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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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21 hours ago, crowsworks said:

I had hopes for the clinic boy who was trying to save the family business and stay out of foster care by pretending to b 18. I thought Nate might take him in ala Neil/Devon like most promising stories on this show it vanished

I thought the same thing -- the actor was cute and could have worked the older boy/young girl's first crush with Faith -- but instead TIIC have wasted our time with the Nate Natey Nate Nate Nate/Elena Gurney Boink.

1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

Whelp, if TIIC were trying to make me Team Dummer, Mission Accomplished.

I'm sitting in the bleachers, drinking ice cold stadium beer. It's going to take more than Dumber giving up everything to take a better job in Italy for me to ignore her snot-nose rich kid, get away with murder temperament.

It seems to be more of TIIC renovating Dumber's It's All About MEEEeeeeee! self-absorbed fall back position to an equally dumb tell no one she's walking away from Kyle's Father Knows Best reboot with Locke Jr.

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Olive Oly, the constant hypocrite, thinks it’s ok for her to exploit Ashland’s medical situation while it wasn’t ok for Victor to do so.  Hey Ashland, if you thought that Olive, the talented negotiator, wasn’t an able candidate to run the media company, why now do you think Olive is capable to run a much larger portion of your empire. I had to laugh when Olive was talking about her accomplishments rising to the top.  Give me a break Olive, your only real accomplishment is being Victor Newman’s daughter. 

As an aside, Summer getting up in Sally’s face for being recruited by a company that she never campaigned for interview for. I got news for you Summer, I was offered positions, from companies, I knew nothing about nor applied for through referrals from my business associates and my reputation.  Olive is now playing into Ashland’s vanity by telling him he gives very good advice but you can get very good advice from Victor. The difference is your disdain for Victor. 

I really don’t think that Tara is all that worried about being cut out of Ashland’s will or no alimony. I think that over the years Tara has squirreled away funds in an offshore account. I would be surprised if Ashland hasn’t done so and Tara has learned from him.  Right now I can’t tell who is more full of themselves, Tara or Summer. I’m only leaning towards Summer because I’m bias towards her. Kyle will be in a Catch 22 and I’m not sure which way he would lean but Kyle had to more than fall for Tara, at that time, since he could of gotten over Summer with other younger more beautiful women.  NYC and the Hamptons have equal opportunities for well heeled men or women for that matter. 

Speaking of hypocrites, Nostrils is a step above Olive. Not only being a hypocrite is a condescending arrogant ass wipe that is a waist of time and space.  Olive had lots of experience handling ruthless jerks including the idiot sitting in front of you Lily. 

Captain Obvious here, Ashland and Olive joining forces. Caption Obvious says that Ashland is a full on womanizer and a letch. Ashland is very smooth and very charming. I’m positive he was able to talk secretaries and women associates out of their clothes and onto the couch any time he desired. 

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Now we have to deal with ShadowChance? Oh good grief. 🙄

Watching Ashland schmooze Victoria makes my insides all warm and gooey. Why is she playing so hard to get?

Where is Phyllis? Shouldn't she be sussing out this amazing job offer that dropped into Summer's lap? She would be targeting Sally and Tara's involvement hard.

Sit-upon. I remember making one of those but seems like we had a different name for them back when dinosaurs were still roaming the earth. 🦖🦕

Gee, Summer, stop trying to handle Tara. You are no match, little girl. Either get out of the way and let Phyllis do what she does best or start packing your bags for Italy.

Abby is just begging to be kidnapped and held hostage to flush Chance out. Christine should've told her to pull herself together and think of her husband's safety first.

What crawled up Victoria's hiney? She just rushed out of the Ghoulish Pinwheel without giving Lily so much as a "see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya." I thought Victoria had finally accepted Lily place in Billy's life?

Yeah, no, I'm not buying that Tara is after Kyle. I might could see her setting her sights on Jack, but Kyle is a whole lot of not much other than the Abbott name and his stake in Jabot. Is this part of Sally's plan to rid of Summer?

Sigh, Lily, I had such hopes for you. Now you've fully transformed into Billy's tool. When is he going support something YOU want to do for a change? 🤨

Hmm, maybe that person lurking around the Chancellor estate isn't Chance but instead is the villain he's trying to take down. There sits Abby blithely pulling up Bad Guy's (or Girl's) Wikipedia page like she's not a potential sitting duck at all. 😒

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Yeah, no, I'm not buying that Tara is after Kyle. I might could see her setting her sights on Jack, but Kyle is a whole lot of not much other than the Abbott name and his stake in Jabot. Is this part of Sally's plan to rid of Summer?

Like I said previously, I think Tararaboomdiay is looking for a rich moron she can push around. And hey presto, here's Kyle.


Hmm, maybe that person lurking around the Chancellor estate isn't Chance but instead is the villain he's trying to take down. There sits Abby blithely pulling up Bad Guy's (or Girl's) Wikipedia page like she's not a potential sitting duck at all. 😒

She's not very bright, is she?

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

We’ve always known how foolish and dumb Summer is but this? Tell Kyle how Tara is blackmailing you into going to Italy. Kyle has a right to his child and has the money to hire the best lawyers. Hide a tape recorder in the living room so you’ll have her dead to rights. Get a brain, idiot.

As God was creating Summer he called for brains and Summer thought he called for trains so she took the first one out. 

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

We’ve always known how foolish and dumb Summer is but this? Tell Kyle how Tara is blackmailing you into going to Italy. Kyle has a right to his child and has the money to hire the best lawyers. Hide a tape recorder in the living room so you’ll have her dead to rights. Get a brain, idiot.

Or she could just tell her mom.

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Hmm, maybe that person lurking around the Chancellor estate isn't Chance but instead is the villain he's trying to take down. There sits Abby blithely pulling up Bad Guy's (or Girl's) Wikipedia page like she's not a potential sitting duck at all. 😒

I was thinking more along the lines of Freddy Krueger.

So does the mausoleum, I mean Chancellor Estate mansion, use the same security as the ranch?

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Have they explained why Abby doesn’t work anymore and just sits around the house with her mother-in-law? It’s not like she’s the one who’s pregnant (and on bed rest or something else limiting).

Tara’s plan is so dumb. If it’s a con, it sucks.

Ashland is very handsome. I hope he’s just pretending to be dying.

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This writer clearly thinks that Summer is The Heroine of the show and expects us to root for her, but I just can't bring myself to do it.  She's as smart as it gets, yet she could be out-witted by a Roomba. I'm sitting at a table by myself, because I kinda like Tara.  I like the change from the meek, submissive, terrified wife of a powerful control freak to this woman taking charge of her new reality.  Whether this is all a con, or whether she's securing another gravy train for herself, I like it.  I don't even mind her using little Haricot-vert as a weapon.  If only getting rid of Summer were an actual possibilty. 

If Ashland is faking his illness, I wonder if he got the idea from Sally?





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Well, Cindy Brady was getting it from all sides today. First, it was Sally and then Tara. I almost felt bad for her. Almost. I think she’ll call Mommie Dearest to help her figure this out. The actress who plays Tara reminds me of someone but I can’t recall whom. Anyway, she’s a throwback to the 80’s psycho bitch rocking the cradle. Hopefully, stupid Kyle will figure it out soon but I think that will be after he marries Tara. I liked how she told Summer the whole deal and then turned on a the switch when Kyle walked in the room very soapy. 

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55 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

This writer clearly thinks that Summer is The Heroine of the show and expects us to root for her, but I just can't bring myself to do it.  She's as smart as it gets, yet she could be out-witted by a Roomba. I'm sitting at a table by myself, because I kinda like Tara.  I like the change from the meek, submissive, terrified wife of a powerful control freak to this woman taking charge of her new reality.  Whether this is all a con, or whether she's securing another gravy train for herself, I like it.  I don't even mind her using little Haricot-vert as a weapon.  If only getting rid of Summer were an actual possibilty. 


I'm liking psycho Tara as well.  The whole cold fish/dead eyes performance is now kind of relevant, and I'm here for it.  

We all know Summer-or probably rather brave and fierce Phyllis (lol)-is going to win out, but she doesn't seem a match for Tara at all.  Then again, Summer doesn't seem a match for a gas pump, so it's not saying much.  

I know perfectly well I was focused on this because he's a prick and I despise him, but NotBilly can't even bother saying "please" when ordering.  On top of drinks they're putting up with his smarmy, sneering face, so anyone serving him deserves gratitude in spades.

Chance's "target" is at a strip club, isn't it?  





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How many weeks is this day going to last? It’s been almost two by my count and it still isn’t over! I’m beyond ready to see everyone in different clothes, especially Dummer. I don’t understand why these women wear cocktail dresses for business attire.

and Phyllis? They invented invisible deodorant quite some time ago. Perhaps you should try it so we don’t see the white marks under your arms.

Jack, Jack, Jack…you’re giving Tara lots of ammunition in her quest to hook Kyle. or maybe she’ll just try for the big fish and go after you instead. Lord knows your son is an idiot. He can’t even tell that Summer is upset.

nick and AdaM having a civil discussion. Who’da thunk it?

(sigh) I guess it was too much to hope Elena would actually take the job in Baltimore? Where’s your dignity woman? It doesn’t speak well for you that you changed your mind because of Nate’s peen. And you’ll be kicking yourself when he kicks you to the curb again.


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(sigh) I guess it was too much to hope Elena would actually take the job in Baltimore? Where’s your dignity woman? It doesn’t speak well for you that you changed your mind because of Nate’s peen. And you’ll be kicking yourself when he kicks you to the curb again.

Isn't he dangling his hook, so to speak, for Amanda's sister right now?

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Summer as a heroine 🤔.  No way no how!  Summer is actually a “Heather”. A mean girl who uses her “privilege” as a weapon. Summer has everything handed to her deserving or not.  I would feel sorry for Summer if it wasn’t karma bitting her in the ass for she is now getting her just desserts for things she got away with in the past. Even when Summer tried to be altruistic, there were strings attached. 

Nate have you become one of the GC dumb shits?  You don’t want to get in the way of Elena’s happiness but you want her to stay in GC. Elena’s happiness probably be better served in Baltimore not with a hot and cold Nate.  Elena while you are high on sexual bliss you shouldn’t make any important decisions because in a month you will regret not taking the job. 

Foghorn is not happy unless she can find a conspiracy with anything and everything. Foghorn blows hot and cold at the drop of a hat. First she’s upset that Summer is pushing the wedding up because of Tara and Harrison being in Kyle’s life than she’s upset with Summer having a plausible explanation for giving up Kyle because she can’t handle being a third wheel.  As Foghorn said, this is not over because Foghorn has to get to the bottom of everything. The Yiddish word for Foghorn is Yenta. 

How sweet!  Brothers bonding. It’s a miracle. 

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15 hours ago, boes said:

I'm gonna push myself into a spot at your table, Snaporaz!  I like Tara, too.  Though I'm positive I'd root for anyone who made that walking circus peanut Dummer lose even a little of her undeserved smugness.  

We're going to need a couple of banquet tables, because it's starting to look like a Dean Martin Roast for all the people A-Ok with Tara running Dumber through a meat grinder all the way to Italy.

Phyllis is on the case, but it's hard to discern if she'll figure out the Tara/Sally connection and ride in on her broomstick to save the wedding day. And even if she does, will Kyle choose Dumber over access to Locke Jr?


Does she really think it's her talent working for a Midwestern department store, running their mall edible underwear pop-up stores that has an Italian fashion house want to hire her?  Are they branching out into fashion udder undergarments for the bovine set and making thongs out of cheese now over there in Italy?  

Maybe Marcetti plans to opening outlet stores and needs a Smart As They Come American low budget point of view on merchandise and marketing. 


Slice em and rice em, Tara!


I'm good with that.


Also, does Show forget exactly how cold-blooded Dummer was when she blackmailed Kyle into marriage for a piece of her liver for Lola?  Look in a mirror, Dummer.  You'll find more than just a pouty Daisy Duck looking back.

Show forgets nothing, just simply ignores character history in order to change the character into the latest moronic romantic notion TIIC are promoting for their resident Romeo and Juliet.


(Doesn't a "Liver for Lola" sound like a great title for a children's book?)

Like Aesop's Fables; an ethical guide and warning to children and adults.


ButtBiscuit becomes more oily and more odious with every scene.  And Lily has devolved to her cow-tipping fangurl stage.

When a flagrantly unreliable narrator decides to report the divorce story of a man that is wooing his ex-wife, because the unreliable narrator is still smarting from losing the bidding war on the purchase of Locke-ness' media group to their main competitor, no one should be surprised by an unprofessional hack job from Chance Dot Com.

I expect Lily will edit out the worst speculations on Locke-ness, but NotBilly will publish the original hack job.

Journalistic practice in action.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Eh, this show blows hot monkey shit right now.

The whole Dummer must leave story line is dumber than Dummer, and that's saying a lot! Tara is really a lazy ass gold digger. She's trying all this subterfuge over Kyle, a dude that looks like her son, when she ought to be playing nice with Kyle and Dummer and just cozy up to the Big Guns, Papa Jack. Duh, Show. D.U.H.

Also, why the fuckity fuck are these adults telling a 3 year old about divorce and new daddies?!? This kid barely understands his cues, how's he supposed to understand all the adult talk they claim to be telling him off camera? No wonder his hair's in curls, probably happened listening to all this adult gibberish off screen.

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It is a Wowser of a day when the only interesting storyline going right now is Adam and Nick bonding as brothers.  I do not hate it.  But everything else is terrible...

1) The entire town being way too invested in this surrogate mess.  Sadly, a surrogate story, done right, would be great; failing to cast a Chance is criminal.  2) Amanda and the murder of either her father or grandfather; it is confusing because the actor playing him could go either way, the mother with the frozen face, the coldness of everyone involved.  The only interesting person is her sister, who I thought was destined for Nate.  Or Adam. And that brings me to...

3)Nate and Elena.  I cannot stand the actress - and maybe that is because she is poorly written.  4) Who is the Daddy of Harrison and what are Tara and Ashton up to.  This could be a really good story but ...poor casting on Tara, terrible character/actor in Kyle, and Jack being made to look like a grinning, idiot who deserves to be made a fool of.   5) The terrible acting and storyline being given to Sally.  The upside:  Sharon and Rey are off the canvas for a week or so.  Downside:  I am sick of Chelsea and her eyelashes.

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17 hours ago, boes said:

I'm gonna push myself into a spot at your table, Snaporaz!  I like Tara, too.  Though I'm positive I'd root for anyone who made that walking circus peanut Dummer lose even a little of her undeserved smugness.  

Overnight Tara has turned Dummer into a Gaping Guppy Lips who cannot even speak.

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Kyle as the Insta-dad is starting to work my last handful of nerves. It's like he's performing fatherhood. 🙄

Unless they're all on salary I feel sorry for the waitstaff and bartenders at Society. Every time Abby lets her friends or family shut the place down for a private event her employees miss out on a normal evening's tips.

Guess Sharon and Rey actually did go on their second honeymoon. It's a milagro. 😏

Nate, Natey, Nate, Nate, Nate. Your memory does not persist at all, huh? Did you forget what kind of trash Elena is and how she betrayed you? Guess you don't think you deserve better.

OMG, Summer, you buried the lede! The first words out of your mouth to Phyllis should have been "That blackmailing b!tch Tara." Then Phyllis would've known right away to start putting on her battle armor.

I can't get over Harrison in that gigantic bed. Why don't they get him a kid-sized one?

Watch Tara trick Harrison out in a new set of toddler hockey gear to impress Kyle. Machiavelli ain't got nothing on her.

Wait, so Summer didn't even tell Phyllis about Tara? And now she almost begs Kyle to come over? Why I am worrying over Summer now? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!!!???!!🥴

If Nate is still living at the hotel, his house remodeling must still be going on. At this rate he probably could have had his old house torn down and rebuilt quicker. Or just bought a different house.

Elena, sigh, something tells me you're going to regret that decision. Assuming there even was a job offer. Bet this whole moving to Baltimore thing was triggered by you seeing Nate with Imani. 😉

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Wait, so Summer didn't even tell Phyllis about Tara? And now she almost begs Kyle to come over? Why I am worrying over Summer now? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!!!???!!🥴

I know. It's those evil shoe designers. They are insidious.


Elena, sigh, something tells me you're going to regret that decision. Assuming there even was a job offer. Bet this whole moving to Baltimore thing was triggered by you seeing Nate with Imani. 😉

About as real as Dummer's job at some famous Italian Fashion House. Plot, plot, plot Sigh. I guess I'm too old to expect any sort of writing by now.

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Okay, this is seriously stupid right now. (not quite as stupid as Vinny committing suicide by Liam over on B&B, but close).

Dummer, go get your murderous and crazy ass mother, and maybe your idiot father. And hold a meeting with Jack and Kyle and Tara. 

Tell them what Tara is up to. It's pretty simple. She will not leave that room with the kid. Jack will have the cops and lawyers in two seconds. Hey, maybe give him a heads-up first.

sassy alcohol GIF

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6 hours ago, crowsworks said:

They are the Thor and Loki of GC

I was visiting my son over the weekend and he introduced me to the movie with Thor and Loki.  I had never seen any of the "Avenger" or Marvel movies so had to ask a ton of questions.  But crossworks...your analogy is perfect.  Perfect!  And made me laugh the very first thing this morning.  Still laughing.

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15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Kyle as the Insta-dad is starting to work my last handful of nerves. It's like he's performing fatherhood. 🙄

"Let's play house....I'll be the daddy."

4 hours ago, Kemper said:

I was visiting my son over the weekend and he introduced me to the movie with Thor and Loki.  I had never seen any of the "Avenger" or Marvel movies so had to ask a ton of questions.  But crossworks...your analogy is perfect.  Perfect!  And made me laugh the very first thing this morning.  Still laughing.

To those not Sci-fi or Marvel fans Thor is a big blond frat boy Viking god and is in turns muscle bound and fat. while Loki is the dark god of mischief - occasionally kills and tries to take over the world but is kind of attractive in a really bad boy way (Helps that he is played by Tom Hiddleston who is devilishly handsome) 

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The more I see Foghorn and Summer the more I love Tara for threatening Summer and making Foghorn more paranoid than she is usually.  The biggest truth, that’s the 800 pound gorilla is in the room, is that Summer can’t handle not being the center of Kyle’s world. 

Can Foghorn please talk to people and not at people. Foghorn can’t talk if she stands straight up. She pretty much always has to lean forward taking a confrontational stance but it actually seems that Tara was able to be more confrontational, with Foghorn for now, in a passive aggressive manner.  

Yes Foghorn, Summer will be that evil step mom because she has learned from the best and it’s in her DNA.  

Adam, Banana Breath, and Nostrils are having a pissing contest. Since Nostrils is the biggest prick, he wins. 

Two times in one day Nostrils is having a pissing contest and two times in one day he’s the bigger prick.  To Ashland, Nostrils is no more than a turd in his punch bowl. 

Sally is nuts, Tara is nuts because they are not intimidated by Foghorn like she wants them to be.  

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Who has Peter Bergman pissed off at the network - or the writer's room - to deserve the terrible storylines he has been given.  Right now I cannot stand his character.  Jack! Who should be up front in a storyline, not a purse holder; which seems he has been relegated to for years.  Victor still gets some juicy stuff; even Nicky is given more to work with.  Tara! The awful Kyle! Who may just be the worst actor on the show ... a show that includes Billy and Summer. Putting Jack with Sally or Tara is probably coming and I dread it; "Jack" deserves so much better than this. 

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Tee, what was up with that low-rent Susan Lucci playing Angelina Marchetti?

And there's Billy showing his whole a$$. Nobody wants to see that--except maybe Lily. Taking a cheap bottle of bubble bath over to Adam's new office. How old is he, 12?

Meh, I still don't know about little kids calling adults by their first name without any kind of honorific. And I think Harrison is getting bad home training. What? Get off my lawn! 😲

So how long is Tara going to keep taking advantage of the Abbotts' graciousness and generosity? I'm thinking she needs to start earning her keep instead of running all over town enjoying the life of leisure.

Ashland is playing Victoria so hard. A fast-tracked merger between two huge, international companies? What even is that? Maybe it'll be a way for Ashland to raid NE from the inside.

Heh, the closed captioning read "peace and quite." Even Nick knows better than that.

Oh sure, Jack, Summer & Kyle are something special all right. Incurable disease special. 😑

Tara, you handle dim bulb Summer easily but her mommy's another story. Phyllis is definitely not the one to be trying pull your con on. If you don't know you better ask somebody. 😒

Guess Billy forgot to put on his boxers because he was swinging his d!ck all over the place today. Ashland was like, "Lol, Billy, you really are flaunting your shortcomings."

How much longer do we have to watch Summer act the tortured heroine? I am over it. At this point IMO she's only agonizing because she wants to.

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3 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Lol Waldo, every time I see you referring to Phyllis as "Foghorn" I have to differentiate between our very own Prevert,  Foghorn Leghorn.

“Hold on there!”  

I have to admit every time I see Foghorn referred to my heart skips a beat wondering what is being said about me!  Lol  

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That opening scene of Kyle dripping wet in nothing but a towel made me wonder.....anybody have any tips on how to get the skin on Cornish Game Hens to crisp up?   Mine always look so pasty.

Sorry, I drifted off topic there for a moment. 

4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

And there's Billy showing his whole a$$. Nobody wants to see that--except maybe Lily. Taking a cheap bottle of bubble bath over to Adam's new office. How old is he, 12?

OMG, Billy showing is whole a$$ isn't an image I think can contemplate and remain relatively sane.  That endless expanse of flat, blinding, white, windswept and arid manscape utterly devoid of life....

The drug store must have been out of Preparation H because that's much more in ButtBiscuit's wheelhouse of humor.  Normally I'd feel for anyone who walked into a room that only contained Adam and Nick but today I grudgingly felt a teeny bit bad for them having to put up with ButtBiscuit. 

That's a trio of three groaning self-entitled morons but today ButtBisuit was the most pathetic.  Adam has tons of other things to focus on, lots of nefarious deeds and evil yet to do that doesn't include him and Nick, well..... Nick will always have his jar of Sage's toenail clippings to fall back on.   All poor ButtBisuit has is that burning resentment against Adam for being the cause of his ice cream melting that time he left his daughter unattended in the car. 

And it was his favorite flavor, too.


Guess Billy forgot to put on his boxers because he was swinging his d!ck all over the place today. Ashland was like, "Lol, Billy, you really are flaunting your shortcomings."

ButtBiscuit was definitely feeling his oats today.   Between the that errant lock of hair hanging off his forehead and that blinding glare reflecting off his face it was apparent that he was feeling like a million bucks.


He always puts the Y in sexy.  I don't see how Victoria can resist him.  Just LOOK at that smile.

I really hope this Milan fashion house gig is a fake and when she gets there Dummer finds out she's just signed on to be the new face of Spaghetti-O's and Beefaroni.  

I'm just worried we'll never see that beautiful smile of hers again.


Now I'm hungry for duck.......

I'm a little surprised at Phyllis not figuring out what Tara's game is by now.  Usually all she has to do is think of what horrible things she's done or would gladly do and she figures it out ASAP.

Edited by boes
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Am I too cynical to enjoy soaps now? Because nothing about this Tara blackmailing Summer storyline makes any sense to me. Why doesn't Summer just call the heifer's bluff?

Sit everyone ( Tara, the whole dang Abbott family, heck, even her parents) down together and tell them what Tara's threatening. Then it's all on Tara; she either stays or goes, but at least everyone will know what's what. 

The Abbotts clearly have enough clout and money to fight Tara over Harrison if it comes to that. Instead, all this drama where Summer gets forced to leave town feels ridiculous and unnecessary.

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