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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I'm just throwing this out here now:  I fully expect that by the time Thursday rolls around, Donny will be the target.  He's the only one that sees Derrick's game and isn't snowed by him.  Nicole may have an inkling, but is easily roped back in by Derrick. Also, she has a vagina, which Derrick doesn't respect and makes him sure she is no threat.  Donny has a penis, so it is possible, in Derrick's mind, that he could possibly do something against him.

  • Love 2

I don't know. I'm a few shy of 45, and I'm willing to admit this is my mid-life. I'm also quite willing to share that this is the happiest and most satisfying time I've had in adulthood. Mid-life

does not equal washed up!

I feel this label is more harmful to Donny. Trying not to project too much of my stuff on him, but if he is in a similar place as I am, I can see him washing his hands of the nonsense which is this

season. If 31 is BB washed-up and irrelevant,

why bother trying to change their thinking? I just

really, really want to archive this thinking, and

remind these characters of these thoughts when

they reach their own 30s-40s. I will seriously

doubt that they are willing to throw in the towel

at that age.

IMO, mid-life is not the same as old.

Derrick was speaking a million miles per hour


(Quote from the episode thread)  I think that's a huge part of Derrick's game.  He speaks so quickly and in such a convoluted way that none of these houseguests are able to pick up on that fact that he's double-speaking and gas-lighting them.  Instead of picking up on any of the details of what he's saying or any non-verbal cues he's giving off, they only hear the overriding message he's trying to send.  It's been very effective for him, because most of these people are so self-centered (or just dumb or narcissistic or both) that they're not really paying attention to the subtle cues of the other houseguests.  Even if they're trying to "read people", they are, on the whole, awful at it.  Donny is the exception - he seems to have had a clue about Derrick from early on, but wasn't ever able to get a real alliance going, in part because of his personality and in part because of this stupid fucking twist.  (Pardon my language, but I'm just so damn mad about the dual HOH situation.)


Not to say that Derrick hasn't played a good game.  I really do not like the guy, and I think this season has been mostly boring, but Derrick read this group of famewhore lemmings early on, and has played them like a guitar.  

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 5


I don't think Maggie was in the very top tier of BB players (in many ways she struck me as being along the lines of Hayden in BB12 in that she lucked on to an inordinately loyal alliance - alliances rarely stay quite as loyal as the Friendship and the Brigade) but I think that she did a better job in her season than Derrick has so far in his, because the major difference between the two (so far) is that production has been on Derrick's side almost all season long while production was working AGAINST Maggie all during her season.


I wouldn't put Maggie and Hayden on the same level at all. Enzo and Lane were loved by the house and no one ever had any gripes with them or suggested voting them out. Maggie, on the other hand, was dealing with very volatile players in Ivette, April and Jen. Maggie had not only the task of fostering tension between the alliances but she had to quell tensions within her own alliance. April and Ivette absolutely could not stand each other but Maggie always made sure to remind them that they must stand united in getting rid of "the evil sovereign six." April, Ivette and Beau had moments of hanging out alone with Janelle and really liking her and as soon as they expressed that sentiment, there Maggine came in to remind that she was the evil harlot who got rid of Cappie from the game. Maggie wasn't dubbed Maggie Koresh by the TWoPers for nothing, and while I thought she was a deplorable person, I cannot agree that she is on the same level of Hayden. I actually would put her in the top tier of this show's winners. Like you said, she never fell for productions' machinations and she always kept her eyes on the prize.


ETA: There's a reason why James was so afraid of her and pegged her as a cop. She was like an automaton. She never let emtions get in the way and was solely focused on eliminating those who were in her way towards the grand prize.

Edited by UniqBlue69
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The thing is, when you start to lie about your age like Frankie does, it immediately starts that conversation, he looks pathetic, and it opens himself up to comments about his looks. Plus, he only shaved off 3 years, Derrick is 30 and didn't get lumped in with the older houseguests like Donny and Jacosta so I really don't think it would have had a negative impact on his game if he was just honest.

Caleb wants to take Frankie and Cody hog hunting immediately after the show ends, and they won't have to pay a dime!

  • Love 2

I wouldn't put Maggie and Hayden on the same level at all.


I am sorry for giving that impression that I had them on the same level. I, too, have Maggie on a higher level than Hayden. I was just saying that in some ways she had the same set-up as him (lucky to have an exceptionally loyal alliance). However, she had a lot more to deal with than he did (production being the primary foe) which is why I would put her on a higher tier than him. Not the highest tier but likely the second tier. Derrick, on the other hand, at the moment I would put him on the same level as Hayden. If he deals with production backing Frankie over him the rest of the way, I'd move him up and put him on Maggie's level. Even Hayden, by the way, was a talented player - so if Derrick is "just" at Hayden's level, that's still really, really good. We're talking some of the very best players to play the game here. 

Edited by Brian Cronin

Oh, Caleb and his free hunting trips!  He was talking one night about rewarding his "biggest fan" with a free hunt of their choice with him and his brothers.  His father would foot the bill for it, of course.  I was dying to hear what kind of data would be used to determine who this "biggest fan" was, but I don't think he ever specified. 


I would almost be sad for Caleb when all this comes to an end and not one of these people ever wants to see him again, not even for five minutes, but I know that he would manage to turn their shunning him into some kind of compliment for himself.

  • Love 2

I think there is  a thread for Season 2 & 6 and not one for either of Dan's seasons. I always thought if it were not for the partners twist Beau and April would of flipped to the sovereign six.


ETA I really hope the twist is two returning house guests come back in a BOB competition and are HOH.  As the last dual HoHs. I would love it because I would love to see how Derrick would react to that and if that would end his game. I think whatever the twist ends up being will really test if Derrick's legacy a great BB player.

Edited by choclatechip45
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IMO, mid-life is not the same as old.

Not EVEN close. I'm past middle age now; I hike, I scuba, and I paddle rocket position in a dragon boat crew. Anybody who thinks middle age is the beginning of the end is suffering from an incredible lack of imagination. :)

The thing is, when you start to lie about your age like Frankie does, it immediately starts that conversation, he looks pathetic, and it opens himself up to comments about his looks. Plus, he only shaved off 3 years, Derrick is 30 and didn't get lumped in with the older houseguests like Donny and Jacosta so I really don't think it would have had a negative impact on his game if he was just honest.

I'm guessing Frankie's lie about his age is more personally-oriented than game-oriented. I can't see how anybody would expect a three year age difference to have THAT significant an impact, unless he thought the cast would be SO young that 31 would make him the Gramps of the House. Much more likely Frankie is still a year behind in coming to grips with hitting The Old Three-Oh. :)

Oh, Caleb and his free hunting trips!  He was talking one night about rewarding his "biggest fan" with a free hunt of their choice with him and his brothers.  His father would foot the bill for it, of course.  I was dying to hear what kind of data would be used to determine who this "biggest fan" was, but I don't think he ever specified. 

Cup size, maybe? :D


Some fans were outside the Big Brother house and shouted I love Zach. Too bad it was nothing as revealing as the banners during BB8.

Which of course Christine proceeded to say that it's "disgusting" that they would say that. Apparently Zach was told and had a huge smile on his face. And now the live feeds have been at Fish for almost 1/2 hour. But TVGN is airing. Go figure!

Oh, Caleb and his free hunting trips!  He was talking one night about rewarding his "biggest fan" with a free hunt of their choice with him and his brothers.  His father would foot the bill for it, of course.  I was dying to hear what kind of data would be used to determine who this "biggest fan" was, but I don't think he ever specified. 

My favorite part was when he said it would be "for charity".... and I had to wonder how the fuck that counts as charity, unless the (doubly-unlucky) recipient has a terminal illness. Or I guess Caleb just figures if he does anything without getting paid, that means it's for charity?


My .02 on the middle age thing: I'm 42, and have always seen it as a purely mathematical thing. 0-30 is early, 30-60 is mid, and 60-90+ is late (granted, a 90-year lifespan is generous). So I do think of 31 as middle aged. What connotations someone attaches to that are all on them!


I got an email from Starbucks today about "$2 Cold Grande Drinks" and almost screamed. I feel like Butters in the "Simpsons Did It!" SP ep - everything around me is tainted. FUCK YOU, FRANKIE!

  • Love 2

The thing is, when you start to lie about your age like Frankie does, it immediately starts that conversation, he looks pathetic, and it opens himself up to comments about his looks. Plus, he only shaved off 3 years, Derrick is 30 and didn't get lumped in with the older houseguests like Donny and Jacosta so I really don't think it would have had a negative impact on his game if he was just honest.

Caleb wants to take Frankie and Cody hog hunting immediately after the show ends, and they won't have to pay a dime!

I agree - I think when you make age an issue by lying about it it opens you up to being criticized about it because you clearly thought it was so important that you wanted to lie about it.  And I totally understand shaving a few years off, but he is 31, thats nowhere near being old, which makes it look more like a desperate attempt to be young.  


Oh, Caleb and his free hunting trips!  He was talking one night about rewarding his "biggest fan" with a free hunt of their choice with him and his brothers.  His father would foot the bill for it, of course.  I was dying to hear what kind of data would be used to determine who this "biggest fan" was, but I don't think he ever specified. 


Question: would this hunt be for squirrel or possum?  Or would it be any small rodent of my choice?

Edited by RealityGal
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As I near my 31st birthday this month, I'm horrified to think that this is "mid-life". I expect to live far past 62. I'm no Frankie fan, but no, not middle-aged. He does look older than his actual age sometimes to me on the feeds, like he partied a little too hard in his 20's.

I feel bad for Nicole, but can she please can it with the waterworks? We have a long way until Thursday yet. Every time I check on the feeds today, she's in tears again!


You know, its funny, when I think about it, if I could go back to any age in my life, it wouldn't be 20, or 21, it would be 30.  My early 30's were great, I finally had money, so I could afford hair and makeup, clothes and handbags.  I was more certain of who I was in my early 30's versus in my 20's when I was always so unsure of who I really was, and what I was worth.  I had my education under my belt, and I had enough work experience to have a good job. 


So, take heart, I truly think my 30's are the best time in my life, and I can see life getting even better

  • Love 6

It's weird, normally narcissists push a button in me that causes feelings akin to rage.  I have a couple in my life that have been thrust upon me due to family ties and work, and find nothing about their arrogance, attention-craving and entitlement amusing.  Quite the opposite, in fact, I normally find narcissists to be some of the most abhorrent people on the planet, and yet with Caleb...I don't know, it's just funny.  I'm always waiting for the next thing to come out of his mouth that makes me say, "OMG that's one of the best yet.  More!  More!" like he's a dancing monkey.  I should feel guilty about this, but I don't, yet.  I should also feel guilty for wishing I could be a fly on the wall when he finds out that he's not going to get any of the giant fame opportunities he expected out of this.  You know, I take it back, I did have those rageful feelings towards him when he was being a Beast Mode Controlling Asshole with Amber.  Once she was gone, his egomania became entertaining, because it no longer seemed threatening or dangerous. 


I find him entertaining as all hell, too. If I knew him IRL, I wouldn't be able to tolerate him at all, though. Anyone catch that comment the other day when he told everyone he legit had a scar on his eyebrow? As though he didn't Dylan McKay that shit a couple of days ago? OH! I almost forgot about the amazingly stupid comment he made tonight about being part Blackfoot Indian. Of course, the whole thing was him bragging about having Indian heritage because Caleb is the most awesome that ever awesomed, but while telling it, he mentioned in all seriousness, "my grandpa told me I was part Blackfoot Indian, and I looked at the bottom of my feet and said, 'no I ain't, my feet are white'." Everyone kind of marveled at how fucking stupid that was, and then he goes, "Well, I didn't know what that meant, I was only fourteen!" At which point Christine lost it laughing because she thought he would say about "six or seven, but fourteen!" I kind of liked her in that moment. 


I read somewhere that Donny promised Derrick that he would put up whomever Derrick wanted up if Donny won HoH after this week and Derrick told him not to worry about it. At first I was like "DONNY WUT ARE YOU DOING?!" but after thinking about it, I would love it only if Donny said in his nomination speech "These are the people Derrick wanted me to put on the block and I told him I would do it since he saved me" and maybe finally causing people to freak the fuck out re: Derrick.


This would be amazing! I thought it was smart gameplay on Donny's part because if Derrick believes he can control him in some way, then he'll for sure want to keep him. That is, if he believed what Donny was saying.


Question: would this hunt be for squirrel or possum?  Or would it be any small rodent of my choice?


I believe he said pigs or boar. 

  • Love 2

I was hoping I could win the charity hunt thing and we could kill Sasquatch together, but Caleb is probably the reason they're not around. He's already killed most of them off, and the rest are just too scared to show themselves. God, I wish I was as cool as Caleb.


Doesn't everyone?  Even the squirrels and the Sasquatch.

  • Love 1

Guys I live in Tucson and I can assure you if I ever see Christine I will not be fawning all over her and asking her for her autograph. She seems like someone who's still in the high school mean girl stage and has 'friends' who think she's funny.

How old is Christine? Honestly, seeing how she I'd with Cody and how she is doing whatever the guys want, she just looks pathetic. I think she's always been the nerdy girl and this is the first time she's ever been "in" with the cute, popular guys. No one like Cody has ever paid attention to her like this and I say that as someone guys like Cody don't pay attention to! I could maybe have seen myself getting wrapped up in that when I was in college but once I met my husband I couldn't have cared less.

  • Love 5

Christine is certainly not the stereotype of High School Mean Girl.  Even though she is at heart, I would imagine she'd have been the target of the mean girls. 


And to do that to her husband?  THAT is "disgusting".


My husband was reading from Joker's last night and I caught a brief glance of something Derrek said about not caring if Frankie was related to a famous person, that he didn't come in here to help some famous person win, or something like that.



Edited by Biosynth
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While I'm sure she wasn't a prom queen I'm equally sure she was a mean girl in high school. She just gives me that vibe of "me and my clique will he mean to you because people are mean to us".

I think I'll ask some of my co-workers if they know her (I am not a native Tucsonan).


Ugly girls can be mean girls too.  There was a girl in high school who was some sort of punk/goth, she was short, squat, unattractive and had a face made for ProActiv (which wasn't around at the time).  She was a consummate bitch, and would accuse me of being a "poser" which I never understood, because I certainly wasn't angling to be like her.  She was just a nasty piece of work.  In fact, mean girls are sometimes the girls who are the most physically unattractive in a group.  I know of one group of women where they are all pretty women, the "popular girls" but there is one that you can tell has a "mean girl" personality (never to me) and she is the least attractive of the group.

  • Love 1

Some fans were outside the Big Brother house and shouted I love Zach. Too bad it was nothing as revealing as the banners during BB8.

I don't get this. This is something I might say to Zach if I saw him in an airport, but to make the effort to go to the lot? I would think long and hard (twss) about something good to say. Like how about "Derrick Donny and Frankie are Team America"? Anything!

  • Love 1

I don't get this. This is something I might say to Zach if I saw him in an airport, but to make the effort to go to the lot? I would think long and hard (twss) about something good to say. Like how about "Derrick Donny and Frankie are Team America"? Anything!


I don't even know if I would make the effort to get out of my seat in the airport....especially if I found a seat next to an electrical outlet.  Now if I saw the Rock in the airport, I would probably go all Caleb on him and try to sneak myself into his carryon.

  • Love 3

I got an email from Starbucks today about "$2 Cold Grande Drinks" and almost screamed. I feel like Butters in the "Simpsons Did It!" SP ep - everything around me is tainted. FUCK YOU, FRANKIE!

I accidentally called my coworker Frankie instead of Frank. As soon as it came out of my mouth I just started laughing.

  • Love 3

From my own experiences, the people who have been the biggest bullies and jerks are those who have been bullied themselves, or even just the middle-of-the-road crowd who felt they didn't get special enough treatment while the pretty people got everything they wanted. Having gone to a big, rich public high school (and being the poorest family there and totally average looks-wise) then transferring to a nerdy alternative private school where a lot of people were on scholarships, I can easily say that there were many meaner, more cliquish people among the "nerd" crowd than the rich, pretty crowd any day. Christine and Frankie both seem bitter and remind me of that MTV show about fat camp, where you saw kids who weren't popular in their own high school but suddenly had some status at the camp and immediately became assholes.

  • Love 3

I don't even know if I would make the effort to get out of my seat in the airport....especially if I found a seat next to an electrical outlet.  Now if I saw the Rock in the airport, I would probably go all Caleb on him and try to sneak myself into his carryon.

Ha, I see your point. Mike Boogie was a couple people in front of me in line at airport check-in less than a year after BBAS, and I decided it was too much work to say hello.  He was taller than I expected.  But Zach I would say something.  My husband would support that apparently bc he woke me up to move from sleeping on the couch to go to bed by calling me a Fruitloop Dingus.  There was Fruit Loops commercial on TV that sparked it, but still. I'd want to say hello and generally make an ass of myself.

  • Love 5

Ha, I see your point. Mike Boogie was a couple people in front of me in line at airport check-in less than a year after BBAS, and I decided it was too much work to say hello.  He was taller than I expected.  But Zach I would say something.  My husband would support that apparently bc he woke me up to move from sleeping on the couch to go to bed by calling me a Fruitloop Dingus.  There was Fruit Loops commercial on TV that sparked it, but still. I'd want to say hello and generally make an ass of myself.

Well the idea of yelling "fruit loop dingus" at Zach does have a certain charm to it......

  • Love 2

I don't get this. This is something I might say to Zach if I saw him in an airport, but to make the effort to go to the lot? I would think long and hard (twss) about something good to say. Like how about "Derrick Donny and Frankie are Team America"? Anything!

This!! Or America hates Frankie. Just to see Frankie deflate.

If I saw Caleb in the airport, I'd ask him to take me pig hunting just to see his reaction.

I'm hoping when the season is over, Caleb is more popular than Frankie. Yes, I hate Frankie that much.

Edited by LGGirl
  • Love 1

I read somewhere that Donny promised Derrick that he would put up whomever Derrick wanted up if Donny won HoH after this week and Derrick told him not to worry about it. At first I was like "DONNY WUT ARE YOU DOING?!" but after thinking about it, I would love it only if Donny said in his nomination speech "These are the people Derrick wanted me to put on the block and I told him I would do it since he saved me" and maybe finally causing people to freak the fuck out re: Derrick.


Wow, what an amazing thought. I would probably replace all my past faves with Donny if he did this.


Have any of TA talked about whether they've been given their new task?  I expect the one about convincing someone to be a pawn and then get them evicted will be chosen, and it's too late for that this week.


They did like immediately after getting it, but then nothing. They didn't even show them getting the TA task on the episode LOL. Everyone seems so done with TA I wish they'd just end it.


The fact that two women won HOH, resulting in one woman leaving is mind boggling to me on so many levels. The fact that Frankie gets to prance around, finally able to do what I know he's desperately wanted to do all season - show off how "famous" he is - makes me want to punch something. The fact that Derrick's win is becoming just as inevitable as Maggie's win makes me want to cry. And finally, the fact that there's no person in there I have even .1% faith in changing any of the current dynamics makes me want to take my ball and go home.


Sigh. This. All of this. 


I'm just throwing this out here now:  I fully expect that by the time Thursday rolls around, Donny will be the target.  He's the only one that sees Derrick's game and isn't snowed by him.  Nicole may have an inkling, but is easily roped back in by Derrick. Also, she has a vagina, which Derrick doesn't respect and makes him sure she is no threat.  Donny has a penis, so it is possible, in Derrick's mind, that he could possibly do something against him.


I think this is a good possibility, too. Derrick doesn't respect the female players, but at the same time, I think his biggest fear is probably being outsmarted by a woman in the game, so that might cause him to overlook Donny for now to get out Nicole. Neither of them are in any way a threat to him to be honest though, so it doesn't really matter. Although, I think Donny is sorta done. He even said he doesn't know if he'll even try to get back in if a jury member returns, while I think Nicole would come back blazing, especially after spending time with Hayden. The only real threat left now for Derrick is probably if he evicts Nicole this week and then 2 jury members return.


It's been very effective for him, because most of these people are so self-centered (or just dumb or narcissistic or both) that they're not really paying attention to the subtle cues of the other houseguests. 


The thing is though, Derrick isn't really even subtle a lot of the time. He's pretty transparent sometimes actually. These people are just deeply stupid and/or self-centered.


I really hope the twist is two returning house guests come back in a BOB competition and are HOH. 


Oh, I love the idea of them winning HOH. It's pretty glaringly unfair, but who cares! The would probably be the last chance to cause any real change in the game.


And I totally understand shaving a few years off, but he is 31, thats nowhere near being old, which makes it look more like a desperate attempt to be young.  


Everything about Frankie is very desperate. He's so embarrassing.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

I've seen it described last night that Caleb doesn't believe in hermaphrodites, homosexuals, or transgenders because God made us in his image. I have no idea what word Caleb actually said or if he said all of the above, but I saw a lot of complaints that the feeds weren't focusing on that conversation.

Caleb is so short and losing so much weight, it's like he is turning into an action figure.

Even more amazing that Victoria is going to be one of the last women left.


I think that was pretty clear as soon as it was obvious that Derrick was going to run the game. So, like week 2!


But also, Victoria has always had a few guys who wanted her around. Derrick, Hayden, even Zach. So, I know it hurts, but she actually did play a better game than Brittany, Amber, Joey, Pao, or Jacosta. And the fact that it pisses them off so damn much is so delicious to me!

Edited by peachmangosteen
Taking Victoria to the Final 2 is an easy win but kind of embarrising, isn't it? I'm still not clear who all of the guys want to go to the final with. I know Derrick & Cody are a pair but does Derrick really want to go to the Final 2 with him?



What has Cody done though?  Derrick would win either way, no matter who he took to final two between Cody and Villanova.


ETA: Cody is Memphis, to Derrick's Dan.

Edited by Slider


What has Cody done though?

Threaten to call people out, agree with Derrick, vehemently whisper about anyone not in the room, cuddle Christine (or whoever else might be in reach), loudly clear his sinuses, chew his fingernails, rearrange his junk and play pool.  It's all he has done..... literally.


He reminds me of one of those teenage girls Seventeen Magazine pays him to "give advice" to. As Michelle Visage would say, he's resting on pretty.

Edited by SteveAC10
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