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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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9 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Every time Summer says JCP I’m like you’re working for Penney’s now??  🤦🏻‍♀️

I think it's supposed to be JCV, but I can't for the life of me think of what the "V" stands for.  Jabot Collective...Vhat?  Vhat does it mean?  Are they taking the "V" from "Collective"?

Edited by Snaporaz
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5 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

I think it's supposed to be JCV, but I can't for the life of me think of what the "V" stands for.  Jabot Collective...Vhat?  Vhat does it mean?  Are they taking the "V" from "Collective"?

Oops!  I hear JCP.  Her dang lips don’t help her annunciation!  My bad.

V = Venture?  Perhaps?  

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24 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

I think it's supposed to be JCV, but I can't for the life of me think of what the "V" stands for.  Jabot Collective...Vhat?  Vhat does it mean?  Are they taking the "V" from "Collective"?

It’s my guess it stands for Vision. 

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I thought the scenes between Mariah and Tessa were very well done today.  Those two have a natural vibe with each other and it really showed with them discussing Mariah's possible surrogacy for Abby.  

Gosh oh golly GEE Abby, nothing says hospitality like asking a friend if she'll loan you her womb before you've even asked if she wants Pepsi or Coke.  Mariah better chose the coke because she won't be doing any if she says yes.  

Mariah better be firm about the ground rules, though, if she does say yes.  Just because she's letting them use one body part doesn't mean she's the person to ask if either Abby or Chance needs a kidney or a cornea.  I mean, the Newmans usually use Abbotts when they need a spare body part, anyway.  Don't let them presume, Mariah.

Dummer and Kyle become more detestable and vacous with each scene.  It was bad enough that Dummer had her mother and her Monkey King father clapping their paws together because she managed to fly to L.A. and back without drooling on national tv but their glee because she was able to find a new space for a JCV outlet was a little overdone.  Exactly how hard is it for Dummer to look at a spot a real estate agent found and say "Yes"?  Kyle's smug and smarm are off the charts these days.  I hadn't realized how much Lola kept him from being unbearable before.  I'm ready for him to disappear up one of ButtBiscuit's nostrils, never to seen or heard from again. 

I'm already disposed to like Sally and the more Dummer goes after her with Kyle's connivance, the more I like her.  

Victoria has the fixing for chocolate chip cookies and ButtBiscuit knows how to cook them???  Really?  And is there anyone, anywhere, who would willingly eat ANYTHING ButtBiscuit baked?  Could anyone look at those chocolate chips in the cookies he baked and be sure, totally sure, that they WERE chocolate chips?  

Edited by boes
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19 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

You are 100% correct but I feel it’s important to point out the facts that are completely ignored by TIIC. I’m just doing my own PSA on subjects I know a lot about. 

And don't ever stop.  The misinformation that is doled out is dangerous in many ways.  I've given up on the legal information ever being correct, but it concerns me more about the medical bullsh*t.  That's just irresponsible.  I hope that someone from the Show/writer's lair reads this forum and grows a conscience.  And some research skills.

rant over.

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1 hour ago, MollyB said:

And don't ever stop.  The misinformation that is doled out is dangerous in many ways.  I've given up on the legal information ever being correct, but it concerns me more about the medical bullsh*t.  That's just irresponsible.  I hope that someone from the Show/writer's lair reads this forum and grows a conscience.  And some research skills.

rant over.

Right on, Molly!

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19 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Oops!  I hear JCP.  Her dang lips don’t help her annunciation!  My bad.

V = Venture?  Perhaps?  

I'm sorry but the last thing I'd do with oddly shaped, huge lips would be coat them with what appears to be crisco or some sort of super high gloss.

Some liner and a matte would look so much better.It gives her a fake Joan Crawford in the late 50's look.

I think they were smaller back in the day - maybe she's useing a 'lip trainer' (There is such a thing) Whatever, it must damage her getting roles. Can't you see her in the Little House revival. Nah, her look-a-like more talented sister would get the role.

23 hours ago, nilyank said:

I mean isn't usually recommended that the surrogate be someone that has already given birth before for numerous reasons, however I cannot think of anyone who Abby is close with that that fits this category. Ash and Traci would be out. There is no way that Victoria would do it. Lola, Summer and Mariah never had a baby. Lily can't. Sharon can't.

Um what about Chloe?

Offer her a hundred grand? Heck, Syph would carry it for 500 K. Menopause isn't an issue I don't think.

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Jeebus cripes, Summer might want to seek medical attention for her lips. Looks infected. 😼

Rey bringing the cold hard truth. Let's sit back and watch Sharon double-talk her way out of this one. Her even considering treating Chelsea is 100% bovine excrement. They can smell it clear up on the ISS. 💩💩💩💩

OMG. Elena won't stop acting like she's the first person in the history of the world to get dumped for cheating. I guess she's planning to keep up the doe eyes until Devon finally surrenders.

So is provoking a patient with whom you have a long, very personal, nasty history actually an acknowledged therapeutic method or was Sharon just blowing smoke? You'd think if she had any respect for Rey and her freshly-minted marriage vows at all she'd stay away from Chelsea and Adam. If.

How I wish someone would clue Sally in on Summer's dirty background. Maybe Lola?

I know it was supposed to be comical but something about Gloria swanning into the Abbott house like she owned the place made me uncomfortable. I still remember how Traci, Ashley, and Jack were forced to be nice to Kevin because he was Gloria's son and their stepbrother. Even Colleen had to demur to him and this was after he'd tried to kill her. Ugh.

Devon, don't do it! You're just letting Elena know how long she'll have to wait you out the next time she sleeps with some other guy behind your back.

Hope Sally was using a ride share to get around. She likely doesn't have much if any experience driving in ice and snow and could easily get into a fender-bender. Though it might not be too bad if she accidentally t-bones Summer. Accidentally. 😏

Gloria might want to consider easing up on the cheek fillers. Her face looked so unnatural to me. Whatever, she must be desperate even trying to offer her body to Jack after he told her there was no place at Jabot for any of her special "talents."

Wonder why Nick was so against Faith getting therapy? Afraid she'll figure out what a loser he is?

Interesting that both Lauren and Sally were wearing olive green today. That must be a hot color this season.

Did I hear correctly, was Gloria lowkey warning Sally off Jack? Hah, hah, hah. She's nuts. 🤗

Sharon must keep it extremely warm in the coffeehouse to make that thin top and cold-shoulder look work when there's a snow storm about to rage outside.

Your car won't start, Elena? I want to say that ploy is as old as the Model T and you ain't slick but there's a good chance you've got Devon where you want him now. Alone in his penthouse and unable to leave. Sigh. 😑

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Your car won't start, Elena? I want to say that ploy is as old as the Model T and you ain't slick but there's a good chance you've got Devon where you want him now. Alone in his penthouse and unable to leave. Sigh. 😑

Snowed In Sex. Ah yes, a trope as old as time.

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Elena will do Devon and get preggers.  Who’s the dad?  I don’t want to play that game again.

Please, please, no storm sex for Jack and Sally.  She could be his granddaughter.  Totally GROSS 

Gloria looks pretty good for someone who’s almost 70, but she needs to lay off the Botox and fillers. After a while, you begin looking like a wax figure. 

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On 1/27/2021 at 3:06 PM, lgprimes said:

It bugs me that apparently Abby is going to make this request of Mariah. Presumptuous much?? Mariah hasn’t even had the experience of having a child of her own.

I think I would accept this idea more readily if it was Mariah who offered..

 Not to mention we already have seen how obsessive Abby is going to be. ugh what a nightmare... run Mariah, run!

On 1/27/2021 at 5:01 PM, peacheslatour said:

Then I give up. TIIC are going to do this crap for no good reason. I don't know why I'm surprised.


TIIC had Mariah carrying water for Sharon's Cancer Club and working at Crimson Lights, but that's over. She was written into Dumber's old marketing job at Jabot, but we never see her working there or doing Jabot-related minutia. She's still in a relationship with Tessa, but girlfriend is rarely around -- Except for an embarrassing Get Happy! dance party and to consult on becoming an incubator for Abby and Chance. 

Of course Mariah is going be a gestational surrogate, probably live at the Chancellor Mansion, so Abby and Chance can hover, get squinked out and give the gimlet eye to lesbian hanky panky while pregative with their miracle and generally drive Mariah to distraction. If this pregnancy ends like the Ashby/Mac surrogacy SL ... <snore>

It's a shame Mariah has no story of her own that doesn't have her doing the heavy lifting for someone else. CG isn't being used to best of her potential and talent.

It seems to be the same philosophy TIIC have with launching Victoria back at NotBilly while he's boxing Lily's tonsils with his tongue. No matter how many lies he's told, how much destruction he's generated, how much pain he deliberately served up, Victoria wants NotBilly back?  Really?

Other than Jack (who seems to be gravitating toward Sally), there are no single men available for Victoria -- This would be a good time to bring back Travis Crawford. All she has in her life is kids, family, work, so Victoria is clam-jamming Lily over NotBilly.


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And if someone finds Sally lying in the middle of the street with tire tracks on her back, everyone can assume either you or your mommy are up to your old tricks, right Summer? Ugh, this bush league bish. 🤨

On 1/27/2021 at 6:20 PM, peacheslatour said:

You know, the Gushing Pimple has been looking a little shabby lately. Maybe some new rugs?


How about a can of unleaded and a box of matches?

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Once again Rey, blow it out your ass. Your Sharon’s husband not her dictator. Not that Adam is a saint but Sharon knows Adam a hell of a lot longer than you. They were even married though it was for a short time.  Adam also covered for Sharon when she set the Newman Ranch on fire. So Rey, Adam and Sharon have a love hate relationship which keeps them bonded.  Talk about blowing it out your ass, Banana Breath shows up.  

Elena’s hair looked pretty good today and her face seemed to light up when she saw Devon. 

What’s up Kyle’s ass. What does he have against Sally unless he is just playing macho macho man. Summer would never loose your job to Sally along as your name is Newman or Abbott.  

Is it me or does Gloria remind you of Betty Davis especially in the eyes. You know “Betty Davis Eyes”. You go Gloria, nothing ventures nothing gained in asking for a job at Jabot or even Fenmores. 

There you have it. Once again TIIC pulled their heads out of the sand and come up with the number one question that Sharon asked Mariah. How would you feel carrying a child you will not raise?  As part of the testing for becoming a surrogate, the surrogate has to be evaluated, by a therapist, about that possibility.  Even if the surrogate passes the evaluation, there is no way of knowing definitively that the surrogate won’t have remorse that can cause depression from postpartum blues. Don’t be cavalier Mariah, and give it a lot of thought before you say yes.  

Edited by Waldo13
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31 minutes ago, Cupid Stunt said:

TIIC had Mariah carrying water for Sharon's Cancer Club and working at Crimson Lights, but that's over. She was written into Dumber's old marketing job at Jabot, but we never see her working there or doing Jabot-related minutia. She's still in a relationship with Tessa, but girlfriend is rarely around -- Except for an embarrassing Get Happy! dance party and to consult on becoming an incubator for Abby and Chance. 

Of course Mariah is going be a gestational surrogate, probably live at the Chancellor Mansion, so Abby and Chance can hover, get squinked out and give the gimlet eye to lesbian hanky panky while pregative with their miracle and generally drive Mariah to distraction. If this pregnancy ends like the Ashby/Mac surrogacy SL ... <snore>

It's a shame Mariah has no story of her own that doesn't have her doing the heavy lifting for someone else. CG isn't being used to best of her potential and talent.

It seems to be the same philosophy TIIC have with launching Victoria back at NotBilly while he's boxing Lily's tonsils with his tongue. No matter how many lies he's told, how much destruction he's generated, how much pain he deliberately served up, Victoria wants NotBilly back?  Really?

Other than Jack (who seems to be gravitating toward Sally), there are no single men available for Victoria -- This would be a good time to bring back Travis Crawford. All she has in her life is kids, family, work, so Victoria is clam-jamming Lily over NotBilly.


Cosign all of this. Especially Mariah needing a story of her own. Get hip to yourself Y&R, she's the only interesting character you've got.

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13 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Once again Rey, blow it out your ass. Your Sharon’s husband not her dictator. Not that Adam is a saint but Sharon knows Adam a hell of a lot longer than you. They were even married though it was for a short time.  Adam also covered for Sharon when she set the Newman Ranch on fire. So Rey, Adam and Sharon have a love hate relationship, which keeps them bonded. Talk about blowing it out your ass, Banana Breath shows up.   

Atonal and Sharon have a love/fuck relationship, and their genitalia keep them bonded.

Sharon doesn't hate Atonal for kidnapping her newborn and handing Faith over to Ashley so he could cover up his criminal behavior. She loves him all the more for her inability to to draw a line through his machinations and ploys. He kept her from being arrested for arson, and mired her into his conspiracy to keep quiet ever since -- Out of love? It's been shown often enough Atonal Adam kept Sharon on a leash so that he can use her for his benefit. That's not love. That's a strategy to use Sharon's fear of personal failure and public humiliation to secure Atonal's self-preservation, while massaging his ego and testicles. 

Det. Rey Rey has got a right to be bent, but mostly with himself. He knowingly married another woman that is dishonest; in Sharon's case, about her desire/need to return to Atonal's aid and bed time and again. Having Sharon rile up Chelsea out of her stroke-related paralysis is to make Atonal feel less guilty for his responsibility of her injury and stroke, with the added bonus of having Sharon neck-deep in Atonal's personal business, ignoring her marriage and antagonize Rey Rey.   

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Worked for Jack and Jill!

Hee, every time I see this reference I have to go through Jack or Jill's history to determine whether this incident could've made Jack Billy's daddy instead of his brother. Nope, there was a WTD situation with Jack and John but it ended in Jill's miscarriage. Jill was in another WTD mess which could've led to Billy being a Newman but John Abbott's swimmers won, baby! And Victor's been making Billy suffer ever since. 😉

18 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Interesting that both Lauren and Sally were wearing olive green today. That must be a hot color this season.

Quoting myself to say that Lauren and Sally were not both wearing olive green yesterday. Only Sally was. Worn on TV and another fashion site describe Lauren's top as metallic or a mixture of black and gold. I guess the lighting made it look olive to me, or the color rendering on my TV is borked. nm.

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Quoting myself to say that Lauren and Sally were not both wearing olive green yesterday. Only Sally was. Worn on TV and another fashion site describe Lauren's top as metallic or a mixture of black and gold. I guess the lighting made it look olive to me, or the color rendering on my TV is borked. nm.

From mixing paint, I know that black and gold do form a muted green. If it's metallic and shimmery, I can totally see it reading olive.

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I don't have much to add to what you've all said about yesterday's episode except to add that I enjoyed it more than usual.  Of course, skipping Kyle and Dummer and Eyeore Elena helped a lot with that.

I enjoyed all of Sally's scenes.  She seems a little toned down and I find her a lot more appealing than either Dummer or Kyle, both as a character and as an actor.

Ummm....so......is Sharon just plain NUTS?  She was doing her usual passive-aggressive b.s. like it was an Olympic sport yesterday, especially with Rey Rey.  She asks him what he thinks and then gets pissy with him for expressing his opinion.  Meanwhile, her opinion of herself remains securely sky high, all evidence to the how correct that evaluation is to the contrary.  I love how she purses her lips and gets ever so condescending whenever she's talking about her "field" of psychology.  Getting a degree from Matchbook University really boosted her self-esteem didn't it?  

Nick is so transparent.  Of course he doesn't want Faith to go to therapy, since any therapist with an actual degree would look at Faith's parents and know exactly what the problem is.

It's possible I may tire of Gloria and her posing but I really don't see that happening.  I loved every second and every scene of her swanning around town and boring holes in both Jack and Lauren with those deeply unsettling eyes.  To their credit - and knowledge of Gloria - neither of them flinched.  She's a pleasure I'm going to enjoy.

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Nick is so transparent.  Of course he doesn't want Faith to go to therapy, since any therapist with an actual degree would look at Faith's parents and know exactly what the problem is.

That's a bingo. When I was a rebellious teenager, my parents sent me to a shrink. After explaining about my mother's affair with her business partner, both their drinking and the fact that my dad was away from home on business 75% of the time and that I had been a latchkey kid from the age of 8, the good doctor told my mom that this was the sort of situation that called for family counselling. I never saw him again.

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33 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

That's a bingo. When I was a rebellious teenager, my parents sent me to a shrink. After explaining about my mother's affair with her business partner, both their drinking and the fact that my dad was away from home on business 75% of the time and that I had been a latchkey kid from the age of 8, the good doctor told my mom that this was the sort of situation that called for family counselling. I never saw him again.

To add to the "I think we're related" prevert file, I was also a rebellious kid - for good reason IMO - and once my mother threatened me with "If you don't shape up we're going to take you to see a psychiatrist!" to which I answered back that I would LOVE that.  Not the response she expected and it was never brought up again.

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So Devon is apolgizing to Elena now. GMAFB. As far as I'm concerned cheater Elena and her widdle fee-fees could wait for the tow truck down in the lobby. Or surely the building has a vacant apartment/condo kept to show prospective new residents. Send her there, Devon. I know you're not trying to get Nate's sloppy seconds after he already got yours. 😑

Poor Mrs. Martinez didn't get to go home to her own family before the big storm? Ehhh. I hope the Abbotts are paying her exceptionally well.

Were they really trying to insinuate that Kyle is packing an anaconda? A secks snake that can operate a vending machine? KMN. 🙄

Oh, Victoria, would you be taking this stroll down memory lane with Billy if you weren't jealous of his relationship with Lily? Yeah, no. And now Billy is apologizing too. Again.

I'm sure the Abbott manse has a multi-car garage. Jack should've offered to let Sally park her car in there.

Ugh, hope Kyle has the conference room carpet steam-cleaned after he and Summer just spread their intimate bodily fluids all over it. Else people will be traipsing their cooties all over the Jabot building and turning it into a potential hazmat site.🤮

I think Devon is being a little obtuse. Elena sleeping with Nate wasn't about Nate, it was about Amanda. And Devon knew quite well that Elena was having major insecurity about her. Nate was Elena's go to merely due to his proximity. Plus, she chose to confess when they all would've been better off if she'd kept her mouth shut. But no she had to make Devon and Nate suffer too.

Oy, you're falling into the trap, Billy. You shouldn't be discussing your relationship with Lily with Victoria, except as it pertains to your kids. That is unless you're lowkey trying to encourage Victoria. 😐

STFU, Elena. Devon's friendship with Amanda is none of your business. You're just trying to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy if he proceeds with her. These are some next-level mental jujitsu moves you're pulling on him.

Hmm, Kyle might be hiding something, huh? Must be a thing Theo didn't know about. There's a spumor afoot around the soap interwebs that it's a kid. Maybe Sally can sniff the little tyke out.

I can't believe how selfish Abby is being about the surrogacy. Hopefully someone, like Traci or Ashley, will explain to her how she's asking too much of Mariah.

No, Jackie. Don't do it. I see you over there making your trademarked grimace. Pull yourself together, my guy. Sally is not for you. 🤨

The guest room better have a door with a deadbolt lock or Billy's probably going to get a nighttime visitor that won't be one of the kids. Poor Lily.

Yikes Devon! And now that broad is about to cheat again, only this time it's on your cousin. Cash money on the table, I bet Elena won't be rushing to confess to Nate. Not until she turns up pregnant. I HATE THIS and I already knew it was coming because I accidentally saw a spoiler. Yuck. 😟

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I don’t mind Jack and Sally.  Age difference aside, I could see why Jack would be attracted to Sally.  She probably reminds him of a young Phyllis (or at least they’re playing up that aspect of Sally’s past so far - the character of Sally was flawed but very likeable on B&B).

As to the age difference, I am not bothered by it as much as I was grossed out when Victor married Victoria’s old schoolmate.  Probably because Jack still is attractive.   And not a bossy controlling asshole like Victor.  

I also am enjoying Jake and Kate’s romance on Days.  Peter Bergman and Lauren Koslow (Kate) are the same age but the actor who plays Jake on Days is ten years older IRL than Courtney Hope (Sally), who is 31.  So there’s only a 25 year age difference instead of the 35 years here.  But again, Lauren Koslow, like Bergman, still looks amazing, so works for me.   And Jake and Sally come off as mature adults who can hold their own.  

It helps that they have paired Jack with women of his age for the most part.  And I’m not gonna lie, I kind of would not have minded seeing Jack with Hilary? (I think that was her name, the twin that married Devon and that lily killed) but they never went there.

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Yes, Nostrils, sit on the couch man spreading and drawing attention to your crotch with the coffee mug.  Olive Oly will actually play hide the salami with Nostrils just to accomplish her goal of keeping Nostrils away from Lily. 

You would think that Elena would have her car all checked out for the long Wisconsin winter. Good play Sally claiming that your couldn’t get the ice off your car. Sally, you would just have to keep your car running with the heater on high with the rear window defroster. But I get Jack not letting Sally drive home since she’s not use to driving on ice being from California. My son who lived in Vail, Colorado would tell me that when you saw a car in a ditch on the side of I-70, 95% had California license plates. 

Mariah has questions about her concern of it not working but Abby doesn’t answer her fully. Yes she would be heartbroken, but Abby doesn’t say that it might not happen the first time but they will try again. Chance has picked up Nostrils habit of man spreading. A gentleman should never sit on a chair backwards in the presence of another woman.  Mariah said to make the doctor’s appointment but  unless the doctor says she can’t have children or has a gene that genetically disqualifies her, I’m sure it will be all speed ahead.  As an aside, all three of them have  to get genetic testing to rule out genetic disorders. A woman is screened for more genetic disorders than a man.

Devon, grow some balls. You don’t need to apologize to Elena for making her be unfaithful. She wanted Nate and she got Nate you didn’t twist her arm.  Is that makeup sex or one last love making session for old time sake?  

Did you see the look on Kyle’s face when Summer said there was an upside to everything coming out about your past so you can’t be blackmailed. I would imagine there are things in Kyle’s past to be learned.  It’s funny how Jack mentioned this to Sally about Kyle’s and Theo’s NYC adventures. Summer might not think that Sally had no allies but Summer doesn’t know that she has a big one, Jack. 

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7 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

I mean 9 1/2+ month pregnancies and 15 lb newborns are their own separate category.  🤣

When I was little (soaps were 15 minutes - I'm old) they would say "she lost her baby" and even my mom would use that phrase about friends. On day she found me crying and I told her "Why can't they FIND those babies?" I mean how do you even - just lay a baby down and walk away? Do they leave them on the roof of the car?

Poor mom had to find a way to explain to my literal 5 yr old mind what they meant.



7 minutes ago, geauxaway said:



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I’m  in a lonely place guys...

I actually kinda LIKE Elaina. I mean, I agree there’s nothing particularly exciting about her. But she’s so NORMAL on this show full of basket cases, that I find myself rooting for her. And I think she  truly loves Devon so I root for that couple.   Hard to blame her for feeling doomed as soon as her guy’s late wife’s brilliant outgoing identical twin showed up. Nate took full advantage of her insecurity.

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55 minutes ago, lgprimes said:

I’m  in a lonely place guys...

I actually kinda LIKE Elaina. I mean, I agree there’s nothing particularly exciting about her. But she’s so NORMAL on this show full of basket cases, that I find myself rooting for her. And I think she  truly loves Devon so I root for that couple.   Hard to blame her for feeling doomed as soon as her guy’s late wife’s brilliant outgoing identical twin showed up. Nate took full advantage of her insecurity.

He really did. Huh, I hadn't looked at it that way before. I love Mariah for the same reason. She seems much more normal than the rest of the whack jobs on Show.

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2 hours ago, crowsworks said:

When I was little (soaps were 15 minutes - I'm old) they would say "she lost her baby" and even my mom would use that phrase about friends. On day she found me crying and I told her "Why can't they FIND those babies?" I mean how do you even - just lay a baby down and walk away? Do they leave them on the roof of the car?

Poor mom had to find a way to explain to my literal 5 yr old mind what they meant.




Oh no!  That is so precious, tho.  

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14 hours ago, Sake614 said:

So, with the snowstorm gathering steam in the northeast, I’m fairly sure tomorrow will be wall-to-wall snow coverage instead of soaps. 🤬

Don't take chances in Stormland, Preverts.



21 hours ago, geauxaway said:

I mean 9 1/2+ month pregnancies and 15 lb newborns are their own separate category.  🤣




Another magnet for Sexxxy Times are elevators. What's up with that?

I'm squicked out by the dozens of fingerprints on the floor button panel, and you're desperate to have sex in there.

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15 hours ago, Sake614 said:

So, with the snowstorm gathering steam in the northeast, I’m fairly sure tomorrow will be wall-to-wall snow coverage instead of soaps. 🤬

Dang!  I feel like we FINALLY got a full week of new uninterrupted or pre-empted shows last week for the first time in a loooooong time.  GH is even worse, I swear.  Every other day they are interrupting for one thing or another.  🤦🏻‍♀️

Stay safe and warm!  My parents (WI) got pounded with it over the weekend.  Hope you got your bread, milk and beer!

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1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

 My parents (WI) got pounded with it over the weekend.  Hope you got your bread, milk and beer

I’m in NYC and we’re getting slammed. They’re shutting down above ground subways at 2 pm. I’ve got what I need to get me through, although I don’t expect to be stranded. After all, this is NYC! Not like I have to drive 5 miles to get what I need lol! 

hope your parents are okay 😀

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4 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

I’m in NYC and we’re getting slammed. They’re shutting down above ground subways at 2 pm. I’ve got what I need to get me through, although I don’t expect to be stranded. After all, this is NYC! Not like I have to drive 5 miles to get what I need lol! 

hope your parents are okay 😀

Please stay safe. And that goes for all of you Mid Western and North Eastern Preverts. The rest of you can go crazy, as usual.

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Victor had to summon Nick and Victoria to a meeting just to tell them he was arranging a family dinner? He could've just sent a text. Or had the invitations hand-delivered. Such a drama queen he is. 🙄

So is there household staff at the Chancellor estate now? Hard for me imagine Abby cooking any meals, or doing any laundry, or turning down any beds for guests.

Devon, AFAIC you are no better than Nate now. Maybe the two of you could save time and gas and just Eiffel Tower Elena. Yeah I said it bruh. Come at me.

Did they skip some scenes? I didn't know what Sharon and Rey were talking about with Faith sneaking Jordan into the house.

Rey, pshht, psychology is not Sharon's business. She's a dilettante at best so stop humoring her. You know it's just an excuse for her to stay in Adam's orbit.

For a relatively small guy, BJ has a nice body I think. Not a fan of the tats though.

Geez, Devon, if you basically have to ask the person you just slept with if they're emotionally okay with what happened then you might've made a huge mistake. Guess that means Nate gets to break your hand now, huh?

Spreadsheet? I'm thinking Abby should just give Mariah a bank account to handle the pregnancy expenses. And an advance. Oy, this surrogacy has "messy" written all over it.

It's not a word I like to throw around much but when Sharon swanned into Adam and Chelsea's like she was Florence Fecking Nightingale come to help the poor invalid all I could think was, "You contaminated coont." Is Sharon off her meds again?

Yes, Nate, your girl Elena is acting sus. Listen to your instincts.

Wholehearted appreciation, Abby? Mariah better get more than that unless you intend to take advantage of her. If you had to use a stranger as your surrogate it would likely cost you way more than your admiration and gratitude. Especially if you used one of those black market services.

Lola: wow, getting stranded with your ex overnight during a blizzard. That must've been awkward.
Elena: yeah, it was awkward at first. Until he put it in.
Lola: put it...? Ooohhhhhh! Elena, I know I said I wasn't going to judge but dang, girl, you might have a problem. At least let that thang cool off for 24 hours
. 😏

The cowboy is shooting blanks! MWTs, I'm liking the cut of your collective jib right now. That's some Grade A trolling right there. 🤠

Little brother Moses is going cramp playboy Devon's style methinks. It'll be hard juggling two women with an impressionable teenager underfoot. 🤔

Right, Elena and Devon have a final moment for their former romance. Until she turns up pregnant of course. Anyone could see a Nate vs Devon WTD situation coming down Broadway.

So Nick is afraid Faith will turn on them if they make her go into therapy. Where did he get that idea from? Oh yeah, the Red Menace. Guess they should wait until Faith gets a DUI. Or worse. 😐

Too bad Abby's husband's uncle is her uncle too or they could ask Billy to be their sperm donor. Oh wait, Abby isn't biologically related to Billy. Problem solved! Whee, I crack myself up sometimes. 🥴

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13 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

It's not a word I like to throw around much but when Sharon swanned into Adam and Chelsea's like she was Florence Fecking Nightingale come to help the poor invalid all I could think was, "You contaminated coont." Is Sharon off her meds again?

I really dislike SC's acting choices. When she was with Chelz she was doing her bi-polar off the meds acting--but she is supposed to be a professional. Other times when she pretends to be a professional therapist, SC plays those scenes straight. Odd.


15 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Did they skip some scenes? I didn't know what Sharon and Rey were talking about with Faith sneaking Jordan into the house.

I thought I must have missed an entire episode.


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29 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Did they skip some scenes? I didn't know what Sharon and Rey were talking about with Faith sneaking Jordan into the house.

ReyRey was sitting on the couch and reached down behind the cushion and pulled out a liquor bottle cap (if you blinked you would have missed it).  It wasn't their usual brand, so he deduced that Jordan must have brought it.  He's a detective, you know, but hasn't been to work in several weeks, so he is using his skills around the house.  Next time try some vacuuming; there is probably a lot of other junk in the couch.

Edited by deirdra
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