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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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7 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

It makes me sad that he is eating a burger in Mexico


7 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Poor Andrew. Stuck in a Mexican resort where it’s warm, sunny and has all the amenities.Wish I had such bad luck.

Meanwhile Amira is flying off again.  I hope she didn't get COVID with all that travel.  And is Andrew stuck in Mexico for 14 days alone.  Well, they took a chance,and it did. not. work.

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1 minute ago, Angry Moldovan said:

I originally thought swingers, but now I see them as Satanists in the Virginia woods.

Why not both? 

As you all know, I live in Salem, MA, home of the Satanic Temple. And believe me, the Satanists, who are all about opposing injustice and encouraging empathy and self expression, would want no truck with Mama and Papa Brandon. 

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Hey all. Would’ve been here sooner if it weren’t for my city currently being an occupied territory with fences and barbed wire all around and having to show ID to people with guns to prove I live here but ya know, don’t want to get scolded about the “pOLiTics pOlicY” so let’s do some stress eating and have a nervous shaky hand toast to our favorite group of losers! I need my Zied so mash right now. 

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2 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I watched a few minutes of the Robert and Anny diaries show Friday. They moved to a larger place and got a new couch.

Did they finally show the baby?  They refuse to show that kid.

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Just now, charmed1 said:

Hey all. Would’ve been here sooner if it weren’t for my city currently being an occupied territory with fences and barbed wire all around and having to show ID to people with guns to prove I live here but ya know, don’t want to get scolded about the “pOLiTics pOlicY” so let’s do some stress eating and have a nervous shaky hand toast to our favorite group of losers! I need my Zied so mash right now. 

I really hope this week goes by without incident and everyone is safe. I also hope you guys can get back to normal soon

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Why not both? 

As you all know, I live in Salem, MA, home of the Satanic Temple. And believe me, the Satanists, who are all about opposing injustice and encouraging empathy and self expression, would want no truck with Mama and Papa Brandon. 

I saw the documentary on them. Really interesting.

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1 minute ago, charmed1 said:

Hey all. Would’ve been here sooner if it weren’t for my city currently being an occupied territory with fences and barbed wire all around and having to show ID to people with guns to prove I live here but ya know, don’t want to get scolded about the “pOLiTics pOlicY” so let’s do some stress eating and have a nervous shaky hand toast to our favorite group of losers! I need my Zied so mash right now. 

If you look out the window you might see Brandon’s parents, I kid, I kid!

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1 minute ago, Floatingbison said:

I'm starting to wonder if there any missing farm hands buried in shallow graves on that farm.

There are a couple of horrible stories about that on the crime channels.

I cannot stand the parents.  I think if Brandon wants to inherit that farm he needs to get his butt out to the barn and work.  I don't like the parents and I don't like the idea Julia can't eat or use their heat if she isn't helping.   If Papa Brandon were younger, Brandon could move to the city and raise his family before his parents hand the farm over to him.   I still think the parents see this as an infomercial for their farm. 

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Ugh, Brandon's mom again. Grilling them, treating them like they are two years old. That hot tub stuff was stupid. They were definitely naked! Then when they were giggling - "Stop. Stop!" Crazy making.

Also, since she's stated they aren't to have sex while she's in the next room because she "doesn't want to hear it," does she plan more of the same once they get married? 🙄

She's all over the board about that. First, it's a moral objection. OK. But then, it's OK if they go somewhere else. Or if they're in the hot tub.

Rebecca's being ridiculous about Zied. The guy is tired and jet lagged and she's getting all upset because he's not so excited that he doing jumping jacks.

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