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S10.E13: What We Become

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Airdate 2020.03.22


Michonne takes Virgil back to his island to reunite with his family. In exchange, Virgil promises weapons that could change the tide of the Whisperer War.


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I am actually pissed off. I was just looking for one hour of distracting, mindless entertainment and only got the mindless part and that mostly in total darkness and trippy hallucinations a la Rick.

Who were these "It puts the lotion on its skin" people-pets and why were they so docile and complacent? Why did they never get off their duffs to try and escape from that scatterbrained chickenshit captor - because the food was okay? It made no sense to me. Then the boat was burning and then Michonne is on it again at the end and I have no idea how that happened. Maybe they were showing the beginning at the end?

I'm terribly sick of adults taking directions from a 10-year old, and this isn't the first time. "Whatever you say, Judith!"

I'd rather listen to Negan talking about nut taps and watch him sucking face with Alpha than what I watched tonight. Okay, maybe not really the sucking face part, but still...

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Again, so much crap happening in the dark. But the darker timeline scenes were pretty cool, seeing the what ifs. I liked it. I wonder why Glenn was left out of the original Negan line up though. 

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I really wish they would stop doing these character spotlight episodes in general, but particularly as a way to send off long time cast members. And particularly immediately following an episode when something interesting actually happens.

This episode would have still been pure trash even if we haven't already been beaten over the head for the past ten years with the whole "life choices" and "the good guys could been seen as the bad guys depending on the choices and perspective"...blah blah blah - WE. GET. IT. And no, Negan would still be an annoying blowhard POS even if episode 1 had been about him instead of Rick.

We don't even get to see Michonne interacting with people she's tied to and has history with.

How many more episodes until this is done? Looking forward to our regular crappy show next week and the end of this season. I keep holding on, but I miss being excited for this show.

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12 minutes ago, Lady Iris said:

I wonder why Glenn was left out of the original Negan line up though. 

Maybe after the way The BIg Giant Heads assassinated his character, they asked him and he gave them the finger.

11 minutes ago, gutbuster said:

I really wish they would stop doing these character spotlight episodes in general, but particularly as a way to send off long time cast members. And particularly immediately following an episode when something interesting actually happens.

YES! But they do that traditionally.

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30 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

Maybe after the way The BIg Giant Heads assassinated his character, they asked him and he gave them the finger.


Michonne shot Glen and Heath when they came into her room and killed Laura (was that her name, can never remember the saviors), so I assume both of them are dead and that's why we didn't see Glen in the lineup. 

Edited by lucygoose
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6 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

Again, so much crap happening in the dark. But the darker timeline scenes were pretty cool, seeing the what ifs. I liked it. I wonder why Glenn was left out of the original Negan line up though. 

Because in the alternate timeline, he was killed by Michonne when they invaded the first sanctuary outpost.

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6 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

Did anybody like it? 🤔


No matter what timeline, I liked Michonne still kept her 2 walkers fashionable ( boxers, jeans low, and nice belts).

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6 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

Did anybody like it? 🤔

I didn't hate it exactly, but I really question why it was "needed" when there are other story lines that are more pertinent at the moment. Maybe I would have found it more interesting in another season/at another section in the story, but here it felt like it was getting in the way of other stuff I'd like to see. And it was confusing as hell; half the time, I was thinking, "What the hell is this person talking about?" or wondering if I missed something--or an entire previous episode!

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6 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

Did anybody like it? 🤔

I liked the Michonne "what if?" stuff. I didn't like any of the Virgil scenes, it was way out of character for Michonne and worse, it was boring. I didn't like how vague they left the ending. 

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There have been many episodes of this stupid show that I have disliked. There have even been episodes that I hated. This episode though...I hate this episode so deeply I wish I could just beat it into the ground. THAT FUCKING SUCKED!

OK first of all, back in my college days I LOVED having psychadelic experiences. I took loads of LSD and ate ounces of magic mushrooms. I also took jimson weed exactly one time. That shit is ROUGH and does not really give an experience like what Michonne had but screw it, media depictions of psychadelic experiences are rarely accurate. No, what pissed me off about that was.....who the fuck cares about this fake alternate life she could have had? IT WAS TEDIOUS AND STUPID.

I take that back, that isn't what pissed me off (well, didnt piss me off enough to write this rant). What pissed me off was the ludicrous idea that Michonne would just accept at face value what Judith said without talking to Daryl or Carol or Rosita or Eugene or literally any random adult about the actual situation. THEN Michonne makes TWO MORE decisions that DO NOT JIBE with anything we have EVER seen from this woman.

#1 She lets 3 (or 4, cant remember) random ass people who claim to have been locked in a room together for who knows how long know exactly where Alexandria is, how to get there, who t talk to, yeah just stroll on in random ass people who could be child raping cannibals.

#2 She decided not to escort random ass people to Alexandria therefore she decided NOT TO SEE HER CHILDREN AGAIN. BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT.

So much fucking bullshit.

AND THEN they have the fucking NERVE to show that giant ass ARMY moving along with enough discipline to march along in THREE giant geometric patterns perfectly spaced out BUT we dont get to follow along with THAT?!?!?!?


That was bullshit. Pointless, annoying bullshit. We did NOT need a visit from bargain basement Morgan. Michonne ought to have died valiantly at the Battle of Hilltop. This bullshit cop out is NO DOUBT because the producers of this shit show believe in their tiny pin head brains that Danai will one day come back for those (NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN) "Rick and the helicopter people" movies.

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There were things to like

  Danai crushed it, warrior mode, vulnerable mode, killer neeganite mode, drugged out, crying, screaming.  Even her reaction to finding out Rick could be alive, the shock and     the full on sobbing..       she's one character you don't see break down often.  Whatever they threw at her in that script she went for it full force and deserves every credit for   what we saw.

  The flashbacks were sort of fun in a weird way; that first one when she turns her back on Andrea goes all the way to the end of Season 2.  For some of the older scenes it was   interesting to think "Oh I remember that" and to see how they inserted Michonne into the existing footage.

  Nice touch with using the name Virgil and using the character to take Michonne on he own personal journey through Hell.

And that's about it.  As interesting as her "what if" trip was the episode was mostly a dragged out mess of a story line.  Even the ending, she doesn't got back to make sure her kids are set up with a secure place to stay?  Maybe tell a few adults "Hey watch them for a year or so will you" get them settled and then go off?  Her plan is Rick is alive....somewhere...in the world narrowed down to possibly the entire continent of North America?  How did she even know which direction to set out looking?  Then we meet the next generation of survivors which appear to be a modern day version of Go West Young Man but that's it, one tempting look and they're gone.   OK maybe they'll come back to that group, either in the series or maybe we'll actually get the movie of Rick's journey they talked about when he left; that's a pretty open unknown   (PS:  Why do these other survivor groups all seem to have uniforms?  Whisperer face skin, Saviors leather and denim, New group animal skin poncho's).    

To me this was pretty much a farewell to the actress and the character that they used as a filler episode before they hit what will be (or at least what should be) the action packed last three episodes of the season.

Edited by sigmaforce86
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This episode wasn't just BAD; any regular viewer of TWD is used to bad episodes because we've watched enough of them.  It was insulting both to the iconic character of Michonne and to the intelligence of the viewers.

I actually liked some of the 'what if' scenes because it gave me a chance to walk down memory lane and remember a time when this show was actually GOOD.  Remember those days?  I actually arranged travel plans because I didn't have a DVR and I NEEDED to see TWD.  Michonne was a big part of that.

I liked seeing some of the old crew, characters I LOVED and still miss.  I even liked Alternative Universe Michonne because girlfriend looked FIERCE.  The downside of that was fucking Negan, stinking up every scene he's in.  Are we supposed to believe that AU Michonne wouldn't have fragged his ass the first time he started blowharding?

But those flashbacks made it harder to swallow Present Day Michonne, the woman willing to sail off with a man she just met without any backup at all.  A prime example of how much Michonne has been weakened is that Virgil chose HER to con.  Would he have dared to pull that shit with OriginalRecipe Michonne?  I think not.

The Whisperers were on the move with a huge horde of walkers but Michonne thought it was a good idea to follow a man SHE JUST MET, to an island, LEAVING HER CHILDREN BEHIND.  I know Judith is annoying and I can understand the desire to get away from her know-it-all ass, but what about RJ?  She's going to leave her beautiful baby boy, with people who barely know he's alive?  Has NuMichonne forgotten what happened when she left her first little boy behind, because I haven't.

I agree with @AngelaHunter and all the others who've said it.  I am sick to death of people taking advice from a 10 year old.  Somebody needs to tell Judith to sit her narrow ass down and let the GROWN FOLKS handle things.  I refuse to believe that no matter how dickmatized Michonne is by St. Rick of Grimes, she would ever base the decision to leave her children on the advice of a CHILD.  Rick fucked her, he didn't give her a lobotomy.

And I am fed up to my eyeteeth that Michonne's purpose in life has become ALL ABOUT RICK.  She has children to raise and a community to lead.  OriginalMichonne would return to that community, tell the people that she's closest to, some of whom knew Rick longer than she did and arrange a search party.  OriginalMichonne would arrange proper childcare for her two children.  OriginalMichonne would ENSURE that the threat from the Whisperers was eliminated.  She wouldn't take the word of a FUCKING CHILD.

One last thing.  I know that TWD has decided that Black is beautiful, when it comes to lighting.  But did someone, ANYONE even consider that they might want to do something about the lighting when they have at least two dark-skinned Black people in most of the scenes?  As a Black woman, I was pissed that I couldn't even SEE Michonne for most of the episode.

Michonne deserved better.  Danai deserved much better.  But part of me is happy that both of them are out of this shitshow.  Danai is moving on to bigger and better things.  Her future is very bright.  FUCK TWD.



Edited by mightysparrow
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12 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

Michonne deserved better.  Danai deserved much better.  But part of me is happy that both of them are out of this shitshow.  Danai is moving on to bigger and better things.  Her future is very bright.  FUCK TWD.

AMEN! Danai was robbed! What a shitty send off! The only justice in this all is that she is a good actor and will now go on to do amazing work and make a lot of money and she can put this whole experience behind her. And I hope her first course of action is to burn that bloody wig. Bet she's glad to see the end of that!

That was one of the worst episodes that I have ever seen. Long, plodding, boring, too dark and how about it was just plain STUPID?!!

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2 hours ago, diebartdie said:

who the fuck cares about this fake alternate life she could have had? IT WAS TEDIOUS AND STUPID.

I thought I may have taken some jimson weed accidentally. This ep was just another great big gift box filled with tissue paper and nothing else. It was utterly meaningless, but it's what they do when they can't think of any coherent plot line and figure it's a good excuse to display their oh-so-artistic talents. They did the same with Tyreese and his chorus of serenading dead blondes(!!) and with Rick, and neither of them even got any of the jimson weed. Filler and fluff.

The non-hallucinatory parts were, of course, filmed in near-complete, frustrating darkness. I guess Kang never did come up with a way to "fix" that. Kang - we have the technology and it's not new! Jesus...

31 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

Somebody needs to tell Judith to sit her narrow ass down and let the GROWN FOLKS handle things.  I refuse to believe that no matter how dickmatized Michonne is by St. Rick of Grimes, she would ever base the decision to leave her children on the advice of a CHILD. 

I think this was actually the most outrageous part of this  whole mess, on both sides, that Michonne (or anyone on this show) would abandon her kids because after 10 years she smelled "St. Rick of Grimes'" boots and that any 10-year old girl wouldn't be crying for the only mother she's known to come home, not give her a blessing and permission to take off, maybe never to return. The boy is little more than a baby who desperately needs and won't even remember his mother - except that she left him -  but the drive to find the long-gone Ricky is stronger than any of that.

Barring the ep all about the Whisperers on which I bailed out of terminal boredom I really think this is the worst ep I can recall.

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Maybe they're secretly filming a movie, in which Michonne lustily sniffs after him, occasionally hallucinating Virgil rewarding her with a Scooby snack. She'll find his socks, then his pants, then his murder coat... eventually she'll find him squatting in the mud nude, talking on the Loriphone, making sculptures of owls. With hats.  Hey, still no worse than what we just sat through.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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In the original version, Michonne rescues Andrea just outside of Atlanta after the old group was forced to flee the farm. So in the alternate timeline, Michonne turns her back on Andrea, but somehow still winds up in Virginia to meet Negan and the Saviors? I couldn't find that very believable...but then, I can't remember how they all wound up in Alexandria to begin with.

Outside of the alternate timeline stuff, I had no idea what was real and what was being imagined in this episode. I was completely lost. I don't even remember what happened in the last episode Michonne was in before this one. Shows how much I must have been paying attention.

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Enough folks here have mentioned how Michonne would never leave her kids, so no need to reinforce that point.

But this is yet another of the core characters who through the years stated unequivocally that the communities had to stick together and cooperate.  First Maggie leaves and never comes back to help in the fights with the whisperers.  Wasn't that community observing hilltop from afar, and wouldn't Maggie keep an eye on Hilltop and all the people with whom she fought tooth and nail to establish that community.

Then we have Rick who has observed Michonne and Judith recently enough to draw a picture of them, yet he stays away without a peep to his family that he is still alive.

Finally, you have fiercely loyal Michonne who has TWO young children and a community where she is a leader.  Yet instead of coming back, or even checking with any of the adults, she just takes off and abandons her kids all in the hope that she will find her ex, mind you with no communications devices or internet (though I forget how easily people reunite in TWD world!)

In each case, the writers come up with some explanation, though the explanations always betray the personalities and characters of those involved.  I can only hope that when any of them returns, that Daryl and others look at them like "WTF happened to you.  Thanks for abandoning us!"  I'll hold my breath.

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I'm assuming that was repurposed footage of Andrea but I cannot recall ever seeing that scene. I know Michonne was inserted into existing footage of Rick and Glenn, etc., but the scene with Andrea threw me. 

I actually liked some of this only because it was exciting to see some of the old-schoolers again. But it was hard to keep track of what was going on and in what order - was this in the past? Is this in the future? That bit at the end with the two people and the field and the army or whatever marching away? WTF?

I also agree it was a lazy way to write Michonne off the show. I actually watched Talking Dead this week and they made a point of trying to excuse the fact that Michonne left Judith behind by saying it was OK because Judith said it was OK. Well then. I guess RJ doesn't matter. And yeah, she has no idea what the situation is. What if Judith had said "It's OK, Negan killed Beta, he's on our side now!" Wouldn't Michonne have made a beeline straight back for Alexandria? Maybe not, at this rate.


Nice touch with using the name Virgil 

Refresh my memory, what is the significance of that name?

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1 hour ago, econ07 said:

  First Maggie leaves and never comes back to help in the fights with the whisperers. 

I don't blame her for leaving, living with the knowledge every day that the monster who smashed to smithereens the head of the father of her child (right in front of her) is being protected, fed and cared for by Rick and Michonne, who declared no one might harm him.

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The writing has just gotten so tone deaf I honestly don't think the show understands just how badly the characters are being perceived. Michonne was already being roundly criticized for running off and leaving her kids to get on a boat with this stranger - the whole thing just made her look so dumb. Don't they see that? Isn't there a single person on set, including Danai Gurira, who recognizes how awful this behavior is going to look? Are they really so insulated in their own bubble, every last one of them? They all think this is OK?

It just seems like they get caught up in ideas and concepts, like this "what-if" scenario for Michonne, and they run with it and get carried away with the "fun" of it without ever stopping to consider the ramifications. The sycophants on Twitter will congratulate them and they'll tune out any criticism. 

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Let's be honest, Glenn was kind of a douche.

Yes, TPTB turned him into an annoying, preachy, boring douche. He used to be interesting, quirky and fun but Show knew we might not like seeing that Glenn murdered, so set out to make him so annoying that when he got bumped off our reaction was, "So?" After his sermon to Enid, I was hoping he'd go.

1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

And then Maggie had complications with her pregnancy and they tried to make it to Hilltop to see a doctor, but were stopped by Nagen along the way.

Right. Every person in Alexandria had to escort Maggie, leaving Spencer and Father Pee to defend the place. Made sense. 😂

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14 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

Did anybody like it? 🤔



I was waiting for the end of the whisperers to decide if I'll keep watching or not,  but this was ridiculous.  The general Idea that consist to move to something/someone new should have been done a long time ago but the way they do it now is pretty terrible. 

Nothing makes sense. 

I will watch the last episodes but it hurts.  I am not even able to watch it for laugher or hate anymore,  the only thing left is hope and expectation and a lot of it went down the drain with this last mess.

Edited by heisenberg
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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

The after show is the worst thing that ever happened to this series.  They apply the lipstick to every pig of an episode. 

It's a good think Chris Hardwick was there to tell me that this was a pivotal episode, because I would have never known it otherwise.  I had forgotten that Michonne was leaving the show, I had heard it awhile back.  So it didn't dawn on me that this was Michonne's last show at first.

I think they intentionally leave some cracks in the main show for Talking Dead to fill in, so more people tune in to watch that show to get more explanation of what is going on.  That show is probably pure profit for them, cheap and easy to produce.

I didn't care for the episode either.  I don't like these shows where they splinter one or two characters off and have a "solo" story with them.  I'll admit I've enjoyed a few of them over the years (the one where Morgan was trained to use his stick was pretty good).  But overall, I think they're a horrible idea.  They need to keep the story going with the main group.

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There was a real easy way to fix this if they wanted to write Michonne off the show by having her go look for Rick. Solution? Take her kids with her. See? Isn't that easy? Doesn't that solve a lot of problems? I mean maybe it's a bad decision to leave Alexandria, although God knows neither they nor Hilltop has exactly been a fortress of safety. But the main objection to how they did this was the preposterous notion that Michonne would just take off for parts unknown and leave her kids behind. 

Are Judith and RJ really that important to the show now? I don't think they are. Rick is gone, Carl is gone, and now Michonne is gone. (Shane, obviously, is also gone.) They don't need Judith and they don't need RJ. It makes way more sense for them to go off with Michonne if this is how her exit is explained.


Ratings don't lie, they aren't good. 

Gimple and Co. are blithely unconcerned about ratings. They chalk them up to "shifting viewing habits." They honestly believe the show is just as popular as ever. 

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37 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

There was a real easy way to fix this if they wanted to write Michonne off the show by having her go look for Rick. Solution? Take her kids with her. See? Isn't that easy? Doesn't that solve a lot of problems? I mean maybe it's a bad decision to leave Alexandria, although God knows neither they nor Hilltop has exactly been a fortress of safety. But the main objection to how they did this was the preposterous notion that Michonne would just take off for parts unknown and leave her kids behind. 

Are Judith and RJ really that important to the show now? I don't think they are. Rick is gone, Carl is gone, and now Michonne is gone. (Shane, obviously, is also gone.) They don't need Judith and they don't need RJ. It makes way more sense for them to go off with Michonne if this is how her exit is explained.

Gimple and Co. are blithely unconcerned about ratings. They chalk them up to "shifting viewing habits." They honestly believe the show is just as popular as ever. 

Instead of making an acid trip they should have send her back to her children and clear things up on the situation with the grown up before anything else. 

But it would have meant more celebrities on set and more spending.  So,  let her take acid with bad obscur cgi, than get rid of everything relevant using the radio as usual and save a bunch of money. 

No one will notice,  our viewers aren't bright enough.

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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The writing has just gotten so tone deaf I honestly don't think the show understands just how badly the characters are being perceived. Michonne was already being roundly criticized for running off and leaving her kids to get on a boat with this stranger - the whole thing just made her look so dumb. Don't they see that? Isn't there a single person on set, including Danai Gurira, who recognizes how awful this behavior is going to look? Are they really so insulated in their own bubble, every last one of them? They all think this is OK?

It just seems like they get caught up in ideas and concepts, like this "what-if" scenario for Michonne, and they run with it and get carried away with the "fun" of it without ever stopping to consider the ramifications. The sycophants on Twitter will congratulate them and they'll tune out any criticism. 

I think Danai was just FED UP.  To her back teeth.  She's an award winning writer (unlike anyone involved with TWD).  I'm sure she saw and smelled the bullshit the second she was handed the script.  But Danai was probably so tired of fighting and so glad to be filming her LAST EPISODE that she just went with the flow, acid trips and all.  She looked like she was going through the motions on Talking Dead, enduring YNB and her gushing.  Danai was probably relieved that she could film the episode from so she pour herself a stiff drink and crawl into bed the second it was over.

I have a feeling that 'scheduling issues' will keep Danai's involvement in the 'Rick Grimes' movies to a minimum.  She's got MUCH better things to do.

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

There was a real easy way to fix this if they wanted to write Michonne off the show by having her go look for Rick. Solution? Take her kids with her.

That would make too much sense.  Well, maybe not completely, because Michonne's journey is likely to be dangerous, and she probably thinks they are safer back in Alexandria with whoever is watching them this week.  But how many women do you know who are going to choose their man over their children?  They are out there, but they're not generally thought well of. 

Then there's the question of how she is going to find one person on the entire planet, who may or may not be alive, on foot?  Sounds crazy.

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After what was actually becoming a good season they go and drop this steaming turd. 

Only positive note is we don’t have to hear Michonne’s whisper-speaking any more. 

I guess Michonne totally forgot she had an actual son, cause she didn’t even tell him goodbye. 

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1 hour ago, rmontro said:

  But how many women do you know who are going to choose their man over their children? 

She's not even choosing her real, flesh-and-blood man over the children, although that would be bad enough. She's choosing a vague, one in a million shot hope that came from a old pair of boots that he may possibly be alive, somewhere in North America (maybe) over the children. She sets off like Lassie Come Home, to where? North, South, East or West? Where in the world is Ricky Grimes? Oh, there's a bunch people marching in formation. Maybe they're trying to find Rick too, so I'll follow them.

It all makes sense.

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22 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

She's not even choosing her real, flesh-and-blood man over the children, although that would be bad enough. She's choosing a vague, one in a million shot hope that came from a old pair of boots that he may possibly be alive, somewhere in North America (maybe)

Don't forget the scratched up phone.  Why did Rick draw a scratched picture of Michonne and Carl into a cellphone?  Don't they have pencils and paper in the zombie apocalypse?  

Also, what were those symbols that were also carved into the screen?  It looked kind of like some type of Asian symbols?  I'm assuming those are a clue of some sort?  

I can just hear Greg Nicotero on Talking Dead:  "The Asian symbols, when translated, mean Ben, which is a callback to a character from the George Romero movie, Night of the Living Dead.  That movie took place in Pennsylvania, which means that Rick is in Pennsylvania."

Edited by rmontro
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9 hours ago, rmontro said:

Don't they have pencils and paper in the zombie apocalypse?  

It seemed that most paper, for some bizarre reason, was thrown out on the streets when the AZ happened. I think Connie may have cornered the market on the rest so others have to scratch messages on trees and walls and old cell phones.

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The worst thing about this episode, for me, was see past characters in whom I was actually invested.  It also reminded me of how much better the story telling used to be and that there was character development so that I felt like I not only knew their names (reference to current multiple characters whose names I could not even begin to remember), but their stories and characters as well.  I know that the scenes were to represent the "what if..." but to me they represented "what was..."

The only hope I have for this show is that Daryl take Dog, Judith, and R.J. with him back into the woods and teaches them survival skills while ignoring all of the others and Alexandria.

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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

The worst thing about this episode, for me, was see past characters in whom I was actually invested.  It also reminded me of how much better the story telling used to be and that there was character development so that I felt like I not only knew their names (reference to current multiple characters whose names I could not even begin to remember), but their stories and characters as well.  I

It's so odd. You would think the last thing they would want to do is remind us of how good this show used to be. The only explanation I can see is that TPTB really think what they're serving up now is equally as good or even better.

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52 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

It's so odd. You would think the last thing they would want to do is remind us of how good this show used to be. The only explanation I can see is that TPTB really think what they're serving up now is equally as good or even better.

The worst is that this week the storyline was interesting.   It could have been a pretty good episode and a game changer.  But no,  it all went to the gutter.

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Didn't Michonne first meet Virgil when she went with Judith, RJ and Luke on their way from Hilltop to Oceanside?  And wasn't her motivation to let the Oceanside people know that Dante was a whisperer spy?  This whole entire storyline could have been avoided if there was radio communication to Oceanside. This makes no sense, let alone what happened in the episode and finding Rick is alive.

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