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Geoffrey and Varya: Russian Roulette

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

Wasn’t Pole’s arson related to DV?  He is back on HEA.

He's said both, that he did it for insurance and that he was upset about a breakup. He shouldn't be on it either.  

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3 hours ago, mamadrama said:

A few ways: he either lied on the application (obtaining a travel visa to Russia from US is easier than the reverse), he applied before the crime, or the charges changed when he came back (ie, more were added to give us what we see now). And yeah, multiple women made DV complaints.

Sharp shouldn't have cast him the first place. Even if they hired him before the most recent charges, he still had some from a few years ago. In a reality show whose concept revolves around being intimate with a partner they should never cast someone with a past complaint of dv. There are more than enough other nutters to choose from. 

All that aside, dude was still married. Buck shoulda stopped there. 

Looking on his instagram page I can see how manipulative he is and he obviously deletes many or most negative comments.  I think Varya dodged a major bullet.  As far as him already being married he sure isn’t the first one on this franchise. Apparently they haven’t allowed him to be a part of the reunion episode.


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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

Wasn’t Pole’s arson related to DV?  He is back on HEA.

I think that is a pretty grey area not like Geoffrey although even he would probably deny the charges.  But just having current charges should be enough to discredit him from a romance type show.  And someone like Varya would have no online access to his reputation.

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Just how contrived is this whole Geoffrey/Varya/Mary threesome! Before he went to Russia, Mary desperately wondered why she wasn’t good enough for him. He called Mary when he stomped away after getting the third degree from Varya’s friends. Then he immediately finds rebound love right in his own backyard after he gets home from having his heart broken by Varya? Mary was right under his nose the whole time? 

Since Ed and Stephanie are both returning home without the “love of their life” their stories are over, making the 90 Day relationship success rate this season pretty low. Production had to do something to keep other storylines going. Cue Varya to decide to travel to the US to surprise Geoffrey and reconsider his proposal. 

All totally fake. The only thing that is real about Geoffrey is his rap sheet.  

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6 hours ago, magemaud said:

Cue Varya to decide to travel to the US to surprise Geoffrey and reconsider his proposal. 

I highly doubt Varya even considered coming to the US to 'surprise Geoffrey' because where would she get the money for the airfare, let alone a nice hotel in the US? Nope, not buying it. Producers asked her, nee begged her, to do it, 'here, we'll give you a paid air ticket and hotel expenses all you have to do is show up and we'll do the rest for you. Since you're story is over there's no more money but we'll pay you for this..." I'm pretty sure that's how this went down.

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My niece was watching some of these episodes while she’s getting home schooled and at dinner the other night mentioned something along the lines of “ if that’s a sampling of what is out there in the dating pool, I’m screwed” Mom and dad won’t be grandparents any time soon”

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1 hour ago, gingerella said:

I highly doubt Varya even considered coming to the US to 'surprise Geoffrey' because where would she get the money for the airfare, let alone a nice hotel in the US? Nope, not buying it.

Yes, I agree. I was being facetious about it being a decision that she thought up on her own. It was totally underwritten and orchestrated by production. But I agree with another poster that Geoffrey was probably expecting the camera crew to show up to interview him and Mary and didn't know that Varya was following in the next van. 

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On 5/18/2020 at 7:53 PM, MrBuhBye said:

He probably doesn’t acknowledge that marital rape is a thing.

I could see that, which is part of the reason I get on edge when there is a discussion of "real" victims and "real crimes."

IIRC, it's still incredibly hard to prosecute marital rape and sexual assault against sex workers.  The "victims" and the "crimes" aren't quite "real" enough.  

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I posted yesterday that Geoffrey is an actor. i watched him on a true crime show last night, i will never believe this show is real again. it was so fake her just coming here like that. what a set up


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7 minutes ago, Gmaof4 said:

I posted yesterday that Geoffrey is an actor. i watched him on a true crime show last night, i will never believe this show is real again. it was so fake her just coming here like that. what a set up


They've had a couple of small time actors on the show. Caesar, Tim, and Libby were as well. Although they were actors, though, most of their stories were real. Libby was on a few TV shows and commercials, but she still married Andrei and they had a baby. I don't think they hired Geoffrey to pretend to go to Russia and date Varya. But yeah, Varya going to the US was production driven.

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An actor should be pleasant to compelling to watch. He is not. He’s homely, his haircut is bad, he has awful tattoos, and his drawl is unattractive (not saying all TN accents are)  for starters. This is apart from inner stink--e.g., his criminal record, manipulativeness, and entitled attitude. His sons on the show appear like they can barely stand to be in the same space, hope they’re being paid. Varya should get hazard pay. Let him clean up his life, but leave other people out of it and certainly my teevee. 

Edited by Tuneful
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2 hours ago, mamadrama said:

They've had a couple of small time actors on the show. Caesar, Tim, and Libby were as well. Although they were actors, though, most of their stories were real. Libby was on a few TV shows and commercials, but she still married Andrei and they had a baby. I don't think they hired Geoffrey to pretend to go to Russia and date Varya. But yeah, Varya going to the US was production driven.

Libby had a bit part as a cashier on a pretty big show, but I can't remember the name of it.  I was shook, I wish I could remember the show.  But credit to her, she was very believable as a mildly annoyed cashier.  

ETA - it was Homeland!

Edited by RealReality
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Somebody needs to introduce Varya to a criminal background site.

Yes, he will abuse her and any woman he is involved with. The previous women probably dropped the charges out of fear. I was an abused spouse and I called police when it happened. I made every court appearance, testified with photos of my bruises. I got a protection order and he’s violated that twice now, so we’ll be back in court as soon as our local courthouse opens back up.

A local battered and abused women’s group helped me so much that I now volunteer as a court advocate. Paying it forward.

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1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

Somebody needs to introduce Varya to a criminal background site.

Yes, he will abuse her and any woman he is involved with. The previous women probably dropped the charges out of fear. I was an abused spouse and I called police when it happened. I made every court appearance, testified with photos of my bruises. I got a protection order and he’s violated that twice now, so we’ll be back in court as soon as our local courthouse opens back up.

A local battered and abused women’s group helped me so much that I now volunteer as a court advocate. Paying it forward.

It's nice to see you again!

I'm so sorry you went through what you did.  I think Geoffrey is probably working double time to guilt and scare his ex into not cooperating with authorities so the charges will be dropped and he can claim it was all a lie.  

The complaint against him is very scary and very specific and IIRC she sought care after he let her go so there are probably records and pictures.  

Just because someone isn't convicted of a crime doesn't mean they didn't do it.  

see Casey Anthony and OJ Simpson.  

Sadly, I expect that his friends, including Mary, who take his side, are complicit in encouraging his ex to drop the charges because "he is really sorry" and "it will ruin his life" and "he will be publicly humiliated" and "he has really changed" because this is all HER responsibility.  Technically and intellectually it's all nuts, but if enough people are telling you all this nonsense,, it easy to give in, I'm sure. 

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Thanks, I’ve been ill with my thyroid acting crazy.

Geoffrey will eventually keep Varya around since she flew all the way to Knoxville to declare her undying love. Hopefully some of her friends will see this and talk to her. Right after my ex’s name and charges were made public, people (mostly women) contacted me and told me about the abuse they suffered. I wish to hell they’d have let me know before the wedding. That’s why I am praying Varya gets the full story before saying “I do”

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3 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Thanks, I’ve been ill with my thyroid acting crazy.

Geoffrey will eventually keep Varya around since she flew all the way to Knoxville to declare her undying love. Hopefully some of her friends will see this and talk to her. Right after my ex’s name and charges were made public, people (mostly women) contacted me and told me about the abuse they suffered. I wish to hell they’d have let me know before the wedding. That’s why I am praying Varya gets the full story before saying “I do”

The problem is that everytime a woman is scared or guilted into keeping her mouth shut or dropping charges Geoffrey can use her as proof that his ex's are all crazy broads who make up lies about him. 

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On 5/22/2020 at 12:01 AM, endure said:

I don’t really understand how he was able to travel to Russia with current charges and a pending court date.  Also there was talk about a child custody case, does he have other children besides the two boys.  Was he involved in two different domestic violence  cases? He reeks he really does

I don't know either.  If he has pending court cases, then he is very likely out on bond, and most bail bondsmen frown on international travel among their clientele.

Edited by blubld43
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2 hours ago, blubld43 said:

I don't know either.  If he has pending court cases, then he is very likely out on bond, and most bail bondsmen frown on international travel among their clientele.

Id hazard a guess that they felt a little more secure with a camera crew following Geoffrey.  

Also, does putin really want to house a guy with those nip tatts?  

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On 5/25/2020 at 9:36 PM, RealReality said:

The problem is that everytime a woman is scared or guilted into keeping her mouth shut or dropping charges Geoffrey can use her as proof that his ex's are all crazy broads who make up lies about him. 

Exactly. I think he has at least one child with each ex. While filming he had an upcoming court date next month, June. Maybe one of our super sleuths can find him on a court docket, and I’ll take a whack at it.

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Mary has crazy eyes.  I would have agreed that she maintained some dignity.....until she showed up at that date.  

Again, I blame producer intervention. Anyone who has enough pride to extract themselves from that nonsense and drive away isn't the same person showing up at an arcade to make a public spectacle of herself to "fight for her man"

The same way, the person varya was for the entire season....the person who deftly refused to be guilted and sidestepped all of Geoffrey's attempts to gaslight and play her.  The woman with that much self worth, isn't the same woman who is trying to hop a plane and show up unannounced and uninvited knowing that a man isn't interested.   

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Does anyone here watch Celebtity Watch Party? On last night’s episode they discussed the Geoffrey/Varya/Mary saga ... and I was seething. I guess none of them were aware of Geoffrey’s history. 🤬 

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12 minutes ago, marymary said:

Does anyone here watch Celebtity Watch Party? On last night’s episode they discussed the Geoffrey/Varya/Mary saga ... and I was seething. I guess none of them were aware of Geoffrey’s history. 🤬 

Does Celebtity refer to Geoff’s tittoos?

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On 5/26/2020 at 12:37 PM, 4merBachAddict said:

Not sure of the exact timing of this filming, but guessing it was AT LEAST a year ago. If I were a betting girl, I'd put my money on Mary being still in Geoffrey's life. JMHO.



The Russian scenes were filmed last summer, Varya was in knoxville in the fall. 

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48 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

"Throughout the season, he has received a ton of backlash from fans for his misreported past. So, Geoffrey supposedly believes that viewers are the reason why the network kept him off the Tell-All."

Great investigative journalism: Poor Geoffrey's past is misreported . . . in all the court and criminal records widely available online.  That must be the only reason why he's faced a ton of backlash from the fans.  TLC must have mocked up a mugshot and encourage him to rant each week, "I've changed since prison," for a storyline and to add depth to Mary's desperation.

Meanwhile, Yolanda and Tom are nobody's favorites, and both are guaranteed ratings losers.  But, even they managed to be included and get paid that extra $2K.

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To quote Crazy Eyes "I wanna convert Big Mike from Sequim to be a Christian" (Natalie?) I just can't with this couple.  WAAAAY too much producer interference, way too much scripted talk, and they just don't "look" like a couple.

Plus they both annoy the crap outta me, lol!!!

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

To quote Crazy Eyes "I wanna convert Big Mike from Sequim to be a Christian" (Natalie?) I just can't with this couple.  WAAAAY too much producer interference, way too much scripted talk, and they just don't "look" like a couple.

Plus they both annoy the crap outta me, lol!!!

Was that Knoxville observation deck like twelve stories high?

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Did we ever figure out how many kids Geoffrey has? On television, so far, he's acknowledged or talked about 4 kids by 2 different women. The 2 teen boys he hangs with seem to be full brothers and he has 2 sons with his latest ex-wife, one of whom is deceased. 

There are allegations that are other children and out there, at least one by each wife (all of 4 of them) and at least one whose mother was never his wife.  I would like a straight answer about how many children by how many women, but I'm sure he'll never admit the real number. 

It wouldn't surprise if either Varya or Mary is pregnant, because that's the kind of person Geoffrey seems to be. 

Edited by Temperance
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I went to Reddit to find something, completely forgot what I was looking for, but did come across this 10 minute video of Varya. I haven't listened yet, but the comments say it is worth watching.

The caption:

Varya tells her side of the story about surprising Geoffrey in America and meeting Mary face-to-face. 90 Day Fiancé reality star claims it wasn’t staged. TLC Producers were just as surprised as she was and had not put mics on Geoffrey or Mary. Nobody expected to see Geoffrey’s new girlfriend in his house that morning. Varya says her and Geoffrey were chatting during the month after he left Russia. But when she got her US VISA, planned the trip, and bought the tickets, he ignored her messages.

Also Varya Malina reveals what was cut off and what happened behind the scenes. It turns out Geoffrey brought Varya to his and Mary’s friends to apologize to Mary for being rude and calling her names.



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What I learned in my very first overseas experience (when I moved to work in Japan) was that humor is very cultural and does not translate well.  So, I'm surprised that Varya thought humor would be the way to make friends and to use a nickname "rednecks" in an attempt to make friends with the taxi driver just doesn't make sense.  And of course, due to her innocence, it's Geoffrey's fault... I'm liking Varya less and less-her attempt to use this "cute" story illustrating how touchy Americans are, just reaffirms my opinion.

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Is Varya's conclusion that Americans can't face her brutal Russian honesty that everyone in Knoxville a redneck moonshiner?  And, this is on her social media blitz to increase her likability and remain relevant or find her next American fiance.

I hate to admit that I watched her self-interview.  There, too, she tried to hype herself as no-holds-barred and sophisticated.  In her AMA portion, she addressed her "wonky eye," but she never addressed if she knew anything about all the DV allegations against Geoffrey.  She also kept referring to how much she loves the American or English-speaking club in her city and an American accent.  She never differentiated southern.

Geoffrey probably taught her about PR, too.  I actually dislike her more after watching the  one video.

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Trash like Geoffrey and Ed and Paul make me miss folks like Tim and Larry. I snarked hard on them but I don't think they are bad people. A little odd perhaps but not terrible. I hope a TLC picks more men (and women) like them next time.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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On 3/7/2020 at 5:59 AM, Christina said:

The slime just oozes from him and people continue to fall all over themselves in the comments. I saw that he addressed the petition to have him removed so I went to find it, and now I feel dirty.


GMAB. "It's my life. I did ME. That's all that matters." Never mind the literal carnage. Narcissistic closer: "I wouldn't change a thing." I fear for anyone in his destructive path. He's not looking for a new start - he's far too self-congratulatory to be looking for a change.

On 3/8/2020 at 11:24 AM, magemaud said:

The picture of him straddling the water in the pipe looks like he's taking a piss. 

And I think it's deliberate. Foul.

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41 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

Nope.  Or Pillow Talk.

Well, TLC doesn't want Geoffrey's attorneys to sue them for jury tampering if they air his dirty laundry.

Edited by AZChristian
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