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S06.E10: We're Not Getting Away With It

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Annalise’s disappearance is uncovered, and the fallout affects everyone. Following Asher’s death, Michaela and Connor are booked on murder charges and forced to make the most difficult decision of their lives. Bonnie reveals a secret about Tegan, and Gabriel becomes a potential murder suspect.

Airdate: April 2, 2020

"Saying Goodbye" featurette and promo:


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Seriously  can Nate die by the end of this show? His attitude is so over the top, it really annoys. Bonnie's right, he should confess to Miller's death. I already miss Asher...as for everyone else, I just want to see how it all ends. I'm kinda hoping they all kill each other by the end.

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6 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Would Annalise have been killed if she had gotten into the car?

Yeah, I was wondering about that, too. 

Very fitting that Michaela and Connor would work together and help each other out like this, though I do wonder if they'll be able to actually go through with testifying against Annalise in the end. I could see their deals somehow benefiting her in the end, even if only unintentionally. 

As the episode kept going on, I thought that Asher would wind up just killing himself somehow. Given all the "Who killed Asher?" stuff, though, that seems to rule that out...but even then, that could be an attempt to throw us off, too. He seems pretty well close to the end of his rope here. 

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14 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I’m actually glad that I care so little about these characters.  I really don’t care what happens to them. Would Annalise have been killed if she had gotten into the car?


At first, I was like "Why aren't you getting in that car, Annalise?" But then I thought "What, is the driver someone who works for Xavier and Annalise recognized him?" But who knows; maybe it was Annalise deciding not to run...

I thought that the ending was going to have Annalise meet up with Laurel, I really did.

I mean...it's hard to care about these characters' fates when they've all had a hand in every terrible thing that happened. Even Annalise, who I am somewhat rooting for to get away with it.

Connor/Michaela signed the immunity deal, so that means they'll be in jail for five years. I expected them to not sign the deal, just because we have five episodes left and they could have dragged out the trial for that long.

I mean...Asher's dead now, so I obviously can't care much about his scenes since his fate is sealed. But Matt McGorry is such a charming actor and I wish that he got a better end for his character. 

I forgot that Nate existed until he showed up, and then I quickly remembered why I've rooted for his death since season 1 and have been disappointed ever since.

As for Asher's death...I mean, I have some theories. One of them being that the FBI killed him. Since everyone is so convinced that it was Xavier, I have to think that it's NOT Xavier. So I thought....hmm, maybe Asher called the FBI to tell them that he was out and maybe he found info on them. And that's why they decided to murder him, once they found out that he wouldn't be helping them and their case for Annalise would go cold, and pinned it on the others. 

Hey, this show has done weirder twists. 

But Gabriel would have to know what happened since, yeah, he was right there and there's no way he DIDN'T hear someone bludgeon Asher to death. Unless he left his apartment before it happened, he knows something. Maybe Asher even told him to kill him. 

But, really, at this point, there's only a few episodes left and I can only hope that everyone gets what they deserve.

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Months of waiting for this crap. Teegan is really the only redeeming character left. I’m so ready for this train wreck to be over, I don’t care about any of these characters either. Asher was my favorite and he’s dead. And also a murderer, too. 

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I fully admit that I love the Connor/Michaela friendship, and I'm rooting for the two of them to get away with everything (well, everything but murder since neither of them has technically killed anyone) and open a law practice and win every case and become the first openly gay and African-American female, respectively, Supreme Court justices.

I'm also rooting for Annalise, Tegan, and Bonnie.  I'm even rooting for Frank to a degree, which is certainly something.

Conrad Ricamora...gracious, he was very, very, very, extremely bad this entire episode.  His terrible acting (and the terrible writing of Oliver) makes me want to see Oliver take the fall for everyone.

Billy Brown and Rome Flynn are both stunning men and pretty horrible actors; consequently, I forgot about both Nate and Gabriel until each appeared, and then I was like:


Nate just needs to die, and Gabriel adds nothing and needs to leave.

Who killed Asher?  Do I care?


But I hope it was Nate or Gabriel.

Also, Michaela's father just seems super shady.

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7 minutes ago, NUguy514 said:

I fully admit that I love the Connor/Michaela friendship, and I'm rooting for the two of them to get away with everything (well, everything but murder since neither of them has technically killed anyone) and open a law practice and win every case and become the first openly gay and African-American female, respectively, Supreme Court justices.

I'd be down for this.


Also, Michaela's father just seems super shady.

Seriously, his entire speech to Michaela trying to convince her to take the deal was manipulative as hell. 

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5 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

I fully admit that I love the Connor/Michaela friendship, and I'm rooting for the two of them to get away with everything (well, everything but murder since neither of them has technically killed anyone) and open a law practice and win every case and become the first openly gay and African-American female, respectively, Supreme Court justices.

I expect, if my FBI killed Asher theory holds out, that the deal that both signed would be null and void, so they very well MAY get away with murder (and perjury...and all the other crimes under their belt). 

Also, I did forget to mention this in my last post, but the deal that Michaela/Connor signed wasn't an immunity deal; it was a plea deal, right? 

5 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Also, Michaela's father just seems super shady.

Since it seems like he turned Annalise in to the FBI (since I forgot he was the one who helped her escape to begin with, so it seems like he turned it right back on her to get caught)...yep. 

5 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Conrad Ricamora...gracious, he was very, very, very, extremely bad this entire episode.  His terrible acting (and the terrible writing of Oliver) makes me want to see Oliver take the fall for everyone.

Same. The scene where he was essentially telling Connor to throw Michaela under the bus because "she shoved Sam off the railing" did not make him look great either. 

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Are we ready for one last ride on the hot mess express that is this show! 

So was that guy in the car supposed to be working with the Castios? Or else why would Annalise not go into the car? Well that run was short lived, unless Annalise manages to sneak away again or talk her way out of it, which are both very distinct possibilities. I always put my money on Annalise. 

God, how is it that, with a cast of characters ranging from morally compromised to horrible sack of crap, Nate is always the one that pisses me off the most? Oh, thats how you justify murdering Miller in cold blood? Asshole. Maybe because he is so convinced that he is the hero in all of this, despite the fact that he is very much not, and is generally just whiny and petulant and blames everyone else for everything that happens to him even when its clearly his own actions that cause his problems, and I really dont get why he is even still on this freaking show? 

I do love the friendship between Connor and Michaela, and I still am rooting for them to get out of this alright. I love that they both insisted on only taking a deal if it helped the other one out, in an episode filled to the brim with lying, manipulating, and double crossing, its really nice to see them actually show some loyalty to each other. Unlike Oliver, who was pretty quick to try and throw Michaela under the bus to help Connor. I mean, yeah Connor is his husband so of course he is focused on him, but its still pretty messed up how quick he was to try and blame everything on her and get Connor to turn on her. Its even worse than Michaelas sketchy dad trying to get her to turn on Connor. Her dad doesn't know Connor or anything about what they've been through together, but Oliver and Michaela have been friends for some time now, and he knows how close Connor and Michaela are. 

I dont much care for Connors mom either, and I haven't since we heard about how she was totally cool with a much older man sleeping with Connor when he was a teenager, and she continues to not impress me. 

I have no clue who killed Asher, I half expect to find out he somehow killed himself out of guilt. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Well, that was a whole hell of a lot of buildup about Annalise running away just for her to get caught almost immediately. I did think the scene where she was caught--getting cold feet about getting into the car, only for that to possibly turn out to have been the better choice--to be very well done, along with the implication that Michaela's dad is the one that was able to lead the cops to her (since he was the one who hooked her up with the disappearance organization in the first place).

I thought the Michaela/Connor story was a great implementation of the prisoner's dilemma, and love that they both sought the same deal for each other. We'll see how long it sticks now that Annalise is on her way back, but their friendship remains compelling.

You better leave Tegan alone, Frank!

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Could Asher not be dead? I can’t really remember how everything happened earlier this season but could this be some manipulation of the kids just to take down Annaliese and then Asher pops up alive?

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They blame everything on Annalise and it makes me mad. She didn’t make them kill her husband at the beginning. I’m starting to hate all of them except Annalise. 

Nate can die at anytime. He’s such a piece of shit and a horrible actor.

Edited by Marley
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On 4/2/2020 at 11:04 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

 Would Annalise have been killed if she had gotten into the car?

I go back and forth on this. Was the car a set up by Vick and Annalise would have gotten killed if she got in, or were the Castillos tracking Annalise and that's how the police got her? It was Mexico where Laurel is from and even though Jorge can't return, Laurel's mom and the rest of her family could. 

21 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

I fully admit that I love the Connor/Michaela friendship, and I'm rooting for the two of them to get away with everything (well, everything but murder since neither of them has technically killed anyone) and open a law practice and win every case and become the first openly gay and African-American female, respectively, Supreme Court justices.


Billy Brown and Rome Flynn are both stunning men and pretty horrible actors; consequently, I forgot about both Nate and Gabriel until each appeared, and then I was like:


Nate just needs to die, and Gabriel adds nothing and needs to leave.

Who killed Asher?  Do I care?


But I hope it was Nate or Gabriel.

Also, Michaela's father just seems super shady.

LOVED Micheala and Connor sticking up for each other. I really want these two to make it out alive.

Micheala's bio dad is SUPER sketchy. I don't trust him 1 bit.

At first I felt bad for Asher being tricked into being the mole by his mom & sister, but even after everyone found out, he was still trying to get evidence. His was recording when he met both Bonnie and Frank trying to pump them for something incriminating. That made me lose all sympathy for him.

Edited by Milaxx
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1 hour ago, TiredMe said:

Could Asher not be dead? 

I've been wondering this myself.  We've only seen the picture.  Maybe he passed out and bled, or was knocked on the head again and bled out but is still alive.  If it were any other show but this show I'd probably accept he was dead.

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Why did Conner’s mom suddenly go off on Frank and say she’d scream if he didn’t leave the police station.  And why was she in the settlement conference with the defendants and their respective attorneys? Non-attorneys are not a party to these things, unless they are parent of a minor. 

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22 hours ago, Annber03 said:

As the episode kept going on, I thought that Asher would wind up just killing himself somehow. Given all the "Who killed Asher?" stuff, though, that seems to rule that out...but even then, that could be an attempt to throw us off, too. He seems pretty well close to the end of his rope here. 

It wouldn't be the first time a show went all "Who Killed XXX" only to have it be suicide.

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At this point all I care about is Tegan getting out of this alive. When she was going to get into her car in the garage I was so ready for the car to explode. Also Laurel will forever be the WORST. How dare she blackmail Tegan into helping her whiny ass. Connor's mom is a psycho and I hope we don't have to see her again. I still cannot believe that Nate has survived this entire time. Ugh. What I am curious about is how Annalise gets out of jail next week. She fled the country how does that not equal no bail & sitting in jail until the trial. I think there is more to Solomon than meets the eye. I think there is something else that went down between him & Annalise.  I'm also side-eyeing the fact that both Annalise & Laurel were sent to Mexico. Isn't that a bit dangerous? Am I the only one who thinks this isn't just Xavier &his family? I think the governor is involved some way as well. 

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3 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

I've been wondering this myself.  We've only seen the picture.  Maybe he passed out and bled, or was knocked on the head again and bled out but is still alive.  If it were any other show but this show I'd probably accept he was dead.


4 hours ago, TiredMe said:

Could Asher not be dead? I can’t really remember how everything happened earlier this season but could this be some manipulation of the kids just to take down Annaliese and then Asher pops up alive?

I thought abut that for a minute, but they showed him dead on the floor last season.

Besides we already have one back from the dead with the Wes (Wes looking) person on the flashforward.  2 back from the dead guys is a lot to ask of 6 episodes.

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Asher was bleeding from where Oliver struck him with the poker. It was coming out his ear and down the back of his head. He could have just passed out in the hallway and bled out.

Or he could be alive-- someone found him and took him into hiding, and now the FBI is trying to leverage his "death" into getting all the others to confess to various things. They even tried to go after what's his name, the new guy who lives next door to Asher.

The fact that they went after New Guy, though, makes me think they don't actually know what happened, because they don't need him to confess to anything, when he's been on their side all along and they don't really think he's part of the Keating conspiracy.

But honestly, I think it's possible it could have been ANYONE.


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I’m having trouble with Asher’s death scenario.  Since it seems law enforcement had the murder weapon, that would imply it was at the scene.  How did it get there?  Was it planted, and it was, how did whoever planted it get it without notice?  So far we haven’t been shown any blood spatter in the area, only a pool of blood under Asher’s head.  Of course we may see more later.  If there no blood spatter, then was someone else also bludgeoned to death as shown in the previews?  There was definitely blood spatter in those scenes.  So many questions, and currently so much time. 

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Watching this show limp to the finish line, I have to say that strategic errors on the part of the show runners  is biting them in the ass. 

1) Nate should have been gone. The actor is horrible and the character has long since overstayed his welcome.

2) Gabriel, just, no. A pointless character played by an awful actor. Dear show, when you need to bring in a bootleg Wes, that means you didn’t think out the long-term impact killing real Wes would have. Wes was not my favorite of the kids, but he was that grounding influence an ensemble piece like this needs. Since his absence, the other core 5 kids have floundered.

3) In support of point 2, I no longer care what happens to any of them, including Oliver. I doubt this is how the show wants me to feel. I should care about who killed Asher. I should miss Laurel. I should care if Connor, Michaela and Oliver get out of this , wind up dead, or end up in jail. Sadly, I don’t care.

4) The only people I care about are Annalise, Bonnie, Frank  and Tegan. They are the only ones I have any positive feelings for. To quote the Micheal Jordan meme, “Fuck them kids.”

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12 hours ago, Milaxx said:


I thought abut that for a minute, but they showed him dead on the floor last season.

Besides we already have one back from the dead with the Wes (Wes looking) person on the flashforward.  2 back from the dead guys is a lot to ask of 6 episodes.

I don’t think that was Wes, I think that’s going to be Christopher and Annalise’s death will be years from now. If it is Wes, then that means the last what, three or four seasons were a complete waste of time. I would prefer a show that lasted too long to a show that should have ended after the first season.

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21 minutes ago, Happytobehere said:

I don’t think that was Wes, I think that’s going to be Christopher and Annalise’s death will be years from now. If it is Wes, then that means the last what, three or four seasons were a complete waste of time. I would prefer a show that lasted too long to a show that should have ended after the first season.

This show is a prime example of hits its magic in one season and then trying to "recreate the magic" afterwards just doesn't work or can't be carried over for multiple seasons examples such as: Scandal, Desperate House Wives, Heroes, ect. The shows gardener ratings, awards and critical acclaim, but can't keep that kind of high volume do to poor planning or never thinking past the initial set up. 

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7 hours ago, Happytobehere said:

I don’t think that was Wes, I think that’s going to be Christopher and Annalise’s death will be years from now. If it is Wes, then that means the last what, three or four seasons were a complete waste of time. I would prefer a show that lasted too long to a show that should have ended after the first season.

I agree, I lean more toward it being Christopher than Wes, which is why I wrote Wes looking in parenthesis. 

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On 4/4/2020 at 11:57 AM, Fable said:

I’m having trouble with Asher’s death scenario.  Since it seems law enforcement had the murder weapon, that would imply it was at the scene.  How did it get there?  Was it planted, and it was, how did whoever planted it get it without notice?  So far we haven’t been shown any blood spatter in the area, only a pool of blood under Asher’s head.  Of course we may see more later.  If there no blood spatter, then was someone else also bludgeoned to death as shown in the previews?  There was definitely blood spatter in those scenes.  So many questions, and currently so much time. 

Well Annalise left her apartment and this isn't the first time the FBI framed someone trying to get to AK. They framed Gabriel. They would have known from Asher about the whole poker banging and the pillow therapy. With AK gone, it'd be easy to get the poker and use it to frame whoever they wanted.

The other option would be Asher's not dead but in witness protecting and the FBI is using his faked death as an attempt to make the others confess.

Edited by Milaxx
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On 4/3/2020 at 11:23 PM, Dancingjaneway said:

At this point all I care about is Tegan getting out of this alive. .....

What I am curious about is how Annalise gets out of jail next week. She fled the country how does that not equal no bail & sitting in jail until the trial. I think there is more to Solomon than meets the eye. I think there is something else that went down between him & Annalise.  I'm also side-eyeing the fact that both Annalise & Laurel were sent to Mexico. Isn't that a bit dangerous? Am I the only one who thinks this isn't just Xavier &his family? I think the governor is involved some way as well. 

I like Tegan, but we still don't know the full extent of what she did for Jorge besides helping when Laurel was kidnapped as a teen. Remember she was sorta shady acting when Emmett was killed and she took over. I'm not saying she's 100% evil, but there's more to her than meets the eye.

Annalise left the country before she was charged with anything. They arrested Micheala & Connor in order to get them to turn on her so they would have something to charge her with. I don't think she's in trouble for leaving the country. Unless they get convincing evidence from Micheala & Connor even if she was to return, they still don't have anything on her except suspicion.

On 4/4/2020 at 4:53 AM, possibilities said:

The fact that they went after New Guy, though, makes me think they don't actually know what happened, because they don't need him to confess to anything, when he's been on their side all along and they don't really think he's part of the Keating conspiracy.

But honestly, I think it's possible it could have been ANYONE.


What new guy?

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On 4/3/2020 at 11:23 PM, Dancingjaneway said:

What I am curious about is how Annalise gets out of jail next week. She fled the country how does that not equal no bail & sitting in jail until the trial.

My guess is that she is extradited back to the US and somehow escapes while being transported.  But I don't remember enough to know if that's even possible.

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On 4/3/2020 at 8:00 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

Why did Conner’s mom suddenly go off on Frank and say she’d scream if he didn’t leave the police station.  And why was she in the settlement conference with the defendants and their respective attorneys? Non-attorneys are not a party to these things, unless they are parent of a minor. 

Picture yourself the parent of a son who has always been together to the point of getting admitted to a top-notch law school. Suddenly, under the mentorship of one particular teacher, he goes from self-confident star with a bright future to a self-loathing mess who has been involved with at least a murder that you know of (that happens to be of a person you found hot enough to try to hook up with). You blame the teacher for your son's sharp decline. And then you figure out that the person who has sidled up to you at your son's darkest hour is affiliated with that teacher.

I am not a criminal law attorney, but it seems to me that the person footing the bill for the defense attorney can reasonably ask to observe the plea negotiations. 

On 4/3/2020 at 10:23 PM, Dancingjaneway said:

What I am curious about is how Annalise gets out of jail next week. She fled the country how does that not equal no bail & sitting in jail until the trial.

We don't know how she was found, or what her explanation is for being in Mexico. But she fled before charges were pending. So hypothetically, she or her attorney can argue that she's got roots in the community, she's not a flight risk, blah blah blah, and she could reasonably get electronic monitoring and have to surrender her passport. The other possibility is that the case against her implodes. We don't know what evidence the FBI has against her other than now whatever story Connor and Michaela come up with. So it could also be that the judge considers the case against AK as it currently exists weaksauce and she gets out on that basis. Besides, we already had the AK-in-jail thing so no need for a repeat.

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Oh, I didn't realize that she didn't know who Frank was.  And, she wouldn't be in a settlement conference with Defendant and the DA, even if she does pay the fees. Also, they wouldn't have both defendant's and their respective attorneys in the same room for a settlement meeting either.  Just weird. But, it is HTGAWM.....lol. 

There is no way that law enforcement would have been able to locate her in that village and that crowd, unless that woman set her up or unless their was a tracker on that phone she had.  She fit in very well and there is no way they could have just spotted her and appeared.  But, in a show where nothing really adds up. I won't put too much stake in it. 

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All I care about in this middling back six is Teagan getting a love interest. Everyone else needs to sit down.

Gabriel and Nate need to have a fight to the death that kills them both as payback for wasting so much screen time. I get that they're respective eye candy for all age brackets of their demographic, and I'm sure Billy is lovely, but Nate in particular doing jack shit and coasting for six seasons is (no pun intended) criminal.

Bonnie and Frank's continued "romance" is so painful - I cringe whenever they touch. Did the actors break up? I wish they hadn't even bothered if they were going to half ass it this much - they were one of my favorite couples.

Speaking of which, Connor/Michaela is everything and the core relationship of the show now. They've kind of overmilked Coliver and sadly apparently Conrad Ricamora doesn't have the acting chops to carry high-stakes drama (although at least he emotes, unlike Rome and Billy).

The total evaporation of Analiese's new identity plot after so much buildup was a huge letdown. I hope they explain her reaction to the driver, which made no sense, beyond some hackneyed "she had to go back to save the kids" plot device. 

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

There is no way that law enforcement would have been able to locate her in that village and that crowd, unless that woman set her up or unless their was a tracker on that phone she had.  She fit in very well and there is no way they could have just spotted her and appeared.  But, in a show where nothing really adds up. I won't put too much stake in it. 

It was implied the FBI found her because Solomon tipped them off--he's the one who hooked Annalise up with the service in the first place, so if anybody knew where exactly she was, it would be him.

40 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Bonnie and Frank's continued "romance" is so painful - I cringe whenever they touch. Did the actors break up? I wish they hadn't even bothered if they were going to half ass it this much - they were one of my favorite couples.

The total evaporation of Analiese's new identity plot after so much buildup was a huge letdown. I hope they explain her reaction to the driver, which made no sense, beyond some hackneyed "she had to go back to save the kids" plot device. 

Yep, Liza and Charlie broke up. I feel like it was awhile ago, maybe early last year?

The vibe I got was that Annalise lost her nerve. She's used to being in control and had no way of knowing if she could trust these people. I think the implication was that if she had gotten in the car, she would have been taken to her next destination safely, but her cold feet contributed to her getting arrested, making the whole effort moot.

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I figure she says she fled for her life because she was afraid of Laurel's family. Didn't she claim they were threatening her before? It's a credible story, and maybe her lawyer can make the case that she will be more than happy to stay if she's given protection. That serves the purpose of the FBI because they want to keep an eye on her anyway, and it serves he purpose of the show because we get to have her back in the action.

But I agree that setting up the elaborate flight plan and then just sending her back home in the next episode smacks of writers who don't plan and are lousy at actual storytelling, substituting stunts for real continuity.

They keep me because I got invested in the characters, plus VIOLA DAVIS, but the plots are garbage.

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They really shouldn't have waited so long to bring this show back. I'm barely invested in this convoluted storyline anymore. Looks like the posts here have dropped off a lot too.

So how come they didn't charge Walmart Wes? He looks the most guilty to me.

How did the Mexican police know exactly when and where where to find AK? Who sold her out, Michaela's father?

My favorite comment from reddit:


Pam went full Karen.

Wonder if the show did that deliberately to capitalize on the Karen thing.

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On 4/7/2020 at 4:28 PM, Chicago Redshirt said:

Picture yourself the parent of a son who has always been together to the point of getting admitted to a top-notch law school. Suddenly, under the mentorship of one particular teacher, he goes from self-confident star with a bright future to a self-loathing mess who has been involved with at least a murder that you know of (that happens to be of a person you found hot enough to try to hook up with). You blame the teacher for your son's sharp decline. And then you figure out that the person who has sidled up to you at your son's darkest hour is affiliated with that teacher.


We don't know how she was found, or what her explanation is for being in Mexico. But she fled before charges were pending. So hypothetically, she or her attorney can argue that she's got roots in the community, she's not a flight risk, blah blah blah, and she could reasonably get electronic monitoring and have to surrender her passport. The other possibility is that the case against her implodes. We don't know what evidence the FBI has against her other than now whatever story Connor and Michaela come up with. So it could also be that the judge considers the case against AK as it currently exists weaksauce and she gets out on that basis. Besides, we already had the AK-in-jail thing so no need for a repeat.

Pam only briefly met Frank when he dropped Gabriel off at the K4's house for Xmas. That's why Frank had to reintroduce himself. I agree with your reasons as to why she went off on Frank though.

8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

They really shouldn't have waited so long to bring this show back. I'm barely invested in this convoluted storyline anymore. Looks like the posts here have dropped off a lot too.

So how come they didn't charge Walmart Wes? He looks the most guilty to me.

How did the Mexican police know exactly when and where where to find AK? Who sold her out, Michaela's father?

My favorite comment from reddit:

Wonder if the show did that deliberately to capitalize on the Karen thing.

They delayed the return of the show in the attempt to build up interest for the returning shows still on the ABC schedule. At this point only die hard fans are going to continue watching and it really doesn't matter if the ratings for the back 6 are good or not.

Gabriel is still cooperating with the Feds. They were at his place before Asher came home. Besides they don't want Gabriel. He can't get them to Annalise because he doesn't know anything and the K4 don't trust him enough to tell him anything.

The Mexican police were either tipped off by Solomon Vick or the Castillos are somehow tracking Annalise.  Most people are leaning toward Vick tipping them off.

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8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

They really shouldn't have waited so long to bring this show back. I'm barely invested in this convoluted storyline anymore. Looks like the posts here have dropped off a lot too.

I finally made myself sit down to watch it and it felt like a chore to get through.  I turned it off about 15 minutes in.  I guess I officially just don't care anymore.  Which is a far cry from earlier seasons when I considered it to be one of the best shows I have ever watched because it was.  They went one season too far. 

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At this point only die hard fans are going to continue watching and it really doesn't matter if the ratings for the back 6 are good or not.

Plenty shows have managed to maintain their good ratings until the end if they keep offering a decent product. (Or like Game of Thrones, manage to increase their final season ratings despite the quality of the product. 😑)  I'm sure it matters to ABC whether they can sell commercial time for the last few episodes. Unless they've already sold all the remaining ad space (or the pandemic has severely altered the game plan), driving viewers away with this needlessly labyrinthine plot seems like a less than smart move to me.

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I think they did wait a bit too long to bring the show back,  because me memory is usually great and I had to go back through a bunch of threads of previous episodes just to recall what had transpired. 

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I really liked this return episode. Not sure who killed Asher but I don't believe it was Bonnie and Frank, despite the flashbacks making them look shady as hell though.

Connor and Michaela - love that they had the same idea. Love that they ignored Oliver and Solomon's advice too. Love their friendship in general.

Annalise got caught quicker than I expected her to do.

Nate and Gabriel continue to be pointless but I do expect that the latter knows more than he's letting on, re Asher, 8/10

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