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Married At First Sight (Australia) - General Discussion

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8 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I can’t get over the way Marta was standing up for Jess, knowing what she is doing. She is just as bad and maybe worse.  

I agree, but worse (outside Dan and Jess) are the therapists. It is just so ridiculous that they sat and watched the dinner episode, saw the goings on with Dan and Jess (who snuck off to be together and kissed) and didn't say a damn word! During the Dan/Tam session, they actually asked the question what happened in the last two weeks to make Dan pull away when they know damn good and well what happened! To some extent I get that they don't want to interfere in the experiment like it is some kind of National Geographic documentary, but they are active participants in the mess and if they want plausible deniability maybe they shouldn't watch the dinners.

I get why Jess is getting all the smoke right now, but I hope everyone is equally as mad at Dan when all this comes out. 

Cam is the cutest dude this season. I didn't pay much attention to him in the beginning but the more you see of him and his personality, the cuter he gets. He is just so lovely and charming. Jules lucked out.  

I admit that Jess's brother is hot, but yeah those tats are just ridiculous, especially the neck one.  Is it something in the water in Australia? Are tattoos really more prevalent there or does MAFS just attract that segment of the population along with puffer lipped fished woman? 

The Mick/Jess's dad and brother thing de-escalated rather quickly. LOL! 

It is ridiculous that the show would keep Mick there after writing "Leave" 3 times in a row. That just seems so wrong, especially since Jess's stated reason is hoping to establish is a friendship at this point, which is a lie, but really ain't the point of the show if they chose to believe her. 

The show really needs to stop with all the close ups of Jess during the decision day episodes. Even when it doesn't involve her, she gets the most close ups and I am tired of looking at her. 

  • Love 10

Jessika’s brother is extremely good looking. I believe they get their piercing blue eyes from their mother because their father’s is brown.

During Season Seven, the Experts allowed that insecure, nut case Connie to write “Stay” five times, when her partner Jonathan wanted to “Leave”. They cheered her on spouting some nonsense about empowerment. She was really pathetic. Just like Jess.




Edited by Adeejay
  • Love 3
16 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I can’t get over the way Marta was standing up for Jess, knowing what she is doing. She is just as bad and maybe worse.  She made a good point when she said that Jess wouldn’t confide in Cyrell. I don’t believe she did. I wonder who told Cyrell about Jess and Dan. If Michael knows why Mick is being held hostage, I believe he owes it to him to speak up.

Heidi appears to be highly emotional. I think she is deliberately sabotaging her relationship with Mike. He seemed extremely hurt when she said he was inconsiderate. They should just pull the plug. 

I think Dan’s mom was instrumental in turning him against Tamara. He appeared smitten until she told him she didn’t think Tamara was the one.

Run Nick. Run Billy. Don’t look back. Was hoping Mick was going to join them.

She is emotional. But she is also right that Mike is selfish. I mean like day 2 when she was talking about being homeless, he basically told her he was not interested in hearing about it! I feel like he is emotionally abusive to her. All this heat is coming down on Heidi but Mike is a problem. You should be be telling your wife all the time her feeling are ridiculous. 

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, WahooLAH99 said:

She is emotional. But she is also right that Mike is selfish. I mean like day 2 when she was talking about being homeless, he basically told her he was not interested in hearing about it! I feel like he is emotionally abusive to her. All this heat is coming down on Heidi but Mike is a problem. You should be be telling your wife all the time her feeling are ridiculous. 

And when the restaurant was closed where he was going to get her dinner, why didn't he call her and ask her what else she may want for dinner??  He just brings home food for himself?  That right there is what she's talking about.  

  • Love 16

Ok, there should be a 3 strikes rule at commitment ceremonies - if a partner writes leave 3 consecutive weeks, they're done, regardless of what the other party says or wants. It’s very disrespectful to the unhappy participant to totally steamroll their perspective or at worst, their emotional health just because they are saddled with someone with their own self-absorbed agenda. Why allow Mick to suffer? The experts know Jess’ claim of “rebuilding a respectful friendship“ is garbage because they’ve blatantly seen her shopping for other husbands.

Speaking of which, I cannot believe that Nic didn’t take advantage of the opportunity to tell the group and Cyrell that Jess propositioned him. It would’ve really helped Mick.

Unpopular opinion, but Cam and Jules kind of annoyed me this week. You know you’re  becoming a little bit self-obsessed (not to mention totally solid as a couple) when you try to virtue signal and get attention from your family by lamenting that everyone else’s drama is just so taxing on YOU and your extended honeymoon!!! To the point of melodramatic weeping, really??? Other than being briefly and vaguely referenced for a comment, they weren’t even involved! I bet a lot of the other couples wish they were doing well enough in the experiment to have the emotional bandwidth to fall to pieces over something so trivial. It doesn’t matter but it rubbed me the wrong way and felt pretentious. I think being the darlings of this season has started to go to their heads a little bit. 

I’d like to formally apologize to Mike. I still think he’s kind of an ass and I wouldn’t date him, but Heidi is miserable. I can’t imagine enduring emotional abuse over towels and takeout. 

When Jess keeps bullshitting about her attempts to have a friendship with Mick, why hasn’t anyone asked her to give an example? 

Heidi, if you are fighting about too many used towels, I have a crazy idea—buy more! Mike, surely you had a cellphone with you to call Heidi and explain the closed restaurant situation. This show is definitely dicking around with us.

“WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO LIVE,” screamed the hyenas. Why do these numbskull families think they deserve an explanation from grown-ass adults? Best way to shut that down? Just say it’s something to start thinking about, we’ll weigh the pros and cons, we’re going to have to make a decision, but we don’t have to make it tonight. Next.

  • Love 3
On 5/15/2021 at 12:45 AM, greeneyedscorpio said:

And when the restaurant was closed where he was going to get her dinner, why didn't he call her and ask her what else she may want for dinner??  He just brings home food for himself?  That right there is what she's talking about.  

Heidi is better than me, because my ass would have been going to jail that night. Sorry, not sorry but you go out for food for us both and come back with only food for yourself? Bitch, that is pushing play on the whoop ass machine. The only reason it would be assault and not murder is because I would be too weak from hunger. lol! just kidding.

Heidi may be extra, but Mike is an asshole.  I think she spins out because the "experts" are telling her to ignore her gut instinct, which was right.  I kind wanted more information about the towel situation. How can someone use allll the towels just to take a damn shower? How many does she have? WTF is he doing in there? Not for nothing but he seems like the type of asshole to throw a couple on the floor, wrap one around his waist and use another to dry his torso and then leave everything on the floor for someone else to clean up. Then is all like 'why do you get so upset about every little thing' 

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For the most part, Heidi’s reactions are perfectly justified and when she goes over the top, it’s because Mike has a history of being a jerk to her so it’s hard to trust his intentions. I don’t think I could ever see a partner in a positive light where the relationship started with complete disinterest in my story and then telling me I talk too much and and should save it for the therapist. 

Every once in awhile I start to warm up to him and then he starts being a shithead again. 

  • Love 10

Ugh, what nasty people.  Jess, Dan, Martha...

And the "experts" so innocently don't see what's going on?  yeah, right

And then they are going to let Jess and Dan stay as a couple?  When they clearly did not follow the rules of this "experiment"? And are hurting the souls of others in the group? 

If these "experts" are really in the business of counseling or something of that nature, they should lose their licenses.

Please tell me that they are all actors and not very good ones.

  • Love 3

Mike may be a shitheel but everything he said to Jess was the truth. He was spot on about her and what an awful person she is. She does not deserve an ounce of respect. It pissed me off that the experts were sitting there saying he was going to far. No! Somebody has to call her out and everybody else sat there while he had the guts to do it. 

I can't believe I ever liked Martha. What is her end game? Michael is such a sweetheart. He puts up with all of her crap and is happy to do it. Poor guy. 

Cam has the most beautiful smile. 

  • Love 21
4 hours ago, cinsays said:

And then they are going to let Jess and Dan stay as a couple?  When they clearly did not follow the rules of this "experiment"?

No, that's pure fantasy. Dan has brass balls to think the experts would actually let them play house the next two weeks because they're "following their hearts" after weeks of cheating on their partners and causing group chaos. There's no way the experts would blow up the group dynamic at the very end and reward Jess/Dan's toxic behavior.

I love Tam! She's been the most mature person in the cast. Her level-headedness and conflict resolution skills are impressive. She's treated Jess with such respect even though she never deserved it. She's the only person who doesn't get swept up in emotions and it's super attractive in the sea of whispers and middle school drama among the women.

Speaking of which, I can't believe Ning took the bait and believed Jess' bullshit rumor about Mark wanting to go on a country-wide fuckathon. The timing was terrible, as listening to Mark's excitement during the boys' night (which was the epitome of wholesome!!!) about maybe consummating the marriage was adorable. I was glad Mick immediately vouched for his attraction to her and shook off the rumor. Between that and her overreaction to the best man's skepticism, I think she's still subconsciously looking for any excuse to run because she's just not attracted to Mark. I feel bad for him, he looked worn down even before the rumor conflict. It has to be exhausting waiting around for someone who will maybe decide to give you a breadcrumb in 3-5 weeks if you're on your best behavior and they decide not to find you repulsive. Romantic!

Mike was awful this week. Yikes. Heidi is no prize, but he really showed his ass and got in the gutter with Jess for no reason. I think Heidi is done.

Cam is such a pure human being!! He's my favorite. I agree that I don't trust Martha with gentle Michael, who I also love. Michael's respectful response defending his wife while appreciating Cam's concern was very mature.

The men have such a loving, supportive group dynamic and it makes me sad the women always backslide into petty catfights.

Edited by Guest

I would have much rather been hanging out with the guys than the women on their nights out.  They genuinely like each other and have a good time together, whereas the women are gossiping, talking about other peoples' husbands away from the group, etc.  Jess and Martha are definitely the shit stirrers, and maybe without them it could've been a good time.   

Cam is a gem.  And Michael too.  Attractive, stand-up guys. 

ETA:  I can't understand many of the men.  I don't know if it's because accents vary throughout Australia or if some of them talk too fast, but I definitely have to use closed captioning on this show!

Edited by greeneyedscorpio
  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

ETA:  I can't understand many of the men.  I don't know if it's because accents vary throughout Australia or if some of them talk too fast, but I definitely have to use closed captioning on this show!

Yes! Closed caption always for this show. I don't understand the women, either. 

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Dan is not even good-looking. Tam, give him to Jessika! 

So Mark shaved for the Boys' Night Out, but not for time with Ning or the whole group? Weird!

Cam and Jules need to get away from the toxicity ASAP!** Sure, Michael seems like he's a friend, but Martha is Jessika's confidante! 

Mike cannot read a room, or a dinner table, anyway. Heidi wants quit of him and his alter-ego Nosey Parker! 

Did I miss the "Stay or Leave," or is that next week? 

** They could secretly agree to each write "Leave"! 🤫 😇




  • Love 1
7 hours ago, cinsays said:

Ugh, what nasty people.  Jess, Dan, Martha...

And the "experts" so innocently don't see what's going on?  yeah, right

And then they are going to let Jess and Dan stay as a couple?  When they clearly did not follow the rules of this "experiment"? And are hurting the souls of others in the group? 

If these "experts" are really in the business of counseling or something of that nature, they should lose their licenses.

Please tell me that they are all actors and not very good ones.

I've wondered if the experts are watching the dinners via closed circuit cameras while it's happening or if they're watching the edited show and commenting like they do on TLC Pillow Talk shows. IF they were watching in real time, yeah.... they should say/do something at some point  like at the commitment ceremony. If it's commentary that's edited into what is picked to be aired or maybe they're watching all the footage and whatever the comment the worst on gets put on the show?

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

There's no way the experts would blow up the group dynamic at the very end and reward Jess/Dan's toxic behavior.


You sweet summer child!


The AUS "experts" make the US ones look like actual experts (with no quotes). The way they were going in on Mike while letting Jess and Dan's bullshit slide every week is rage inducing.

I am not a fan of Mike and Heidi should run hard, fast  and far, far away, but Mike was the hero we I needed this episode. 

I am kinda just sick of the Dan Jess show and Jess's trout pout seems to get worse every week. Dan isn't that good looking and by the time he hits mid 40s I bet he looks like a squat, neckless middle Earth dwarf who wears flip flops and loud Hawaii shirt because he thinks they make his 8 months pregnant looking beer gut look less pronounced. 

I don't understand how and why Ning and Mark suddenly lost the ability to speak and couldn't confront Jess. Who knew Ning was such a shrinking violet?!?!

And after all that I still don't know if Jess lied about what Mark said or if it was the truth. Why couldn't someone just outright ask Mick if he confided that information to Jess?

I can't stand Martha. There is no there there. She is so superficial. What do we know about her besides tanning, makeup, manis, pedis, and lashes?!?! Having a big fat Greek family and an insane beauty regimen is not a personality trait.

For a moment there, I thought her husband was gonna come out t

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, ShaNaeNae said:

So it was on last night? My DVR didn’t pick it up for some reason and I don’t see it On Demand. Poop. 

I have to grab it straight from the channel guide-it never shows on my DVR search.  

Another point about Martha I hate is when her husband tells her she looks gorgeous and she says, "I know".   She is training him to stop complimenting her.  

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

So it was on last night? My DVR didn’t pick it up for some reason and I don’t see it On Demand. Poop. 

I had the exact same problem. I'm upset. Seems like I missed interesting episode.  It happened once before for second honeymoon episode. The rest was taped fine. Just don't get it. 😭😤☹️

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, Hangin Out said:

I watch this show, but I still can’t fully understand what the guys are saying.  

I have a hard time understanding Mick, Dan and Mark. Mike may be an a-hole, but everything he said about trout mouth Jess was true. She is a vile woman; a nasty piece of work. And, Martha is just as bad. I have a feeling that after seeing the show, Michael won’t be in a hurry to marry her. 

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, For Cereals said:

So Heidi parts her hair that way on purpose...mmmkay

Waiting to see if Jess and vapid Martha will have a falling out at some point.

The “experts” might as well be on People’s Couch or Pillow talk with their lack of interaction.

Maybe Martha’s Michael will be Jess’s next victim.  He doesn’t look that stupid tho.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, cinsays said:

Ugh, what nasty people.  Jess, Dan, Martha...

And the "experts" so innocently don't see what's going on?  yeah, right

And then they are going to let Jess and Dan stay as a couple?  When they clearly did not follow the rules of this "experiment"? And are hurting the souls of others in the group? 

If these "experts" are really in the business of counseling or something of that nature, they should lose their licenses.

Please tell me that they are all actors and not very good ones.

While I did previously mention the dreaded 'experts' situation last week, particularly an interesting article on Dr. Trisha Stratford, a REAL clinical neuro-psychotherapist, I've since found a much more insightful article that I think explains Dr, Trisha's honest assessment of what MSFSA can do to a genuinely compassionate & professional Dr.'s psyche. 😧 (Not to mention the effect on the pitiful "experimentees.")  🥺


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23 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

And after all that I still don't know if Jess lied about what Mark said or if it was the truth. Why couldn't someone just outright ask Mick if he confided that information to Jess?


This gave me one more reason to really dislike Jess.  She threw that out there just to deflect attention from herself.

  • Love 3
On 5/16/2021 at 11:47 AM, islandgal140 said:

Bitch, that is pushing play on the whoop ass machine. 

LOL - this made me laugh

I know Dan and Jess will never acknowledge this... but if they do stay together, both of them will always know how easy it was for the other person to lie while being unfaithful.  

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On 5/21/2021 at 6:15 PM, Auntie Anxiety said:

Maybe you can find it on the Lifetime App?

I did, thank you! Didnt think of that before!


On 5/21/2021 at 10:38 PM, ava111 said:

I had the exact same problem. I'm upset. Seems like I missed interesting episode.  It happened once before for second honeymoon episode. The rest was taped fine. Just don't get it. 😭😤☹️

Download the Lifetime app. I was able to catch up on it. 

  • Love 1

I don't understand why it was okay for Jess and Dan to stay in the experiment, while Ines and Sam got kicked out.  I didn't care for Ines but fair is fair.  Dr. Trish was the expert who advocated for Jess and Dan.  They were already in the process of filming Season 7 while Season 6 was airing, so, I am willing to bet the backlash led to her not returning for Season 8.

I hate Martha with the rays of a thousand suns.  Silly woman! She is nothing but a Kardashian wanna be.  

  • Love 10

I hate Jess. How many guys has she tried to sleep with. No amount of Marthas outer beauty can cover up her inner ugliness. Just because Jess became a friend doesn't mean you back her up when she's being fake and a bitch. Tamara was a gorgeous woman in and out and deserved much better. The experts should not of let Dan & Jess stay. It's not a dating show. Now in the future anyone can come in to try and steal a different man or woman. Jess wants a man that isn't afraid to take what he wants. That's not Dan because she's giving it away. All he has to do is sit back. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I don't understand why it was okay for Jess and Dan to stay in the experiment, while Ines and Sam got kicked out.  I didn't care for Ines but fair is fair.  Dr. Trish was the expert who advocated for Jess and Dan.  They were already in the process of filming Season 7 while Season 6 was airing, so, I am willing to bet the backlash led to her not returning for Season 8.

I hate Martha with the rays of a thousand suns.  Silly woman! She is nothing but a Kardashian wanna be.  

Sam decided he didn’t want Ines bc she was going too fast so that wasn’t an option. I think Jess and Dan got to stay bc 1. Mick and Tam didn’t really care that much/weren’t hurt (other than feeling like their time was wasted) and 2. There are only two weeks left in the experiment.

There are and have been so many trash people on this show and it is too long. I do love the format but I swear when I watched online I skipped to dinner parties and commitment ceremonies bc these people wear me thin.

  • Love 4
55 minutes ago, scruffy73 said:

Sam decided he didn’t want Ines bc she was going too fast so that wasn’t an option. I think Jess and Dan got to stay bc 1. Mick and Tam didn’t really care that much/weren’t hurt (other than feeling like their time was wasted) and 2. There are only two weeks left in the experiment.

There are and have been so many trash people on this show and it is too long. I do love the format but I swear when I watched online I skipped to dinner parties and commitment ceremonies bc these people wear me thin.

Mick and Tam kept talking about their time being wasted which is shitty but they were also clearly hurt and upset about all of it. Not just about time wasted.

I can't even watch Jess and Dan because I just want them both to fuck off. Every single thing about the way they handled this was wrong.

  • Love 4

So, basically, if you don't like the person you are matched with, hey, just find someone else there to sneak around with.

I thought the premise of the show was to put people together based on having interviewed them and making some determination of what kind of relationship they would do well with and have them try to bond or at least grow as a person.

Keeping these 2 on the show totally throws out any good intentions of these "experts". It's all for shock appeal.

What about those participants who get cheated on and are devastated?  Too bad?  

What kind of degree do these "experts" have to think any of this is ok? All totally worthless.




  • Love 5

The experts doing all that back peddling and pussy popping to justify keeping Dan and Jess on the show was to me, as disgusting as Dan and Jess. I'd rather they just admitted it was for ratings!

I've taken to fast-forwarding Martha segments. Just a vacuous, amoral bitch. No wonder her and Jess get along so well. She needs to pull up on the tanning. She is getting oompa loompa'ish. Did she say she didn't want to paired with Cam for the couple swap? Cam?!!? Who doesn't like Cam!

Mick did seem genuinely hurt. I admit I felt less sorry for him after he hugged Dan. Why exactly did he do that?

I am here for Mike keeping his foot on Jess's neck. 

I just don't know how the show just manages to find such utterly unrepentant shameless people like Jess, Ines, Sam and Dan. Jess and Ines are in categories all their own though. It is like nothing phases them or they actually grow stronger the more they are disliked. I don't get it. 


  • Love 7
On 5/22/2021 at 12:59 PM, TzuShih said:

While I did previously mention the dreaded 'experts' situation last week, particularly an interesting article on Dr. Trisha Stratford, a REAL clinical neuro-psychotherapist, I've since found a much more insightful article that I think explains Dr, Trisha's honest assessment of what MSFSA can do to a genuinely compassionate & professional Dr.'s psyche. 😧 (Not to mention the effect on the pitiful "experimentees.")  🥺


Thanks for the article.  It gave good insight into the ridiculousness we all see.  I prefer the format of this version of MAFS to the American version, but the Aussies seem to have more over-the-top characters.  The women spend a lot of time and money on personal grooming, make-up, plastic surgery, injections, and image, while many of the the men are mostly sloppy and unconcerned about the impression they make.  

  • Love 3

I want to know why a beautiful girl like Jess (hate her) would plump up those lips so much?  Does she think they make her look sensuous or are they for another purpose that I don’t even want to say.  I think they are disgusting.  Like Lisa Rinna.  They look like a vagina or like one that’s supposed to look like.  Whatever.

  • Love 3


ITA about Superficial  Martha, who, you could tell, didn't really like the simple gold hoop earrings Michael gave her. No bling! 💍

Then, in the midst of all his sincerity and generosity and emotion, she brings down the hammer of "Long-distance relationships don't  usually work," or some such. I believe Ricky Martin had a pertinent  song: "Are You in It For Love (or Are You in It For Money)?" 🤔

And her video friend had the worst lip inflation!

Dan in his gray skivvies on top of Jessika? MY EYES!!  🤮 Mick is well-rid. If he was acting on the "Stay or Leave" couch, he's  really good! 

Cam and Jules. 🥰  I'd watch their show. "The Merchants of Oz." (His surname is Merchant. 😉)

Ning and Mark. Oh, so now HE is the one begging off in bed. How conveeenient. Must be thinking of those libido-killing looming three kids, heh. 

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. Oh, wait. That was the other season's Know-It-All who liked to stir up dinner table tattle but just couldn't  seem to communicate with his spouse. This season's version is Mike. Heidi just can't make him understand that his attention ought not be to the relationships  of others, but to theirs and to her. Mike is too superficial for Heidi.





11 minutes ago, Hangin Out said:

I want to know why a beautiful girl like Jess (hate her) would plump up those lips so much?  Does she think they make her look sensuous or are they for another purpose that I don’t even want to say.  I think they are disgusting.  Like Lisa Rinna.  They look like a vagina or like one that’s supposed to look like.  Whatever.

Um....I believe that is the exact purpose....

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