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S06.E10: Sunrise, Sunset

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Oh my god. Drunk Diva/Soap Opera character Victor Garber was truly hilarious.

For  a moment I was worried that Moira would leave the town to do the remake. She should keep doing B-horror films. She has definitely found her niche. And I'm glad she turned down the offer and kept her self-respect now that she found out what they think of her and were using her. "Can't wait until the screener." Even from the start he was dismissive/condescending to her. Her slap (TV and at the bar) was true Moira glory.

Poor John. He really wanted to give his son something for the wedding but he can't do that. You could really see the sadness and feeling low about himself. He better get a nom for that.

I see this as the start of a new Rose business empire. And it was nice to see Stevie being more pro-active. She cares more than she let on.

I hope that they don't leave/forget Schitt's Creek or at least treat the town as their home and base of operation because despite it all this town has made them better people.

Even sick/sad place Alexis was on fire as Moira's publicist.


Edited by redfish
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Good episode. Loved that it was mainly about Johnny and Moira, with David & Alexis as side characters. Nice to see David, Alexis, and Stevie show so much care towards their parents (Johnny is basically a father figure towards Stevie.) I am mildly disappointed that Moira isn’t doing the show again, though I obviously get why she can’t. I hope she has an acting comeback! There has to be something pushing the Roses away from SC, even if they don’t leave. Where was Patrick during the tasting? They’re really delaying giving them any challenging interactions.

Anyway, “Gave up the drink. Strictly a wine and scotch man now” was an amazing line.


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What a freakin' brilliant title for this episode. [applause]

"As your publicist and daughter and now the moderator of the Sunrise Bay fan forum..." - Alexis is a dynamo.

Every week we're witness as to why Catherine O'Hara is a legend so it was nice to be reminded that Eugene Levy is as well [the regret over not being able fly the guests to Bali was palpable]. 

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My favorite part of the episode was how supportive Moira was of Alexis when Alexis said she would join Moira for lunch. It wasn't that long ago that Moira and Alexis scheduled a lunch together where they had nothing to say to each other and dreaded being alone with one another. I love how much their relationship has grown and how much they've grown as people.

Runner-up is definitely Eugene Levy's emotional turn when talking about saving for David's wedding. Johnny can be hit or miss for me so I really relish these moments where we get to see the father/husband beneath the businessman exterior.

My only gripe is David as Bridezilla. While I understand it's completely in his character, that trope isn't enjoyable for me. David's hyperbolic personality is more entertaining when he's being reactive instead of proactive. I also missed Patrick this episode and found it weird they didn't mention why he wasn't around. In past seasons, there was usually a throwaway line where he was at a business conference or something. Maybe it was there and I missed it.

Ending my post on a positive note...Finally, I loved the guest cast this week. I thought they were extremely magnetic and brought a new, fun energy that has been lacking for me this season.

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Love the plots they come up with for Sunrise Bay!  “She’s been trapped in a cave with you for 3 weeks and hasn’t looked up!”  “ You are only chief of medicine because you are possessed by your father the former chief.” 

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"Moira Fucking Rose" 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Saul Rubinek should get an Emmy for that line alone! Though he might have to share it with Victor Garber's "I gave up the drink...." 

And let's not forget about Alexis: publicist, daughter, moderator of Sunrise Bay fan forum.

I'm gonna miss this show


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I kept thinking that Moira's salary from the new show would finance Johnny's motel business. I wonder if and how he will get the money now.

I'm confused about the nature of Sunrise Bay. There's apparently a box set of DVDs and Moira has referenced different "seasons." Was this a daytime soap opera, or a prime time soap? From the way they were pitching the reboot it sounded like the original was a daytime soap. But those don't typically have "seasons," unless they are different in Canada. 

Moira: "Thanks for your pair of pennies." 

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I mentioned it in the "Merry Christmas Johnny Rose" thread so I have to mention it again. Victor Garber played Jesus in the (now legendary) Canadian production of Godspell that also featured Eugene Levy (and Martin Short, and Gilda Radner, etc). Even though they didn't share the screen together in this episode, it was another long-time reunion!

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I had no idea Victor Garber was going to be in this episode and LOST IT when he appeared. I love me some SpyDaddy! He hasn't aged in the past 20 years it seems, and he had some fantastic lines (the drink one was perfect).

I really don't like when Roland undermines Johnny the way he does. It's just not funny.

I love when Moira refers to David and Alexis collectively as "Children" - it cracks me up every time.

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My favorite part of the episode was how supportive Moira was of Alexis when Alexis said she would join Moira for lunch. 

Their relationship has certainly evolved, but I think that moment was more about not letting Alexis be seen in public!
I'd love it if Johnny & Co make a killing in motels and/or the Roses get their money back, and somehow they revive the economy of the whole area. Maybe a Crowening-themed amusement park or something. 
Casting Victor Garber was a stroke of genius. 

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Loved, loved, loved this episode.  All of the Sunrise Bay drama (both from the story lines and from pushing Moira out as she was the rising star), all of the Crowening celebrity for Moira, Alexis finding her true self as the moderator of the fan site (well, IMO her 'true self'), and the validity of Johnny's business sense contained within his book which Stevie is going to apply to make them hugely successful.  So many great moments.  And, I felt Johnny's deep sadness about being able to contribute to David's wedding.  

Even though Schitt's Creek is ending, maybe we could continue with the further career opportunities of Moira Rose?  Sigh.  Okay, I gave it a shot...

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20 hours ago, rejnel said:

Their relationship has certainly evolved, but I think that moment was more about not letting Alexis be seen in public!

Yes. she wasn't so much looking out for Alexis as not wanting to be embarrassed by her current state of depressed dishevelment.

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I didn't enjoy this episode. David as gay bridezilla is so cliched that it is an offensive stereotype of brides and gay men. I dislike the character more and more with each episode. Unlike Alexis, I think he's regressed as a character. I can't think of a single reason why Patrick would want to be with him, other than David is his first boyfriend.

I hate it when characters can't just say what's bothering them. John: "David, we just discovered the new motel we bought has serious structural issues. I can't afford to pay for this overpriced, pretentious food for your over-the-top wedding." There. Done.

I despise Chris Elliott and Roland Schitt at the best of times, but he was a real dick to John in the orientation of the new motel's employees. Are we suddenly suppose to believe that while John and Stevie and Roland do all the cleaning and maintenance at the Rosebud, they suddenly have enough money to hire a staff for the other motel?

While I appreciated that they showed Stevie with a modicum of energy in this episode, exactly how realistic is it that the owners of one second-rate rundown motel and one with termite & structural issues will be able to entice investors to buy a whole chain of motels?

Edited by SmithW6079
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So Moira got her revenge against the Sunrise Bay people by...tanking her own career?

Working with Nicole Kidman on a primetime reboot certainly seems like a better option than anything else she has going on right now.

I strongly suspect that some other amazing offer will pop up before the series is over, but in real life it would make no sense to turn this down.

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While I did enjoy this episode ("Gave up the drink. Strictly a wine and scotch man now" may be one of my fav lines, ever) I didn't find David's behavior to be all that believable. While yes, David is self centered most of the time, he knows (or should know) that his dad doesn't have the money to spend on an expensive reception. This was more like Season One David than the David who has evolved somewhat since then. 

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16 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

Other than scolding Johnny and Stevie for being two minutes late, I didn't see any bridezilla behavior from David. Just David being David as he's always been. I can't wait for the wedding!

This entire season has been about what David wants for his wedding, and he's been short-tempered and rude when he's not getting his way. Patrick is basically an accessory. 

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David know his dad can't afford it. He just didn't get around to telling him that Patrick's parents were going to be contributing more money since they had been saving up for Patrick's wedding with the girl from Degrassi. It was just one of those plot points to make Johnny feel extra bad that he can't pay for David's wedding.

I was really happy to see Davis Garber "Muffey!" His lines were pretty hilarious and the cheesiness of that scene on Sunrise Bay was great. 

There were some really awesome one-liners in this episode.

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I didn't see David as being a Bridezilla so much as just being David caught up in the excitement of his wedding. For sure, he's more into the aesthetics of the wedding than Patrick probably is - I mean, look at his wardrobe, the store he put together and how he was raised. You don't just dump your entire viewpoint because you go from being rich to broke. Consider the Blouse Barn - he had a very different take on how the store should be run, the merchandise it should carry and how it should be staged. It may not have been correct for the circumstances, but it was still in line with his personality. So I don't think he was being Bridezilla as much as he was just being himself when they were food testing. Not saying it was realistic given the circumstances, but it was still in line with who he's always been. I've known plenty of otherwise sensible people who got a little unrealistic when they did their wedding planning, so I'm not going to fault David for his wedding planning behavior to this point.

Part of the fun of the show is watching how these people, who are used to being pampered and never wanting for anything, suddenly have to adjust to their change in lifestyle and deal with people who live average lives. Sometimes they are cringe-worthy in their entitlement, but they've also shown a lot of growth. Somehow I don't think the David before Schitt's Creek would have literally carried his boyfriend on his back so they could complete a hike he never really wanted to take in the first place.

David and Patrick can figure out how to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, as far as the ambiance, setting, etc., I'm sure. I'm looking forward to seeing the wedding and how they pull it off on a budget.

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I think the other factor in the catering situation is that since they have moved to Schitt's Creek, Johnny has not had a problem saying no to Moira, David, or Alexis when something was out of their budget, so it makes sense to me that David was working under the assumption that if Johnny needed to lower the budget, he would have said so.

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I do think David is being a bit of a bridezilla, given how he keeps having to correct himself every time he says "my wedding" instead of "our wedding." I don't find it particularly off-putting though, since it's perfectly in line with his character. Just because he has grown and evolved over six seasons doesn't mean he's a different person now.

This was a nice callback to a Season 1 plot point when that millionaire almost bought Schitt's Creek from Johnny (right before he died of a heart attack). He had seen Moira on Sunrise Bay and he wanted her to slap him like she did to characters on the show, which she eventually did out of her own frustration with him. 

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I agree with all of the David Bridezilla comments. I think he has ramped up his obnoxiousness this season which is hard to watch after all of the growth he has shown over the last few seasons. I think the worst moment was that he wasn't going to invite Twila to the wedding! What?!? Compare his behavior to Alexis who has shown even more growth this season, and it's pretty disappointing. I loved how her wallowing turned into something positive and productive!

My favorite moment at the tasting was Johnny eating that beef. Eugene Levy really sold the rapture he was in tasting it! And then him eating the rest of the samples at the motel - perfect!

I kind of wish Moira had taken on the Sunrise Bay gig - they could still live in SC, and she could just work out of town during filming. I mean, how long was she in Romania filming The Crowening?

I loved Stevie using Johnny's book to figure out how to get their business going. I am really going to miss this show!

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Oh, I'm so rooting for Stevie & Johnny to become motel magnates!  My comment from Season 5 finale, "And please, get Johnny a real business to run.  He deserves it.  I'd be happy to see him somehow becoming a motel magnate, along with Stevie, of course. "  I wish they could dump Roland, though.

I'm late to this season, but really enjoying it. 

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Didn't I hear David tell his father that he shouldn't pay for the food if it's going to be a strain?  So instead of putting the Brewer's money in his pocket he offered it up for his father's sake?  Doesn't sound very Bridezilla to me.  Yes, he is hyper involved about the superficial because that is David. But when it's important he puts Patrick first.  Seems to work for both of them....Patrick seems to enjoy being the voice of reason and David enjoys being the diva.  Sounds a lot like the Rose's very successful marriage to me....

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Yeah. I'm not enjoying David as much as I usually do. Loved the Moira parts and Johnny and Stevie. Stevie is at her best when interacting with Johnny. Roland can take a hike. The only (Schitt) stain on my beloved show.

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This started out great with the clip from Sunset Bay. Moira truly was (soap) fabulous and Clifton really was awful!

Then Saul Rubinek showed up! One of my all-time favorite actors. And then Victor Garner! With that hilarious quitting drinking line. Every glimpse into the soap was hilarious! 

I also loved, loved, loved Stevie reading Johnny’s book and being inspired by it. 

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