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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Cody said before he doesn't think Caleb is okay and he worries him a bit, I wonder what he thinks now.


I absolutely love to celebrate the Fourth of the July by going on live TV and bashing the military, so thank God I'm not in that house!  I'm cynical towards Caleb too, and I call bullshit on his father being in bar fights because people said something anti-military.  Anti-war maybe, and Caleb's dad is an asshole just like his son.


When Frankie saw Caleb crying he should have asked him if he was on his period, since that usually explains odd behavior according to Caleb.

  • Love 13

I love this Amber/Donny duo in the living room. They are my two favorites by far. 

I'm not asking for a justification of thinking that about Amber, but if you could elaborate on what qualities of hers that you are especially enjoying, it might help more of us appreciate her.  What's "working" with her, in your eyes currently?

Amber/donny is like erika/Jack from BB4.


I feel like Amber will beast through the competitions ala Janelle/Rachel, but she needs to stop playing with her emotions.

Hmm.  Those two comparisons actually aren't bad at explaining what I just talked about (what's "working" with her).  Erika could be dead boring at times, but her interplay with Jack was touching.  And Janelle and Rachel may not have appealed in other ways, but being another female challenge beast can be an appealing quality.

Amber/donny is like erika/Jack from BB4.


I feel like Amber will beast through the competitions ala Janelle/Rachel, but she needs to stop playing with her emotions.

She needs to stop letting herself get barreled over by her alliance-mates and speak up for herself. 

I'm not sure if he was joking, but I think Caleb was called to the DR earlier, because he said something about how "they" made him wipe off the lipstick kiss from his face. He then, of course, proceeded to joke to Amber about how "they" wanted her to do it again. She laughed and said no. I wonder how many more times Caleb is going to try to get another tonight. God, he's a creep.

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Cody said before he doesn't think Caleb is okay and he worries him a bit, I wonder what he thinks now.


I absolutely love to celebrate the Fourth of the July by going on live TV and bashing the military, so thank God I'm not in that house!  I'm cynical towards Caleb too, and I call bullshit on his father being in bar fights because people said something anti-military.  Anti-war maybe, and Caleb's dad is an asshole just like his son.


When Frankie saw Caleb crying he should have asked him if he was on his period, since that usually explains odd behavior according to Caleb.


What a fantastic post!


If I thought Amber was doing anything she's been doing strategically, and not just because she's a weak-minded, bad player, then I would root for her. I hope she proves that she is playing strategically and smartly and that she is capable of making her own, strong moves, but I really doubt it.


It makes me sad that Donny wants an all guys alliance and that he wants Zach in it. But I really like him, Cody, and Hayden, so I'll accept it. Plus I think I just need to give up on the women. They're lost causes.

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It is smart of her to lay low. It seems like her other alliance members are just chomping at the bit to throw the others under the bus.


I do think she needs to be a little more ruthless in the coming weeks, But, I wonder if the others will try to evict her if she keeps winning? These guys think the girls are weak and they will mow them down.


How is Amber getting barreled over and bullied? She seems to be playing a game of lying low yet not too low she gets targeted as a floater. IMO that's a smart strategy for a physically beautiful and athletic player who is currently in a majority alliance. I've been taking it as she doesn't want to stand out strategically and place a target on her back.

I never expected Amber to go against her alliance when it came to nominations. I wished that she would, because it makes the game more interesting, but I fully expected her to follow along with what the alliance wanted. As a West Coaster without time shifting channels, I was already three hours behind when I popped on the feeds, but from then until they went down during the nomination ceremony, it never once seemed to me like she made her own nomination choices. Devin gave her absolutely no wiggle room when it came to her nominees. She really didn't have a chance. But she never once seemed to speak up for herself, just looked around wide-eyed and bite her lip and continue to say, "I don't know". She would have been a horrible HOH regardless of who else won, in my opinion, but I expected to see some personality or fire to her. 

I think the Bomb Squad was the wrong move for her, and if Devin and Caleb keep control, her game is done. I honestly thought her game was done when Caleb fixated on her. Yes, she's part of the majority alliance, but realistically, if it continues on that same path, she's top 6 at best. Maybe up to two spots higher if she keeps putting lipstick kiss marks on Caleb's face. She might have great stealth game play and I'm reading it wrong, but I have yet to be impressed by the decisions she has made regarding noms and the Caleb situation. She seems to just roll over so far.


On a related topic, I'm curious to know what she thinks of the Caleb situation. Caleb seems to come across as a creep on the feeds. I understand that the feed watchers see conversations that the other HGs don't. Has it somehow not gotten around to Amber about how much Caleb talks about her? I know it seems like every conversation Caleb has when Amber isn't in the general area soon turns to Amber. He's not exactly quiet and stealth talking about it, and it seems he talks to everyone in the house about his attraction to her, except her. I wonder how Caleb comes across to her. Maybe he doesn't seem as creepy in person? Maybe they're surprisingly tight-lipped about it around her? Whether it was her intent or not, I have no doubt that the lipstick kiss mark on his cheek has only encouraged him further. 

Edited by Callaphera

On a related topic, I'm curious to know what she thinks of the Caleb situation. Caleb seems to come across as a creep on the feeds. I understand that the feed watchers see conversations that the other HGs don't. Has it somehow not gotten around to Amber about how much Caleb talks about her? I know it seems like every conversation Caleb has when Amber isn't in the general area soon turns to Amber. He's not exactly quiet and stealth talking about it, and it seems he talks to everyone in the house about his attraction to her, except her.

I doubt it has gotten around to her. Most of Caleb's rants are to other guys. I have little doubt that if any of the other female HGs had any real clue as to Caleb's degree of obsession, they'd be alarmed and warn Amber doubleplusquick. Most of Caleb's venting is to his BS boys, though, and the standard guy reaction in such a situation is to (a) nod a lot, (b) agree periodically, © mentally wonder how the [insert major sports franchise] did today, and (d) forget about the conversation as soon as it's over - and for gods sake, don't get involved. Frankie would be the one guy most likely to break from this mold; seeing as how he's listened to multiple Caleb rants and hasn't (as far as I've seen) related much of ANY of them to Amber, however.... :(

ETA: Frankie bit

Edited by Nashville
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 She is also unfortunately the object of the affections of one of the alphas in her current alliance who also seems to be an unstable yo-yo. Yet another reason for her to just go with the flow and not make any jarring moves just yet. The smart move for the lower-tier members of that alliance is to just let the alphas dig their own graves.

If she knew at all what she was doing or had BB15 Amanda's personality, she could have Yoko'd the Bomb Squad from day one like, well,  Amanda did after McCrae latched on to her.


I don't mean that as a commentary on her game skillz (though her knowledge of Big Brother seems pretty low), but it's interesting how two different people in similar situation play that fiddle.

Edited by jonaswan2
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   I think if Amber really got just how creepy Caleb was, she would have NEVER kissed him on the cheek like she did today. I honestly think Amber figures Caleb is just a harmless guy with a crush, but who also can get people to not like her if he thinks she's being mean to him. So she's being friendly to him because of that.

Edited by methodwriter85
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This Caleb/Amber situation is quite disturbing to me.  At the end of the day based on the shows edits, I fear she's going to end up on the bad side of this.  Either she flirted with him and led him on, so he has a reason to be mad.  Or that she used him after she saw his affection to just get ahead in the game.


How about that she was being friendly and playing with everyone in the game and then he went obsessive all over her.  Now she's trying to manage an obsession and still maintain a game.  And yes, the other guys are feeding his obsession because him being crazy and in conflict works for them.  I get it, but it is disappointing at the same time. I also frankly think Devin is jealous (of Caleb or Amber, I'm not quite sure yet).


She may not be a great player, but christ on a cracker, she's not just playing the game, she's trying to contain the fire that is Caleb's crazy.


ETA:  I missed this just now, but according to a live feed recapper tweet, Caleb just told Amber "that a black guy healed his paralyzed legs by speaking in tongue when he was 4." 


The lengths he's going to get a response, emotion, sympathy or otherwise, from her. I don't believe this will end well.  I hope the unhappy ending doesn't go farther than the game results.


Just disturbing.

Edited by pennben
Good God, Devin loves the sound of his own voice.  Does he ever shut up?


When I turned on my recorded episode of after dark, Devin was in mid monologue and I was thinking the same exact thing. This guy talks and talks and says nothing. I haven't even watched all that much of the feeds and BBAD so far and I already cannot stand the sound of his voice. He has a maddening way of talking to all of them like he's some wise old sage.


Sounds like there was some sort of argument btwn Caleb and Devin this morning and Devin said he was done with the alliance. Maybe with this latest dust-up there's more chance that the alliance won't back him about voting out Brittany. I'm thinking that she's one female player who might have the backbone to go against "the house."


Whether she's doing it intentionally or not, Amber might be sewing the seeds of destruction for the BS.  Just a bit ago she was telling Caleb that she didn't like the way Devin was talking to people, specifically Brittany.  Caleb immediately declared that Devin shouldn't talk badly to or about the other women, then added that he didn't like the way Devin talked to Amber.  He said he's going to have to start butting heads with Devin if Devin doesn't stop talking down to Amber.


Although Devin is making even some of his own alliance mates unhappy with him, I think Caleb would have taken longer to get to 'head butting' stage, except he seems desperate to prove himself to, or impress Amber.  Right now Amber could point Caleb at any other hamster and send him out on a seek and destroy mission if she just put a little effort into it.  I just don't know if Amber is fully aware of Caleb's level of instability.




Well, well, I just went over to Jokers and read the updates.  While I was here, the shit was hitting the fan over there.  Caleb jumped on Devin for making the women scared of him, and said that Christine said that she was scared and nervous the whole time she was up in the HOH room with Devin just a little while ago.  Devin was surprised because he got no nervousness vibes from Christine, and called her over to clarify.  Christine laughed it off, and said she's always nervous to talk to the other HG's because of the game, but she was never scared of Devin.


Devin then stormed off, but came right back and called Caleb over for a private chat, where he told Caleb that the alliance was over.


Caleb is convinced that Christine was too scared of Devin to admit the truth, and is also upset that Devin said Caleb is lovestruck over Amber and it's wrecking his game.


Derrick and Zach were there for the whole blowup and worried that other HG's might have heard the conversation.  Frankie joined the group after Devin left, was appraised of the situation, and is now trying to do damage control.

Edited by Zahdii
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Although Devin is making even some of his own alliance mates unhappy with him, I think Caleb would have taken longer to get to 'head butting' stage, except he seems desperate to prove himself to, or impress Amber.

Agreed, but did you see Derrick talking to Caleb earlier? He got into Caleb's head but good about how as a man, he would never let someone talk to his wife a certain way, blah, blah. Planted the seeds about how Amber might really want Brittany to stay, etc. When Caleb got up to go talk to Amber, Derrick whispered to himself and the camera: "perfect."

  • Love 2

So, I'm not watching the live feeds at the moment, but apparently, Christine and Frankie are/were talking about an hour ago and Frankie was throwing Zach under the bus. Now, I'm not sure whether it's a strategy to keep the eyes off of Zach and Frankie's alliance, or whether Frankie and Zach have both been playing each other (or one of them has) but I'm not sure if throwing their names around was the best idea this early. I know it's only the beginning of week 2, but seeing as they have no targets on their backs yet, just suspicion, I think it was the wrong time to make any moves. Maybe later in the week, but not now. 

Good God, Devin loves the sound of his own voice.  Does he ever shut up?

He does seem to be one of the most ginormous egos the show has had in a while.  Mind you there have been worse people in the house aplenty, but with Devin you can see that his particular Deadly Sin is Pride (whereas most of the rest of the really bad people, it's been Wrath).


Why do I get the feeling that Devin will call another house meeting to discuss last night and try to prove his integrity once again?


And the potential use of the veto becomes very interesting.  Would Devin really put Caleb up as a replacement like Frankie was discussing?  I still have my doubts, but who knows.


I also saw that Frankie said he was fully aware of how Derrick riled Caleb up.  So there are lots of little ripples  as a consequence from all of this. 

Edited by vb68
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Was Cody really crying last night around 9 because Caleb stretched out his t-shirt?  What a stress filled Fourth!  Even if he did, I forgive him since he pointed out that Caleb is scarier than Devin during the blowup.


I don't really see Amber's behavior as HOH as weak, just very self aware that she's obviously at the bottom of her alliance and would be voted out first and the closest friends she has in the house are the weakest players.  I would have been confused as to who should be nominated as well, if I was her.

Edited by Morbs

I just wanted to say Thank You to everyone who has the feeds and takes the time to post. If it wasn't for you, I would just believe what we're shown is the truth.  You guys rock!

I agree.  Thanks a bunch.  I get a totally different perspective by reading what everyone posts versus what is shown on the network shows.

  • Love 6


Was Cody really crying last night around 9 because Caleb stretched out his t-shirt?  What a stress filled Fourth!  Even if he did, I forgive him since he pointed out that Caleb is scarier than Devin during the blowup.



I don't know about crying, but he did say a four letter word once or twice as he was folding his clothes and I was confused  about what happened.  He did seem pretty upset.


If Amber really did let Devin announce who her nominees were, I consider that incredibly weak gameplay.  . 

I never had the live feeds, but wasn't there this whole bromance going on between Beau and Howie during season 6 of Big Brother? People claimed that they actually made out and of course, it was never shown. They did do a bit about it but not much. My impression was that Howie was flirting with Beau because he wanted to mess with the Friendship.


CBS in general seems pretty skittish about same-sex stuff so I won't be surprised if they pretend nothing happens and quickly take away their cam if it does. Then again, the Beau/Howie stuff happened back in 2005, and it's almost a decade later so you never know.


Honestly, Frankie strikes me as a guy who's been around the block many, many times, and I can't see him getting played by Zach, even if Zach is just conning him.

I think CBS is still the channel with 60 Minutes and other shows that appeal to an older demographic that might not, at this point in time appreciate a gay showmance


^^ I think Caleb would be better suited for a show on the ID channel.

There is still time.  I see him on a "Southern Fried Homicide" or maybe "Swamp Murders" at some point

  • Love 3

Was Cody really crying last night around 9 because Caleb stretched out his t-shirt?  What a stress filled Fourth!  Even if he did, I forgive him since he pointed out that Caleb is scarier than Devin during the blowup.


I did read that Cody told someone his family always had a big July 4th bash and he was really missing it, while realizing he felt silly for missing it when other HGs were missing their kids. I just chalk it up to the stress/boredom/isolation everyone experiences in the house.


I'm not sure about the crying but about that time (I recorded BBAD) he was super pissed and grumbling to himself while folding his clothing in the Ice Room. He was particularly upset when he got to the black and white shirt Caleb had been sporting on the show Thursday along with Cody's glasses. 


Later, while playing chess he told Derrick he had, "had it" with Caleb and his disrespect.  He said Caleb just tossed the shirt dirty and something (ruined?) back on Cody's bed.  Derrick agreed and noted that he had even complemented Caleb on that shirt.  Then Derrick told Cody to hang in there and not blow up.  Cody agreed.     I have to say, I like those two together.  They remind me of a buddy cop show or something, with the good looking single cop partnered up with the married and family cop.  I hope their friendship/alliance is real. 

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I just read on Hamstertime that Devin chose Victoria, Brittany, Derrick and Zach as the have nots. Kind of a dick move to choose Brittany, who was a have not last week, but it's Devin. He's a dick, and Brittany dared argue with him last week, so she obviously must suffer. Regardless of who wins veto, I really hope Brittany stays, just so Devin will realize how little power he has over the house, who basically all hate him.

  • Love 1

Wow.  I go off the grid for a bit and things blow up.  Thanks for all the info.


Devin's fuse is burning.  Just a matter of time until he goes completely off.


Why is Brittney now such a big target?

I think Devin is the only person who truly wants her gone and he's throwing everything at getting her out this week. It looks to me like Derrick, Caleb, Zach, Amber, Victoria, and Cody want her to stay. 

  • Love 1

I just read on Hamstertime that Devin chose Victoria, Brittany, Derrick and Zach as the have nots. Kind of a dick move to choose Brittany, who was a have not last week, but it's Devin.


What a dick. At least the HNs get bok choy this week. I'm not sure what else they get, but I'm assuming that it's maybe like bratwurst and tomatoes make up The 'Wurst BLT, which won the feeds only vote.



I'm not sure about the crying but about that time (I recorded BBAD) he was super pissed and grumbling to himself while folding his clothing in the Ice Room.



Yeah, I saw that.  That's what I was referring to earlier when he was cursing.  He seemed more angry than just upset and crying.


I also like him with Derrick, but they are so good at whispering that I get maybe half of the conversation.  Derrick did a nice job last night of building Cody up, saying that he needed  Cody  for the competitions and that Derrick didn't think he could beat "him". ( I wasn't sure if it was Devin or Caleb.)    I think I also heard them solidify their final two deal.  I think they like Zach as their third, but Derrick did say that he was all over the place. 

Edited by vb68
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Dang it, Caleb is now apologizing to Devin. Devin is being as douchey as possible about it all, but Caleb is at least smart enough to know that Devin might be pissy enough to put him up as a replacement nominee, so he's swallowing his pride big time right now. Which sucks for me, as I'm hoping Brittney wins veto.


Watching Caleb apologize and then talk to Devin about everything was fascinating. I'd say Caleb got the last word, but that was a well-fought battle. In summary, when Devin finds out his Kick Out Brittany plan may be blowing up:
Devin: Let's get everyone in the Bomb Squad upstairs, we need to talk.
Caleb: No, others will get suspicious.
Devin: Who cares? We have the votes. Deny deny deny. Bring 'em up.
Caleb: Well, let me go around and ask everyone first how they'll vote, it'll be less suspicious, and then I can Telephone the answers back to you.
Devin: Nope, doesn't work. In person, face to face. Go get everyone, right now, deny deny deny any alliance.
Caleb: Okay, but... everyone wanted you to nominated last time, just so you know.

It didn't deter Devin's brilliant plan to gather the other seven alliance members upstairs, he's currently blah blah blahing to all of the Bomb Squad in the HOH. Devin's stubbornness paid off for him this time, by not allowing secondhand information. But damn did I laugh when Caleb dropped the last bit, kinda like a "so there" or a hair flip at the end of a bitchy statement. 

Edited to add: Aaaand they cut the feeds for veto right when Devin was asking who in the alliance wanted him gone. Damn it, Big Brother. I wanted to see the end of that!

Edited by Callaphera

I don't get the feeds and want to add my thanks and appreciation to you guys who do such a thorough job of reporting.  Thanks!


Now, for a few brief questions:


Since there are 2 HsOH, does that mean there are 2 HsOH rooms?  Two beds?  Two everything?  I don't get it.


What's with all the guys crying?  I don't think it's a negative thing ... not at all ... but just unusual.  And this group is sooooo lovey dovey, even the guys sleeping with the guys and hugging and such.  I love it.


Does everybody just wear everybody else's clothes and other stuff as a matter of course?  And what happened to somebody's bra?  Can't remember who it was, but they were extremely upset about it.


Is Zach gay?


Ok, that's all for now.  I hope somebody has the time and knowledge to fill me in.  Thanks again for all you do!

Earlier, they were talking about holding a BB Prom (tomorrow night, I think?). Gee, I wonder who Caleb is going to ask to be his date...

The right move would be for Caleb to ask someone else and then keep looking over at Amber and imagining how jealous she is getting....


Then he can save her from an overly aggressive date in the parking lot!  (Or the store room...)

  • Love 3

Wow, that Bomb Squad meeting was so awkward, in the best way possible. 96% of it was Devin talking, telling everyone that they are a team, but they really just need to do what he tells him to do, and never talk game apart from that, because he just wants to relax. 2% of it was Amber telling him in the nicest way possible that he's full of it, and the remaining 2% was Zach saying he wanted to vote out Pow Pow, and that sometimes the alliance didn't have to all agree, and that's OK. Otherwise, I'm only sure anyone else said a word. Maybe a few people agreeing with Zach.

In conclusion, Devin just held a meeting with his alliance for about 15 minutes where not one person said a word other than to gently tell him they did not agree with him. Devin? This is no longer your alliance. Hahahahaha!!

Edited to add: Aaaand they cut the feeds for veto right when Devin was asking who in the alliance wanted him gone. Damn it, Big Brother. I wanted to see the end of that!


I know! I appreciated when Devin was looking too long at Derrick while he was talking, Derrick spoke up and and said something like "I know you're not sitting there threatening me." I just like it when people push back when Devin is running his mouth. Also was funny when some of those who were left out of the meeting just walked upstairs and joined them. Devin is such an arse it makes me embarrassed for him.



  • Love 1

That meeting was the best worst thing ever! 


In addition to what katesus7 reported, after Devin told everyone that Caleb threw them under the bus and said some of them were wanting Devin out (which LOL!), Cody (it was Cody, not Derrick) was like, "I know you're not staring at me and threatening me." LOL! So many amazing things.


And then when everyone (minus Jocasta, Britt, and Donny) came up to bust it up, veto starts. LMAO!


ETA: Wednesday's ep is gonna be SO fun!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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If they don't use the "wacky shenanigans" music and sound bit, I'm going to be so sad. They'll have to edit Devin down a lot (does he breathe when he talks? It just keeps coming and coming), but the crazy should shine through on that. "Deny, deny, deny" should be part of a drinking game. Then again, I don't know if anyone could pour fast enough, as often as Devin seemed to be saying it.

They'll have to edit Devin down a lot (does he breathe when he talks? It just keeps coming and coming) . . .


LOL! Just before the mess of a meeting, Devin talked to Caleb for like 10 minutes and I swear he never once stopped. It was INSANE!


I think my fave part of the whole thing was the fact that Caleb threw the alliance under the bus to Devin and then Devin told them all! So now I imagine Caleb is pretty done, too.


I hope this is a short veto because I wanna go to bed at a reasonable hour but I have to stay up to see the fallout of this!

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I really really want the next pair of HOHs to agree that each one nominates one of Devin/Caleb, along with another person who will throw the BOB. That way at least one of them is virtually guaranteed to go. Even if the one that remains on the block wins veto, the other one can be backdoored. Those two douchebags exhaust me just reading about them, I can't imagine what it's like to live with them. And if they completely lose their shit and go off the rails, they get removed. Win win.

Edited by Ananayel
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