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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I think either Frankie or (more likely) Hayden will go in DE. I just don't believe that these people have the cojones to get out Frankie, even though every single person in there with the exception of possibly Caleb wants him out. At least with Zach he did it to himself (both with erratic behavior and volunteering to be nominated), but Frankie is fakely nice to all of them and they are all nice back to his face.

Eta: Didn't Hayden say today if he wins HoH he would nom Frankie and Christine? If he did that, he would be my new horse in this race.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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Didn't Hayden say today if he wins HoH he would nom Frankie and Christine? If he did that, he would be my new horse in this race.


He did say that today, but he's also said he'd nom Victoria/Jocasta, try to BD Frankie, but have Jocasta as his target if the BD doesn't happen. And honestly, I think he's more likely to do that. These people are so very afraid of making any real moves.


ETA: I will laugh so hard if Hayden goes in DE. He did nothing to try and improve his game even though he actually understands the dynamics and is capable of winning comps, so it serves him right if you ask me.


At least 2 HOHs/BOB will most likely be over now. There's just no way they can do it in DE. Although, with how this season has been, they'll probably just bring it back the next week.

Edited by peachmangosteen

They were afraid of being targeted ? The game is halfway over--everyone is a target!


But, but, but..... "I don't want to get blood on my hands!"


Oh. my. God.  If I never hear that phrase again in my life - or at least for another 9 months following the conclusion of this season's BB - I will be living a non-rage induced life.

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Wow, Derrick does seem to still be on the evict Zach plan. I'm surprised but pleased. But it makes sense for him, thinking about it. Poor Jacosta is a non-entity in this house, and while Zach might be a loyal number now, that is all well and good until Zach gets a bug up his butt about something and is no longer a loyal number. And is also a person who could not give a flying fuck about getting "blood on his hands". For a rational player like Derrick, there's no reason to keep Zach.

But I did pretty much know when it started that the Quad squad was 98% bullshit on Derrick's part. He's not going to trust Hayden - and he shouldn't - and he's right to think they're also working with Donny. And he really doesn't trust Donny - and he shouldn't. Team "America" bullshit aside.

I don't like Derrick, but I respect his gameplay, and since I don't seem to have a real dog in this race (at least at the moment) I might just be content to watch him play these people and coast right to the end, with no real threat of eviction. I want to see how he stacks up with the Maggie, Will and Dans of the world when there's 6 people left vs. 11. A ton of dynamics can change between now and then, but I think he's playing a hell of a game right now.

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At first, I didn't care about the dual HoH twist, but I guess that's only because I didn't really think about what it meant for the game.  Now I realize that the dual HoH meant that no one would take the chance of nominating strong players.  (Yes, I am a bit slow and dense and non-strategical.)  And so here we are.  And I do not like it one bit.


Makes me wonder, though - do the people that design this game not understand the game at all?  I mean, it's one thing for me to not immediately realize the ramifications of the dual HoH, but shouldn't the folks in charge of the whole shebang have realized what it would mean?  Like, shouldn't whoever comes up with "this year's crazy twist" have the ability to foresee how it would work out?  Or am I just a crazy person living in a world of rainbows and unicorns, expecting the unrealistic?

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Turtle, I think the people who came up with this horrible twist knew exactly what it meant. That the strong comp threats would not be nominated (unless they had vaginas). That the alpha males in the house would stick around. That the silly girls these people willingly cast for some unknown reason would be booted early, or repeatedly be nominated for shits and grins. This twist was designed for another Brigade. Why they would want a repeat of that boring ass season I don't know, but that seems to be what they wanted to accomplish.

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At first, I didn't care about the dual HoH twist, but I guess that's only because I didn't really think about what it meant for the game.  Now I realize that the dual HoH meant that no one would take the chance of nominating strong players.  (Yes, I am a bit slow and dense and non-strategical.)  And so here we are.  And I do not like it one bit.


Makes me wonder, though - do the people that design this game not understand the game at all?  I mean, it's one thing for me to not immediately realize the ramifications of the dual HoH, but shouldn't the folks in charge of the whole shebang have realized what it would mean?  Like, shouldn't whoever comes up with "this year's crazy twist" have the ability to foresee how it would work out?  Or am I just a crazy person living in a world of rainbows and unicorns, expecting the unrealistic?

At first I thought it was just bad luck, but now I realize the show designers/producers/whatever are just idiots. Every major twist from the past few years has blown up in their faces. This dumb twist has ruined half the season already!

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Does anyone know how they find these people for the show???

Some of them answer casting calls for Big Brother. Some apply for other CBS shows (Survivor and Amazing Race in particular). Sometimes it's a matter of a casting staffer running into a potential hamster in a SoCal bar or nightclub. This season has a smattering of each (Derrick and Christine are BB applicants, Caleb and Devin applied for other CBS reality shows and Brittany was recruited locally). Regardless of where and how, they still need the ability to clear 3 or 4 months of their lives for the show. 

Edited by SteveAC10
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I hate the destruction that is going on right now. I know it's a game, but Derrick is involving people's real feelings to manipulate them. Maybe I'm an idiot or idealistic or whatever, but I definitely feel that the feelings between F & Z are real and this is going to be crushing to both of them. In addition, Zach has been put on blast on the show at the most graphic levels. Even if Frankie comes out and says they never had sex, due to last night's episode, he will never be believed. He is exploring his sexuality, which is hard enough for people, without the magnifying glass of media. He will have no privacy to deal with that, much less any hurt he feels at the actual romantic/emotional situation.


As a human being, I hurt for him. His parents seem very supportive and I hope he will get all that he needs if this betrayal indeed is carried out.

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Even if Frankie comes out and says they never had sex, due to last night's episode, he will never be believed. He is exploring his sexuality, which is hard enough for people, without the magnifying glass of media. He will have no privacy to deal with that, much less any hurt he feels at the actual romantic/emotional situation.

Since the first season of BB, I have watched to see what kind of person would willingly agree to be monitored by cameras and microphones 24/7 for $500K. Zach and Frankie are single grown men who knew what they were getting into. I, for one, couldn't care less about their sexuality or whether they had sex. Each has made it very clear that they are aware they are performers on a TV show. Frankly, I think the only thing Zach is exploring is a way to turn his BB experience into a paying gig like a few other players before him. Not that there's anything wrong with that!

So call me cold, but I don't feel sorry for any of them. And for the record, I think the first place prize should be $1M, given what these folks have to endure.

Edited by ZSweetJane
  • Love 15


Zach has been put on blast on the show at the most graphic levels. Even if Frankie comes out and says they never had sex, due to last night's episode, he will never be believed.


The show is about manipulating folks.  Derrick used Caleb's feelings for Amber to better his game.  Hell, everyone did.  No one believes she had any feelings for him.  If Zach is seen as having feelings for Frankie, that is Zach's responsibility.  Whether he is a tease or has real feelings, I don't know, but that there can be confusion is solely on Zach. And, at the end of the day (because, well, yeah, it had to be said), there's nothing wrong with Zach either loving Frankie or playing Frankie. So what if he's not gay and folks think he is?  He knows what is real. .And so what if folks who don't know him think he is? And so what if he is gay or bi? I don't see how being labelled that is being on "blast". 

Edited by pennben
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I hate the destruction that is going on right now. I know it's a game, but Derrick is involving people's real feelings to manipulate them. Maybe I'm an idiot or idealistic or whatever, but I definitely feel that the feelings between F & Z are real and this is going to be crushing to both of them. In addition, Zach has been put on blast on the show at the most graphic levels. Even if Frankie comes out and says they never had sex, due to last night's episode, he will never be believed. He is exploring his sexuality, which is hard enough for people, without the magnifying glass of media. He will have no privacy to deal with that, much less any hurt he feels at the actual romantic/emotional situation.


As a human being, I hurt for him. His parents seem very supportive and I hope he will get all that he needs if this betrayal indeed is carried out.


What happened????

Considering it's ZACH, I'm wondering if he's merely laying the groundwork for bunches of smokin' hot babes to come out of the woodwork to "reform" him. Ah, the follies of youth....

I have yet to hear the story, but I could see Zach coming out of the house and saying that he was only "into" Frankie so that he could further his game, because he hates everyone and lies all the time as he said in his intro video.  

Caleb is laying in the hammock talking to Frankie and Derrick. He's wearing a bathrobe, Amber's stolen bunny slippers and a cap with his name and Amber's name written on masking tape on the underside of the bill. I sit here wondering how much further he has to take it, before it ceases to become funny and starts to become truly pathological. Then he says, "I think Amber's mom and dad probably really like me."  I bust out laughing. I guess it's still funny.

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At first, I didn't care about the dual HoH twist, but I guess that's only because I didn't really think about what it meant for the game. Now I realize that the dual HoH meant that no one would take the chance of nominating strong players. (Yes, I am a bit slow and dense and non-strategical.) And so here we are. And I do not like it one bit.

Makes me wonder, though - do the people that design this game not understand the game at all? I mean, it's one thing for me to not immediately realize the ramifications of the dual HoH, but shouldn't the folks in charge of the whole shebang have realized what it would mean? Like, shouldn't whoever comes up with "this year's crazy twist" have the ability to foresee how it would work out? Or am I just a crazy person living in a world of rainbows and unicorns, expecting the unrealistic?

No you are not crazy, b/c I agree 100%! That's one of the big problems are these wacky twists that have not been exciting. I can't stand the Team America, 2 HOHs, and that BotB to see who remains HOH. They haven't added an ounce of excitement for me as a viewer.

With a game like BB, I expected for them to be a little more creative when adding new elements to the game. They should also test them out before springing it on viewers.

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I was scanning Joker's but can't find any mention of Frankie talking about his meeting with Derrick. While watching that talk, I thought that there was no way Frankie was buying what Derrick was saying. Anyone see or read anything about Frankie talking to Christine about his exchange with Derrick? It's funny that Derrick came away from that conversation, where Derrick did almost all the talking and cut Frankie off every time he tried to open his mouth, thinking that Frankie probably really isn't after them and Frankie is probably more convinced that Derrick and Cody are scheming against him. i think Frankie and Christine are planning to vote Zach out just to go along.


Previously, Frankie and Christine were saying that they have "five" (votes to keep Zach) and I was wondering who they think they're fifth is -- Hayden?


I caught a bit of a conversation where Frankie and Christine say that Cody will definitely come back to them and I suspect they meant after they get Derrick out so I'm guessing Derrick is their target for DE? Derrick may wreck his game by hesitating to go after Frankie. He's seems so sure he did such a masterful job talking to Frankie that he doesn't have to worry about Frankie short term.

Since the first season of BB, I have watched to see what kind of person would willingly agree to be monitored by cameras and microphones 24/7 for $500K. Zach and Frankie are single grown men who knew what they were getting into. I, for one, couldn't care less about their sexuality or whether they had sex. Each has made it very clear that they are aware they are performers on a TV show. Frankly, I think the only thing Zach is exploring is a way to turn his BB experience into a paying gig like a few other players before him. Not that there's anything wrong with that!

So call me cold, but I don't feel sorry for any of them. And for the record, I think the first place prize should be $1M, given what these folks have to endure.

Honestly, this show has been on long enough that the contestants should know what they are getting into. It is because of that that you end up with younger people who have jobs, or don't have jobs, that are easy to leave. The stipend money is probably more then most of them make on a weekly basis and there is some idea that they can parlay this into more money afterward. I don't think that people believe for a second that they are going to become famous but there is the opportunity to appear on other shows and do promotional events. Hell, Real Worlders have made entire lives off of the promotional events afterwards.


Sooner or later, the stupid antics are forgotten or forgiven. I would guess that most folks look at a 20 year old, early 30 year old and are willing to say "That was 5 years ago and you grow a lot in that time" or who gives a damn what they did on a reality tv show. The real life ramifications of appearing on a show like this seems to be pretty limited.


I also think that you cannot get smarter, more savy young people who care about their image on this show because they know what it means. So the smart, savy women are like "Hell no, I am not going into that situation." Women on this show have been treated like crap for a long time. Why the hell would you subject yourself to something like this? You are going to end up with at least one, if not three or four, meat head men who see women as second class citizens and probably one or two, if not more, women looking to sleep with what ever good looking guy is in the house. Yeah, exactly how I want to spend a summer.


This show plays out this way every season because casting cannot find smarter people to play the damn game because they know what is going to happen. The people they can find to play the game are young, rash, naïve, ignorant and a whole list of other not so good things. Mainly, they are young and still stuck in school, party mode.


The show is about manipulating folks.  Derrick used Caleb's feelings for Amber to better his game.  Hell, everyone did.  No one believes she had any feelings for him.  If Zach is seen as having feelings for Frankie, that is Zach's responsibility.  Whether he is a tease or has real feelings, I don't know, but that there can be confusion is solely on Zach. And, at the end of the day (because, well, yeah, it had to be said), there's nothing wrong with Zach either loving Frankie or playing Frankie. So what if he's not gay and folks think he is?  He knows what is real. .And so what if folks who don't know him think he is? And so what if he is gay or bi? I don't see how being labelled that is being on "blast". 

Exactly. BB and Survivor are all about manipulation. You know that when you come on the show. It sucks but it is a part of the game. I get that for the people playing the game that the manipulation hurts like hell during the game and probably afterward. To the players, this is their life and it is easy to lose track of what you are doing, playing a game. The ones who keep track of that, Derrick and Tony come to mind, are the ones who are knowingly and willingly manipulating folks. It makes them look like villans but it is game play.


Derrick has done other things that make him look like a dick. Tony at least had people saying that he was a hard worker around camp, tried to make everyone comfortable and was pleasant to be around. He was honest in his confessionals about his manipulations and why he was manipulating folks. Derrick's conversations about women and other things give me the impression that he and Tony are very different people.

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Caleb is laying in the hammock talking to Frankie and Derrick. He's wearing a bathrobe, Amber's stolen bunny slippers and a cap with his name and Amber's name written on masking tape on the underside of the bill.



I still can't believe he just gets to flaunt that he has the slippers when she made clear that she wanted them back.  Seriously with all the ridiculous rules on this show, how is being forbidden from stealing personal property of another houseguest not among them?


I guess that's about reason 32,500 to never go on this show.

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I still can't believe he just gets to flaunt that he has the slippers when she made clear that she wanted them back.  Seriously with all the ridiculous rules on this show, how is being forbidden from stealing personal property of another houseguest not among them?

She also stated that she wanted them back, and Julie pretty much said that it wasn't going to happen.


In the past it was brought up that if something was damaged or broken it would have to be replaced out of their stipend; I'm annoyed that it doesn't seem like that's happening.

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I still can't believe he just gets to flaunt that he has the slippers when she made clear that she wanted them back.  Seriously with all the ridiculous rules on this show, how is being forbidden from stealing personal property of another houseguest not among them?


I guess that's about reason 32,500 to never go on this show.

She can't possibly want those slippers back, he probably has sex with them every night.  Sometimes you just gotta take a loss for the greater good.  She could keep insisting on getting those slippers back and Caleb would take it as a sign that she wants him to hand deliver them to her.....in her bedroom.....while she is sleeping.

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Does anyone know how they find these people for the show???

I still believe a number of them are recruits seeking fame mixed in with a few fans. One thing I'm noticing is CBS/Grodner seem to be banking on showmances to develop more so than good game play, and that's why they casts so many in their early 20s over a variety of ages. We all know BB is not a game based around age, and I'm sure people of all walks of life still apply. IMO, it takes away from the game when so many are so close in age and don't have much real life experience.JMO

Edited by Divagalore
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Caleb is laying in the hammock talking to Frankie and Derrick. He's wearing a bathrobe, Amber's stolen bunny slippers and a cap with his name and Amber's name written on masking tape on the underside of the bill. I sit here wondering how much further he has to take it, before it ceases to become funny and starts to become truly pathological. Then he says, "I think Amber's mom and dad probably really like me."  I bust out laughing. I guess it's still funny.

"How much further"? Try last week. :)

I also think that you cannot get smarter, more savy young people who care about their image on this show because they know what it means. So the smart, savy women are like "Hell no, I am not going into that situation." Women on this show have been treated like crap for a long time. Why the hell would you subject yourself to something like this? You are going to end up with at least one, if not three or four, meat head men who see women as second class citizens and probably one or two, if not more, women looking to sleep with what ever good looking guy is in the house. Yeah, exactly how I want to spend a summer.


This show plays out this way every season because casting cannot find smarter people to play the damn game because they know what is going to happen. The people they can find to play the game are young, rash, naïve, ignorant and a whole list of other not so good things. Mainly, they are young and still stuck in school, party mode.


Notice the look of shocked surprise which totally failed to cross my face. So far as I've heard, most of the newbie (i.e., non-applicant) recruiting is done in bars. What part of the above descriptions DOESN'T apply to what's hanging around at last call?

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Frankly, I think the only thing Zach is exploring is a way to turn his BB experience into a paying gig like a few other players before him. Not that there's anything wrong with that!


This. I mean honestly Zach is on just as much as Frankie, he's just not the kind of on that Frankie is. They're both just using each other, which is fine. I bet they'll be friends after this show though, if only because it'll get them attention and that is what they both crave.


I also think that you cannot get smarter, more savy young people who care about their image on this show because they know what it means. So the smart, savy women are like "Hell no, I am not going into that situation." Women on this show have been treated like crap for a long time. Why the hell would you subject yourself to something like this?


The thing is though, I think there's evidence that they could, in fact, actually get people on the show who know what it is, are smart, aren't sexist douchebags, are women that would play and not take any shit, etc. But they don't want to cast people like that anymore. I think we need to put all the blame on Alison Grodner really because she took over in BB8 and that was the start of the massive decline. (BB10 being the only exception really.) It's not the casting director because she casts BB Canada and the casts for it have been much better than most of the BBUS ones since BB8.


I still believe a number of them are recruits seeking fame mixed in with a few fans.


Honestly, it's usually about half and half. Now, if you're talking superfans, then yea, there's only ever been 1 or maybe 2 a season, but usually none at all. But it takes a lot to be considered a superfan. I mean, Donny isn't even one and he's been watching since season 1. But show-only viewers just have no real idea what it's really like to be honest.


I don't like Derrick, but I respect his gameplay ...

I can't really decide whether I respect his gameplay or not because I don't respect him as a person and I'm not someone who can really separate it, but the main problem I have with Derrick's game is that it doesn't entertain me. Which he shouldn't care about, but still. One of the biggest reasons this season is so boring is Derrick. His gameplay is so contingent on nothing ever happening and since he's running the game nothing ever happens. Which just doesn't make for an entertaining show or entertaining feeds.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I was amused last night by two things on BBAD:

Frankie explaining the difference between a play and a musical to Hayden and Donny. Didn't these guys ever watch Smash?

Donny is a groundskeeper at Wheredafukami, NC. Out in those parts, Smash refers to the pickup truck broadsiding the minivan pulling out of the Piggly Wiggly parking lot last Saturday night.

Zach saying "Girls just care about feelings. Guys just care about The Feeling." Hee. I think that's rather perceptive.

Works for a college boy, I expect. Especially Mr. Failure-To-Launch. :)

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I'm not feeling too sorry for Zach - he's acutely aware of his camera 'persona' - and he might be many things..but naive ain't one of 'em. He knows perfectly well that between his antics and his 'showmance', he's getting the camera time he was banking on.

I agree he knows that what he's been doing has been getting him camera time. Esp since they have said that the diary room asks them about "Zankie". Still bummed he's gonna be leaving this week. But I have a feeling they will try and get him back in.


Does anyone know how they find these people for the show???


There is an entire industry in Hollywood devoted to casting reality shows now. They actively recruit people to make audition tapes and they get a finder's fee if one of their recruits lands a gig on a show. They may hold cattle call casting events at local shopping malls. They also send "casting agents" to local hots spots in L.A. like beaches and clubs looking for attractive people they think have a great look and ask them to come in and make a tape. They're asked a lot of generic question about their strengths and weaknesses, etc. 


Anyone who is casting a reality show can send the word out to these agencies they are looking for a specific type: alpha male jock, blonde bimbo, country rube, soccer mom, old fart, you name it. The agencies will supply them with tapes they have of those types. Shows are always looking for specific roles to cast. If someone makes it all the way through the audition process they are told along the way what role they are expected to play.


Big network shows like Survivor, Big Brother, etc. do encourage fans to send in audition tapes so in rare cases you'll get someone in the cast who actually was a fan and applied directly, but the vast majority of these contestants are referrals from reality show casting agents. It's just easier to send out requests for "Type A, Type B, Type C" than go through hundreds of thousands of audition tapes.

  • Love 4


Does anyone know how they find these people for the show???


Zach went to an open casting call in Gainesville. Jordan from BB11/BB13 was found at her place of work. She was a receptionist at a hair salon and the casting agent asked her to come for an Open Call. Frankie was friends with a bunch of survivors went to a party because he wanted to go on Survivor met Adam from BB13 who recommended him to a casting agent. Rob Cesternino originally auditioned for Big Brother 3, but was picked for Survivor so the whole trying out for one show, but getting on another has been going for 10+ years. I believe Danielle Reyes from BB3 also originally tried out for survivor.

Edited by choclatechip45

This cracked me up. 

From Jokers:


11:30am Cam 1 - Hayden telling Donny it "weirds him out" seeing how Chris and Cody touch each other. "she's a married woman"Donny agrees and says he can't stand her " piercing cackle", it drives him nuts. He said he could be on his way to sit outside and hear "that cackle" and turn around and head back inside. He said the production people working on the other end of the microphones must have quit at least 5 times from having to listen to Christine's laugh all day, saying "It ain't worth it".

  • Love 14

Jokers 08/05/14 01:26 PM

Caleb has been telling Hayden and Donny about his ex girlfriend. She's a country girl, takes care of animals, drives a truck, chews tobacco, smoking hot...he loved her, but says she was bipolar. Says he sat with her in the hospital for 4 days after she was bitten by a dog. She told him he was the best boyfriend ever and she was lucky to have him and then broke up with him the next morning. Donny says "She sounds like a country song."


Hay said he had never met any really country girls and Caleb says he will take him to a place in Dalas where he can meet some.




Sure Caleb, go to Dallas to meet country girls. Because going to a huge urban city makes so much more sense than the actual country. Also, what girl chews tobacco??? Yuck!

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Wait, what happened with Zach and Frankie last night?  I missed it.

I missed it too. The only thing I found on Jokers was a reference to Zach coming out to everyone in the backyard around 3:22am this morning. But there have been no other references to this in terms of updates or comments. So who knows. But I'm also in the dark about this and am totally curious.

In the same conversation Jocasta revealed that her mother is a stenographer and travels all over the East Coast for her job-Florida, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, etc. She's also a coupons whiz who has an incredible filiing system which helps save several family members a huge amount of money. She sounds awesome. It was the only time Jocasta has been remotely interesting-that and the time she described the series Nurse Jackie in highly impressive detail.

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