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S02.E15: Beards, Thrupples and Robots

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That's why they call it "work."  In an effort to turn a buck, Darlene dons a vest and gets Harris for a supervisor; Ben doffs his beard and gets a lot of crap. Meanwhile, no one puts Jackie in the corner. 

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"You can't tell the customers to go home!"

"Even the stupid ones?"

Amen, Darlene. That said, Harris was right to fire her. Though it sucks that she later got fired herself. Maybe she can work alongside Becky or at the Lunch Box or something.

At least the magazine thing seems to be panning out now, so yay for that. 

Also cracked up at, "I don't know who's going where, so I cleared the decks." Oh, my god XD. That whole storyline with Jackie was hilarious. Even if I did learn details about those people that I could've gone without knowing :p. Some people are better suited to that kind of setup than others. 

Ben looks like somebody without the beard, but I can't quite put my finger on who. As stated in discussion elsewhere, I tend to think the beard works on him, but I can get used to this look, too. 

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Becky was great in this episode.  From the glee at telling Dan about Jackie and the couple, to her comments about Ben's face, it was all golden.

Even Harris wasn't horribly annoying, mostly because, "It looks like someone put eyes on a ham."

I'm torn about the beardlessness.  I like well-kept beards, and Ben's was a nice one.  But his beardless face is okay, too.

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I prefer Ben with the beard but he looks good without it, too. And his face is not at all fat.

I liked the twist with the "thrupple," where they broke up with each other instead of Jackie breaking up with them. I knew it wouldn't last but it was interesting that it was even a story line. Although, I don't know why it is spelled thrupple, throuple makes more sense to me.

Lot of good lines this episode. The cleared the decks line was my favorite but I also really liked Harris saying she would tell PriceMart that Darlene was her mom and "she kind of knew her."

I'm glad the magazine is moving forward already.


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Just now, DoubleUTeeEff said:

I also really liked Harris saying she would tell PriceMart that Darlene was her mom and "she kind of knew her."

I also liked, "She fired me from her pretend bakery when she was seven. She said I depressed the customers." 

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I'm glad Ben shaved. I hated the beard and think he's so much better looking now. YMMV

Was that still Jennifer Grey? I recognized her last time but I kept looking and listening and wasn't sure this time. Weird.

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9 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:

Was that still Jennifer Grey? I recognized her last time but I kept looking and listening and wasn't sure this time. Weird.

Yes, that was still her and her real life husband, Clark Gregg.

There are grocery stores here on the East Coast that have robots like that, too, so that cracked me up. I don't think we're quite at the point where they will be replacing human employees. (Certainly not after these last few days...ahem. And now I'm thinking that an episode about the Conners dealing with this pandemic isn't a matter of "if", but "when".)

I had forgotten that Ozzy and Sharon were appearing in this episode until they popped up at the end. After all the history-rewriting bullshit of the last few episodes before this, it was nice to focus on other things this time around. 

Speaking of which: I can't believe it's been two weeks since we've been here! I've missed you guys! I hope all of you are safe at home. 🙂 


Edited by UYI
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19 minutes ago, UYI said:

Speaking of which: I can't believe it's been two weeks since we've been here! I've missed you guys! I hope all of you are safe at home. 🙂 

I'm at home...I just washed the bottle of syrup I bought yesterday for twenty seconds sooo...I don't know how safe I feel...

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1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

I'm at home...I just washed the bottle of syrup I bought yesterday for twenty seconds sooo...I don't know how safe I feel...

Did you sing Happy Birthday to it twice? 😆 I’m feeling a little punchy. Two weeks of work closure is going to be longer than two weeks....

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5 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

Did you sing Happy Birthday to it twice? 😆 I’m feeling a little punchy. Two weeks of work closure is going to be longer than two weeks....

lol, no, but thanks for the laugh.

I went in to work yesterday and I'm working from home the rest of the week (which is a pain because my work laptop is tiny...I don't predict a lot of productivity), then next week I'm supposed to go in Monday and WFH the rest of the week (they want us there one day out of the week). Don't know what happens after that.

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Gods, Ben looks better.  Who knew - he's actually cute under all that scruff!

Why is Darlene putting her inability to pay her bills on Ben as the episode opens?  Of course there's no money coming in yet from this magazine idea of theirs and she needs to get, you know, a job.  Based on the desperation she admits to later, I think she's been in denial.

Still, Darlene annoyed me in this episode.  Harris was on fire tormenting her at work - so many great lines - but she also took it seriously, that Darlene's performance would reflect on her and if Darlene was too damn good to work there, she didn't need to work there anymore.  (And Darlene was bad before she told a customer to go home and then hid in a dressing room to do her magazine mock-up; even if that customer is a clueless jerk creating a messy pile you're going to have to re-fold, you don't attempt to stop them by essentially saying, "You're fat; look on the bottom," you ask, "Can I help you find the size you're looking for?")

I felt terrible for Harris when she got fired - it didn't just eliminate a paycheck, it eliminated the path she thought she had to college.  It was a crappy job, but she was willing to not just suck it up but do it well, because she had a long-term goal.  How very Corporate America that instead of that being valued, she got replaced by a robot.  And how very sitcom that she'll probably wind up living in the same house as everyone else.  But I wanted to see her break the cycle.

But Darlene not being allowed to work at seven-year-old Harris's pretend bakery because she depressed the customers was funny.

As was Becky becoming a customer for life upon learning they made Harris Darlene's boss.

Dan's confusion as things unfold at the Lunchbox was pure gold.  "Have a nice time doing whatever each of you thinks this is" was good, and then as Becky explains ("You getting this old timer?") it got even better.

Jackie trying to figure out how the physical intimacy will work was funny enough, but then came "I don't know who's going where, so I cleared the decks" and I nearly choked on my drink.  (I also liked the follow-up, that she shaved places not meant to have stubble.)  Finding out they're not actually into the throuple thing, just trying it as a last-ditch effort at spicing up a stagnant marriage gave the show a predictable out to this storyline, but I'm still kind of glad they even went there in the first place.

And LOL at the Osbournes appearance at the end; I had totally forgotten that was coming.  

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Something I forgot to mention is something I've liked every other time it has happened in this series as a whole - the realistic touch that most of them don't have nice winter coats.  The few times they get dressed up for something, they top it off with the same cold weather coat they wear on a daily basis, like Jackie did for her "tonight's the night" date.

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2 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Something I forgot to mention is something I've liked every other time it has happened in this series as a whole - the realistic touch that most of them don't have nice winter coats.  The few times they get dressed up for something, they top it off with the same cold weather coat they wear on a daily basis, like Jackie did for her "tonight's the night" date.

Good point. Growing up in the midwest, I had my coat stolen several times.

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6 hours ago, Annber03 said:

"You could light a match on my inner thighs!" 

And Dan’s face when she says that is priceless!  I will often pay more attention to the people in the background than the person who’s actually talking.  Just to see how (or if) they’re reacting/paying attention.  Ted Danson in Cheers always had great reactions, too.

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9 hours ago, Bastet said:


I felt terrible for Harris when she got fired - it didn't just eliminate a paycheck, it eliminated the path she thought she had to college.  It was a crappy job, but she was willing to not just suck it up but do it well, because she had a long-term goal.  How very Corporate America that instead of that being valued, she got replaced by a robot.  And how very sitcom that she'll probably wind up living in the same house as everyone else.  But I wanted to see her break the cycle.


A practice that hasn't changed in the past 20 years. Even if kiosks and robots are more the norm due to raising minim wage. However, I felt that way, but I was the other way. I was the senior employee, I had people under me who were acting like they were too good for the job. I broke my ass for these people. Came in when they had people flake or got sick. I was always willing to take more responsibilities and so forth. Where did it get me during those years? Sadly, NO WHERE. People who complained or were an "asshole" were promoted, yet my bosses trusted me more, but the excuse was: "Well, you aren't ready to be a manager yet." Yet, if I left, everyone ran into a panic going: "We lost a great employee, why didn't we offer him more." Then the ones who complained and thought they were too good for the job, got promoted and then fell apart because they weren't "good" at being leaders. They acted they were all that and a bag of chips and then they were ones to get fired. 

   So, I got where Harris was coming from and yes, with Darlene it was realizing she let things get to far out of control JUST LIKE HER PARENTS. How many times did Dan, Roseann and yes, Jackie get ahead in things and then blew things on very stupid things or wanted to self sabotage themselves. Darlene and Becky learn from the best. 

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12 hours ago, UYI said:

(Certainly not after these last few days...ahem. And now I'm thinking that an episode about the Conners dealing with this pandemic isn't a matter of "if", but "when".)

I will not enjoy that. I'm not enjoying living through it right now. I'm very sad thinking about all the people who really do live in the Connors' situation right now who are about to be in an even more precarious financial situation. I honestly don't want to see it play out on a sit-com. I'd be fine if we started in the fall with some exposition about how they fared over the summer. 

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46 minutes ago, joanne3482 said:

I will not enjoy that. I'm not enjoying living through it right now. I'm very sad thinking about all the people who really do live in the Connors' situation right now who are about to be in an even more precarious financial situation. I honestly don't want to see it play out on a sit-com. I'd be fine if we started in the fall with some exposition about how they fared over the summer. 

I joked in another forum about how New Amsterdam writers were frantically writing the Max Fixes Coronovirus episode as we speak, but I really don't want to see it pop up in all the shows (medical shows or other). (Especially since we really won't know the full ramifications for at least a year+ and probably much longer; I don't want to see some tidy fictional resolution to an ongoing situation with so many unknowns in the real world.) I certainly don't want to see the Connors dealing with one or more family members getting sick with it (as a family in my town is currently dealing with, after one sister died last week, the second death in my state; now several others are in the hospital and at least one is isolating at home).

Edited by ams1001
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1 hour ago, readster said:

A practice that hasn't changed in the past 20 years. Even if kiosks and robots are more the norm due to raising minim wage. However, I felt that way, but I was the other way. I was the senior employee, I had people under me who were acting like they were too good for the job. I broke my ass for these people. Came in when they had people flake or got sick. I was always willing to take more responsibilities and so forth. Where did it get me during those years? Sadly, NO WHERE. People who complained or were an "asshole" were promoted, yet my bosses trusted me more, but the excuse was: "Well, you aren't ready to be a manager yet." Yet, if I left, everyone ran into a panic going: "We lost a great employee, why didn't we offer him more." Then the ones who complained and thought they were too good for the job, got promoted and then fell apart because they weren't "good" at being leaders. They acted they were all that and a bag of chips and then they were ones to get fired. 


I know where you're coming from. A sad lesson I learned is do not be irreplaceable. You will never be promoted because they need you right where you are.

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6 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:

I know where you're coming from. A sad lesson I learned is do not be irreplaceable. You will never be promoted because they need you right where you are.

How exactly true. I face that now in my teacher job. They want us teaching exactly that way, but then they take the department for granted, but no if we left, they be screwed. 

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My recording cut off right after Ozzy said "what about the boy" and Darlene said the boy wasn't interested either. Did I miss anything else? (Stupid Spectrum DVR cuts off no matter how much extra time you give the recording if you are recording something else that starts next.)

I don't get how this magazine is supposed to work at all. They've got one advertiser to sponsor it going forward. I wouldn't think that would even give them enough money to put out one issue.

I'm more used to seeing Jay Ferguson without a beard from Mad Men and The Real O'Neals. I might not have even noticed he shaved if they hadn't made such a huge deal out of it.

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The magazine to me seems like a deux ex machina...a device, not a realistic progression of the story. It's a miracle, Darlene didn't need that job after all!

But god almighty, she was utterly and unrealistically horrible. Who thinks, particularly in a new job, that it's OK to not actually work? 

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Was Harris supposed to have been hired as an actual manager? She was tasked with "training" the new person; in my experience in retail that would not make her Darlene's "boss" with the power to fire her on the spot like that. In my company the lower-level managers in the stores wouldn't be able to fire someone without the actual Store Manager's input.

Bad management on the other manager's part to pair her with a family member, though; most companies would have policies against that sort of thing, if she really was supposed to be Darlene's boss. I've worked with sibling and parent/child pairings but none of them had supervisory authority over their family member. (I also dated a lower-level manager for two years and when it became known I transferred to a different store. They were cool about it and gave me several weeks and the district manager helped me find an equivalent (actually slightly better) position not too far away, but one of us had to leave and I was easier to replace.)

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4 hours ago, readster said:

So, I got where Harris was coming from and yes, with Darlene it was realizing she let things get to far out of control JUST LIKE HER PARENTS. How many times did Dan, Roseann and yes, Jackie get ahead in things and then blew things on very stupid things or wanted to self sabotage themselves. Darlene and Becky learn from the best.

Yes!  I sometimes watch the reruns of the first show and their continuing bad decisions really stand out, especially since we now know the aftermath.  A commenter mentioned in another thread that the Conners situation is not so much because of the economy; they should be doing better by now, but more a result of their colossal bad choices and stubbornness. Darlene is just awful. I had to agree with Becky when she told Harris Darlene was horrible. Darlene has a degree, yes it is in writing, but many writers are capable of doing other jobs when necessary.  We don't know Darlene's employment history, but my fan fiction guess would be that she has been fired many times and refuses to learn from the experience. 
I felt bad for Harris. She was doing well at her job and had an education opportunity with the store and it got blown up. When she asked to move back in with her mother, I thought, "No! Run away, run away! That house is a trap and you will never get out!"

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We don't know Darlene's employment history, but my fan fiction guess would be that she has been fired many times and refuses to learn from the experience. 

I hate to say it, but that does track. Her inability (or refusal) to conform has no doubt cost her many jobs. She's probably burned a lot of bridges too. She was living in Chicago before she moved back home, if she couldn't find employment in a huge job market like that it says a lot about her marketability.

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1 hour ago, bad things are bad said:

The magazine to me seems like a deux ex machina...a device, not a realistic progression of the story. It's a miracle, Darlene didn't need that job after all!

But god almighty, she was utterly and unrealistically horrible. Who thinks, particularly in a new job, that it's OK to not actually work? 

Kids fresh out of high school, yes they don't get the fact to "work". However, a person in their 40s, no that isn't realistic at all. Even ones who maybe never made much of their lives or have fallen on bad times. Know you have to grin, bare it and do your job. I mean, Rosanne did better than this in the past. But she later followed a: "Whatever, I do what I want." I see Darlene followed suit. 

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I was so frustrated by Darlene throughout the entire episode.  However, when she started blaming Harris for her own economic situation ('you don't get it, I'm desperate, if we didn't live here, Mark and I would be homeless'), I was just totally over her.  If you're so desperate, why didn't you take the job you were given seriously?  It's like "I'm desperate, but I don't want to work..."  Her behavior made no sense outside of seeing herself as too good to work at that job and then flabbergasted when she got fired for NOT working (hiding out in the changing room and working on the magazine).  I have an idea-why not work on the magazine when you're home AFTER work?

I agree with an above poster-the Connors' financial situation is a result of their decision-making along with an overall lack of work ethic.  At least we're seeing some progression through the Lunch Box and Dan working to support the entire family.

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Even Harris wasn't horribly annoying, mostly because, "It looks like someone put eyes on a ham."

This cracked me up immensely. 

And my Walmart does have robots that look shockingly like the one on the show. They drive around doing security duty with a camera for eyes. I remember the first time I saw it, I was talking on the phone with my daughter trying to find something on the shelf for her and it followed me. So very creepy. 

IMHO Darlene has the same problem she had in the original series. She thinks she's college educated so she doesn't have to take or work at a "demeaning" job that's "below her". Remember when she didn't want the copy writing job in the original Roseanne (when they all went out to dinner)? Meanwhile there are people with bachelor's degrees driving Uber and delivering for Amazon. Seems like those who aren't bringing in a paycheck shouldn't be so particular. And Darlene and her kids were mooching off Dan - I'm guessing Dan's house was paid off and he was still working and would be supporting all of them. 


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3 hours ago, bad things are bad said:

But god almighty, she was utterly and unrealistically horrible. Who thinks, particularly in a new job, that it's OK to not actually work? 

That really bugged me.  She claimed she really needed that job, but she sure didn't act like it once she got it.  To make matters worse, she put her daughter at risk since she was made responsible for her - and that job was Harris' ticket to college.  So she put her entire future at risk, not that she seemed to care in the least.

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19 hours ago, UYI said:

Yes, that was still her and her real life husband, Clark Gregg.

There are grocery stores here on the East Coast that have robots like that, too, so that cracked me up. I don't think we're quite at the point where they will be replacing human employees. (Certainly not after these last few days...ahem. And now I'm thinking that an episode about the Conners dealing with this pandemic isn't a matter of "if", but "when".)

I had forgotten that Ozzy and Sharon were appearing in this episode until they popped up at the end. After all the history-rewriting bullshit of the last few episodes before this, it was nice to focus on other things this time around. 

Speaking of which: I can't believe it's been two weeks since we've been here! I've missed you guys! I hope all of you are safe at home. 🙂 


UGH. Hate the Osbornes. See enough of her on the Talk. Sharon is a nasty bitch.

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Remember when she didn't want the copy writing job in the original Roseanne (when they all went out to dinner)? Meanwhile there are people with bachelor's degrees driving Uber and delivering for Amazon. 

Yes, and I can picture Darlene going to interviews and self-sabotaging by insulting the interviewer or the job being offered. That's kind of her thing.

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I feel like this show is totally unrealistic.   Why would Ben engage in this shitshow and be falling all over himself to be with Darlene and have a kid with her?   I know it's a sitcom but it kind of irks me that they started him out as a character that was willing to tell Darlene that he is a grown ass man and will do what he wants.   And kind of implied that Darlene needs someone who won't allow her to run all over them when they compared him to that other guy who was inexplicably obsessed with Darlene.   Then turns around and stands in the living room while they all poke at his face and roast him.   That's something that David would have done.  Also, what does Darlene do all day?  It just now occurred to her that she should work somewhere while this...magazine or whatever (lol, another totally unrealistic business venture for modern times) gets off the ground considering she has zero income.   The tone of this show is just off to me I guess.   I thought that they were going to have Ben be kind of like a Dan type personality, willing to stand his ground, not allow Darlene to run him, be a man instead of a wimp like David and it seems like they went in a totally different direction.  

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46 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

I thought that they were going to have Ben be kind of like a Dan type personality, willing to stand his ground, not allow Darlene to run him, be a man instead of a wimp like David and it seems like they went in a totally different direction.  

I do tend to think Darlene shows Ben respect that she would never have shown David.   


6 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I was so frustrated by Darlene throughout the entire episode.  However, when she started blaming Harris for her own economic situation ('you don't get it, I'm desperate, if we didn't live here, Mark and I would be homeless'), I was just totally over her.  If you're so desperate, why didn't you take the job you were given seriously? 

It annoys me that Darlene has a child to support, is apparently desperate for money and then treats the job she does get like a joke.  And I did retail back in high school, so I get the frustration with the customer who walks in and destroys a pile of sweaters you have just nicely folded, but you just have to grin and bear it.   

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I don't think she shows him any respect at all.  She cheated on him and informed him that he would be taking out a loan to start a business that he was not sure would even work out.  I can't remember any time he ever stood his ground with her except the time he told her he was ordering what he wanted for dinner.

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20 hours ago, bad things are bad said:

The magazine to me seems like a deux ex machina...a device, not a realistic progression of the story. It's a miracle, Darlene didn't need that job after all!

But god almighty, she was utterly and unrealistically horrible. Who thinks, particularly in a new job, that it's OK to not actually work? 

I thought Darlene was arrogant about not being able to do "anything else" for a job/$. Suck it up, buttercup. 

Seriously. Not likable.  Not funny, given she has kids and is leaning on her aged father for support. 

I know it's a show. 

A print magazine? In the digital age?

Not even mentioning C19 cuz this was filmed before that. 

I love Becky, Dan, and Jackie. 

The rest can move back to Chicago or Shameless.

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19 minutes ago, Tosia said:

A print magazine? In the digital age?

Not even mentioning C19 cuz this was filmed before that. 

I just heard this morning that C19 is putting the print version of Playboy (already gone to quarterly) out of business. If they can't hold on, what hope do Darlene and Ben have with this venture (and isn't it basically the same concept as the place they got fired from? What does Lanford need with two of them?)

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3 hours ago, ams1001 said:

 (and isn't it basically the same concept as the place they got fired from? What does Lanford need with two of them?)

Exactly. The other magazine is at least established and people are used to it. Why would anyone need two magazines about the same criminals?

If they insist on starting a magazine, at least start with an online one. Bloggers can earn a lot of money if they catch on.

And yes, Darlene pissed me off acting like she's too good for a retail job. If you're so "desperate," then do your freaking job that is guaranteed a real paycheck instead of using business hours doing some pie-in-the-sky dream.  How desperate is she anyway living with Dan? Even a minimum wage paycheck can help ease a few utility bills.

Yes, Price Mart laid off their workers, but they didn't know that at the time of Darlene's slacking off. Also, the workers who did their jobs will at least get a good reference. Maybe they'll even get hired back if the robot idea fails.

And where's David with child support?

Edited by Snow Apple
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Darlene should have been grateful there were customers in the store messing up the sweater displays so that she could have a job folding them!    I don't understand what Darlene was expecting to do all day in that job if not folding sweaters?  It's not like she was hired for any other reason.

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Darlene has always been inexplicably picky about where she works. 

For someone always talking like she's hustling to survive, she sure is unemployed a lot.   She was let go from the job she had before she moved back to lanford, fired from the job she had with Ben, and fired from the folding sweaters job.   Also the waitress thing that lasted like a day.  Even Roseanne sucked it up to go work at the cafe in Rodbells, the hair salon, etc.  

It's pretty funny that she is actually considering bringing another child into that mess.  She should have been out looking for a job instead of going to planned parenthood to talk about having another kid.   

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31 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

Darlene has always been inexplicably picky about where she works. 

It's becoming apparent why the Conners are always broke, and it isn't because of bad luck.  Dan seems to have a good work ethic though, I guess that's why he at least owns a house.  He's been so grumpy this season, maybe that explains why he isn't more successful.

I almost feel like Darlene is deliberately trying to sabotage Harris, so that she ends up in povery like the rest of them.  Don't get above your raisin', as they say.

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I wonder if Darlene didn't expect Harries being responsible instead of half-assing her job.  Maybe it's because Harris never did anything at home?  If she never folded a single sweater or towel or did laundry when she was living at home, I can see how Darlene would expect her to be a slacker at work, too.

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1 hour ago, lexiexx said:

Darlene has always been inexplicably picky about where she works. 

For someone always talking like she's hustling to survive, she sure is unemployed a lot.   She was let go from the job she had before she moved back to lanford, fired from the job she had with Ben, and fired from the folding sweaters job.   Also the waitress thing that lasted like a day.  Even Roseanne sucked it up to go work at the cafe in Rodbells, the hair salon, etc.  

It's pretty funny that she is actually considering bringing another child into that mess.  She should have been out looking for a job instead of going to planned parenthood to talk about having another kid.   

I'll give Becky credit for this: for all of her bad decisions over the years, she seems to have finally found her way, and it's clear she works very hard, too (IMO, anyway). The story of how she and Jackie started the Lunchbox back up is a bit nuts, but she takes it seriously and I like that. 

Meanwhile, Darlene went in the exact opposite direction. I never expected that back in the day, that's for sure! 

Edited by UYI
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Becky always worked hard, though.  She applied herself academically, and also busted her ass at the Buy 'n' Bag, as well as doing half the housework, while Darlene lay around like a hairball and got free clothes.

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33 minutes ago, UYI said:

I'll give Becky credit for this: for all of her bad decisions over the years, she seems to have finally found her way, and it's clear she works very hard, too (IMO, anyway). The story of how she and Jackie started the Lunchbox back up is a bit nuts, but she takes it seriously and I like that. 

Isn't she still pulling shifts at the Mexican restaurant also?

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