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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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OK, I'm putting it out there upfront that this is in horrible taste but I found this crack on another board and am paraphrasing:

"Frankie's mom, in a desperate bid to secure her son America's Favorite Player, will have another relative killed."

That would havw been a Joan Rivers joke had she followed BB16, wouldn't it? I wonder if Rosie O'Donnell still does and will talk about it on The View.

Edited by TimWil
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OK, I'm putting it out there upfront that this is in horrible taste but I found this crack on another board and am paraphrasing:

"Frankie's mom, in a desperate bid to secure her son America's Favorite Player, will have another relative killed."

That would havw been a Joan Rivers joke had she followed BB16, wouldn't it? I wonder if Rosie O'Donnell still does and will talk about it on The View.

I see people keep insisting that they're in the Illuminati.

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I was just about to post that I didn't think Derrick ever lied about liking Donny. I think that was the truth. He knew Donny was smart and had figured out his game, so Donny had to go. It wasn't about not liking him. But then you guys pointed out that's not the lying anyone is talking about. :)


So, do we see the eviction tonight?

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His gameplay is very manipulative, personal, and, I would say, weaselly.


Yes, yes it is.  I'll second the posts on Derrick's gameplay and why I don't like him.  He comes across as entitled to me, as if this game and the $500,000 is his and only his.  He looks like he's actually angry when someone plays their own game or even just behaves in a way that fails to serve HIS needs.  Example?  Tipsy Victoria.  I watched his face on the BBAD feeds and he was pissed that she drank too much.  She might talk and endanger his game!  And so he told her that she might talk and instructed her to lay off the booze.  The proper response to which should be "F off!", but no, she submits and explains that she won't hurt his game.  Pretty uncomfortable to watch.


Speaking of which, why exactly is Victoria playing Derrick's game?  If any part of this is because he's a 'groundskeeper' and needs the money for his kid, when in reality he is a pensioned cop who probably has a nice middle class income, I'll just hate him even more.  And how exactly is this outside the house friendship with Victoria and Derrick supposed to play out?  Does Victoria imagine that Derrick's wife will welcome a woman who is probably in love with her husband into her home?  Because I can't see that.  Thanks for the $500K and off with you!


Finally, I'll venture outside what I've seen and guess that someone who is this controlling and entitled in a game, someone who can control his emotions and persona so completely for months at a time, is not that different outside the house.  I know, he's a cop!  It's his job!  But I have a feeling I wouldn't like him any better outside the house than in, and I would bet that he can be pretty darn unpleasant to be around with he's crossed even in his personal life.  As always, just an opinion.

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Rosh Hashanna -  While I certainly wouldn't require anyone to make room for my beliefs,  I think, given that CBS changed the dates of the show, it would be only good PR to go a bit out of their way to accommodate Victoria's family in the ways suggested in that link, especially since the Temple is so close, and they know the family is Orthodox.  What effort would it take one of their PR flacks to make the arrangements? Trust me, they do that kind of thing all the time, no biggie.

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What really warms my heart about the possibility of Frankie going home tonight:


Someone (I think it was Julie) once said that a houseguest could go from being HOH to evicted in one week, and Frankie replied "Like Nicole?" in a way that really irked me. He used an innocent voice, but the way he said it had such an unnecessary snide and cruel undertone.


If Frankie goes home tonight, one can say that thanks to the Rewind, he went from being HOH to evicted in a reversed nanosecond. Not "like Nicole?" ... more like a Frankie.

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He looks like he's actually angry when someone plays their own game or even just behaves in a way that fails to serve HIS needs.  Example?  Tipsy Victoria.  I watched his face on the BBAD feeds and he was pissed that she drank too much.  She might talk and endanger his game!  And so he told her that she might talk and instructed her to lay off the booze.  The proper response to which should be "F off!", but no, she submits and explains that she won't hurt his game.  Pretty uncomfortable to watch.

That was so uncomfortable to watch. Up there with the night he berated her to tears for daring to question him. The Victoria/Derrick relationship as a whole makes me uncomfortable. He's spent so much time making sure she's completely isolated and has to depend on him. Good gameplay, but really disconcerting to watch on a personal level.


Speaking of which, why exactly is Victoria playing Derrick's game?  If any part of this is because he's a 'groundskeeper' and needs the money for his kid, when in reality he is a pensioned cop who probably has a nice middle class income, I'll just hate him even more.


Why are any of them playing Derrick's game? We just don't know! I do think that for some that whole "lower middle class father with a a starving daughter" routine is a big part of it. Which, again, good gameplay, but not something I can root for or respect.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Another reason I can't put Derrick up there with Will or Dan is because I just don't think there's a chance in hell he'd make it as far on his second try as they did on their's. But of course that's just speculation and can't be proven unless he plays again. Which I'm sure he won't because I'm sure he knows he'd be fucked!


I'd love to see what his game plan would be against people who were there to play the game. It still rankles me that from the beginning of the season, they all seemed to be playing for the jury stipend and not the big prize at the end. It's a safe plan, but a boring one, and boring plans don't make good TV IMO. Derrick had such an easy go of it this year. I appreciate his game, because it's solid and been stellar but boring. But I'm not a fan of his. I really hope they invite him back for an All Stars round, though, if he would accept. It would be interesting to see how he goes about the game with actual players, not people happy for the jury stipend and extended vacation. 

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I think Derrick adjusted his game accordingly as he saw how dumb some of the people in the house were. It's not his fault that BB put them in the house. But he played what he was given. It would of been nice if he was given more challenges but he's played the best game this season by far. But when people did start to catch on he deposed of them quickly. Lot was a little to late.

I don't think Cody or Victoria or any of them really will understand the full scope of what Derrick did until they watch the show.

You know during interviews after the show Cody is going to get bombarded with questions about Derrick and he's going to be so confused. Lol.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Rosh Hashanna -  While I certainly wouldn't require anyone to make room for my beliefs,  I think, given that CBS changed the dates of the show, it would be only good PR to go a bit out of their way to accommodate Victoria's family in the ways suggested in that link, especially since the Temple is so close, and they know the family is Orthodox.  What effort would it take one of their PR flacks to make the arrangements? Trust me, they do that kind of thing all the time, no biggie.

I agree. The president of CBS is Jewish and while he may not be Orthodox himself, I can't see him refusing to find a way to accommodate Victoria and her family. But if he did, I imagine certain powerful influences would come to bear behind-the-scenes.


It would be interesting to see how he goes about the game with actual players, not people happy for the jury stipend and extended vacation.

It would also be interesting to see how he'd fare with people who already knew he'd been an undercover cop and had training in how to read and manipulate people. I think that would represent the loss of the biggest advantage he's had this season.

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I personally see Derrick as a ringer. To me, it would be no different than putting say, a psychiatrist in there - someone that is used to playing a role and is skilled in manipulating others. Those winners don't impress me because it's their job to do that IRL. He would've been a lousy undercover officer if he couldn't manipulate people.

Plus his DRs just bug.

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I have read bout 25 times how Derrick's background as an undercover cop gave him this incredible advantage over these sheeple, and it annoys me every time. While I do think that Derrick is not stupid, and has been steadfast in his goal to win as much $ as humanly possible; he's no diabolical genius. I think that he was wise to keep his profession a secret b/c let's face it, cops are not getting great PR right now. Do I think he lights up the room with his personality? Nope, but I do think that he is a decent guy who never lost sight of the fact that to win this game is an opportunity for he and his family to have a better life. Nobody is making money as a cop, trust me.

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Feeds apparently came back for a few mins. No Frankie In sight!!! Vic was there!! Derrick was In the HOH room folding something. Could suggest that he is the HOH!!!

The houseguests were wearing VETO shirts.

But the most important take away from this is FRANKIE IS GONE!!!!! Celebrate!!!!

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I get that there are a million reasons to not want to be Christine's BFF, but she's getting vilified by the general audience way more than I expected. She needs to grow up, and she made some huge mistakes, but I don't think she deserves the vilification she's gotten. And I'm not talking about here in the forums - I have no issue with the way she's been discussed here at all.  I'm no Christine fan. I guess I'm just surprised that she's turned out to be so incredibly unpopular.  If it's true what that guy tweeted, that there were no boos, then that means she's more hated than Frankie, doesn't it? And that makes no sense to me at all. Unless there were no boos because these dummies chickened out and it was Victoria who got voted out.


I agree.  and I'm disappointed in how Cody is acting now.  He was doing the same things as Christine, knew she was married, was told how it looked but continued.  He claimed they were just very good friends.  Now, he's treating her like dirt....doesn't say much for his character.

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But if he did [not make accommodation], I imagine certain powerful influences would come to bear behind-the-scenes.

I think to have to leave because of her religious responsibilities would break her heart, and if her family couldn't be there because of their responsibilities, or would have to ignore those responsibilities just because CBS changed the schedule, that would be a horrible choice for any devout person to make.  BTW - I am not such a devout person, but I deeply respect those who are.



Now, he's treating her like dirt....doesn't say much for his character.

Constantly wrapping himself around a married woman and accepting her attentions exposed his character long ago. Since then, in my mind,  there hasn't been any question of his lack thereof.

Edited by Skycatcher
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Feeds apparently came back for a few mins. No Frankie In sight!!! Vic was there!! Derrick was In the HOH room folding something. Could suggest that he is the HOH!!!

The houseguests were wearing VETO shirts.

But the most important take away from this is FRANKIE IS GONE!!!!! Celebrate!!!!



Excellent!  I never doubted that but., always nice to get confirmation, of course.

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I don't feel bad for Christine. If I remember correctly, she told Cody that nobody likes her at her real job and also that her mother always said she was a mean child. So people in her life outside the house already feel some kinda way about her. She just showed in the BB house that her true mean nature goes to the bone, and people responded in kind.

You reap what you sow.

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I don't think he made sure he was in it. He literally lucked into being a part of it. And that's the main reason I don't think Derrick's game is particularly amazing. He's been so damn lucky! Which honestly all the winners have a huge element in luck in their games, but Derrick's game just feels super dependent on luck, to me.

I agree. Derrick was lucky to be in the house with dullards. The dual HOH nonsense helped his game too.

I equate his game to watching a one sided match. We've all seen games where one team just trounces another. It's really not fun to watch. Painful at times. Even the fans on the winning side finds the game boring and feel sorry for the other team. That's derricks game to me. These morons hare just handing it to him.

I agree with all of you that Derrick has no loyalty. He'd throw Cody and Victoria under the bus so fast if it betters his game. Frankie would still be in the house if Frankie would help his game.

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Poor Christine's husband.  :(  He seemed like a nice guy.  I hope he gets through everything and finds himself a nice nerdy girl to love who loves him back.  And I'm speaking as a nerd here. 


And also, I've really missed someone saying to a hated evictee, "Get to steppin'"  :(  Booo!  I would have said it to Frankie. 

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Tim just started a YT channel for him and Christine where they will do weekly vlogs, he's been busy milking all the attention he gets by posting him reading angry tweets, a vine video where he's "Donny", asking people to retweet if they think he's "hot", etc. He wants attention, good or bad, doesn't matter. 

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I think Donny also played to win the game.  Unfortunately, he just couldn't form any true alliance until it was too late (Nicole and Hayden).  Also, the fact that he wasn't a feeds watcher or reader really hindered his game play.  I don't think he realized how important it was to not only form an alliance, but to also socialize later at night and strategize.  If he had been a feeds watcher, he would have realized that late at night is when most of the strategizing is done.  


Peachmangosteen picked up on this quite a while ago about Donny, but I'm just reiterating it.  He quit his job to go on BB. I don't think he did that just to make it to jury. 

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I was going to post that I like Derrick and have connected with him as an audience member, but well....we all know that.  I think that BB saw the writing on the wall pretty early and he's been getting the winner's edit down the stretch.  


As to why people are playing Derrick's game, well mainly because they don't know they are playing it.  Derrick has done a decent job convincing those who are left (sans Victoria...she's just a smitten kitten) that he isn't a threat in the game, while in reality he is the biggest threat in the game.  Frankie wasn't worried about Derrick coming for him, he's worried about Cody or Caleb taking a shot at him.  And Caleb is totally eating up that Derrick is no match for him....and so he is willing to bring along an ally for the ride.  Cody thinks the final 2 deal with Derrick works for him because he thinks he wins that vote.  Victoria can felt taken care of by Derrick, so even though she knows she isn't going to win, she seems to think being the last girl standing is a prize all in itself (it's not Victoria...ya fruit loop dingus), so she is just a willing arm to help Derrick get to the end.  

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I don't actually have a favorite HG so I'll vote for the one I laugh at the most, Caleb, here goes... However, if anyone knows a way of telling who has the most votes, please let me know and I'll switch to whoever has the best chance of beating Frankie, I don't care if it's Donny, Zach, Nicole, whoever.

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I think being an undercover cop would require great patience, the ability to keep your mouth shut, and unflappability, as well as a good amount of instinct and intelligence - all things that would serve you well in this game.


But Donnie the groundskeeper had all of those skills as well, and while the pedicab driver figured things out too late, he was a lot sharper than most of us (and certainly most of them) gave him credit for.  


Every season there are a handful of smart people and a lot of sheep.  I don't think the deck was stacked that much more this year than any other.  

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Split my votes between Donny, Zach and Caleb.  I'm OK with any of them and I'm trying to figure out who is the most likely to beat Frankie.  Do you think a split vote is a good idea or should I just pick one for the rest of the days?

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I feel that Donny or Zach has the best chance against Frankie. But if those votes are split it might be hard to beat Frankie. I really hope he doesn't win. I'll be so furious.

The reason I'm going to Zach is that Donny already has TA money and also helped with some of their missions. But I think people should vote who they want. But that's my reasoning!

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I feel that Donny or Zach has the best chance against Frankie. But if those votes are split it might be hard to beat Frankie. I really hope he doesn't win. I'll be so furious.

The reason I'm going to Zach is that Donny already has TA money and also helped with some of their missions. But I think people should vote who they want. But that's my reasoning!

I agree, I'm doing the same, and I agree people should vote how they want! Unless it's for Frankie ;-) Edited by AndreaK1041
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"I think Derrick adjusted his game accordingly as he saw how dumb some of the people in the house were. It's not his fault that BB put them in the house. But he played what he was given. It would of been nice if he was given more challenges but he's played the best game this season by far. But when people did start to catch on he deposed of them quickly. Lot was a little to late."


I agree.  Derrick shouldn't be bashed for making the best of the situation handed him with the skills he already has.


He would never win an All-Stars, with his cover blown and would be as egotistical as Frankie to even try.


My AFP votes are for Donny.  I find Zach pathetic.  The class clown who isn't all that funny.


ETA:  I really don't like cops, undercover ones especially.  Bad experiences.

Edited by PaperTree
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Unless Julie announces that twitter will also accept votes I don't think Frankie has a chance.  I don't think he has a chance even with twitter.  


I will vote for Donny everyday.  I don't care if he won $$ in TA.  I just really like they guy.  Humor catches my heart and his wit is keen and dry.  Love that. 

Edited by wings707
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Just saw on my Jokers newsfeed on Facebook that Frankie was eliminated and Derrick is HOH.

Derrick won the HOH he needed to win, guaranteed F3. Veto winner picks the evictee. If it's Cody (or, haha, Vic), say bye-bye, Caleb. Caleb would evict Victoria.

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He would never win an All-Stars, with his cover blown and would be as egotistical as Frankie to even try.




His cover being blown is exactly right....Derrick could never do what he did this summer again because people would know his game from jump street.  He'd never get another situation of people believing what he is saying and eating it up like a spoon again, no matter how simple or smart they are.  This was his shot and he took it.  


He's have to have a completely different plan and play it completely differently if he was to be in an All Star cast of BB.  

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I get that there are a million reasons to not want to be Christine's BFF, but she's getting vilified by the general audience way more than I expected. She needs to grow up, and she made some huge mistakes, but I don't think she deserves the vilification she's gotten. And I'm not talking about here in the forums - I have no issue with the way she's been discussed here at all.  I'm no Christine fan. I guess I'm just surprised that she's turned out to be so incredibly unpopular.  If it's true what that guy tweeted, that there were no boos, then that means she's more hated than Frankie, doesn't it? And that makes no sense to me at all. Unless there were no boos because these dummies chickened out and it was Victoria who got voted out.



Not only is Christine hated outside the house, but she is also hated inside the house.  She was not greeted upon arrival at the jury house, she was laughed at and ridiculed on the couch while watching her elimination episode, she was the first one eliminated during the luxury competition, and no one in the house picked her as a team player in the competition.  That right there tells me she's not a good person ... at all.


I don't think we can really say how the jury members feel about or are treating Christine at this point.  She walked in as they were making fun of her, which is one of the biggest reasons that the moment was so awkward. Sitting on the couch watching the DVD, they were letting Christine know where she stood in the power structure of the jury house - on the bottom.   After the game is over and they're in the jury house, those who clicked initially tend to get over the nastiness of the game.  I wouldn't be surprised if Christine and Nicholle are friendly again.


Christine earned the dislike the public seems to feel for her, but the hate is beyond over the top.  In my opinion, the public was easy on Aaryn because of how she looked (somewhat angelic), and I feel part of the Christine hate is due to Christine's looks (somewhat witch-like).

Edited by RedheadZombie
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I'm gonna vote for AFP...and I'm voting Anyone But Frankie, so I am voting for Donny cause I like him, he's sweet and I think he has the best shot at it.  I also would LOVE to see Frankie's face when he realizes that not only is he not America's Favorite, but simple ol' Donny is.  

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Threw 20 votes Caleb's way, considering someone might win $50k for doing Derrick's bidding all season, I'm fine with giving Donny another $25k since it seems based on this board and some polls that he might have the best chance of beating Frankie.  7 other accounts, so Donny's getting 140 from me.

Edited by willpwr
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Yea, I mean, Christine sucks, but it's hard to understand why she gets such visceral hate, enough to be booed more than an overt racist, when there's people like Frankie in the house.


I think Christine's negative reaction is based, in varying degrees, to several things:

1. Her relationship with Cody. This obviously punched multiple buttons with viewers, not the least of which (IMHO) was her continued pursuit of the relationship in spite of repeated warning - from other HGs, heck from Zingbot even. She cried about Zingbot's zinger the rest of the night, and was right back at Cody the next day. Speaks to a certain level of obsession which usually leads to a cottontail in a crockpot.

2. Her characterizations of other HGs (particularly fan faves) as "perverted", "evil", "horrible", wishing they would die, saying she could just kill them, etc. This extremity of expression *may* be a generational thing because Cody's constant "punch them in the face" references fall into the same vein; regardless, older folks (such as myself) who wouldn't say such except in the context of a direct threat don't receive them well. Her repeated "Mean Girl" bash sessions w/Frankie also tended to associate her more strongly with this type of behavior than other HGs.

There are several other things (her curious interpretation of what constitutes "funny", her exaggerated sense of self, etc.), but I'm tired of typing about her.

I was actually rooting for Derrick until this added bonus as a TA member was introduced, if it is indeed true.  I just can't get behind offering him an additional $50K for winning just because he was a member of TA.  The TA members were voted on when we barely knew the house guests.  Even though I can't stand Frankie, I think it's unfair to both Frankie and Donny that Derrick may get this additional money.  I really hope this isn't true at all.  It also pisses me off to think that Zach was a big part in some of the TA missions, but isn't getting a monetary reward for it. 

To me, that falls into the realm of penalizing Derrick for Production's actions. TAFT had no advance knowledge of the bonus, so it wasn't a motivating factor in the preceding actions of the TAFT members. I also don't think it has any substantial effect on his actions afterward, as Derrick only gets the bonus if he accomplishes the goal he was already pursuing.

I also have a hard time listening to Derrick lie in the DR while addressing the audience, particularly lying to the viewers about Donny's eviction and to Donny is his goodbye message .  This has clouded my view of him.  I guess I'm hoping for either a Victoria/Cody F2 or a Caleb/Cody F2.  I'd even settle for a Caleb/Victoria F2.  I just don't want Derrick to win now. I could live with him being in the F2, but not the winner.

I've seen no contradiction yet to my earlier statements. Derrick lies in the DR, true - but his intent is to lie to Production, not to the audience. We (the audience) simply suffer from being at the sewer drain end of the information flow. :)

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