because they gave her shit and threw wine in her face), then they say in front of her that they don't want to say goodbye to her, and then they're distraught and angry that she declines to hand her child over to them for goodbye kisses. Fuck Bini's sisters. Seriously, they're as bad if not worse than Ari. Oh, and Sister Bini, your little brother isn't naive, he's stupid and irresponsible, there is a difference.

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I didn't think Nanny Mimi was too upset when she said goodbye to The Family Bini and suspected she was coming along with them to America. In fact, on the plane, we see Bini and the baby in one row and Ari across the aisle. Now, wouldn't Ari normally have been in the window seat? We couldn't see who was there, but it looks like my suspicions were correct: https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/reality-tv/ariela-and-biniyam-moved-into-a-3-bedroom-house-with-a-nanny-and-explained-how-they-are-able-to-afford-it/

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47 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I didn't think Nanny Mimi was too upset when she said goodbye to The Family Bini and suspected she was coming along with them to America. In fact, on the plane, we see Bini and the baby in one row and Ari across the aisle. Now, wouldn't Ari normally have been in the window seat? We couldn't see who was there, but it looks like my suspicions were correct: https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/reality-tv/ariela-and-biniyam-moved-into-a-3-bedroom-house-with-a-nanny-and-explained-how-they-are-able-to-afford-it/

So the ninny has a nanny. They are both unemployed but don't have time to take care of their child.  What color is the sky in Ari's world?

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