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S12.E04: Ain't No Party Like a Hamptons Party

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I still don't like John. His interactions early on with other women gave me sleezy stomach, he's crude and rude, and whatever he says now, he was hungry for air time at the beginning - repulsively so.



Really?  My top pic is marissa, bottom Leah.  I think they look exactly alike!

Yeah, I still don't see it. I mean, they're both blond white women, but beyond that...

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20 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Hip replacement veteran year for one. Need both knees done and I have arthritis and peripheral neuropathy in both feet. I stumble sometimes and I am sure people think I'm drunk!!

Good luck.  I don’t remember my mother or her friends having all this orthopedic surgery at all.  They either took a lot of aspirin, drank, or suffered.  A woman next to me had knee surgery and was walking the next day.  Let us know how you are doing when it’s over. 😀  One at a time I’m sure.

Edited by Silver Bells
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On 4/26/2020 at 5:32 PM, CharlizeCat said:

One thing to keep in mind is that if somebody drinks heavily day in and day out, they usually aren't hungover. The body is so used to all of the alcohol and the worst thing is some dehydration. And nobody yet knows how much Leah drinks every day since she started back up. Once the previous night's alcohol level has dropped to a certain level, you get anxious and jittery. That's why they have a lot of those bitchy morning-after squabbles. I am sure that once the mess was cleaned up, everybody started in with the mimosas and bloody Marys.   You know, the "acceptable" day drinks. 

Leah sure is saggy for somebody only in her late 30s. Meow!  I actually like her and think she's going to be a great addition to the cast. 

Yeah. Why was Dorinda not drinking? I didn't even notice. She had a glass in her hand and I just assumed she was drinking vodka. I just thought she was being more subdued than usual. 


Somebody must have read her the riot act. Maybe her Mother and Sister .. and Daughter.

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19 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

Somebody must have read her the riot act. Maybe her Mother and Sister .. and Daughter.

I’m not a drinker .. never was, but I told my husband,when this crisis is over,I want to go to a nice restaurant and have the biggest Bloody Mary with the ring of salt around the top and lemons floating around.  I just feel like one.    Maybe a shrimp cocktail too.  Then my feet will blow up, and my blood pressure too. Lol.

Edited by Silver Bells
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On 4/23/2020 at 9:43 PM, LibertarianSlut said:


What is Leah’s problem with white people?  Two episodes in a row now.  She’s sounding really racist.  Making comments about race with no context whatsoever—just to put someone down for being white—I’m not sure I’m going to be able to overlook that.  It’s very low, and it would serve her right if people who don’t support publicly prejudiced comments chose to buy their mafia products elsewhere.  

I interpreted Leah's comment about "a weirdo white dude" as a likely a reference to Joe Farrell, the host of the party that they had attended the evening before. My guess was that, given his hosting of a huge and controversial Trump fundraiser the previous summer, perhaps he said some political/ideological statements that firmly planted him in the "weirdo white dude" category in Leah's estimation. 

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On 4/24/2020 at 1:33 PM, Lemons said:

I think they seriously see themselves at 20 years younger than they are.  Always commenting on how “hot” guys are who are under 40.  Two groomers come in and they ignore the guy that was their age and fawn all ver the much younger guy. He could have been the one but their snobbishness wouldn’t allow them to even consider him.  
And Ramona needs to stay away from the jeggings.   Her old lady ass is not made for tight pants.  They really show her age. Same for Dorinda and Sonya.  Only Luanne can pull it off.

You know those younger men are laughing inside.  Luanne must have a magic mirror that shows her twenty years younger.  Take all the makeup away and they look old.  That groomer didn’t want any part of LuAnn.  She’s in LaLa Land like Sonja and Ramoaner.

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3 hours ago, Portae said:

I interpreted Leah's comment about "a weirdo white dude" as a likely a reference to Joe Farrell, the host of the party that they had attended the evening before. My guess was that, given his hosting of a huge and controversial Trump fundraiser the previous summer, perhaps he said some political/ideological statements that firmly planted him in the "weirdo white dude" category in Leah's estimation. 

Hmm, it could be that.  It’s so hard to guess what’s in someone’s psyche, but here I go with my theory:

In the Leah thread, there are a lot of articles linking to a private conversation that was leaked, wherein Leah texted that a black man didn’t like her because she was white.  Methinks it’s more likely that Leah is trying to do some awful, tone-deaf damage control (sort of an offshoot of, “I’m not racist; I have black friends’ as “I’m not racist; I don’t like people of my own race either!”) than a display of displeasure with someone with whom a host is associated.  It may be what she meant, but Occam’s Razor says otherwise to me.  

I just want to underscore it was not a comment, it was two comments about “weird white people” and “weird white dudes” that she made on camera in two consecutive episodes on two consecutive days.  When it was only one comment, I didn’t take it to the bank.  Two comments in a row on camera causes me to feel that Leah has an agenda.  LVP, whom I loathe, made one comment about something controversial last season, and I let it pass with no issue, because it was a one-off.  Once a pattern becomes established, my attitude changes.  

It’s not a matter of mentioning race to me, which is something my comments were mistaken for.  If Leah was partying in another part of New York, say Flushing, where the population of Asians is extremely high, I wouldn’t think it was overly strange if she said something neutral like, “Am I the only white person here?”  Or if she went to a Hamptons party and said, “Are there any black people here?”  (Although if she made two comments like that back to back, I would wonder why she was so focused on race).  But that’s not what happened.  She made two negative racial comments in a row.  

I just don’t look at things the way Leah apparently does, even if we’re giving her the benefit of the doubt.  The idea that all parties or gatherings should reflect the racial makeup of the United States at large is absurd if one started thinking about the logistics of that.  If Leah has a problem that she’s attending a party that doesn’t have 13% black people, 6% Asian people, etc., I would think she was very ignorant.  Social and professional groups are based on a myriad of factors, and it would literally be a miracle if they formed in direct correlation with the US census.  

Absent evidence of discrimination, I don’t think Leah should continue to make negative comments about being around so many white people.  What it comes down to, when I analyze the situation, it is one of three possibilities:

  1. If she thinks an event is promoting racism, she should make it her business to Uber the hell out of there and disassociate with the people who are associated with this racism, which she did not do.  
  2. If she has no evidence of racism and she just finds herself in a crowd that is not as cosmetically diverse as she’d prefer, again, she should put her money where her mouth is and not participate if it bothers her so much.  
  3. If she is just virtue signaling by denigrating the race and the characteristics of the people in question, yet parties with them anyway, what does that say about her?  Nothing good to me.  

I will never think it’s ok for people to make public negative racial remarks just because the person in question is of a certain race, or the same race as the accuser.  I still completely fail to see why Joe Farrell’s (if it was Joe Farrell to whom she was referring) race would have to come into it.  If there is a reason she doesn’t like him that’s not associated with race, that should be her argument, and, again, don’t associate with him instead of availing yourself to his parties but talking poorly behind his back.  If Leah’s problem with JF or anyone else is race-based, I wish she would take it off TV and vent about it privately, because I find that extremely unpleasant to endure overt negative racial comments on TV in this type of TV program.  

Strangely, I would have a lot more respect for Leah if she was just direct about it and said on camera, “I have a problem with white people and here’s why,’ and debated about it with her cast mates, the way that Carole and Ramona have debated politics on the show in the past.  It’s not my cup of tea, but at least she’s giving a stance, rather than just getting in passive-aggressive digs.  There’s almost nothing worse than a passive-aggressive dig on a topic with the gravitas of race.  People who call it out look like they’re the ones starting the problem, and people who don’t call it out find themselves extremely uncomfortable.  

Don’t be a chicken, Leah—grow a spine and say exactly what’s on your mind.  Isn’t it your tag line that you “sting like a bitch”?  Go for it!

 I don’t like people going on TV and speaking negatively about other people’s races, and I find it even worse when it’s not coupled with frank discussion.  And I don’t guess I have much more to say about that.  

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39 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

 The idea that all parties or gatherings should reflect the racial makeup of the United States at large is absurd if one started thinking about the logistics of that.  If Leah has a problem that she’s attending a party that doesn’t have 13% black people, 6% Asian people, etc., I would think she was very ignorant.  Social and professional groups are based on a myriad of factors, and it would literally be a miracle if they formed in direct correlation with the US census.  

Thank you LibertarianSlut for putting into words some of what I was thinking, but in no way could articulate as well as you did!  Bravo!  

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15 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Thank you LibertarianSlut for putting into words some of what I was thinking, but in no way could articulate as well as you did!  Bravo!  

Lol, you’re welcome.  If I do nothing else, I read and highlight a chapter in a book by an economist every single day, and listen to at least part of a podcast about economics also. I used to think economists only talked about money, but what they actually do is synthesize data in provable ways, much like scientists.  One of my two favorite economists—the one I’m reading now—bases his conclusions solely on evidence, alternatives and costs.  Once the emotion is taken out of a topic, the facts become so much easier to synthesize.  It’s like the opposite of politics—emotion and rhetoric have no place here.  So I take that as a huge compliment and you’ve made my day!

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

So I take that as a huge compliment and you’ve made my day!

I love reading & posting here because a lot of times folks like you can post something so succinct that it helps to straighten out my own jumbled thoughts on a particular matter, and I appreciate that!    

1 hour ago, Hiyo said:

Eh. To me, Leah was a white person making comments about a certain type of white person, so...whatever.

  I guess when Leah made her offhand remark about the "old white" guy, it did make me wonder what she had against older white males.  Was it just a throw away line about older white men; men in general; white men specifically?  If she keeps spouting that same line, I'd like to know what her problem is.  What, exactly, is wrong with an older white male in her world?  If she wants to party with the young people then she shouldn't have signed up for this show.  If she's watched the show, she'd  have seen that the parties that the ladies go to usually have a variety of ages in attendance.  She comes across as snobby with that attitude.  

And FWIW, Leah has no right to judge anybody else considering the kind of baboonish behavior she displayed at Ramona's house.  

Edited by ChitChat
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2 hours ago, ChitChat said:

 I guess when Leah made her offhand remark about the "old white" guy, it did make me wonder what she had against older white males.  Was it just a throw away line about older white men; men in general; white men specifically?  If she keeps spouting that same line, I'd like to know what her problem is.  What, exactly, is wrong with an older white male in her world?  If she wants to party with the young people then she shouldn't have signed up for this show.  If she's watched the show, she'd  have seen that the parties that the ladies go to usually have a variety of ages in attendance.  She comes across as snobby with that attitude.  

And FWIW, Leah has no right to judge anybody else considering the kind of baboonish behavior she displayed at Ramona's house.  

A social justice warrior who is virtue signaling like Leah blames old white men for every problem in the world.

Its typical New York conversation fodder. So much so after a while you don’t even notice it anymore.

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On 4/30/2020 at 9:17 PM, RedDelicious said:

I think the vibrators were party favors, there were several of them in boxes.


Dorinda mentioned on WWHL that a company sent her a box containing many, so she thought, why not bring them to the Hamptons. This makes me think of the casual interpretation of diminishing returns. If there had not been so many in that house, one would not have ended up in the chicken platter. 

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On 4/23/2020 at 6:06 PM, Neurochick said:

So are you saying that at 60 your life should revolve around sitting in a rocking chair, or knitting?  Good to know.

IKR!  She told us why -- she still wants a man to make love to her, to hold her, to want her.  She was married for quite a few years and became accustomed to it.  I can't imagine anyone has a problem understanding why (at 60!  horrors!) she's looking for a man to replace Mario.

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On 4/23/2020 at 7:37 PM, Thumper said:

What is dark-haired woman’s name?  I have forgotten.

Just want to say that the vagina is an internal organ.  I believe the tattoo was probably on her labia or her vulva, which are external and visible.  (I only learned the term vulva about 10 years ago!)

As long as we're discussing proper technical terms, unless Leah spread her labia, you wouldn't be able to see her vulva.  The tattoo was probably on the area of her mons or labia -- the external genital area.

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On 4/23/2020 at 8:41 PM, BusyOctober said:

Aside from drunkenly ripping out the lights at Dorinda’s house in the Berkshires, didn’t Romana bring her dog (without asking if it was OK), and the dog proceeded to take multiple shits on various carpets? And walked right by a pile and ignored it?  I would rather clean up some dirty dishes and broken glass than try to get dog crap out of the antique silk Aubusson in my foyer.

Luanne is soooo thirsty for a man.  Between the tennis pro, and the dog groomer, my second hand embarrassment was on over drive.  She actually asked the dog groomer to give her a massage!!  And why would she ask the 2 men with an in-home dog grooming business if they made “house calls”??? Um, hello?  They were in a private home, providing their service.  I believe that is the definition of a house call.

I knew as soon as Romona said they weren’t going to her friends elegant Hamptons party, she meant the rest of the woman.  I knew Ramona would go! Ain’t no way Ramona would miss an opportunity to flirt awkwardly and gather more “dates”. 

Tinsley, Leah and Sonja shrieking and yelling at each other was not funny or entertaining. Leah May be new to this franchise, but Tinsley and Sonja getting drunk and slurring insults at each other is as old and boring as listening to Sonja’s faulty memories of her days as Lady Morgan.

How ironic that Sonja was going around bragging that she wasn't a trophy wife, she was PARTNERS with old man Morgan.  Because it was her and her business mistakes as his "partner" that torpedoed the marriage during the time she was playing out her delusions as a heavy-hitting Hollywood producer.  The whole thing resulted in her and Mr. Morgan getting named in one huge mess of a lawsuit that cost him quite a few millions to clean up.  I read somewhere that this is what caused the end of Lady Morgan's high-class marriage.


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On 4/24/2020 at 10:37 AM, Lemons said:

Yet she is such a snob that she won’t look past any man that isn’t rich and powerful.   If she doesn’t chance her attitude, and she won’t, she will be alone for the rest of her life.  

The way she was flirting with that rich guy with the big house was embarrassing for her.  She has zero chance with guys like that.  They are as superficial as she is. 

I was thinking the same thing when I watched her flirt with the big-$$ house owner.  That guy is so not interested in a woman Ramona's age -- he's looking at the 30-somethings.

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7 hours ago, Anne Thrax said:

How ironic that Sonja was going around bragging that she wasn't a trophy wife, she was PARTNERS with old man Morgan.  Because it was her and her business mistakes as his "partner" that torpedoed the marriage during the time she was playing out her delusions as a heavy-hitting Hollywood producer.  The whole thing resulted in her and Mr. Morgan getting named in one huge mess of a lawsuit that cost him quite a few millions to clean up.  I read somewhere that this is what caused the end of Lady Morgan's high-class marriage.


When she married John Adams Morgan, not J.P., he had been married 3 times already.  His Wiki page indicates that he proposed to her on their 2nd time meeting, and married a few months later.  They were married for 7 years.  I've had undies longer.

He's been on his 5th since 2010, so unless he's in a vegetative state (could be, he's nearly 90), number six should be on the horizon.


Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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On 4/24/2020 at 5:37 PM, film noire said:

Tinsley had a moment of personal - what, bravery? - in the pool, I thought. 

She didn't just strip off her bra, she removed it with a history of her ex, Topper, calling her breasts "little uglies" throughout their marriage (money can't buy you class indeed)  so if going bare in that moment helped exorcise Topper's cruelty, even just a little bit, good for her. 

And I love this shot of her. She's much prettier pared down - hair wet & slicked back, lipstick gone,  eye make-up still in place (!) but the eyelashes are damp/less spider-fluttery - she needs to stop burying her face in a kabuki mask of make-up and let her face be seen (wonder what else Topper said to her...) 

tinsley (2) - Copy.jpg

Does anyone know what brand of bra Tinsley wears? In the few times we've seen her in her bra, there has been a black label sticking out in the back, but I can't figure it out. The black label is the only clue I have.

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On 4/24/2020 at 1:41 PM, Midnight Cheese said:

Not all fairy tales come true! I can hear Sonja screaming HE WAS SUPPOSED TO CROAK DURING OUR MARRIAGE! as an intern reads your comment to her....

Haha!  Well, if you can't even make it past 7 years in a marriage, you probably don't have what it takes for the marriage last long enough for the old dude to croak naturally.  He was only 68 when they married.  He married wife number 5 in 2010 - seems like this guy will still last another few years.  He certainly can afford the best care.

Edited by Anne Thrax
fewer words
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On 4/24/2020 at 4:34 PM, Chloecat said:

Seriously, can you imagine drunk Dorinda meeting important movers and shakers LOL.

We got a chance to see how she'd operate when she was invited to go on that Haiti trip with Bethenny.  The woman has an extremely serious problem that is probably going to be with her for life.  She'll kick the habit from time to time but I think with her entrenched addiction, she will likely always go back.

She made a very big mistake by not getting the best professional help she could afford right after Richard's funeral.  You have to think she was an absolute mess, but the longer you let the brain malfunction, it gets harder and harder to change its patterns.  Once you hit your 70s, it's over - you are what you've done to your brain all those years because at that point it's unlikely any type of therapy/drugs will actually be able to change anything no matter how much she might want to.

Edited by Anne Thrax
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On 4/25/2020 at 6:43 AM, The Ringo Kidd said:

It seems that Dorinda and John break up this season. Then we will see what a drunken useless slack mouthed slattern  Dorinda really is when she is drunkenly ranting all alone.

Oh lord Kidd, don't sugarcoat it like that - LOL.  (Totally agree!)

Edited by Anne Thrax
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On 4/23/2020 at 9:04 PM, Straycat80 said:

I can’t believe I’m going to side with Moaner on the room situation but I would not have apologized to Lu. Fuck that ungrateful bitch. 

I’m with Lu.  She was stuck in a cold basement.  She was separated from the other ladies.  Getting ready with all the girls is always fun.

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24 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

I’m with Lu.  She was stuck in a cold basement.  She was separated from the other ladies.  Getting ready with all the girls is always fun.

So Ramona should have had someone else separated from the rest? I mean I guess she could have stayed in the twin bed with Leah but I would have preferred my own room. Put on a sweater and chill! 

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16 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

So Ramona should have had someone else separated from the rest? I mean I guess she could have stayed in the twin bed with Leah but I would have preferred my own room. Put on a sweater and chill! 

I agree — someone was most likely gonna get shafted, and for our entertainment, I’m glad it was Lu!

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15 hours ago, biakbiak said:

So Ramona should have had someone else separated from the rest? I mean I guess she could have stayed in the twin bed with Leah but I would have preferred my own room. Put on a sweater and chill! 

If it was my house, I would have had two share the twins or I would have stayed in the basement.  I like all my guests to be comfortable.

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12 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

If it was my house, I would have had two share the twins or I would have stayed in the basement.  I like all my guests to be comfortable.

Luann would have bitched to high heaven if she was forced to sleep on a twin with Leah. She probably wouldn’t have botched if she was given the master but it isn’t like she was sleeping on the floor or outside Lu blew up that perfectly adequate room into some uninhabitable hovel.

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14 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

If it was my house, I would have had two share the twins or I would have stayed in the basement.  I like all my guests to be comfortable.

Same here. We have a three bedroom house - master bedroom, my office, hubby’s office/guest room but not comfy for guests as two old cats “reside”. 

So when we have peoplecome visit, the get the master bedroom with our awesome bathroom, hubby sleeps with the cats in his office and I sleep on the couch, I always take the least comfortable place for myself.

Of course, not actually having a real guest room is not a bad thing.

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On 5/3/2020 at 11:30 AM, Anne Thrax said:

unless Leah spread her labia, you wouldn't be able to see her vulva.  

On this show?

87 percent possible Leah happily spread her labia (MULVA!)


~hey, sonja? Let me give you better sight lines - yep, right there, that's the money shot!  

Edited by film noire
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Did anyone watch the ep last night where Ramona and Lu commented Zoom style? I thought they would have been interacting with each other, but the commentary was individual. It was kind of a snooze but I was happy to have at least something RHoNY last night.  I've been bored out of my gourd and I miss the discussions in here!

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1 hour ago, RedDelicious said:

Did anyone watch the ep last night where Ramona and Lu commented Zoom style? I thought they would have been interacting with each other, but the commentary was individual. It was kind of a snooze but I was happy to have at least something RHoNY last night.  I've been bored out of my gourd and I miss the discussions in here!

Damn!  I didn't know about it.  I'll have to find it online.

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On 5/3/2020 at 12:15 PM, Anne Thrax said:

Luanne is soooo thirsty for a man.  Between the tennis pro, and the dog groomer, my second hand embarrassment was on over drive.  She actually asked the dog groomer to give her a massage!!  And why would she ask the 2 men with an in-home dog grooming business if they made “house calls”??? Um, hello?  They were in a private home, providing their service.  I believe that is the definition of a house call.

How about the dog groomer  and tennis guy maybe married or engaged to other women?  Or maybe, they just wouldn’t care knowing them.  LuAnn always on the prowl.


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I wasn't sure if I'd watch this season, but I finally tuned in. I can't believe SONJA was the restrained one in this episode, in terms of men. (And while I loved the scene of her and Dorinda doing face masks and trying to hide under the covers from Ramona, when did those two get so cozy?? I remember Dorinda saying awful, vicious things to Sonja.) 


It has nothing to do with how you look ... seriously it has to do with the fact that having a dick in you does not complete you has a person.. point blank period. You can be a whole person and not need a dick 

I've got no problem with Ramona wanting company; after all, I'm sure Mario's on every app out there too. I cringe more watching her lack of game. She's just so obvious in wanting a man, and can't even enjoy a dinner out with her friends without "making the rounds" to see who else is in the restaurant. If she was still married to Mario and a girlfriend of hers did that, she'd probably tell her - in that blunt Ramona way - that she looked desperate and it's not nice to ditch her girlfriends.

Also in Cougartown - LuAnn coming on to both the tennis pro and the pet groomer, as if both men hadn't been employed by her friends to show up and do their professional jobs. And while I never read her etiquette book, I can't help but think that the Countess would have had etiquette lessons on being a good houseguest - and splitting during the night and complaining about the accommodations wouldn't be among her advice.

So far, I like Leah - she was a good addition. Never knew anyone who had such an intense reaction to tiki torches, though.



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I'm catching up on this season.  Really Luann you have never had a spider in your home?  Seriously?  She got a great room.

Ramona looks great for her age.  She wants to go out and mingle.  Good for her.  She doesn't have to answer to anyone at all. Her friends don't like it well tough. She wants to find a partner to enjoy life not because she needs a partner.  She isn't a sloppy and horrible drunk like Dorinda and Sonja. Luann I find to be an obvious one who does the hunting for a man.  She seems the most desparate to have one because she is the one who needs a man.

The way they trashed her home Ramona was kind.  I would have been livid and would have thrown them all out.  None of these ladies would have allowed that in their homes and just because she wasn't home didn't give them the ok to do it.  And Leah acting all 'look I cleaned you should be happy and ok' with what I did was hilarious.  You started it all with the tiki torches.  What if that caught on fire.  How quickly would that have spread?  Did Bravo have a crew on scene to put out a fire and if they did then was it all planned?

So far Leah is a drunk and will accept no responsiblity for her actions.  I destroy your property....oh well...I am being me.

Tinsley stop screeching and tell Dorinda to eff off.  If it was me I would have fun with Dorinda.  Every time she speaks I would be telling someone in the group, loudly, what a miserable person she is and how sad that she was so miserable in her own life she has to drink and get nasty. If she continued then I would get person with her.  If she cried, then I would have been in her face mocking her.  She is the type of person that needs to have the same medicine she gives to people delivered to her. I think after the first time Dorinda wouldn't be going after her. Not everyone needs that to happen but the Dorinda's in the world need it.

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On 4/24/2020 at 7:36 PM, sasha206 said:


Sonja in her early days of RHONY was really charming. I'm sure she didn't act as sexed up back then as she does now.  She had a handsome, elegant look to her.  I could see a man of his means falling in love with her in her prime.

Exactly. Sonja is beautiful, and in a delicate, natural, elegant, and sexy way. When she's not screaming about her pussy or having her ass hanging out, she is quite lovely and charming too. 

On 4/27/2020 at 3:42 PM, heatherchandler said:

Am I crazy or does Leah look a lot like Marisa Zanuck from RHoBH??

I thought the same, similar bone structure. Both resemble my aunt too, just younger and blonder. It's just jarring to watch Leah because my aunt is so classy. 

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