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S02.E10: Throwing a Christian to a Bear

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From  ABC:


THE CONNERS struggle to accept a Cheesehead in their midst when Becky brings her new boyfriend, a devout Christian and a Green Bay Packers fan, home to watch the Bears/Packers game. Meanwhile, Dan tries to impress upon Mark the importance of the family's die-hard loyalty to the Bears. Ben and Darlene try to get a loan for their new magazine.

Tim Baltz ("The Righteous Gemstones") guest stars as Becky's boyfriend, Wyatt.


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I share Harris and Max's initial disinterest in football, though I did like the others getting Mark into it as the episode went on (and Mary's little bear hat was super cute on her :D). And the rivalry stuff amused me, too-I live in Iowa, and we don't have a team of our own here, so a lot of people here either pick the Vikings or the Packers as their team as a result. I've definitely seen both sides go after each other like that many, many times. 

I do agree that the family was awfully aggressive towards Becky's date, though. I agree he could've perhaps worded some of his comments about getting way too invested in football a little better, but I also agree that some sports fans desperately need to take it down a few dozen notches. But that can be said for anyone who gets way too obsessive and intense about something, so... 

The conversation between Darlene and Ben at the end of the episode was funny. But yes, I do think it's worth it for them to consider the issues involved with trying to keep a magazine business afloat in this day and age. 

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Okay, I hate football and love baseball, but even I know how immediately dated this episode is to have it centered around a Bears-Packers game despite airing two days after the Super Bowl teams were determined. Awkward.

I still enjoyed it, though. Becky was right to dump Wyatt after everything he said about her family.

Lord help me, Harris actually had some of the funniest lines tonight. *faints from shock*

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2 minutes ago, UYI said:


Okay, I hate football and love baseball, but even I know how immediately dated this episode is to have it centered around a Bears-Packers game despite airing two days after the Super Bowl tea


Here’s where it helps to know or care absolutely nothing  about football. I could go along with the premise of the episode without any pesky reality entering in. 

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12 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Here’s where it helps to know or care absolutely nothing  about football. I could go along with the premise of the episode without any pesky reality entering in. 

Same here.

When Dan said not caring about football is a choice, I said, "No, it's not. I was born this way!" (If I must be in the vicinity of a football game, and the Giants are playing, I will root for them, because my dad hates them. That's the closest I get to caring.)

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42 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Here’s where it helps to know or care absolutely nothing  about football. I could go along with the premise of the episode without any pesky reality entering in. 

I know, it shouldn't have bugged me at all, but it just happened, so I just found it particularly glaring. 😄 

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22 minutes ago, UYI said:

Did anyone else see in the opening credits that this episode was Lecy's idea?

Yep, and that tickled me for some reason.  Good to finally have this show back.

I live for football season, and if someone brought a Cowboys fan into my house during a Giants-Cowboys game (or, you know, ever) ... hoo boy.  So this was right up my alley, with all the yelling at the TV and things like "When the Bears are collapsing at the end of the game, we pray for a swift and merciful end", "How come our runner always goes for the big pile of people instead of the open part?" and, especially, "You muff this kick and I swear I will kill everything that you love".

D.J. saying "I would've liked that hat" when Dan gave it to Mark was funny.  So was everything about Ben and showering, and Darlene saying her underwear aren't lace, they just have that many holes.  And Jackie gesturing for Wyatt to run.  And pretty much everything Dan said, especially, "The Crusades, that was you guys, right?" when Wyatt is on about Christians and non-violence.  Line of the night!

Good for Becky sending Wyatt - a judgmental, holier-than-thou, boring jerk - packing (no pun intended), and messing with his radio presets cracked me up.  The scene in the garage with Dan and Becky talking about the break-up was sweet; their relationship remains a highlight of this series.

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57 minutes ago, Bastet said:

D.J. saying "I would've liked that hat" when Dan gave it to Mark was funny. 

I thought so too! I really wish they gave more for Michael Fishman to do, because I'm finding myself often chuckling at the few one-liners he gets. And I'm curious to learn more about what's going on in DJ's life and how he's coping with Gina away. 

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42 minutes ago, juliet73 said:

I thought Becky's boyfriend was nice, but the entire family was rude to him from the get-go so I get why he thought they were all "toxic".

They were giving him a hard time in the context of football rivalry - and initially pulling themselves back from even that, since they didn't know each other - until he started lecturing them at every opportunity, and he used that limited exposure to tell Becky her family was toxic, an obstacle to her sobriety, and something she and the baby deserve better than.  Buh-bye, Wyatt. 

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This was a disturbing episode for me because I don't like people being forced to like sports but I do like the inclusion of LGBTQ kids liking sports...  so... Eh.

He comes into their house.  Condescends to them about their hobby and tells Becky after spending almost no time with them that they were toxic.   He needed to go.

I usually like Ben, but Ben tanking her meeting with the bank wasn't funny to me, not even a little bit.   Depressed Ben is not a Ben I have any interest in.



Edited by bybrandy
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I didn't know it was Lecy's idea but it makes sense in hindsight. It was a nice break from Darlene's drama. Even Harris was ok and didn't annoy me for once.

Wyatt started out ok. Awkward but ok. Both sides were making digs at the others teams and the Connors were fine with it (it's sports!). Dan would have looked past him being a Packers fan if he was respectful and treated Becky well. But Wyatt became a condescending jerk and lecturing how their feelings were wrong when he was a guest in Dan's home.

Where was Beverly Rose? I would think Dan wants her there to make her a Bears fan as early as possible.

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11 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I share Harris and Max's initial disinterest in football, though I did like the others getting Mark into it as the episode went on (and Mary's little bear hat was super cute on her :D). And the rivalry stuff amused me, too-I live in Iowa, and we don't have a team of our own here, so a lot of people here either pick the Vikings or the Packers as their team as a result. I've definitely seen both sides go after each other like that many, many times. 

I do agree that the family was awfully aggressive towards Becky's date, though. I agree he could've perhaps worded some of his comments about getting way too invested in football a little better, but I also agree that some sports fans desperately need to take it down a few dozen notches. But that can be said for anyone who gets way too obsessive and intense about something, so... 

The conversation between Darlene and Ben at the end of the episode was funny. But yes, I do think it's worth it for them to consider the issues involved with trying to keep a magazine business afloat in this day and age. 


8 hours ago, juliet73 said:

I guess I'm in the minority here...I thought this episode was awful. The Darlene and Ben storyline was okay, but I'm not understanding the need for doing another print magazine. It's 2020...why wouldn't they do a website?

I thought Becky's boyfriend was nice, but the entire family was rude to him from the get-go so I get why he thought they were all "toxic". I can understand being passionate about a sport/team,but they were all just being straight up jerks. And Lecy's "acting" was awful this episode. 

This seemed so off to me....why the Heck would they not just start something online. I know plenty of freelance writers that make a solid living online. Not to mention, their start up cost would be considerably less. If Darlene was a copywriter in Chicago for many years, she must have contacts that could guest post and Ben should also have some contacts himself.

The episode was acting like it was 1995 with them going for a business loan for a print magazine which would have a very limited audience at best.

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1 hour ago, Snow Apple said:

Where was Beverly Rose? I would think Dan wants her there to make her a Bears fan as early as possible.

There was a pack n’ play in the corner of the living room while they were watching football, that must have been where she was stashed lol. At one point Harris was shown leaning over it like she was looking at the baby. 

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2 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

If Wyatt was really that religious,  there's a decent chance he wouldn't sleep with Becky unless they were married. I wonder if she realized that.

He probably would, but then he wouldn't marry her.

I liked the Ben and Darlene stuff this episode but agree with everyone that they should do an online zine.

There were a couple of good moments in the football game--Mark starting out totally bored and getting totally into it at the end was pretty funny. I noticed in the background they had a poster of a cheesehead x'ed out--like a No Smoking sign. No Cheeseheads. I liked DJ's face paint and Mary's hat. I also like how excited everyone got at Jackie's gambling paying off at the end.

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I'm meh on sports but live about equal distance (more or less) from Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago and Kansas City so I have lots of experience with rivalries.  

There were some funny moments but Ben and Darlene just dragged the episode down. Don't they know how much a successful Youtube channel can bring in? 

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D.J. saying "I would've liked that hat" when Dan gave it to Mark was funny. 

And that was his one and only line in the entire episode. I guess I should be surprised he was even in the episode at all. I remain baffled by the lack of use this character is getting. There is obviously a deliberate choice behind the scenes to keep him in the background. He never gets any story material and is usually little more than a background character. I just don't understand why. Michael Fishman isn't that bloody awful of an actor. I wonder what's going on here.

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16 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I share Harris and Max's initial disinterest in football, though I did like the others getting Mark into it as the episode went on (and Mary's little bear hat was super cute on her :D). And the rivalry stuff amused me, too-I live in Iowa, and we don't have a team of our own here, so a lot of people here either pick the Vikings or the Packers as their team as a result. I've definitely seen both sides go after each other like that many, many times. 

I do agree that the family was awfully aggressive towards Becky's date, though. I agree he could've perhaps worded some of his comments about getting way too invested in football a little better, but I also agree that some sports fans desperately need to take it down a few dozen notches. But that can be said for anyone who gets way too obsessive and intense about something, so... 

The conversation between Darlene and Ben at the end of the episode was funny. But yes, I do think it's worth it for them to consider the issues involved with trying to keep a magazine business afloat in this day and age. 

Family was totally shitty toward Becky's date. They could have had a better conversation. Made them look really trashy. But then again.....

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16 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I share Harris and Max's initial disinterest in football, though I did like the others getting Mark into it as the episode went on (and Mary's little bear hat was super cute on her :D). And the rivalry stuff amused me, too-I live in Iowa, and we don't have a team of our own here, so a lot of people here either pick the Vikings or the Packers as their team as a result. I've definitely seen both sides go after each other like that many, many times. 

I do agree that the family was awfully aggressive towards Becky's date, though. I agree he could've perhaps worded some of his comments about getting way too invested in football a little better, but I also agree that some sports fans desperately need to take it down a few dozen notches. But that can be said for anyone who gets way too obsessive and intense about something, so... 

As a Packers fan, I found the show funny, but WAY too aggressive in parts. Dan was awful and insulting. There's funny, and then there's mean. They hit mean just as often as they did funny.  It gave me PTSD flashbacks to the year I went with a group of Packers and Bear fans on a bus trip to the game at Soldier Field. A woman two rows back, screamed "PACKERS BITCH" at me (unprovoked) and threw scalding hot coffee on me, also spraying a family with little kids who were sitting in the row between us. I almost feel that they made terrible behavior like that, acceptable. Dan has never been a MEAN character. Sarcastic, yes. Loud, certainly. But always lovable. Last night wasn't Dan. Last night was an asshole. 

And I'm sorry. I don't know one Packers fan that acts like Becky's date. 😉

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Over the top fans and fandoms are so damn annoying to me that it was hard to get into this episode. There is nothing on Earth I get this obsessive or protective of. And anytime I hear the term "my team" used by someone who isn't on the actual team, I give a mighty eye roll.

So, the Connors can kick rocks on this one.

I totally understand needing an escape from your live and fully investing in something even if it seems frivolous but it's just football. Sorry, it's just a game. Just like it's just a TV show, just a movie, just a song or whatever.

Edited by Racj82
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19 hours ago, juliet73 said:

I thought Becky's boyfriend was nice, but the entire family was rude to him from the get-go so I get why he thought they were all "toxic". I can understand being passionate about a sport/team,but they were all just being straight up jerks.

Totally agree with this.  I thought the way the Conners treated the Packer fan was absolutely despicable.  And it went way beyond the context of football rivalry.  And to cap it off, they frame it like it was the boyfriend that was at fault.  Seriously, it's enough to make want to stop watching.  I thought it was disgusting.

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I liked this episode but didn’t love it-  I did love Harris though (shockingly) and I think Becky did need a moment of realization of where she is at and where she needs to go.  I am guessing they will eventually do an online mag, but we have to watch their process to get there.  My favorite thing though was how much fun you could tell the cast was having in “Bears” mode.   

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It is no surprise that the Conners would be Bears fans, but seeing them go all out about it was kind of wierd, considering that, I don't believe their allegiance to the Bears has ever so much as merited a mention before this episode. Seriously, I don't I can recall any episode from the original series that ever made more than a passing reference to the Conners being Bears fans, and by passing reference, I mean Dan wearing a Bears hat or jersey. It wasn't quite as bad as that whole "Santa on Santa" thing they did for the X-Mas episode (a supposedly longtime Conner tradition that had never been heard of before, and likely never will be heard about again), but it wasn't too far off.

But I could take the Conners being asshole football fans all day compared to the Darlene and Ben(?) subplot. Seriously, does Darlene travel back in time for work? Because her career existing in the mid-90's is about the only way her wanting to start up a magazine makes even the slightest sense. I mean how are they portraying Darlene having sense enough to oppose re-opening the Lunchbox, a restaurant that already failed once before, yet she's all in about starting a magazine with Stan Rizzo? Come to think of it, maybe he really is Stan Rizzo, somehow transported into the future, and that's why he somehow thinks print media is still a viable option. 

And just one more nitpick, what bank is going to see them about a loan on a Sunday? Can't denying a loan for a business clearly doomed to failure wait until a regular work day?

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31 minutes ago, reggiejax said:

It is no surprise that the Conners would be Bears fans, but seeing them go all out about it was kind of wierd, considering that, I don't believe their allegiance to the Bears has ever so much as merited a mention before this episode.

We saw Dan letting the kids stay up to watch the end of a game in the original series.  Other than that, we mostly just saw Dan and Darlene watching sports, and more often the Bulls than the Bears since she was a basketball player.

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Why would anybody show up at the home of a Bears Fans Clan wearing a Cheesehead get-up?  Becky dodged a bullet there.

There were some pretty funny lines all around.  Even though I'm not a die-hard sports fan, I appreciated the situation for what is was.

Ben and Darlene, welcome to 2020.  We have the Internet now.

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2 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

Why would anybody show up at the home of a Bears Fans Clan wearing a Cheesehead get-up?

The Bears and Packers rivalry goes back a long way, and there is a lot of animosity there.  But I do believe fans of those teams respect each other deep down, since both teams are among the oldest in the NFL.  The cities are also close enough that it's almost unthinkable for fans of either team not to have friends who are fans of the other.  Let's see a little maturity.

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30 minutes ago, rmontro said:

The Bears and Packers rivalry goes back a long way, and there is a lot of animosity there.  But I do believe fans of those teams respect each other deep down, since both teams are among the oldest in the NFL.  The cities are also close enough that it's almost unthinkable for fans of either team not to have friends who are fans of the other.  Let's see a little maturity.

I'm fully aware of this.  My point was why show up at the home of someone as a guest dressed as a rival which will only cause unpleasant side effects.

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1 hour ago, CrystalBlue said:

I'm fully aware of this.  My point was why show up at the home of someone as a guest dressed as a rival which will only cause unpleasant side effects.

He didn't think they would be this over the top about their bears love. As I rational thinking person I get that but he should of known better.

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4 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

My point was why show up at the home of someone as a guest dressed as a rival which will only cause unpleasant side effects.

Because Wyatt, whom we never heard about before, was set up to be a "straw man" fan of the opposition team who is totally unaware of his surroundings, awkward, a condescending, humorless, dweeb, who ends up judging the Conners and thinking he is superior, but is easily knocked over and told-off by the Conners, so the Conners can rise above as real sports fans and be superior to this judgmental, elitist, jerk, who we will never see or hear about again, just like we will never see the family make an event out of watching Bears football again.

The intention was for The Conners, especially Dan and Becky, to come out looking good here.  I feel the Conners were unlikable bullies in this situation.

Edited by Bazinga
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19 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

I'm fully aware of this.  My point was why show up at the home of someone as a guest dressed as a rival which will only cause unpleasant side effects.

I'm sure you were aware.  My point was that I'm betting most Bears/Packers fans have at least one good friend who supports the other team, and that there was no reason for them to act like jackasses about it.  The whole "We're poor losers whose lives are full of misery, and nothing ever works out for us, therefore we just need a win on Sunday" attitude reeked of self pity, IMO.  And in any case, it's no excuse to completely forget all the rules of hospitality.  The Packer fan was a guest, but the Conners certainly didn't treat him like one.

Edited by rmontro
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14 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

Why would anybody show up at the home of a Bears Fans Clan wearing a Cheesehead get-up?  Becky dodged a bullet there.


Why not? And Bear fans show up at my house wearing their swag, as well. My boss if a Bears fan and he's still respectful to me. His wife is also a Packers fan.

And I don't consider myself a bullet to be dodged. 


Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Becky dodged a bullet not because her new beau was a Packers fan, which she already knew about, but because of how Wyatt turned out to be a judgmental "Christian" who belittled and criticized Becky's family and advised her to ditch them because they are, in his words, "toxic."

I have no problem with rival sports teams fans getting together as long as they are civil, but alas, things often go terribly wrong when people who can't handle themselves well say and do everything from saying ignorant and stupid things to committing acts of violence.

It just seems to me that if you proclaim your fandom, you should realize that the opposing teams have the right to their opinions and loyalties also.

3 hours ago, rmontro said:

I'm sure you were aware.  My point was that I'm betting most Bears/Packers fans have at least one good friend who supports the other team, and that there was no reason for them to act like jackasses about it.  The whole "We're poor losers whose lives are full of misery, and nothing ever works out for us, therefore we just need a win on Sunday" attitude reeked of self pity, IMO.  And in any case, it's no excuse to completely forget all the rules of hospitality.  The Packer fan was a guest, but the Conners certainly didn't treat him like one.

I'm sure you were aware.  My point was that I'm betting most Bears/Packers fans have at least one good friend who supports the other team, and that there was no reason for them to act like jackasses about it.  The whole "We're poor losers whose lives are full of misery, and nothing ever works out for us, therefore we just need a win on Sunday" attitude reeked of self pity, IMO.  And in any case, it's no excuse to completely forget all the rules of hospitality.  The Packer fan was a guest, but the Conners certainly didn't treat him like one.

I heard you the first time.  Thanks.

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If that was my first encounter with the Conners I wiuld have felt like Wyatt. I'm no Christian but cheering because someone got hurt is horrid and that on top if theur eude behavior and I cannot even discuss Jackie.

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23 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

Becky dodged a bullet not because her new beau was a Packers fan, which she already knew about,

She didn't know, did she?  I remember her being surprised when she opened the door to find him decked out as a Cheesehead.  In fact, now that I think on it, I believe she even shoved him out the door before her family could see him and said something along the lines of "I didn't know you were a Packers fan".

And he didn't know they were such die-hard fans, saying he hangs out like that with Bears fans.  But she told him, no, those aren't Bears fans - these are Bears fans, and then opened the door to reveal the house and everyone in it decked out.  So by the time he actually walked in as a Cheesehead, he had (or should have) had a good sense of it.

At the time she invited him, I think she assumed he, like a large percentage of people in and around Chicago, was a Bears fan, or would at least be interested in the Bears beating the Packers, and thought watching the game together would be a good, low-key way to introduce him to her family.



but because of how Wyatt turned out to be a judgmental "Christian" who belittled and criticized Becky's family and advised her to ditch them because they are, in his words, "toxic."

Yep.  It turned out he couldn't just keep it to a football rivalry, he had to spout off at every turn about what was wrong with them as people, culminating in him diagnosing the family he met for a couple of hours as toxic and an impediment to her ongoing sobriety, even saying she and her baby deserve better than them.

I'll take hyperbolic intensity about football while watching your favorite team's rivalry game over calmly and deliberately insulting someone's family in such vile terms during a car ride any day of the week (especially Sunday, of course).

Edited by Bastet
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I really could see where Becky's boyfriend was coming from. The family is a bit too crazy over sports. I don't blame him that his first impressions is that they are toxic, and to be honest, they sometimes can be. as shown here I think Becky's response to him telling her that was unreasonable too.

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3 minutes ago, Bastet said:

She didn't know, did she?  I remember her being surprised when she opened the door to find him decked out as a Cheesehead.  In fact, now that I think on it, I believe she even shoved him out the door before her family could see him and said something along the lines of "I didn't know you were a Packers fan".

I think she assumed he, like a large percentage of people in and around Chicago, was a Bears fan, or would at least be interested in the Bears beating the Packers, and thought watching the game together would be a good, low-key way to introduce him to her family.

Yep.  It turned out he couldn't just keep it to a football rivalry, he had to spout off at every turn about what was wrong with them as people, culminating in him diagnosing the family he met for a couple of hours as toxic and an impediment to her ongoing sobriety, even saying she and her baby deserve better than them.

I'll take hyperbolic intensity about football while watching your favorite team's rivalry game over calmly and deliberately insulting someone's family in such vile terms during a car ride any day of the week (especially Sunday, of course).

I was under the impression that Becky knew that Wyatt was a Packers fan before he showed up in his Cheesehead outfit, and was planning to let her new boyfriend integrate into the family.  I would've thought Becky would have already known his sports team preference because she thought she knew Wyatt so well, albeit only good things.  I thought Becky had told him they were Bears fans before she invited him over to watch Sunday football.  Maybe my impression was wrong.  In any event, Wyatt should have asked who her fam was routing for before he decked himself out as a certified Cheesehead.

Beware whose lair you enter.

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7 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

I was under the impression that Becky knew that Wyatt was a Packers fan before he showed up in his Cheesehead outfit, and was planning to let her new boyfriend integrate into the family.  I would've thought Becky would have already known his sports team preference because she thought she knew Wyatt so well, albeit only good things.  I thought Becky had told him they were Bears fans before she invited him over to watch Sunday football.  Maybe my impression was wrong. 

I just rewatched the scene on the ABC website to refresh my memory, since it was hazy, and I was right - when she shoves him out the door before they can spot him all decked out, she says, "You didn't tell me you were a Packers fan."

And, while it's not as explicit, it does seem he knew or at least assumed they were Bears fans, because he says he thought the hat would be funny.  She tells him to put it in the car, and that's when he says he's not going to offend anyone, he wears it all the time when he hangs out with Bears fans, and she does the "Those aren't Bears fans, these are Bears fans" reveal.

But he does apologize then, and say he didn't realize how seriously they took their football, and removes the cheese head from his ensemble.

Dan soon apologizes for his reaction to him, saying they should give him the benefit of the doubt.

Of course, it's quickly all downhill from there.

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3 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I just rewatched the scene on the ABC website to refresh my memory, since it was hazy, and I was right - when she shoves him out the door before they can spot him all decked out, she says, "You didn't tell me you were a Packers fan."

And, while it's not as explicit, it does seem he knew or at least assumed they were Bears fans, because he says he thought the hat would be funny.  She tells him to put it in the car, and that's when he says he's not going to offend anyone, he wears it all the time when he hangs out with Bears fans, and she does the "Those aren't Bears fans, these are Bears fans" reveal.

But he does apologize then, and say he didn't realize how seriously they took their football, and removes the cheese head from his ensemble.

Dan soon apologizes for his reaction to him, saying they should give him the benefit of the doubt.

Of course, it's quickly all downhill from there.

Thanks for sharing the recap, saves me the re-watch.

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19 hours ago, BeachDays said:

I liked this episode but didn’t love it-  I did love Harris though (shockingly) and I think Becky did need a moment of realization of where she is at and where she needs to go.  I am guessing they will eventually do an online mag, but we have to watch their process to get there.  My favorite thing though was how much fun you could tell the cast was having in “Bears” mode.   

Harris takes me out of it every time. I know it happens but it's still hard to believe a child of her size came out of union of small and trim  people

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17 minutes ago, msrachelj said:

Harris takes me out of it every time. I know it happens but it's still hard to believe a child of her size came out of union of small and trim  people

Look at the three grandparents. Dan and Davids mom were tall. Dan and Roseanne were huge. Harris takes after them.

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1 minute ago, bobalina said:

Look at the three grandparents. Dan and Davids mom were tall. Dan and Roseanne were huge. Harris takes after them.

True. Still, I can't imagine the pain of little Darlene delivering what must have been a 10 lb baby! 

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9 minutes ago, msrachelj said:

True. Still, I can't imagine the pain of little Darlene delivering what must have been a 10 lb baby! 

Harris was a premie. She was in NICU for a while so was probably more like 5 lb.

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